buddy happy Monday everybody good hi to those of you here in LA and also to those of you via livestream wherever you are before we do anything else tonight please introduce yourself so the people around you to your right to your left in front of you and behind you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] let's take a deep breath close our eyes we see in the middle of our mind a little ball of golden light we watch this light as it begins to grow larger and larger until now it covers the entire inner vision of our mind
we see for ourselves within this light a beautiful temple we see a garden that surrounds the temple and a body of water that flows through the garden we see that the inside of the temple is led as well by the same beautiful golden light and here we are for we have been drawn together by the power and in the presence of God we devote our time spent together and all of our relationships and experiences of one another to him and we pray that his holiest spirit be upon us reaching down into every thought and every
feeling that we might thus be lifted above and beyond the sorrows the fears the illusions of this world to the love and infinite peace that lay beyond and so it is together we all say Amen tonight I want to talk about the transformation of the lives that we are already living as opposed to this cultural trend itself an extension of our consumerist mentality by which we are constantly led deeper and deeper into this thought that we can have whatever that thing is that we don't have now but that we want you can have it you
can do it you can be it all of which is predicated on the supposition that you're not enough already nothing is ever enough your apartments not quite enough your house isn't quite enough the money isn't quite enough that man isn't quite enough that woman isn't quite enough your body is not quite enough your clothes aren't quite enough your jobs aren't quite enough it's always we're always on this treadmill because you know it's not enough now this thought that paradigm that treadmill is itself an extension of the egos belief that you're not enough and so nothing
will ever be enough as long as you don't think that you're enough and there's no way of getting out of this trap without recognizing for it for what it is because we have an economic order that too often focuses on the actual cultivation of the belief that you're not enough so that you will believe it's not enough so that you will try to get more and like I said we have translated this beyond an appropriate level of consumerism to an actual infestation a pathological recommed failure to recognize that who we are as children of God
and as as creatures of the universe is fine thank you and all manner of mistaken thinking and all manner of of dysfunctional behavior some of which can actually extend into tragic behavior results now like I said this belief that nothing in your life is quite enough stems from the ego telling you that you are not enough so in every situation as we say here all the time you know spiritual growth and advancement is not about Oh add this principle it's always about let's go deeper with this principle that you already know these principles for those
of you who come here for those of you who studied whether it's my books or any of the other books these are general metaphysical principles there is one truth even spoken in many different ways a Course in Miracles it's just one statement of these universal truths and I'm one obviously of many authors and teachers and so forth at a certain point you've read enough books you've listened to enough tapes that you kind of get abstractly and intellectually what these basic principles are but that's when the work begins that's just you got your toolbox then we
move into the realm of actually using the tools and that is what the Course in Miracles calls that journey without distance from the head to the heart so that we actually embody come to embody the principles which we had already come to intellectually or abstractly embrace when you recognize how deeply the ego has buried itself into our thought system then you begin to have a greater understanding of the work it takes the vigilance it takes the practice it takes questioning ourselves time and time again situation after situation conversation after conversation day after day sometimes hour
after hour what aspect of self did I just express myself from was it the true self or was it this misunderstanding of Who I am we talk often about how in any situation your power lies in knowing who you are and why you're there this question of who you are is the essential existential construct who the ego says you are and who God says you are are diametrically opposed one is true and what is false one is true with a capital T and one is false that which is true with a capital T means created
by God true for all time always was always will be has never been changed cannot be modified by you or by anyone else by your thinking by anyone else is thinking or by your behavior that is simply true and then there's who the ego says you are now the ego is a belief it is a false belief about who we are and the thought system that arises from this false belief dominates the consciousness of the planet in the course a miracle says in the Bible it says that Adam fell asleep and nowhere does it say
that he woke up so I want to read you a section in the workbook of the Course in Miracles that says what is the ego it says this the ego is idolatry the sign of limited and separated self born in a body doomed to suffer and to end its life in death it is the will that seems the will of God as sees the will of God as enemy and takes a form in which it is denied the ego is the proof that strength is weak and love is fearful life is really death and what
opposes God alone is true the ego is insane in fear it stands beyond the everywhere apart from all in separation from the infinite in its insanity it thinks it has be it has become a victor over God himself and in its terrible autonomy it sees the will of God has been destroyed it dreams of punishment and trembles at the figures in it dreams its enemies who seek to murder it before it can ensure its safety by attacking them now let's take on this issue of the ego as idolatry why is it if you think your
life is not enough but you think if you get that car it will be enough if you get that job it will be enough it will if you get that relationship it will be enough if you get this or that it will be enough that is because that which the ego has projected onto whatever that thing is that is idolatry you think that is the source of your happiness and that's what the ego always does the ego always wants us to think out there is the source of my happiness happiness in diametric opposition to recognizing
that there is no source of your happiness the true you is happy and one of the reasons the true you is happy is because the true you doesn't want anything the true you realizes you already have everything because you already are everything your enough and then because that becomes our core belief the universe which is simply a reflection back to us of what our thinking is if I believe I am enough then the universe is automatically programmed by that thought to send me on the level of manifestation everything that would seem to me as evidence
of that fact but as long as I believe that I'm not enough then I will always think this will that would make me enough see this or that as the source of my happiness but no matter how much I get of that it will never be enough because the egos dictate is always seek but do not find the Course in Miracles continues the Son of God which is who you truly are is egoless what can he know of madness and the death of God when he abides in him what can he know of sorrow and
suffering when he lives in eternal joy what can he know of fear and punishment of sin and guilt of hatred and attack when all there is surrounding him is everlasting peace forever conflict free and undisturbed in deepest and tranquility to know reality is not to see the ego and its thoughts it works its act its laws and its beliefs its dreams it hopes its plans for its salvation and the cost belief in it entails in suffering the price of faith the price I'm sorry in suffering the price for faith in it is so immense that
crucifixion of the Son of God is offered daily at its darkened shrine and blood must flow before the altar where it sickly followers prepare to die yet will 1 Lily of forgiveness change the darkness into light the altar 2 allusions to the shrine of life itself and peace will be restored forever to the holy minds which God created as his son his dwelling place his joy his love completely his completely one with him you know a lot of times I hear people say oh I don't believe in sin I don't believe in any of that
stuff and then they go on to judge Sally and to judge John and to judge David to judge Dylan to judge Trump to judge Hilary to Judge whomever but I don't believe in sin I don't believe in any of that stuff well obviously you do because that is what the ego does the ego is that which points out that which other people do that we don't think is good enough so we say we don't believe in sin but actually we do every time we judge only the ego believes in sin and at the same time
we're saying well the reason we don't believe in that stuff and the reason that we have to judge them is because they're not enough now we also say about religious imagery you go into a Catholic Church let's say you see the suffering Jesus on the cross right and you go the blood you see the blood dripping from his head you see the blood dripping from the wound and you say I don't believe in all that stuff but when you actually look at the metaphysics of it obviously you do or you wouldn't be so depressed because
that's what those images are those image images are reflections the modern world you know my mother once said to me when I was younger your generation thinks you invented sex our generation doesn't think we invented sex but we think we invented depression we think we invented anxiety rather than realizing that there's certain Eternals of the human experience and these images which have been around for thousands of years which expressed this is what the ego does this is what the ego does to your life now the ego says well all this can be fixed the ego
is the false belief in who we are the ego is the belief as I was just reading that you are separate from the rest of the universe you were just this one being in a body you started when you were physically born you're on your way to death and that will be the end of you and that's what your life is and you've made a lot of mistakes and so you are your failures and even if you feel you've succeeded you've got a grasp to hold on to that you're worried that the world will not
think you're enough even when you work so hard to be enough you think because your life's enough maybe you'll get with somebody else who'll be with you and then together you'll be enough and it's this constant sense that nothing is good enough but only if I had something else which is idolatry then it might be now there is no way you can put pretty flowers in that prison cell you can decorate that prison cell but the very thought that that is who we are is the imprisonment the only liberation I was talking to my daughter
the other day about a disappointment in her life and I was saying you know I'm your mom and what your dreams have come true I want this to happen for you I want you to have it and I I I will you know certainly believe that it's bit your Dharma I believe it is because it's your passion it will be yours but ultimately your liberation is going not going to come from the thought that it will happen your liberation will not even come from it happening the liberation will come from the who you are on
this planet which is much bigger than what industries are much bigger than any of the things that happened on this earth nothing on this earth is the mountaintop the mountaintop is when we fall to our knees that's the interesting thing about power it's when you realize that of yourself you are powerless that you become powerful in the world it's when you realize that of yourself ie of your notion of you as a separated self ie your ego because the ego says you are just one separate wave in the ocean so you would obviously be terrified
of the ocean that you would be overwhelmed by the rest of the waves at any given moment if you thought that your identity was that one wave and when you realize that no no no no no that's not who I am my ego mind it's like nothing my ego mind is powerless that's when you realize my Wow I'm not just one little waves but I am the ocean that's when you realize you're powerful in the world and so I said to my daughter that's the top of the mountain the top of the mountain is not
that you get there so you get that who you achieve this you achieve that I'm your mother in a worldly sense of course I'm proud and I want you to have those things but that's not that's not ever gonna be it it is when we fall to our knees and pray that God use us and when we pray that God uses us God doesn't look at you and go I would but you're not enough when you say to God please use me he immediately takes you up on the offer and that's when you see that
you are enough you will see that you are enough you know in the Course in Miracles he says you will not see me with your physical eyes but you will know me by the works that you see I do in your life because as soon as you say to God use me he takes you up on the offer of course the miracle says the line many are called but few are chosen actually means everybody's called but few care to listen that Paul is going on every moment every instant every fraction of every instant we are
being called but the ego-mind speaks first the ego-mind speaks loudest we are educated we are trained mentally into the thinking of the ego-mind from the time or small children and the egos thought system is 180 degrees away from the thinking of God God is that small still voice the ego is the loud voice and so we go around living our lives like God you know if I have a minute I really want to hear what you have to say I'm very busy I'm trying to make things happen but I will I will try to figure
in I know I should meditate in the morning I know I should meditate at night I will try to figure it that's how we treat God and the Course in Miracles says it is possible to live in a way that the voice for God is guiding us at every moment that's the point of doing the workbook exercises for instance it's not just so that you have those moments you know it's like if you go to the gym or you do yoga whatever and you work on your musculature physically the point is not just what that
does for your muscles while you're in the gym or at the yoga class the issue is that your muscles are honed and your body is honed the rest of the days will help and so with doing the lessons or any serious form of meditation it's not so that we go inward and find a peace and then go out and the world where it's chaotic and were on our own it's to build the attitudinal musculature of peace so that then we go out into the world to give peace now when you say God use me many
are called but few were chosen everyone's called but few care to listen God takes us up on our offer immediately and he says to you and he says to you and he yet says to you and he says to me and he says to all of us the same thing go out and tell people that they're enough because in any interaction where your intent and your focus and your devotion is to be a space where people actually experience themselves as enough because only what you give do you get that's how you will realize that you're
enough you know this is particularly tragic in romantic relationships I am gonna do I want to do and we're deal free I'll ask you to help me pay for the rent or whatever I want to do a thing men only I want to give a talk and have a question answer I'd like to present to you my thoughts on what women really want and I think at the deepest level what women want is what men wants and that is that we not be auditioned I just heard somebody give this long side as long we're always
auditioning each other seeing if you're enough rather than exercising the magic that happens when I tell you that you're enough when I hold a space for you to be brilliant is when you show up is brilliant when I hold a space for you to be gorgeous is when you show up as gorgeous when I hold the space for you to be sexy is when you show up as sexy when I show a hold of space for you to be talented and you to be brilliant and you to be strong and you to be brave that's
when that alchemy that our chemical pool of possibility comes alive now when I do that if I spend my time and my energy reminding you that you're enough that's when I will realize that I am enough and you realize that you do that with people that you're constantly transmitting the thought that they're not enough which is a reflection of this painful thought that you are not enough and then you look at your entire life and you go well since I'm not enough and obviously my life's not enough we talk all the time about the image
of Cinderella's fairy godmother Cinderella didn't have the dress to wear to the ball she didn't have the coach she didn't have the coachman and that's such a powerful imagery you know so much metaphysical information is in the fairy tales the fairy tales were handed down so that children could be taught basically everything they need to know I saw quote the other day from the French Albert Duma and he said why are children so intelligent and men so stupid it must be education that doesn't there's an education of the world that actually strips people of their
natural intelligence and fairytales are so powerful that's why the Steiner schools that's why Rudolf Steiner for instance was very big on teaching children at certain ages fairy tales and myths and so forth the fairy godmother being the Holy Spirit an image of the Holy Spirit the image of this this ghosts this mysterious presence that's here with us and I've told you before about how when my daughter was little and we were watching Cinderella on DVD and when Cinderella was crying because her stepmother and stepsisters went to the ball without her and all of a sudden
the fairy godmother appeared and Cinderella says this isn't the Disney version and Cinderella's fairy godmother I thought you'd never get here and the fairy godmother says oh that's not true dear or I couldn't have come I thought that was amazing she had to be open to the possibility that there was another possibility or that possibility could not have appeared in her life and then Cinderella needed a dress and she needed a coach of course she needed things in the mortal world I'm not saying that you shouldn't have the job that you want I'm not saying
that you shouldn't have the money that you need I'm not saying that you shouldn't have all the things that would lift you to your highest level of vibrational frequency this is not all those things don't matter that that's not what this message is the message is that those things which match you at your highest level of creative possibility are already programmed into the universe but when you are not aligned with the knowledge of who you are then you don't think that you're enough then your core belief is that you're not enough so those things can't
get in because nothing can comment into manifestation around you that you have already decided is impossible and so the fairy godmother who was holding that wand meaning focused thought that's what the wand is Merlin the wizard the fairy godmother they have a wand they looked at something and with their wand they surround it with light so fairy godmother didn't say oh you need a dress I don't know Barney's Saks and even thought she didn't say you need a coach I don't know uber or carry car no she didn't look out there she rather took that
wand and she pointed it at that dress and a dress transformed the rags transformed into a dress it was the thinking of the fairy godmother the thinking of the holy spirit the focused thought of light that touched the dress the rags could not turn into a ballgown until first they were touched with light the the pumpkin could not turn in to a coat until first it was touched with light the mice could not turn into the coachman until first they were touch with light what is light first of all appreciation that's what I said to
my daughter I said you know I'm your mom of course I want you to be happy I want you to have what you're happy ok we take just just a minute to talk about what first world problems these are I mean I understand that you're sad I'm your mom I'm you know I love you I want you to have everything I don't I'm here for this but none of this and when you take your sadness your disappointment your whatever feeling embarrassment failure humiliation whatever and put it into the hands of God and ask that even
this make you a better servant to him that's when you will be released and not before and can we have some gratitude for the part that is right can we have some appreciation and respect for the parts that are right now it was interesting because we talk here all the time about you know you have to process but then at what point does that process become self-indulgence at what point these are really having to feel our feelings at a certain level becomes spewing and so you know I'm our mom I was there for all of
it and then at a certain point and you know I want to tell you something happened in that situation because I had heard it all I'd been through it all and then finally you know I had to write this text and say and lay it down the way I just told you and she said mommy I'm I'm sorry to say this one last type of having to go there the very next morning the very next morning something happened in her life that just was a complete miracle and a complete breakthrough and that's what that image
of Jesus on the cross is or whatever image by which what the ego does to us and the dramas and all of that sadness and her life came from this pattern of idolatry if I achieve this if I get this then ever I will be enough and sometimes you know sometimes you succeed in life and sometimes you fail in life but the Course in Miracles says some of your biggest successes you've called failures some of your biggest failures you've called success it's to take anything and point that wand at it the apartment that you have
the house you have the job you have the money you have the relationship that you're in and to realize all the ways in which we look at things and we ourselves are casting aspersions on it I said you deserve more respect for what you have achieved those around you deserve more respect for what you have achieved the Eco is so but it's not this but it is that and what we appreciate appreciate so that's number one appreciation what you fail to appreciate does not appreciate what you appreciate does appreciate number two and this is one
the more I've seen in myself often with places I've done it with places I've done it with people I've seen done it with situations you know because the universe is already perfectly programmed for your happiness everything that could possibly contribute to it is already there the issue is how often we miss it because we were looking for something else it didn't even occur to us this is enough if I put myself into it what is it that's not enough in any situation I'll tell you what's not enough in any situation what you're not giving to
it the Course in Miracles says only what you are not giving can be lacking in any situation you didn't really I remember moving from a city and talking about I am but always complaining I was was whining about that actually two cities come to mind and it was only later in retrospect that I realized the ways in which I had not injected myself I had not put myself out there I had not shown up in the way I might like the city was supposed to serve me or something and I've done it with people and
so if you look at every situation in your life in every situation from A Course in Miracles perspective because God is perfect just as the ego will always have you seeking but never have you finding the Spirit in you the Holy Spirit will never have you seeking there's nothing to seek it's already there where is it I don't assign that person right in front of you how you doing it's in the job you already have how you doing it's in the money you already have how you doing and in any situation we are called the
call goes out in every moment and what is that call are you your most excellent are you your most giving you know everybody subconsciously knows everything if you work for someone for instance you know we talked about resume we talked about skill but there's a point at which the resume and the skill the expertise as important as all those things might be there is a point at which the energy you bring to a situation whether it is it could be a romantic relationship or it could be a job there's no difference the energetic patterns are
the same what are you bringing to it we have really become so spoiled by this mentality will always is the job enough for me is this relationship enough for me and it's cultivated are you getting what you need are your needs being met here you pay people to say that to you are your needs being it's that same person asking are you are you giving up yourself or is that person somehow always reminding you that you just give and give and give and give and give and you just exhausted from giving really oh yeah because
the Course in Miracles would say what exhausts you is that you're not giving the Course in Miracles says the tiredness that you feel the tiredness that you feel will not be be satisfied will not be abated by sleeping but by waking so the Course in Miracles is not about a life lived up in the clouds it's about a life in which as the Course in Miracles talks about Jesus it says he lived with his feet firmly planted on the earth but with his thoughts the thoughts of heaven heaven being an awareness of our oneness I
was reading a quote the other day I wanted to bring it but I couldn't find it by William Barrett and if it's a paraphrasing of it and we talked about this principle but he said it so eloquently something about how usually what eludes us is right in front of us when I think of the best things that have ever happened to me I could not possibly have planned them I could not pass have strategized them and when I think of the worst things that have happened to me in my life I realized did not happen
to me there were mistakes I made because I was not present for what was in front of me and that is because my mind couldn't imagine that what was in front of me was enough it couldn't be that easy the ego says that some extraordinary some extraordinary gift I mean it just what do you mean it's right in front of you why wouldn't it be that's all the universe is is God's love story I was married for a minute once best weekend I ever had but in that weekend he told me some really great things
and one of the things that he pointed out to me he said you know Maryann the Bible is a love story and it really is you know this constant like God are are pulling away from the love are giving the love how we give it and God coming back but I love you I love you I love you we cannot conceive of a love so great that everything you need is right there we can't even conceive does the universe really could the universe love me that much the universe is the handwriting of God there's a
place in the chorus and I'm sorry I couldn't find the quote but it's some beautiful one in one of the lessons where it says the Sun shines for you the the breezes blow for you the grass is green for you the the sky is blue for you we we can't even conceive really that I'm loved that much that I don't have to do anything you know I felt that at times in my life where like Spirit was saying Mary and it's really nice that you did this or nice that you did that but you don't
have to keep doing it to be a good girl you are loved by God whether you do it or not and that is that is very important for us to realize that there's nothing we need do to make ourselves worthy in God's eyes but when we do not realize that we blind ourselves if I'm not saying you through the eyes of God I'm not seeing you clearly and I'm if I'm not seeing myself through the eyes of God I'm not seeing myself clearly the Course in Miracles says your job on this earth is to learn
to think as God things and that's why at the end of this it says yet will one lily of forgiveness change the darkness into light the altar to illusions to the shrine of life itself and peace will be restored forever to the holy minds which God created as his son my own exercise my own lesson today without forgiveness I will still be blind and what it was saying was if I don't see beyond your mistakes if I don't choose to perceive beyond where you know you got it wrong sometimes well I get it wrong sometimes
we all get it wrong sometimes none of us on a personality level or yet at a place well enlightened masters are but and I do think they exist but no one that I think that I know certainly not myself is yet at a point where 24/7 showing up as our absolute best no matter what so if we base our experience of one another only on whether you got it right or whether you got it wrong and the ego not only will see where you got it wrong but then it will want to remind you where
you got it wrong and the ego will not only you know the ego is not only that which sets you up to do the wrong thing but then punishes you savagely for having done so so not only won't my ego always want to remind you where you got it wrong my ego will always want to remind me where I got it wrong and so as we forgive that what that means is I'm going to choose to extend my perception beyond your personality your personality your mortal self it's like the tip of the iceberg and we
can dwell in that place that's why it says here when peace will be restored forever to the holy minds which God created as his son his dwelling place his joy his love completely his completely one with him now as we say here often the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting if you need a different job if you need different money if you need to be in a different relationship if you need to be in a different City if you need anything on the mortal plane that needs to be recalibrated and realigned in order to be
in alignment with your highest creative possibility and the plan that universe already has for bringing that about it will happen like I said the greatest things happen when you're not even you're not even trying that's why when that miracle happened in my daughter's life which could not possibly have been strategized could not possibly have been planned could not possibly have been formulated but when she the moment she fell to her knees and got the miracle that's what the miracle is a miracle is a shift in perception when she got can we just wait a minute
and realized what's truly important here where the mountaintop really is she shifted from fear to love remember time is just a learning device the Course in Miracles says so the course would say but technically the moment she got to that place it all changed and then it seemed to take place in time so in your own life circumstances number one are you really putting your magic wand your miracle wand do you appreciate what you have and are you showing up for it and it might seem meager to you but probably what is meager you know
somebody once told me many years ago how they he said you know I grew up in this house and I grew up thinking it wasn't much he said but I met this kid in school and this kid he said came from this very different neighborhood and he was over at my house one day and he was sitting in my backyard we want a bench and he turned around he said man you you live in Paradise because compared to where he lived it was paradise and no matter what our circumstances are they could be used to
be a value to someone so if you really once again if you really want to appreciate what you appreciate appreciate what you show up for expanse your circumstances rise to meet you but too often because we think our circumstances aren't good enough we lower ourselves it's like my friend who was had quit in a job and she was just kind of giving the last two weeks and she was sitting at her desk one day and she wasn't really fully present and her boss wrote her a little note and he said please stay until you go
and it really woke her up he said please stay until you go so many times in our lives we're there but we're not really there why because this really isn't enough I'm really when it's the right job oh I'm gonna kick when it's the right when they're paying me the right money you won't even believe how good I am when it's the right partner I'll be amazing and we're laughing because we know and so it's always about self monitoring that's what the vigilance of the spiritual path is the vigilance of the ego path is how
are they doing are you doing are you good enough for me is this this situation good enough for me that's how the ego monitors am I getting my needs met after all I'm such a giver but the spiritual path is what am i giving what am I not giving am i using this if the universe if everything is a platform for a miracle am i aligned with that place that place in consciousness from whence miracles naturally flow so we always the ego mind always wants to identify with Cinderella they're just not nice to me but
the Holy Spirit the fairy godmother is part of us too so's the Prince so is the fairy godmother the ego-mind the fairy godmother Cinderella is the Crucified self the ugly stepsisters so that those voices chattering in your head the Holy Spirit is the fairy godmother and the Prince is that which is the ultimate Prince of Peace that completes us so it's time for us now to open the door to look at those things that the ego doesn't really want us to look at the ego says oh don't look at that we're gonna get a better
one don't look at that job we're gonna get you a better one don't look at you know how you're doing in that relationship we obviously need another one your body's not good enough your your whatever it is there is not a good it is never good enough and so we project all our craziness onto that and we think if only it was another one idolatry and then those idols fall and the ego says see nothing ever really changes and I'm so good I don't know why this happens and that's the game and that's the bloodiness
and that's the depression and that's the anxiety that's the crucifixion that's what the crucifixion that's the metaphysics of the crucifixion it's the principle by which the ego is always attacking you and you are always attacking others and nobody can get off this cross of their circumstances and the resurrection is the rising above it the resurrection the Course in Miracles says is the realization of who we are whether it's seen as the crucifixion that leads into the resurrection or the slavery of the Israelites by the Pharaoh which is the ego-mind you're enslaved by the ego and
then you are wandering in the desert of transformation and you ultimately lead you ultimately are led to the promised land regardless of the imagery that speaks you whether it's religious whether it's spiritual whether it's secular these archetypes these myths these fairytales these truths these truths with a capital T spoken in many different ways the point is not just to collect a variety of ways to articulate these truths the cross the Jewish Star of David visual symbols of where the two planes intersect and so we've talked about the theory and now let's go within so God
can talk to you about your life and so we close our eyes we take a deep breath we relax into a comfortable position and we unclench our hearts and we say dear God please send your spirit please enter here where you already abide please enter into my thoughts about everyone and everything we call to mind our job you're an employer and you're tempted to complain about your employees ask yourself how good are you as an employer if you're good if you're not whatever just give it to the hands of God and say I will want
to be I wish to be I pray to be a good employer and if you are an employee complaining about your employer ask yourself how good am I as an employee [Music] whether you're good or whether you're not put it in God's hands and say I wish to be my part here I wish to be the highest version of myself if you're in a marriage and you're complaining about your husband or you're complaining about your wife or you're complaining about your lovers or you're complaining about your friends detach from the egos constant harping about how
they're not good enough they're not doing it right and in this moment ask how you're doing are you a great wife are you a great husband are you a great partner you a great lover you a great friend and realize that's a full-time job monitoring your own path and when you do so you have no time to monitor anyone else give to God right now where you get it right and give to God where you get it wrong this is all about our learning are becoming more humble our atoning for where we've made mistakes and
our being hungry for growth knowing that that angel lives inside us bent over every blade of grass every new thought every new moment of becoming whispering to us grow grow grow that should be our highest goal dear God make me a better man dear God make me a better woman [Music] are we the parents we wish to be are we the children to our parents that we wish to be with the siblings that we wish to be are we the citizens that we wish to be or are we always not chronically listening to the egos
complaints that they are not giving us enough they're not enough we're not getting enough we're not getting what we deserve in this moment we realize the trap and in this moment we're light in this moment we laugh we chuckle we go I see now and we rise up in glory as we cast our inner eye towards God and we thank him for reminding us that we are the beings that he created that it is blasphemy to think that we are less than perfect for our inner self our true self our only true self that which
has lived forever and will live forever an eternal light and eternal idea in the mind of God that is who we are and we pray dear God please take us home to that remembrance remind us and post angels thoughts that are your thoughts around our minds to constantly remind us we are your children here to do your work here to extend your love and that is all and may this light cast out of our minds all the darkened thoughts the neuroses the pathologies the fears the anxieties the depression the insanity that constantly attacks us bombards
us may we be saved from those chronic patterns of fear and sorrow as on this night we arise newly purified by the Spirit of God purified by the waters of holiness in thought remembering we are not fractured separate beings and therefore we need not think fractured separate thoughts tonight we surrender to the realization of who we truly are no better or worse than anyone else because in essence we are everyone else for the truth is our oneness our commonality the light within the Christ within the Shekinah by whatever name the Holy One is who we
are [Music] and now may the hand of God come upon you and dissolve all fearful thoughts as his love surrounds you and infuses every aspect of your being no longer bound in time no longer bound by the past no longer obsessed by the future here in this eternal now be at home in the arms of God and the entire world as you know it will be a gorgeous home for you [Music] we allow ourselves to feel the Spirit of God pouring forth upon our heads filling our bodies with a divine light of blessing and protection
the true body of Christ the true body of spirit the true body of light who we really are embraced by us remembered by us created by God eternal and forever dear God please bring us home [Music] and me we remain in this piece forever [Music] protect us from the clamor and the clutter of this world in this sacred place may we remain with God with each other and with ourselves and so it is [Music] we all say Amen thank you Richard lemma okay a few announcements and then we will get to work with everything there
is to discuss okay all right you know about the live-streaming you know for those of you who are interested in well not just interested in doing the workbook of the course but if you think it would be helpful to you I am recording them you can start at any time and they are delivered daily to your inbox and you can go to Mary Ann comm to find out about that I'm doing the workbook and then when I finish with that I will set about doing the text and I don't know how long that will take
but I think it's right I think it's the biggest hope of my life actually okay now it's presidential election year and it's an exciting thing and it's an important thing and it's also important that we really recognize that in a democracy in a in a free society we do not all have to agree with each other that's the beauty of it all is that other people don't have to agree with us what matters though is that we all participate so you know President Eisenhower once said the American mind at its best is both liberal and
conservative and the great dance of ideas is extremely important and so I think we all want to the best of our ability to participate in this great national conversation but in a way that helps to purify the conversation because a lot of us feel well I can either be part of that and it's so negative or just not be part of it which is another kind of negative because there's nothing positive about complacency and there's nothing positive about not playing your part so obviously I have strong political opinions but I am NOT in that area
of my life or in any other thinking that my opinions are the only opinions or that other people don't have aspects of truth just as important as me and I that that's really cool that we hold that space here so having said that and you know I did get a email the other day from someone who might be here and I you know I took it to heart I I never want to make anybody feel that because I see something a certain way that they are sort of less invited here to hold their own opinions
nor do I think that others aren't as valuable as mine so I have been doing these sister giant conferences as you know and I have joined partner and sister giant is partnering with blue America and tomorrow night and you can see this flier here we are doing a free tomorrow night it starts free online progressive summit and what this means is and we will be doing this on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday night six o'clock our time a California time nine o'clock in New York east coast but you can obviously do it and I think will
be fun tomorrow night at six o'clock and nine o'clock because we're all getting on at the same time but if you don't start tomorrow and you start the next day whatever and what I am doing is I am interviewing progressive congressional candidates around the country because I think that a lot of times we're so focused on the sort of hot sexy presidential campaign that we forget that Congress is a Pro equal is a co-equal branch of government and sometimes we think in terms of our congressmen or our senator but I think it's kind of one
of the things what we need to expand our thoughts so if you are conservative in politics I certainly respect that acknowledge that and this happens to be a an online progressive summit but maybe if your conservative you'd like to listen anyway because maybe you will be interested in some of the things about getting money out of politics and climate change and mass incarceration and and criminal justice and all those things which I don't even think should be seen as conservative or progressive issues I had the honor I had always heard of him but I never
heard him speak and a couple weeks ago I heard Father barbers speak is that North Carolina or South Carolina the one who does moral Mondays he was so amazing and he said and he was he William Barbara says name he was amazing and he said don't think conservative or liberal don't think Democrats a Republican don't think left-right he said that is too puny a conversation and I thought that was really really expansive he said that is too puny we have to think in terms of where we are going as citizens and you know I grew
up in a time when the fact that somebody was from a different political party it didn't end the conversation you know too often we're so only talking to the people we agree with already and now that's we really need to help and so I think all of us can help you refine that so for those of you who say I'd like to see that like I said it's free though to sister giant calm and check it out I'm excited I want to thank Mike burns and tar Margolin and Howie Klein my partner in this it's
it's exciting and I hope you like it so it'll be Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday nights tomorrow I check it out it'll be three candidates who I who I interview and we'll keep doing that for as many Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday nights as it seems like they're cool people okay thank you for indulging me in explaining what that's about David Kessler will be doing an all-day lecture in March on healing grief after break-up divorce or death based on his work with Louise Hay and Elisabeth kubler-ross this will begin March 8th in Irvine it will be
in Culver City San Bernardino Westlake Village Universal City go to grief calm David is here he will be in the lobby you can see his booklet here and he is giving the audience tonight a discount of $100 see the Flyers in the lobby or visit grief com I just finished some traveling but I will be doing more on March 19th I will be at the conscious living and aging symposium in Palm Desert California March 24th I will be back in London for my European friends go to Mary Ann calm to check all that out Oh
also speaking of politics we have back tonight because we run out of them I wrote a book god bless you I wrote a book actually this book came out in 1998 called healing the soul of America some of the information is dated but what I talk about there about the corporate aqua sea and all of that I was saying it in 1998 so the whole principle of the intersection of spirituality and politics if this is of interest you either here tonight or on amazon.com I thought that might be of interest given given the summit okay
all right questions okay how do you know when it's time to end a romantic relationship you know in any relationship romantic or or any sometimes obviously the lesson is to stay in there because it's not all the lessons aren't learned yet don't cut and run and sometimes the lesson is it's time and there is no external guidebook the Course in Miracles says that no decisions are to be made by ourselves everything is to be made the voice for God within you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow with your mortal ego mind you don't know
how anything best serves ultimate purposes and also remember two people with free will or here so sometimes it's the lesson to be learned here there's no point my leaving sometimes the lesson to be learned here is that there's no point in my staying and also like I said two people have free will so you might be ready to stay in there and do the work but the other person isn't and you can't be in control of that and you're trying to be controlling of that means you're not doing your work if you will not allow
them to be where they are when they're there so the Course in Miracles says you think you have many different problems but you really only have one and that is your separation from God so in everything you know the Course in Miracles he says it's not difficult it is different these principles and in its way it's very simple but we ask whether it's a romantic relationship or anything else may God's will be done may God's will be done means may loving thought prevail god is love will is thought so whether it's romantic relationship or anything
else dear God guide my foot may I see this person through the eyes of love there's that's another thing right now very trendy in our culture to come up with all these you know well he's a narcissist you know you know he's the narcissist right you know that right or you know I mean it's avoidant behavior it's just unbelievable or whatever some of which you might be true there is such a thing as avoidant behavior and addictive behavior and and narcissists I mean all of that is I'm not saying those issues are not there but
there's a difference between a description and a judgement and when you are at a point where you can see something and look at yourself as well as another person and even the things that are painful to look at even words like that but if they still looked at with your that therefore as opposed to the acceptance that you're that and there's a difference between seeing something a pattern and judging the person for it and blaming them for it versus seeing it and then asking in your own heart and prayer so do I stay or do
I go does that make sense and probably you know one of the things we talk about here a lot is in a room where you have prayed with other people it's very difficult to lie to yourself so how do you know when it's time to end a romantic relationship this person who wrote this you already know but on the other hand the Course in Miracles says relationships never end because they're of the mind so a relationship isn't over what the ego says oh it's over there comes a time when physical proximity may not serve the
highest soul growth possibility or it might be the physical proximity would serve it but the other person isn't showing up for it so either they they leave or they may as well have left because they're not showing up for it so why are you staying but even then the lessons of love continue the lessons in leaving are as profound the lessons of love and leaving are as profound as the lessons of love and sting because if I leave you with anger I'm not leaving you I'm gonna meet someone just like you shortly right so if
the issue is do I live with you no man those are easy words to say you know will I love with love really right to really do the work of forgiveness of yourself the forgiveness of them where where were my issues right where what was mine all of the work like we whether it's a romantic relationship or anything else these principles apply to every relationship does that make sense and and as I said to know that relationships themselves of course America says go on forever the course also says all who meet will someday meet again
until the relationship becomes holy dear Marianne I've been married for a year and dating my husband for three years prior we are eager to start a family but my system has been slow to resume after birth control pills my mother-in-law grandma and many friends keep pressuring me to get pregnant I laugh it off and try not to care but I keep feeling disappointed in my body and sad that it hasn't happened to me yet how do I stay hopeful and not think about it all the time thank you well first of all I don't know
this woman's name but we will be glad to pray say a prayer for you now I want to talk about birth control pills you said we are eager to start a family my system has been slow to resume after birth control pills now I don't know if your situation specifically has to do with your birth control pills and obviously I'm not against birth control pills however there is something happening in our society and I'm glad you brought it up pharmaceutical companies do a lot of good but because they are profit driven yes so much has
happened in our society where the market has become our false God like every other industry there are portions of it that seek a profit center wherever they can and the newest thing and if it wasn't happening a lot I would not be mentioning it is young girls years before they are sexually active on birth control pills with the audacity of the pharmaceutical companies saying it will help them with their acne and it will help them regulate their hormones in their periods ladies and gentlemen that is so dangerous it is so wrong first of all women
on birth birth control pills have three to four times the frequency of blood clots that is not to say that they cause blood clots but the frequency is three to four times secondly it is teaching young girls that there's something wrong with their menstruation women were menstruating for thousands of years before big pharma came about okay last but not least for those of you who participated in our aphrodite conference there is a woman and I think she's very important her name is dr. Libby Weaver and she's a nutritional biochemist out of New Zealand and she
was asked by one of the women at Aphrodite conference about a lot of women who are having a difficult time getting pregnant and she said that what's happened over the last few decades is what has happened for a lot of people is that they started the birth control pills at such a young age and like I said now a friend of mine is probably watching right now was telling me that a young girl a friend of their daughter's visited their house ten years old was taken by her mother for a pelvic exam ten years old
pelvic exam my head is having a hard time getting even wrapping around that this child is not sexually active she's ten years old and they put her on birth control pills with the American parents they start parenting and knowing just because the doctor said it you have we gone back to the dark ages and what dr. Libby Weaver said and she's really brilliant and what she said has happened to a lot of women is that when we start taking birth control pills to young basically think about what that's saying to your to your daughter's body
I mean the extraordinary things that are happening this is millions of years of evolution and so you're saying to a child's body at a very early age before years before she's sexually active we're shutting you down now and then 30 years later 20 years later I want to get pregnant well what the body has just been informed of certain things you know I really hope that we can expand you know one of the ways that we have really expanded over the last few years is about chemicals in our food but there are other ways we
seem to be still casual about chemicals that we put in our bodies why do you would you be so concerned about the gluten and not concerned about the chemicals you're putting in your brain why would you be so concerned about the chemicals in the food but not the chemicals that we far too easily take because Big Pharma found a new profit Center and so I don't know if if what's going on with this particular woman but I wanted to mention that because of these very young girls and and young women that I know who you
know well I'm not in a relationship now I haven't been in a couple years but I'm taking them from my acne or I'm taking them for regulating my hormones to keep saying regulating your hormones nature's been it's all part of the same thing you notice Ike we were talking recently about blizzard 2016 blizzards are big snowstorms they're not tsunamis a blizzard does not mean that Japan attacked for a heart Pearl Harbor it's and not storms are natural menstruation is natural crabs I'm sorry girls they're natural that doesn't mean you might think thing but the idea
of taking birth control pills just for your cramps so you gave me a chance to mention it so I did now let's go back to this woman who wants to get pregnant I don't know what your religious background is if you were Catholic if you're Episcopalian or if you relate to her anyway ask mother Mary to give you a baby you might want to go into a church where she is might light a candle she is that aspect of the face of God the mother of God there's something very very powerful there and for those
who let us pray for this woman she and her husband are ready they want to have a baby and she's probably not the only woman either here or watching right now who wants to get pregnant or maybe there's someone that you know who really want to get pregnant so let's pray for those women right now okay dear God we know that you know the woman who wrote us this note who wants to get pregnant who's ready to get pregnant dear God we know that you know who she is and we pray that you come upon
her right now may she feel your hand upon her and your presence within her body remove all obstruction of any kind physical emotional mental whatever pressure whatever might be obstructing the path by which this woman finds a baby in her arms may all obstruction be removed dear God we join with her and praying for this miracle in her and husband's life and so it is together we have all say Amen okay alright let me see I have some here but I think I'll come down let's start there and if we have some time we'll get
back to some of these okay all right we'd like to begin this evening over there yeah okay I'm coming down thank you no I'm fine honey I'll take them cuz I might read some yes yes that lady right there yes hi Mary Ann hi Barbara how are you um I really want to speak to you personally but I think some people might be able to help me with something okay I was here a year and a half ago I'm watching you on the internet now you know what I watched you on the internet now yesterday
great thanks I didn't know that sherry was going around the world oh I just knew that okay so anyway year and a half ago I shared about homeless I remember I did get into an apartment affordable man living I was very excited ready to go and it turned out to be a really toxic apartment off-gassing of carpeting laminate everything and I have bad allergies okay so I've hung in for a year and a half for lack of funds and like being able to find anything else okay and so two levels of this fatigue one fatigue
is I am NOT serving I am NOT giving I don't commit to anything because I don't have the home base to calm down relax and sleep so I withdraw from the world the second level of fatigue is there are chemicals in the apartment and they go from headaches to affecting my brain my brain chemistry changes so I find myself in the same situation with another management company that just could have put me in another apartment like immediately so um well I just want to put out to anyone if they have a room to rent something
under a thousand but with wood floors please yeah and I'm joking but if I just I could just fall asleep right here and be very happy okay so first of all we have a bulletin board out there and absolutely feel free to use it you know like on an index card but your barber you're looking for an apartment to rent for a hundred thousand dollars wood floor because you have the chemical issues this is Barbara and she will be out in the lobby after and if you think that that's you if a little angel on
your shoulder saying it's you please talk to her I also want to ask you and this is for people on livestream particularly - are you on my Facebook page I just got a facebook what do you have made yeah I have this public page okay and the reason I mentioned that is because a lot of times like a woman who wrote in this morning and asked for a live stream the woman who gets cat calls in New York and I answered that I'm not able to get to all of the live stream questions here on
Monday nights but if I do what I can on Facebook not all of it but you can always tell and I'm not sleeping so that might also be a place where you might feel because some really cool things are there put out to the group - I know that one of the owners is Magic Johnson you went what are the owners of the building I can't that to the owner they're blocking me from the owner one of the owners is Magic Johnson and I'm looking for someone in the city to help me navigate negotiate with
disability Barbara we're just gonna ask God - we'll be done in your life I think let's just pray no we don't know this guy I don't know but well we're gonna pray that we're gonna we're gonna pray let's just pray right now Barbara is probably not the only person here who is feeling that there's some urgent material need and the Course in Miracles says you do not ask God for too much you ask for too little and it's not asking there are specifically in terms of material things but I think with anything that we think
we need even if all we really need for our thoughts to be corrected and to know that we don't need that I think too often we forget could have had a miracle so let's join with Barbara and whoever else here or listening on livestream who really knows hi I need I need a miracle error let's pray for that there God we know that you know what every person here needs in order that obstruction be removes removed so that they might shine the brightest for your sake for Barbara and for all of us we now take
this moment to place in the hands of God what we need or what we think we need praying to the Holy Spirit into our minds and enter our circumstances that for Barbara and for all of us also now be made bright and so it is together we all say Amen yes this lady right here hi fine thank you so this is my first time here thank you my question revolves around can you put the mic closer to your mouth sure so I have a lot of things that are going on in my life right now
I'm getting my MBA I'm working full time congratulations really great positive okay but then there's a constant guilt when I don't feel like I am giving 100% to it or I feel disappointed in my performance in some things okay and I have a question in how to distance yourself from that so you can enjoy all the positive things that are in your life and not accidentally wait okay so we were talking tonight about the ego mind and there's a very powerful line in the course where it says the ego doesn't tell you you did something
wrong it just tells you you are wrong so it it has it out for you but it has it out for him and it has it out for her the Eco in your mind is no different than the Eco in all of our minds and it punishes us differently this is why we were talking about tonight this is the metaphysics of the crucifixion this is the metaphysics of Pharaoh enslaving the Israelites it's that you're bad you didn't do it right you're messing up or whatever whatever the form that it takes now the only way to
get rid of Darkness is to turn on light the only way to get rid of fear is to turn on love the only reason that your mind that your energy even that you even have mental energy available for telling you you're not doing it enough here she's check this out you're getting an MBA and you're working just can we just take a moment to note the insanity right just you this is exactly what the course was saying we were you intend this is insane okay but so but your mental imagery is the mental energy is
available to that voice because it is not being proactively given to the voice for God each morning if you don't fill your house your house is your psyche if you don't fill it with light it will be dark because it's that that's how powerful you are every thought you think you can misuse your mind but you cannot diminish its power the core self so if you're not giving it to God to use for God's purposes which is to tell you and those around you how wonderful you are then it will be used for the eCos
purposes to tell you and those around them how not wonderful they are does that make sense so if we come into this room and it's dark we can't fight the darkness with the baseball bat so no there's nothing we can do to fight the ego there's nothing to fight it's just a hallucination of who you are but we do come into this room and turn on the light now many of us here are students of A Course in Miracles you said this is your first time I don't know if you've read my book of return
to love like the cliffnotes of the course but that is one book out of a gazillion books about these type of things it is one path the Course in Miracles but does not claim to have a monopoly on truth but the only way that you can exit this hell because that's the meaning of hell that's what hell is the course says what the ego would make of your present is to take that journey and it is not just an intellectual shift and it is the Course in Miracles talks about the internal teacher so in A
Course in Miracles it says you cannot do this without a teacher but the teacher that the course is referring to there is the internal teacher the same as that voice for God Holy Spirit fairy godmother you know all of those images so whether you know what path would be true for you some people here are their various categories some of you know what path works for you and you're doing it some of you know what path works for you but you just haven't been doing it some of you don't know what path would work for
you but if you pray in your heart and ask books will literally fall to your feet within days okay so what is your name and so Jeff look put an on the prayer list and actually let's let's say a prayer now because I think what Ann is dealing with I think you know in in a a there's that term conscious contact the very fact that you're here means that this is the view like the rest of us desire the peace of God but you know you come to a lecture like this this is a battery
charge hopefully you know charging your battery but a real serious spiritual path is this daily practice and really it's the fact that this of course in miracles would say each and every one of us has a highly individualized curriculum so as you learn the principles and here or anywhere else and apply them more and more to your life this is your quote unquote salvation because that's the only thing to be saved from is that insanity right MBA working but just not enough make sense all right let's pray dear God we know that you know the
hell that Anne's mind sometimes puts her through and we know dear God they held that that ego within us puts all of us through the guilt the constant blame of self and others attack self another's defense self and others fear of death and even fear of life itself we know that you know for each and every one of us what the addiction is what the character defect is what the particular form of craziness that seems to have us hostage in our own heads so we join with an and giving you dear God this attack machine
and all of us ask that you take from us all of these fear-based thoughts as we give to you all that we have all that we are all that we think that your spirit might so fill Anne's mind and ours that darkness for her and for all of us shall be no more and so it is together we all say Amen yes ma'am hi thank you I'm grateful you're here thank you I'm looking for the part but the my closer to your mouth okay it's a part that says that we don't pray big enough we
don't pray big enough that and and Jesus who said Ye are gods and we have this divine inheritance and abundance mm-hmm with the part of my ego that really kind of likes that I think the ego that likes what exactly here what am I missing the part that's like we are everything so therefore we aren't I to everything so I don't want to slip into the but it's not enough I've been talking since 7:30 I didn't give you enough thoughts about this issue you gave me you absolutely gave me thoughts I'm I think I'm trying
to bridge its am I giving and let me ask you a question but I think I know the answer are you doing the workbook of A Course in Miracles no how did I know okay see this is just the way the mind operates this is the way the mind operates you know how they say an a a shut up and listen so I did my best I was pouring all this and in your mind it's is now but your mind is now saying about my talk but that wasn't enough can you give me right so
many of us are students of the course it's just one those workbook exercises or just one their other paths but until you get on a path of daily prayer and meditation this is not about what it seems to be about your seems to be that and seems to be guilt it wilt if you're closer to success there will be fear of success if you're closer to failure will be fear of failure if you've got an you know if there if you give it a little scrap it'll be about guilt if you give it another little
scrap it's about trying to reconcile this or that but it's never what it seems to be that's just the monkey mind that's just the craziness of the mind and once again the singularity issue you think you have many different problems but you really only have one and that as your separation from God you align your thinking with God these these issues don't come up they are just the neurotic energy and that's what neurosis means as Freud defined its separation from self it's just the various neurotic demons this is what demons are and this is what
demons are it's just these thoughts that are given free play in your mind it's the thief that comes in because the doors are open it's the thief that comes in because the windows are open it's the darkness that sets in because it's not filled with light you wake up in the morning and you where would you have me go what would you have me do would you have me say into home make me the woman that you would have me be today do your workbook exercises do your meditation give your life to God you do
that you you proactively take responsibility for what's in your mind then the craziness can't be there I'm not saying that you'd be an enlightened master all day but we're working on it and that's why you can tell when somebody's mind and then what we do which the ego mine does is it tries to analyze the darkness you can't analyze the darkness to get to the light but the ego loves to do that well let's talk this through and some of that don't get me wrong sometimes you do have to talk it through but too often
and that's even when you said as soon as you said will you give me a thought right then I went in my heart no there's no like well can you give me the how-to for that or this or that no the thought is I give my life to God to God today God take everything make me the woman that you have maybe use me however you want that's the only freedom and what you're there in what you're seeking you know I love how the Course in Miracles says that these kinds of thoughts are acts of
self-interest it's not a life of sacrifice this is the the way you this is the thinking that you cultivate so that you don't drive yourself nuts today and you're probably driving other people that says that makes sense does it make sense okay okay yes it's gentleman right here am i okay okay yes sir hi hi thank you this is just as my second week here and this has just been phenomenal thank you so much I'm so grateful for the work that you're doing thank you thank you you said something last week that was interesting to
me which is that spirit was Matthieu sizzling a masculine feminine and it was sort of off the cuff but it was like spirit as masculine I'm wondering what the Course in Miracles says about that if you can elaborate on that because I tend to think of it as well the issue that had been brought up is that the Course in Miracles does use the traditional judeo-christian God as he languaging and some people have a problem with that and I am simply I'm talking about the prints of the course in miracles' so I use that language
I did write a book called a woman's worth about goddess and all of that but in these lectures about the course and most of my work number one I'm talking about the principles of the course so I use that language also to be honest I grew up with that language it was never a problem for me I don't feel that I was hurt by it or whatever so that was number one but number two I did point out then in the Eastern religions and this is what you would be referring to in the Eastern religions
there's the notion of the yin and the Yan the yin is the feminine earth force and the Jung is the masculine spirit force so in the Eastern religions as well the feminine is the yin of the earth notice we always say mother earth I have never heard a man say it's so sexist why do we call it Mother Earth why don't we call it father Mother Earth huh and that is because instinctively intuitively archetypal e we relate to the idea of the forces of the earth as feminine mother earth she cries out so it's no
less sexist in that sense now it's understood there the patriarchal religions si definitely the patriarchy of organized religious systems is a whole other issue but in terms of the archetypes and the languaging when you talk about God as father that is no different than earth as mother now in the story once again these are all the Course in Miracles says words are at best but symbols so when we talk about Mary for instance Mary is impregnated by God to the extent to which God is the masculine we are all feminine the human soul so your
humanity is feminine and your heart becomes impregnated by the masculine then that which emerges one word of which is the Christ is fathered by God and mothered by your humaneness but it of itself is genderless now course in miracles' also it does not talk about your brothers and your sisters it just talks about your brothers but that's because the course is talking about a level in which there is no difference between or among any of us so that would be I would think what I talked about it's it's like the masculine and the feminine plug
this is not a genital issue right the masculine goes into the feminum and you have two plugs and go into the wall right it's not we enter perm or Phi something that is energetic and it's not anthropomorphic and when some people say yeah but that language has been used to hurt people patriarchal religions etc I understand that but the Course in Miracles itself does use that language I have seen I saw in a used bookstore once somebody had gone through the entire course in miracles' and everywhere where it said he crossed out the capital H
and added s capital S which was amazing I just thought it was so amazing you go through all that trouble and then sell the book that answer your question it kind of is actually a slightly different angle I was coming out of with I don't have a such a problem with that it was more like I'm trying to square this thing that I got a teaching once that said the way that you approach like as endo or like when you're when you're entering something with a like a spiritual perspective yeah perspective or like there's a
feel to penetrate that's the same approach you should take with a woman okay with that so you're talking out to about men and women now well yeah I went all spiritual own and you hear on sex why didn't you just tell me to be go okay all right I like that actually feel to penetrate it feels good thank you and you know what on that thing I would talk about what women really want that's what we want yes Elizabeth I have a friend who is an agnostic and is what an agnostic that's cool his raised
Catholic but he really doesn't believe in God or but he finds hidden notes that I come here and I find it's really interesting and I wanted to share and and he asked me for proof like how can you prove any of this and I'm like I don't know but looks cute there's only one way to prove any of this and that's to your own experience okay you only try it and see if it works see if being really and demanding and controlling and judgmental works for you and seeing how being kinder more charitable more compassionate
chilling up more works for you try it don't believe it cuz I said it okay yes yes yes I find destiny it's an important part of my experience with knowing that there's something bigger out there because of what I love my passions people have been drawn to me and things have been drawn to me in my life that it's like wow how did that happen how come we both have we share these because they're I believe it's people say oh it's a lock well luck is to me is sort of an odd word because it's
like I had nothing to do with it destiny believe I believe is something that I did have something to do with that I participated that I worked that I studied that I I researched that I threw myself into something that I truly had passion for well yes because we were talking tonight and of course amiracle talks about co-creation with God we were talking about the idea of aligning your thoughts when your thoughts are aligned with God you are available to the automatic miraculous programming of the universe the Course in Miracles says miracles occur naturally as
expressions of love what that means is that as we say often the universe is self-organizing the universe is self-correcting so even like the thing I was telling about my daughter even if there's been a mistake made go to the god place and it will correct so once again like you said it's not luck that's why in Zen Buddhism you know people talk about beginner's luck well beginner's luck is simply what happens when you don't know what there is to be afraid of yet and you don't know what there is to be ambitious for yet that's
what happened for me when my first book returned to love I didn't know what there was to be afraid of I didn't know what there was to be ambitious for so none of those thoughts were in my head right and so that's very that's what beginner's luck is you you don't know what there is to be afraid of yet you don't know what there is to be ambitious for yet in Zen Buddhism they call that the beginner's mind and what you always want to be is a beginner in every moment the Course in Miracles says
you were born again in any moment that you do not bring your past with you you just well in that it's what the Course in Miracles calls the holy instant and the universe is it's like what is that geyser yeah well faithful and it's always coming up it's always coming up and it's a well that's how every moment is it's like always coming up it's that that's how the universe operates we can't it's it's hard to even for us to conceive that it's not held back by our mistakes the universe is always ready God specializes
in new beginnings but we drag the past with us we bright drag the guilt with us so with every thought of blame attack or defense towards ourselves or towards other people we deflect the miracle that would otherwise occur naturally that makes sense so that's why the practice of the holy instant is what all of this is about am i blaming myself am i attacking myself or others it's the same mistake because if I am I'm blocking the light that would otherwise emerge in this situation the new beginnings new opportunities thank you yes ma'am hi Marianne
hi um thank you so much um the first thing that I wanted to say is over a year ago you said a prayer for me and I came here in March of 2015 to thank you and what I didn't see at the time is that I had been dealing with well still dealing with schizophrenia and so um the power of asking for help changed my life dramatically so um for anyone out there who is struggling with anything even that um it's more empowering to ask for help and to admit that you need help rather than
like fighting and and thinking that that people might what I've found is that most people are good mm-hmm and they genuinely want to help you right and the second thing is that most children don't feel safe right now right other than it's true and what I came to realize is that you said wounded people wound people often they do heal and I came to realize that the people that hurt me the most we're not fully in their body so they were either on drugs or alcohol or more just just totally dissociated and I'm here to
say that the importance of being fully present in your body around children because I think most people don't think that okay you know children aren't I I was constantly absorbing stuff as a child and and picking up other people's emotions and I have friends who now at thirty years old living at home with their parents and they don't feel they don't feel safe because their parents you know their parents aren't fully in their body so I would like to say I would like if if you if we could say a prayer for the children that
would be a really good idea and then also for anyone who feels that they might need help in any sort of way well thank you and thank you for sharing that and what is your name Marita now Maria are you doing a daily prayer and meditation path of some kind that's really supporting you as you go through your journey yeah I've been listening to your your audio oh good it's really been are you following the book itself and because it's written on there what the daily exercise is but so you're doing that diet exercise therapy
great okay let's pray for me I shall we dear God we pray with and for our beloved sister Maria as we open our hearts to receive her testimony with gratitude and with honor we pray with her dear God that you post angels around her head may her psyche may all aspects of her being be so infused and filled with your light their God that she is thus lifted transported transformed so that every moment becomes filled with peace every day is filled with love we join with her dear God and praying for the children of the
world we pray for our own children we pray for each other's children we pray for all of the children of the world and we pray that our eyes be opened dear God two ways that we might be there presence giving compassionate towards the children the beings who are children now even if when we were children that love was not shown to us and so it is together we all say Amen okay going down there okay got a couple here and a couple there and okay we got to go quick get your point quickly and I'll
try to get to man so quickly I know people will yell thank you so you talked about this is really exciting for me actually because it sounds good and it it I think I'd like to know more is reminding people that they're enough I'd like and also creating the space for them to feel like they're enough how do I I'm sorry I'm not sure I'm totally hearing you're saying I'm not creating the space for other people's life and for your light you said yeah creating the space for other people's light and reminding them that they
are enough those are two things that I thought were really valuable value right what is how do I practically do that like why is there a prayer is there something what do i yes okay number one thank you the workbook of A Course in Miracles I don't know if you have it if if you the course does not claim to be for everyone and the course does not claim to have a monopoly on the truth claims to be one of many statements based on universal spiritual things however having said that if you respond to what
I'm talking about if you if you lean into that and that feels resonant for you that means that you are the principles of course miracles are resonant with you and that means doing the Course in Miracles the Course in Miracles is a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy it is a psychological mind training based on universal spiritual themes the first book is the text which is the intellectual constructs the second book is the answer to your question it's 365 days worth of basically meditative lessons and in the first half of the year you're trained you were
dismantling a thought system based on fear and in the second half of the year it is building a thought system based on love like I mentioned my own today without forgiveness I will still be blind so what that means it's because that was my sentence today anytime something would come up where I would be tempted to withhold forgiveness that sentence would be shining in my mind and guiding my thinking we talked here about what I always talk about namaste consciousness when you go into any situation you're going into a meeting you're going into work you're
going into romantic whatever it is that you blast the situation with love before you even get there before you go to work before whatever you blast everybody there with love and you cultivate thoughts like and you do it that silently the loving me salutes the love in you you actually look at a person the love in me salutes the love in you people subconsciously know everything because there's really only one mind so if I'm praying for you you feel better around me and if I'm thinking negative thoughts about you you don't know why but he
doesn't feel good because it's all everybody subconsciously is recognizing this so when you say the loving me salutes the love in you the Christ in me salutes Christ knew the God in me saluted on you whatever is true for you that sets up if it puts the relationship on a field into a field of consciousness different than it would have other been otherwise been it's all done on invisible planes but it's like when I mentioned tonight the line in the Course in Miracles where he says you will not see me physically but you will see
such works that happen in your life you will not doubt that I am there and that's what he means you you think this way and are gonna happen and you're gonna know whoa somebody did this does that make sense so when you ask me practically it's the loving me salutes the lovin you but if you really want to work on the transformation of the entire thought system according to what we are meant here that would be actually doing a course in miracles' thank you thank you that's perfect thank you yes hello my name is Jamie
Lee Manning and this is not a question it's a statement okay 22 years ago I left my small town in Texas you left your wife my small town in Texas your small town in Texas yep - I love our big town to embark on my journey and national service and on my way to the restroom before I got into the car I picked up the book returned to love and that book that philosophy the course of miracles and the vessel of you being able to share this message has changed my life thank you and I
wanted to hear in front of everybody in front of you to say thank you thank you so much you have changed me and I will continue to be a source of light and love not because of you but because of the vessel and source being able to speak to me through you I'm so honored and gratified one Texas girl to another thank you so much and I'm you know the course in miracles' talks about the circle of atonement we just are all passing it along so that you're and I'm sure you're doing the very fact
that you could show such honor and gratitude to someone who you feel gave something to you guarantees and certifies for me in my own thinking that you're doing it for others yeah yes and then it's lady here yes hi I guess I'm here to say the same thing thank you so much a few years ago we met you in New York at a Buddhist retreat center oh yes it was that a great weekend oh it was great we had you all to ourselves it was just an intimate weekend and it was great and you prayed
with us so for our son who was struggling with a drug addiction and is now doing really well he's gonna have his first baby so my question is we pray for him what does the course of miracles talk about praying for people well you know the Course in Miracles says one day you will realize there is nothing outside yourself so when you say praying for people even praying for people it almost there is no like you're over there and I'm over here time and space themselves our illusions of consciousness so once you sort of freed
from that construct there is nothing here about praying for other people you know what I'm saying it's praying when you pray for others you're also praying for yourself you're praying that your own perception of them so when you prayed for your son and there are many you opened up the possibility I'm sure there were program people many people in his life many different things that happened some through you and some through others and some just the action of the Holy Spirit in his mind but the Course in Miracles says anytime we pray for anyone that
that is a blessing on them as well as yourself we did get better we did it we did slightly we did you know and in the title of that weekend was the cosmic ray smite the mystical Buddha mystical crown the next weekend I saw painting it was the Cosmic Christ it was pretty amazing bob is so fantastic than that he's great thank you thank you so much you know we lost I don't know if you remember Jaime Zimmerman who was there that weekend you know she died yes Aloha Maryanne hi I'm from Hawaii and I
you came and did a TED talk in Honolulu several years ago no and at the universe I walk there I've spoken at home oh I'm sorry maybe not that TED talk Yeah right I've been blackballed my my work is not scientifically based enough me and Rupert Sheldrake and some other people like that and anyway I have dreamt since that day being present in the audience that I would have this opportunity to ask you this question and I want to give thanks and gratitude to our dear friend Charmaine for this opportunity to be here tonight with
all of you and the question is the Hawaiian people my people yes or a very angry oppressed people the anger comes from the overthrow of our beloved Queen yes really yes and it it's deep in our DNA and the story goes on and on and on how do i or how do our people heal from this and what is the message that can be told her what story can be how do we change this story well I'm glad you mention it I think that too many Americans do not know this history this is really ground
zero of American imperialism I heard one Native Hawaiians say being Hawaiian is like every morning is Christmas but the presents are never for you the history is Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown by the dole pineapple company corporation and Queen Liliuokalani said I trust that the American president will do the right thing and the American President did do the right thing and then he lost that next election I can't remember if it was Cleveland Harding I can't remember in there but it was very sad because she was the president did agree with her then he lost his
reelection and the next one so this stuff goes on a long long way Dole pineapple company wanted that line that land just as Monsanto wants it today okay so all these well-to-do white Americans going over saying they've got the Aloha spirit while they're buying up all the land in Maui this stuff is real and whether you're talking about black lives matter white lives matter every life matters obviously on this but these archetypes of where oppression and injustice reign so I think I thank you for telling the story you're more and more Hawaiians are telling the
story it is important that you keep it alive for your children it is important that many people more people learn it on the islands people do know it that whole thing of them because you'll have enough tourists saying why are you wearing those masks people there is an under I think that have ever been encoded into the founding documents but those documents themselves were signed by men quite a few of them more slave owners the genocide of the Native American people and then continuing through our history and Hawaii as an example and Hawaii is an
example where for many people believe it or not the story is new they don't know the history the good news is how many Americans are horrified by all of it and horror precedes the action to fix it and when I have been in Hawaii I have been moved by hearing people such as yourself telling the story but I've also been moved there are many people in the Hawaiian government I mean I remember being asked to help to facilitate some healing there is a deep apology to begin with I don't sense and correct me if I'm
wrong I don't sense that this movement is saying let's the sea to not be a state but I do sense that the movement is saying first and foremost as with race would you please just apologize could we just start with that because I think groups of people feel as individuals feel would you please acknowledge my pain here could we just acknowledge what occurred here that that is a beginning so I say to on behalf of white Americans I on behalf of the United States that's all any of us can do I and I know many
of us acknowledge a terrible wrong that was done to a native people so that great corporate forces could rape your land and violate your people and make more money and I acknowledge that the United States government played along as the handmaiden of these corporate forces I acknowledge that these forces continue to this pattern in fact I thank you for telling your story because it helps all of us recognize the ways in which the pattern continues not only in Hawaii not only with the world and as we awaken to your story we awaken that this is
part of the American story it is our American character defect and by our admitting it and by our apologizing for it may your suffering not have been in vain made your suffering of your people not be in vain the Hawaiian people much like the Native Americans of the North American continent have and do display some of the highest most enlightened aspects of the human psyche what a gift what a blessing the world what a blessing on our nation and my prayer and I know the prayer of many of us is that the day come when
your heart is healed and your people are healed and Hawaii can truly be not only for those who can afford to buy the land and live there but for the Hawaiian people themselves the Paradise God created it to be and so let us pray dear God citizens of our country as stewards of our democracy at this time we place the great American story in your hands in all the places dear God where our government and other institutional forces have behaved in a way that violates that oppresses that does injustice both in the past and in
the present we atone dear God please forgive us and forgive our nation and repair us and repair the hearts the minds the bodies and the systems of the people who have lived and do live underneath this pattern dear God may there be a great healing may there be a great miracle in Hawaii and elsewhere that truly this world might become filled with peace filled with light and filled with love we place the nation of the Hawaiian people the psychic nation and the land itself in your hands dear God please repair and so it is together
we all say thank you for telling your story so beautifully in so eloquent thank you thank you and I hope you would be a great leader in Hawaii and and and taking a stance with a peaceful reconciliation and and renewal to come okay we gotta go okay I'm going now to those of you who wrote in live stream questions I'm sorry I did not get to any of them tonight like I said please go to my Facebook page I can't answer all of them but I I do you know some of them certainly as I
can okay my mother would take out grilling we will be here next Monday I'm honored that you were here tonight and thank you for those of you on livestream and let's say our final perfect evening dear God we take this moment to pray for each other to send our love to each other and may the love that we feel here extend beyond this place to bless this world we pray for Ricky for Natalie Lisa and Daniel from Monique's mom for Geralyn and Christian rocky Sophia Jamison and Lee for Harvey for Cynthia Zeta and Jody for
ty for sheriff or I for the Hamrick family for Cassandra for David for Carolyn from Michael Danya Jerome Mary Bonnie Jessica and Rosita dear God each of us places in your hands that which is our burden our decision to be made our hopes our fears our dreams our relationships our jobs our desires we place ourselves dear God in service to the love that you are moving through us every morning dear God guide us where would you have us go what would you have us do what would you have us and to whom and now go
forth in confidence and go forth in peace for there are angels to your left and there are angels to your right there are angels in front of you and angels behind you angels above you and angels below there is a path of light already paved before you no matter where you have been no matter who you have been no matter how you have behaved no matter what mistakes have been made by you or by others the truth of you is firm and unchangeable and that path of lightly it's only two more light that path of
love leads only two more love in this you are safe you are eternal and you are loved in any moment of fear but at your hand as does a small child to be guided by an elder brother this is no idle fantasy he is here so it is as we leave this place may we be the people that God would have us be that we might do as God would have us do and so it is together we all say Amen god bless you everybody thank you [Applause]