1/11 Portal is HITTING TODAY! 111 Portal Collides with 1/13 Full Moon - Next 48H are CRUCIAL!

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Eye of Wisdom
1/11 Portal HITS TODAY! The powerful 111 Portal is colliding with the intense energy of the upcoming...
Video Transcript:
be prepared it's finally here you've never seen a portal like this before but be warned strange things will take over the 111 portal isn't just a Gateway it's a cosmic pressure cooker two powerful forces are colliding right now the energetic alignment of the portal and the magnetic pull of the upcoming full moon together they're creating something far more intense than what we're used to here's why this is different this portal isn't just about stepping into new energy it will force you to go through many unusual experiences and the twist the full moon on January 13th
isn't just lingering in the background it's the climax this isn't just energy flowing through you it's being Amplified stretched and magnified by the moon's light we're talking about transformation on Overdrive so buckle up because this isn't your average portal when the full Moon Rises on January 13th everything comes to the surface whatever's been simmering during these 3 days will be cast into the spotlight this isn't just any full moon it marks the culmination of the 111 portal which stays open until the full Moon's Peak on January 13th this Moon doesn't doesn't just shine it reveals
it's like a mirror reflecting your progress your fears and even the Shadows you've tried to outrun but here's the catch the full Moon's magic only works if you've embraced the Portal's energy it's not here to force change it's here to illuminate the choices you've made or the ones you've avoided this is your moment to pause reflect and take ownership of the path you're carving the moon May Mark the peak of the energy but the portal that's the most important part of it the way you handle this portal will be reflected later on during the full
moon numbers are the language of the universe and the date 111 speaks volumes in numerology the number one is a symbol of new beginnings Independence and self-discovery but here's where it gets fast inting when the number one repeats as it does in 111 its energy isn't just doubled it's Amplified it's like a cosmic megaphone calling you to step into your power think of 111 as a sacred Gateway it's a day where the universe invites you to plant seeds of intention intentions that are supercharged by the Portal's energy and set to bloom during the full moon
on January 13th but this portal isn't just about starting fresh it's about transformation on a deep soul level the 111 portal is a rare moment when the universe seems to whisper are you ready to claim your next chapter this isn't a day to play small every thought every action every intention carries weight the question is how will you harness it have you felt it yet a sudden craving for foods you don't normally eat or an unexplainable urge to be somewhere new maybe it's the smell of the ocean calling or a pool toward quiet woods these
aren't random whims they're energetic signals the portal energy and the approaching full moon create a unique Harmony and your body feels it Cravings whether for certain foods activities or environments are your body's way of aligning with this frequency you're being nudged almost instinctively to prepare for the transformation at hand pay attention to what your soul craves it's a map leading you to balance for some it might be earthy foods like root vegetables grounding them amidst the cosmic intensity for others it might be the need to move dancing stretching or simply walking barefoot on grass even
your environment might start to feel off until you adjust it adding plants candles or soft lighting to create a space that resonates with this energy these nudges are a dialogue between your inner self and the universe guiding you toward alignment ignore them and you might feel Restless or disconnected honor them and you step into a flow where transformation feels not just possible but natural your Cravings aren't strange they're sacred not everyone will feel the 111 portal the same way for most it's a whisper a gentle invitation to reflect and reset but for the chosen ones
it's a Thunderclap if you're one of the few who've been walking the path of spiritual growth you might already feel it the weight the intensity the sense that something Monumental is Shifting inside you and here's why you're not just experiencing this portal you're anchoring its energy for others chosen ones aren't just Guided by the Light they carry it this portal isn't letting you Coast it's pushing you to step into your leadership your purpose your calling the universe is turning up the pressure because it knows knows you're ready even if you don't feel like it you
might feel waves of Doubt exhaustion or even moments of questioning your path but don't mistake these feelings for weakness they're your spirit's way of shedding the last remnants of fear or hesitation making room for your next chapter this portal isn't just an opportunity it's a test are you willing to embrace the responsibility of your growth are you ready to lead not just yourself but others into this new era of Awakening let's talk about the curveballs cancelled plans delays sudden changes that throw you off balance annoying right but what if these aren't random disruptions what if
they Divine interventions during this portal the universe has one goal alignment and if something in your life isn't aligned the universe isn't shy about stepping in to clear the path when the universe says no it's actually redirecting you to your yes this might look like your schedule unexpectedly opening up giving you time to sit in Stillness or maybe a project you are forcing suddenly stalls nudging you to rethink your approach the full moon energy intensifies this urging you to create space for clarity and introspection fighting these shifts will only create frustration resistance won't stop the
universe from clearing what no longer serves you it'll just make the process harder instead lean in trust that these disruptions are happening for you not to you so the next time something doesn't go as planned during this portal take a breath and ask yourself what's the gift here because chances are it's leading you to something far greater than you could have planned for yourself you're not imagining it those numbers 111 and 113 keep showing up for a reason on clocks license plates random receipts even in your dreams it's not a coincidence it's a cosmic signal
the universe speaks in numbers and right now it's speaking directly to you the number one carries the energy of Beginnings think Independence Fresh Starts and the spark of creation when it's repeated like in 111 that energy is Amplified it's the ultimate green light from the universe urging you to align with your Highest Potential 111 is the frequency of the 111 portal itself self a reminder to step into your power and take action now let's talk about 113 this one's different deeper transformative the number 13 has a long history of spiritual significance in many Traditions it's
tied to cycles of death and rebirth Transformations that are rarely easy but always necessary it's endings that lead to profound beginnings and here's where it gets Wild the full moon on January 13th is the energetic mirror of this number 111 is the invitation 113 is the transformation together there're a road map to your next chapter when you see these numbers take a moment breathe reflect what's happening in your life right then what's pulling your focus these numbers don't appear randomly they're breadcrumbs guiding you to what needs your attention you might notice 111 when you're daydreaming
about a new idea wondering if it's worth pursuing or 113 might Flash in front of you when you're resisting change clinging to something that's clearly outgrown here's a question for you what if these numbers are trying to lead you what if they're showing up as reassurance that the steps you're considering or the steps you're afraid to take are exactly the right ones the universe doesn't shout it Whispers and right now its whispers are written in 111 and 113 so watch where these numbers pop up write it down reflect because they're not just reminders they're activation
codes signs that you're exactly where you're meant to be in this powerful portal of new beginnings and transformation let's face it letting go is one of the hardest things we're asked to do but during this portal it's not optional it's essential the energy of the 111 portal is a cosmic Cleanup Crew sweeping through your life and urging you to release anything that doesn't align with your higher path you can't carry the weight of the past into a future that's calling you to rise so what does letting go really look like it's not just about decluttering
your home or unfollowing people on social media though let's be honest that might be part of it it's about shedding layers of fear doubt and attachment it's about asking yourself what stories have I been telling myself that no longer feel true during these 3 days you might feel it on every level emotionally mentally even physically don't be surprised if old memories resurface or if you feel a sudden urge to cry for no apparent reason this isn't just random it's a release a cleansing tears aren't weakness they're proof that you're making space for what's next and
then there's the full moon on January 13th the ultimate closer of chapters full moons shine a light on what we've been avoiding Illuminating the areas of Our Lives that need attention this one is like a spiritual Spotlight saying here right here this is what you need to let go of Letting Go isn't easy it might mean walking away from a relationship that no longer feels right even if it's comfortable it might mean leaving a job even if it's secure or it might mean releasing an identity you've clung to because it felt safe even though you've
outgrown it it but here's the thing holding on is harder carrying what no longer serves you will weigh you down keeping you from stepping into the energy of new beginnings that this portal offers when you let go you're not losing anything you're making room for everything this is your moment to trust the process even if it feels uncertain the 111 portal and the full moon on January 13th are working together to guide you to clear the path ahead all you have to do is surrender what are you still holding on to and what could your
life look like if you finally let it go this is your opportunity to find out this portal is not just another Cosmic event it's a defining moment its energy doesn't ask politely it commands it's ping you forward urging you to leave behind the version of yourself that's been holding you back and here's the catch when it closes with the full moon on January 13th there will be no second chances this isn't just a door it's a passage into a reality where hesitation has no place the universe doesn't waste energy and neither should you this portal
is charged with transformation but transformation requires action if you felt that subtle or maybe not so subtle tug in your soul that's the portal calling it's not here to wait it's here to shift timelines to force Clarity to push you into alignment with the life you've been too afraid to claim and let's be real staying where you are feels safe doesn't it but deep down you know that Comfort is an illusion the longer you resist change the louder the universe becomes this portal is a gift yes but it's also a wakeup call when the portal
closes it doesn't lock you out it locks you in to the choices you've made to the path you've chosen if you're still watching I'd like to thank you for your attention if you enjoyed the content and want to see more please consider clicking the Subscribe button your support is very appreciated feel free to share share your experiences or thoughts in the comments below until next time take care and subscribe for more insightful content
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