The 7 C's to Success with Brian Tracy

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Brian Tracy has spent decades studying the habits of peak performers and self-made millionaires. He’...
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[Music] thank you there we go please sit down I'm going to if there's a little story that they use in professionals speaking when a person has had an accident like this I had a hip operation so I need a walker you walk on the stage and you say before I begin I want to tell you that in the book the joy of sex there's a major error on page 54 I'm so happy to be here I was just being told they sold me that these are the leaders these are the movers and shakers the drivers
of this company it was true and he said but there's something else that you don't know is that they are all self-made millionaires and I said I said wow he said yes he said everyone here is either a self-made millionaire or you intend to be in the future is that correct this company is a millionaire maker company lifevantage is here to give you the tools one after another like teaching you to be a cook in a kitchen the recipes necessary to become wealthy and the only limit on what you can accomplish is determined by yourself
so I started studying this subject many years ago when I was a beginning as a speaker I got a call from a gentleman who had 800 divisions in his business all over North America and they're all coming together for an annual convention and he had surveyed them and they wanted to know how to become millionaires and so he called me and he said could you do a talk on how to become a millionaire and I said of course when you're a junior speaker and you're starting off you say of course I specialize in that whatever
the subject is stress management family relationships loss weight loss I specialized I said yes I specialize in that subject and he says it he said good so I hung up the phone and then I realized I was about 37 38 at the time and then I didn't know a darn thing about the subject ever since I was a teenager my my goal my dream was to be a millionaire when I grew up age of 20 and 25 and 30 and 35 and I was able to make a living I was good at sales and good
at marketing and so on but I was so far away from becoming a millionaire and now I have to speak on this subject to 800 business owners like yourself so I spent two months changed my life I did two months full-court press and I read everything I could find on self-made millionaires and I found that more than 10,000 self-made millionaires had been interviewed in detail these are people who started with nothing and became millionaires in the course of one working lifetime and they had said the things they did the things they didn't do the mistakes
they make that they said there were not mistakes and so on and I put together a talk and it was called the 21 success secrets of self-made millionaires and I got up and I gave this talk two minutes later and it got a standing ovation and people asked me could you give that talk to our company could you give that talk again and of course I said yes and and so I gave it again and again and started off as a 60-minute talk and then a 90-minute talk and then a half day and then a
full day and I began giving the talk all over the world and then I recorded it on audio and video I wrote it into a book form and countless people hundreds thousands of people all over the world became millionaires and it's very much like what I said before is if you work with a master chef the chef could teach you how to make absolutely beautiful dishes so becoming a self-made millionaire when I started off in 1980 studying this subject there were about 5,000 self-made millionaires in America today there's more than thirty thousand and the number
is increasing about one every eight minutes and 87% of self-made millionaires are self-made and they come from this type of business so so so so so they say if you take a hundred people at graduation from college or graduation from high school one of those people will become wealthy in the course of their lifetime three will become well-off 15 will have a good deal of money set aside and 80% will be working dead or broken at the end of their careers at the age of 65 so when I was in my 30s I do not
graduate from high school I finished in the half of the class that made the top half possible I was Irish I was I was they say everybody's good for something even if it's to be a bad example and I was a bad example they used to say if you don't watch out you'll end up like Tracy if you don't watch out you'll end up like Brian Tracy and that would scare people into doing their homework and so I left school in the 12th grade I got a leaving certificate not a diploma a leaving certificate and
it says goodbye that's one of those in the emojis waving goodbye and so my first job was washing dishes in the back of a small hotel for a dollar 12 an hour I remember when I got promoted to a dollar fourteen an hour that was a major event in my life and for years I worked in laboring jobs and I washed two cars I washed dishes until I lost that job and then I washed cars and I lost that job and then I washed force for a janitorial service and I washed that job and when
you're young losing is a another word for involuntary career redeployment that's free you get a chance to explore new jobs unexpectedly today they give you two weeks notice in those days they give you about two minutes notice we won't need your services anymore here's your check there's the door goodbye and so I would go from place to place and work then I lived in my car and I did all kinds of things but I've always had this fantasy undeserved by the way that I was going to become wealthy someday until I had this opportunity to
speak and as I began to study the subject I learned so wonderful things that they're so simple so simple it means that everybody can become wealthy is what you need is a dependable source of cash flow that's really important and life advantage life Vantage is a wonderful source of cash flow because all you have to do is just pump the well and the cash flow just pours down just keep filling the buckets key fill in the buckets and this company has only one aim in life is to help you fill a well is to pump
the room at the pump and to have the cash flow then the question is what do you do with the cash flow and that's a whole nother thing so I'm not going to talk to you about that but what I found was that there were 21 secrets and so I recorded these that I gave them his talks and so on everybody loves the subject of becoming wealthy and people started to come back to me after as little as a year and say because of your talk I'm wealthy now I'm I'm a millionaire now and they
would come back and they had other faces were shining and sometimes they had tears in their eyes as I struggled and struggled and struggled one year after I listen to your talk and began to practice those things I became wealthy here's a couple of ideas and then I'm going to give you seven keys to becoming an outstanding leader in this industry and to becoming one of the highest paid people in our society and becoming wealthy and they're wonderful thing is they're not complicated I'm not asking you to learn rocket science or anything all you have
to do is do simple things what they found in the first major studies of thousands of self-made millionaires they said what is your secret what did you do differently and they all said something similar all the self-made by the way we now have two thousand five hundred ninety five billionaires in the world today and we didn't have billionaires when I started off studying maybe had Jay paul Getty the oil billionaire but there weren't very many billionaires now there's 2,500 and 87% of them according to Forbes are self-made these are people who started with nothing many
of them were immigrants they came to this country with nothing and they started working and they started doing certain things in a certain way which we'll talk about and they became first of all millionaires here's a one-liner for you because many of you are already millionaires is the first million is hard but the second million is inevitable and when I learned that and of course the reason for that is this is you it's not as Jim Rohn used to say he said it's not becoming a millionaire that's important it's the person that you must become
in order to become a millionaire yeah you you have to become a completely different person you have to you have to develop character beyond 99% of the people in the world you have to develop honesty and discipline and and quality relationships and and the willingness and the ability to work and set priorities and and all kinds of stuff because without that nothing is possible so once you've earned your first million then you've got you are the person who could earn a lot of money and the second million is is not it's never easy never easy
but it's easier the first million is really hard the second million not so much so I found that there were 21 secrets the first one of all is dream big dreams it's I couldn't believe it every single person who finally made it said the turning point in their life they were driving down the road of life not making much progress which is that 80/20 rule that you hear 80% of people make 20% of the money and I'm sorry 20% of the people make 80% of the money and what happens at a certain point in life
they change and go in a different road and here's the turning point it is make a decision make a decision that I'm going to become wealthy I'm going to become a millionaire and I will work hard long hours I will sacrifice I will pay the price I will do everything it is necessary because you have this you have a millionaire maker organization right here the sole focus of this job is many wonderful benefits for users of the product but that's so focus of this is for you to become wealthy because by becoming successful so that
you can do all the wonderful things that you want to do for yourself and your family so make a decision that by gum I'm going to do it and I realized at the age of 36 that I'd wished and hoped and prayed but I never made a decision I know yeah maybe someday it'll happen maybe there'd be a miracle on something so I bought penny stocks or mining stocks and I did all kinds of stuff and not a darn thing happened and then I found that the two things that millionaires say number one is I
was not more talented or smarter I didn't get better grades than other people he said but I was willing to work harder than anyone else I was willing to work harder than anyone else I was willing to work harder start earlier work harder stay later than anyone else and you know self-made millionaires on average work about 59 hours a week they work about six days a week at ten hours a day or seven or five days a week at twelve hours there very few wealthy people who work five days a week in fact there probably
aren't any I think may work five days a week but it's way after they've achieved their financial goals the second thing they found is that they were frugal is they earned the money but they didn't spend it all if they saved the money because there's a time in your life where you can be generous you can buy things you can take trips you can get new cars and new homes and and a home in the mountains and so on but not early I had a banker once who was very helpful to me and still remembers
they was Alan he said we do Banking for boners of small medium-sized businesses and we can always tell when the business is going to get into trouble is the owner of the business decides to take all this money and build a new house he said you could always tell because it's too soon as they spend their money too so if they waited another five years they could have bought or built a house without a problem but what they do is they start to get some progress and they start to go a little bit while so
your job is to become a self-made millionaire and LifeVantage job is to help you get there and my job is to tell you what to do I'm going to show you the recipes and the formulas that you can use and sometimes it just takes one choice and remember 87% of millionaires and billionaires are self-made they started with nothing and nobody's smarter than you and nobody's better than you nobody's smarter than you nobody's better than you if somebody else can do it especially with all the disadvantages that many people start off with if someone else can
do it you can do it as well that's the proof Abraham Lincoln once said that some become wealthy as proof that all can become wealthy it's just the very fact that a person does well it's proof they started with nothing and they became wealthy well there's the proof you could do it as well just do the same things over and over again so I wanted to get shared with you what I call the seven C's and I began putting together formulas and my formulas are three sevens tens 12s and 21s I wrote 22 books which
had 21 great ideas to achieve this particular goal 21 great ideas to double your income 21 great ideas to live to be a hundred twenty-one great ideas to be an outstanding manager 21 great ideas to meet and marry the man or woman of your dreams that's very popular and and I just I just did hundreds and hundreds of hours of research and wrote down all these one-liners and people said just one-liner one one-liner out of twenty one changed their lives forever so I'm a very very hungry I've spent about a hundred and fifty thousand hours
studying I study all the time yesterday on the way my way up here from Las Vegas at Las Vegas San Diego my son lives in Las Vegas I probably read three and a half hours plus two hours before leaving and I'll do another four hours of reading today is I just constantly taking in new information because one idea combined with your other ideas and with your opportunity here can transform your life forever and and you just have to say is this the idea is this the idea so the first C is the C of clarity
clarity is my favorite word in success it's my favorite word in business I have done consulting for more than a thousand corporations large companies worldwide companies like IBM and General Motors and PepsiCo and Bank of America I mean big companies and I've also worked with more than 10,000 small and medium-sized companies and what I found is in every single situation problems occur when the company becomes unclear about what it is they're doing or how it is they're doing it and so I've developed a program which is really just a fun program for me intellectually it's
called the 2-day MBA and it shows ten different factors of a company and these are the ones that I learned when I went to university back to university of my 30s and I find that all problems come from lack of clarity what is your product it's the first question you ask who is your customer what is your customer considered to be more valuable than anything else how are you superior to your competitors what can you do to attract more customers how can you what can you do to close those customers I'll come to this in
a second but but basically it's clarity lack of clarity now here's something else I learned and they did a study of 50 owners of companies successful owners of companies like yourselves and they asked them what is the very best time management or business tool that you've ever discovered 49 out of the 50 held up a right yellow writing pad yellow writing pad sort of like like this and this is what they did this is how they planned their day they made a list to do this today that is they they wrote down everything they had
to do they always work from a list always work from a list always work from a list if you don't work from a list it's very much like taking your hands the wheel of your car going down a winding road in the mountains what happens is your life's going to go up and you're instantly going to start doing irrelevant and unimportant and useless things and at the end of the day you'll be exhausted and you'll accomplished nothing now I know this doesn't apply to anybody here but it does happen and so therefore clarity is really
important we say in life that in life you have turning points and I have written and published now 86 books because I deal with the formula for writing and publishing books I have contracts for four more books and I have two more books on top of the contracts I haven't had time to get to it because my legs have sort of distracted me for a while but I have booked a book after book most authors professional authors write one book every two or three years and I write and publish as many as four books a
year every 90 days I write a book and I publish it and then I'm now published I'm happy to say by the biggest publishers and the best publishers in the world and I don't people say I'm gonna write a book and become rich you don't write a book and become rich you write several books and you become well-off because one book will will will I get people's attention two books will prove that the first one wasn't a fluke three will very often be the book that actually earns you some money and then four and five
and six so people say well how can you write so many books and I said well I have a system I use a system like a recipe in the kitchen I follow the recipe and the system requires clarity what is the book about who is the book for what are the subjects in the book that are not covered somewhere else what is the system and methodology and process and I don't write fiction books I only write nonfiction which are basically do this and get this result and then I will do hundreds of hours and hundreds
of hours so anyway going back to my two day MBA what I found was that the number one reason why businesses are not successful we're not talking about fortune 500 companies we're talking about one-person companies is that just you're not clear about their business they're not clear but every step of the business because they don't think on paper think on paper the most powerful tool in the world is you a pen and a piece of paper this is the greatest wealth creator in the world and so you never never pick up the foot then you
you never answer the phone without something to write down you you make notes all the time make notes make notes now you can actually capture all your notes on your phone but what I found is that if you write it down it records into your brain and your chances are you'll remember I found that if you do not if your goals are not in writing and one of the things I taught and I've taught more than five million people is write your goals down on paper and write them down in the present tense as though
you had already achieved them I earn X number of dollars in 2019 I am a self-made millionaire by 2000 January 1st 2025 I weigh X number of pounds I live in a 5,000 square foot house with a separate bedroom for each one of my children in other words write it down as though we're already a fact and you're just reporting it you're just reporting the fact your subconscious mind is is is is marvelous but what it does is it only thrives on goals that you pronounce in the now in the present chance and so you
now have a dynamism it's called a I think of the word but this is the dynamism in your brain where your brain knows that you're only earning this amount of money but now you're saying but I earn this amount of money your brain knows that you're not a millionaire but now you're saying I am a millionaire and so your brains goes to work to close this gap between where you are and where you want to be and your brain starts to work 24 hours a day and it works and it gives you ideas each person
here has a what is called the super conscious mind and this mind has been talked about for five thousand years and some call it the the Oversoul and some people call it the god mind some people call it God spirit whatever it happens to be but there's this incredible power in the universe that you can tap into you could just reach into it by simply writing down a goal clearly on a piece of paper and then this mind goes to work 24 hours a day to bring it into your life you all read the books
about the law of attraction and so on well the fact is that once you are clear on a goal and you write it down not type it but write it down is you force this energy field of attraction and it starts to pull into your life everything that you need to make the goal clear but if it's not in writing not a darn thing happens and so I'm going to ask you I've sometimes asked people say please please please just do one thing for me is write down your goals after this seminar follow the instructions
that will give you an instruction and by the way we made available my goal-setting formula online for everybody here so everybody can go online to LifeVantage and get it and because it because it will save you 10 to 20 years of hard work you will your life will transform it's almost like taking some magic elixir your whole life will be different so anyway what you do is I said in life every person has a turning point and the turning point comes when you set upon a major goal when you decide upon a major goal and
since you're going to be working for money in business all your life you might as well set a goal to earn a lot of money you see in life you can earn a lot or you can earn a little and if you have a choice I recommend to you that you choose a lot ok because if you don't choose a lot by default you automatically get a little and this 80% of the population out there is wandering around and complaining about successful people when we're life's not fair and so on no because once you are
clear about your goal you start to see all kinds of opportunities things that you can do that you hadn't thought of doing then move you faster toward the goal and move the goal toward you you activate this field of magnetism and you start to attract into your life people in circumstances who help you to achieve the goal and you help to achieve their goals I mean it's the most amazing thing you know and and and and it is true and it has been true for thousands of years and it is the great secret of success
so let us talk about the five the seven seas and I could spend all day on these it's number one serious clarity it's being absolutely clear who you are which means what you want in life what kind of a person you are what you believe in what's important to you what you care about you'll never be successful unless you're doing something that you enjoy and doing it well Napoleon Hill through this contribution under the table in 1936 he said do something that you love and do it well and you'll never work another day for the
rest of your life you just never work again because you could hardly wait to get to work you could hardly wait to do it because you love it a turning point in my life and I'm trying to give you a lot of stuff in the time we have a turning point in my life took place in about 1987 and I attended a seminar and the speaker at the seminar said talked about the importance of self esteem and what he said is your self esteem is defined as how much you like yourself and the more you
like yourself the more you like other people and the more you like yourself the more confidence you have and the more willing you are to try different things and the more like you you like yourself the less afraid you are of making mistakes so you're willing to take chances with the possibility that you won't be successful the more you like yourself and the way that you build up your self-esteem is you simply say I like myself I like myself I like myself say it say it I like myself no no no don't suck your thumb
and say yeah I like myself wonderful and the most the most powerful thing that you can do in this business is to help other people like themselves and how do you help other people like themselves you treat them well you practice the golden rule you treat them the way you would like others people to treat you and so they feel valuable and important and they want to be around you and they want to accept your guidance and they want to do what you instruct them to do and they want to become successful as well and
so them and the more you like yourself the more you like others and the more you like others the more they like you right back and it becomes a positive upward spiral that makes you happy wonderful thing about Utah and the religious proclivities if you like right which I admire so much is the focus on the family and the focus on children and the greatest thing that you can do for your children is to raise them up so they're self-confident and have high self esteem so they like themselves and value themselves and consider themselves to
be worthwhile people natural and and that's the most important thing in the world I I have been so blessed I had the most wonderful wife 40 years anniversary is 40 years in June and and and Rita by the way it was just came up here to get a check and the flowers she prefers the check to the flowers she told me that she is just celebrating her fortieth anniversary in that great 40th anniversary it's great so we have four four wonderful children and we have never criticized our children or punished our children in their entire
lives we've had a lot of heart-to-heart talks that but we've never punished them and never criticized them we've never done anything to take away their self-esteem and self-confidence we've always told them what wonderful children they are and now three of the four are married we have seven grandchildren and they say Mike Mike my friend Charlie Jones used to say we have seven grandchildren all males except for six [Applause] no I have one grandson and sixth Ranchos six granddaughters and so on but that's the most wonderful thing in the world and what I see is my
children grew up and they married people with high self-esteem who treat them with though they are valuable and important people and vice versa and then they raised their children with high self esteem and now you know how you can tell if you have a good relationship at any level of business anywhere is you laugh a lot people are in a good relationship laugh all the time [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] absolutely thank you thank you sir but it's so true is that true because you you can only laugh spontaneously you cannot decide to laugh or plan to
laugh or decide how long you're going to laugh it could only happen spontaneously it has to come from your heart has to come from your mind so the very best relationships with other people just laugh all the time and so you go into my home and especially when my kids were growing up if my kids just laugh all the time and the friends started to come over to our house all the time because in our house everybody laughs and the kids are happy getting off track number one is clarity so here are the seven keys
to setting and achieving goals these seven keys will make you rich key number one is to decide exactly what you want decide exactly what you want and the great majority of people really don't know what they want they want to be rich but what does that mean how much is that when I was soon what are you gonna do to get it so decide exactly what you want if you're married sit down with your spouse and decide exactly what you want two people working together a husband and wife working together on a single goal multiply
the power behind achieving that goal more than anything else it's called the the great mastermind is the husband and wife working together anyway number one is decide exactly what you want Einstein said that if you cannot tell your goal to a six-year-old child and have the six-year-old child explain it to another six-year-old child and both of them understand it then you don't know what your goal is yourself so ask yourself is your goal so clear that you could tell it to a six-year-old child and the six-year-old child would not only understand what the goal could
tell you how close you are to it great test it's great test the Einstein test number two is write it down write it down write it down write it down there's nothing more important than writing down your goals because if it's not written down it's merely a fantasy now they've done a whole series of studies at Harvard and Yale and Cornell and so on but the difference between students who type their notes and students who write their notes the students who write their know it's all get straight A's the students who type their notes forget
everything before the end of the day because writing forces you to use three abilities your your kinesthetic ability your physical ability of writing your audio ability you see it when you're writing and your auditory ability you say it to yourself when you're writing so you activate the three major parts of your brain simultaneously like a laser beam from a space station onto a piece of paper and your subconscious mind accepts it as a command as a command and your superconscious mind starts to work on it 24 hours a day just write it down write it
down and and it's the most amazing darn thing if all you did was write down one goal and leave this conference your life would be different forever and because they're all kinds of things will start to happen and you'll say well that's a coincidence I just wrote that goal down when I was in that meeting this afternoon and then I got this phone call or something in the mail or I saw something on TV or so just it's just phenomenal so step number one write decide what you want number two write it down number three
set a deadline tell your subconscious when you want it I want this by such as such a day so every goal always ends with a use by date and as I achieve this goal by this date and you write it in the present tense number three is make a list I'm sorry number four step number four it's making a list of everything that you can think of to do just make a list and as you think of more things add it to the list keep writing it down writing it down and sometimes just think of
something in the middle of the night write it down keep a pad of paper next to your bed and quickly write it down so you don't forget it just write it down write it down that's number four and this is really important it's the great turning point like a massive ship turning in the ocean your whole life starts to turn when you write down a list of the steps you're going to have to take I don't recommend other people's books because I've written so many of myself and I I summarized hundreds of books that I
have read over the years but there is one book that had a great influence on me and it's called the the the the checklist manifesto anybody read this book the checklist manifesto was written by a doctor an emergency ward doctor and he talks about the value of checklists when you are trying to accomplish a goal build a business raise a child whatever you want to do he says create a checklist he said every good thing in the world this room a car swimming pool everything's follows a checklist everything requires a checklist to build it and
the wonderful thing about organizing a checklist before you begin work on a project it has an extraordinary effect on your life and what he does is he teaches in the most entertaining way how people who do not use checklists died went bankrupt the most successful people in finance in the world how they use checklists in order to organize their financial life business people anyway so one book that I would recommend it's a short book it's just fascinating reading is called the checklist manifesto anyway so take your list of goals and organize your list by priority
make a checklist what words number one what's number two what's number three and so on and as you get more information change the list reorganize it write it move things up and down step number five or set number six is to take action on your list take action on the most important thing on your list do something lunch get going do it now do it instant do it immediately get up and do something it doesn't have to be a lot it can be revising your papers that can be making a phone call it can be
ordering a book it could be something but do something which is sort of like the kickoff at a football game just kick the ball off as far as you can and number seven and this is going to make you rich happy popular and thin number seven is do something every day on your most important goal do something every day on your most important goal so here's the exercise I'm going to give you to take home with you and do when you leave this and by the way from now on whenever you bring on a new
person put them through this exercise if they will not go through this exercise do not waste a minute of your time with them because they will never be successful if they won't follow your guidance and here's the ears the exercise take a clean sheet of paper and write down goals and today's date and then write down ten goals that you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months don't worry about two years or ten years or five years just canticle else you'd like to accomplish in the next 12 months and write them in the
present tense almost like you're submitting an order and just write then I earn I achieve I way I Drive such-and-such a car I own whatever it happens to be and though goals will be financial goals family goals physical goals and so on write down ten and then you take this list of ten and you say if I had a magic wand and I could wave this magic wand and I could have any one goal on my list within 24 hours which one goal would have the greatest positive impact on my life which one goal and
go over it and usually this will jump out at you know jump out I would at you're like a spider in a horror movie it'll grab you and put a circle around that goal and that's a goal you transfer to a clean sheet of paper and then you followed this seven steps write it down set a deadline right make a list of everything you have to do to accomplish it organize the list into a checklist take action and then do something every day if you'll just do this this simple exercise then you'll all be rich
nothing nothing could stop you but yourself so number two the second C is the C of competence and the C of competence says it's very simple is that you can only earn a lot of money if you're very good at what you do and so one of the most important things you do is you break down your work into skills and you say one of the most important skills I need to have to be successful and there's recruiting is a very important skill training is an important skill managing motivating just an important skill leading supervising
important skills so what you do is you think what are the skills that I will need to be in the top 10% of my field you don't have to be in the top 1% just be in the top 10% because there are no successful people who are not good at what they do they are good at what they do and they are good at what they do because they work in it all the time whether you're in sports or whether you're in music or chess or anything else there's a wonderful study that's been written up
and it's called the it'z it's called it'll come to me in a second I find that when I because of these pains I my memory slips and it goes around in a circle like a merry-go-round and it comes around again and it'll come back and there it is but basically what it said was studying the most successful people is that these people spend four more hours becoming good at what they do than average people the other people don't do it and that everybody has natural abilities but the ones who use those abilities transform themselves by
really working hard at becoming good one skill at a time this is another thing that's really important don't try to be good good at everything because what happens is just break down you're just overwhelm yourself and you just give up you say I tried that before I had an experience which I'll pass on to you when I was a young man I was in my 20s and I was in sales and I was in cold calling sales knocking on doors every day and I was making one or two sales a week I was living in
a little rooming house with a bed and a floor and a little bathroom and I was struggling I could tell you within a dollar how much money I had in my world at that time because it was less than a dollar and I worked get up at five or six o'clock in the morning I'd be waiting at 8 o'clock in the morning when people came to work I would knock on doors office doors and and business doors all day long and then in the evenings I grow to knock on homes and in apartments and I
would make call after call after call I made hundreds of calls and with no sales the first year I made more than 20,000 calls and only made a few sales just did enough to survive and then one day I asked a question which I'm going to help you with as I said of all the skills what's holding me back more than anything else and the answer was closing the sale is that I couldn't get people to make a decision I was enthusiastic and positive and and everything you could want is and so on and people
were very interested in friendly but at the end of the conversation they would say those awful words let me think it over let me think about it or leave it with me or can you get me some more information the words I want to think about it mean goodbye forever we will never meet again and I was getting this all the time so I made a decision I still remember the time date placed it in my little rooming house when I decided I was going to learn how to become very good at closing sales and
I began to read everything I could find I sent away for books I I did everything I could find to study the psychology and techniques and methods of closing sales in one year my income went up ten times changed my life forever I yeah as some years later and and and and I didn't know how to do it and then I did and because all skills are learn about and you can learn any skill that you want to learn and if it's you if you just simply find out what others have done before you and
and and practice it and then I began to recruit other salespeople and teach them the same thing I said here's the product here's the advantages and benefits for our customers and here's how to ask them to make a decision and they became successful many of them today are millionaires and multimillionaires many of them are multiple businesses and they've told me they said your training when I was in my 20s going nowhere broke changed my life forever and the most important thing was I got people just to make a decision I asked them to make a
decision so many people in this room I know have a challenge worth closing we all do when we start off but that's where you are now but that's not where we're going to be three months from now three months from now you're going to be so dangerous you will need to be restrained for yourself and the safety of society because you'll be able to close anybody or anything and I am NOT talking about pressure I'm not talking about pressure do you know what good's what good businesses is here it's helping is what you are is
you are great helpers you are helping people to improve the quality of their lives and their health and their family and so when you start to see yourself as a helper your job is to help people understand how much better off their lives can be if they take your advice and guidance that's what you do Earl Nightingale said something many years ago he said you don't get what you wanted life he said you get what you deserve and so I began to study that and get what your deserve deserve deserve and I thought that deserve
comes from the Latin and it comes from the words duh which means from service which from service so you get what you want in life from service to other people and so the people who serve the most people the very best the ones who make the most amount of money in the shortest period of time but here's something else is when you help other people improve the quality of your life yourself esteem goes up and your self-confidence goes up and you feel happy and you like yourself more and you like other people it's the most
amazing darn thing is you just put your life on it on this wonderful upward spiral by deserving that people will buy from you by looking for ways to help them how can I help this person to improve the quality of their life and their family and their work so see yourself as a helper and your job is to deserve more and you'll find you look at the Steve Jobs and the Bill Gates and the multimillionaires who are individuals and you think these people focused they had this obsession with a product of some kind that would
really help people to improve the quality of their lives and that's all they think about it all they talk about and the only people who succeed in those companies are people have this same obsession with customer service Tom Peters in his book in search of excellence many years ago he said the most important principle of all was the obsession with customer service it's the most successful and highest paid people just think of us serving people and helping people improve their lives all the time so that's the most important level of competence that you want that
you want to achieve first of all you have clear goals and then you say what is it that I really really love to do that really helps other people to improve the quality of their life and how can I become really really good at doing that more and more of the time the third C is the C of concentration and these are not necessarily in order but in in a way these are the C of concentration is your ability to focus which we talked about before it's your ability to focus single-mindedly on one thing at
a time and to work on that one task until it's complete and to discipline yourself not to do anything else or to become distracted by emails and bells and bits and noises and things like that it's just the ability to focus like a laser beam on a single task I wrote a book a few years ago and it was called double your income and double your time off and I sent it to a publisher and the publisher said ah you know a book's title it's really really important he said well it's an interesting title but
it's kind of bland and one of the titles chapter 15 there's 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more things done faster and one of the chapters was called eat that frog and eat that frog came from a you know you know my book it came it came from a story by Mark Twain where he said if the first thing you do when you get up in the morning is you eat a live frog you'll have the pleasure of knowing that's probably the worst thing that's going to happen to you all day long and
Mark Twain was just incredibly good humorist and he said and there's two corollaries to that rule number one is if you have to eat a frog at all it does not pay to sit and look at it for very long you know get on with it get it over he said in the second corollary is if you have two frogs to eat eat the ugliest one first a good friend of mine from here in you know a Salt Lake or actually in insult it says that the key to success is do the worst first eat
the ugliest frog first and I really like that and so the your job is to eat that frog so that my publisher came back to me and he said if you could take this title and take it and make the title of the book and then run the theme of eating a frog getting prepared getting ready picking the most important things first all the way through we could publish it as a book and it might sell a few copies today it's past 10 million copies in 46 languages it's a it's it's the best-selling book on
time management in the world and I've had countless people come to me all over the world because it's in so many languages and they say this book made me rich this book made our company the number one company in in in the in Europe number one company in the country it made us rich they said the people who made me a double triple quadruple my income people have transformed their lives by this simple concept and the concept is once you have determined the most valuable and important thing you can do start with that first and
do only that task until it's complete now the first time that you try to do this you will find it's quite difficult Napoleon Hill did a subsequent book to his book Think and Grow Rich it was called the master key to riches and after 260 pages it gives you the answer the master key to riches and the first paragraph he explains in this book you will learn the master key to riches and so it's a whole book on motivational ideas and principles and the last line of the last chapter of the last page is now
you know the master key to riches is self-discipline and what we have found is that the most successful people have come to that conclusion as well is that self-discipline is the master key to success so for you to write down your goals and make a plan and set priorities and start with your most important task takes tremendous self-discipline if you if you haven't done it up to now it's so hard but good to said everything is hard before it's easy and everything at the beginning is difficult but later it becomes easy and automatic you have
to force yourself to discipline yourself at the beginning of it after that it becomes easier and easier and you actually feel happy now here's the most wonderful thing when you discipline yourself to start and complete a task or a part of a task you feel like an athlete so here's my question if an athlete runs in a race and comes in first what do they call this person the winner exactly I've studied this hundreds thousands of hours what it says is that when you win when you come in as the winner your body releases endorphins
which are called nature's happy drug they make you happy and dopamine which is a form of energy that you get from a positive experience so when you complete a task your body releases these drugs and you feel happy so they call it nature the psychologists call it nature's happy drug if you want to be happy just start and complete a task and you get you get a zip wow wow I feel happy so I organize my life so organize my tasks that it's at and then my wife Barbara will come in and say I'm gonna
have dinner in ten minutes so I say okay ten minutes let's see what have I got here that will take ten minutes huh I can do this in ten minutes so I'll always end my day with a completed task this is real simple thing and I I've done it I could tick it off complete them down and I'm happy and I'll walk out then I'm smiling when when you make a person feel like a winner you feel happy when you discipline yourself to complete a task you give yourself a buzz Alfred Adler one of the
top psychologists of history called this a positive addiction he said if you start and complete a task you get a bus and the bus becomes addictive you start thinking no I want that bus again but the buzz is a positive addiction and that it makes you happy when you do it so every time you start and complete a task you feel like a winner I mean you feel like a winner you want to do it again and have that winning feeling if you want to raise happy healthy self-confident children one of my programs 21 great
ways to raise happy healthy self-confident children one of my twenty ones is what you do is you make your children feel like winners all the time if you're happily married make sure that your spouse feels like a winner all the time how do they feel like a winner is when you praise them or complement them thank them from what they did acknowledge their success whatever it happens to be make them feel like a winner because every single time you start and complete something and it's acknowledged first it feels like a winner you know that the
greatest speed records Olympic records are always broken in front of the biggest crowds interesting point the biggest crowds you get 10,000 people you get a record you get 50,000 people Wow 100,000 people they break all the world records because the greater the amount of praise and and that you get from winning a race or potentially rich the faster people run interesting thought so those are the first three clarity the absolutely clear about your goals and what you need to do to achieve them and competence become very good at your tasks and number three is concentration
concentrate single-mindedly on your most important tasks and stay with it until it's complete by the way I could speak for two days just on concentration and I have tried these principles all over the world but that's all that you need start and finish your most important tasks number four is constraints now constraints is is a concept that was developed in Tel Aviv by management consultant many years ago and it says that between where you are today and where you want to be sometime in the future a goal is there is always one constraint or choke
point that determines the speed at which you get from here to here that's the constraint so the art of life is to identify the constraints that are holding you back from achieving the goal that you want to it and it could be something simple like finding a parking space it could be something simple like getting your shopping done and so on continually ask what is the constraint or limiting factors what they call the limiting factor between here and where you want to go so you say to yourself all right you want to achieve a particular
goal so you ask yourself what is the one factor that determines the speed at which you achieve that goal what is the one factor that determines the speed at which you achieve your most important goal and you work with your downline you work with your consultants you work with other people and you help them to be absolutely clear and don't try to change the world try to change one thing one factor try to alleviate that one factor and that'll change your whole life it's unbelievable so you say all right let's talk about selling like a
speaker about selling them for days and days as well let's talk about selling well we want to earn more money do we want to earn more money say yes I would you like to double your income effective this next week I have a four I have a seminar that I do by the way it's seven ways to double your income in the next seven days and it's all based on hundreds of hours of research and blah blah but it's I'll give you just one I was thinking I could spend I could spend the whole day
on the seven but I'll give you just one is what determines your income today what's the constraint what's the factor well the limiting factor is the number of people who you sign up to join the business it's pretty much it could be something different but less or it could be closing the sale is getting that person to come on board and become active and get busy and start talking to other people and both using and selling the product figure out what it is but let's just say that it is the number of people that you
talk to on a daily weekly monthly basis and I give this little formula when I'm talking to sales audiences and in reality we're all in sales and I say the average person in America who earns a full-time living from sales and sales is on their business card about 17% of the population spends about ninety minutes a day talking to new potential customers ninety minutes a day and this goes back to 1928 all the way forward ninety minutes a day well there's eight hours in a working day so that means the person is spending one fifth
of each working day talking to new potential customers so if you want to double your income it's very simple to do and you all know what the answer right now is spend 180 minutes each day talking to new people now you can't control or determine which one of them is going to buy or join or something else but you know that if you speak to enough people enough people will join or buy or become customers or become distributors and so on so therefore just double the number of minutes I call this brian's minutes Theory double
the number of minutes from 90 minutes to 180 minutes or if you're working whatever number of minutes today and you could calculate that track it for a week every day track how many minutes you're spending talking to new people about this business is then double the number of minutes now you can't double the number of minutes overnight it may take you a week or two weeks but a my promise to you is that if you double the minutes or double your income if you double the minutes you spent face-to-face head to head I - I
hear Tyr love say knee to knee heart to heart if you double the ministry double your income and I've had countless people come to me and and and it's interesting they come up at the seminar there's a bunch of BS I've been in my business for years this competition is so tough you can't double your income just and then I come back six or twelve months later and they come up to me and they said you remember me and I don't but they say I told you it was a bunch of BS about doubling your
face time and doubling your income the week after I went out I said I'm going to prove that person's wrong I'm going to prove that he's just a dork or something else and he said the following week I doubled my income after eight years in my field they doubled my accident he said I couldn't believe it he said he said I taught my only friend told my other friends how I did it there is no the top salesman in the company I told the thing else to do it and everybody who did it double their
income and then if you don't let you double your income what do you do is that you you double the amount of time you're spending and you spend it on with better people okay now I'm running out of time damn damn damn so I'm going to give you the the other principles that we have the number five number number number four is constraints number five is continuous learning and development is dedicate yourself to becoming better and better at what you do it must be a part of your life let's breathe in breathe out and learn
new things self-made millionaire self-made billionaire is spent sixty to ninety minutes every day study their field we need new material Warren Buffett was just relegated from number three to number four richest man in the world and Warren Buffett reads five hundred pages a day Warren Buffett reads five to eight hours a day Warren Buffett reads eight hours seven days a week he reads all the time and he's one of the richest men in the history of the world and he and his partners all say the same thing you've got to read read and learn all
the time so part of your life don't ever listen to the radio I say you should never even know if your radio works in your car because you never listen to it the CDs that are available to help you become better or unbelievable you can download them with audible and put them on to your iPhone you can listen to them in every part of your life and one idea can make you rich so just keep flooding your mind with new ideas number six is commitment and we know this because you talked about it a lot
its commitment is really important there's no success without commitment whether as you're putting your whole heart into what you're doing and putting your whole heart into what you're doing for a long time but if you do there is no limit on what you can accomplish you get up in the morning and you make a decision that my gum I am going to succeed in this business no matter how long it takes no matter how many hours a day and number seven is courage and courage Winston Churchill said worried courage is rightly considered the foremost of
the virtues for upon it all others depend and encourage what you have is two parts the first part of courage is the courage to begin to launch to take a chance to face failure and rejection to try something with a very great possibility that you will fail and you'll feel embarrassed and and your self-esteem will go down and so on but the second part of courage is persistence it's the power to keep going and keep pushing yourself and driving yourself and I had a transformation many years ago which I will give to you a woman
who I was going out with before I was married she asked me Brian she said what is your best quality and I thought about that and I think I said I said I think my best quality is that I never give up that's your best quality she's very insightful woman I still remember very intelligent your best quest qualities I never give up and so I've spoken to audiences like you and I have found that that's true as I never give up and my children never give up it's it is not in our vocabulary we never
think we'll try something different we'll try something new we'll take the losses and so on but we'll never give up so how do you develop this unshakable quality of persistence which will guarantee your success in life nothing could stop you if you don't quit if you don't quit then the only alternative is you must succeed and eventually you must succeed greatly well the great rule you become what you think about but you become what you say to yourself so what you do is you say to yourself these magic words you say I never give up
say it say I never give up i never give up i never give up i like myself and i never give up us-- repeat that over and over and repeat it to your kids i love you and you never give up repeat it to your downlines repeat it to your friends make it something people say well I don't know a lot about him or her but I know one thing is he or she never gives up they will not suck they will keep coming at you like a bulldog they will never give up if you
never give up my promise to you my guarantee to you is that you are going to be an enormous success in the months and years ahead and I hope you are thank you very much [Music]
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