I Caught Wife Cheated On Me Red-Handed In My Bedroom. I Put Instant Revenge On Her AP. Audio Story

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita I Caught My Wife Cheated On Me Red-Handed In My Bedroom. I...
Video Transcript:
[Music] after leaving Miami my life took a strange unexpected turn I thought I had everything under control surviving tough times and building a successful business through sheer will and hard work my journey had been filled with pain and betrayal but when I met Ellen I believed I'd finally found something real a bit of stability amidst the chaos 6 years into our marriage I started noticing small cracks unspoken frustrations long silences I convinced myself it was normal but the growing distance between us felt wrong I couldn't shake the feeling something was off one day after calling
to Ellen from the bathroom I came out to find her in the kitchen with a stranger his hands all over her kissing her like I didn't exist what the hell is going on I shouted the man barely reacted smirking while Ellen calmly asked me to get him a beer shocked I played along I grabbed a Sam Adams opened it and instead of handing it over I poured it out onto the floor I confronted him directly making sure he knew he was no longer welcome in my home as he screamed in pain I dragged him out
of the house by his hair then returned for Ellen throwing her in her purse outside too I coldly told her to take her lover to the hospital before they left I whispered in the man's ear warning him not to call the cops or I'd finish the job I shoved him toward Ellen her face in shock for once speechless I walked back in inside and moments later I heard the car start and drive away my body shook not just from what my wife had done but from how I reacted I'm not usually violent but I used
to have a quick temper in brutal outbursts I had just turned 40 Ellen was 39 and we had been married nearly 6 years during that time I never told her about my past in Miami I didn't mention growing up as a street kid in little Cuba when I was 12 my father was eliminated in a bar fight a Cuban man got mad thinking my dad was hitting on his girl though she'd only asked for a cigarette my father held his own until the Cubans friend stabbed him from behind after that it was just me and
my mom my dad's end of life hit her hard we were already struggling and she started working at a strip club to make 's meet she made decent money until a customer attacked her the bouncer handled him but the guy waited for her after work and knock her to end of life in an alley she died alone and her body wasn't found until morning I was for Social Services found my Uncle Sean Hennessy who I didn't even know existed he owned a bar near where my dad was eliminated he took me in but we weren't
close I asked why my mom never mentioned him and he just said some things are better left dead I was always getting into fights mostly losing until Shawn finally took pity on me he said JC life's tough learn to survive with these he held up his fists you can lose a knife or run out of bullets but your fists are always there I'll teach you to fight the rest is up to you he taught me well the area soon became overrun with Cuban refugees many from Castro's prisons and I learned to survive with my fists
and temper I became known for my toughness in underground fight circles participating in intense physical competitions that required both skill and endurance by 19 I was a tough hardened fighter and spent most of my teen years in juvie a cop finally pulled me out of that life at 22 I got busted again for fighting and Deputy will Hartman sat me down in room just staring at me for a long time before finally speaking Jason Michael coie that's your full name I nodded my friends call me Jazz he chuckled you don't have any friends Jazz I
Shrugged Jazz I've got a proposition for you interested I stayed silent just looking at him look I've got you on attack with a deadly weapon your fists and Mayhem you bit that guy's ear off lucky we found it yeah yeah and don't even try the self-defense excuse you're an adult now no more juvie from here on out it's adult lockup so what's your point I asked he studied me before speaking again Marines I laughed Marines no way listen JC you're smart tough and you know how to survive the Marines could use that otherwise you know
where you'll end up and where's that dead everyone ends up dead so what I know about your parents your uncle you've had a rough life but it doesn't have to stay that way think about it while you're in lockup I did think about it after three attempts on my life in County Jail thanks to the Cubans I changed my mind the guy whose ear I bit off was one of them next thing I knew I was crawling through mud under Razer wire at Paris Island South Carolina explosions and bullets whizzed past and all I could
think was what have I done by the time I joined the Marines Vietnam was long over I didn't see major combat but I found plenty fights stationed in Germany some buddies and I went bar hopping in West Berlin which ended in a Big Brawl one of the locals a 6'5 300 lb guy and his crew didn't like us they made comments about Cuba and communism and it didn't take long for fists to fly by the time the MPS and German police showed up the big guy and his buddies were out cold back on base I
was charged with fighting causing a disturbance and more after a few days in the brg my co asked me would you be willing to fight in a ring [ __ ] hell yes sir I replied I spent the next few years becoming somewhat of a legend in the service winning most of my fights but everything changed after an intense fight in the Philippines where one of my opponents suffered a critical injury it was a turning point that made me reconsider my involvement in fighting seeing him lying there eyes open but lifeless deeply affected me after
that I never fought again despite my division's disappointment 2 months later I left the service back in the US I enrolled in college studying computers and Technology I already had some skills from the core but I wanted to learn more after 5 years I graduated with honors and a masters in computer science soon after I was hired by a successful tech company in San Jose California which would later become Silicon Valley I Advanced quickly but working for others wasn't enough with two co-workers who shared my vision we started our own company CB's Tech research Inc
the company grew rapidly especially with the rise of the internet our breakthroughs in Hardware made us a major player and we became incredibly wealthy in my early 30s I visited Miami to find the deputy sheriff who had changed my life but I was saddened to learn he had died in the line of duty I met his widow Angela and their children his daughter Lisa a nurse was in her late 20s and his two sons were still in school to help them I set up College trusts for the boys and provided financial support for their mother
all anonymously each Christmas I received a card from them with photos and updates that was 7 years ago now at 40 I'd been married for 6 years and was on the verge of losing my wife I poured myself a gin and tonic and headed to the backyard sitting on a bench by the koi pond the sound of water cascading over stones into the pond surrounded by flowers and lily pads was my escape a place to relax and think I reflected on what had gone wrong with Ellen in all our years together she never showed signs
of unhappiness maybe she found me too quiet or reserved D but she never complained I met Ellen at a tech expo in Anaheim California I was staying at the Marriott next to the convention center with Jack bledo my partner and co-founder of Pac Tech while Jack was arguing about government regulations I noticed a beautiful brunette at a booth filled with brochures excuse me Jack I said making my way over I picked up a brochure on fiber optics pretending to be interested when I heard a woman's voice can I interest you in the latest in fiberoptic
installation I looked up into her blue eyes and replied only if we can discuss it over dinner Ellen as her name tag read frowned no thanks if you're not serious please move along she walked away leaving a techy looking kid to approach me what can I help you with he asked I'm interested in your fiber optics what's your company's installation capability for my firm I lied hoping to speak with Ellen which firm CB's Tech research in San Jose the kid was stunned you're Jason coie yes can I speak with Ellen after a heated exchange behind
the curtain Ellen returned clearly frustrated sorry for my earlier rudeness Mr [ __ ] she said let me show you what we offer call me Jazz I said motioning to a table we sat down and while she talked about fiber optics I was more focused on her after a while Jack appeared thanks for ditching me Jazz he said turning to Ellen I'm Jack bledo sorry you had to meet my associate Jack completely oblivious blurted out out we already have fiber optics Ellen glared at me realizing I'd been pretending you're such an a-hole she said Angry
Jack quickly excused himself leaving me to face Ellen I'm sorry I said I just wanted to meet you let me make it up to you dinner tonight Ellen glared then smiled fine where how about the Cheesecake Factory at 7 see you then she said walking away later Jack called my room dinner tonight Jaz I already have plans I replied good luck with the woman from the B Jack laughed you're going to need it Jack might have been right at 6:30 I headed out wearing my best leave eyes a black T-shirt a tan corduroy jacket and
white reox I waited at the Cheesecake Factory for 25 minutes before Ellen showed up with five others including the geeky kid from the Expo that's when I realized why she accepted my dinner invite so easily Mr [ __ ] the kid David Balman greeted me let me introduce my team he introduced each one nice to meet you all I said glaring at Ellen call me Jazz we had a table ready and surprisingly the evening went well David had a great sense of humor and kept us laughing after dinner they thanked me and left Ellen stayed
behind thanks for being a great host she said smiling mischievously I'm sorry I knew you meant just me but I told everyone it was an open invite they were excited to meet you do you forgive me I laughed no I don't think I'll ever forgive you she looked surprised then realized I was joking we spent the rest of the night at downtown Disneyland ending with drinks at the House of Blues I called a cab to take her to her hotel so where are you staying I asked at a motel by the convention center she said
but I was hoping to see the Anaheim Marriott she kissed me softly and added that's for being a good sport I'd like to show you more in your room if you're interested there's no one else I'd rather be with I said helping her into the cab a year later we were married Jack and John Sterns were my best men and even David from the Expo was a groomsman I thought we were madly in love 6 years later I finished my fourth Jin and tonic looking up at the dark sky it was time to go inside
the phone had rung a dozen times and I didn't need to guess who was calling I wondered if she'd have the guts to come home I went to bed at 4 in the morning but lay awake for another hour before finally sleeping the morning didn't help my mood the empty side of the bed reminded me of yesterday's mess I stayed in bed dreading the day but knowing I had things to handle first stop was the bank I adjusted our accounts leaving some in the checking for Ellen but closed the savings and canceled her card she
had her own account and a good job as an executive at wat Ellen Sun insurance so she'd be fine without me her Lexus was in both our names but I didn't care I had my Jeep and Harley the house was the bigger issue with the economy tanking selling it would be tough I figured one of us would need to buy the other out at the office I called my attorney Matt Brun and told him everything he couldn't believe it Jazz there had to be a reason she did this I don't have a clue Matt everything
seemed fine until yesterday I need to find out who that guy is give me his license plate number and I'll check Matt replied I handed it over start the paperwork I don't know if I can even talk to her right now you need to talk to her Jazz find out why I don't know she acted like I wouldn't do anything like she was making me a fool Matt looked at me seriously does Ellen know about your past no I said staring out the window I never told her about my childhood or the violence I wanted
to leave it behind especially after liquidating that man Matt nodded okay I'll get started do you want her to have access to the house a restraining order she can access the house I'll be gone for a while no restraining order not yet where you going Matt asked raising an eyebrow I'm not sure maybe the San Juan Islands or northern Idaho I'll let you know I replied when do you want her served he inquired when everything's ready I said firmly got it and Jazz Matt gave me a serious look take care of yourself you look like
hell I laughed lightly then left his office and headed to CB's Tech in San Jose as I walked into the lobby Jamie a receptionist called out to me Jason someone's waiting for you in the conference room Jamie said with a smile who is it Jamie why couldn't Jack or John see them I asked it's not a him it's a her Jamie replied eyes twinkling she asked for you personally and she's very attractive I rolled my eyes cut it out Jamie what's her name Jamie glanced at her notes Lisa Hartman from Miami I froze stunned Lisa
Hartman here thanks Jamie I'll handle it I hesitated for a moment before entering the conference room feeling oddly nervous when I finally opened the door there she was Lisa even more beautiful than I remembered Mr coie she greeted me with a soft smile Lisa wow you've grown since I last saw you I said cringing at my awkward comment she laughed her voice light and cheerful yes it's been six or seven years I was in my 20s and now I'm in my 30s fully grown sorry Lisa I'm just surprised to see you how are Angela and
your brothers I asked trying to recover actually letun move to my office it's more comfortable she stood and I L her to my office as we passed my secretary Lota she gave me a knowing look it's beautiful in here Lisa remarked looking around the office thank Lota my secretary I said she handles the decor Lota that's an unusual name Native American Lisa asked curious yeah I think she's half Sue very protective too I noticed Lisa grinned she watched me like a hawk that's her can I get you a drink I offer offered iced tea if
you have it she replied green tea okay I asked perfect as we sat down Lisa got straight to the point Jaz you're probably wondering why I'm here I am how's your mother I asked concerned her expression grew serious Jazz she's dying she asked for you my God Lisa why didn't you call me I'd have come to Miami right away I said shocked I know but she insisted I come see you in person Lisa explained she wanted me out of the way it's pancreatic cancer the news Hit me hard I'm so sorry Lisa can I help
financial support she's covered at the hospital getting the best care your monthly checks have been a blessing by the way both boys graduated with honors Bobby from MIT Dean from Georgia Tech thanks to you I silently chastise myself for not visiting them over the years I'm really sorry I haven't come to see her or you and the boys don't go there Lisa said firmly mom said you'd feel guilty you've had a lot on your plate you started a business got married your hands have been more than full what you've done for us already is more
than anyone could ask for her voice softened mom would love for you to visit can you I'll have the company jet ready tomorrow I said right away do you have a place to stay tonight I haven't had time to find one she admitted perfect you can stay at my apartment nearby oh uh won't your wife mind I glanced away before answering Ellen and I are separated it's probably heading toward divorce I'm sorry to hear that jazz I hope I'm not adding to your stress not at all it's nice to have you here are you hungry
I could eat great I said I know a little place that has the best pizza and Italian food this side of the Rockies Lisa smiled can we stop by your apartment first I need to drop my bags and freshen up no problem you ready Lisa nodded and we left the office I told Lakota I'd be unavailable for the week but she could reach me on my cell what about Ellen Lota asked if she calls tell her to speak with BR he knows what to do I replied Lakota gave me a sympathetic smile I escorted Lisa
to the parking garage where my Ford F-150 Super Crew was parked we stopped at the lobby where security had stored her suitcase after tossing it in the truck bed I opened the passenger door for her and watched as she slid into the seat as I got in Lisa looked around and said I didn't expect you to drive a truck I thought you'd be in something more fancy I grinned and buckled up not really my thing but if that's what you want I can arrange it Lisa blushed oh God no I was just thinking out loud
the trucks fine me too I said starting the engine let's go the next day after an evening of reminiscing and a restless night Lisa and I were already flying over Phoenix Arizona heading to Miami on the company's Gulf Stream g350 Lisa sat in the co- pilot seat her eyes wide with Wonder mouth slightly open as she stared at the controls Jaz I didn't know you could fly there's a lot you don't know about me I replied with a smile checking the altitude and speed so what happened with you and Ellen if you don't mind me
asking not anymore I sigh somehow she thought I'd be okay with being her betrayed man just sitting by while she slept with other men my God Lisa why would she think that Lisa gasped that's insane why would she even that's the million dooll question I have no idea I know we've Grown Apart lately honestly I can't remember the last time we were physical engaged I guess I was so focused on work I didn't even notice and she never said a word I paused thinking back searching for any sign any warning but nothing came to mind
to me it felt like Ellen just suddenly decided I didn't matter anymore and she ended our marriage by cheating but why I glanced at Lisa as she looked out the window tell me about you and the family there's not much to tell she said turning back to me after we lost Dad Mom struggled to make ends meet we got Dad's pension but it wasn't much I decided to go to nursing school and the boys helped out with part-time jobs as long as it didn't interfere with their studies she fell silent for a moment before continuing
Jason you were a godsend I didn't even know about you aside from what mom told me how dad got you into the Marines when you showed up at the house mom was over overwhelmed she knew everything about your past and what Dad did for you he always kept her updated on your accomplishments in the Marines Lisa hesitated before adding he was so proud of you Jaz mom showed me all the clippings from your boxing matches and articles about CB's Tech research dad was planning to fly out to see you to ask if you'd come visit
the family he wanted to introduce you to mom me and the boys her voice wavered as she said but he was shot and eliminated the following week the memory of Deputy will Hartman's end of Life Hit me hard I stayed silent as the plane hummed the turbines the only sound in the cabin after a while I asked I noticed you're not wearing a wedding ring you're not married Lisa smiled wistfully no I never really had the time between nursing school working at the hospital helping Mom and the boys there wasn't room for anything else she
turned away gazing out the window again and there were other things I wondered what those other things might be but decided not to ask just yet a few hours later we were taxiing onto an empty ramp at Miami International soon we had our luggage loaded into a waiting limo and headed to her family's home Miami hadn't changed much maybe a few more high-rises blocking the beach but it was still the same hot and humid City I remembered Lisa's mom lived on the southern edge of town and we got to her house pretty quickly it was
a modest single story ranch with a white picket fence around the front yard I was surprised at how clean and well-kept everything was there were no signs of weather damage which is tough in Florida and the Landscaping was Immaculate even the roof looked like it was in perfect shape as if reading my mind Lisa said your monthly contributions were more than enough to cover everything I nodded Lisa went inside while I handled the luggage and paid the limo driver stay on call Alonzo I said when he mentioned he had other clients I reassured him he'd
be well compensated after that I went in side I expected the house to be dark and somber but it was the opposite it was Tastefully decorated with a warm welcoming Vibe bright sunlight streamed Through the Windows giving the place an Airy feel the air conditioning kept the temperature perfectly comfortable Jason Michael [ __ ] well it's about time came The Familiar voice of Angela Hartman hello Angela I said walking over to her she sat in a plush recliner with an afghan blanket draped over her legs I'm sorry it's been so long since I visited enough
of that she interrupted you're here now and that's all that matters come here I walked over and knelt beside her taking her frail hand in mine Angela smiled though I could see the pain in her eyes even through her illness she still radiated strength you've still got that amazing view I said glancing out the large picture window that faced the beach and mangroves Angela beamed yes William loved it here I worried I'd lose the house after he passed but well for for four reasons I didn't she winked at me playfully by the way I always
meant to ask did you pay off the mortgage 5 years ago I smiled guilty is charged I wanted to help but I asked the bank not to mention it Angela shook her head softly Jason I know you feel like you had to do all of this but you didn't you didn't even know us back then and Will was gone by that time but I do appreciate it you've always been part of this family for the first time in a long while I felt tears welling up I hadn't even cried when my wife pulled that stun
on me but here was this incredible woman a widow and mother telling me how much I meant to her and she was dying come here Jason Angela said reaching out I leaned in and she embraced me tightly I couldn't hold back the emotions anymore all I could think about was this wonderful woman dying yet comforting me I broke down in her arms as she gently ran her fingers through my hair after about 15 minutes Angela let me sit up and look at her feel better she asked with a gentle smile I nodded the weit of
the past few days Ellen Angela my past had finally caught up to me I hadn't realized how much I'd been holding inside Angela I'll find the best doctors for you the best hospitals too no Jason Angela said softly I've made peace with God there's nothing more to be done the cancer has spread too far and it's caused too much damage I'll be lucky to stay with my family another 3 weeks please don't worry I'm just glad I got to see you before I go looking at her I couldn't understand why good people had to suffer
so much it didn't seem fair she still looked as beautiful as the first time I visited and I realized how much Lisa resembled her the same fair skin emerald green eyes and rich dark Crimson hair Jason are you staying for a few days Angela asked I could see how tired she was whether from the cancer or something else Angela I'm not leaving I said firmly you're stuck with me tears welled up in her eyes and I could see how exhausted she was now get some rest I said gently Angela smiled and nodded leaning her head
back to look out the window in a few minutes she was asleep I stood gazing down at her the mother I always needed but never had is she sleeping came a soft voice behind me turning I saw Lisa standing in the doorway watching her mother breathed steadily yeah she's resting I replied thank you Jason [ __ ] thank you for being here she said stepping forward quietly she hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her as she trembled and softly sobbed against my chest my heart went out to this beautiful but grieving woman I'm
glad you called me I said she blushed and quickly turned away are you staying here she asked I think I am I answered then I'll show you to your room follow me she said leading me down the hallway she stopped at the last room on the left this was Bobby's room he's living living in New York now Bobby got a job at the Delan bow Research Foundation he's working as an assistant to Dr James wishman on some quantum physics project don't ask me to explain it I'm just a humble surgical nurse Lisa added with a
smile though I could see she was proud of Bobby's success both Bobby and Dean have a lot of respect for you Jaz they were sorry they couldn't be here to greet you but they'll be here in a few days Bobby told me to make sure you feel at home the room was impressively tidy with walls decorated in paintings and sketches of stars and galaxies a shelf along the far wall displayed models of rockets and spacecraft stages from different eras starting with the German V2 rocket the lineup included the Redstone Rocket with the Mercury capsule the
Titan rocket with the Gemini capsule the massive Saturn rocket with the Apollo 3an craft and even the ill- fated Challenger Space Shuttle at least now I had an idea of what Bobby was working on in New York I glanced at Lisa as she Stood Beside Me watching my reaction this is perfect thank you Lisa her expression suddenly became serious Jaz how long are you planning to stay she asked with concern I took her hand and whispered as long as it takes before I knew it she wrapped her arms around me crying again I stood there
unsure of what to do until she pulled back and looked up at me before I could react she stood on her toes and kissed me on the lips then quickly jumped back shocked oh my God I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that she exclaimed spinning around and running out of the room leaving me standing there stunned I shook my head trying to collect my thoughts don't even go there I told myself Lisa was an incredible woman so much like her mother she was beautiful smart charming and had a wonderful scent it would be so
easy to fall for her but she was Angela's daughter and I was still married for now at least I called Matthew Brun and told him I had arrived in Miami and where I was staying Matt sounded believed Jazz Ellen is losing it she's been maltreating the office every day and both Jack and John those two partners of yours have made it clear she's not allowed on company property the last time she came looking for you she caused such a scene that security had to physically remove her Matthew I'll deal with her when I get back
after she's been served okay how long are you staying in Miami a dear friend of mine is dying I'll be here as long as need it got it just keep in touch I will let Jack and John know what's going on we'll do take care after he hung up I tossed the phone on the nightstand the image of Ellen standing in the kitchen smugly looking at me with her lover by her side flashed in my mind screw her I muttered I unpacked changed into something comfortable and lay on the bed it had been a long
day and I realized how exhausted I was I checked my watch 6:00 I'll just rest for a bit then help Lisa around the house maybe get some dinner for everyone I thought yeah just a quick nap a voice woke me Jason do you want something to eat I mumbled yeah sure Lisa giggled and said uh what would you like for breakfast my eyes shot open Lisa stood in the doorway wearing pale green pajamas in a darker green robe breakfast what time is it I asked groggy it's 8:30 in the morning silly time to get up
I've got scrambled eggs bacon and sourdough toast ready if you're hungry as I sat up I realized I was only wearing white boxer shorts and a white T-shirt Lisa noticed my glance and blushed a deep red uh I went through your things and found a t-shirt for you she stammered I figured you could keep the shorts you were so out of it and looked uncomfortable so I helped you out of your clothes don't worry I've done this a lot with patience it's no big deal wow I must have been really tired I muttered the last
thing I remember was planning to help you with dinner Lisa smiled and reminded me breakfast is getting cold she pointed to the closet there's a robe in Bobby's closet it should fit you with that she disappeared down the hall when I walked into the kitchen Lisa was busy preparing food and setting the table how's Angela I asked Lisa sighed she's sleeping she's been doing that a lot lately I nodded and was about to step into the kitchen when Lisa stopped me sit down she ordered grinning I sat pretending to be scolded she laughed and soon
placed a plate full of scrambled eggs bacon and two slices of toast in front of me where's yours I asked don't worry you won't eat alone she sat beside me devouring her food like she hadn't eaten in days my God you can eat I exclaimed she blushed her mouth full of eggs and mumbled an apology as she hurried to swallow sorry I guess I was just really hungry she explained I glanced at Lisa's slim figure wondering where she managed to put all that food just then a voice shouted hey sis where's the food the kitchen
door swung open and a red-headed young man stood there gawking at the table Dean keep your voice down mom's sleeping and where were you last night you knew I was home with Mr [ __ ] Lisa snapped geez sorry Liz I had a very important engagement if you know what I mean he said winking at me as he grabbed a plate from the counter once he loaded his plate he dropped into the chair across from me sticking out his hand it's great to have you here Mr [ __ ] he said just call me Jazz
I said shaking his hand Jaz he mumbled through a mouthful of food then glancing at Lisa he asked how's Mom she's been better but seeing Jaz really cheered her up Lisa replied so what or who was your important engagement Lisa asked her tone full of Suspicion her name's Cindy A Real Fine Thing from the pink poodle she invited me over to check out her sketches she's got a great eye for lines and curves Dean said with a grin chewing his food Dean you're such a pig Lisa growled rolling her eyes yeah isn't it great he
laughed Dean I hear you graduated from Georgia Tech with honors and a doctorate what are you up to now I asked trying to steer the conversation in a different direction shaking his head Dean replied not much at the moment I wanted to take some time off to be with Mom after that we'll see if you're interested I might have something for someone with your skills in California I offered hm California he mused I'll think about that but maybe later how long are you staying for as long as it takes I said he looked at me
and nodded sadness flickering in his eyes thanks for that jazz it means a lot to her she's always thought of you as the son she didn't get to keep so that makes you my bro and unfortunately Lisa's your sister he teased yelping as Lisa smacked him on the back of the head with a spatula after breakfast Lisa and Dean cleared the table while I wandered into the living room Angela was still asleep in her cliner the Afghan pulled up over her shoulders I sat on the couch watching her overwhelmed with thoughts of Lisa and her
brothers losing both their father and soon their mother this isn't fair I thought bitterly why couldn't I do more for this family for this amazing woman I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder Lisa's voice whispered come with me she took my hand guiding me outside onto The Veranda she led me further out to a small hill sheltered by overhanging palm fronds she pressed me against a sturdy tree trunk and kissed me her lips firm on mine then she pulled back and softly wiped the tears from my eyes
I've wanted to do that ever since I saw you walk into that conference room Lisa confessed I'm sorry Jaz but your wife is a fool I'm sorry if I overstepped I didn't let her finish I pulled her close and kissed her back Lisa melted in my arms her lips meeting mine with the same intensity I had been holding back everything about her her lips her hair her eyes seemed to capture my soul I didn't want to let go but eventually I pulled away gazing into her eyes Lisa maybe this isn't the right time we're both
dealing with difficult situations your mother my wife I don't want to hurt you I whispered my voice thick with emotion but I think I'm falling in love with you her eyes welled with Tears Jason I fell for you 7 years ago when you first visited my mother I never got you out of my mind it broke my heart when I heard you were married but I never forgot you that's why I came to see you to tell you about Mom I had to see you again I knew you were married please forgive me she said
her voice trembling my God Lisa there's nothing to forgive I just wish I had known you before I met Ellen I said but I need to understand what happened with Ellen I need to know what went wrong what made her turn to someone else I need to know why I understand she whisper whispered but just remember whatever you decide I'll be here I always will I nodded and she kissed me again this time just a soft kiss on the lips I held her close Burying my face in her hair inhaling the scent of lilacs God
what was wrong with me here I was holding an extraordinary woman but I felt the need to remain loyal to Ellen until I figured out what went wrong in our marriage even though it might be over I still loved her but what Ellen had done what she'd tried to do had shattered my trust and love I needed answers we walked back into the house to find Angela awake and smiling at us my Lord you two look like you belong together she said softly I'm sorry Jason I know you're married I shouldn't have said that Lisa
and I both laughed and I reassured Angela it's okay you and Lisa will always have a place in my heart over the next two weeks Lisa and I were careful around each other Dean picked up on the tension between us often giving Lisa knowing smiles one day while standing in the hallway I overheard them talking in the kitchen I'd be proud to have Jason as my brother-in-law Dean said so would I Bobby chimed in having arrived home a week earlier listen guys Lisa said firmly heun's married I'm not going to be the other woman understand
I couldn't hear their response but I heard footsteps approaching so I pretended I was just coming down the hallway hey Jason Dean called out feel your ears burning we were just talking about you too bad you're already taken bro Lisa's drooling over Dean Lisa screamed rounding the corner and swinging a spatula like a cop wielding a baton her brother bolted out the door and down the beach with Lisa chasing after him Bobby and I doubled over with laughter and from the living room I heard Angela chuckling she'd clearly overheard the exchange our laughter stopped suddenly
when Angela started coughing violently I rushed into the room and found her hunched over in the recliner Bobby call emergency I yelled kneeling beside her and holding her in my arms at the hospital the doctor took us into a small conference room Lisa I'm afraid your mother won't last much longer I'm sorry but she likely won't make it through the night Dr Lou said gently what would you like to do Lisa her voice steady but full of Sorrow replied we want her home I know she'd want to spend her last hours there I understand Dr
Lou said softly I'll make the necessary arrangements that afternoon Angela was back home resting in her recliner her head turned toward the setting son she could no longer respond but I knew she understood she wasn't alone Lisa Bobby and Dean stood by her with Lisa holding her hand suddenly Angela pulled on Lisa's arm motioning her closer I couldn't hear the whispered words but Lisa straightened up and looked at me Jason she's asking for you Lisa said her eyes filled with emotion I knelt beside Angela though her eyes were barely open they were strikingly clear with
great effort she raised her hand and beckoned me closer leaning in I heard her r aspy voice whisper Jason you've always held a special place in our hearts take care of her I know you love her and she loves you I'll always be there for you always her hand slipped from mine and rested by her side I looked into her eyes seeing a single tear fall before she closed them gently touching her cheek I whispered and I will always love you Angela always as I stood I felt Lisa wrap her arms around my shoulders I
turned into her embrace resting my head on her shoulder as Deep sobs shook my body I should have been here more taken better care of all of you of her I shouldn't have stayed away for so long I cried and Lisa held me close you were always here in spirit if it weren't for you life would have been so much harder for us don't ever doubt that Lisa whispered comforting me Bobby and Dean moved closer to their mother while Lisa continued to hold me after some time I regained control of my emotions I turned to
Bobby gently pull the Afghan Angela loved over her face Dean stood next to him his arm around Bobby's shoulder Lisa quietly left to call the coroner's office in the mortuary standing there the former Street kid ex-marine ex-boxer and now successful businessman I realized I was helpless Angela's children had everything under control silently I promised Angela I would look after them that they would be okay I stumbled out onto The Veranda watching the sun set on the horizon Horizon I felt Lisa's presence next to me her hand resting on my arm as the last bit of
sunlight disappeared then something caught my eye Lisa gasped just as the sun vanished a brilliant flash of green lit up the Horizon I had heard about the Legendary Green Flash but never believed in it mom was right Lisa whispered in awe holding on to me I love you I stayed in Miami for another week before calling Matthew Brun to let him know I'd be back the following day Jazz think are crazy here your wife is going nuts over your absence she's convinced you're with a lover apparently someone at the company told her you left in
the corporate jet with a young woman Matt explained that's fine I said resigned she can investigate all she wants she won't find anything has she been served yet yes Ellen was served at work from what I hear she broke down they had to take her into a back office I guess she wasn't expecting that from you have your Pi found anything I asked yes they have apparently Ellen's been having an affair with a high-ranking executive let's see James A Reed a VP at Dalton Communications the Mercedes in your driveway belongs to his wife Marilyn Reed
it seems Ellen and James have been seeing each other for months maybe longer she's been telling people you two have an open marriage does that sound right come on Matt what do you think yeah I didn't think so he replied then added get this she's counter suing for infidelity what I nearly shouted where did she get that idea well she named two women in the counter suit Angela Hartman and Karen Riley remember them I warned you to tell Ellen about them Matt said his tone serious damn I thought she knew how did she find out
I muttered that might explain why she's lost it Matt mused time to set things straight okay you were right but that doesn't excuse what she's done she should have come to me first I could have explained it all look you've got the paperwork showing everything about Angela and Karen and Angela just passed away I'm sorry Jason I know how much she meant to you how are you holding up Matt's tone softened I'm doing better but I want to keep the monthly checks going set up a trust for her kids Lisa Bobby and Dean I promised
they'd be taken care of they don't need it now but their kids might someday I explained I understand jez I'll take care of it what about the counter suit I've got nothing to hide send her lawyer the full records on the supposed Affairs that should shut them up we'll do by the way was James Reed listed in the divorce Matt asked almost as an afterthought no given the incident at my house we thought it best to leave that alone yeah maybe you're right you did get some justice didn't you I recalled the scene vividly you
could say that Matt chuckled heun's still recovering Lisa saw me off at the airport the next day before I boarded she hugged me tightly and whispered no matter what you decide Jason I'll always be here for you don't forget that I won't I promised and I want you to know no matter what happens you've already captured my heart and soul but I have an obligation to Ellen somehow she's come to believe I've been having an affair with your mother Lisa gasped oh no yes and I need to set her straight not that I think it'll
change anything she's already shattered my heart and Trust Beyond repair I said my voice heavy with resignation I understand Lisa whispered softly please take care of yourself I nodded and kissed her deeply before heading toward the boarding gate I turned for one last look before she disappeared from sight Ellen sat across from me her attorney beside her and Matthew next to me once her legal team received the notorized documents regarding Angela and Karen her counter suit fell apart even the rumor of me leaving with an attractive woman collapsed when they learned I had simp L
flown to be with my unofficially adopted mother in her final days accompanied by her daughter Lisa the legal battle dragged on for nearly 2 months before we finally met face to face at this final meeting Ellen had insisted on talking to me before finalizing the divorce Jason I'm so so sorry Ellen said her voice shaking I truly believed you were having a longtime affair with those two women someone came to me with evidence that you were providing financial support to them what was I supposed to think you were supposed to love and trust me enough
to ask me about it I replied my voice hard that's what you were supposed to do not jump into another man's arms and flaunted in front of me did you really think I just accept being turned into a betrayed man and by the way how's Reed or should I say Johnson lless Ellen winced he's still undergoing surgeries he was lucky they didn't have to amputate but he did lose a testicle and they removed several glass fragments from around his lap he wanted to press charges against you for attack but I convinced him everything would come
out and his wife would find out she's the one with all the money in power she owns the company Ellen said quietly looking away I haven't seen him since that day she added softly let me guess you thought having Reed over that day to flaun him in my face would make me realize what I drove you to do I asked shaking my head in disbelief Ellen stared at me as if seeing me for the first time I didn't expect your reaction she admitted I laughed bitterly did I ruin your plans L sorry about that I
know how important he was to you Matthew and his piis kept me informed it wasn't much of a secret at your company everyone except Reed's wife knew what was going on Matthew grunted and looked out the window as I continued look L you chose to believe your so-called Source instead of coming to me and I know it was Reed he was trying to dig up dirt on me to win you over he just didn't look hard enough and neither did you you jumped right into his arms didn't you Ellen's lawyer cleared his throat Mr [
__ ] you have no right to speak to my client in that screw you I interrupted I have every right Ellen gasped Jason please stop I slammed my hand on the table and leaned forward you never gave me a chance L you wanted this to happen I think you needed it to happen you fell for him and didn't want to risk that he might have been wrong about me I stood and walked to the window staring out at the courtyard after a moment I turned back my voice softer but full of pain tell me the
truth L what did I do to push you away it couldn't have been just what Reed said was I a bad husband did I not give you enough attention was I not enough in bed what was it I demanded my gaze piercing hers tears streamed down Ellen's face as she stammered I I don't know Jason don't call me that I said coldly only those I love and care about call me jazz you lost that right the moment you let another man touch you Ellen's eyes widened her mouth opened in shock I I I her words
faltered and she abruptly stood and fled the room tears streaming down her face her attorney glared at me and followed her out Matthew sighed and began packing the documents well I guess that's the end of this meeting I'll handle the paperwork and filing anything else Jaz my chest still tight from the confrontation I shook my head no I'm going to the condo call me if you need anything Matt nodded as I left the office unsure where that emotional Outburst had come from I thought I had moved past all of it but maybe Ellen's betrayal still
hurt more than I realized back at my condo I grabbed a beer and sat on the patio watching planes take off and land at the nearby airport my thoughts drifted between Ellen Angela and Lisa while I still had some feelings for Ellen she had destroyed most of the love I once had for her nothing could justify her actions I pictured Lisa on the beach watching the sunset she was like a sister to me Angela's daughter and just a few years younger but I wondered how her father Deputy Hartman would feel would he approve of me
being with her I doubted it he' only known me as a troubled Street kid maybe I wasn't meant to be happy I muttered Angela's voice suddenly echoed in my mind Jason don't you dare think like that you promised me you'd be there for Lisa Her Image vanished as I reached for her I jolted awake still on the patio realizing what I had to do meanwhile Lisa sat under a mangrove Tree by the ocean waiting for Jason to reach out she wondered if he had decided to fix things with Ellen the thought making her heart ache
how could he go back to a woman who betrayed him so deeply tears welled up in her eyes when she heard a soft voice say here use this Jason knelt beside her gently wiping her tears away she looked into his eyes the only man she had ever loved I'm sorry it took so long Jason said Softly You're Here that's all that matters Lisa whispered her voice shaky he kissed her gently and I'll always be with you he promised they turned to watch the sunset together as a brilliant flash of green lit the Horizon Nature's Way
of blessing their love Lisa looked up imagining her parents smiling down on them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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