Think the Bible Isn’t Scientific? This Video Will Change Your Mind!

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Living Waters
Since the Bible is God’s Word, it’s no wonder that it’s filled to the brim with fascinating scientif...
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the Bible is filled with amazing scientific facts that will blow your mind here are 20 of those mind blowers number one the Bible and its free float in space at a time when some believe that the Earth sat on the back of a large animal 1500 BC the Bible spoke of the Earth's free float and space quote he hangs the Earth on nothing science didn't discover that the Earth hangs on nothing until 1650. number two the scriptures speak of an invisible structure only in recent years the science discovered that everything we see is composed of things that we cannot see invisible atoms in Hebrews 11 verse 3 written two thousand years ago scripture tells us that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible number three the Bible and the science of oceanography Matthew Murray born in 1806 is considered the father of oceanography he noticed the expression powers of the sea in Psalm 8 verse 8 written 2 800 years ago and said if God says there are paths in the sea I'm going to find them Mori then took God at his word and went looking for those paths and we are indebted to his discovery of the warm and cold Continental currents his vital book on oceanography is still in print today number four the Bible and radio waves God asked job a very strange question in 1500 BC he asked can you send out lightnings that they may go and say to you here we are this appears to be a scientifically ludicrous statement that light can be sent and then manifest itself in speech but did you know that all Electric magnetic radiation from radio waves to x-rays travels speed of light this is why you can have an instantaneous wireless communication with someone on the other side of the world the fact that light could be sent and then manifest itself in speech wasn't discovered by science until 1864. number five the Bible and entropy three different places in the Bible indicate that the Earth is wearing out like a garment this is what the second law of Thermodynamics the law of increasing entropy states that in all physical processes every ordered system over time tends to become more disordered this wasn't discovered by science until recently but the Bible States it in concise terms number six nearly 3 000 years ago the Book of Job and Job 38 22 asked the question hast thou entered into the Treasures of the snow it wasn't until the Advent of the microscope that we understood that every snowflake is both unique and beautiful number seven modern deep sea cameras have discovered amazing springs on the bottom of the ocean these great Springs of water release vast amounts of mineral-rich superheated water the Bible in the Book of Job chapter 38 verse 16 written nearly 3 000 years ago speaks of the Springs of the sea number eight do you know that the Bible speaks of a huge animal that seems to be the dinosaur here are all the given characteristics of this huge animal and was the largest of all the creatures that God had made was plant eating had tremendous strength in its hips and a tail like a large tree it had bones strong as bronze and iron lived among the trees drank massive amounts of water and was not disturbed by a raging River this is written in the Book of Job chapter 40 verse 15 to 24 written nearly 3 000 Years BC number nine the Bible instructs that male babies are to be circumcised on the Eighth Day according to Genesis 17 verse 12.
Medical Science has now discovered that this is the day that the coagulating factor in the blood is at its highest it reaches its peak on the eighth day then drops Medical Science has also discovered that this is when the human body's immune system is at its peak number 10 modern science has come to understand that there is a strong relationship between a person's mental and physical health the Bible revealed this to us with statements and others written around 950 BC Proverbs 14 30 a sound hard as life to the body but Envy his rottenness to the bones Proverbs 15 30 the light of the eyes rejoices the heart and a good report makes the bones healthy these and many other amazing facts are in a book that I've written called scientific facts in the Bible and by the way we're giving away hundreds of thousands of copies of another exciting Evangelistic book completely free and no charge for shipping find out more at the end of this video number 11. long before Medical Science discovered the importance of quarantining persons with infectious diseases the Bible instructed it in 1490 BC the scriptures tell the people of Israel what to do if someone has a skin condition like leprosy he is unclean he shall dwell alone without the camp shall his habitation be Leviticus 13 46 laws of quarantine were not instigated by Modern Man until the 17th century number 12. science expresses the universe in five terms time space matter power and motion Genesis 1 verses 1 and 2 perfectly revealed such truths to the Hebrews back in 1450 BC quote in the beginning time God created Power the heavens space and the Earth matter the spirit of God was hovering that his motion over the face of the waters number 13.
plants need sunlight water and minerals in order to grow and to make their own energy and food If plants do not get sunlight and yet have water and minerals they cannot produce chlorophyll they will then die it's interesting to note therefore the chronological order of the Genesis creation God created light First Genesis 1 verse 3 and then he created water verse 6 and then soil verse 9 and then he created plant life verse 11. number 14. the scriptures tell us that the second coming of Jesus Christ which will happen at the speed of light according to Luke 17 24 will occur while some are asleep at night and others are working at daytime activities in the field this is a clear indication of a revolving Earth was day and night at the same time science didn't discover this until the 15th century number 15.
and speaking of the Sun the psalmist written 800 Years BC said its Rising is from one end of heaven and a circuit to the other end and there is nothing hidden from its heat Psalm 19 Verse 6 for many years critics scoffed at this verse claiming that it taught the doctrine of geocentricity that as the sun revolves around the earth scientists at the time thought the sun was stationary however it's been discovered in recent years that the sun is in fact moving through space at approximately six hundred thousand miles per hour it's traveling through the heavens and has a circuit just as the Bible says number 16. at least seven times in scripture we're told that God stretches out the heavens like a curtain Isaiah 40 verse 22 and wasn't until the 1920s that astronomers observed evidence that the galaxies are moving away from each other indicating the entire universe is expanding or stretching out a fact that the Bible spoke of thousands of years earlier number 17. and Jeremiah 33 22 the Bible states that quote the host of the heaven cannot be numbered nor the sand of the sea measured When It Was Written 2500 years ago no one knew how vast the stars were as fewer than 1100 were visible now we know that there are billions of stars and that they cannot be numbered number 18.
God created the lights in the heavens quote for signs and seasons and for days and years according to Genesis 1 14. through the marvels of astronomy We Now understand that a year is the time required for the earth to travel around the Sun the seasons are caused by the changing position of the Earth in relation to the sun number 19 look at the specific instruction God gave thousands of years ago to his people for when they encountered disease quote and when he who has a discharge is cleansed from his discharge then he shall count from self seven days for his cleansing and washes clothes and bathe his flesh and running water and shall be clean Leviticus 15 13. until recent years doctors washed their hands in a bowl of water leaving invisible germs on their hands however the Bible says specifically to wash under running water and number 20.
researchers suggest that virtually all modern men 99 of them are closely related genetically and sheer genes with one male ancestor dubbed Y chromosome atom it's been passed down the line from father to son or thousands of generations and ultimately traces back to one man who call him scientific atom the DNA comes from special cell structures called mitochondria these Trace back to one woman call her scientific Eve just as the Bible says in Genesis chapter 1 do you trust the Bible do you believe it's God's word yes but I feel like it's like the game telephone you tell one person something and then it goes down the line I grew up in a religious household well it's religious what do you mean by that in the Christian household family Christian yes sir I'll say I'm in the middle with everything in the middle what about you do you think there's an afterlife yeah I think there's an afterlife why I grew up Catholic and I mean like not heavy Catholic but I do believe in God and Heaven and Hell yeah do you ever read the Bible uh no I I don't often do you believe in God yes why would he give us death you're born and then you die do you ever read the Bible yeah it tells you why like I haven't read it in a while but like oh yeah do you trust the Bible do you believe it's God's word yes but I feel like it's like the game telephone you tell one person something and then it goes down the line and then in the end it's not the same exact message it's altered it's different do you know how to fix that I don't think you really can the other person who gave the message follows the message so it doesn't change and that's exactly what God's done with this word it hasn't changed I've been reading the Bible every day for 50 years without fail and it hasn't changed it's just the same all scripture is given by inspiration of God and as profitable for correction for instruction and righteousness so you can trust it but there is a way a scientific way that you know you can trust it you know what that is no the Bible's full of Prophecy and scientific facts do you know the Bible has scientific facts written thousands of years before man discovered them the principles of oceanography hydrological cycle the Bible mentions those before man discovered them and speaks of the Earth's free-float and space it says the Earth hangs upon nothing Earth hangs on nothing the Bible says it speaks of the circle of the earth the earth being spherical that shows the fingerprint of God all over his words shows you can trust it because only God knows the future and only God knows the scientific facts make sure you watch this video to the end for our biggest ever giveaway free stuff with free shipping no kidding you're gonna love it Old Testament God promised to destroy death the New Testament tells us how he did it did you know that no I did not you can trust God's word the reason I say that is because the Bible tells you you can finally everlasting life that tells us what causes death and tells us how to find the answer can you guys be honest with me yes yes yes when's your last look at pornography it's been like a year about a year now like four days ago are you doing anything you know that God would morally frown upon possibly yeah and what about you when's your last look at porn um well yeah I also have a girlfriend so I don't really having sex outside of marriage yeah you know the Bible says fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God and Jesus said in The Sermon on the Mount whoever looks on a woman to lust for her is committed adultery already with her in his heart ever heard that yeah I have heard the Bible says the wages of sin is death in other words God is paying you in death for your sins like a judge looks at a murderer who's killed three women he says you've earned the death sentence this is your wages this is what's due to you and sin is so serious to a holy God he's given you the death sentence your death will be evidence the God is deadly serious about Sin so here's the big question Angie do you believe you're evil enough for God to be justified to put you to death for your sins everyone has done sin like before like such yes um lying and stealing like lying and stealing I was gonna say something else I just don't remember how to translate it to English where I've fought with my parents before like verbally fought and feel guilty after that yeah because God's law is written upon our heart so let's look at the other Commandments how many lies have you told in your life too many same answer yeah never stolen something I have no okay what about you of course ever use God's name in vain of course uh yeah yeah I have that's called blasphemy so serious it's punishable by death in the Old Testament so do you think God is happy with you or angry at you uh probably angry Furious Furious the Bible says it's wrath actually abides upon you did you know that no I didn't yeah the Bible says he that believes on the son has everlasting life he that believes not shall not see life but the wrath of God abides upon him the scriptures call us the children of Wrath children of disobedience so guys here's a summation of your little court case on Judgment Day all three of you except you haven't admitted to theft have said that your lying thieving Blasphemous fornicating adulterous at heart if God judges You by The Ten Commandments on Judgment Day are you going to be innocent or guilty oh guilty uh guilty I guess you don't have to guess you'll be guilty lying thieving well if we're going if we're going by that rule then yeah yeah you'd be guilty so Heaven or Hell uh hell if we're going by that rule I'm going to hell or if we're going by that who wouldn't be going to help yeah the Bible says God's Wrath abides on every single person and if you die in your sins you land up in hell so hear about what's the the beauty the beauty of it is it's not too late and it's never too late there's always room for improvement and well hang on a minute let's say someone dies in their sins it's too late isn't that true that is true Jesus spoke of a man who wasn't Rich towards God he wanted to build bigger bonds to put his Goods in and Jesus said God said to that man you fool tonight your soul is required of you guys if you're going to jump out of a plane 10 000 feet why would you put on a parachute uh to survive yeah what's your motivation putting the parachute on do you know it's one of fear you don't want to hit the ground at 120 miles an hour on your face that fear is your friend not your enemy because it's making you put on a parachute guys because I love you I've tried to put the fear of God in you today I'm trying to make you sweat hoping you'll see that fear as your friend not your enemy because it'll drive you to God's mercy where you'll find everlasting life okay let's start with you what did God do for guilty Sinners so we wouldn't have to go to hell Jesus what did he do he sacrificed his only son so how does that help me 2 000 years later do you know it shows us faith and not to to learn from our mistakes know let me try and explain it and I'll get your thoughts after I explain it okay guys this will change everything for you if you can get a grip of it The Ten Commandments are called the moral law you and I broke the law Jesus Paid the fine that's what happened on that cross that's why he said it is finished just before he died he was saying paid in full if you're in court and you've got speeding fines and someone else pays them a judge will let you go even though you're guilty you say you're guilty but you can go someone paid this fine and even though you and I are guilty before God of serious crimes that justify us being damned in hell he can take the death sentence off us he can let us walk because Jesus Paid the fine in his life's blood and then he rose from the dead and defeated death do you remember what death is according to the Bible no you ever heard the Bible verse the wages of senna's death have you heard that no I have not have you heard that yes boy the Catholic Church owes you an apology it should tell you these things death is wages in other words God is paying you in death for your sins like a judge looks to heinous criminal that's murdered three women he says you've earned the death sentence this is your wages this is what's due to you this is what we're paying you and sin is so serious in the eyes of holy God he's given you the death sentence you're on capital punishment your death will be evidence to you that God is deadly serious about your sentence and yet the Bible says he's rich and mercy provided a savior and feels simply repent of your sins do you know what repentance is yes what is it it's basically making up for it no that's Penance then I'm not sure do you know what repentance says so like owning them and admitting to them yeah well it's it's turning from sin you confess and forsake your sin you don't say I'm a Christian but you're fornicating lie and steal and blaspheme that's playing the hypocrite you've got to be genuine in your faith so if you repent and put your trust in Christ like a trust of parachute the moment you do that you've got God's promise you'll forgive every sin you've ever committed and Grant you have a lasting Life as a free gift not because you're good but because he's good and kind and Rich and mercy that's called Grace and the Bible says by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves the gift of God not of Works least any man boast is this making sense yeah it is it's making sense to you yeah when are you going to repent and Trust in Christ I don't know because I don't think it's that simple yeah it really is it's like putting a parachute on if you're on a plane 10 000 feet up and I say you're going to put your parachute on before you jump and you say I really don't think it's that simple best thing I can do is hanging out the plane by your ankles for two seconds you're coming and say give me that parachute this is simple let me put it on I'm going to put my trust in it as I said because I love you I've tried to hang you up eternally by your ankles today make you a little fearful so you see there's a sense of urgency what will stop you coming to Christ receiving God's forgiveness do you know what we'll do there uh living in the flesh yeah it's a love of sin the Bible says men love Darkness rather than light at the moment you're thinking yikes no more sex with my girlfriend no messing around sexually with her and you're weighing it up but God gave you sex as a gift you've got the apparatus so is she it's not Evolution that did the Hat it's God's gift to you but it's within the confines of marriage if someone gives you a brand new car like your dad and he says son I give this on the condition you stay on the right side of the road and don't drink and drive if you drink and drive and drive on the wrong side of the road he's got the right to take the keys back and you don't want God to take his keys of life back from you Jesus said watch it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul so right now there should be an alarm going off in your head your conscience alarming you that this is deadly serious this is your life that's at stake it's not just who you're going to marry it's not what you're going to do for a job this is your forever you're going to think about this with a sense of seriousness yes sir and what about you I think different than your beliefs no offense yeah and what about you yes sir Matthew what do you disagree with because I'm gonna plead with you to get right with God because if your eyes meet my eyes on Judgment Day and you're still in your sins you'll say to me why didn't you slap my face that day in California they can't slap your face that would offend you all I can do is slap you with words and say this is your life so what part did I mess up on what don't you agree with I don't know I don't agree with such a cruel God I feel like he's more accepting but that's just what I think it's more of a thing on different beliefs do you know what you've just done what's that you've just broken the first and the second of the Ten Commandments do you know what they are no I do not first is you shall have no other gods before me and the second is don't make a false god either with your hands or your mind I did what you just did before I was a Christian I created a God in my own image the place of my imagination I created a God that's quite happy with sex out of marriage doesn't mind lying or stealing or blasphemy but he's a non-existent god a figment of the imagination that I shaped to serve my sins the Bible calls that idolatry and says idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of God so don't put on a parachute filled with holes because that's what it is it's a false hope you're going to face the god of the Bible the god that created the sun we can't even look at the Sun so bright it created all things and he's to be feared let me leave you with what Jesus said he said fear not him who has power to kill your body and afterwards do no more but fear him with his power kill your body and cast your soul into hell fear him and then he said this if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out and cast it from you for it's better to enter Heaven without an eye than go to hell with both of your eyes for the fire is never quenched and the worm Never Dies that's the words of Jesus so I want you to think about that think about how you love your sins and how God will change your heart so you love righteousness the moment you repent and Trust Christ does that make sense it's pretty tough stuff but it's because I care about you I'm saying this okay yeah I understand you're going to think about it oh no I don't know maybe a lot of people will be praying for you because we've all been where you are you know right at the moment you're going to think about it yes sir okay guys can I give you a book that I've written uh sure it's called scientific facts in the Bible a hundred reasons to believe the Bible's the word of God let me grab it for you what did you say I said I love hearing your thoughts I loved hearing the thoughts yeah oh that's really neat thank you very much thank you [Music] so if you were to die today and God gave you justice should be damned you'd end up in Hell there are two things you must do to be saved you must repent and put your faith entirely in Jesus when are you going to do that as soon as possible boy that's a good answer the Bible says today if you hear his voice don't Harden your hearts it says now as he accepted out because you don't know when you're going to die you know death could seize upon you and you sleep tonight God forbid but it could happen would you be embarrassed if I pray with you no okay let's bow father I thank you for Angie and her open heart honesty today I pray she'll think about her a secret sins and this day be genuinely sorry and find a place of true repentance because of your mercy and helping her may she understand your love for her that you expressed in the cross and this day be born again with a new heart new desires all because of your kindness in Jesus name we pray amen can I give you a little book I wrote let me grab it for you secular media understands this world's insatiable appetite for anything Royal when they cover the funeral of Queen Elizabeth Millions from around the world tuned in how much more will they tune into a coronation of a king on May the 6th of this year as King Charles lays his hand on the Bible and Promises to uphold the truths of the scriptures all in front of a watching secular audience of millions this is an incredible opportunity for the gospel and so we're sending a Living Waters team along with our television crew to London to film this once in a lifetime event and to hand out these amazing memorabilia gospel tracks we've had 5 million printed and we will mail to you a thousand free of charge with free shipping if you're going to join us in London already thousands from around the world have registered to join us if you can't make it to London and you live in the UK or in Europe we'll also mail you a thousand of these beautiful tracks free of charge with no charge for shipping again at no cost to you so that you can give these out in your own town or city we've also printed half a million copies of this 112 page book called defender of the faith if you live in the United States we will freely send you 600 tracks and 100 copies of this book to give away to the unsaved and expands the biblical symbolism used during the church service and springboards into the gospel you can free read the book online when Paul was in Athens he used Greek poets as a bridge to reach his hearers we're going to do the same thing with this coronation so if you'd like to join us in London we would like these free tracks to give out in your town or city or you'd like to print these tracks in your own language or you live in Australia or New Zealand go to livingwaters. com forward slash London for details you'll also find details about our Living Waters conference in London about a Facebook page so you can link up with people who are doing this in your area or who are going to London that's livingwaters.
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