Dying wife gave her husband a key to the dresser with her will and asked to open it after her death

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True Love and Other Fables
A dying wife gave her husband the key to the dresser with her will and asked him to open it after he...
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Leela hang on Mike shouted it was the last thing she remembered from that terrible accident at the time she was a hopeful fourth-year student and expecting a child a massive traffic accident on the bridge 10 years ago took the lives of seven people including Leela's unborn child she was saved by doctors who fought for her life for 5 hours well you held up well an elderly doctor said sitting on a chair near Leela's bed you will live but you might not have any more children due to the extensive damage everything will heal but the question
is how nevertheless you're very lucky I think fate should give you a special lottery ticket for such a bad accident the day was etched in Leela's memory forever the doctor's words came true years later she became the wife of a businessman people often say that it is wives who shape their husband into who they are these women are admired but few consider the cost of becoming the partners of successful men rising from the bottom is not an easy path as it requires sacrificing the quiet life Leela went through the same experience she dropped out of
her College against the protests of the teachers and immersed herself in her husband's business Mike was building a small business for the production of furniture why are you sacrificing your life and career Leela's friends asked what's the point of putting all your eggs in one basket how is Mike better than you you're on track to graduate with honors let him think about providing for you while you continue to study I understand all your concerns and arguments girls Leela reassured her worried friends it was his idea to start the furniture company so I have to compromise
what if he becomes rich and leaves you like most successful men do her friends insisted oh come on he loves me and would never do that Leela replied with a smile already thinking about the delicious meal she would cook for her beloved Mike seeing that Leela didn't need their advice her friends washed their hands of the situation and anxiously watched as she sacrificed her life for a man even Leela's parents were unhappy with her decision her father in particular wanted to see his daughter independent and successful however Leela was too happy and inspired by her
husband's dream to take seriously the concerns of her loved ones as for Mike he didn't care about the disapproving glances from Leela's acquaintances at all he was totally immersed in his business at first he and his friend designed and assembled Furniture in his garage slowly they gained customers throughout it all Leela was by his side creating the real environment for creativity and career growth Leela guided her husband through the challenges set up Partnerships and built a client base she was the driving force behind the rapidly growing furniture company which could compete with major manufacturers within
a couple of years customers trusted the quality of their products and the range of furniture fulfilled every taste and budget pleasing those with limited income however ever there was one thing that marred their otherwise Blissful life the absence of children your tests are normal and there are no issues on your side the doctor said at the next appointment it seems to be a psychological problem why can't I get pregnant Leela asked it's all in your head replied the doctor when you're calm and content anything is possible but I am calm and I am content Leela
took took offense at the doctor's words are you sure the doctor asked quietly she remained silent deep down she knew the doctor was right after all she had worked as a women's doctor for decades and had learned to understand the psychology of his patients well what did the doctor say when are you going to give us grandchildren your father is ill who knows how long he has left he'd like to spend some time with his grandchildren before dies mom don't say that Leela reassured her daddy will be all right and I'll have time to give
birth you'll get the chance to complain about my kids naughty Behavior oh I wish I could see the babies soon SED the mother Leela's father died 3 months after that conversation grief stricken the mother didn't live a year after his death so Leela was left alone and apart from Mike there were no other relatives she sold her parents' apartment to invest the money in her husband's business as the number of customers grew the company's capacity needed to be increased all possible loans had already been taken and the banks were no longer willing to take the
risk and provide the large loan Mike had hoped for and then they faced an even bigger financial problem I told you not to buy those bonds it was too suspicious said Leela when Mike complained about losing the money he had invested well a blind man could see it was a scam why didn't you listen to me oh are you the only one who's so smart here exclaimed the husband I'm the owner of the company and I decide where to invest I thought we were both the owners Leela said surprised but that's not the point now
we have to save money where's the rest of the money you withdrew I invested in crypto currency a colleague advised me Mike replied you're crazy Leela clutched her head it's dangerous to trust anyone but why didn't you tell me what was going on calm down a Mike waved his hand and went to work from that day on their relationship began to strain or maybe they had been like that before but Leela immersed in the care of her husband and his worries did not notice it is this Leela a confident male voice interrupted her troubled thoughts
this is your father's lawyer calling Mr Marshall may I see you it's about your inheritance yes Leela was surprised by the strange call for she had received the inheritance from her parents 6 months ago let's meet in an hour at the Cherry Cafe Leela sat at a table in a familiar place from her childhood where she used to go with her parents as a little girl an elderly man in an aere suit and a leather briefcase in his hands approached her are you Leela he asked but that's an unnecessary question you look so much like
your daddy have you known my father Leela wondered like the back of my hand smiled the lawyer he trusted me completely I'm retiring now but I have one more thing to complete to discuss your father's will with you haven't I got everything she wondered no since I am here now replied Mr Marshall your father managed his money which he accumulated by playing the stock market quite cleverly he knew that in a fit of emotion you would give everything to your husband and your father didn't trust Mike as you know he predicted that you'd be left
with nothing no means of livelihood no parents apartment and the apartment has already been sold right yes Leela said dumb founded she was shocked that her dad had thought it out all so carefully and even after his death wanted to help his daughter here is the account that is yours alone you can only spend this money on yourself or your own company which will be registered in your name only I was appointed by your father to oversee the spending of the money and believe me not a single dime will be spent on your husband and
his business but this furniture firm is our family business Leela exclaimed how can I spend the money only on myself you should smiled Mr Marshall you'll understand someday as far as I know the firm was registered under Mike and it was before your wedding why I trusted him answered Leela stubbornly but your father didn't said the lawyer Gent gently here's a bank card according to your father's will you'll be receiving a certain amount of money on it every month it's the interest that's acred from the deposit so that you don't have to depend on your
spouse and this is the amount of money in the main account said the lawyer who wrote down a sum with many zeros when Leah saw the amount of money her father had left her she was confused well how how could he earn so much it's impossible he and mom lived an ordinary life she exclaimed splashing her hands in frustration who do you think you got your talent for finances from plus he had a faithful and pragmatic friend like me Mr Marshall smiled thank you Leela said hugging the elderly man like a father tears welled up
in her eyes and she cried I miss him and mom so much me too my girl me too the lawyer replied bidding farewell and heading home Leela flew home as if on wings she wanted to share the news of her Newfound wealth with her husband however to her surprise he didn't seem enthusiastic your money is none of my concern her husband replied dryly this lawyer and your daddy they thought me worthless he didn't show me any respect he sat on the money while I and you were bumping like a fly in the closed window good
idea father don't talk about my father like that Leela reassured him my parents have helped us a lot I gave my all to your dream and we made it now you have your own company what else can you dream of who asked you to give your all to our business Mike suddenly retorted causing Leela's eyes to well up with resentment I have a dream a son and a daughter which you can't give me the last statement struck Leela deeply as if a red hot knife had pierced her heart she hadn't expected such cruelty from her
husband but you know I can't have children because of that accident and you had something to do with it as well don't you remember it was a miracle that you got away with it they blamed the truck driver what's done is done Mike replied preparing to leave where are you going it's evening Leela asked I'm going to the office I have too much work to do because I don't have a rich father who could give me money Mike replied curtly slamming the door behind him apparently he couldn't forgive his wife for not being able to
provide him with access to the money as the evening grew late Mike still hadn't returned home Panic started to set in the woman's soul but then Leela heard the key turn in the lock and Mike entered the hallway he was Tipsy something he had never allowed himself to do before on a week night where have you been for so long Leela asked anxiously where I've been I'm not there anymore Mike laughed drunkenly and went to sleep on the sofa without even taking off his shoes Leela attributed Mike's behavior to his upset about her father's in
itance and his lack of trust to Mike from the beginning therefore she forgave this prank to her husband as Leela undressed the sleeping Mike to put him to bed she caught a subtle scent of women's perfume dismissing it as the scent of alcohol she didn't pay much attention Mike Mike Le aside what a child you are she said stroking his head Courtney my girl sunny daughter Mike mumbled incoherently in his sleep Leela froze in surprise my poor Mike she thought he's Delirious about having children and I can't give him any he's already named his daughter
Courtney in his dreams and Leela wept bitterly trying to stifle her sobs so as not to wake her drunk husband in the morning Mike was in High Spirits which couldn't be said for Leela why are you so strange Mike asked as if nothing had happened while his wife prepared breakfast you look like you spent the entire night at a sports bar cheering for your favorite team if only Leela replied sleepily someone came home drunk from work last night you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you why can't I have a drink with an
old friend we haven't seen each other in a long time Mike retorted taking offense a friend Leela inquired is this an interrogation Mike suddenly exploded causing Leela to shudder in Fright I'll eat at work at least there's no interrogation and with that Mike walked away leaving Leela standing bewildered in the middle of the kitchen in the afternoon Leela decided to go to the store which was not far from her husband's office she wanted to please him with a Sumptuous dinner and mend the rough edges that were appearing more frequently in their relationship Leela it's good
to see you Carol Mike's secretary who had been with their company since its Inception rushed to meet her hi Carol why don't you come in to see us Leela asked I think Mike won't be happy to see me she said in a conspiratorial wink Leela found Carol's words strange why are you walking around in the middle of the working day did you go for gingerbread and coffee Leela joked no I resigned from my job a a couple of months ago said Carol why Leela stood in surprise was the salary not satisfactory we could raise it
there's another reason let's just say it has a moral background she answered evasively and who's in your place now mik didn't say anything that's strange there's a new secretary her name is Courtney Carol replied blushing and I found another job I'm getting used to it I want to ask you did you have a family celebration yesterday I saw Mike buying a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a huge teddy bear no he was at work late last night and then came home drunk Leela replied are you sure Carol asked softly and saying goodbye went on her
way this strange conversation had gotten into Leela's soul and would not let her relax dinner was ready but she was not as as glad as she had been in the morning vague doubts tormented her Leela was afraid to directly ask where her husband had been last night and with whom what if her suspicions were groundless and Carol was only seeking revenge on Mike for her dismissal dinner was on the table but Mike still hadn't arrived he showed up on the doorstep 2 hours later Leela had to reheat the roast she put on a smile to
hide her worries lots of work Leela asked sympathetically helping her husband take off his jacket her nose detected The Familiar scent of expensive French perfume it was a woman's perfume after inspecting his shirt for traces of lipstick and finding nothing Leela calmed down thinking that she was just overthinking things yes there's a lot of work Mike said I was discussing the company's development strategy for next year you know I'm so so tired I'll grab a quick bite and go to bed okay but I've been preparing all day I've been at the stove for 3 hours
Leela said unable to keep her upset let's spend some time together like we used to remember we'll sit we'll talk we'll laugh we'll reminisce Leela I'm not Desiring to laugh right now Mike cut her off we need to increase production and that requires money I told you I'm tired can't you hear me it's true what they say women become dumb when they become Housewives Leela didn't expect such rudeness from her husband and decided not to continue the argument with him Jenna passed in Silence the ticking clock seemed to measure the time until the end of
the family dinner Leela occasionally went into the kitchen to wipe away her tears soon Mike got up thanked her for dinner and left the dining room without even kiss kissing her as he usually did prickly suspicions began to take root in Leela's Soul why did Carol stop visiting us why didn't my father trust Mike who was involved in Carol's dismissal these questions swarmed in Lea's mind without answers she was going to find out the whole truth certainly however a few days later she felt sick and weak her rare pulse and semi- fainting LED her to
a hospital bed it's strange the young doctor said to Leela all your tests came back fine but your condition is not good it seems like you have symptoms of toxic poisoning and a heart attack combined but the blood tests would show that and they're perfect I don't understand am I going to live Leela asked quietly you will of course but we need to know the reason for such a sudden fainting and weakness what did you eat yesterday Dr litho asked nothing much a roast and a glass of red wine replied Leela I quite confused then
if you think I'm inexperienced you can change your attending physician the doctor said grimly no I'm fine with you perhaps it's the effects of an old injury from the accident Leela assured the doctor I don't think so he said but everything could be I'll schedule an MRI and then we'll see however the MRI revealed no abnormalities in Leela the doctors were at a loss but they helped her recover Leela was taken from the hospital by her friend Mike didn't find time to assist his wife and didn't visit her during the 5 days she was undergoing
examinations this greatly offended Leela and she decided to confirm whether her father was right about her husband as she entered the house she felt a sense of emptiness the refrigerator was empty and expensive champagne bottles were in the trash can and what were you celebrating so cheerfully while I was in the hospital dear husband Leela asked aloud facing Mike's picture on the mantle piece it's time to expose you just wait hubby you've never been intelligent honey Leela took a pen and a piece of paper finally figuring out what she needed to do being skilled with
technology Leela had no trouble setting up a hidden camera in the niche of the fireplace opposite the antique chest of drawers that her father had given her as a gift she placed the important piece of paper in a folder which she then hit in the top drawer of the dresser and locked with a key she looked at the small silver key Daddy thank you for this gift Leela mentally expressed her gratitude to her father I think it will help me in this difficult situation now I just have to wait for Mike God give me strength
to make time pass more quickly Leela decided to cook dinner for two within the limits of her health while The Courier delivered the groceries she went to the bedroom to choose an outfit for dinner she wanted to look her best Leela applied her favorite cream to her face and neck enjoying its pleasant fragrance however she encountered a problem all her dresses hung on her like hangers she had lost a signal ific amount of weight looking in the mirror she saw her sunken cheeks black eyes that aged her and thinning dull hair Leela also didn't feel
well she was constantly thirsty even after drinking all the water from the caraffe in the kitchen the groceries arrived quickly but preparing dinner turned out to be a challenge Leela had to take breaks frequently as her hands trembled with weakness and she longed to lie down and rest she remembered her beautiful pearl earrings and wanted to wear them but they were not in their usual place at that moment the front door slammed open and Mike entered the kitchen Leela are you home yeah I'm here she replied coming out into the hallway dinner is on the
table wash your hands and join me how are you feeling you don't look well Mike looked at her as if seeing her for the first time I'm so so she replied have you seen my pearl earrings I can't find them it's strange no Mike replied briefly during dinner Leela told her husband listen something strange has been happening to me lately I don't know how much time I have left to live Leela noticed how intently her husband listened to her that's why I've made a will but I have one condition what Mike exhaled the the will
is in my dresser you must only open it after I pass away here's the key will you promise me Leela handed her husband the precious key certainly he answered quickly but hesitating before adding well I hope that won't happen the Trap was set Leela had opened it if Mike discovered the will before the specified time it would mean that all he wanted from her was money Leela anxiously watched to see if Mike would approach the dresser she had installed a special app on her phone 3 days passed but Mike didn't come near it Leela began
to feel a sense of relief they resumed having dinners together which helped calm her down however the mysterious illness resurfaced Leela's condition deteriorated rapidly and she was transported by ambulance back to the same hospital again when Leela regained Consciousness Dr litho and an un familiar man was standing in front of her engaged in a heated argument oh come on Travis what nonsense exclaimed Dr lithco you're talking nonsense you're a medic I've seen patients like her before Travis whispered it's not good if you don't help them in time why don't I get her a granny who
was a talented herbalist oh come on bring me more Shaman let him dance with a tambourine Arrangement maybe we can use witchcraft to get a new ultrasound machine at the same time Dr lisco slapped this is a hospital not a Forest Village so don't bother our granny she's not young and she has a high blood pressure doctor Leela whispered what shamans are you talking about oh you're awake that's good Dr lisco leaned over Leela and checked her pulse your heart is racing I don't understand anything my brother is joking he's talking nonsense rest now and
I'll check on you later and Leila was left alone in the room this time Mike had splurged and chosen the best Ward for his wife apparently to apologize for the last time when he had left Leela here alone between the procedures she took out her phone and started watching the space where the dresser stood she was afraid she would miss the moment when Mike opened the drawer but nothing happened after a while soila just observed her surroundings and thought she was wrong in her suspicions however her patience was rewarded Leela clearly saw Mike walk over
to the dresser and take the key out of his jacket suddenly he looked around and smiled welcoming as if he had seen something beautiful a young woman with Leela's pearl earrings in her ears approached him how how could you Leela exclaimed and her heart clenched her cry was not heard by the person it was intended for but she heard perfectly what they were saying Courtney I hope there will be good news for us Mike softly said which caused Leela's heartache open it now darling Courtney demanded actually I was supposed to do it after my wife's
death only but for you I'm ready for anything Mike smiled voila he skillfully pulled out the folder with the will with hands trembling with greed he opened the folder a completely blank sheet lay before him I don't understand that stupid humor Mike shouted and threw the sheet on the floor what is this where is the will what does it mean it seems like you've been tricked Courtney grudgingly said how could you let her do that that you said you had it all worked out she knew I would open the will beforehand so she suspected me
Mike concluded I can't stand her anymore I'm sick of her calm down said Courtney you're scaring me and it's not good to worry suddenly a sharp pain pierced her entire body and Leila lost Consciousness you frightened us the male nurse said while giving her an IV it's good that you're aake get Mr Marshall my lawyer here's the phone Leela said not even having the strength to hold the receiver okay I'll do it the man said Mr Marshall arrived quickly Leela told him everything hiding nothing he was concerned about her condition Leela why didn't you tell
me anything he said reproachfully you are on the edge you have problems in your personal life and not only that you are seriously ill I didn't want to inconvenience anyone I'm sorry Leela replied quietly her strength leaving her Dear Mr Marshall I ask for your help make a will in my name all the money I received from my father after his death I want to leave it to the Children's Fund they will distribute it fairly I didn't have children of my own so at least I will help other people's children all right I'll do whatever
you ask the man replied with Trembling Lips are you sure you won't leave anything to your spouse I will said Leela I'll bequeath him my old dresser Mr Marshall couldn't resist laughing even in such a situation you can make a joke that's why your father adored you and I understand him when the lawyer had left Leela thought for a moment she used to worry only about her husband's well-being and what did she get in return there is no family no children and no faith in the future that's what was left of their marriage even in
his dreams Mike talked about Courtney a naive Leela thought he was dreaming of a daughter now all she had ahead of her was an unexplained illness and emptiness tears of resentment flowed from her eyes as she reflected on her life which had been devoted solely to one man she had missed her parents illnesses and deaths because she was consumed with worry about Mike's business and caring for him in their time of need she hadn't been there for them and now she found herself completely alone the realization of her own loneliness crushed Leela even further she
became discouraged and found herself unable to get out of bed at the end of the day hey why are you so sour Travis the same male nurse sat next to the sobbing Leela holding a tray come on let's have some chickens soup I don't want to Leela said quietly let me die in peace not on my watch Travis exclaimed you need to eat all right if you don't want to eat then drink when he saw Leela looking at him with surprise and confusion he corrected himself I mean have some chicken broth Travis artistically shook the
cup but his clumsiness caused the soup to Splash onto the floor Leela invol arily laughed but it was silent laughter as if the strength of the recently energetic woman somewhere also poured out like this soup Travis seized the moment and managed to pour a few spoonfuls of warm broth into Leela immediately she felt better and smiled thank you she said you're welcome Travis smiled it's my job and calling to help people but I've had an eye on you for a long time what's the matter matter how did you end up like this I think there's
something wrong and even though my brother is against it I still want to offer you a solution what is it Leela wondered to escape from here Travis whispered they won't heal you here they don't know what they're doing I have nowhere to go she said quietly tears streaming down her face I'll take you to my grandmother she's a Healer and herbalist she used to work wonders but now she's old and doesn't practice anymore but she'll help you for me Travis assured her why do you want to help me Leela asked to be honest I don't
even know myself there's something about you that has caught my attention he Shrugged well do you agree time is working against you write a note saying that you're leaving the hospital voluntarily or they'll call the police and I'll be in trouble all right Leela replied briefly she had nothing to lose late that night at the agreed hour Travis brought her some clothes Leela changed into them he lifted Leela who was thin and light as a feather into his arms and carried her out of the hospital unnoticed they took a cab to Grandma Evelyn's house the
village where she lived was not far from the city the house was covered in Ivy and fragrant herbs grew all around Evelyn was sitting on on a bench when she saw her grandson carrying Leela out of the car she came over to help him when Leela was brought into the house she was laid on a High bed with a feather mattress Evelyn gave her a medical decoction to drink accompanied by prayers and incantations Leela suddenly felt enveloped in a pleasant and relaxing Slumber sleep my dear sleep she said hearing the elderly woman's soothing Voice through
her sleep Leela slept for nearly 24 hours she was awakened by the aroma of freshly baked goods and food she felt a wild hunger which seemed strange to her she could feel her strength returning good morning what did you give me to drink Leela asked it's a decoction made from the Nettles gathered under the full moon along with prayers to all the saints Evelyn explained simply it removed moves the evil that has been done to you and there was a lot of it in you I had to change your shirt three times Leela examined herself
indeed she was lying in a long linen shirt carefully embroidered by someone's Caring Hands thank you she said quietly there's no need to thank me you should thank my grandson instead a couple more days and you would have died in vain and they fed you my dear with yellow toad poison that's the kind of thing you find in our swampy marshes no analysis would have detected the cause of the poisoning and this poison weakens a person taking away their strength and life exclaimed the herbalist but never mind now I'm going to heat up the bath
and cleanse you of any remnants of someone else's anger and I've also made it so that your as salant will come to you having found themselves but who would do this to me I've never hurt anyone Leela exclaimed in amazement you don't have to hurt people sometimes it's just enough to live well sighed Evelyn that's why people can get mad or envious and you were poisoned by someone close to you they put poison in your face cream your face and neck were the most yellow and sweaty but there's still a lot of it inside you
oh Evelyn help me please pleaded Leela I'll give you as much money as you want I don't need your money I'm doing this for my grandson Evelyn said with a smile he must have taken a liking to you and he's a good man Leela's strength was gradually returning by evening she was able to get out of bed and move around after a bath where Evelyn performed a purification ritual Leela began to feel better than before Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes when Travis arrived home after work he was surprised to find Leela and his
granny making dumplings together wow he exclaimed grandma you've outdone yourself Leela looked so sick how did this happen I'm so glad it was a professional job Grandma joked but seriously grandson you brought Leela here just in time by the way how's your brother doing is he angry well he's good Travis grinned he left me without a bonus saying it was for self-rule we'll have to give him a bath too to wash away his pride grumbled Grandma the next three days passed peacefully and tranquilly for Leela she had never felt better she enjoyed being in the
village the Clean Air delicious food the closeness to Nature and the Simplicity and openness of the people she decided to stay much to the Delight of Evelyn and Travis the Healer had been in need of a successor for a long time and Travis had developed strong feelings for the beautiful and gentle Leela but this idilic period was interrupted by a visit from Leela's past life Mike showed up clearly not expecting to see Leela in good health and he was unpleasantly surprised well hello he said sarcastically so this is where you've been hiding the hospital told
me you had run away how could you do that you could have died without treatment hello Leela said and who I wonder is to blame for my illness do you happen to know I have every right to leave anywhere but poisoning someone is a serious crime Mike turned pale what poison I know nothing about it Mike cried and you don't know anything about your mistress Courtney either right Leela asked no longer caring about her husband's infidelity she realized she no longer loved him I have no mistress Mike shouted his face turning red but the camera
footage says otherwise Leela grinned did you like my will by the way I filed for divorce my lawyer will be in touch I'm glad to hear I've wanted to divorce you for a long time Mike yelled I'm sick of you I own the whole business including your house you signed the deed of gift without looking yes my father was right about you and I'm grateful for his help Leela grinned I'm sorry about your Courtney I think she'll meet the same fate as me now get out this house is too clean for your kind and Mike
left slamming the door loudly Leela could no longer hold back her tears and sobbed Evelyn rushed to comfort her don't be sad my dear you're still young and we start living again God willing everything will work out for you she stroked Leela's head look at how Travis looks at you he can't take his eyes off you I think it's mutual Leela confessed to the elderly woman well go and tell him Evelyn smiled because he's tormented by his feelings that same night when the two hearts in love met Lea and Travis worked things out between them
and decided to get married as soon as Leela got a divorce they didn't have long to wait for that Mr Marshall did everything so that Leela finally parted ways with her traitor husband rather than having a grand wedding the couple opted for a modest ceremony at the registry office surrounded by their closest friends and family I wish you nothing but joy in life Leela Mr Marshall said embracing the young woman your father would approve of your choice Travis is a worthy man thank you she replied we've also decided to open a small Medical Center in
the village currently we don't even have a paramedic here and the sick have to travel to town for medical services additionally we want to establish an office for alternative medicine with Evelyn in charge however it seems we need a special permit for that don't worry I'll handle all the paperwork assured Mr Marshall using your father's funds is the right thing to do yes I believe dad would be okay with it Leela said while the construction of the medical center was underway Evelyn taught Leela all the wisdom she possessed the elderly woman also left Leela an
old book about herbales this book was a family heirloom passed down through generations of women it was a large ancient manuscript Bound in red leather which Leela diligently studied under Evelyn's guidance soon Leela became well-versed in herbs and their uses and was able to identify the true cause of ailments Travis's household now had two herbalists it was only then that Leela realized why she had never completed her studies at the University she had a different calling to heal and save people her incredible talents were immediately recognized by Travis's grandmother Evelyn passed away 2 weeks before
the opening of the medical center peacefully in her sleep Leela's grief was overwhelming and for 3 days she couldn't eat or drink as preparations were made for the funeral on the first night after the funeral Leela dreamt of Evelyn don't grieve my granddaughter this is just the start of another life for me and you must continue my work take care of Travis and the miracle that awaits I am leaving grandma please don't go Leela cried out in her sleep she was awakened by a frightened Travis Leela shared her dream with him and cried out her
sorrow hoping to alleviate the pain of Separation by morning Leela had regained her strength and resolve she had a duty to fulfill Evelyn's instructions a week later the medical center Center named after Grandma Evelyn was opened patience flooded in every day the non-traditional Medicine office where Leela herself provided consultations was particularly beloved by the locals not a single person left unsatisfied with her help Travis supported his wife in every aspect of her work however there was one thing that still troubled Leela she couldn't get pregnant her body seemed unable to let go of the asked
despite following Evelyn's instructions Faithfully let go of your resentment Evelyn had told her on numerous occasions why do you still hold on to it you must release the burden of those bitter memories it's preventing you from becoming a mother but Leela's heart still achd for Mike Leela Travis people called her from outside the window she quickly got dressed and and went out into the yard the coolness of the summer night greeted her what's going on Leela hurried to the crowd of fellow Villages they parted revealing an unconscious pregnant woman lying on a makeshift stretcher her
water having already broken her car was parked on the side of the bypass road said one of the locals I was driving from the farm and I saw a pregnant woman lying in the car her car wouldn't start so I called for help they brought the ambulance here but it will take an hour and a half to arrive because the roads are muddy after the rain come on Leela do something or the poor woman will die Leela bent over the stranger and recoiled it was Courtney Mike's mistress no she won't die bring her inside Leela
shouted Travis go get the doctor from your brother's hospital we have an emergency her husband jumped on his motorcycle and drove drove straight across the field when they took Courtney to the medical center she woke up when she saw Leela she was frightened and cried forgive me she moaned in pain I'm so guilty before you God will forgive and I've already forgiven you Leela replied now let's focus on the labor we're going to save your children and tell me how you got here why were you wandering alone at night because I am alone said the
mistress Mike was put in jail for hiding taxes and committing fraud I asked him to stop not to be greedy but he wouldn't listen so They confiscated everything from him and we never got married I was left with nothing what's going to happen now everything will be all right don't be afraid Leela reassured Courtney the good doctor will come and everything will be all right but the doctor arrived only 10 minutes after the medical Center had filled with the cries of newborn twins a boy and a girl the labor was natural and went well despite
minor complications Leela was overjoyed she held the babies in her arms and cried while Courtney silently looked at them her lips pressed together as if this happiness had not happened to her the doctor examined Courtney and concluded that her body was fine Courtney was transferred to the ward and the Twins were taken away to be cleaned up and swaddled what are you going to name them asked Leela addressing the new mother I don't know Courtney Shrugged and turned her back to the wall all right sleep and rest Lea said and closed the door behind her
leaving pomegranate juice and porridge on the table for the young mother Leela spent the whole night with the babies trying not to wake Courtney who needed sleep and strength before feeding the children when she brought the twins into the room she gasped in Surprise Courtney had left leaving a short note that read I give up the children they are yours Leela I can't raise them alone without Mike and I don't want to I'm sorry goodbye that's how Leela became a mother to Evelyn and Jaden she and Travis decided to adopt them 5 years passed mom
little Evelyn approached Leela why do all my friends in kindergarten have younger brothers and sisters and we don't don't get upset honey because you will have to Lea said and smiled yay Evelyn shouted how will it happen asked a dazed Travis just like this Leela laughed and showed Travis the pregnancy test she had taken the day before
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True Love and Other Fables
I was secretly earning $500,000 when my husband asked for a divorce.He then married my BFF and face.
I was secretly earning $500,000 when my hu...
Revenge Realm
The nurse's daughter entered the ward of a dying man and when  her mother ran d, she was shocked
The nurse's daughter entered the ward of a...
True Love and Other Fables
After the dad funeral My Mother Said, 'Your Sister Inherits Everything'  and said leave
After the dad funeral My Mother Said, 'You...
Professor left his annoying wife for a young student. After a while, he decided to came back,  but
Professor left his annoying wife for a you...
True Love and Other Fables
Forgetting his office keys, the surgeon returned home... As he quietly entered the hallway, he...
Forgetting his office keys, the surgeon re...
Wise Stories
Without telling her husband, wife arrived at country house..when she entered the house she saw this
Without telling her husband, wife arrived ...
Life Narrated
At night, woman heard a knock on the door. Crying boy stood on doorstep, begging to save his father
At night, woman heard a knock on the door....
True Love and Other Fables
Husband left his paralyzed wife to the mercy of fate and flew with his mistress to live on the coast
Husband left his paralyzed wife to the mer...
True Love and Other Fables
The rich man laughed at his brother who inherited a lame horse from his father in a remote village
The rich man laughed at his brother who in...
True Love and Other Fables
When the wife made a video call to this phone number, she couldn't believe her eyes...
When the wife made a video call to this ph...
Emotional Storyteller
A millionaire asked nurse to be his daughter for a week...when wife entered the room with the will
A millionaire asked nurse to be his daught...
Life Narrated
“You should have written your will first!”- hissed the wife at her husband, who was in a coma
“You should have written your will first!”...
True Love and Other Fables
Seeing his dumped fiancée at the airport, a man rushed to her to laugh at her once again
Seeing his dumped fiancée at the airport, ...
True Love and Other Fables
The widow of a rich man received only an old house in the countryside as inheritance and was shocked
The widow of a rich man received only an o...
True Love and Other Fables
How America Makes Ukraine’s Most Important Weapons | Business Insider Marathon
How America Makes Ukraine’s Most Important...
Business Insider
Husband abandons his poor wife, only to see her being pursued by a billionaire CEO!
Husband abandons his poor wife, only to se...
The husband kicked his wife out of the house & started living with mistress. Cheating revenge story
The husband kicked his wife out of the hou...
True Love and Other Fables
Pregnant cab driver took a homeless man to the hospital. Next morning she saw 3 SUVs at the entrance
Pregnant cab driver took a homeless man to...
True Love and Other Fables
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