My 2019 Goals Revealed

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Iman Gadzhi
Discussing the goals I have set out for myself and my business for 2019! Book your free discovery c...
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alright guys so let's get into this video by the way I think is about time Fiji sponsors me to be honest yeah look for that in 2019 but in today's video I just want to go over what my goals are in 2019 what I am trying to accomplish in 2019 so 2018 was an absolutely amazing year I made my first million dollars profit I really started to build a business that I was proud of well two businesses my training business and my agency especially towards the tail end of 2018 like especially with my agency I
was shark I'm very very proud of what we were doing the results we were getting you know the caliber of clients we had and how just systemized and autumn eyes that had it you know towards the tail end of 2018 I was working like 90 minutes so a week on my agency now it took a lot of time to get it there but I got it there and I was doing roughly around $45,000 per month profit as well so incredible and the 2018 very proud I said I can't imagine or couldn't you know can never
imagine making a million dollars profit at the age of 18 but I made it happen but look onwards and forward to 2019 so here are my three main goals for 2019 I know tons you know lots of people have like to have like 25 goals and like you know seven health goals and seven relationship goals and seven like this thing and that you know like by the end of it they're like a 50 things they have to cross off I'm not that type of guy I really could not stomach more than three goals a year
so I just have three goals for 2019 it was pretty much the same thing for 2018 I had three main goals and then I had like five other sort of secondary goals but the secondary girls I didn't even look at like and that kind of told me my lesson which is just had three main goals so there's two that pretty much enabled the other one or if I get these other two on point I know this other one will happen for sure so my first goal which is my financial goal is four million pounds in
revenue for my businesses so that means my agency and my training business now in 2018 I spoke pretty much only in dollars now people I think some people are kind of confused because I'm based the reason I did 20:18 in dollars was simply because of my online programs with my agency I get like five six invoices in a month you know I only have like five six clients a month i invoice all my agency clients in pounds by the way so you know I had that whereas when my course like it's lower I make less
money per person you know whereas with my agency it's higher ticket retainers but you know they come in all the time that's why I did dollars in 2018 because you know all the payments will come in in dollars because majority of my audience is in USA or Canada or whatever so yeah that's kind of why I did dollars in 2018 and 2019 I'm going for pounds just simplifying it so four million pounds in revenue which is roughly around five million dollars in revenue with a and I want sixty to seventy percent of that to be
profit obviously with something like my agency it's like it's kind of scary it's like 90 or 85 percent ish profit margin but with something like my training business that's gonna get lower and lower as I scale that business so yeah that's kind of my financial goal the reason also I'm talkin stead of revenue rather than profit like it in 2018 revenue simply because as you're trying to scale you can't look at what your profit margin is you can't like kind of hold on to you know really high profit margin or if you're doing advertisers you
can't hold on to you know having a really high return on adspend at scale you kind of let go of that and while your return on adspend goes down your overall volume goes up at the end of month you're making more so I'm I'm looking to expand in 2019 at the time of Washington's I don't know whether it's been a parent or yet we're going through a little bit of a rebrand with the training business I officially bought the domain grow your agency com so we're rebranding to grow your agency and I'm just going all-in
on the agency stuff because that's stuff I'm most passionate about that's the thing that just really changed my life it's thing that really changed my life is the thing I'm most passionate about it's a thing where not only you know because I you know I was teaching personal branding and while for example my agency we service info product and training businesses so I know a thing or two about how to sell courses or how to sell coaching how to build that webinar phone how to run ads I know a thing or two has some pretty
high ticket clients and me myself obviously my own training business does quite well so I know a thing or two but the issue is when an agency client comes to me you know I can vet whether they're good or not you know when an agency client comes to me if I know that person has a product or coaching service or in a you know course I just don't take them on you know I like ethically I you know I'm just not okay with that whereas with like me teaching personal brand and stuff like that I
could you know show someone how to make like 5k 10k a month by you know with a coaching program you know by doing coaching and you know showing them how to get constant influx of leads or showing someone how to sell courses effectively but like I can't control whether that person has a course or a good course like that's not on my control and that doesn't make me feel very good so I just don't really want to be a guy I like to avoid you know I don't want to be the t like the guy
who teaches other people how to teach like that's I you know as I said with my agency like it's quite clear I'm quite good at that and scaling in for businesses but like it's just not really like Avenue I want to go down plus you know I've just been having so much fun with my agency as especially as I said towards the tail end of 2018 ads I started to like freaking love agency world again I started to lock in some huge retainers with clients I was excited about and as I said by the end
of 2018 I was making forty five thousand dollars issue a month was like 90 minutes a week work you know because that put the team in place I've trained the team I had a way to generate clients pretty much on autopilot and things are just going really well and human if agency was my only focus I'm confident I could scale that to 100 150 K per month profit between you know my two day trainings I do with clients and retainers so going all-in on the agency stuff because it's the thing that really honestly in my
opinion is the easiest way if you do it effectively and you focus on operations sales and just being an actual business and agency owner rather than like you know being most of these agency owners that are so like a DD and like just don't know what the they're doing I think it's the easiest way to six and even seven figures and that was a limiting belief I had I'm like no you know you agency can't scale to seven figures profit I'm talking here and I've realized like it can you know especially if you're just very
specialized and you know you're specialized and you get that you have your you know your niche on point and you streamline your services and streamline who you're offering your services to like honestly the sky's the limit so God grow your agency moving forward we're rebranding to grow your agency and 2019 is gonna be awesome for the e-learning business the training business and you know one of the things I talked about in 2018 was the philanthropy so obvious you guys know my goal in you know to end of 2018 was actually give the thirty thousand dollars
to three promising entrepreneurs here's the issue with that if I did that I would like to go deliver you know this cash and person or meet these people and then I had to fire a videographer and then it'll be so much traveling that would might be a one two month process and I just can't do that so this year I think I said it last year you know ten percent of grow your agency profits you know which is you know my new training business is gonna go towards building schools in third-world countries so hopefully this
year we should have around two hundred fifty thousand pounds to spend on building schools in underdeveloped countries which is a number that really really excites me that will be more towards the tail end of 2019 because funnily enough it's for me it's not getting the quarter million pounds of money or you know that 10% of company profits to go give to a charity or to go give to a you know organization that's not the heart but if for me that making the money is in the heart but for me the heartbeat is making sure that
it goes to the right places so later on this year I'm also gonna be you know trying to get help off of people and use my network and my social media to find the right organizations to get this money - yeah but overall that's just something I'm really really excited so keep the agency kind of where it's at that's the goal for 2019 and then scale the training business except you know I've never had more foam you know just relaying what I've been learning day to day with growing my agency and just put in the
systems in place that's that my main goal or my main financial goal which is four million pounds in revenue in 2019 so that's goal number one goal number two is an hour and a half on average screen time so let me go check where I'm at right now for today if you update to iOS 12 I believe it is it actually shows you and you have it on your like widgets or something like that it shows you your screen time daily so Billy who's my personal trainer we basically like track everything all my biohacking sheets
so we track like my meditation sessions my or ring stats i screen time so my goal for this year is to have an hour and a half average screen time so i was actually looking at today and today is not looking so good I don't know what I did on fair enough I was on notes for 22 minutes because I think I was shooting video ideas I don't know if I think I'll be way too overexposed for you to actually see but right now today I'm it's towards the end of the day up on two
hours in 45 minutes 20 minutes of that was spent on Instagram 22 minutes was spent on notes 23 minutes was spent on whatsapp fair enough I actually I think I was on the phone to my mom and 25 minutes were spent on Chrome I don't know what I was doing on Chrome I think I was like looking up some stuff for my office in London my point is to one hour and a half on average screen time it's funny whatever I do my Maria and master ones I get everyone to pull out their phone and
see what their screen time is and a lot of these people even doing 10 20 30 40 50 cables you know these people who look like they have successful businesses they're on Instagram for like six hours a day like you know it's just not good for your mental health it's not good it's put you in this frenetic zone it's just not a good place to be if you want a little bit about just how much like social media and all this little stuff where it's like three-second attention I just really you up read a book
called the shallows I read that book like two years ago changed everything for me on my perception of social and how it should be used so yeah an hour-and-a-half screen time and you know that's include stuff like you know whirring an uber and this thing and that thing so it's definitely gonna be tough on average right now I ever around two and a half to two hours 45 minutes a day screen time and once again a law that is you know I mean what's that per plan of Boise notes I ignore a lot of people's
messages to be honest because I just have to stay focused but um you know some people actually just have to reply anywhere sometimes I'll be on slack on my phone if I'm not in front of my computer so now my goal is to shave it down from two and a half to two hour forty-five average daily down to an hour and a half so that's my second goal an hour and a half screen time the next goal is fifteen minutes on average spent meditating I where's my head I don't have my news headband anywhere here
but I use my met Muse headband so you can go look that up with some use to Billy as a semi personal trainer he has access to the app and then he can see my meditation sessions so like that so 15 minutes on average meditation now 15 minutes does seem like a lot but that's 15 minutes daily you know there'll be like I'm sure there'll be like three days we're like you know well there might be a day where I go out clubbing you know I take all my friends out and we go out clubbing
and I enjoy myself and you know the next morning I probably won't be I'll be tired you know I won't want to meditate that next day or you know some Saturdays where I know I'm spending it maybe with my girlfriend you know Natasha or maybe with friends or you know maybe spending a day with mom or whatever I might forget to meditate so then I have to catch up so yeah 15 minutes on average a day I think is a good amount of time it's all tracked through that muse meditation headband and yeah that's my
third goal now remember I told you at the beginning this I believe that if I'd knock out these two goals then this goal will inevitably happen so I believe that if I do that 15 minutes on average of meditation and if I do have an hour and a half screen time over the yearly slope I believe if I get those two things on point making 4 million pounds revenue you know my company five million dollars I believe that is inevitable like I believe like you know I'll be I was going into 2018 I had no
idea how I was gonna make a million dollar not a single clue like I was scared I had no idea going into 2019 my goal is five million dollars except 4 million pounds I I'm just genuinely I know I'm gonna do that like you know it's like that core thing where like when you know something's gonna have you just you know you just get that feeling you know and I know especially if I can make sure that my phone time is limited if I'm not getting distracted by social media I'm not getting distracted by a
three-second thing that takes my attention here in that 3 second thing that takes my attention there I know if I don't get distracted by any of that like I number one that and number two I managed to you know meditate 15 minutes and every single day managed to be in absolute control of myself in my mental state you know most importantly just be able to focus like that's just the most important thing I know if I can accomplish that then you know that 4 million pound goal this year it's like I'm walking out the park
no guys that's my goals for 2019 go ahead and do me a favor and leave me your 2019 goals in the second in the comment section I'll be checking them out seeing what you guys are looking to accomplish 2019 hope you guys enjoy this video I'll see you in the next one
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