How to Start a New Life | Jim Rohn Motivation

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Jim Rohn Motivation
#JimRohnMotivation #JimRohn #JimRohnSpeech In this Jim Rohn Motivation video, Jim Rohn speaks on t...
Video Transcript:
imagine that possibility for a moment just the thought of starting fresh making a shift a change so fundamental it feels like pressing the reset button on your very existence now I want you to understand this very clearly starting a new life isn't about suddenly running away from the one you're living now it's not about throwing everything out and saying I'm done with all of it no it's about taking deliberate thoughtful action to reimagine to rebuild and to renew here's the first thing to remember all things are created twice think about that everything you see everything
around you was first an idea someone dreamed it up imagined it planned it before they ever brought it to life a skyscraper a city a business a career all work created Twice first in the mind then in reality and your life is no different if you're ready to start a new life then you're going to have to imagine it first to Envision every little piece what does it look like how does it feel what does it mean you're going to have to start by getting clear about that Vision people come up to me and say
how how do I start turning things around they've had enough of the old habits the old routines the old story they keep living out year after year now they want something new and you know what I tell them it begins with the decision nothing changes until you decide it should you have to make a decision so powerful so committed that it's as if you're drawing a Line in the Sand and saying this is it from this day forward I'm creating a new story A New Path starting a new life means you've got to shake things
up change something fundamental start with your environment your associations your daily habits it's going to take courage why because most people get comfortable in their routines even if they're miserable isn't that ironic they settle into a rut just getting by day after day doing the same old things but Comfort my friends is the enemy of progress if you're comfortable you're not growing and if you're not growing you're slowly decaying ask yourself what kind of Life do I want to create don't just answer with generalities don't just say I want to be happy or I want
to be successful get specific picture the details in your mind if it's a new career you're after what does it look like what industry what kind of people are you working with if it's a better relationship what qualities do you want to Foster and what kind of person do you want to be within that relationship now here's a critical element to start a new life you've got to be willing to leave the old one behind sounds simple but it's not easy why because you've got attachments and those attachments have shaped you they've created your habits
your reactions your beliefs some people think they want change but they're still clinging to the old because it's familiar familiarity has power you've got to get honest with yourself about what you're still holding on to that doesn't serve you anymore think about the people in your life there are two kinds of people those who will encourage you to rise to your potential and those who will keep you anchored in your old story you have to know who you're surrounding yourself with if you're constantly around people who doubt who worry who are forever complaining chances are
you'll find yourself doing the same but if you align yourself with those who have Vision who are excited about possibilities who are actively growing then my friends that energy is contagious it lifts you up it inspires you and it holds you to a higher standard changing your surroundings though is just part of the process starting a new life is also about changing the way you see yourself you've got to have a vision of the person you're becoming and I'm telling you the way you see yourself dictates how you act if you see yourself as someone
who's struggling who's just trying get by then that's exactly how you're going to live but if you can look in the mirror and see someone who's on the rise who's capable confident who has uh a purpose then every action you take will reflect that Vision you've got to start speaking the language of your new life words are powerful they're seeds if you speak words of possibility you plant seeds of possibility but if you speak the language of limitation of self-doubt of fear that's what grows be careful of what you say especially to yourself selft talk
is a big part of transformation some people talk to themselves in ways they wouldn't dream of talking to someone else they say things like I can't do it I'm not good enough I'll never make it those words create shackles the words you speak create the life you live starting a new life means new habits because habits create momentum think of a habit as a daily vote for the person you want to become one small habit done consistently over time can transform your life most people think that success is about big things big goals Big Dreams
big changes but in reality it's the small daily disciplines that make all the difference the man or woman you'll be a year from now is determined by what you're doing each day if you want to get in better shape you don't need to go from never exercising to running a marathon start with a daily walk or a commitment to eat one healthy meal each day but do it every day if you do something small each day it compounds and what's wonderful about that is momentum begins to build soon enough you'll notice a shift not just
in your body but in your confidence your energy your Outlook that's the magic of habit now here's something else to keep in mind starting a new life requires that you forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past you've got to let go of regret I've met so many people who are haunted by what they didn't do or the mistakes they made but I'm telling you regret can be poison if you're not careful if you're holding on to regret it will weigh you down keep you from moving forward now I'm not saying ignore the past there's
value in learning from it but once you've learned the lesson Let It Go think of it this way imagine you're holding a heavy Stone in each hand one is labeled past failures and the other is labeled missed opportunities now try climbing up a mountain holding those stones impossible right to climb higher you have to lighten your load to start a new life you have to release those stones and here's something that most people don't think about but that plays a major role in starting over our beliefs the beliefs you hold about yourself about the world
shape your life they're like a lens filtering every experience starting a new life often means you need a new set of beliefs you may need to challenge discard beliefs that have kept you stuck you know it's often not reality that holds us back but our perception of reality it's the beliefs that keep us in place that lock us into a life that's less than what we want to start a new life you may need to break free from the chains of those beliefs create new ones say to yourself I am worthy of a better life
I have what it takes to change if you say it enough if you feel it it begins to take rote and suddenly you're moving in a New Direction and I'm telling you on the path to a new life you're going to encounter challenges that's just how it is change is uncomfortable and that discomfort is a test of your resolve some people want change but only if it's easy they say I want a new life but they're not willing to put up with the trials that come with it but those trials those tests they're what build
character they're what proed to you that you're serious so here's my question for you are you willing to embrace discomfort for the sake of transformation are you willing to be a little uncomfortable a little uncertain a little bit challenged because that's what starting a new life requires it's going to demand more of you than the old life ever did it's going to ask for more resilience more patience more courage and I'm telling you if you're willing to answer that call if you're willing to rise to it the rewards are worth every ounce of effort think
about about this for a moment if you could design the life you want what would it look like what if you could wake up every day feeling excited feeling purposeful knowing you're doing something meaningful imagine a life where you're surrounded by people who uplift you where you have energy where you're constantly learning growing and becoming more imagine how that life would feel now ask yourself what am I willing to do today to move closer to that Vision because that's how you start a new life one step one choice one decision at a time it's not
about perfection don't wait for everything to be lined up perfectly don't wait for some magical moment where everything just clicks there is no perfect moment there's just now and now is the moment to begin to make a decision and to take the first step no matter how small when you wait for Perfection you give yourself an excuse to do nothing you say I'll start when the timing is right or I'll wait until I'm ready but if you're always waiting then you'll never actually begin and I'll tell you once you do begin the path becomes clear
The Next Step reveals itself and then the next and before you know it you're on your way starting a new life also means learning to embrace failure in a different way most people see failure as a stop sign as something to avoid at all costs but if you're going to change your life you need to see failure as a teacher every failure can contains a lesson and every lesson is a step forward when I was younger I used to see every mistake I made as a blow to my confidence but one day I realized that
every failure was actually a stepping stone showing me what didn't work and pointing me in a better Direction think about it this way if you've been living one way for years and you want to start a new life you're going to make mistakes it's a natural part of the process think of a child learning to walk they fall they stumble they even cry but they don't give up and as adults we can learn something from that persistence so when you stumble when you make mistakes don't get discouraged remember failure isn't final it's just part of
the journey and one thing you must have if you want to start a new life is discipline people often Overlook discipline because it sounds tough it sounds like a restriction like you're holding yourself back from something but I'm telling you discipline is not a punishment it's the bridge between your goals and your accomplishments discipline is what allows you to keep going when motivation Fades you might feel excited and motivated in the beginning but that excitement will come and go discipline on the other hand sticks around it keeps you moving even when things get hard and
here's the good news discipline is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets you start small with one little habit and you build from there the key is consistency you don't have to do everything at once you just need to keep moving keep showing up keep doing those little things each day that move you toward the new life you're creating when you're trying to start a new life you're going to have to leave your comfort zone I get it Comfort zones are wonderful warm places but nothing grows there growth only happens
in that space just outside your comfort zone that's where the magic happens but here's the tricky part when you start stretching yourself when you step out of that comfort zone your mind is going to play tricks on you it's going to whisper things like what if you fail who do you think you are but remember those are just thoughts they don't have power unless you give them power here's a tool that I find useful whenever you feel that doubt creeping in ask yourself what if I succeed most people spend their lives asking what if it
doesn't work out but what if it does work out what if you do succeed what if you really can create a new life what if all the changes you're making lead you to exactly where you want to be give yourself permission to entertain that possibility imagine the best case scenario instead of the worst and here's something else you're going to need if you want to start a new life you need goals you cannot start a new life without a clear destination think of goals as the Milestones on your journey they give you Direction purpose something
to aim for but here's the thing about goals it's not enough just to set them you've got to make them part of your daily life most people set goals once maybe at the beginning of the year and then they forget about them but if you're serious about starting a new life you need to keep those goals front and center write your goals down down look at them every day break them down into smaller steps so they don't feel overwhelming and keep moving toward them even if it's just one step at a time a small step
forward is still progress and when you achieve those smaller goals celebrate acknowledge your progress even if it's just a tiny step success Builds on success and each small win gives you the momentum to keep going starting a new life is also about taking responsibility for where you are and where you're going now that's a tough pill for some people to swallow but it's the truth if you keep blaming others or the world or circumstances you give away your power you say I can't change because of them but when you take responsibility You Take Back Control
you say I am where I am because of the choices I've made and if I want to be somewhere else I need to start making different choices responsibility is empowering because it puts the power back in your hands if you want to start a new life you're going to have to start making new choices every day day every moment you're presented with choices some of them are small and some are big but they all add up and each choice you make is either taking you closer to the life you want or pulling you further away
so get in the habit of asking yourself is this choice in line with the new life I want to create it's a simple question but it can be a powerful guide there's one more crucial part of starting a new life you got to be patient starting a new life is not an overnight project it's a journey there will be days when you feel like you're not making any progress when you wonder if it's worth it but I'm telling you every small action you take every disciplined step forward is moving you closer to your goal change
takes time and real transformation is a gradual process but if you stay consistent if you keep going eventually you'll look back and realize just how far you've come be patient with yourself it's okay if things don't happen as quickly as you'd like it's okay if you stumble or get discouraged along the way what matters is that you keep going growth is like planting a seed you don't see the fruits of your labor right away but with time and nurturing it blossoms so don't rush the process trust that if you stay committed if you keep taking
those small steps you'll get there I want you to remember something important starting a new life isn't about escaping your past it's about learning from it and moving forward sometimes people feel like they need to run away from everything they've ever done to erase their mistakes and start completely fresh but you know what your past has value your experiences even the difficult ones even the painful ones have taught you things they've made you who you are instead of running from your past embrace it take the lessons with you but don't let the past dictate your
future and above all remember that it's never too late to start again it doesn't matter if you're 20 40 or 70 if you have the desire to change you can can I've seen people transform their lives at every age in every situation from every background age is no barrier circumstances are no barrier the only barrier is the belief that you can't so don't let that belief stop you it's never too late to rewrite your story think of Life as a series of Seasons some seasons are for planting some are for growing summer for harvesting and
sometimes you need a season of rest a season to reflect to reimagine to prepare for what's next if you're at a point where you're ready for something new then maybe this is your your season of renewal a time to start fresh to plant the seeds of a new beginning starting a new life means giving yourself permission to be a beginner again some people are afraid to start over because they're worried about being inexperienced about not knowing everything right away but every master was once a beginner don't let the fear of not knowing stop you from
beginning embrace the learning process embrace the fact that you're starting something new that you're creating something fresh let that excitement drive you you and remember that you don't have to do it alone surround yourself with people who support you who believe in you who encourage you on your journey seek out mentors people who have walked the path before you a good Mentor can make all the difference guiding you showing you what's possible helping you avoid some of the pitfalls along the way life is precious it's a gift and you have the power to make it
whatever you want don't settle for a life that's less than what you desire don't let fear or doubt hold you back decide that you're going to create something new something beautiful something meaningful decide that you're going to become the person you've always wanted to be when you're ready to start a new life remember that you have everything you need inside of you you have the strength the wisdom the courage and if you need a little help along the way that's okay too we all need a helping hand now and then but the power to change
the power to start a new is already within you take that first step today dream it plan it and then act on it and if you keep taking those steps if you keep moving forward you'll look back one day and see just how far you've come your new life is waiting for you all you have to do is begin
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