15 Things That Don’t Impress People The Way You Think It Does

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have you ever had a moment where you said something that you knew would impress your friends or colleagues and then there was a total awkward silence or you post a picture that you're sure is going to do well but nobody likes it the world moves fast my friend and your idea of what's impressive might be embarrassingly outdated and you can't afford to make those mistakes when you're launching your Empire or pushing forward in your career but fear not my friend we got you covered in this video we're breaking down 15 things that don't impress people
the way you might think they do and how avoiding these can lead to deeper respect and stronger connections let's dive in number one taking photos of cash uh cringe most people assume that if you truly have money you don't need to prove it to anyone studies on human behavior show that obvious displays of wealth can actually make people more skeptical and suspicious the stacks of bills casually tossed on a table are meant to scream look how successful I am but do they do they really genuine wealth is quiet built on investments businesses and assets not
flaunted in pictures social proof Works differently now subtle signals like financial literacy or philanthropy carry far more weight than flexing your currency real wealth is about creating value not chasing validation if you're taking photos of cash ask yourself who am I trying to impress here and is this the best way to do it spoiler alert it's probably not number two name dropping now here's the thing okay research and psychology shows that people value authenticity and mutual respect in conversations when someone name drops it can come across as self-serving and it shows insecurity not importance connections
are impressive only when they're with something that you've built or contributed to the next time you're tempted to name drop ask yourself if the name actually adds to the story or just fills a silence if it doesn't really bring value to the story then let that name rest and focus on what you bring to the table number three saying you work 80 plus hours announcing you work 80 hours a week isn't the badge of honor it used to be in fact it might even be a red flag burnout is now a global health problem and
the World Health Organization classifies it as a workplace syndrome let that sink in for a second long hours aren't a sign of productivity no they're a sign of poor time management or a lack of boundaries these days when someone brags about their schedule most people's first thought isn't wow they're so hardworking and impressive it's actually more like uh is this person okay they need a better work life balance working excessive hours does doesn't just harm your mental and physical health it also makes you less efficient the human brain is wired for breaks and overwork often
leads to diminishing returns instead of saying you work 80 plus hours try talking about what you're passionate about or how you're solving problems in your work it's far more interesting than glorifying your exhaustion number four having only surface level information on a variety of Topics in today's world of instant information you know it's easy to skim the surface of multiple subjects Without Really diving into any of them at first this might seem like an advantage you're versatile and you can contribute to any conversation but people quickly notice when someone is only repeating headlines or sound
bites and it sounds well immature like the child at a park repeating what an adult said and having no idea what it actually means when you can't answer follow-up questions your credibility crumbles okay but someone with even a little bit of genuine knowledge on a subject they stand out having that depth shows commitment curiosity and respect for the topic you'll do so much better in conversations if you focus on a few areas that genuinely interest you it's better to be deeply informed about three things than to know only a little bit about 30 things it'll
make your conversations feel richer and it'll draw people to you number five talking about your connection without backing it up now everyone's heard someone say oh I know so and so only to realize there's no evidence to back up what you're saying you're not friends with the chef just because you ate at the restaurant once when you drop vague mentions of connections without showing how they're relevant you can come across as Hollow worse people might think you're inflating your Social Capital to seem more important than you are when your relationships are genuine you don't have
to advertise them it'll come through naturally in your stories collaborations or the quality of your work don't claim to have connections when you can't actually back it up because it'll make people question your credibility like if someone you knew told you that they were working on a project and only later on you found out they worked with a major figure how much more impressive is that the quiet confidence has a far more memorable impact number six bragging about how much you drink look okay talking about how much alcohol you handle as cool when you're just
entering University and drinking for the first time those who mature faster and eventually know that it's actually a really cringy thing to keep mentioning how up we got last night man and it is definitely not something you want to brag about in professional circles for most people it just raises eyebrows there's a point when it's no longer about being fun or adventurous you're actually telling people that you're reckless that you don't have self-awareness and that you have no idea how social Ed and cu's work moderation and being able to control yourself earns a lot more
respect than excessive drinking it shows you can have fun and let loose while staying in control of yourself nobody remembers the person who drank too much at the party at least for no reasons that are good people remember the person who had meaningful conversations or who brought good energy to the room bragging about how much you drink does not impress people it just makes them wonder if you're overcompensating for something number seven flexing your expensive watch look flashing luxury watches is supposed to scream success but most of the time it just says I want you
to notice me watches can catch someone's eye if they show Taste history or craftsmanship but when they're used to validate your worth they kind of lose their charm nobody cares what's on your wrist if there's nothing deeper to back it up people respect wealth when it's subtle when it's a byproduct of purpose and achievement if the only takeaway someone has about you is nice watch well you've already lost their attention number eight showing off gym selfies all the time look gym selfies can be inspiring until they're not flooding your feed with daily shots of your
workout grind doesn't make people think that you're disciplined it makes them think you're looking for validation Fitness isn't about who posts the most mirror selfies it's about consistency and results people are impressed by the energy you bring to the table the confidence you carry and the quiet example you set not by how many times you flexed in front of a locker room mirror you don't need to broadcast every gym session for people to see the work if you're genuinely putting in the effort the results will speak louder than those selfies ever could number nine claiming
you never sleep because you're grinding saying you're too busy hustling to sleep used to sound ambitious but now it just sounds straight up unhealthy research has shown us time and time again that when you don't rest your productivity levels drop and you lose those fast effective decision-making skills the world's most successful people they don't boast about skipping sleep no they optimize their time so they can work hard and rest well when you brag about not sleeping it doesn't say look how dedicated I am no it says I don't know how to manage my time people
respect balance okay not burnout real success is waking up refreshed getting the job done and still having time for the things that matter number 10 constantly interrupting to prove your point interrupting someone mid-sentence doesn't make you look sharp it makes you look insecure conversations are about exchanging ideas not one-upping the other person when you cut people off you're not showing confidence you're showing that you value your own thoughts more than theirs and that isn't a good look the most respected people in the room are often the quietest because they take the time to listen they
know that understanding someone else's perspective gives their own words more weight respect isn't earned by dominating the conversation no it is earned by knowing when to speak and when to listen number 11 talking down to people to sound smart acting like the smartest person in the room rarely wins you points when someone talks down to others it doesn't come across as intelligence it comes across as insecurity true knowledge is humble it invites curiosity not intimidation people don't remember facts and figures that you throw at them to sound impressive no they remember how you made them
feel speaking in a way that connects and uplifts leaves a much better impression than trying to dominate the conversation by sounding clever the smartest people know that making others feel smart is the smartest people know that making others feel feel smart is far more impactful than showing off your own knowledge if you have to belittle others to seem intelligent you're not as smart as you think number 12 flashing designer logos everywhere like the money photos and the fancy watch flashes head to toe inyour face designer clothing is more Awkward than impressive it might grab attention
sure but not in the way that you would hope it doesn't say successful it says I'm trying way too hard over here people respect style but they admire taste even more and taste has less to do with price tags and more to do with subtlety wearing designer logos as if they're your identity tells people that you are chasing status not creating it the truly wealthy often dress down because they don't need external validation they let their work values and confidence speak for them logos shouldn't wear you you should wear them the most impressive look is
the one that reflects who you are not what you can afford number 13 complaining about being single as if it's an achievement now being single isn't inherently a problem or anything or a badge of honor by all means do whatever makes you feel the happiest but just because you choose a certain lifestyle doesn't mean that you should make it sound better than anybody else's Choice when someone constantly brings it up as if it's proof of Independence or a rejection of societal Norms it often sounds defensive not empowering there's strength in being single when it's framed
as a choice time to focus on growth pursue your own passions or build a life you want but constantly talking about how great it is can make people wonder if you're trying to convince yourself or them being in a relationship or not doesn't Define you what defines you is how you show up in your life whether single or partnered this should be about the life you're building not the status you're avoiding number 14 humble bragging about your natural Talent have you ever complimented someone only to have them respond with something like oh it wasn't too
hard for me I don't know why everyone doesn't do it it makes you want to roll your eyes right that response seems almost patronizing and doesn't Inspire any admiration it just makes you not want to compliment that person ever again most people are naturally good at something it comes easier to them than others but there's no reason to brag about it making success sound easy and effortless doesn't make you special it makes you sound like you're out of touch Talent is great okay but hard work is what really earns respect people admire the effort the
grit and the story behind how you got there pretending it all came to you easily well that just robs you of the chance to connect with others on a deeper level and number 15 repeating the same success story over and over again now telling the same story about that one big win might get you Applause the first time but that charm wears off quickly if you keep circling back to a single moment it starts to feel like that's all you've got success is meant to build momentum okay not Nostalgia people are drawn to those who
keep pushing forward not to those who live in the past it's great to celebrate your wins absolutely but if the Highlight Reel is stuck on one scene it's time to make some new cont content the best stories are the ones that are still being written if you were always looking back other people might stop looking over here at all at the end of the day real impact doesn't come from showing off alexer it comes from showing up people are drawn to authenticity humility and how you make them feel not showing off and shouting out thanks
for spending some time with us today Alexa we're so glad you did and as always if you've got anything to add to this list leave a comment let's battle it out down there and if you like this video give it a thumbs up share it with your friend or save it for your future self we'll see you back here tomorrow luxer until then take care
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