come here can i ask you one more question? From video to video you answer me only I want you to answer there in the comments I will ask you a number of questions and if you answer yes to one of them you will have to watch this video until the end because I will give you a solution to your problem do you want to improve your health? want to resolve this situation what is bothering you? I don't have a crystal ball but one of these questions I'll ask you ask at least one yes I know
you have so come on with me answered yes to one of them leave it there in the comments and let's go to the end of the video to solve this situation let's go Do you have mood problems? are you a bit moody? occasionally or almost every day this one who has to answer is your family, it's not you, then call the family to respond. you would like to lower your blood glucose levels or reduce your diabetes problem? you are at risk for a stroke or have someone in your family who have you ever had a
stroke and you have this propensity? Have you ever had a heart disease or have a family someone heart? have a cancer disease or are undergoing treatment or have someone in the family undergoing cancer treatment? are you pregnant? breastfeed? I want to decrease your bad cholesterol increase your good cholesterol? have intestinal problems? would like to lose weight would you like to get younger? so if you answered yes to one of these come with me I present an impressive thing that I'm sure you've never seen You've never seen it, I know you've never seen it because you
hardly have a home, right if you have to stay there until it becomes a dehydrated dry thing there in your refrigerator is the personal cabbage organic cabbage if it it's transparent if she doesn't look like cabbage here it's just because of the chroma-key but I have I swear to you that this is a cabbage and we eat this every day and she makes all these benefits that I'm going to tell you now are personal cabbage is a relative of broccoli, how can you, right but it's from cabbage it's from cauliflower it has many vitamins calcium
iron it has phosphorus and vitamins The c, k and folic acid that's why it's so beneficial people I know you'll look at it and a meme will appear back here with a kitten spitting a ball but guys there's no way I'm going tell you that she can become hot if you or your child doesn't eat properly none I will prove that you will be able to consume this thing because it is very good I'll tell you here first She's a super source of fiber, right people, she has insoluble fibers And these fibers help you lose
weight, they help regulate the intestines, it's not only good for the tract gastrointestinal but also increases immunity because of these vitamins You have an improvement in your immunity to cabbage it is a carrier of antioxidants that fight premature aging of cells of your beauty, you're eating the cabbage, you're ingesting Chlorophyll and The Chlorophyll is gone, right found for those who follow my videos who don't follow I'll tell you a very story cool here that Chlorophyll is like this You consume it and go out in the sun you end up recharging yours body with an extra
dose of energy not to mention that you have a source of antioxidants inside you that will fight all the aged cells all the free radicals will fight premature aging serious diseases that's why you have to eat cabbage Fights cholesterol bad research has already been carried out and proven that kale Fights LDL, which is cholesterol bad and increases good cholesterol look at that thing has already been proven people it helps to fight evil mood because it has vitamin B6 and also helps to release serotonin, which gives you the feeling of pleasure and well-being now after eating
a cabbage you never curse the guy who honks at you again up front, it increases satiety because these fibers stay in the intestine for a long time and they delay gastric emptying So you have more time with food in your belly it gives that feeling of satiety And even if you want to steal the chocolatethe da refrigerator you won't feel like it Look how cool if you do it, it will be for crookedness even it is source of potassium and potassium is very important for the heart and also for the arteries so potassium regulates blood
pressure and also improves the functioning of the heartbeat and all related problems related to the heart, research has shown that whoever does it use of kale that has a lot of potassium severely reduces the risk of stroke and disease heart attacks and also high blood pressure, you who have high blood pressure that doesn't go down who keeps taking medicine Losartana eats cabbage cabbage juice cabbage in the cabbage room sautéed with garlic Oh my God, it's delicious, it's going to lower all these problems, you'll see that then your medicine starts working or maybe you get rid
of this blessed blood pressure medicine Lógico né, Gente tudo with medical follow-up, right, it contributes to the good formation of the Bones or good stabilization bone is because of vitamin k and it also helps people who have osteoporosis give a firm signature to better resistance because of calcium too and it also favors blood clotting now be very careful for those who use anticoagulants it is not good to eat a lot of cabbage because it favors coagulation So it's not very cool this type of food intake that will cause complications, right interference in your anticoagulant medication
then it is highly recommended for pregnant women because it has folic acid folic acid straight from the source, right Not the little pill that we take, but you eat wonderful organic cabbage straight from the source and you will only be good for the your baby for good formation and development of your baby there the bowel functioning better peristalsis is better, right and the peristaltic movements you end up losing weight better, right faster a good sautéed or raw cabbage with plenty of olive oil is not overweight that resist prevents cancer for those who follow my videos
I'll say it again to those who have never heard it At least you know some research has revealed that Chlorophyll present in green foods in vegetables, right those cruciferous foods, look how chic talk to me this name is even harmonious right crucifers It seems that you understand in the business, I always say that it is for you to speak at the Sunday table to say that you are ok, super in the style of the intellect joke cruciferous vegetables are important because they carry with them chlorophyll and strong levels of antioxidants crucifers when you eat you
are fighting the free radicals you have in your body that are responsible for attacking your cells and age your body as a whole if you already have a degenerative problem or an inflammatory problem or type 1 diabetes or an autoimmune disease that your body attacks yourself, the ideal is to make high consumptions of green leafy cruciferous vegetables Because you it will be helping your body to fight this aging this degeneration studies have already been revealed have done proven research that a group of people took a carcinogen to study the progress of this substance in the
body and what could fight these agents carcinogens and a well concentrated solution of chlorophyll was then introduced in the case it wasn't kale it was spinach and referring to being an extract of spinach from 6 cups of spinach that removed the Chlorophyll you are not imagining that the person ate 6 cups Did you extract Chlorophyll and take these people who ingested this substance had the benefit of reduction of these carcinogens in the body of 40%. the rest was fought with chemotherapy, right and radiotherapy but look at 40% of these carcinogens died is the level too
high It's a Projection of life and then you manage to balance the treatments for cancer so you who have some kind of you should make use of these vegetables now I'm talking about cabbage because you'll get it help your body to recover faster help any treatment work come back allit lowers your body's blood glucose because of the fibers, right, the fibers can do it, right this control and also improve the functioning of your pancreas, which is responsible for releasing the insulin So if your pancreas is dysregulated it lights up a lot insulin increases the glucose
level kale because of these substances can lower its glycemic level so it is recommended you who have type 2 diabetes or have hyperglycemia or are that pre-diabetic person make use of Coke who cannot consume cabbage people prone to thrombosis who they take anticoagulants because cabbage has potassium potassium is a strong coagulant ok, just you who should not use anything else, consuming too much is also an exaggeration because it gives a little flatulence So you have to have a composition the rule for As Folhas Verdes is two servings of Green Leaves a day one at lunch
and another at dinner it's ok with that you are well stocked for people who want to have a more severe treatment because of these issues that I told you you can increase a little it's ok always remembering that drinking a lot of water only helps the video I'm going to leave here for you which is the chlorophyll juice this juice is very important and watch the video on how to improve your internal energy if this information it was nice for you it helped you or will help someone in your family so leave that like sharing
with family shows people that you care about them the same health as you wish for you wish for others ok A big kiss for you and see you next time