Understand Why So Many Christians Could Be Left Behind At The Moment of the Rapture

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Lion of Judah
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some of you may look like Christians on the surface but it's not always clear to others whether you truly are this is something we witness in life all too often there are people who outwardly seem to conform to the practices of Christianity they attend church they speak the right words they engage in religious activities and they may even hold positions of leadership within the church yet when it comes to the true condition of their hearts we can never truly know for certain this uncertainty arises because being a Christian is not merely about outward appearances or
religious practices it is about an inward transformation in 1 Samuel 16:7 we are reminded of this truth when the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him the Lord does not look at the things people look at people look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart this shows us that while we may be able to judge someone's outward Behavior we cannot see what is happening in their hearts only God can do that the one who comes for his people at the Rapture is
the Lord Jesus Christ not an angel not a saint not an apostle not even Michael the Archangel or Gabriel the messenger only the Lord Jesus Christ himself he is the one who knows who belongs to him and who does not brothers and sisters you might be able to fool me you might be able to convince me that you are the most Sanctified upright believer you could deceive me with appearances and words but I am not the one who will collect the church at the Rapture that responsibility belongs to Jesus Christ the one who sees what
is done in secret the one who knows what happens in darkness he sees into the very essence of your heart while I can only take your word the Lord Jesus looks directly into your heart what Jesus cares about is your heart not the religious catchphrases you say or the rituals you perform it's not about repeating religious words or following traditions for the sake of appearances what matters is the state of your heart before God even as I preach this message there are people who profess to be Christians but are harboring anger against God maybe they
won't admit it maybe they'll never speak the words aloud but deep in their hearts they are angry with him yes on Sundays they might say praise the Lord hallelujah and amen but in the depths of their heart they are far from him I want to challenge you today brothers and sisters stop living behind a false facade be honest with yourself and with God are you truly a Believer do you love the Lord Jesus with all your heart because when the rapture comes there will be no pretending there will be two groups those who are taken
and those who are left behind those who are living sincere upfront lives for the Lord and those who are living double lives claiming to follow Jesus but not living it in their hearts the Bible is clear on this some people may be asleep but they are still alive some may have fainted but they are still alive others might be in a coma barely hanging on but they are still alive no matter how weak or fragile they are still alive but you are either alive or dead there is no in between just like there is no
one who is half alive and half dead there is no such thing as someone being half a Christian you either believe in Jesus Christ or you don't you are either born again or you are not it's either you have faith or you don't yes your faith might be small it might be flickering but if it is a saving faith it is enough when Jesus Christ returns for his church at the Rapture you will either be taken by him because you belong to him or you will be left behind scripture is crystal clear on this there
is no one who is half saved and half lost there is no one who can belong to both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan the entire human race falls into one of two categories you are either in the light or in the darkness either saved or lost this is an undeniable truth and it calls for serious reflection if you have been living in ambiguity hiding behind a facade of religiosity now is the time to be honest God sees your heart and he desires truth in the inward Parts let go of Pride confess
your sins and truly surrender your life to him don't wait for the Rapture to reveal where you stand live your life in a way that makes it abundantly clear that you belong to Jesus for a few minutes I want to consider two groups of people and the terror and the regrets that they will feel after the Rapture when they realize they have been left behind group number one the Christians by name only there are those who profess Christ but they haven't truly believed in his name they attend church but they were never truly born again
they have a head full of knowledge but a Heart full of Hell imagine how they will feel to know that the Rapture has taken place but they were not caught up and the Book of Revelation and all of its events are about to happen the second group of people that I want you to think about is the people who don't believe in God and the people of other religions when they see that their family members and friends who had been true followers of Jesus Christ were right and are now gone I am sure there will
be a church service like no other after the catching up of the Saints happens I am sure even those in the world who thought that us Christians who used to talk and speak about the Rapture and thought we were crazy will realize that they were wrong I ask you my brother my sister how many do you think will be saved when the Rapture happens come on now how many and in the aftermath of the Rapture as the dust of Silence settles over the earth a chilling realization will grip those Left Behind The Rapture wasn't a
tale told by feverish preachers it was real and now the repercussions of missing the Rapture are about to take place imagine the cold grip of Terror that takes hold as hearts beat loudly in Eerie quiet realizing that they were left behind they were not called not taken up with the rest every sermon every biblical truth that they once brushed off now stands as an immutable Testament echoing their lost opportunity for every person there will be the faithful moment when they understand with heartwrenching clarity that they were left behind I am not preaching this sermon to
instill fear into your life I do not know you just as you do not know me I am preaching this sermon to encourage you to be prepared for the Rapture I want you and me to work out our salvation with fear and trembling God Wants You in Heaven yes he he does take your salvation seriously take your eternity seriously work out your salvation with fear and trembling don't work for it no work it out this means take your salvation seriously give your salvation the respect it needs treat it with reverence and awe it deserves Christ
died for your salvation you understand that the great Creator laid down his life in order for you to have eternal life God Wants You in Heaven however there will be people left behind during the Rapture and can you imagine the regret they will experience the Christians by name only will walk through church Halls the Christians who had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof will walk through church Halls pass the empty seats of True Believers past the abandoned Bibles and the depth of their foolishness would descend upon them they knew the words sung
the hymns but their hearts were far now the religious coverup crumbles to reveal the harrowing truth they were never truly his they were fake F Christians we live in a generation of fake Christians half of the churches in our nation are fake we live in a Age full of people who are self- deceived into believing they are Christians when they are not half the churches in our generation are superficial they are all surface level they no longer preach on core issues of the Gospel like sin my problem and your problem is sin how can a
three-letter word cause so much trouble and destruction yet there are churches in our nation that you can spend the whole year attending and not once will you hear a message on sin churches no longer preach on death churches no longer preach on the horrors of Hell churches no longer preach preach on Heaven churches no longer preach on the blood of Jesus Christ churches no longer preach on the new birth but the Lord Jesus Christ said to Nicodemus you must be born again the new birth is essential why don't churches preach about it anymore all you
hear in churches is about how to be better or or how God wants to bless you or how to build up your self-esteem fake Christianity fake Christianity fake Christians will be left behind on the Rapture refuse to be a fake Christian be sold out to Christ true Christianity is uncompromising on the word of God true Christianity is dogmatic on the word of God true Christianity is r on the word of God fake Christians will be left behind on the Rapture then there are the non-believers and those of other faiths their disbelief turning into despair as
the evidence becomes undeniable the streets homes and places of work will be filled with an echoing silence a testimony to those true followers of Christ who once walked amongst them disbelief mockery and skepticism will be replaced by a visceral fear a fear of the looming tribulations the catastrophic events foretold in the Book of Revelation the world had laughed and scoffed at the Believers just as they did with Noah and just as the flood waters began to rise sealing the fate of those outside the ark the the realization of impending judgment will Dawn on the ones
left behind as Noah and his family were but a handful in the world of millions so too only a few are taken at the Rapture the rest are left to reckon with their choices Don't Fear The Rapture look forward to it how can you not look forward to it how can you not look forward to heaven allow me to be honest for a second this world is a mess it is a complete mess Joy never lasts in this world and this world has a strange way of shocking you this world is broken I remember listening
to an oldtime preacher preaching on the subject of just how broken this world is he said this world is full of shocks and sudden death you get a sense when you've lived long enough where you think something is going to happen but too long for something not to happen time for another tragedy time for another sorrow something sudden happens another one step into eternity suddenly something happens after a while you get used to it but you never really get used to it that's just the way the world is it has all kinds of shocks and
surprises and you never get used to them and isn't that true this world is broken and nothing lasts forever even the most wonderful most glorious marriages on this Earth still end in death even the most wonderful marriage still ends with one of the two being heartbroken when the other dies but when the Lord Jesus comes to claim his church there will be no more death imagine that living a life where there is no death look forward to the Rapture because after the Rapture there is no more death oh I've seen family weep I have seen
families weep bitter tears pastors see that pastors see what others don't usually get to see time and time again I have seen families feel real grief real pain real sorrow when they lose the person who is near and dear to them but I want to encourage you to look forward to the Rapture look forward to the coming of the Lord sometimes I think to myself but if he comes now that is our hope that is our blessed hope
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