This Will Change Your Life in 2025.

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This Will Change Your Life in 2025. Whatโ€™s really stopping you? If you genuinely want this, nothing ...
Video Transcript:
what's really stopping you if you truly want this nothing can hold you back but if you don't really want it anything any tiny setback the slightest obstacle becomes an excuse it becomes a reason to quit a justification to avoid going down that path be real with yourself if someone calls you fat yeah it might sting but maybe there's truth in it if they call you dumb sure it's mean but maybe it's a wakeup call life is harsh but take as it comes and make that change where's your motivation imagine being woken up at 3:00 a.m.
with someone saying let's go we're running could you get up and push through the exhaustion rise again tomorrow and the day after that keep getting up prove that you can handle this Obsession drives people some become obsessed with being the toughest person alive are they there who cares they believe it once you're truly obsessed it's okay to be unbalanced for a while that's part of the process don't buy into what everyone else says about balance to become the best in the world at what you do it's not about having everything perfectly aligned if you want
to reach greatness you've got to be unbalanced willing to tap into every ounce of energy and strength within you balance can come later once you've achieved something incredible as one wise person said the only way to win is to succeed so big that everyone Compares themselves to you and you eventually forget they exist success best they said is the only Revenge not just the best but the only one anything else it's just Petty if you're dwelling on what others think you're letting them win focus on your goals and your Victory when you win you grow
so big they fade into irrelevance your Shadow eclipses them leaving them unseen behind you give someone purpose and the ability to achieve it and they'll crawl over broken glass with a smile feeling capable powerful respected and admired those are the things that drive someone to the ends of the Earth when you have those you can endure any hardship but don't look for answers in the light none are there the light's too happy too easy no one needs lessons on how to live in happiness that just comes naturally the real challenge is the dark times and
the truth is you won't reach that depth unless you put yourself there it's all on you the balls in your court no more messing around want a better life no one else can do it for you not even God only you can help yourself so grab a notebook take a hard look at yourself and write down exactly what you're going to accomplish this year today the day to drop the excuses forget the drugs forget the cigarettes forget anyone holding you back it all begins now this is the year of the soldier it's time to reclaim
what's yours every morning hold yourself accountable to your mission not a company's but your own create your own mission statement what do you want to stand for once you got that Clarity then you can work on getting better you can start making real progress but until you know what you're fighting for you'll never take a stand you'll just be sitting down the truth is you've got to stop caring what anyone else says or thinks you need that unshakable mindset you know exactly who you are you've got your circle of people who understand you who know
what you're about and anyone who doesn't like it too bad now let's be real you're lazy you know exactly what you need to do you just don't want to face it because let's be honest it sucks it sucks to put in the effort to push through the discomfort but the real fear it's never Reaching Your Potential it's always coming up short always quitting before the job's done procrastinating and avoiding what needs to be done one day you'll look back and think I could have been great if there's a voice in your head telling you that
you've got talent that you could do something amazing listen to it there are no shortcuts it's you against you if you don't grasp that you're in real trouble here's the truth it's easier than ever to rise above because people today are soft they lack work ethic they can't stick to anything they're distracted obsessed with social media constantly checking their notifications because they can't commit they can't say no your biggest enemy is you that's the battle facing yourself understand this it's always you against you the only person standing in your way is you no one else
just you forget about motivation motivation comes and goes but what you need is discipline motivation isn't there every day some days yeah you might feel pumped like you can't wait to hit the gym but on most days It's a Grind you'll think I have have to get to the gym once you start it feels good and when you're done you feel even better but that first step it's always hard your body craves Comfort it'll try to trick you it'll whisper maybe today's a day off you didn't sleep well you don't feel great it's tough especially
when you're young waking up at 6:00 a.m. in the offseason while your friends are sleeping in eating pancakes relaxing that's hard heading to practice loaded down with here in 90ยฐ heat while everyone else is at the pool or Beach that's hard and when your body's already spent from back toback workouts it's even harder to throw catch block tackle and compete against those bigger and stronger than you but this is where discipline kicks in it's about pushing past the Comfort past the excuses and showing up day after day only to go home that night bruised battered
and drained but knowing you'll have to show up again the the next day just for the chance to try again but understand this life is tough those people who constantly complain I can't catch a break get them far away from you you don't need that energy no one wants to hear that everyone faces bad breaks we all go through rough patches but what matters is what you do next stay up think it through figure out what went wrong and get back to it messing up is part of the process it happens over and over every
bad break is an opportunity to reassess reset and get better those who see challenges in whine why does this always happened to me they're dangerous they're like a drain on your energy the opposite of fuel you need to remember the purpose is you that's easy to forget every single day you'll wake up with things you don't want to do but that's life keep pushing forward and don't let anyone rob you of your enthusiasm ask yourself are you going to be weak today are you going to let your yourself walk around all day knowing you could
have given more but didn't think about those times when you're on your own path feeling like you're too different to fit in with the friends you have but not quite successful enough to connect with the people you want to be around that's when you want support that's when you need people to root for you because once you've already made it that's when people start saying they're amazing they're so good but by then you don't even need it you've already won when you walk out of here today walk out knowing you're a winner imagine stepping out
the door feeling like you lost who wants that wouldn't you rather walk out a winner so make the choice will you be that person who fights to the very end or will you settle for less because for some it's worth fighting to the death to avoid being that person who just gave up sometimes getting close to the edge is what it takes it might sound extreme but if you want Real Results you've got to give it everything otherwise you'll end up like everyone else you need to be the first person rooting for yourself long before
anyone else does picture it as a slow clap in an empty Auditorium where it's just you cheering yourself on that image is powerful because it's true most people struggle to go it alone but the path of the exceptional is by nature a lonely one rather than fighting against it see it as a sign that you're on the right track if everyone else were cheering you on it would mean you're just like them and that's not where you want to be it's easy to give up absolutely it's the easiest thing to say I'm done I'm not
going to keep going I don't feel like it quitting takes no effort but what's truly hard saying yesterday I gave everything and got nothing but today I'm going to do it all over again and push even harder that's the hardest thing in the world to get up every day give 100% and feel like you're still stuck in the same spot that's a real grind and there comes a day when reality hits Maybe you're on the field tired of striking out or perhaps you've been fired from your fifth job and the pressure is mounting at home
whatever the situation that's when you face the ultimate test of resilience there comes a day when being mediocre being average just burns too much to handle you reach a point where you can't take it anymore and you finally get up and unleash something that's always been inside you it's been waiting to come out but you held back because it demanded too much pain and commitment be the one who Embraces the ugly the miserable grind Embrace hard work don't shy away from sacrifice or a little blood still waiting for that big smile from you you're up
two to zero so what's the story are you happy or only half happy what's there to be happy about you're up two to zero but is the job done is the job finished no way you feared failure you feared you'd never see it through if you started you kept it hidden never wanting to confront it but one day something hits and you have no choice but to face it head on sometimes you lose your job or see someone else succeed and it's a harsh reminder of what you could have been and that's when a spark
is born in that moment you decide you're never going to be in that boat again you get up and even if you get knocked down you keep going you keep going because you've got a wild side and life has never been sweeter you've got to Envision something bigger than yourself something powerful enough to get you out of bed you have to create it even if it feels unreal at first because right now if you're just coasting you're living a lie and that regret it'll haunt you forever it's worse than any physical pain or sacrifice regret
will weigh you down far more than any hard work ever could what have you learned from your highs and lows because you'll face winds losses Good Times bad times successes and failures emotion will swing but don't let yourself be dragged up and down with them stay steady stay centered and don't get too caught up in one moment or the other if you know there's potential inside of you but you keep ignoring it you'll get older the windows of opportunity will close and that potential will remain untapped that regret will haunt you like a living nightmare
knowing you had the ability but never took action is a far greater burden than any struggle don't let regret be the Legacy you leave behind behind no matter how much you improve or change it's never permanent you might wake up one day and think wow you're someone who breaks records someone who achieves so much but that's just the surface people don't understand what it takes to keep that drive alive to never turn it off because if you do you'll slip right back into the person you were before and that's the version of yourself you're fighting
every day it's a choice a choice that can make you seem misunderstood even a little crazy setbacks are inevitable feeling bad doesn't mean you're doing bad it doesn't mean you are bad and it definitely doesn't mean you can't take action because here's the truth nothing changes if nothing changes one of the strongest mindsets you can adopt is thinking this will be the story I tell one day the harder the challenge the bigger the obstacle the more epic the story becomes and by that logic the more legendary the hero you'll be discipline is everything it doesn't
matter how good you are at something without discipline it's meaningless without it you'll quit at the first sign of struggle so keep going discipline is what separates those who make it from those who don't discipline is doing what you hate but doing it like you love it that's the key waking up and jumping right into the grind even though no one really wants to but that's the difference you might not love it now but don't be surprised when later in life you're lying there maybe in a hospital bed and you're thinking I didn't do enough
you might have lived a decent life but there will always be that emptiness if you didn't give it your all that's the truth congratulations you've reached failure now that's actually a good thing because once you hit failure the only place left to go is up you have to push yourself to that edge and yes it's terrifying but guess what that's where winning lives winning has always been out on that edge this world is tough and it will find your weaknesses life is the ultimate competitor constantly trying to take you down but if you build enough
belief enough confidence then nothing can hurt you you'll know exactly who you are because you faced your demons maybe you haven't written a book but you've replayed your past in your mind you've faced your traumas and accepted them now you can talk about what you've been through without feeling embarrassed or ashamed shame is one of the biggest obstacles that stops people from moving moving forward don't be ashamed of anything you've done face it and fix it yes we're human but don't let that be an excuse if you keep telling yourself I'm only human you'll always
stay stuck in the same cycle break free from it and don't let those mistakes Define you you've got to take everything you've learned from your struggles and use it as fuel it's time to dive into the archives of your life sure you might be messed up maybe something happened along the way but go back dig it up and study it learn from it and use it to drive you forward that's the key finding purpose and suffering it's possible you can make that change but it takes planning set aside enough resources to buy yourself some time
and then work out a plan use every waking moment outside of whatever job you're stuck in to plot your Escape you have to come to terms with where you are own up to your mistakes and realize you got yourself into this and that means you can get yourself out too whatever you're pursuing you have to approach it like your life depends on it whether you're aiming to be an author or chasing any other goal it's all about how you use your time if you're working a full day handling family responsibilities and then find just an
hour and a half to write attack that time like you're saving your life treat it like it's the only thing keeping you from drowning that hour and a half you need to be fully caffeinated fully motivated you've got to go all in with discipline because that's what most people lack most people don't really know what it means to give everything to feel like the consequences of not doing so are terrifying people are driven more by fear of being inadequate than by any perfect well-balanced desire to achieve greatness it's that fear of falling short that fear
of thinking am I just wasting my potential that fear is a powerful driver it's what makes you push yourself to the edge to do something so extraord ordinary that you can't possibly be mediocre there's always that thought what if you're actually a coward the moment you start questioning what can I do to stop being a coward that's where the spark of motivation begins it's fascinating because if you trace fear back to its simplest form it boils down to one thing death and death as brutal as it sounds is the greatest motivator there is think about
it if you walk up to someone on the street and put a gun to their head telling them to do something they'll do it instantly but if you just offer them a reward it won't have the same effect the fear of death pushes people to go 10 times harder That's The Power of fear in its purest form when you peel back the layers that's what insecurity is it's the fear that you won't be enough and if you're not enough then everything you've wanted won't happen if you don't reach your goals you end up alone and
that's just as good as being dead so the most successful people whether they know it or not often link not achieving their goals to something as serious as life or death and that's why they're willing to go to such extremes now if you tell young men you're going to find meaning by taking on as much responsibility as you can it's a tough cell because at first you're probably a mess you might not even have your own life together let alone be ready for others to depend on you but that's the expectation not only to get
your act together but to be stable enough that someone else can stand being with you even just in the simplest moments and then it's about being a reliable partner a strong father and a pillar of your community it's a tall order but that's where the real purpose lies taking on that level of responsibility is what ultimately drives you to become someone others can rely on and that's not just empty talk if you commit to it with everything you've got there'll be substance to You When Storms Come you won't be toppled by the first wave that
hits here's what I I know until you make a choice to stop feeling the way you do to stop thinking the way you do or to stop accepting the results or lack of results you're getting nothing will change you've got to reach a point where you say I might not feel great right now I might have doubts regrets and bad experiences that weigh me down but with the time I have left I want to find enjoyment I want to take better care of myself I want to feel happy you don't even have to believe you
deserve it just yet you only need to want it that's the starting point the most important thing start acting like the person who already has what you're chasing even if it doesn't feel natural if there's a single clue that tells you you're on the right path it's probably that you're doing something different from everyone else when I think of what I'd want for my future children it's that they'd have high agency that they make choices based on what they truly want not on the opinions of others authenticity and originality come from asking what do I
want and then building from that Foundation hard work isn't glamorous it's not the stuff of Hollywood montages it's not like Rocky in the 14th round making a triumphant stand it's more like being trapped in a dungeon with the key right there but not willing to use it there's nothing inherently motivating about it hard work looks like grinding day in and day out with no applause and no Spotlight it's just you and the choice to use that key the challenge is to make that choice to keep pushing even when it's not pretty or inspiring because that's
where the real transformation happens when you're willing to to do the work not because it looks good but because you're committed to the outcome thanks for sticking around till the end if you enjoyed this subscribe for more content like this see you in the next one
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