All religions explained in 10 minutes

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why are there so many different religions well it's because different religions are different answers to the biggest questions of life so that's why people care so much about this question one is there a God and if so how many some people don't believe in any gods or any kind of spirituality at all these people are called atheists atheists don't necessarily believe God doesn't exist some of them simply lack a belief that God does exist so some are more agnostic about it but generally atheists think we don't have any reason to believe in anything beyond the
material universe but some people who don't believe in God still believe in some kind of spirituality and according to Buddhists that spirituality should involve denying yourself here's why Buddhism does not teach that Buddha was a god nor did Buddha teach about any Gods but Buddha did teach about the ultimate red pill which is that life is basically just suffering at the root of suffering is desire those are the four noble truths number one life sucks number two life sucks cuz you want stuff three if you stop wanting stuff then your life Won't Suck number four
there's a path you can take to not want stuff anymore it's simple really the more you desire something the more disappointed you're going to be when you don't get it for example the more you like a pretty girl the more disappointed you're going to be when she rejects you and she will The More You Love Money the more disappointed you're going to be when the economy crashes and it will you got to stop being so attached to all these worldly pleasures so you need to break that attachment by denying yourself and then you can be
spiritually free life is a cycle of pain but if you eliminate your desire you can free yourself from the entire cycle and Achieve Nirvana which is true spiritual bliss now some people want spiritual freedom but do not want to deny themselves this kind of spirituality isn't about self-denial at all it's about the opposite self-affirmation it doesn't like the submission involved in traditional religion but still wants to have the spiritual meaning that traditional religion can provide it's about the freedom to pave your own spiritual path so because it's all about spiritual libertarianism it's not an organized
religion but it's a decentralized set of practices that are becoming increasingly popular among westerners particularly women now some people believe in many gods like some pagans and Hindus the difference is that Hindus believe in reincarnation pagans are usually polytheists which means they believe in many gods the gods usually represent forces in nature the sun there's a God for that the moon there's a God for that the sky there's a God for that the sea there's a God for that your crops there's a God for that so because there's a God for every area of life
if you want to succeed in a certain area of life you need to win the favor of that particular God and often different cultures have different versions of the same Gods another thing is the gods of paganism are a lot more anthropomorphic or humanlike than they are in other religions the gods are a lot more powerful ful than humans but they're still both finite they're not all powerful just like humans Gods will fight each other get drunk reproduce and make mistakes okay now do Hindus also believe in many gods well it's kind of complicated because
there are indeed many gods in Hinduism but they're all part of the same Ultimate Reality Hindus believe that the one Ultimate Reality encompasses everything but it's received in many different ways they believe there can be many incarnations of God or the gods and that's why it's okay to worship idols because the Divine expresses itself through the physical this is why Hinduism has a more pluralistic approach instead of having a strict Canon of what you must believe the way some religions do Hinduism is more like a buffet where you can choose to believe what best suits
you because God can be received in different ways Hinduism also believes that reality is a cycle so that's why they believe in karma and reincarnation they believe there's a hierarchy of life forms and if you earn Bad Karma in this life you'll move down the hierarchy in the next life there's also a hierarchy of people and if you earn good karma in this life you can move up the hierarchy in the next life so you could say Hindus are monotheist the difference is they believe God is one with the universe rather than separate from it
which is similar to how siks think of God the difference is that Hindus worship idols and siks do not Sikhism strictly only believes in one God but not in the way that Western religions do because Western religions see God as something outside and external to the UN Universe where a sism would agree with Hinduism that God is one with the world but unlike Hinduism they do not think that that means we can worship idols they see God as kind of an unknowable mystery but they also believe that the gurus have been enlightened to teach us
how to serve God and that includes working for equality and justice Western religions on the other hand do see God as separate from the universe and deists don't even think God interacts with the universe at all according to deism God is outside the universe and he sort of set the Universe In Motion but doesn't actually intervene in the natural course of events so deism often Compares God to a sort of clock maker for the universe why do they believe this well deists think that from reason alone we can figure out that God exists but when
it comes to divine revelation or Supernatural Miracles then they're a lot more skeptical so God exists but doesn't really care but the abrahamic religions believe God does care and he does interact with the universe okay so how exactly did he do that did God become human in Jesus and if not is Jesus still the Messiah Judaism doesn't think so Judaism is about God's relationship with the Jewish people they believe they're God's chosen people chosen by God to bless the World by helping people live rightly and they believe God gave them the Torah to help them
accomplish that okay how strictly do they follow the Torah well it depends on who you ask some Jews follow the Torah really strictly some of them follow it kind of strictly and some of them don't follow it strictly at all they also believe in the coming of the Messiah a Jewish superhero who's going to fix the whole world the reason they don't believe Jesus was Messiah is because the world apparently hasn't been fixed yet but they still believe it's their job to start fixing the world in preparation for when the Messiah does arrive now Islam
actually does believe Jesus was the Messiah but still strictly not God they believe he was a prophet specifically a prophet of Islam because they believe the same God gave different Revelations to different prophets over the years but these Revelations gradually got corrupted so God gave the final and perfect Revelation to Muhammad in the Quran they see Islam as the Fulfillment of Christianity and Judaism so they do believe Jesus was a very important Prophet they believe he was the promised Messiah and they even believe he was born to a virgin but they do not believe he
was God and they do not believe he rose from the dead they believe that he didn't even die God just made it appear that way Muslims believe that the Quran is the direct word of God God it's Flawless it's Eternal and it's been perfectly preserved and it also says how to submit to God and that's very important because the meaning of Islam is to submit God is ruler of the entire universe and all humans are called to submit to God and eventually God is going to reward those who do good and punish those who do
evil and if you want to know how to do good by submitting to God there's five big ways to do so the biggest focus of Islam is the fact that there is only one God there is nothing like God and God is so pure and so far above the universe that God couldn't possibly become human Christianity is very different however because it teaches God did become human Christianity is all about Christ Jesus is truly human just like the rest of us but he's also truly God just like God the father and because he's truly human
and truly God he's the only one who can bridge the gap between humans and God and there is a gap because God is perfect Almighty and eternal Eternal whereas we humans are sinful weak and corrupted but still in his infinite love and mercy God came down became human and died for our sins and he rose from the dead and eventually is going to raise the rest of us from the dead as well what's unique about Christianity is we don't actually have to be good enough for God because God already did that for us when he
became human and died for us so we just need to be United to Christ and then we can participate in God's eternal life okay but how do we do that for those who have faith in Christ the Holy Spirit unites them to Christ because the holy spirit is the spirit of Christ and he's also the spirit of the father these three persons have relationships with one another but they're still all the same being so Christianity still only believes in one God all of this is revealed in the Bible which is the story about Jesus spoiler
alert Jesus wins in the end he defeated death when he rose from the dead and when he comes back he's going to destroy all evil in the world and make the world perfect just like he United God and man Jesus is also going to unite Heaven and Earth so all these religions teach very different things some people try and respect all religions by saying they're all basically teaching the same thing but this actually disrespects all religions by discarding the uniqueness of their claims the truth is that religion raises the biggest questions of life that everyone
needs to answer for themselves
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