Marketing Your Business with ChatGPT! FULL Masterclass for Beginners

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Wes McDowell
Marketing your business is about to get a whole lot faster, easier, and more effective with this vid...
Video Transcript:
marketing your business is about to get a whole lot easier faster and more effective because in this full master class training I'm going to show you how to create a complete start to finish marketing funnel using chat GPT this is seriously going to change everything allowing you to do more and less time and without having to go broke hiring experts to do it for you this all comes down to being able to use chat gbt in the right way using the exact right prompts and asking the best questions to get all the solid gold you
need out of it no matter your business or your marketing needs experts are calling this new skill prompt engineering and it's the secret sauce of getting the most mileage out of chat GPT the businesses that ignore that part will quickly find themselves swimming in piles of mediocre marketing materials and getting zero business out of it but the really smart entrepreneurs who get really good at knowing how to prompt the system will be unbeatable in their Industries so let's get good at the art of prompt engineering we'll be using some really smart prompts to help us
create all of our content across every major marketing category and we're going to be going in the right order so that we can build on our momentum as we go so let's start out with content marketing first it's my personal favorite marketing category because it's the one that helped me build my business the most ultimately it's all about positioning you as the expert in your field through you know blog articles or YouTube videos or even podcasts the problem is it's always been really time consuming coming up with all that content especially when it's not your
full-time job to create it but here's how chat GPT can help where most people go wrong here is they just ask it to write a whole blog post out of nothing like write a blog post about why you should hire a professional house cleaner and what it's going to give you it's pretty basic and pretty short you know nobody would want to read an article like this and they certainly wouldn't get anything out of it which means means you wouldn't get anything out of it either no Google rankings no winning over the hearts of your
prospects it's pretty much just a waste so we actually need to tackle this in three simple steps okay so first things first go ahead and download my free starter kit which is going to have all of these prompts across all these marketing categories so you don't really have to take notes now you'll just have it all written down that's West chatgpt so I said we were going to do this in three steps the first step is actually just to brainstorm topics so here's how we would do that we're just at uh and I'm
just going to type in here give me 20 unique article titles related to let's say child care if you're a maybe you run a daycare center but this goes for absolutely any kind of Niche so I'm just using this as an example related to child care in a click bait style so let's see what it gives us so see what they're generating here these are all very intriguing and very clickable that's why we asked for that you know quote click bait style it's not about being misleading it's just about let's come up with really intriguing
titles that are going to get people actually excited enough to want to watch and I should also say we asked for article titles but maybe you're going to be doing podcasts maybe you're going to be doing videos it's really the same thing but then you just swap out you know just say uh 20 video titles or 20 podcast titles but it's pretty much gonna give you the same thing regardless so then we're just going to read through these you'd go through them one by one and say okay this one sounds good I'm going to put
it in a spreadsheet or maybe this one doesn't really hit the mark it's not something I would talk about it doesn't really go along with my business so you're just gonna go one by one transfer the ones you like over to a spreadsheet to keep track of them and we only ask for 20 here but there's nothing that says you can't ask for a hundred or you know 200 of these and then really get a good list going that you can use well into the future so from here on out you're just going to pick
individual titles and then we're going to go through the rest of the steps so the next step is actually to create an outline for one of these topics you know let's just go ahead and take a number six here the incredible sleeping trick that'll transform your child's nighttime routine I'm going to copy that so now I'm going to type in okay so I've just said now created an outline for an article and I gave the the title of the article and I said write it as a professional Child Care expert and write it for young
moms this is important to do this is where a lot of people fall short when they're using chat GPT they don't give chat GPT a point of view in order to here's where you're coming at it from and here's who you're writing it for if you don't do that it's going to come across very much like a term paper just kind of from like a an omnipresent view so you really want to make sure it has that level of expert authority to it so I'm going to go ahead and see what it comes back with
so again all we're doing right now is coming up with the outline it's not writing the entire article yet and when it comes back with this outline one of the things you can do is now is a good time to spot anything that you don't feel like belongs in the article or anything you might do a different way or any section you would just want to take out of it and then you just ask for those requests at this stage once it's done spitting this out okay so it wrote the whole outline now so let's
just see if there's anything that maybe we wouldn't want to include you know maybe this section 2 is just it doesn't really get to the the good stuff quick enough you know you could definitely make that request here or you could say replace it with something else maybe you have some expertise that you'd want to put in here all you really need to do is speak to it like you're talking to a real person a real copywriter chat GPT will understand your request so let's just go ahead and pretend everything is good to go as
is now we're actually going to get going on writing the article so I'm going to type in okay so I've written now write the article and here's where you'll you'll tell it how to write it okay this is where another area where a lot of people miss and they don't actually ask for it to be done in a certain specific tone and that's again how it can come across very much like a term paper or just kind of an academic uh piece of writing which is not what we want we want it to be engaging
right so I've said here casual friendly tone you can also say humorous tone you can say you can even give it a famous person's voice like write it in the style of Oprah or in the style of Alex vermozi and they have enough uh stuff online that chat GPT can do a good job kind of mimicking that overall tone and style so um but for here casual friendly I think is good and I've also said insert personal anecdotes or stories if they help illustrate a point again very important to keep these um to keep your
content feeling human and the way way we do that is through anecdotes it's through experiences it's through stories now the stories that this comes up with may give you a good jumping off point and what I would what I generally like to do is kind of replace the little stories that they come up with with something similar from your experience just to kind of really pull it into you but they may be good to go as this so I'm going to go ahead and get started but you'll notice I said start with the introduction what
we're not going to tell it to do is just write the entire article it doesn't do really well when you have it do that it ends up being very short and very um just super basic when you do it that way so we're going to start with the introduction okay so I'm not going to read through this whole thing but you'll notice here um I might get rid of like where it says hey there fellow moms like I don't think any article really needs to start that way it's an easy thing to delete so we
all know how good a Vita how vital a good night's sleep is for our little ones it's essential for their growth development and overall well-being but let's be honest sometimes bedtime can feel like a battlefield with a mix of Tantrums tears and endless requests for just one more story or a glass of water um I think that's extremely well written and it feels like a real person wrote that right and then we've got an experience here you know it said I've tried and tested various sleep strategies over the years some are successful while while others
fell short but this is a by far the most effective method I've ever encountered so that's where it feels like she's telling a story of something that's really worked for her so I think it's right on the money so far so here's what you do from here then you would say um not right section two and you're just gonna go Section by section and you're just going to copy and paste everything into a Google doc or a word doc and then by the end of it you'll have your full article what you're going to want
to do is just basically fix any factual errors that you can see add in those your own stories and anecdotes like we talked about just really personalize it to make it feel like it came from you and your brand so now let's move on to social media marketing so this is one that can be especially daunting because you may feel a lot of pressure to create lots of content for social but again chatgpt is a great tool to help you come up with the ideas and execute on them and of course there are a ton
of types of social content you could go with from Instagram image posts to tweets but what I want to focus on for now is probably the best single social media opportunity that you have right now and that is short form videos you can run on Tick Tock Instagram reels YouTube Shorts Facebook and even on Pinterest and Linkedin so here's the process okay so just like with content marketing where we're going to start with here is the brainstorming process so let's say you are a wedding photographer and I would type in something like help me brainstorm
I'm actually not going to do 100 right now because it's going to take too long but you can ask for 100. I'm gonna say help me brainstorm 10 topics for Instagram reels you could also say you know YouTube shorts tick tocks whatever I can make for my wedding photography business they need to speak to Brides in the process of planning their wedding so again you're giving the context of this is for my fill in the blank business and these need to speak to this Target demographic it's going to help it way better hit the nail
on the head a lot faster so let's go ahead and see what tenant comes back with okay so it gave us 10 really good choices here so again you're going to do the same thing and you I would I would highly recommend you ask for more like a hundred so you can go through put all the winners into a spreadsheet just so you have a ton to draw from and then you're gonna go one by one you're just gonna have it right all of these scripts one by one so I'll just have it start with
this one right here how to create a wedding day timeline for perfect photos okay so I just said write a 15 to 30 second script for how to create a wedding day timeline for perfect photos here's the important part with no intro or outro just get right into it because otherwise it's going to do the whole thing where it's like hey guys welcome to this video and you don't want that in um in these short videos you just want to get right to the point so again all you got to do is ask for that
just get right into it and prioritize unique actionable tips so what that's going to do is it's going to bring it's going to make the tips ideally much more interesting and unique not just the the big things that everybody talks about you want to make it unique right and then I just had to write it in a higher energy fun casual tone um you can tweak that language however you want but I think generally speaking for short form videos high energy fun and Casual is the way to go so let's just see what this comes
back with oh and the other thing there too is what you might want to do is put in anything that you know personally like if you've got your own tips I'm sure whatever topic you're going to write about you're going to have your own ideas say and be sure to include this or be sure to um you know add these three tips and then it'll incorporate all of that okay so this has done an interesting thing it's added emojis which you definitely don't need for a script that are not gonna they're not gonna show you
you can't like talk it out so um but I would just I would still just copy and paste this into your uh into your word doc just get rid of the Emojis if if they're included there and I would get rid of the hey there beautiful Brides to be again you just want to get right into it but at first glance it looks pretty good then you just put in your next topic and I might actually say here but no emojis just a it's that's one of those things you can do you can just kind
of talk to it and just dial in anything in if there's something it's doing you don't want it to do just say hey don't do that this time and then uh it'll get you a little bit closer so in this use case we use this to do uh the short form video scripts this could have just as easily been tweets post captions anything just ask it for exactly what you want in the tone you want and include any specifics you want to make sure that it includes and chat GPT will handle the rest next let's
talk about how chat GPT can help you with email marketing so I make these YouTube videos here every week and then I email my list about them that helps me stay top of mind for them when it comes time for me to actually promote my paid program and I really struggled with using AI to help me with those emails at first they just came out super generic and I'd pretty much just have to rewrite the whole thing but I'm persistent and I finally figured out a system system that works pretty much every time and for
email marketing to work best you really need to use a two-prong approach garyvee calls it the jab jab jab right hook method where you send out at least three helpful value-packed emails then and only then do you send out one that's more promotional asking for a direct sale so for the job emails we're gonna use what you've already got the content you created with the help of chat GPT so whether we're talking articles videos or podcasts your only job here is just to let your list know that you created this super helpful thing and here's
why they want to read watch or listen to it okay so let's say you're a moving company now and you wrote an article helping families moving with their pets so now your challenge is to just to get people to want to read that article or watch that video so what I would type in here is something like why would a pet owner about to go through a move want to watch a video about moving with pets how to keep your Furry Friends safe and happy during the move this is a an important First Step so
we're just going to come and see we're going to see what it comes back to us with because we want to really be able to capture what about this piece of content is going to Intrigue people because we're going to use that as basically incentive to get people to actually watch it okay so it's given us all these uh reasons why some why a video like this would be helpful now we're going to go to the next step which is to say take that and write an email to families about to move letting them know
I made this video and why they should watch it make it short to the point and fun personable in tone so we could also say you know in Alex hermosi's Voice or Oprah's style and don't give everything away this is important build Intrigue so people want to see what it's all about notice what I did there because otherwise what it'll do is it'll say here's why you want to watch this video it's going to tell you this this this and this you don't want it to do that you want to build up that Intrigue and
curiosity so people actually have to read your article watch your video remember the emails only job it's not to give them the help that your content gives them its only purpose is to get them to consume that content so I'm going to go ahead and just get rid of this and then let's see what it comes back with for the final email Okay so first glance at this it looks pretty great so it's even given us a subject line which you know you may want to choose to iterate on that we can we can talk
about that in a minute but we have hi there fellow pet loving families are you gearing up for a big move um just I've created this video here's the good part why should you watch it here's a little sneak peek it has given nothing away right it's literally just it's building curiosity expert tips and tricks stress busting strategies right people will read that and they'll be like okay I need to know what those strategies are now um travel prep secrets so it's not giving any bit of this away now again you may want to do
a little bit of a light rewrite to it adding in your own personal anecdotes or stories one more thing we can do here is actually say great now give me 10 intriguing subject lines so you don't have to take the one that it gave you because subject lines are really important if it's not good no one's ever even gonna open it so I definitely recommend taking this extra step and I love that it's adding emojis here this is a good place for emojis in a subject line and already these are looking great the top secret
guide for moving with pets revealed um don't pack your bags without these pet friendly moving hacks the ultimate checklist for moving with pets don't miss out these are great so as you can see it's really going to be your uh best friend when it comes to email marketing for sure so that's how you write your jab emails but what about the right hook after you've let them know about your helpful content now it's time to let them know that if they want to go deeper and get even more help they can get it by working
with you or buying what you're selling them so here's how to prompt chat GPT to help you get the most out of those emails okay so this one's pretty straightforward I've got kind of a long prompt here and I'll I'll walk you through it and why I'm saying everything I'm saying here so we say pretend you're an expert marketing copywriter specializing in writing persuasive emails it's it's incredibly helpful and a really big chat GPT hack to tell it who it's supposed to be right in this case you're an expert marketing copywriter it's going to take
that it's going to run with it using the Pas copywriting framework which stands for problem agitate solution it's a really good framework for these kinds of sales emails where you bring up the problem someone has you kind of to agitate it with symptoms of the problem then you bring in your solution so that's why I've included that here write a sales email to families who are about to move and considering which moving company they want to choose obviously you'd fill in the blanks for for your own business um and you know what they're going through
the problem they have and then we can't wait to speak to them and help them decide if we're the best fit for their move and you know and now we're going to get into a few things that we bring to the table right that we would want to include here competitive pricing White Glove packing service best non-breakage guarantee in the business so here's where you'd bring in your three best benefits essentially make it friendly and helpful in tone not too salesy that's important you want the the overall tone of this email to not feel super
salesy you want it to feel like you're still helping them but you can really help them when they pay you and they take you up on your offer that's the the general tone here use power words there's certain words that are out there that are just known to really get Peak people's interest and avoid overused cliches super important if you use cliches that people have heard a million times it falls on deaf ears and they kind of they don't even register it so that's why we've said that then you want to specify what your call
to action is in this case it's to schedule a free consultation and to get a quote so um this is everything we've got here and I'm going to go ahead and let it do its thing we've got a subject line again and again we can go back and iterate on that and have it generate 10 new subject lines if you'd rather okay are you feeling overwhelmed as you're about to move your family to a new home you're not alone moving can be one of the most stressful events in life but it doesn't have to be
okay so what it's doing here unfortunately is it's remember how I said the Pas problem agitates solution it's actually like calling that out we don't want that we would delete those lines um we would just kind of let the story tell itself we don't need to call out this is the problem this is me agitating the problem it'll people will get it um just as they read the email itself okay so then when it's done once again you're just going to put it into a Google doc you're going to do a light rewrite of it
adding in your own little expertise just kind of pepper it in with your own experience and you should be good to go and of course the point of all this marketing content whether it's your long-form content like articles or your social media posts and your emails are all funneling people back to your website where you can really sell your value and of course you need the right marketing message there to help you do that and I've got all the best problems you'll need to write a killer website or at least improve what you have to
connect to more people and help them become paying customers faster so click this video right here for those prompts and my step-by-step walkthrough so you can get your whole website written in an afternoon so it can convert like crazy so click here and I'll see you there
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