The Law - Barbara O'Neill

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Living Springs Retreat
The Law - Barbara O'Neill Continuing our journey of discovery to determine, What is Truth? Using the...
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[Music] welcome to the next part of our lecture on the mind i'd like to begin with a word of prayer father in heaven we thank you so much for the human body we thank you for the mind and even to be looking at where it communicates with god is quite thrilling we thank you father for giving us understanding and we pray for that today as we study even further the functioning of the mind and we prayed in the name of jesus amen amen amen continuing our journey of discovery to discover what is truth and as
we looked at in our last presentation we're using the bible history science and common sense to determine what is truth and i'd like to begin by reciting a paragraph from a book that i read many years ago and the result of reading that paragraph took me on a journey the result of which i'm going to share with you today it's from a little book called education page 100. the same laws that are working in nature are also working in man the same great laws that guide like star and adam control human life the laws that
govern the action of the heart regulating the current of flow to the body are the laws of the mighty intelligence that has jurisdiction of the soul from him all life proceeds only in harmony with him can be found its true sphere of action to all objects of his creation the requirements are the same a life exercised in harmony with the creator's will a life sustained by receiving life from the creator this is the last law to transgress his law whether it be physical mental or moral is to place oneself out of harmony with the universe
to invite discord anarchy and ruin you can see why i memorized it such beautiful words but look at those laws to transgress his law whether it be physical we've been looking at physical law all week moral the dictionary calls the ten commandments the great moral code of ethics but what are the mental laws i was not aware of mental laws i worked as a psychiatric nurse for many years and i became quite disillusioned because i noticed that all all we really did was give drugs certainly there were therapy sessions but i also found that when
people are on drug medication it seems to directly affect their prefrontal cortex function and i came to the conclusion that it really wasn't the answer i did not know what i was looking at i did not know what i was looking for but as i moved on in life probably a few years after i be i i'd finished my nursing and i now had two little children i became a christian and when i became a christian i wanted to look at things now through god's eyes i i discovered the bible and i discovered the truths
therein and it's such a beautiful it's a beautiful feeling to know the truth and i certainly experienced how the truth can set you free in fact it was the best thing i'd ever found so as i as i continued my journey i began to investigate natural remedies i began to realize that the human body is designed to heal itself and it will heal itself if you give it the right conditions as i moved on i began to see that the mind can also heal itself if given the right conditions and i can tell you now
many many years later that i have seen many people conquer mental problems healing of the mind by implementing these simple eight laws of health but also implementing what we're about to look at and that is the mental laws that govern the mind in my research in my study you might have noticed i'm an avid reader i don't have a great memory and you might debate that but i work very hard at my memory very very hard my husband knows i'm like a dog at a bone i just keep at it and add it and add
it till i get it and i will be explaining those things to you as we look at the laws that govern the function of the mind but notice that last law to transgress his law whether it be physical mental or moral is to place oneself out of harmony with the universe to invite discord anarchy and ruin so adherence to law brings harmony now now we know that that's basic science but it is also basic common sense i'm hesitant to drive on the road in the u.s because i'm used to driving on the other side of
the road we're not going to debate whether it's the wrong or the right side but i have to hear i have to say stay to the right stay to the right stay to the right because my habit and we're going to be looking at habits is to go of course on the left side of the road but in the easy way to remember and my stepdaughter tell me this just stay in the middle of the road mum if you stay in the middle of the road then then you're okay and it is my habit when
i leave a room to just turn the light off well did you know that in australia we turned the light off by switching it up so this morning i walked out of my room and i must have switched it up because i looked back and thought i thought i turned that light off and oh that's right i am here so it's one of the reasons i don't really want to drive on the road i will drive from here to cynthia's house because it's not far and i keep telling myself to stay on the right is
because it's quite possible that i go when i go into automatic now we all know automatic don't we it's just you just you're not even thinking about it when you first start to drive you've got all your attention on the road on the gears on the steering wheel but when you know all that you basically just go into automatic and that can be great and that can be quite dangerous because the research shows that when we go into automatic that's when most accidents happen so i'm about to go to tennessee and michael was talking to
one of the men there and said you have to get to her to the airport in atlanta and the man said oh we'll just hire a car for him michael said no no no no don't don't give her a higher card could be dangerous so the habits we're going to be looking at but my illustration was law when i'm in the u.s i've got to abide by your laws or it could be disaster i could have a head-on so abiding by law that's basic common sense it's basic science so let's have a look at the
eight laws that govern the functioning of the brain actually i think it's seven laws we'll see that govern the functioning of the brain adhering to these laws will guarantee mental harmony emotional harmony so without any further ado let us have a look number one is cause and effect now this is newton's third law of motion that to every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction the law of cause and effect is all through nature it's all through the human body and never should the effect be blamed as the cause and how often is
it a lady said to me i found the cause of all my problems i've got chronic fatigue syndrome that's not the cause of all her problem that's the effect so what's the cause lack of oxygen at a cellular level but there can be a hundred causes why there's lack of oxygen at the cellular level i was talking to a man in melbourne many years ago i said what do you do for job he said i'm a private investigator i said so am i we should all be private investigators investigating why these things are so because
newton's third law of motion states that to every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction it's actually not newton's third law of motion it's god's law and did you know that was written in the bible before sir isaac newton declared it it's found in in proverbs 26 verse 2 where the bible says the curse causeless shall not come it's old english no curse happens without a cause and also in galatians 6 7 be not deceived god is not mocked whatsoever a man soweth that he shall also reap it's the law of cause and
effect so when someone says to me i get panic attacks i'm a little challenged by that because you know you just can't if i'm walking in that forest the panic attack's not going to strike me is it no no no a panic attack has a hawk cause now if i'm working in that forest and a bear appears there i'll probably panic but it's got a cause it's the bear you see that there is a cause so apparently there aren't bears around here so i can walk in and are you called the woods the forest so
if someone says i get panic attacks i'm immediately intrigued so then i begin to investigate where did you get your first panic attack uh well there was a problem at work and i knew who was the cause so i told the boss that night i got a brick through my front window well now that's the time to panic isn't it in ecclesiastes there's a beautiful section that it says there's a time to laugh or time to cry time to build a time to build down or break down you might be familiar with a very famous
singing group from the 60s 60s 70s called the seekers australia was very proud of their seekers because they made it big and big in the us i see some heads nodding and there's a song that do everything turn turn turn there is a season turned into they were sort of like um like they had a lot of gospel songs so there was a song that made ecclesiastes famous there's a time to panic and there's a time to cry and there's a there's a time and who tells us when's the best time basically our prefrontal cortex
because our emotions can arise with all sorts of things so what had happened that night is she got a shock well we all get a shock if a brick came through our front window wouldn't we it made a strong pathway in her brain that's a physical pathway science has shown their physical pathways now what happened the next time she went through a stressful situation her emotions went down that pathway and it surprised her a little bit but she didn't understand it and she didn't really know what was happening and so by the time she came
to our health retreat she had a well worn pathway to panic wasn't there a well-worn pathway well i mean a big pathway when that happened yes it was but if she'd realized what was happening in her and i think you'll agree with me many are sick through ignorance physically and mentally and emotionally and spiritually if she'd realized what was happening she would have gone oh that and not gone down the pathway but she didn't realize she kept going down there to the point where she thought this is me now and if this is me now
guess what it will be me it will be me it's as simple as this if you say you can you will and if you say you can't you won't when there's a will there's a way there's a many sayings for it so by the time she came to our retreat and by the way she'd been to a psychiatrist who told us she gets panic attacks what did that do to the pathway that just put a little bit more rio in it he made another pathway he said you'll be on panic attack medication for the rest
of your life her mother said what did he say he said i'll be a man on medications the rest of my life and when she was here she told me what's happening every time you go there it gets stronger and stronger i said to her i think you're panicking about your panic attack she smiled what did the smile say i know i don't know what else to do and i can understand that i said to her i believe you will overcome your panic attacks what did i do when i said that i made another pathway
i said i believe that eventually you'll be able to stop your medication it would be unwise to stop it now can you see that that's common sense isn't it i said i believe eventually you'll be off your medication so she was all ears she was only 33. she wanted to be on this for the rest of her life but she didn't know how to get off it in page 127 of the ministry of healing ellen white says the only hope of better things is the education of people in the right principles and that's what we
do here at living springs i do think we've been guilty of information overload but we give you as much as we can and that stays in your brain and the more you see it the more you read it i see you taking notes you can even watch it again on youtube it it will cement it into your brain just like she cemented this pathway un unknowingly to panic attacks i said this is what i want you to do when you feel a panic attack coming that's the time to breathe have you heard of wim hof
just those deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths wim hof's got a bit of a following on youtube now he climbs himalayan mountains in shorts and t-shirts conquers the cold with his breathing breathe deeply remember what we looked at oxygen soothes the nerves soothes the nerves and when those one trillion brain cells have got adequate oxygen in there they're going to be giving energy that's brain energy that's prefrontal cortex energy i want to conquer this thing that's energy to that prefrontal cortex that will help to to control those emotions i said breathe deeply and while you're
breathing deeply have a little bit of a laugh ho ho ho ho you might have heard of that that um bird in australia called the kookaburra we had an american man come here he said i want to tape the kookaburra he called it the kookaburra we called the kookaburra it just goes that's what it sounds like and there's a song laugh kookaburra laugh kookaburra gay your life must be just pretend to be a kookaburra and while you're going ho ho ho and breathing deeply get some salt three magnesiums to relax the muscle get the water
hydroelectric system put the kettle on get the chamomile tea bag on down mild tranquilizer make your tea while you're breathing deeply go outside do some star jumps can't jump uh rebound i haven't got a rebounder exercise bike walk around the house three times breathing very very deeply that's how you'll get over the peak of that panic attack the whole body will be screaming at you your limbic system your emotional brain will be screaming at you panic but you're going to ignore that it's not going to be easy it's not going to be easy at all
the first time will be the hardest and when she'd conquered her first panic attack how did she feel like a mighty conqueror and what that did was that gave her some confidence that she can do that because the first one is the hardest and then as the days and weeks went by what's happening here she's her conquering panic attack pathway is getting bigger and she's not going down the panic attack pathway anymore so what's happening to it it's getting smaller and smaller and smaller she's rewiring her brain and then we're looking at three months later
she's conquered her panic attacks she's implemented these laws she's going to bed early she's got an exercise program she's feeling good so she halves her medication and then she quarters her medication and within a month she's off all her medication and if a very stressful situation arises she breathes deeply takes her water and she's able to do it and so now her off the medication pathway she rewired her brain how long does it take how long does it take to grow that new pathway 21 days 21 days to make that pathway solid how long does
it take before you're in automatic 60 60 days and it's in cement 60 days and it's in cement we can rewire our brains we can rewire our brains right up until the day we die praise god for that what about depression depression is not a cause that defies reason that defies common sense that defies basic science no no everything has a cause so what causes depression dr neil nedley in his book depression a way out he says genetics cannot cause depression isn't that good news yes even if both our parents had severe depression we need
never go there and how many go there because they think they're going to go there the proverbs proverbs 23 verse 7 says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he we have more control over our thoughts our emotions our feelings than we think we do and remember they're not a good guide because they go up and down genetics cannot cause depression genetics loads the gun lifestyle pulls the trigger he also stated that tragedy cannot cause depression isn't that good news because every heart has its sorrow everyone has suffered i was talking to a
young girl who'd been sexually abused as a child six to nine years of age her mother worked with her and her mother showed her how to forgive and this girl conquered the heartache we talked about forgiveness last night how it can free you freedom isn't that what someone said there's that word again freedom she's a very successful woman she's in her late 30s now she has three children she's an artist she's an amazing cook and a friend of hers came in one day and said yes i'm in awe of what you have accomplished in your
life it's hard for me i was sexually abused so this girl said to me i thought it was time to tell my story you see it's not what has happened to you it's what you do with it lifestyle tragedy need never cause depression dr neil nedley states that there are a whole lot of hits that come through i liken it to a rope you've got a big strong rope and a strong man cannot break that rope but a little tiny mouse can come along and start nibbling at the threads and that strong rope can break
that the strong man couldn't break the strong man who could just tread on that mouse and kill it in a minute so how do we how do we fix the rope you have to join every thread he calls them hits lack of oxygen lack of sunshine there's a whole lot of hits here lack of sleep doctor dr matthew walker he says ten nights of six hours sleep at night doubles your risk of mental illness and six hours sleep a night the person doesn't even know they're not functioning properly because they actually feel all right what
a deception is that lack of exercise what dr neil nedley does if he gets someone severely depressed bipolar schizophrenia he puts them on seven hours of exercise a day after seven days they are so improved they can go to a one-hour day maintenance toast or 15 minutes high intensity interval training that's cheap medicine isn't it proper diet many people's brains are not working well because they haven't got that sure steady delivery of fuel that's that high carbohydrate high sugar diet up down up down use of water when a person is dehydration their thoughts can start
to develop into negative pathways through dehydration our brain's a hydroelectric system no hydro no electricity trust in divine power worry and fear we had a guest i think was a few programs ago she had a t-shirt fear is a liar i loved it i commented on an often and guess what happened last week i got one in the mail fear is a liar fear is a liar who's the father of lies who's the father of fears that's why ii timothy 1 verse 7 god says i've not given you the spirit of fear so who has
he said but i've given you the spirit of power love and a sound mind a sound mind looks at this and says there's no interfere we've been given a body that is designed to heal itself and in isaiah chapter 16 the bible says lift up it says arise shine for thy light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon thee behold the darkness covers the earth would you say that is so today and gross darkness the people people are in fear i have been abused twice on a plane in australia because i
relaxed my mask but god was very good he sent an angel now he didn't look like an angel he was a bit of a drunk and i think he was a bit of a druggie but he jumped in and defended me isn't it amazing who god can who god can use why people doing that they're fearful if i relax my mask i might give them covert have you seen that if you can smell through that mask and we know you can guess what else can get through the mask in around it makes no sense really
there's our common sense michael and i were watching an interview of the man who made the mask he's shaking his head he said this won't stop us i didn't make them for this it's an illustration that darkness covers the earth growth darkness the people those people abused me because they were so afraid of covet i get emails what can i do i said stop watching television how can i protect myself from it you just keep the eight laws of health the body was designed to heal itself there's no need to fear 99 of people that
get it recover what's there to fear can you see the sound mind assesses all this and assesses the truth of the situation by the way did you know there's a class action because the ten laws of the nuremberg code have all been violated in this so things are in the background but that's not in the news is it so can you see that taking all of these things down that hit tips the star tips the scale so if someone has depression and wants help you know what the first thing we do get check the air
in the room they're sleeping check that there's no devices in there are they in sunshine every day show them how to ease off the stimulants show them the importance of sleep exercise the right food start drinking more water and show them the wonderful savior every day thank god for the body we've been given there's two verses that can really help with depression once found in first thessalonians 5 18 in everything gives in everything give thanks thank you father in heaven that i've broken my leg i don't like it but i'm trusting that out of this
god's going to teach me some things in everything give thanks in everything give thanks that's a challenge because our limbic system does not want to do that but it's a request from god the other verse is proverbs 17 verse 22 a merry heart doeth good like a medicine it is time to laugh we need to laugh more did you know children laugh 125 times a day so should we i have taught myself to laugh at many things so i'm getting out of the creek and i've got my sarong on i've got my dirty gardening clothes
there and i'm always running and i tripped into the mud and my i was just covered in mud so what do you do laugh i had to go back into the creek and wash myself and put my dirty clothes on and a friend of mine she said that her husband says to her is it a major or a minor and if it's a minor forget it we might be upset because there's a spot on the floor there's a spot on the carpet and we look out the window and a tree's just falling on our car
are we concerned about the spot on the carpet anymore no no no no so our intellect reason and judgment is where we consider these things that's the sound mind the devil wants to if possible eliminate the sound mind seen many people conquer depression by just these simple things you see when the eight laws are in place the prefrontal cortex is now working a lot better and now we can address why how how did this happen how did the person come to have depression and we investigate and we find out where it all began right at
this point we come to the fir the second law which is the law of choice and i have found that something that frees many people from depression is forgiveness forgiveness cuts the chains that bind you to painful past forgiveness gives you wings last night we called it freedom forgiveness is the only prescription in the entire universe that has the power to break the chemical bonds of hostility anger and hate forgiveness is a prefrontal cortex decision and i can promise you that your limbic system will say to you they don't deserve it is that right they
don't deserve it well it's got nothing to do with it because it is it is the best selfish decision you'll ever make because you are the winner so we had a girl do our program she was 35. i said to her did you have a happy healthy childhood she immediately began to cry oops she said my father sexually abused me from the age of 10 and also beat me and i don't want to go there i said ah we won't go there but i said if any time you want to talk about it please come
my heart just fell for this girl so i i went quickly around to put my hand around her and she did not want that so i went back and sat down god gave each one of us as our royal right to choose and if she doesn't want me to touch her that's perfectly fine do you know what the bible says in psalm 119 verse 165 great peace have they which love thy law nothing shall offend them wouldn't it be wonderful if none of us ever got offended i'm married to a man that never gets offended
never gets offended i have learned so much from this man he had to he had to let a young man go once because this young man only turned up for work for two hours a day then then the next thing he's got his mother this young man's mother who's lebanese in michael's office totally abusing him and he said to me later i realized i just had to let her go so i just sat there and let her go and off she went and after half an hour he said have you finished okay now we can
go whoa and she's tearing strips off him and he just sat there right okay have you finished wow praise be to god that that is the spirit of our savior isn't that right he can even say father forgive them as they're nailing his hands incredible incredible and so with uh where was i we're looking at choice aha the girl who had she did not want me to put her arm around me so i backed off she wanted to see me a little bit later she said i heard your lecture on forgiveness she said i realized
that i had to forgive my father she said he didn't want children they were catholics they weren't allowed to go on the pill so five came in five years she said he would beat me and then he would rape me and i heard my mother run down the corridor and lock herself in the bedroom so you know what she found she had to forgive she had to forgive her father and she had to forgive her mother for not protecting her and she also had to forgive herself because she felt she'd done something wrong for that
to happen to her so we had a whole lot of forgiveness as that to happen there and in our first consultation when i said to her i'm so sorry to hear that but there is an answer she said don't talk to me about god so of course i'm not i'm not after she heard the lecture on forgiveness after she'd felt the tender touch of the massage therapist and how they prayed for her after she'd seen the stuff working in and around her you've seen it this week in these staff her heart was melted it was
melted she'd had a very very difficult association with a church group at one stage who did not want her in their church because of what had happened to her oh that hurt to hear that but she saw something different was it the shout of a king was it the shout of the king that she saw you see we are god's representatives we are to represent him the only way we can do that is if we're totally empty of ourselves so she came and she broke down and i'm said i'm so sorry to hear that i'm
so sorry what happened the bible says that god cries when we cry and i showed her luke 17 chapter 1 where the bible says it's impossible but these offenses will happen but woe to him by whom they come it would be better than a millstone by hung around his neck him thrown into the deeper sea than him touch one of my little ones i said you are one of god's little ones that's how god sees it and the reason the reason it happens is because god gave mankind choice and some will choose wrong and one
guy said well if i was the man up top i'd mow them all down with a machine gun and his wife said huh and what good would that do then the next lord would come along it's a heart problem and if god comes along with the machine god now he's taken away choice you see god's government is not a government of force he does not force that's against his character so when he gave mankind choice what a gamble but you know the bible tells us that jesus is coming again and it tells us that there
will be a new heaven and a new earth and sin will no more enter into there and god gave us the prefrontal cortex for foresight that we can look ahead to that glorious day nuru where you will see your brother and sister again isn't that a beautiful comfort that we can do that this is not over it's not over yet it's certainly not over yet she cried i went and put my arm around her and she melted into my body i was hesitant too because of what happened last time and then she said will you
pray for me whoa i love this work because we see hearts melt with the tender touch helping the the ailments the physical almonds and the people little by little opening to the savior it's a beautiful thing to see she found freedom through forgiveness it's a mental free free frontal prefrontal cortex decision don't wait till you feel like it how could you feel like it the pain is too deep and too great just do it because the third law of the mind states that your words affect your feelings just do it and you will feel like
it maybe not that day maybe not the next day but eventually you will feel like it now that girl does not have to see her parents anymore she doesn't have to go to them if she goes to them and says i forgive you she will get a mouthful you don't have to do that it's just a mental thing that you make and she was greatly reliever and i said that what's the other thing you can choose your your friends but not your family that don't don't feel obliged they have cut the chains of decency isn't
that surely the worst betrayal and we just hope that that man sees the error of his ways surrenders and confesses and he will find forgiveness at the feet of jesus she left a different woman and that that to me is the most exciting work just forgive and your feelings will follow forgiveness is a choice happiness is a choice we have no right not to be happy if you can't think of anything to be happy about it's time to go to india and work in an orphanage for six months or go to africa then then you
will very much appreciate what you have when they decide i can't think of anything to be thankful for i said i notice you've got legs that work i notice you've got eyes that see hey josh yeah [Laughter] be thankful for what you have it's a gift from god it's a treasure love is a choice i've given you lots of stories about my husband i'm about to give you another one he was 39 he'd been a single single man for a few years and he knew he needed a wife and so he decided to choose a
wife scientifically he said if it works out on paper it works in business so why not wife so he made a list of all the all the women that he knew that are at all eligible and he also made a list of the pros and the cons of these women he said later it was interesting because some women he thought were pretty good didn't work out on paper and his mate gary martin said get one of the young therapists mate you're only 39 you know they're 30. he said sorry gary don't work out on paper
[Music] now michael and i had known each other for 10 years unbeknownst to me i was on the list because he didn't tell anyone except gary martin and his two children anyway he said as the time went on my name kept going to the top of the list but i had two negatives one negative was i was older than him so i think i'm three and a half years older than him and he thought what does it matter when you're nearly 40. the other negative was i had six children who's going to take on six
children but he said as he got to know them they were really good workers he said he couldn't have handled bratz he said they were really good workers so he put that to the positive side team of workers so he got up one morning he said to his daughter who was all of eleven well it's all in today's the day i will ask mrs russ to marry me [Laughter] she said dad you have to ask her out first she said no there's going to be nothing emotional about this decision [Laughter] and his daughter talked him
into it so he said all right oh so i get a call ah barbara would you like to go out for tea tonight and i said yes because i very much liked mr o'neill and i was shocked that he was asking me out for tea but but we don't have tea well we'll find a little bit of room i went out you call it supper went out with him to a restaurant and we had a light meal and talked about work he was the business manager of living valley springs and i was the part-time supervisor
in the health centre i still had a few kids at home on school and we talked about work the kids uh the weather the meal and then he dropped me home and shook my hand and then three days later he said to his daughter the courtship's gone on long enough he said today's the day i will ask mrs russ to marry me anyway i got a knock on the door in the afternoon and it's michael he said i've got a few things to talk to you about i said yes he said can i come in
i said yes he sat down he said would you like to sit i said no i think i'll stand i didn't know what was coming i don't know why he'd asked me out i i just didn't know anything and the house i was about to move in someone else moved in there and i thought i don't know what's going on here so i said yes he said well i've been thinking about things and i think you and i should get married i said this is very analytical he said i'm a very analytical person and i
said well i think when two people married they should love each other and when i said that he went uh i'm very attracted to you and i love your character and when he said that to me i thought really i'm very attracted to this man and i love his character i love the fact that he's a mover and shaker and i love you know and i loved his sense of humor which is quite crazy and i just couldn't believe he's there asking me to marry him i said yes i will and it sounds like a
flippant answer to a life-changing question but when you realise we'd known each other for 10 years and i very much admired this man and when he said i'm very attracted to you and i love your character i thought wow so do i how can i improve so i said yes i will he said great meet me tonight at my house with all the kids so the whirlwind went out the door and my daughters came running in and said well unbeknownst to me everyone on the property knew i said yes and they started cheering because michael
was their boss and he was very fair and and i had i had a couple of people come up to me and say you know you're marrying a very hard man and i looked at these people and i thought i know why they've done wrong and michael's the one that had to speak to them because gary's the soft guy and if anyone had to be told they're out it had to be michael because michael's just michael said he didn't like doing it but it just had to be done and he said look it's not really
working i think it's time to go see the smile would you like me to help you pack that's how he does it you need my car this shirt in this bag and what i very much appreciate about michael is he is a tender husband to me absolutely but his emotions don't rule and i think they asked him to be m.c at this huge march yesterday because they said you're the only one that won't get angry you're the only one that won't lose it and i've been married to michael now for 23 years and he has
never raised his voice to me i've never seen him angry that is very very nice remember what anger does reveals that for for the enemy to attack i believe it absolutely so wonderful story to tell the children as they're growing and so that night we met together and the children were in a half circle so i'll tell you his and mine mine ten he's eleven mind twelve he's thirteen mine 14 9 16 9 19 121 there were the ages of our children so they sat in a half circle and michael came in mr analytical he
came in smiled at me put his arm around me and i thought oh then i thought oh that's what's alright i'm marrying him he could put his arm around my shoulder he said well children we have got an announcement to make and his daughter said dad we already know he said ah right okay what does everyone think and every child agreed and we thought that was a miracle because i'd been single for four years and sometimes men would approach me and my little boys were around me like little knights in shining armor this is our
mother so i thought he showed great respect to my children that he never even touched me put his arm around me until the decision was made so he said okay let's get married but you actually can't get married the next day he was ready to get married the next day you've got to give two and a half weeks notice and so we married two and a half weeks later we actually married the same guy as my daughter was getting married and my daughter had been planning this for months and we said i will get married
the next day because everyone will be there and she said no i get married on the same day we said no it's your day we'll just be a little dot on the end and because she wasn't working much at living valley springs she's a massage therapist and i was doing extra work i just didn't have time to tell everyone and so we were at the reception after their wedding at 11 o'clock reception at midday and then i was getting married at two and and one of the guys said okay we're ready for the next wedding
down to the chapel and a few people said who's getting married and i said ah me i said you who too i said ah michael o'neil what [Laughter] so it was quite funny how it happened and then we had a honeymoon in tasmania and it was just lovely so when we married i was 44 and he was 40. and we got to know each other of course in another way in a more emotional way which was very very nice and then we came back and raised our brady bunch our our eight children our two elder
children were one was married and my other son was away my three elder children were actually away and working so after a year michael said i want to start my own health retreat and there was a health retreat down in melbourne that's the bottom of australia who'd approached michael and said we'd like you to start a health retreat in our facility because they'd watched how living valley springs worked and so we packed up marcus said we're going down to melbourne so we packed up and we went down to melbourne and we had a little bit
of time of course to prepare and get everything ready so by now the youngest is 11 that's my son william and then his son my next his son was 12 and my son 13 something like that they were the gardeners and then his daughter was 12 very good on the computer she was his secretary my daughter julia was 15 she was our cook she'd been cooking since she was about 10 very good cook and then my daughter jessica was 17 she was already a massage therapist she was our massage therapist and so we had a
team just with the family and i said to him who will be the health director he said you i said oh no no no i'm just a mother that helps other mothers you know i had been given meetings little meetings so you know to help other mothers oh no no i said because i'm actually quite shy he said no you'll be good and he walked out of the room i'm so glad that our first health retreat had one guest i could handle that and i was so shy that michael would start talking because he is
not shy he would start talking and then i'd be next to him and he asked me a few questions and then once i got talking he'd ease out of the room and that's how it started and that was uh 22 years ago so that's how our retreat started but my my illustration was to show you that love is not a feeling love is a principle love is a choice and this is where you love see when you fall in love you fall in love with character and how many people fall in love with their feelings
so i say to a young man if you fall in love with the beautiful girl well guess what the hair is going to go gray and wrinkles will come and young ladies if you fall in love with the tall handsome good-looking guy well guess what he's going to get a bit of a tummy in the grave so when you fall in love you fall in love with character and if and he fed by the love of god it will get stronger and more beautiful with age your words affect your feeling i see many couples that
just destroy their marriage by the way they talk to each other proverbs 12 18 it says there is that that speaketh like the piercings of a sword but the tongue of the wise is health i i think we've all felt the piercings of a sword the the men that abused me on two different flights well there are the piercings of a sword oh i'm not used to such language because i'm usually amongst people like them oh it's the piercings of a song do you know who's the piercings of a sword to is to them because
he was a few seats away from him he called me a very bad name and i put my head around and i said i beg your pardon and he was immediately shamed immediately shamed and the guy next to remember my guardian angel who was a bit of a druggy drug he said huh how dare you i'm going to take my mask off in protest isn't amazing who god sends your words affect your feelings so be very careful on your words they not only affect your feelings but they affect the feelings of everyone who hears your
words and i thank god he's given us the opportunity to stop it you will think it before you will say it and how important that this be not compromised how important you go to bed early you're well hydrated you're well slapped you're well nourished so that and the most powerful is that you've surrendered that you've given that to god the fourth law states that your words reveal your feelings and you can't let them all out proverbs 29 11 states that the fool utters all his mind but the wise man keeps it until afterwards there are
things that need to be said but the bible says in colossians 4 verse 6 let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt that you may know how you to answer every man where do we get that therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that's where you get it that you might obtain mercy and grace to help in every time of need that's where we get it at the throne of god don't come in timidly what does he say come boldly running down the hill like david did with his sling and those five
stones running up to meet that giant and because of anger he pushed that helmet back and he threw it and there it went your words reveal your feelings so you've got to make sure prefrontal cortex is under control so they don't all come out or they come out in a way that will bring glory to god and in james chapter 1 i think it's verse 19 it says let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of god the fifth law states that
we have a changeable brain it's the law of adaptation and the law of adaptation states that our brain changes depending on what it's thinking about and i memorized this only this last week and it was found in the book great controversy an amazing book i'm near the end of this book it actually gives the history of the world from the time of jesus and looks at what's about to happen so it states that it is a law both of the physic sorry let me start again it is a law both of the intellectual and spiritual
nature that by beholding we become changed the mind gradually adapts itself to the subject upon which it is allowed to dwell notice the word allowed what are you allowing your mind to dwell on it becomes assimilated to that which it is accustomed to love and reverence what do you love and reverence because whatever you love your mind will start to go to that it is a law of the mind proverbs proverbs uh 13 verse 20 i think it is or verse 10 proverbs 13 verse 10 he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but
a companion of fools will be destroyed and the other proverb is proverbs 22 24 make no friendship with an angry man and with a furious man thou shalt not go lest thou learn his ways and get a snare for thy soul because of the law of adaptation it is only in the last 15 years medicine has acknowledged that and yet the bible talked about it they used to think we were hardwired now they know we're soft-wide i've read a whole book on soft white i've read whole books on neuroplasticity we've got a changeable brain and
because we've got a changeable brain it has the ability to grow and it has the ability to shrink so let me give you a terrible growing scenario and a wonderful growing scenario have you heard the story of the fish that got got away every time the story is told what happens to the fish it gets bigger so if you've been through a traumatic experience and you continually relate it it can get bigger than it really is and who would want that but something else is happening and dr carolyn leaf in her book she's a christian
psychoanalyst in her book who switched off my brain she shows this so i'm giving you the science now she says when we entertain or cherish negativity thorns grow these are physical thorns that grow between the dendrites those physical thorns have the ability to damage the tissues there's your psychosomatic diseases so not only will that experience get bigger than it really is but thorns grow between the dendrites when we cherish or entertain negativity she says a negative thought is like this a breeze wafting through the trees see the branches of the trees and when it wafts
through the branches of our trees we've got we've got a choice are we going to hold onto it or we're going to let it go are we going to hold on to it or we're going to let it go if we hop what does entertain mean come right in stay the night stay forever let it out let it go and if you know maybe all your life you were told you were idiot and now you're an adult and you're told you're an idiot and it's a challenge say no god counts me precious and for the
likes of me he shed his precious blood just let it go in fact the worth of a soul is seen in the light of the cross well what's a wonderful growing scenario i've already shown you one how you can rewire your brain and we can be rewiring our brain right up until the day we die have one trillion nerve cells and one nerve cell has the ability to grow 70 000 dendrites i can hardly get my mind around that that's incredible every time you learn something new another dendrite another dendrite and the three most powerful
things to grow new dendrites are learning a musical instrument can you play a musical instrument it's time and you know that naomi didn't start playing the piano yesterday did she no and i'm sure naru and pua you didn't start singing yesterday over and over and over and over the reason why the island people sing so beautifully is because almost from birth they're singing isn't that right and if every american home sang from birth we'd have the ability to just harmonize so beautifully like that practice makes perfect and practice makes permanent repetition is the mother of
retention and repetition deepens the impression they're sayings i've picked up in my journeys but they all illustrate this so i'm learning a musical instrument learning a new language learning a musical instrument when you learn when you learn to read music that's almost like another language but the third one is memorizing the bible and in the little book steps to christ page 90 it says there is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the scriptures there is no other book so potent to elevate the thoughts vitalize the faculties than the broad and
nobling truths of the bible if god's word was studied as it should be men would have a breadth of mind a nobility of character and a stability and a stability of purpose rarely seen today what did jesus say to those jews that believed in me if you continue in my word you shall be my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free and psalm 119 verse 111 it says thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee and psalm 100 sorry psalm 40
verse 8 says i delight to do thy will o my god yea thy law is in my heart and you know the bible talks about the heart and mind the same and then you'll find it also in job 20 2 starting at verse 21 acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee and receive i pray thee the law from his mouth and lay up his words in thine heart lay them up there it takes me 21 days before i've got a pathway 60 days to get it in cement
you saw how i filtered with the last one i did i've been i've been going over that 10 times a day so i could have it for you today that i haven't got 21 days or 60 days so i'm going to cram all those days into just a couple of days go over it and over it and when i'm walking along that beautiful pathways in the bush past josh's house through the through the gully up through the pine forest i'm going over it and over it so the pine trees are getting a wonderful a wonderful
illustration of the word of god i think it's a tragedy that most people go through their whole life never fully accessing the full potential of their mind we should be learning new things every single day every single day another wonderful growing scenario and you've been experiencing it all week without realizing it in 1998 a group of scientists discovered a protein and this protein is called the brain-derived neurotrophic factor brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulates neurogenesis what's neurogenesis new brain cells god is so good what an amazing body we live in what an amazing brain psalm 139 verse
14 i will praise you i'm fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous of thy works and that my soul knoweth right well and that psalmist didn't know the intricacies that we're looking at today and there's another lovely verse that you can give to people see my husband was a wild bikini a wild bikey he had a lot of drugs a lot of alcohol but at the age of 21 god tapped on his shoulder and a fearless young man that he worked with because michael was an atheist and everyone that came into his workplace that was an atheist
he just threw the book at him you see michael had grown up a catholic he wanted to be a priest he was an altar boy and they took them away for a weekend and all the all the priests were drunk and laughing at his questions and he came away from there saying there is no god and he became an atheist that's when he became wild i think god looked at him and thought i could use that young man so this young man that worked with him named lee everything that michael threw at him he said
no it's not true bubble doesn't say that he said i'm a catholic i know. because he said how can a god how can a how can a god be a loving god and make people burn forever and this young man said bubble doesn't say that so little by little this this man was starting to of course witness the word of their testimony michael would go to the library and he would investigate all these things to prove him wrong he was going to prove this man wrong but the more he investigated the more it proved this
young man was right and so eventually this young man said would you like me to come and give you a bible study i can show you and michael said yes well over the weekend michael thought i don't want that bible batter in my home michael's home was a old house that was about to be demolished they painted the whole house black there were harley davidsons in the lounge room drugs all over everything michael had greasy long hair down to his shoulders this young man turns up with his with his suit pants and white shirt and
his bible under his arm he had a few bibles one for michael and one for his mate had to just push all the drugs off the table to put the bible down and then this young man showed michael daniel chapter two daniel chapter two remember daniel in the lion's den it's the same daniel when he was a bit younger he was considered a wise man of babylon and he woke up one morning and the wise men said we're all going to be killed tonight and daniel said why he said well the cr the king had
a dream and he wants us to tell him the dream and the interpretation but he can't remember the dream so we're all going to be killed so daniel prayed and that night he said father in heaven please show me the dream and the interpretation and god did so he woke up in the morning and went straight to the king and said there is a god of heaven and god has shown me your dream you dreamed a statue the king said i did he said the head was gold the breast was silver the hips were brass
the legs were iron and the feet were legging were iron and clay and the king said i did and then daniel he wanted this man to know he said and god the god of heaven has shown me the interpretation you are that head of gold which demon nebuchadnezzar quite liked he said after you will come the medes and persians who used a lot of silver after that will become the greeks and they used a lot of brass after that is rome rome ruled with a rod of vine and used a lot of vine and then
today we see the feet which is iron and clay that's europe today when michael heard this he was shocked he said this must have been written after it happened lee said it wasn't so he went to the library again and he checked and checked and checked and he found the dead sea scrolls found in 1946 that proved the bible to be correct do you know the more he he looked at that the more he realized this was the truth and when he realized it was the truth he and his mate they both surrendered their heart
to god marcus said it was the best thing you'd ever heard it made sense god wants us to choose him here but i'll tell you i'll tell you a footnote so here we are a month later and the police it's the middle of the night and they're about to do a raid on the house which they did many times and they're outside ready to storm in and michael and he's made a talking you know it's an old house you know he's in one room the mates in the other and the police are listening and marcus
says what are you going to do and his mate says i'm going to go to bible college what are you going to do michael says i'm not going to go to bible college but i'm going to still do my bible study so the police are listening to this anyway they stormed in michael and his mate jumped out and said we're clean you won't find anything and the police went and they pulled the whole place apart they found nothing and when they came back they looked at michael and his mate and marcus said we're clean we're
christians now police are scratching their head and the police all shook their hands michael was 21. michael used to go to the bikey gang with his bible under his hand under his arm and preach to them all they handle it because they they had great respect for michael because he's so fearless and and they listened to him so michael had a lot of damage in that brain but i believe because he has been living this life he's he's had regeneration through neurogenesis and the bible says in ezekiel 36 36 he says let the heathen that
are left round about know that i the lord god build the ruined places and plant again that which was desolate for i the lord god hath spoken it and i will do it isn't that a beautiful verse to claim for healing of the body and of the mind so what stimulates it you're going to love this my time's running out so i'll just tell you hot and cold so every afternoon or morning when you've been down in that steam bath and the cold water comes in that has stimulated brain derived neurotrophic factor new brain cells
so when you go home continue that quick cold when you finish your shower that's one shocker the second shocker is fasting you had two days of fasting and then since then you've been having breakfast like a king lunch like a queen and no solid food till the next morning that's an 18-hour fast brain-derived neurotrophic factors being released what's the third shocker high intensity interval training so when the twins get you to run fast up those hills or jumping fast on that rebound or on that bike you're experiencing high intensity that triggers a release of brain-derived
neurotrophic factor praise god that that's the restoring and the renewing of the mind god has said and he said this in ezekiel 36 26 he says i will take away your heart of stone and i will give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit within you remember the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees it him not and knows him knows him not he says i will take away your heart of stone i will give you a heart of flesh and i'll put my spirit within you and
i will cause you to walk in my statutes and you shall keep my judgments and you shall do them that's what happens when you surrender your heart to god that's what happened to michael when he totally surrendered his heart to god god took away that heart of stone gave him a heart of flesh and put his spirit within him but that's something that has to happen every day every day there's one more growing scenario and it's got an acronym mirror i like acronyms because they help you help remind you of what the words are this
is an incredible story and it's found in the book the brain's way of healing and that's norman deutsch dr norman george book and it's the story of a doctor who was a um who is a pain pain specialist and i think it was his late 40s he had a skiing accident and the skis hit his spine i think he had a small operation but he was always in pain two years later he's still on painkillers he was very challenged by this he knew that his body got into the habit of trigging pain and he wanted
to conquer it and he did and this is how he did it he was motivated to conquer this eye is intention you like this one jack you've got your meanings for words he intended to conquer this thing he knew that he lived in a reliable body and we do we live in a reliable body that has the ability to heal itself he was relentless if there was one word that i think's more important than the others it'd probably have to be that one he was relentless in his pursuit to conquer this pain every time he
got a twang of pain he took that as an opportunity to picture in his mind a pain-free brain he was a doctor he knew what a pain-free brain scan looked like and he knew what a pain-free or pain in her brain looked like and you might say well i don't know what that looks like we'll just picture a brain full of roses i don't know a pain-free brain he knew that he would experience restoration after two and a half weeks he is still in just as much pain and isn't that when most people give up
isn't that when most people give up playing the piano isn't that when most people give off memorizing keep going he was relentless by the end of the third week he was pain-free pain-free incredible i was reading this on a plane and i wanted to jump up on the seat and tell everyone listen to this he started to teach his patients some people experienced total restoration some didn't i think it was this word relentless never stop just keep going keep going keep going you see pain is important if we touch the fire we'll be burnt that'll
tell us don't touch that fire again because if it didn't hurt you'd burn all your fingers off is that right but what his so pain is important but his body got into the habit of just shooting pain signals that was the problem incredible story another illustration of the brain that can change itself what's a terrible shrinking scenario if you don't use your brain cells you will lose them that's a bit scary isn't it so we've got no choice here we've got to use them what's the wonderful shrinking scenario when we forgive everyone who's ever hurt
us in our life ever misunderstood us we turn painful past to dust and we when we turn painful past to dust there's no bad smell to draw us down there anymore there's no rotten smell down there anymore it's just a piece of dust and the pathway to that memory actually shrinks the girl that had been badly abused and she forgave her mother and father as the days went by the memory shrunk she used to relate the story every day she is related anymore i've seen that again and again and again when people make that decision
to forgive they stop relating the story remember your words affect your feelings dr carolyn leaf she says something else and also dr matthew walker in the book why why we sleep he also shows when we sleep now remember we're going back to i think it was tuesday where we looked at sleep do you remember the early parts of the night the non-rapid eye movement time the cleaning system happens they have shown that the cell brain cells shrink a little bit to allow more water around and it's a clean system cleaning up system their glial cells
and the glymphatic system is made up of glial cells there's more glial cells in your brain than brain cells so when we make the decision to forgive and we go to bed early bed by nine then that glymphatic system cleans up the thorns the science is now showing that forgiveness has a physiological effect to clean up the thorns all week we've been detoxing your body now you have the opportunity to detox your mind number seven our final law is the law of diversion and the law of diversion states that when something so firmly denied as
to refuse any hope for it the brain has the ability to divert to other pursuits so in 2019 when i got the news that i've been banned for life in australia not allowed to speak not allowed to give any health advice that was a blow that was a shock because i've done nothing wrong as i say how can there be a crime if there is no victim the people have put in complaints about me have never met me never been to our health retreat it's actually a difference of opinion and isn't it our god-given right
to be able to speak so i allowed myself 15 minutes to cry and i sobbed and then i stopped that's enough i wonder what god has for me now and so my husband said well you've got a choice you can retire or you can go overseas i said i don't feel i'm ready to lie down yet i'll go overseas and then covert hit and 2020 was booked out all over the world but i couldn't go anywhere so what am i going to do now i'll go to the garden and i became misty mountains head gardener
and oh what fun i had in that garden my son's just been there he said mum there's a lot of food in this garden i also trained our cook i also trained the girl who was taking over from me so i kept busy you know whatever thy hand findeth to do do it with all i might no matter where you are and then a little opportunity came for me to come to the u.s a tiny little window i have a daughter in the u.s who sent a letter saying i need my mum i certainly was
with her for four weeks day and night she has seven children and i'll be with her again so i'll be with her quite a bit through and her son's getting married in september i had to come for at least three months so michael said well let's do two lots of three months so i fly home in october god is good god is so good so when god closes a door look for the open window but one italian man said to me no no no this is what we say when god closes one door he opens
two and isn't that true so when i left my mountain home under fairly fierce persecution in my home it was a very difficult night because my first husband got a gun was very hard so the next morning i left with my six children any reason i got out because he thought i was coming back but i knew i would never be home again i left with my six children in the back and basically the clothes we had on knowing that i could never go back do you know a few weeks before that or a few
months when it got difficult i think but the roses are about to bloom and we're about to pick our lettuce did i get to the point where you don't see roses or lettuces anymore do you know was the best thing that ever happened to me well i can't say the best knowing jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me but i knew that god had a plan for me it was sabbath morning we got to church and i just broke down because i'd hardly had any sleep it was the scariest night of my
life the men wanted to get the police when they heard a gun was involved but you are terrified you are just totally terrified i said no no no we can't do that so what what they did was they took us to their home and people brought us money people bought us clothes it's just lovely having that little church family around you and i just thank god that he has a plan for our life in every way and four years later i married michael not realizing that i would ever be to what i'm doing today because
i don't believe i i think i'm slow of tongue i don't bel and i'm very shy but look what god can do look what god can do god needs vessels he needs people amen so what i wanted to show you this morning and i think we're getting to this afternoon now is that we have a mind that god gave us we have a brain and god wants to use us god wants to change us he wants to reveal himself through us to everyone that we meet so it is my prayer that each one of you
will surrender that mind to god and that will take steps to develop that mind to do what you've learned here stimulate new brain cells because jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will make you free let us pray father in heaven we thank you so much for this mind for this brain we thank you so much for the great sacrifice that jesus made that we might live and we pray father that each one of us will make a decision that we will follow you and that we will put our bodies and our
minds in the environment so that we will get the optimum out of them with the aim to bring glory to your name we thank you for hearing our prayer for we pray it today in the name of jesus amen
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