Your cats wait their WHOLE LIFE for you to DO THIS! 🐈

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The Curious Cat
Discover the secrets of feline communication and learn how to understand what your cat is really try...
Video Transcript:
have you ever noticed how many signals a cat can convey without saying a single word in this video we will get straight to the point and show you how to interpret every glance movement and meow after all understanding your feline can save the day in many situations most likely the cat living by your side sees you as a source of protection and Care according to a study on feline Behavior cats learn to modulate sounds and postures to communicate with humans yet many owners fail to recognize these signals since they do not speak our language cats
rely on body movements glances and of course different vocalizations each expression has a particular meaning whether it is asking for food showing affection or indicating discomfort when you understand these codes it becomes easier to act appropriately this way the bond between owner and Feline strengthens and the chances of a peaceful coexistence increase first observe the use of scent research in applied ethology indicates that cats release pheromones when rubbing their heads against your legs marking you as part of their safe territory it is a gesture of closeness and also an exchange of sense when they nuzzle
they signal trust and familiarity according to veterinary medicine professionals this Behavior helps felines cope with anxiety so if your cat rubs its body against you see it as a demonstration of affection a avoid responding with sudden movements instead Crouch down calmly or offer your hand so the cat can explore your scent without fear besides sense a cat's ears provide valuable Clues according to a behavioral analysis published in 2018 a cat's ears move independently allowing it to detect different sounds at the same time when they are upright and slightly tilted forward this usually signals curiosity or
Tranquility however if they are flattened against the head it could mean fear or irritation in such situations it is best to give the cat space if it is growling stepping back and waiting for a calmer moment helps prevent accidents never Force contact when a cat's ears indicate tension as it may react unpredictably another mood indicator is the tail according to feline Behavior researchers a raised tail with a slightly curved tip often means that the cat is relaxed and receptive if the tail sways quickly from side to side the cat may be impatient or even irritated
sometimes a cat lifts its tail and gently vibrates it upon seeing its owner arrive which signals excitement on the other hand if the tail is pressed to the ground with bristled fur the cat is likely frightened in every situation respecting these signals and providing a sense of security makes all the difference for the cat's well-being now let's talk about the sounds a cat makes according to an article published in a veterinary medicine Journal a cat's vocal repertoire includes meows purs growls Grunts and that curious chattering sound when spotting prey meowing is generally directed at human
interaction as cats tend to communicate differently with each other if a cat lets out long meows near the kitchen it may be complaining about a delayed meal short but insistent meows might mean open the door per ing is usually a sign of comfort though it can also appear in moments of pain as a self- soothing mechanism paying attention to the context of each sound is essential growls and grunts indicate irritation or fear according to feline Behavior Specialists when a cat makes these sounds it means something is wrong it might feel cornered or uncomfortable with an
unwanted touch the best approach is to give the cat space to calm down if it continues growling check for any health issues as cats often signal pain this way if you notice sudden behavioral changes consult a veterinarian when a cat vocalizes this way in a domestic setting it is likely feeling disturbed at that moment therefore never Force contact if the sound signals a warning have you ever heard that sound that resembles chattering according to an ethology study this noise occurs when a cat sees prey Out Of Reach such as birds outside a window it is
a mix of frustration and hunting Instinct as the cat attempts to mimic the jaw movement it would make when capturing its prey at home there is no problem in observing this behavior however if you notice your cat becoming overly fixated on something outside try offering indoor stimuli such as wand toys this way it can Channel its Predator energy without excessive frustration are you enjoying these tips then take a moment to support the channel give a thumbs up And subscribe so you won't miss any upcoming videos it's quick and makes a huge difference now let's talk
about body signals associated with affection if your cat rubs against you gives gentle headbutts or even licks your hand it is often a clear gesture of affection according to Animal Welfare professionals this habit comes from mutual grooming Behavior among bonded cats licking an owner indicates that the cat sees them as part of its social group if the cat lies next to you and starts purring it is likely feeling secure however be aware that in some cases purring can mask pain as some felines use this sound to alleviate physical or emotional stress and what about the
famous slow blink studies suggest that when a cat slowly blinks at you it signifies trust it is almost like a feline smile according to an article from 2020 to reinforce this Bond you can return the slow blink showing that you you also feel safe in many cases the cat interprets this gesture as a sign of friendship and may even repeat the blink additionally relaxed cats display a looser body posture sometimes stretching out on the sofa if they roll onto their back they may be comfortable but this is not always an invitation for belly rubs observe
their reaction before reaching out many owners wonder why their cat sometimes simply walks away according to an animal behavior study this happens because felines Value Independence and prefer to choose when they want contact forcing interaction can lead to stress if your cat isolates itself wait until it feels comfortable to return experts suggest providing high places or hiding spots as cats see these areas as refuges this way they know they have a retreat when feeling insecure or tired when a cat realizes that you respect its space it tends to show more trust over time approaching you
voluntarily and how can you tell if there is pain involved experts in feline medicine explain that cats often hide signs of discomfort however sudden appetite changes unusual vocalizations or unexpected aggression can indicate health problems if you notice anything out of the ordinary consult a veterinarian many felines become withdrawn when in pain avoiding interactions they previously enjoyed in some cases purring appears alongside a tense posture which might be an attempt to alleviate discomfort therefore do not ignore behavioral changes as a clinical study suggests early detection of symptoms greatly improves treatment success rates another important factor is
routine if your cat suddenly changes habits such as avoiding the litter box or meowing excessively at night it may be experiencing stress or reacting to an environmental change according to feline welfare research maintaining fixed schedules for meals and litter box cleaning provides a sense of security for the cat cats like predictability and may react poorly to abrupt changes if you are away more often than before your cat may show signs of anxiety try offering environmental enrichment such as interactive toys and scratching posts this helps the cat stay engaged and reduces undesirable behaviors to conclude remember
that under understanding your cat is not just about curiosity it is also about care when you recognize signs of fear happiness or pain you can respond with greater confidence and empathy according to a Veterinary report emotionally supported felines live longer and suffer from fewer illnesses so pay attention to every detail ears pupils tail sounds and even how your cat rubs against you it all forms a silent yet fascinating vocabulary now did you know there are things your cat loves more than being petted in this video on the screen I talk about 10 things your cat
enjoys more than receiving affection do you know them all click the screen and continue with me in the Incredible World of cats
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