a federal officials have not disclosed exact numbers but there is Broad reporting about migrants being swept up during recent immigration raids it is a scary proposition for tens of thousands of hardworking migrants especially those so as ice agents flood New York City looking for Dangerous individuals and gang members they can wind up at pretty much any business and while an alleged raid at one of Amazon's warehouses was probably shocking to everyone inside immigrant Advocates are outraged say saying workplace raids have nothing to do with deporting the highlevel criminals I says thereafter unless of course those
criminals are doing whatever they can to hide in plain sight exclusive video of federal agents swarming into a Washington Heights Building hours after a similar sting in the Bronx a couple dozen arrests made in the early morning hours across the city and that number growing it's leading to fear in these communities it's not only palpable but it's starting to actually become more and more visible there have been raids in nearby New York New Jersey at a wholesaler of fish there and then we saw most recently a raid at the Bronx Terminal Market that's a well-known
Food Market Antonio and sarahi own two businesses and employ nearly 30 people some of whom are also undocumented we're entrepreneurs we're working hard we don't have any criminal records we're following the rules we're making the community a better place a safe place you're sweeping up a lot of them all illegal entrance do you really believe they're the same no absolutely not and that's why we're prioritizing Public Safety threats and National Security threats and we have given ice instructions when you look for the bad guy and you find others with him you will arrest them cuz
they're in a country in violation [Music] law so an alleged ice raid took place at an Amazon warehouse with a manager at the facility warning it might not be the last and even though the news Outlet on this says they can't confirm all the details what nobody in New York wants to admit is that if ice does go and raid a warehouse and they take dangerous criminals and get them out of the country they've done everyone in there a favor because according to the borders are ice doesn't just raid random businesses and if ice gets
a tip that a criminal is hiding at or being aided by a business they may locate individuals in the company of that criminal who've got ties to them are assisting them and could also be dangerous and the reason critics are so upset about this is there are over 400,000 people unlawfully living in New York City of whom have jobs that these businesses rely on leading Defenders of illegal immigration to claim Isis enforcement actions could crash the local economy as these immigrants are taking jobs Americans refuse to work at an extreme statement for sure as one
has to wonder if it's possible zero legal New York residents will work in airconditioned convenience stores or allegedly at places like Amazon especially when a 20122 study revealed 177% of workers under the age of 24 want jobs but can't find them and that brings us to the real reason why workplace raids are an important part of keeping the country both safe and prosperous allowing a massive number of people to illegally live in your city and get jobs there just empowers the criminals who connect them with these jobs in the first place we're talking gang members
and the businesses that Prey Upon these folks who even though they claim they're making the world a better place are doing no such thing when they underpay and exploit their workers now of course it's very hard to blame individual workers for taking jobs that are offered to them if they're here and need to feed themselves but the business is hiring these people instead of Americans are preying on their desperate situation taking advantage of people who have zero workplace protections like guaranteed minimum wage and labor safety laws plus as you're about to see when someone gets
an illegal job at a legitimate looking business they're often only able to do it with the help of criminals who've embedded themselves in sanctuary cities [Music] so here we've got a whole bunch of local businesses some are part of a larger corporate entity others are small independent shops they might only have one or two locations and according to the news some of these independent places have admitted to hiring people who are unlawfully in the country and some of these individuals have figured out how to get jobs at larger corporate chains that might have a more
thorough employment vetting process and now workers at pretty PR much every business are on edge thinking that at any moment ice agents could walk in the door looking for somebody who's dangerous Antonio and sarahi own their family home two businesses this restaurant and the deli at the corner and employ nearly 30 people some of whom are also undocumented we're entrepreneurs we're working hard we don't have any criminal records we're following the rules we're making the community so this woman and her husband they seem like nice hardworking people but they're wrong they're not playing by the
rules because it's illegal to hire people off the books that's a crime and legitimate businesses don't do that and not only does hiring people off the books Empower criminals they're not making their Community better because anyone illegally working at their air conditioned restaurant or convenience store has a job that a law-abiding resident of that Community can't have but before we get into how people might be able to illegally get jobs at a place like Amazon or Target it's important to understand how any business legally employing people hurts their community in ways many people don't even
realize because companies who do this they don't just take away legitimate jobs from legitimate legal residents of their Community they also deprive legitimate business owners of the opportunity to compete in a fair Marketplace think about that how do you open a legitimate restaurant or Cafe next to one that's not playing by the rules and has lower labor costs than you do your prices are automatically going to be higher than theirs because you pay more for labor than they do and in a tough economy whoever's got the the lowest prices they're the ones who are going
to win and everybody else is going to lose and if people are working at a place in an off thee books manner they're not benefiting either sure they might have a job but it exists in the shadows and these people don't benefit from any of the worker protections which exist to stop predatory businesses from harming their workers in the first place and living in a country where the laws that protect others don't apply to you is not the American dream instead it just means that you're being taken advantage of work side enforcement is coming back
no one hires alien out the goodness or heart they hard can they work them harder pay them less under the competition as US citizen employees but most importantly what do we find most victims of trafficking work they they have to pay the cartels off they force in the labor situations overw Comm them you know this is something that many people have never considered the fact that when ice raids a business they find trafficking victims that totally goes against the narrative that ice is going into these places and pulling out people who wish they were there
and are the happiest they've ever been especially when they're only going to businesses based on tips about ongoing criminal activity and the presence of dangerous individuals they're not going to places where the only thing possibly going wrong are that otherwise law-abiding people are working illegally and in New York especially the signs of trafficking are everywhere literally if you go to the bus terminal a location where many Asylum Seekers and recent immigrants first arrive you'll see signs warning people about this which wouldn't be there if it wasn't a problem and according to the borders are when
businesses do their hiring they could be bringing people into their company who are trafficking victims and they might not even know it yet that person's entire paycheck ends up getting turned over to the criminals who forced them to take that job in the first place and where might these criminals find their victims while this report says they're being located in the very shelters that New York City opened to keep people safe shelters which are infested with gang members because as a sanctuary City we don't do background checks and police are banned from patrolling these places
which just allows the criminals who are smuggling weapons inside to become the facto law and order standard doing whatever they want to whoever they want and nobody can stop them however these gangs they're not just getting people jobs at Little Mom and Pop restaurants or convenience stores they're also helping people get jobs at corporate entities that may have no idea they've just hired somebody illegally migrants being arrested repeatedly on the mag mile for retail theft and once they were interviewed they explained why they were then being able to either buy or trade for Social Security
numbers of cards or American permanent residency cards and this story we're getting over and over again this is what the migrants were bartering for fake ID so this story is from a fox affiliate in Chicago but this same thing is taking place right here in New York and fake IDs are being sold openly on our streets by gang members which should be expected in a place that allows massive numbers of people in the country unlawfully to stay here they're going to need a way to provide for themselves and that creates a Marketplace place for false
identification and where are people getting the money to buy their fake IDs well according to this news report they shoplift and steal and commit crime which is such a problem in New York that our state is home to a $4.4 billion shoplifting economy and when you walk through a store in the city you'll see most products behind plexiglass and although this is the obvious result of decriminalizing thefts that are nonviolent and under $1,000 in value this type of arrangement allows low-level Petty thieves to do this as a full fulltime job which is why you have
so many open a theft markets throughout the city where people are just reselling stolen goods on a sidewalk somewhere but even if a person steals just long enough to get a fake ID so they can work at Amazon or Uber or Target or any business that actually checks they're going to need a real ID and a valid social security number and the way these criminal gangs help people get an ID like that threatens every single person in our entire country [Music] so it's one thing for a person who's in the country illegally to get a
job at a place where the owners think that they're doing the world a favor but it's quite another for that person to get a job at a legitimate looking place like this Subway where they check but in a city with over 400,000 people who aren't supposed to be here needing employment that's going to have to happen if everybody wants to work and because of that you have a new victim meendering the equation when it comes to unlawful employment and that victim is anyone who has legal work authorization in this country this is what the migrants
were bartering for fake IDs in order to secure employment and then the vast majority of them are released nearly 500 fake IDs were uncovered social security cards driver's licenses and American permanent so you got to wonder where does a gang like this get hundreds of fake IDs they've got stacks of them and they're all for sale now of course the IDS could all be bogus but it's not going to be good for business if word gets around that they don't help people get jobs which means if somebody puts the information on that ID through some
sort of database that checks to see if people can actually get jobs there can't be any errors which means some of the ID is floating around out there got into the hands of criminals in an illegitimate manner now the way for criminals to get their first few IDs that they sell are to have themselves friends or family members recreate a legitimate ID and then sell those IDs to people who kind of look like whoever's on the p but that's not going to work forever and the fact that there's demand for these things should terrify everyone
who's ever been involved in some sort of data breach if your identity or personal documents have ever leaked a more sophisticated criminal could use that information to recreate your ID with someone else's picture on it then they could sell it an unlimited number of times to an unlimited number of people this article says a legit driver's license will go for $500 the New York Post found gang members and queens selling IDs from $80 to $250 $50 some of which were obviously bogus but what this reveals is that even somebody who is well-meaning for the most
part has to subject themselves to the criminal underworld if they want to get a legitimate looking job in this city or in any city in America for that matter even so there are people out there defending illegal labor practices as being good for the entire country even at my dry cleaner you know I went the other day and um there was nobody there and she said well I let my employees go down to the protest in newerk she said and then she asked me do you think this is good for the small business community and
I went well look at your shop this is one day what happens yeah when there when your employees just don't come in people so here's what's going to happen that business they're going to be forced to hire legally and they're going to be forced to play by the rules when businesses and everybody plays by the rules the country is better off the country is not better off if businesses break the law to get a leg up on their competitors while acting like they are engaging in some Noble Pursuit that that's not at all related to
money especially when giving those jobs just leads to numbers like this where 177% of people aged 16 to 24 can't get jobs in New York City and these are people who would be willing to work in an air conditioned business where they can bring their smartphone like a grocery store or a Boda these are not people who won't work because they refuse to do the jobs that exist and here's the thing these businesses like this dry cleaners mentioned by that news anchor of course they're not hiring people who they think are are victims of trafficking
and they might think they're playing by the rules because so many businesses here don't and the most maddening thing about all of this is yes New York is a sanctuary City but it's also very progressives and who do progressives say they're sticking up for the little guy they're out there on one hand advocating for the little guy to get higher wages and more protections but at the same time they're totally okay with businesses who don't do any of that in the name of open borders minimum wage in New York is 1650 an hour and ask
any Progressive they'll tell you that's too low and they'll tell you that greedy businesses should be paying more because workers are the most valuable input in any economy unless of course those workers are in the country illegally if that's the case there is nobody advocating for them to get higher wages or more protections there's just anger at the fact that ice is here and might arrest somebody who's a criminal and this puts progressives in sanctuary cities in a catch 22 here they are advocating for policies that disenfranchise workers who they say are already disenfranchised by
virtue of their immigration status and these unlawful workers they don't have the one thing legitimate workers have which protects them and that is the power to walk away from any business they feel isn't treating them fairly and work somewhere else that's not possible if the only job you can get is because the people working there are willing to break the law and this brings up a big question are the businesses who are hiring people illegally doing something good or are they just doing something that's good for their bottom line at the expense of the rest
of society and does that empower the very criminals and gang members ice may have to raid a business to find in the first place let me know what you think about that thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video