Eating at a restaurant | English learning podcast Conversation | Episode 7

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Eating at a restaurant | English learning podcast Conversation | Episode 7 #english Welcome to the ...
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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to another great lesson with us here at English pod my name is Marco and I'm Erica and today we're going out to eat yes good thing too cuz I'm hungry I know it's almost lunchtime yeah so today we're going to be talking about eating at a restaurant and giving some great recommendations and suggestions yes we have language for describing food for describing restaurants and for making suggestions great so let's start with our vocabulary preview for this lesson vocabulary preview we have two words today from our dialogue which you'll need to
know to understand the dialogue great the first one that we have today is food poisoning food poisoning food poisoning food poisoning so food poisoning is not a good thing not a good thing it is when you eat some bad food and that food makes you sick so get food poisoning okay so food poisoning yeah not a good thing okay the next word allergic allergic allergic allergic so when you're allergic to something um it makes you sick that one thing makes you sick right for example I'm allergic to Seafood right if I eat seafood I cannot
breathe oh okay so you definitely want to stay away from fish yes yes some people are allergic to nut like peanuts or maybe milk milk y cool so when one type of food makes you sick you are allergic to that food okay great so with this in mind now we can listen to our dialogue for the first time at its normal speed but don't worry if you don't get everything now because we'll come back and teach you the important [Music] language do you two have any plans for the evening we were thinking of checking out
a restaurant on in the neighborhood do you have any suggestions I know this really nice Italian place the food is fantastic and the decor is beautiful I'd recommend giving it a try actually I'm not all that crazy about Italian food I'm in the mood for something a bit lighter in that case I know a great little Bistro they make a really tasty seafood platter the fish is outstanding it sounds fantastic but I'm allergic to Seafood so okay well let me think um oh I know this great little place it's just a hole in the wall
but they do the most amazing sandwiches you got to give them a try Ella you took me there last time I visited and I got food poisoning [Music] remember well I'm getting hungry just thinking about all of those great restaurants yeah some really good recommendations except for food poisoning right no not so good let's start with our language anguage takeaway for this lesson language takeaway our first word on language takeaway is check out check out check out check out so we have some great examples on how we can use check out in different situations and
then you can understand the meaning example one have you been to the new Cafe next door yeah I checked it out yesterday the food was great example two hey check out my new car example three I'm going to take out the new shopping mall this weekend so I can understand that it just means look at yeah look at or yeah or go see so let's go check out that new bar in town yeah okay cool next word is is beasto beasto beastro beastro so what's a beastro it's kind of complicated but it's like a small
restaurant that's not really cheap though not so cheap but not so expensive uhhuh and um it's usually French yes so it's yes small informal restaurant yeah beastro mhm okay so our third phrase for today is not all that crazy about not all that crazy about I'm not all that crazy about okay again kind of a funny phrase but we've got some examples that will help you understand the meaning example one do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow I'm not all that crazy about shopping I don't like spending money example two I'm not crazy
about jazz music can I change the song so this is just a really polite way of saying you don't like something exactly but now the opposite of this would be tasty tasty that's our fourth word tasty tasty so when something is tasty it's good it's good like delicious delicious yeah you know what in English we almost never say the food is delicious but we always say it's really tasty yes this is really tasty yes okay tasty and our last phrase for language takeaway in the mood for in the mood for in the mood for let's
listen to some examples of this phrase and we'll understand the meaning a little bit better example one we always eat hamburgers for dinner I'm in the move for something different example two let's watch movie how about Texas Cho Massacre I am not in the mood for a horror movie so if I'm in the mood for something I feel like doing or eating or watching or yeah it means you want to do that now mhm yeah I'm in the mood for okay some great language we just looked at and I think it's time for us to
listen to the dialogue a second time [Music] do you two have any plans for the evening we were thinking of checking out a restaurant in the neighborhood do you have any suggestions I know this really nice Italian place the food is fantastic and the decor is beautiful I'd recommend giving it a try actually I'm not all that crazy about Italian food I'm in the mood for something a bit lighter in that case I know a great little Bistro they make a really tasty seafood platter the fish is outstanding it sounds fantastic but I'm allergic to
Seafood so okay well let me think oh I know this great little place it's just a hole in the wall but they do the most amazing sandwiches you've got to give them a try Ella you took me there last time I visited and I got food poisoning remember okay some really great and useful phrases there and I know you want to talk about specifically some of these phrases yes today's lesson is all about making recommendations right right so let's look at some useful phrases in fluency book fluency Builder so in the dialogue we heard a
great way of asking for a suggestion that's right let's listen do you have any suggestions do you have any suggestions so that's how you would ask for a suggestion or you can say something else like do you have any ideas yeah or you might say do you have any thoughts mhm okay so that's three great ways asking for suggestions yep in response to this you can say something like this I'd recommend giving it a try I'd recommend giving it a try we also heard another phrase that we use for giving suggestions you could give them
a try you've got to give them a try so these two phrases are great I'd recommend or you got to give them a try yeah great ways of suggesting yes now what's really important here is the pronun ation of these words right yeah you'll notice that we don't say I would recommend right we use the contraction I I i' i' recommend i' recommend similarly in the phrase you have got to we shorten that to say you got to you got to you got to give them a try you got to mhm you know what guys
if you can shorten your phrases like this if you can push the sounds together you'll sound a lot more natural hey and also you'll be able to understand because in movies or in shows they will never say you have got to give them a try so if you know how to use this form you'll understand what they mean exactly okay great well why don't we listen to the dialogue a third time and you'll hear some of these contractions in the [Music] dialogue do you two have any plans for the evening we were thinking of checking
out a restaurant in the neighborhood do you have any suggestions I know this really nice Italian place the food is fantastic and the daycor is beautiful I'd recommend giving it a try actually I'm not all that crazy about Italian food I'm in the mood for something a bit lighter in that case I know a great little Bistro they make a really tasty seafood platter the fish is outstanding it sounds fantastic but I'm allergic to Seafood so okay well let me think um oh I know this great little place it's just a hole in the wall
but they do the most amazing sandwiches you got to give them a try Ella you took me there last time I visited and I got food poisoning remember okay great dialogue and Erica I know that you have some food poisoning stories for us well I don't know about stories but I've definitely had food poisoning before um yeah one of the worst times that I ever had food poisoning was uh when I was traveling in Morocco okay I had some really amazing orange juice really fresh squeezed that day in the morning um and then I got
on a bus okay I think you can see where this is going yeah so I was on the bus and then I started to feel really sick um and I was just hoping and hoping and hoping that the bus ride would be over soon but unfortunately it wasn't oh no all I can say is that I was sick and I all I can say is that I was pretty sick and really really unhappy yeah I bet well that's very strange that you got sick from orange juice huh well yeah maybe it was with some dirty
water or something like that I don't know it was just it was a terrible situation yeah it's always complicated when you're traveling to other countries it could be the water it could be the the way they prepare things so yeah yeah food poisoning guys I hope that you don't get food poisoning and if you have any food poisoning stories it would be great for you to share them yes at our website englishpod tocom and we'll see you there to answer all your questions and comments but now we have to go okay guys thanks for listening
we'll see you there bye-bye [Music] bye the English part audio review listen to the meaning then say the vocabulary word look at something that is attractive check out extremely good fantastic decoration Decor have a desire for something or to do something in the mood for not heavy on stomach easy to digest light small trendy restaurant or bar beastro delicious tasting good tasty excellent outstanding have allergy towards something usually food a very small usually cheap restaurant or bar a hole in the wall becoming sick because of bacteria in food food poisoning let's try that faster small
trendy restaurant or bar beastro have allergy towards something usually food have a desire for something or to do something in the mood for look at something that is attractive check out have allergy towards something usually food a very small usually cheap restaurant or bar a hole in the wall delicious tasting good tasty look at something that is attractive check out have allergy towards something usually food delicious tasting good tasty not heavy on stomach easy to digest light small trendy restaurant or bar beastro have a desire for something or to do something in the mood for
a very small usually cheap restaurant or bar a hole in the wall extremely good fantastic small trendy restaurant or bar beastro decoration Decor a very small usually cheap restaurant or bar a hole in the wall decoration Decor have a desire for something or to do something in the mood for a very small usually cheap restaurant or bar a hole in the wall not heavy on stomach easy to digest light becoming sick because of bacteria in food food poisoning look at something that is attractive check out extremely good fantastic now say the word and hear it
in a sentence check out I checked out the new Cafe yesterday and the food was great in the mood for I'm not in the mood for a horror movie food poisoning if you don't wash the fruit carefully you'll get food poisoning tasty M this pasta is really tasty outstanding the chocolate cake here is outstanding in the mood for I'm not in the mood for a horror movie [Music]
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