this video showing up on your feed today is not a coincidence because there are no coincidences with God I want to share a quick story with you in 2019 I started a window cleaning business from scratch with zero customers and the way you start is you go canvas in so you knock on doors and ask people if they need a window cleaner so that's what I did and I started knocking on doors and I quickly realized that it's very hard to find customers and I found if I knocked on a thousand doors I'd get one
customer another thousand doors I'd get my second customer so after a few days of this I kind of sat down and thought these customers are scarce they're very hard to come by there must be a better way so Matthew 7:7 ask and it will be answered to you seek and you will find and that's what happened I thought about it and I thought if I do this I worked it out uh one customer for every thousand doors I knock on it was going to take me about 100 years to get enough customers to have a
full round so I kept knocking on doors and in the meantime I was kind of looking for an answer of how to build the customer base quicker and the answer came in the form of Facebook ads I saw another window cleaner running Facebook ads so I went from scarcity knocking on a thousand doors and getting one car customer to abundance I run my own Facebook ads and the cust it turns out in my area loads of people wanted window cleaners they just weren't going to answer the door and become a customer that way they wanted
to reply to a Facebook ad so I run Facebook ads and within a month I had more customers than I could deal with than I could service so I went from scarcity to abundance and most window cleaners operate on the scarcity mindset they've know how hard it is to get customers my brother bought a window cleaning round for £10,000 so they're very valuable customers are valuable and they're hard to get in my experience that was true but in the second case when I run Facebook ads I had another problem I had too many customers I
was getting so many messages and I couldn't serve them all I was a oneman band it was just me there's only so many windows you can clean in the day so right there within the space of a month I'd seen scarcity and abundance in the exact same thing and it was the seeking of an answer to the scarcity problem that brought me to abundance so God gives abundantly and in my case I had more customers than I could deal with so I worked as hard as I could serviced as many customers as I could but
with the extra customers this just came instinctively to me I thought well I've got a customer that that needs their window cleaning and I can't do it I contacted all of the window cleaners in my area and offered them the customer and said I can't do it do you need the job and because a lot of them are traditional they're working off of the scarcity mindset that customers are hard to come by they did need the customers but when I offered this a lot well all of them every every window cleaner I spoke to was
kind of hostile towards me and almost didn't want the customer because they thought there was some sort of a catch because you can charge for window cleaning customers if you've got a customer you could sell it to another window cleaner but I was just going to say have the customer for free because to me it seemed like a win-win there's a customer that needs their window cleaning and there's a window cleaner that needs a customer and I can't do it so I might as well give it away and my thinking was well surely if I
ever need window cleaning customers they would reciprocate and offer that back to me but that didn't that wasn't how they were operating because they were operating in scarcity they would hold on to their customers even if they couldn't do the the window cleaning job they would rather it the customer not get their windows cleaned than offer them to somebody else so that's scarcity and had I stayed in the window cleaning business long enough I was going to set up because I live on an island it's fairly small community there's probably a handful of window cleaners
I I was going to set up like an exchange where you put your customers on the exchange and if you can't do it another window cleaner does it or if you're in this part of the island and that customer's over there you give it to somebody that's in that area so you all end up with an abundance of customers in the area that suits you rather than driving over to the other side of the island just to serve a customer because you don't want to give it to John the other window cleaner and I noticed
that it's like Turf walls there's a lot of competition and I just think why would you all not help each other so both cases are true so my message is whether you're operating on scarcity which is these things are hard to acquire and once I've got them I should hold on to them or abundance which is God provides knock and I'll like knock the door and it'll be answered to me seek and I will find both are true and both were true in my case I was just very lucky that I didn't stay in that
I could still be knocking doors now and have about 50 customers by now but I saw answers and I found them so I would say if you are operating from a scarcity mindset just look around abundance is everywhere another example I found was in the summer I would walk to my allotment and I mean pretty much everywhere you will see blackberry bushes growing and it struck me at how abundant the blackberries are it they're just so so many of them nature provides in abundance and you don't get the birds and the like small animals worrying
whether the black Brees are going to come next year they come in abundance so reflect in your life where do you have a scarcity mindset and where do you have an abundant mindset and it comes down to faith faith that God will provide what you need so I've got a Bible verse this is 2 Corinthians 6 to 15 remember this whoever SWS sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever SWS generously will also reap generously each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a
cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound to you so that all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work as it is written he has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor his righteousness endures forever now he who supplies seeds to the sewer and bread for food will also Supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the Harvest of your righteousness you will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity
will result in Thanksgiving to God this service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God because of the service by which you have provided yourselves men will praise God for The Obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ and your generosity is sharing with them and with everyone else and in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you because of the surpassing grace God has given you thanks be to God for his Indescribable gift so that's
saying exactly what I was doing with a window cleaning without knowing it if there's customers there I've been sort of blessed by finding the Facebook ads and I have an abundance of customers why would I not give them to the next window cleaner because that's just going to come back to me if I one say I employ a second window cleaner and I need more customers I could then say Oh do you have any spare customers in my area so I guess a second part of that would almost be charity if you have abundance don't
cling to it that becomes scarcity really quick so if you have abundance in your life and you cling and you don't want to give it away well that's instantly scarcity again because you're saying well I need to hold on to this cuz more is not coming but if you have faith and you have abundance you can go oh I'll give this freely if that person needs it I'll give it to them because I know we we're all one family so any favors will come back to you so I hope my example there shows that both
scarcity and abundance can be completely true but you need to decide which one you're going to choose and how you're going to proceed this is my favorite Bible verse and I always come back to this this is Matthew 6 25-34 and the title do not worry therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more important than food and the body more important than clothes look at the birds of the air they do not sew
or reap or store away in Barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you are you not much more valuable than they who of You by worrying can add a single hour to his life and why do you worry about cloves see how the lies of the field grow they do not labor or spin yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his Splendor was dressed like one of these if that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire will he
not much more cloth you oh ye of little faith so do not worry saying what shall I eat what shall I drink or what shall we wear for the pagans run after all of these things and your heavenly father knows that you need them but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own so worrying about how you're going to be provided for or how you're going to
feed yourself or get that window cleaning customer or whatever it is in your life worry begets worry it's just going to send you in a different in in a certain direction which is not that of abundance so the kingdom of God as it speaks about there is faith that God will Pro provide the kingdom of God provides this whole forest with all of everything the animals need every season and it will do the same for you so don't worry so operate from a place of abundance and faith hope that helps