door which one's our room oh tiles dump your stuff sunscreen up and let's hit the beach finger what is it bunk BS bunk BS can I have if you like thanks oh look a present what I think it's soap have you got one I'll see yes BL we've got carins card hangers are they all ours yeah wow here wait I'll stand on this what is that I don't know let's pretend it's an oven okay and we can be mermaids mermaid waiter may I have a pie please oh yes I'll just cook [Music] it it will
be ready soon mermaid thank you ready girls sting ready what is that oh no we got to go but what about the tablet get him what why grads come on okay [Music] okay that was too close what are gr nads the're Nanas and grandads in big slow Caravans if we get stuck behind them we'll be the last to the campsite and we'll have to Camp next to the toilet block E I love like the gray Nomads their horns are funny but what about the tablets look mom forgot to pack them kid a don't worry I
know plenty of non-computer games we can play hope you got 4 hours worth games like what games like I spy yeah me first okay but please Spy a hard one Bingo it's boring when it's too easy okay I spiry my little eye something color blue me yes man these backpacks are so heavy well let's find a place to stay then Mom you need to look in the guide book for a hotel I need to look in the guide book for a hotel right where's that guide book it's in somewhere ah what is that I bought
it from someone on the train she said it would bring good luck ah you ding-dong ah here it is don't let go right down the him got it I'll find us a nice hotel in the guide book you're very hungry I'm very hungry hey look some guy's selling croissants I'll be right back please don't eat too many bour mate B I'll take one croissant please no no you want all the croissants a I'll take all of your croissants please how much 600 okay one sec here you go no more supplies and I've got no idea
if we're heading in the right direction and the deck could use a good scrub oh here it is this is the shortcut what does this B say it says the road is only for cars that are four-wheel drives is our car four-wheel drive no it's an all-wheel drives oh how many wheels have we got four Lulu hold on to your strawberries we're coming 102 or CW gone no sign of land supplies of run out we're not going to make it you right jack yes calypso [Music] yeah a not again McKenzie what are you doing here
we know you're about to go into the black hole we've come to stop you but I want to go in I have to do why cuz I'm the chief scientist it's my job to figure everything out well we're coming with you what it's too dangerous all going alone well what do we do you go to Mars without me are you sure I'm sure okay you're just going to let him go it's what he wants to play [Music] mom mom the only thing that could break the curse was if someone said your name do you want
me to say your name okay bands huh can't you just say your own name NOP you're not allowed to speak what happens if you do speak oh well look I shouldn't tell you but I it what that's terrible I told you the 80s was a wild place anyway being cursed was not a lot of fun when you're on holiday kids do you want your fish battered or crumbed battered battered what about you come on speak up he wants crumbed okay he loves crumbed don't you ban dishwasher ugh I hate it crumbed who ate all the
mini cereals he did right you get over here Jee Nana was a bit mean yeah it was the 80s moms were allowed to be mean and dads weren't much help either let's see who can shout the loudest okay bingo are your legs still tired oh yes a bu I wanted to give some of those pine cones to your mom oh I'll get them hey Bango give me a hand two seconds thanks mate she loves pinecats [Music] a can I have a piggy back now not yet a but my life does not want to walk anymore
fin chicken yeah chicken you take hey Bingo let's sneak up on Mom and Dad okay such a peaceful walk yeah so [Music] peaceful you got him you [Music] little come on get in Bobo we'll check a flight first what Bobo it's the name of our car there's no room for me oh no Boo's fo you have to stay here oh what this is the worst day of all my life Louie you'll have to sit in the front seat what the front seat really is that allow Queensland Road Rules say that if all the seats are
taken a child older than four can sit in the front seat yep it's allowed come on get in this is the best day of all my life well what someone's having [Music] fun no frisky's not here chil sorry no worries cookie if she turns Up Ring me straight away we'll do good luck Risky's not at her flat whereever she be I don't know what's it like in the front seat L it's great I've got a draw ooh what's in it ooh it's a book about Bobo wow this dragon's hard to find let's ask the wise
old talking tree oh yeah she can tell us where the dragon is so they walk to where the wise old talking tree was we're here where's the Magic Tree Mom oh my hands saw from drawing all these leaves could you draw it blue um no I don't want to I'll draw it he yeah how's it going bingo why don't you draw it okay wait no r r eat food talking tree we just want to know where the dragon is he's in the [Music] toilet hey I know what Trees Hate say hello to my little friend
bye why don't we care here for the night where's your hat recruit Russell I forgot it Sergeant you can use my spare but from now on keep track of your equipment yes sergeant Rusty took me into the bush to learn all the army stuff the first thing I had to learn was heaps of hand signals stop this won't means stop this means get down this is move over there I'll get it now Rusty and I can talk to each other without talking an important part of the army stuff is doing push-ups good push-ups recruit Russell
also everything had a name okay that Hill is called Hill four that one is called Hill six that blue gun is called tango7 you got that a s I'm not good at remembering numbers of words well you better get good if you want to be in the army recruit Russell you need to know these things if we call for a dust off a dust off okay how about this if I'm talking to a grown-up and you want me you just come up and put your hand on my arm so now I know that you want
to talk to me then I'll do this to show you that I know you're there and that you want to talk to me what do you think yeah all right high five ah got something in my eye let's go so then after I B bar I'm going to go upside down and be a fruit bat oh Jasmine is it really your birthday today I'll have to get you something nice morning Bandit you're up early got to be done how's the little fella yeah he's good he's just learning to roll over oh wow good boy yeah
we're all stoked hey blue hi he keeps me up all night band it I would nice shelter Bingo thanks I'm going to get some peppies pipp doing wee wees Lou oh man I must have fallen off my ship what is it Bingo it's a grownup let's eat it get off don't worry we're friendly I'm not BL stop biting him grownups don't belong on rug Island oh please I just want to get back to my ship well you can stay with us until your ship comes back or until I get really hungry I got to say
this place looks pretty chill what's for breakfast listen grownup if you want to stay on rck island you have to work a man ripped off this is how we pick our own food fruit yeah too easy fruit that's a snake get off [Music] me and the green ones are slippery i swalled m what can happen that'll do you good oh the creek is beautiful it's so lovely I'm not scared of it at all woo hey I think I'm getting the hang of the creek good one nice job Kenzie ready Bingo yep your turn blue it's
pretty wide okay on the count of three 3 2 1 go it's too far come on Blue it's just like jumping from one sheep to another we don't jump on sheep McKenzie really you'll be right kiddo just be brave the creek is beautiful y I did it yeah you made it squirt yeah I did remember blue calm and controlled calm and controlled got it oh dear stop stop Jo no look at this mess this isn't going well kids I say we just turn around and go home no I can do this Sean that is not
acceptable behavior do you understand he listened good boy Sean that's more like it hey Bandit how you [Music] going go Li go limp oh no he's ching The Big Chicken I can't hold it any longer W wo off they went on a big adventure hang on buddies hang on buddies they went this way and that way are they going to make it I don't know yay they made it hooray and they live happily ever under just be patient children your buddies haven't forgotten you okay [Music] cypo maybe there's some back here yeah it usually is
oh liily pillies let's pick some for our buddies okay what's your favorite fruit uh L chees what's yours I like mangoes are you going to go back to your fairy garden um no it's not as much fun without my buddy yeah same do you want to play Bary boats with me o okay hi Dad hi Chloe what are you reading oh I'm reading facts about octopi oh how come well I thought maybe it will help me play your Octopus Game better oh turns out octopi are actually quite smart really and you were right they do
collect treasure see they collect objects to make their houses strong ooh wow so I'm sorry I said you were wrong well I'm sorry I said Blue's dad is more fun than you that's okay he probably is but you're fun too really it's just that every time I do something then you say no but octopuses don't do that do I yes well that's funny cuz I feel like every time I say something you say no octopuses don't do that oh well how about this rule no one is allowed to say no but octopuses don't do that
okay what should we say instead how about we can say yes this octopus does that yeah but in octopus that sounds a bit like this yeah do you like my dad cant please and yeah I do like your dad good because he likes you and we're all out of croissants Bingo you sure you don't want to play Cafe no thanks okay this is soy milk and Winnie has seen a kider for real life wow that's what I said and how's win's Dad well I don't know I didn't get to chat to him much this morning
a too bad Are we almost ready to have breakfast with them yet well not just yet but soon is bingo coming no she's still asleep oh okay well just us then come on we going to make disgusting smoothies for you and Foo well we're going to eat all your gingerbread man and run off without pain oh they're not here well I guess they don't come every morning here's your smooth oh thanks oh finger this is the only way to travel on lava wouldn't you agree yes I would agree almost there we can't get over the
thing don't worry NAIA hey what where's Mom there she is she must have moved a we took too long now she'll never get my letter why do you want to deliver this letter so much cuz if I don't mom and dad will be enemies forever what that's why I didn't want to play ground lava then why did you cuz you always cry when I don't play with you because you always promise to play with me and then you don't but I had a reason but you didn't tell me the reason cuz I didn't want to
upset you oh no Bingo we're squabbling I'm sorry blue I'm sorry too bingo [Music] hey that squabble felt good yeah but how will we deliver the letter Bingo we can make an airplane y okay so you have to collect all the upset and all the angry how I collect upset and angry you just feel where it is and go get it h there's usually some in your belly or your neck and always remember to check your ears okay now you've got all that upset and angry in your hands what do I do with it do
you want to keep it no I don't want it well what do you do with something you don't want anymore uh give it to you w I don't want it yeah me neither then what do I do with it you throw it away oh uh-uh like Mom said you need to throw this thing really far stand sideways like on a skateboard bend your knees yep get comfy that's good and with this arm and W oh no one Bingo okay we go down a secret tunnel to our underground base which also has hammocks well we go
down the tunnel too you can't there's a manhole cover which is locked well I get an ax and drop a hole in it it's made of metal your ax breaks H what chops for metal uh Diamond band it don't help them sorry a diamond aent through it oh no Qui time to fail we get in the car yeah but a cool car let's go let's go let's go BL let's get in the dreamhouse car oh yeah the what the dreamhouse car it's like a giant Dreamhouse on Wheels yeah it's got 11 Burger shops and 20
bedrooms and 40 toilets and a spar on the balcony who's driving it Butlers buters oh no punch it Mom punch no honey you can't take him home cuz it's not the dumb thing turle boy you're still here and you're dry Okay Turtle boy you picked up the curry now to get home safe to the turtle misses you ready he's ready woo yeah he made it oh man that's enough of that Dad can I ever take turtle boy home I think his owner has forgotten him well look if he's still here tomorrow then maybe hooray I'm
not sure it's a done Thing One More Night turtle boy then you can come home with me um it might be a bit drier back here and um you might like to read the newspaper see you tomorrow Ready set go get up hey Tina I've got her I've got her hold it down hey I got Tina get her legs I'm trying she kicks like a m bigger use your toilet hand toilet hand get out of here little Dr oh why does Tina stink so bad quick let's get her outside she w a time she's a
lot of woman get her in the [Music] [Applause] car you didn't see anything Tina use your karate you're on your run ah Tina come on let's just talk about this Get It Tina hey easy easy tapping out tapping out okay okay we give up you win hey good f e Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink yeah when was the last time she had a bath Tina's never had a bath my ice cream it's melted mine too they're both melted dad our ice cream's melted it's a hot day kid you had them out in
the sun the sun melts ice creams but that's not fair it's about as Fair as it gets actually can you buy us another one zero chance a why not cu it's not my fault they melded you took too long to eat them so we get nothing well you get a valuable life lesson I don't want a Valley Line lesson I just want an ice cream oh oh [Music] oh all right I tell you what you kids can have mine really yeah go on yeah thanks Dad can I have some tomato sauce please yep thanks hey
what's that tomato sauce oh uh this is my tomato sauce well who's is this tomato sauce that's your tomato sauce what's the difference between my tomato sauce and your tomato sauce yours is a healthy one it's got less sugar in it oh Can I taste your tomato sauce uh well okay just a taste I want this tomato sauce no mate that one's yours but yours tastes beautiful I want to try kids eat the healthy one end of this is beautiful why did you get the good one and we get the disgusting one uh looks like
dad's good at telling but not good at showing please nope a [Music] blue can I have a drink of water okay h buone [Music] [Music] m