alright guys so right now I'm actually in Marbella and I thought I would take a minute just to kind of break down what the laptop lifestyle is actually like [Music] [Music] those work involved don't have to chop and write on your enemies that's what you get when you [ __ ] with the family but what the [ __ ] wind is we the winning team you [ __ ] with my [ __ ] you get in the penalty put up the choppa right all your enemies that's what you get when you [ __ ] with
the family but what the [ __ ] when it be the work you have to do today today I have to write a proposal for client mm-hm and I actually have some some documentation to write a very boring day for like taxes and [ __ ] a bit of taxes and a bit like client reports basically now mainly through social media there's this whole misconception as to what the laptop lifestyle entails like like you have all these like travel bloggers and stuff like that and it looks like they're generally just like chillin by the pool
24/7 go to the beach taking these like awesome photos awesome videos and that is part of it slightly but at the end of the day the laptop lifestyle is basically sum of hours and hours of putting in processes and systems so you can actually even travel and still maintain your business and there's a lot of things that might seem cool at the time that you'll have to say no to like people always ask me like why don't you have employees around you have offices literally for this reason because like I need the flexibility to travel
to be in Marbella to be in Bali like work remotely from wherever but as for like the nitty-gritty day-to-day like literally imagine I live in London so imagine my work schedule in London except here and that's literally all it is whenever I travel and make sure the place I'm going to has a good gym as a good spa it's got a good restaurants got supermarkets around so I can still eat clean I need exactly the same infrastructure as I have in London except literally the only differences I'm abroad now a lot of people actually think
that that would slow you down but I actually find them way more efficient when I am abroad because I don't have friends texted me to come out party or I don't have like meeting after meeting after meeting travelling and working remotely really lets you focus on the important but not urgent Stephen Covey talks about seven Habits of Highly Effective People how most people are so fixated on the important urgent you know that last proposal they have to send that email that they have to send out the really important piece of client work but the problem
is that starts stacking up and doesn't leave you time to put good infrastructure and think long term so really coming out to a place like this like you know you crush six to eight hours of work I'm talking like deep work not the stuff most people do so you crush like 68 hours of that and then the time that you do have you get to relax in a beautiful spa go to the spa relax by the beach really whatever you're into but I feel as though that is a much more efficient way to spend your
time then the sort of leisure you get back home I mean a lot of people when they're relaxing they're watching TV or they're even having like lunch with friends but I feel as though that's like a weird purgatory because you're kind of enjoying yourself but most the time you're still thinking about work or you're on your phone or you're doing this and that coming to a place like this or wherever it may be it really gives you that good contrast between work and play so really as I said I don't want you to like look
at all these bloggers and stuff like that and no [ __ ] they're gonna post the highlights like the highlights are the pretty stuff obviously my channel is based around like business entrepreneurship self-development so I'm more than happy to show you what actually goes on behind the scenes but that's said if I was a blogger like I would probably just show you the highlights too because that's what sells that's what gives them like this ridiculous like aura that they're there above everyone else or they've they set up this incredible lifestyle that's not the case that's
just what social media shows you so really to live the quote-unquote laptop lifestyle it's gonna be excruciating amount of time to set up the infrastructure in order to do that I mean for example like bob was my business partner he's holding the camera right now his main business he had to spend six to twelve months to put in the infrastructure where he can even leave one week of the month six to twelve months just to set that up and he even had to completely restructure his business now that's turned out to be an incredible move
for him but it's not easy and you're gonna have to say no to a lot of stuff and really you're gonna have to consciously keep in mind what is my ideal lifestyle now to relate that to you guys look there is gonna be a three km on 5k maybe 10k a month deal knocking and you're gonna want to take it so bad but if you take it and you know that your ideal lifestyle is this and that deal entails you being in your city for say even a week of the month it will kill your
soul because there's an entrepreneur all we really want is freedom and you've basically just sold that so the first step to living this lifestyle is figuring out is it even for me not everyone to do this like once a month but if it is how do I choose the right vehicle to get me there I speak about vehicles along you can't do this if you're a lawyer if you're a doctor if you're a digital marketer like me you can do this all mom so picking the right vehicle saying no at the important times and then
when you're actually here remembering you're not on holiday you can't just let your whole business go to [ __ ] you have to maintain the exact same rituals and the exact same principles so you use back in your hometown bring them over here and enjoy the real time for relaxation that you have and that's about it so I hope that clarifies it a bit I'm having a lot of fun here this place is pretty sunny next month I'm actually spending like two weeks in Amsterdam idreammedia is getting a long clients out there so I'm just
gonna spend two weeks kind of integrating them in so once again I get to travel lots of fun but um so I have another four days here and at the time of posting it it's actually coming up to the weekend so I'm actually gonna take on two more coaching students so the link is gonna be in the description it's a two-hour walk through where I teach you whatever you need to know about Facebook advertising growing a six-figure business actually doing this setting up this lifestyle whether that be from a marketing agency a design agency or
even your personal brand so yeah I got two more spots down in description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a like if you're not subscribed you know what to do I'll catch you guys in the next one