Transforme a sua Realidade: O Poder do Alinhamento de Frequência - 26/10/24

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Vital Frosi
Nesse áudio/vídeo, Vital Frosi explora o conceito de "alinhamento de frequência," enfatizando que at...
Video Transcript:
Good morning, my beloved ones. Today is Saturday, October 26, 2024. We are going to cover a few more lines today, so that each of you can, in fact, enjoy each video posted here on this channel.
Let's address frequency alignment. Let's see how to attract exactly what we want, because everything is vibration. Everything we feed comes to us.
We attract people, businesses, relationships, situations, etc. Everything according to our frequency. Therefore, working on frequency is really the key to everything that is.
Let's work here too and address the subject of changes, because when you change, you move away from what is no longer useful and will attract new perspectives. The universe fuels each of us all the time. Let's see that perfection does not exist in 3D.
The fear of making mistakes is a form of illusion. However, there is no error, there is always learning. There are opportunities.
There is the creation of the new, the different. And this is evolution. And we will see that your life continues, despite everything.
So don't take everything so seriously. Let's see that our life is an illusion because we believe that there are problems and in fact there are no problems, there are tasks and opportunities to co-create all the time. So let's start this recording.
I don't know how it will go, because my throat is a little complicated today. These windstorms in recent days have also greatly favored vocal cord problems, because the air, the wind, probably interferes with the vibration of the vocal cords and ends up hindering pronunciation a little. The voice.
Many people always have this doubt, and it is a recurring doubt, yes, about frequency. How to align the frequency? Well, we already said that everything in the universe is movement.
And the most interesting thing is the spiral movement. Because spiral movement is the most perfect movement there is. Because it is synchronized.
Frequency alignment is necessary so that we can align ourselves with the movements of the universe. Not only of our galaxy and planet Earth, but of the entire infinite universe. Because we are, in miniature, a universe.
Within each of us, everything that exists in the infinite universe. Because if the creative source emits seeds and we are a divine seed atom, obviously we are the same essence that forms planets, stars, galaxies, universes, multiverses and the infinite cosmos. When we talk about spirit, we are talking about a monad, which is a consciousness to a greater degree, which is divided into supersouls, souls and fractals, to experience and co-create, remembering that famous biblical phrase that you quote, obviously as a parable, but you can example, the beginning of the construction of worlds.
When the Creator released the seeds each seed of us and said to each one. Go multiply, create worlds, galaxies and universes. And that's what we need to understand.
We came here with a cosmic essence to create something in the near absence of light. And that's why we have some difficulties and, to make the situation a little worse, they have imposed limiting beliefs on us, making us believe that everything here is difficult, everything is almost beyond the reach of each one of us, and that, when we die, as physical death is known, everything ends. And it's not true.
We are an immortal consciousness. We are a part of a consciousness of ourselves of our I am, our higher self, that atom that is a seed. If we are a seed, we will reproduce what is already within the essence that created us.
So, we will, regardless of beliefs and ability to co-create, each of us will attract everything to ourselves, exactly according to our vibration, our frequency. When we say that everything that is fed arrives, it is because feeding is not giving food, food is to increase a certain frequency. You attract what you think, what you desire, what you love, what you hate, what you want and what you don't want.
This seems like a paradox, but it's true. So, if you attract what you want and what you don't want, why do you attract if you don't want it? Because you constantly feed the desire to not want.
And the universe doesn't understand no. The universe is positive, it is not negative, it understands the positive frequency. So when you say I don't want to, the universe understands that you say I want.
Once you want it, you will create that frequency of attraction. You create a link, you create a signal, a password that will access what you are feeding inside you. Of course, it is not five minutes of desire, five minutes of intention that will create, otherwise we would create a lot of things and it would be a problem to move forward with so much load.
To co-create you need to feed through intention, in the beginning, everything is an intention. Then it’s a thought, it’s a desire, it’s a desire, it’s a feeling. As these feelings, this energy, become stronger, the chance of co-creating gradually increases.
And by feeding all this gear that we call the law of attraction, you attract people, those who will help you fulfill your soul plan. Because you already have, deep inside your soul, a project. It is written by you before you incarnated.
What are the situations, what are the main points of your soul mission in this current incarnation? And you have that intention, even if you don't remember your soul plan, you have the tendency. The trend is already imprinted on the etheric body, which is the body that forms and shapes the physical body.
So you already have the feeling within you. And it manifests itself through an intuition, first an intention, then an intuition, and then a thought, and then it co-creates, expands and develops, desires and feels. When we feel it, we print the situation, as if we were writing an essay, printing the page.
Then you attract people, those who will help you execute your soul plan. No one arrives in your life by chance. Everything is the law of attraction, it's frequency.
So much so that when a person has some relationship problems, there is no point running away. If you didn't understand the reason for that tumultuous relationship. Because you will run away, you will find other people who continue the process.
Because the soul asked for this and it carries within it this frequency, this tendency. This is how we also attract business, work, professional life. How many people say, oh, that person there has talent, he has the gift, the gift of playing football, the gift of singing, the gift of playing an instrument, the gift of drawing, of painting.
He has a facility in mathematics, history, geography, all of this is a trend. The soul already has this knowledge and it will express this knowledge in this current life so that it can carry out the tasks it has asked itself to experience. So she brings trends that will help her find opportunities.
She does not need to open the entire bag that carries the soul baggage of 500 incarnations or 1000 incarnations. She will open some drawers, just those that will help develop the tasks of this current life, this current incarnation. And in addition to people and business, it also attracts suitable relationships, the type of relationship, whether it is more comfortable or more tumultuous.
Because relationships are the great polishers of the soul. And she will also attract situations, which are related to people, business , relationships, anything , because she needs to rescue, learn, heal, etc. There is always the opportunity to work on things from the past in the current incarnation.
in the present, that's why we already said now, a little while ago, that we cannot go back to a past life to change what was done at that time, but we can change what was done in a past life by changing the present, redirecting. Now, we can all do this, because each incarnated soul is given these possibilities. Resistance to change is one of the greatest obstacles for every incarnated soul.
Because the comfort zone of that already known state is pleasant, despite sometimes being uncomfortable. Our ego doesn't like change. He prefers the difficulties of everyday life, but he knows that he already knows it there.
It's familiar ground. He already knows where to step. Any change requires finding new paths, and the ego doesn't like that.
So the ego, our lower self, resists it, because it doesn't want change. He wants to continue as he is known. However, when you change, you remove everything that is not good for you.
Change is the ruler that clears the history. If something is not good, it will only change if you actually make the change, otherwise it will continue. Changing removes old problems, old uncomfortable situations and has a great advantage: it will attract new perspectives.
There is not a living soul incarnate who can say: My life is a bed of roses. I don't want anything to change! There is no life in which someone can say this all the time, during the entire incarnation.
That doesn't exist. If it existed, it would be a soul that would be missing an entire incarnation, because without changing anything, it will only do what it already knows, what it has already learned in other lives and which no longer needs to change anything. So what are you incarnated for?
Wasting time, risking getting lost. Because if you're not going to have any advantages, it's a risk to have some disadvantages and get lost. That's very right.
There are the natural laws of the universe, they are the divine laws. These natural laws bring the energies that supply each incarnated soul at all times. It is the postman who brings us the packages, the orders that we ourselves write, pack, and address for ourselves in the future incarnation.
Before incarnating, we did this. We deliver there all the letters, all the packages, all the orders, all the tools with the date and address marked. And as Chico Xavier said, "in reincarnation, no one makes the wrong address.
" The universe already knows where each of us will be in future incarnations. I always knew and always delivered to the right address, on the right day, month and year. There is no error.
There is always opportunity. Perfection does not exist in 3D, third-dimensional worlds of trials and expiations, because it is the imperfection of everything that exists that makes this world perfect. Perfect as a school of souls, a world of trials and expiations.
If perfection existed here, we would have a higher world. Perhaps in the category of happy worlds, then we would not be here learning the lessons we set out to learn, in this third dimensional world. If there is no perfection in this third- dimensional cycle of the Earth, then we have the ingredients of imperfection, and we have the traumas of all our difficulties experienced, experienced in incarnations prior to this one too, mainly because in this one we have the memory, and in the others we don't remember.
So the fear of making mistakes is a way of disrupting our daily lives. But the fear of making mistakes is nothing more than an illusion. Well, there is no error.
There was never a mistake. In every decision, in every situation, in every solution there is always learning. According to lived experience.
And that's why we always say, then, that there is no learning error. When we understand that we made a mistake, then we work on another facet within our lived characters, which is guilt. If we understand that there is an error, we then have another aggravating factor, which is guilt.
Guilt is nothing more than the signature, testifying that that experience was a mistake, when in fact it was no mistake, it was a learning experience in the way that event unfolded. The way each soul feels that situation, which is not the best choice, but it is a way of understanding that there are many possibilities, within the world of illusion, third dimension. If there is no perfection, there is no error, and yes, there is an illusion.
There is always learning, opportunities and the creation of something new and different. And that is evolution. Where you see an error, you can look carefully, you will see that there was a different way of creating something new.
There was an opportunity to evolve. Not only is the soul that experienced that something different, but the entire collective learns from the collective experiences of others as well. See how profound all this is, how perfect the divine plan is even in a world of illusion.
That's why I said before: That we are in an imperfect world, but this imperfection is the perfection of the plan. When we see all these possibilities, and most of the time, it is natural that incarnated souls, in their limited consciousness, see all of this as endless problems. It seems that problems are lining up.
And you get rid of one. . .
comes another. When you free yourself from that one, another comes, and another, and it never ends. This is also an illusion!
Because there are no problems. To begin with, our soul is immortal. Our soul does not suffer.
Our soul does not have specific needs like the physical body. The physical body is what suffers. The physical body is what dies.
But the soul carries with it in its etheric body, which is the body that accompanies the soul in all incarnations, all the experiences lived in these worlds, be it the third dimension, the fifth, the tenth. The soul carries experiences with it through feeling. Souls incarnated in human physical bodies need to make an impression, imprint on their etheric body: feeling.
They are not words, they are not jewels, they are not so many experiences in a generalized way, but the feeling of each experience. Because on this planet Earth, our soul has already incarnated in several places and spoke many languages ​​while it was incarnated. And it will not take you to eternity, to your superior versions, to your monad, to the creative source.
You will not take tickets written in different languages. She will always carry the feeling, which is the universal, cosmic language. The feeling is unique.
The same experience, two incarnated souls, can be twins, living an identical experience on the same day, at the same time, they will feel differently. This is the beauty of this planetary school called Earth. Problems do not exist because what exists are tasks.
We came here to fulfill tasks, find alternatives, solutions for each situation. That's why so many billions of souls passed through Earth, because there are many possibilities found in each situation, in each task. Each task has multiple possibilities, many possibilities for results development solutions.
So, instead of what we understand as problems, there are tasks and opportunities to co-create. How wonderful! So, you are going through a serious problem in your life and you despair about the problem.
When you could look at your problem and say to yourself, look, this is not a problem, this is a task that I came to experience. And if I came to experience this task, I can find solutions, I can have varied opportunities, I can co-create something that no one has co-created yet. Because whoever found the solutions may have been in previous lives, no one is knowing.
I will find my solution. I will co-create in my own way. Because the opportunity is coming.
And when the opportunity arrives, it was the deadline that the soul asked for to receive that package, because it would be ready to find the solution. This is also very important to take into account. Not a single soul asked for something impossible to perform.
No soul asked, in its soul plan, for anything to receive further on that would harm the soul. She always asks for what will be best for her, what will help her ascend faster. The big problem is that when the little packages come, when the opportunities, the tasks come, we have the choice.
The free will to do what we think is best. This choice is available to all souls. Do what you think is best.
You will reap the results from then on, you will find the sequence somewhere, at some time, because the journey is individual. The soul only ascends when this journey ends. If she wants to retreat, if she wants to walk to the right, to the left, climb the hills, the mountains, go down the valleys, cross swamps.
If you're late on your walk, no problem! One day she will complete it. She has this prerogative of free choice.
And despite everything, your life goes on. Nothing and no one can interrupt divine plans and not even your soul plan, except you. No one has the power to change anything in your soul plan!
So don't take everything so seriously! Live life with joy! Tackle obstacles as tasks!
If no one can change your soul plan. . .
fear of what? Tell me if you have reason to be afraid. .
. unnecessary worries. "Ah, because such a thing will happen.
" Such a thing will not happen to you if you did not ask for it in your soul plan or if you did not choose now to change something that happens to you and you made a choice to determine alternatives within that situation in your soul plan. Oh, because a plague is going to come and it will disembody a lot of people. He will disincarnate all those who are in his time, whether for one reason or another, for one cause or another.
There is no chance of someone disincarnating, of a soul disincarnating, before time, if it is not by their own will, their choice. Suicide, for example, is a choice. There is no way for you to go through the lessons that others need to go through, unless you have also made it your plan to go through similar or identical lessons to someone else.
So you will be at that moment, at some point, in the same situation as the other person to live an equal experience. But only if you put it in your soul plan. Nobody has power over you.
Anything that happens to you on this journey, in this current incarnation, as happened in the previous ones, only came to you, by frequency, because you had asked in your soul plan, the universe, read your purpose, your incarnational plan, and he knows where you are. He knows what you asked for and he also knows when to deliver the task, the package, the letter, whatever it is. When we understand, we accept everything that is offered to us, because we know that it was we who asked for it.
And when we understand and accept, we let go of all those reasons that bring us discomfort, pain, suffering. That's why I always say, understand to accept, understand and accept to let go. Let go!
Let go of everything that no longer serves you! Let go of everything that makes you suffer! Let go of everything that is old, because you need to create space for the new, for other alternatives, for changes.
To move forward! If you don't remove what stops you from walking, you won't continue the journey. You will be stuck, wasting precious time.
Change! Allow yourself! Remember!
And when you change, you push away what you don't want and attract new opportunities, attract the new. And this may be the key to everything that lies ahead from today onwards. And now I leave you with my embrace of light in each of you.
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