MEMENTO MORI | Você Vai Morrer, Lembre-se Disso! | ep.43

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Esteja sempre consciente de que a vida pode acabar. Dizem que sempre damos valor quando perdemos, se...
Video Transcript:
In the last video we talked about the knight's code of honor we were talking about how the man has honor and the last principle, is the principle most important to me. It's the most interesting principle, it's the principle of death then I remembered that I had already heard a lot an expression called "memento mori", a latim expression there are more words before this expression that I won't remember and it's beside the point, but it was used when the king was giving a speech, was speaking and the king's consigliere arrived, and said in his ear, whispered very low on his ear the latim words that ended with memento mori, and those words had more or less the following translation, you are just a human a mortal and you can die at any moment. And they used that expression to guide their lives, all life was based on that.
Because there was formerly a medieval age, a lot of death. Death was very simple, very easy very common, there was a lot of death so. .
. they needed to know that they could die at any moment. They had to have that notion of death to give life meaning, to really live life.
For example, sometimes a king, or a really powerful person was crossing the line the power was going to the head it was very common for that to happen when people didn't have that notion of power and yet they had a lot if power they weren't very prepared to handle that, so the guy came and whispered "memento mori" on their ear, and he would come back to reality. It's kind of like you have a sense of death, you understand death so you can undertand life. The simplest way, easiest, not simple, not at all easy.
effective, right word is effective. For you understand life, is for you to have a little bit of contact with death. In the last video i spoke about the principals, and the penultimate principal was the principle of love.
And I said something kind of like this we talk bad about love, we try to run away from it, we try to say that, that is a human weakness, especially the man who wants to be the alpha does a lot of that "no, not love, not with me, I'm a cold guy" Because we don't understand what love is. We don't have enough capacity, the spiritual evolution to understand love. And we are only going to understand in the end of life, I don't understand it, you don't undertande, your parents your grandparents, maybe but we don't understand it yet.
I think we will only understand it near the end of life, when we first got to win a love keep a love, and lose a love, or lose a lot, lose, know how to deal with loss, know that you will survive that loss and there is also family love, many different forms of love, that is the meaning of this completeness about love, you go through multiple faces of it, multiple perspective expansions to understand love with death, it's the same thing. "Memento mori" is the same thing, it's you trying to see death with various perspectives the difference, man, is that love we can have it, we can lose it, we can have different forms of it, several times, but death death is only one, and it's forever and then we can't have perspective expansions about death we don't know right what it is, we don't understand right nothing better than a reminder that we can die at any moment, that we are a simple human, a simple mortal with all the confidence in the world, with all the power in the world, various powers within you, very likely to evolve especially now, with all this knowledge of personal development, but still we are only human that we can die at any moment, we can have an accident, an illness, or anything that suddenly destroys our lives and so, what are you going to do? will live intensely!
will be able to give more value to life, right? the most we approach to have an understanding of life and death the 'Yin Yang' of life, is losing a family member, losing a friend, losing someone someone was alive and died, and we can't quite understand what happened, how does the emotional work when someone dies and that is the most that we can understand about death this reminder of memento mori that you can die at anytime life can end at any moment it is useful for you to live intensely in the present and never forget that you are born, dies alone and all the things you achieve in life, they are to be enjoyed in life not to leave a legacy, what good is a legacy?
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