What Happens Minutes BEFORE DEATH - This Video Will SHOCK YOU

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Biblical Wisdom
Welcome to BiblicalWisdom! In this video, we explore the mysterious and thought-provoking moments th...
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have you ever wondered what happens in the last moments of Life what do we experience when we are on the verge of Crossing that final threshold get ready because what you're about to discover could forever change your perspective on life and death welcome to a journey that will take us to explore the mysteries of the last minutes before death from a Biblical perspective what we will reveal in this video is so shocking so profound that it could transform the way you live every day of your life before we dive into these deep Waters I invite
you to join our community of Truth Seekers if you are intrigued by discovering the secrets that the Bible keeps about life death and the afterlife subscribe to our Channel each week we unravel the mysteries of scripture and its relevance to our modern world now imagine this for a moment you are in your last minutes of Life your heart beats slower and slower your breathing becomes shallow do you see what do you feel what goes through your mind in those final moments the Bible that ancient book of wisdom and Revelation offers us fascinating glimpses of of
what could happen in those crucial moments and I warn you what you are about to hear could shake the foundations of your understanding of life and death let's start with one of the most vivid descriptions the Bible offers us of the moments before death the crucifixion of Jesus the gospels give us a detailed account of Christ's Final hours and in them we find surprising clues about what we might experience in our final moments in the Gospel of Luke 23:46 we read the last words of Jesus father in to your hands I commit my spirit this
phrase spoken in the last moments of his Earthly life reveals something profound about the moments before death first let's notice Consciousness Jesus even in the midst of indescribable pain maintains amazing mental Clarity this suggests that in the moments before death we might experience surprising Lucidity many accounts of near-death experiences confirm this describing extraordinary mental Clarity in those critical moments second let's look at the spiritual connection Jesus addresses God as father indicating an intimate and personal relationship this brings us to a shocking Revelation in the moments before death we may experience an intensification of our spiritual
connection the barrier between the physical and the spiritual could become more tenuous allowing us to perceive realities that are normally hidden from our senses but this is just the beginning the Bible offers us more clues about what we might experience in those last minutes in the Book of Ecclesiastes 12 we find a poetic and enigmatic description of the process of aging and death says remember your creator in the days of your youth before the evil days come and the years arrive in which you will say I have no contentment in them before the sun and
the light and the moon and the stars and the clouds return after the rain this metaphor suggests that in the moments before death we might experience a kind of darkening of our physical perceptions the light Fades the stars of our senses go out but what happens when this phys physical light Fades this is where things get really interesting many accounts of near-death experiences speak of a bright light a light that seems to Come From Another Dimension could it be that when the physical light Fades our spiritual eyes open to a deeper reality the Apostle Paul
in his second letter to the Corinthians 5:8 writes we prefer to be absent from the body and present to the Lord this statement suggests that at the moment of death there could be an instantaneous transition of consciousness from the physical to the spiritual in Hebrews 2:15 we are told that Christ came to deliver all those who were held in lifelong bondage through fear of death this is a powerful promise that we can be freed from the fear of death not just in our final moments but throughout our lives imagine for a moment in your last
moments of life as your physical body shuts down your inner being could be Awakening to a reality more vast and luminous than you have ever imagined but there is more much more that the Bible reveals to us about these crucial moment moments and I warn you what comes next could completely change your perspective on life and death if this exploration of life's final moments is shocking you don't go away in the next few minutes we will discover even more astonishing Revelations about what we might experience on the threshold between this world and the next get
ready because what you're about to hear could transform the way you live every day of your life now diving deeper into this mystery let us consider another fascinating biblical perspective on the moments before death in the Book of Job 33: 2228 we find an intriguing description his soul draws near to the grave and his life to those who cause death if he had some highly chosen eloquent mediator near him let him announce to man his duty let him tell him that God had mercy on him that he delivered him from descend to the Grave who
found Redemption his flesh will be more tender than that of the child he will return to the days of his youth he will pray to God and he will favor him and he will see his face with joy and he will restore to man his Justice he looks upon men and whoever says I have sinned and perverted what is right and it has not profited me God will redeem his soul from going to the grave and his life will be seen in light this passage offers us an amazing glimpse of what could happen in the
moments before death it suggest that there might be a kind of spiritual negotiation a last chance at reconciliation with God imagine this for a moment you are on the brink of death your Earthly life fading away and suddenly you are presented with surprising clarity about your life your decisions your relationship with the Divine is it possible that in those last moments we are given one last chance for repentance and Redemption this idea is supported by the famous incident in the Gospel of Luke where Jesus says to the repentant thief on the cross truly I say
to you today you will be with me in Paradise Paradise Luke 23:43 this event suggests that even in the last moments of Life there may be an opportunity for Spiritual transformation in the book of Hebrews 9: 27 we read and as it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the Judgment this statement suggests that immediately after death we might face some kind of evaluation or Judgment of Our Lives what might this mean for our final moments is it possible that in those final moments our entire lives Flash before our eyes not as
a simple memory but as a preparation for this imminent judgment many accounts of near-death experiences speak of a Life review where people see their entire existence in an instant experiencing not only their actions but also the consequences of these on others could this be what the Bible suggests when it speaks of judgment but don't be scared the Bible also offers us amazing hope for these final moments in Psalm 23:4 King David writes though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and
your staff Comfort Me This Promise suggests that in our final moments we will not be alone for those who have cultivated a relationship with God these last moments may be marked not by fear but by a comforting peace and divine presence and here comes something that could shake the foundations of your understanding of death in his first letter to the Corinthians 15:55 the Apostle Paul exclaims where oh death is your sting where o grave is your Victory this bold statement suggests that for those who have faith death loses its terrifying power instead of being the
feared ending it becomes a transition a portal to a fuller existence but what about those who have not cultivated a relationship with God what awaits you in those final moments the Bible does not evade this difficult question in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 Jesus suggests that after death there is a separation between those who have lived in harmony with God and those who have not this perspective raises deep and challenging questions how do we live our lives in light of this reality how do we prepare for that final moment
and this is where we get to the heart of why this topic is so important so impactful understanding what might happen in our final moments is not an exercise in morbid curiosity it is an invitation to live differently now if if you knew that in your final moments you would review your entire life experiencing not only your actions but also their impact on others how would that change the way you live today if you believed that in those final moments you could have unprecedented spiritual Clarity how would that affect your current priorities these questions lead
us to an even deeper Revelation about the moments before death a revelation that could completely transform your perspective on life but before we get to that we need to examine one last crucial piece of the puzzle let's go back for a moment to the Book of Ecclesiastes in 7:1 we read something surprising the day of death is better than the day of birth how can this be how can the day of our death be better than the day of our birth this shocking statement leads us to a profound truth about the moments before death it
suggests that death far from Simply being the end could actually be a new beginning a transition to something greater and Fuller than our Earthly existence the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians 1: 21 writes for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain this radical perspective suggests that the moments before death far from being a time of loss and fear could actually be a time of anticipation and hope imagine for a moment you are in your last moments of life but instead of fear or sadness you feel a growing emotion
what if those moments were like the last steps before crossing the threshold of your true home but here comes the most shocking revelation of all in 1 Corinthians 15:51 52 Paul writes behold I tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we will all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet and the dead will be raised Incorruptible and we will be changed do you realize what this implies it suggests that in the last moments of our Earthly life we could experience a radical
and instantaneous transformation not a simple transition but a complete metamorphosis of our are being and you are in your last seconds of Life your heart gives its last beats and suddenly boom in an instant faster than the blink of an eye your entire being is transformed your Consciousness expands your physical limitations disappear and you find yourself catapulted into a completely new and amazing reality this perspective gives new meaning to Jesus's words in John 11:25 26 I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me will live even if he dies and everyone who
lives and Believes In Me will never die what if the moments before death were actually a Prelude to a life Fuller and more real than we have ever experienced in 2 Corinthians 51 Paul offers us another powerful metaphor for we know that if our Earthly Dwelling Place this Tabernacle is dissolved we have a building from God a house not made with hands Eternal in heaven this image suggests that in the moments before death as our physical body falls apart we might be on the verge of receiving a new body or a form of existence something
more permanent and glorious than our current form let's reflect how would your life change if you truly believe that your last moments could be the threshold to a more amazing existence how would it affect your daily decisions your relationships your priorities because here's the most shocking truth of all the way we live now could determine how we experience those final moments in Galatians 6 7 8 we read do not be deceived God cannot be mocked for whatever a man SWS that will he also reap for He Who SWS to his flesh of the flesh will
reap corruption but he who sow to the spirit from the spirit you will reap eternal life this suggests that our actions decisions and the state of our hearts in this life could have a profound impact on how we experience the moments before death and what comes after imagine that you are in your last moments reviewing your life well what would you see a life full of love compassion and service to others or a self-centered existence wasted in Trivial Pursuits the good news is that it is not too late to change the course of your life
each day is a new opportunity to sew to the spirit to live in a way that prepares you for that final moment of transformation so I challenge you live each day as if it were your last moments love deeply forgive quickly serve generously cultivate a relationship with God that sustains you in those final moments because in the end the last minutes before death don't have to be a time of fear or regret they can be a time of Peace of anticipation of Joyful expectation for what is to come and who knows maybe when your time
comes instead of fear you'll feel growing excitement maybe your last thoughts will be finally I'm ready for this great adventure let us consider for a moment the story of Steven the first Christian martyr in Acts 7:55 5 6 we read but Steven filled with the Holy Spirit looked intently into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God and he said I see the heavens opened and the son of man standing at the right hand of God do you realize what this implies in his last moments Steven experienced
a heavenly vision the veil between this world and the next was lifted allowing a glimpse of the spiritual reality that is normally hidden from our eyes this brings us to a fascinating question is it possible that in our final moments our spiritual eyes are opened in an unprecedented way could we like Steven have a vision of the glory that awaits us but there is more in the Book of Daniel 12:3 God says to Daniel but you continue to the end you will rest and then you will arise to receive your inheritance at the end of
days This Promise suggests that death far from being the end is actually an interlude a rest before a future Resurrection how would your perspective on death change if you saw it not as a definitive end but as a temporary parenthesis in your Eternal existence now let me ask you a question that could shake the foundations of your understanding of life and death what if the last moments before death were actually the first moments of your true life think about it for a moment in 2 Corinthians 4:18 Paul writes so we do not look at what
is visible but at what is invisible since what is visible is temporary while what is invisible is eternal imagine living each day free from the fear of death how would that change your life what risks would you take what love would you express what Adventures would you go on toys I challenge you starting today live each day as if they were your last moments she loves deeply forgives quickly serves generously cultivate a relationship with God that sustains you not only in your final moments but in every moment of your life the last minutes before death
they must be a time of fear or regret they can be the culmination of a life lived with purpose love and faith they can be a time of Peace of anticipation of Joyful expectation for what is to come and who knows maybe when your time comes instead of fear you'll feel growing excitement maybe your last thoughts will be finally I'm ready for this great adventure before concluding I invite you to reflect how has this video changed your perspective on life and death what will you do differently from today today if this message has impacted you
don't keep it to yourself share this video with someone who needs to hear these transformative truths and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more content that challenges your thinking and strengthens your faith remember every day is an opportunity to prepare for that final moment live so that when your time comes you can say with confidence like the Apostle Paul I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith finally the the crown of righteousness is laid up for me the which the Lord the righteous judge will give
me on that day 2 Timothy 478 thank you for joining us on this eye openening Journey until next time live each day with purpose love and expectation may your life be a joyful preparation for The Eternity that awaits you
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