Il cibo degli Dèi | Mauro Biglino

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Mauro Biglino
Mauro Biglino esplora l'antica narrazione dell'orzo come dono concesso all'umanità dagli dèi in vari...
Video Transcript:
[Music] Good morning. Ovid, a Roman author of the time of Augustus, wrote that once upon a time men ate acorns then the goddess Ceres provided them with better food. Ovid certainly had in mind those large oak groves that existed above all, for example, on the Celian hill in Rome but, in short, a little throughout that territory and therefore he was referring to the fact that men ate what they found and then Ceres arrives who , perhaps, who knows, perhaps through those priestesses who received the oracles, it brought to men the cultivation of cereals in general: therefore wheat and barley, so much so that Pliny would later write that barley was an important food for the Romans , he will write that gladiators were fed barley.
It seems to me that Roman soldiers were also fed, I would say above all, with barley bread and in short cereals were a fundamental food during the period of the first Roman republic. And the goddess Ceres was therefore the goddess of the harvest which corresponds to the Greek Demeter, therefore another female divinity who presided over the harvests, that is, they presided over agriculture. But the interesting thing is that, in fact, the ancients tell us that agriculture is a gift from the Gods, while they do not tell us that hunting was a gift from the Gods or that the teaching of gathering food, that is, berries, it was a gift from the Gods, the ancients generally tell us that agriculture, in particular the production of cereals, was a gift from the Gods.
This also applies, for example, to the Far East because there are various traditions there that tell us how the Gods have transmitted to men the art of cultivation, especially cereals there too, and therefore there is the story of the famous seven wise men or of the Brahmins, or Brahmins if you prefer, that is, the high priestly caste who received this knowledge and then transmitted it. The interesting thing regarding the Brahmins or Brahmins is that originally they were even sometimes considered superior to the so-called deities, why? Because they said that through the sacrifices, through the offerings which were always food offerings - i.
e. vegetables and/or meat - they bent the will of the Gods and therefore this, in short, tells us a lot about the possible true nature of these deities who made them bend their will from simple men who, so to speak, bought them through sacrifices. This also brings to mind the story of Aeneas who, having escaped from Troy, arrived in what is now Italy, he had to fight against the local king, the tyrant Mezentius, and to win the favor of Jupiter and therefore draw him from his part In this fight, he offers him the entire production of wine, of all that we know today as the Lazio region and Jupiter then goes over to Aeneas' side, defining Mezentius as someone who does not respect the Gods.
This news, among other things , you can find them in the work of Professor Gianmatteo Corrias which is a very enlightening work regarding the characteristics of those divinities. And it is curious, interesting but, in my opinion, also very enlightening to see how, in reality, these divinities - both in the East and in the West - could be bought through food products because, from a certain moment on, it seems that the divinities depended on men for food . Men who in turn, however, had received the art of agriculture, the art of cultivating, especially on a large scale, directly from the divinities because men previously behaved differently.
But not only did the so-called pagan deities ask men for food and drinks such as beer and wine, Yahweh also asked his people for part of the harvest: to be precise he asked for a tenth of the harvest. For example in Deuteronomy, chapter 14, it says "You shall take a tenth of every product of your seed that the field produces each year. " This tithe was then delivered to the Temple and therefore served Yahweh just as Yahweh constantly asked, every day, for the supply of alcoholic substances.
In this book I have documented how much, let's call it wine, in reality precisely here the Bible speaks of an alcoholic substance, a substance that makes you drunk, a substance which makes people say nonsense words, and here I have reported all the biblical passages in which that substance is referred to and used. So it was widespread custom and, for example, if we go and read what the Sumerians wrote - I read the translations of the academics, the translations of tablets - this is a text elaborated by Kramer, Bernard, translated by Castellino and Bottero, Kramer, which is the tablet in which we are told how cereals arrived as a gift from the divinities "People ate grass with their mouths like sheep" and first we heard that Ovid said that people ate that is, acorns - in short, acorns are the typical food, we know, of wild pigs - and therefore, in short, men were little more than wild animals. "In those distant days wheat, barley and cereals, An from within the sky brought down to the Earth", An was the leader of the Anunna or Anunnaki: An is the tall one, the one who in the Bible corresponds to Elyon that is the one who is above, what he commands.
Then "In those distant days An brought down wheat, barley and cereals from within the sky to the Earth. Enlil, one of his sons, like an ibex alighted on the mountain and raised his eye towards the surrounding valleys; he turned his gaze towards the bottom, he turned his gaze upwards, there was the Kur (Kur means mountain) covered with greenery and cedars" that is therefore, let's say, with natural vegetation "He then piled up the barley and gave it to the Kur" that is that is, they bring barley down from the sky and deposit it on the mountain. “He gathered the abundance of the land and stored the grain in the Kur and entrusted it to him, then he bolted the wide open gates of the Kur.
” So, this speech makes me think of a fenced and protected place, therefore a place closed in on itself which corresponds exactly to the biblical Gan. Gan, already said many times but it is always useful to repeat it, means an enclosed and protected place that was located in the great territory of Eden which in fact is generally located in the northern part of Mesopotamia, that is, exactly where these so-called Sumerian deities operated , or would have done so. that is, the Anunnaki.
Now this Kur, this Kur therefore closed and protected, bolted, guarded the barley, guarded the cereals. However, two divinities, Ninazzu and Nin Mada, pose the problem of bringing down, that is, bringing out this barley, let's say this wheat, the cereals from the Kur and making it reach humanity, that is, making it reach Sumer and then they say "Let's go to the Kur and so let's get the barley out" but they pose the problem, the tablet says here, that the leaders did not give this order and therefore, in reality, it is an operation that they cannot do without the order deriving from the leaders, in especially Enlil and An, so what do they do to bring the grain down from the Kur? They say "How can we bring wheat to Sumer?
How can we make barley known to Sumer who has no idea about it? And then they go to Utu: Utu was Utu Shamash, one of the most important deities therefore, let's say, one who he was part of the circle of commanders, and Utu opened the gates of the Kur, that is, he opened the gates of this great garden in which the divinity, the so-called divinity, had brought down the barley from the sky. This is interesting but there is another interesting aspect, again in the Sumerian tablets, when it is said that in reality there was a period in which "the high steppe was not plowed, humanity relied on rainwater; Ashnan did not grow speckled barley", Ashnan is a female Anunnaki deity "The furrow was not dug, it produced no crop.
The countries and the numerous people did not offer beer, wine, sweet wine as homage to the great gods; the large fields were not plowed for them, the canals, the agricultural fields" and therefore they pose the problem of the fact that the land was not worked. So there was the problem of working this land, making sure that it produced and therefore " The Gods, the hoe, the spade, the basket and the plow, the vital spirit of the country, entrusted to the people. That day they wisely conceived the idea so that the barley would sprout.
Then front to the goddess Ashnan they arranged themselves, day and night for the appointed time they raised their hands in prayer and to Ashnan who makes the barley sprout from the seed they came to prostrate". Ashnan who makes the barley sprout from the seed: so here we come told that there was a period in which men ate the grass directly, waited for rainwater, the canals were not irrigated and, at a certain point, deities sent cereals down from the sky; get the cereals to the men and they provide for this but, at the same time, they ensure that men work the land and men therefore give to the Gods, we have heard it, wine beer beer we know product of the barley and therefore men, so to speak, give back and work on behalf of the Gods. This immediately brings to mind what is written in the Bible where in the book of Genesis it says, we are in chapter 2, "Do not.
there was someone who worked the land and made the water flow from the earth in the canals to irrigate the entire surface of the land" and then the Elohim named Yahweh provides in this sense and provides, we know how, especially with regards to Gan, we he places inside the Adam that he had made elsewhere and puts it inside to be guarded and worked on. So we are faced with very similar stories which tell us how in reality men pass from the stage of being little more than wild animals that feed exclusively on what they find, to the stage of individuals capable of producing the land and above all we talk about cereals. For example also in Plato's "Republic" when they imagine the ideal city and therefore talk about how men should behave, for example it says "They will feed themselves by making barley flour from barley and lining up beautiful focaccias of wheat flour by cooking and kneading" all activities that have been taught by the Gods.
But also in the Odyssey, for example, when Telemachus has to leave from Ithaca to make a journey in which essentially he has to go and look, he wants to go and look for news about his father about whom nothing is known anymore, so he has food prepared on the navi and says to those who prepare this food "Pour flour into well-sewn wineskins, let's say 20 measures of well-ground flour and here it says 'alfitu' flour, the term in Greek is generally used to say barley flour". So we have this barley that constantly returns from the Sumerians, the Romans, the Greeks and in fact it seems that it was one of the main elements at the beginning of known history at least as far as the Greeks are concerned. The curious thing regarding cereals is that the paleogeneticists who study how these cereals were formed starting from wild wheat, tell us that this phenomenon occurred with a succession of genetic mutations which in nature are rare, very rare, so rare, they say in their articles, that they can even be considered almost impossible , but they happened.
And the curious thing is that in the Middle East, where the origin of cereal cultivation is located, this happened, but precisely where the ancient texts tell us that the Gods worked and the same thing, always scientific articles that between 'other things you can find mentioned in the description below the video - so if you want to read them - it talks about the production, for example, of the potato which has been made edible through or - let's say so - which has become edible through genetic mutations which, in that case, says the columnist, are those that only occur in the laboratory with GMOs because they are almost impossible in nature. And we know well how important the potato was for feeding the people of the American continent, just as cereals were important for Europe and Asia. So we are faced with phenomena for which science says that very rare phenomena occurred, the ancients tell us that in reality that product there, those products there, were a gift from the Gods as well as the ability to cultivate them.
And among other things, the Gobekli Tepe speech also comes to mind which scientists tell us preceded the advent of agriculture by at least a thousand years. Now, Gobekli Tepe is a center that requires not only technical skills, i. e.
construction skills, but also design skills and therefore it would have been built at the moment in which men, as Ovid says on the one hand and the Sumerians tell us on the other, either ate the grass, like animals the grass of the meadows, or they ate acorns that is, essentially, they were gatherers. So to think that pickers who, in short, went looking for berries in the brambles, were able to, not only build, but design a center like that - which we know was excavated more or less at this time between 10 and 15% - so it is at least a very curious fact, not to say extraordinary, because it happened precisely a thousand years before agriculture, agriculture which, I repeat, the people tell us was a gift from the Gods. So this poses a whole series of questions, questions to which at this moment science is not able to give precise, certain answers, and yet the ancients actually give them to us or, at least, allow us to formulate hypotheses, hypotheses which among other things could also constitute answers to questions posed by Juval Noah Harari, a university professor whom I have already mentioned several times, Israeli, a Jew who - speaking both of the development of man and of his position within the food chain, and its ability to produce food - asks itself questions to which it answers with doubts.
He says "Today our big brains are fine because we are capable of producing cars and weapons that allow us to move faster than chimpanzees and unfortunately to do other things too. But machines are recent phenomena: for over two million years human neuronal systems they had continued to grow but, apart from a few flint knives and a few sharpened sticks, humans had little to prove it. So what had driven the evolution of an ever-larger human brain during those 2 million years?
Frankly? we do not know". That is, in reality, over the course of millions of years, nature has produced an organ that went well beyond the functions it was actually called upon to perform and we know that nature does not waste energy: that is, one a development that from a purely evolutionary point of view is not very easy to explain, says Yuval Noah Harari, frankly we don't know.
Then at a certain point man reached the top of the food chain but he got there quickly. Why do I say at the top of the food chain? Because in reality, when man developed on planet Earth he was part of the food chain, that is, he was an integral part.
We are now used to seeing ourselves as at the top because, especially those of us who live in Western societies and therefore are far from the savannahs, far from the forests, we don't think we can be eaten, apart from the fact of some story of some bears in the mountains or of packs of wolves roaming the mountains where atavistic fear then immediately returns, because we know very well that the so-called God did not create us at the top of the food chain but left us peacefully in the middle, so we can easily be eaten. He says that "There are other animals at the top of the food chain pyramid, such as lions and sharks, but they gained that position very gradually, taking millions of years. Humans, on the other hand, reached the top so quickly that the ecosystem did not had time to balance things, even the humans themselves couldn't adapt.
" I am very happy to read these words because in conferences in recent years I have said many times that the human being is the least adapted living organism that exists on planet Earth, least adapted, in the sense that, while all other living beings have their own ecological niche for which they are born perfectly ready, for us there is no environment on Earth to which we are naturally suited or by nature adapted: we must adapt to everyone because we are not suitable for anyone and therefore clearly we must build technological prostheses. "Having until recently been among the scoundrels of the savannah" Harari's beautiful definition "we are full of fear and anxiety about the position we occupy which makes us doubly cruel and dangerous. Many historical calamities, from deadly wars to ecological catastrophes" and this concerns us very closely "are the consequence of this rapid leap".
So there are a whole series of quick leaps that concern both the development of man in himself from a psychophysical point of view and the development of his cognitive abilities with regard, for example, to the ability to produce food and therefore in a certain sense of becoming independent from what nature naturally offers and which he collected - acorns or ate grass, let's remember - the ancients tell us: these are all questions that in fact still await an answer, they await an answer, why? Because, let's say, unfortunately there is a large part of science that doesn't even want to hear about what the ancients wrote to us. If, however, we pretend that what the ancients wrote to us could be true, then we go looking in that direction and we know that the possibility of finding, unless there is a very lucky case, occurs the moment we go looking.
So it would really be worth taking into consideration what the ancients tell us, especially when we find ourselves faced with situations like the one I mentioned of Gobekli Tepe which is there for all to see, where the academics themselves tell us that those abilities planning, those realization skills came and were present - they are there, they are therefore an indisputable document - a thousand years before the advent of agriculture. Let us remember that there are, for example, monoliths there that weigh 15 tons. The people who built that center would have been berry pickers or hunters of hares or some larger animals, therefore people capable of digging a hole to drop prey into to eat.
Here, all this inevitably makes us ask questions: therefore the development of man, the development of man's brain, the development of his cognitive abilities, his very rapid positioning at the top of the food chain, the acquisition of the ability to cultivate which, the ancients tell us, came from the Gods, they should make us ask questions and they should tell science that perhaps it is worth looking in certain directions because, regardless of the nature of these divinities, presumed divinities, regardless of the origin , regardless of the place of origin of these alleged divinities, the ancients tell us that they were the ones who did certain things to us and, perhaps, if we go searching in that direction, just maybe, we could find some answers that, perhaps, they could be confirmations of what the ancients wrote to us, also because they did not have much time to waste with writing which was extremely demanding and extremely expensive in every sense. HI. Thank you.
Until next time.
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