I Wish I Could Show This Video To Every Christian Alive

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four things you should never reveal to anyone one boasting about charitable acts or kindness or righteousness Matthew 6: 1-4 take heed that you do not do your charitable Deeds before men to be seen by them otherwise you have no reward from your father in Heaven therefore when you do a charitable deed do not sound a trumpet before you as the Hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have Glory from men assuredly I say to you they have their reward but when you do a charitable deed do not let your left
hand know what your right hand is doing that your charitable deed may be in secret and your father who sees in secret will himself reward you openly The Sermon on the Mount from which this passage is drawn presents us with the radical and countercultural teachings of Jesus [Music] in a world that often celebrates the external display of piety and philanthropy Jesus turns our attention inward to the motives that drive our actions Matthew 6:1 serves as a Cornerstone in this teaching warning against the performance of charitable Deeds for the sake of being seen and acknowledged by
others here Jesus is not just giving a directive he is reshaping our understanding of what it means to do good when Jesus speaks of not doing righteous Deeds for public display the original Greek word used for righteous Deeds is dios which can also be translated as Justice or righteousness this broadens the scope of his teaching encompassing not just acts of Charity but all forms of righteous living the warning is clear these Deeds these acts of Justice kindness and Mercy are not to be used as tools for crafting an image of ourselves in the eyes of
others they are instead expressions of our relationship with God manifestations of his love and mercy through us this teaching is particularly poignant in our contemporary context in a world where social media often serves as a stage for showcasing our best selves the temptation to perform our acts of charity for likes shares or retweets is ever present Jesus anticipated this human tendency to seek approval and recognition he understood that it is almost impossible to perform spiritual acts in public without being conscious of the opinions of others and how these acts might Elevate our status in their
[Music] eyes verses 2 and three of Matthew 6 further elucidate this point through vivid imagery and metaphor Jesus speaks of those who s sound a trumpet before giving to the needy a hyperbolic but poignant picture of how some people make a show of their generosity he labels such Behavior as hypocritical indicating a disconnect between outward actions and true intentions the idiom of not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing then beautifully encapsulates the essence of true charity it suggests a level of selflessness in giving that is so profound and natural that
The Giver themselves is barely conscious of the ACT this is the epitome of humility and genuine kindness giving that is so ingrained in our nature that it becomes an unremarkable part of who we are Jesus teaching in these verses is not just a call to discretion in Acts of Charity it is a radical redefinition of what it means to be charitable it challenges us to examine the why behind our what are we giving to alleviate suffering and to express God's love or are we giving to cultivate an image to be seen as generous kind or
righteous in the eyes of others the idea of rewards also plays a crucial role In this passage Jesus assures us that when we do things the right way not for attention or Applause but for the glor glory of God there is a reward far greater than any human Accolade this reward is from our father in Heaven who sees not just the act of giving but the heart behind it he sees the secret sacrifices the quiet acts of kindness and the anonymous donations that seek no reward other than the joy of giving these are the acts
that are truly blessed the acts that store up Treasures in Heaven in conclusion as we navigate through our journey of Faith let us hold fast to this first principle refrain from boasting about charity or kindness let our giving be as natural as breathing as unnoticed as the beating of our hearts and as sincere as our prayers in the secret place for in doing so we align ourselves not just with the teachings of Jesus but with the very Heart Of God two telling your sins to the wrong person the second point on this enlightening Journey addresses
a sensitive yet fundamental aspect of Christian Life personal confessions or sins to untrusted people this section delves into the wisdom of sharing personal shortcomings and sins underscoring the importance of doing so with discernment within a trustworthy and spiritually mature context James 5:16 serves as our guiding scripture therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective this verse illuminates the Dual principles of confession and intercessory prayer binding them together in a way that promotes healing and spiritual growth
it emphasizes not just the act of confession but also the quality and character of the person to whom we confess confessing one's sins or personal struggles is an act of vulnerability a sacred moment where one opens up the deepest parts of the self to another it's a practice embedded with the potential for healing growth and transformation however this act's efficacy and safety depend significantly on the recipient of such confessions the person to whom we confess should be someone mature in the Lord marked by honor integrity and spiritual maturity this individual is not just a passive
listener but an active participant in the healing process through prayer guidance and support unfortunately many have experienced the pain and disillusionment that comes when such sensitive confessions are met with betrayal instead of support the all too common scenario of sharing a personal struggle with someone who turns out to be untrustworthy can have devastating consequences it can lead to gossip which not only damages reputations but also deeply wounds the spirit often driving individuals away from the church and hindering their spiritual journey such experiences underscore the necessity of choosing wisely those to whom we reveal our innermost
struggles when someone comes forward with an admission of weakness or sin it is a profound responsibility to respond with Grace understanding and confidentiality as Christians our response should be one of maturity a maturity that leads us to pray for them rather than gossip about them this approach is not just about keeping a secret it's about honoring the trust placed in us and fulfilling the biblical mandate to Bear one another's burdens in a way that Fosters healing and restoration the role of Prayer in this process cannot be overstated the latter part of James 5 reminds us
that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective when we are in usted with someone's confession our Primary Response should be to take their struggle before God In Prayer this act of intercession is a powerful tool in the spiritual arsenal of every believer capable of bringing about change healing and breakthrough in the lives of others prayer in this context is not a passive or Last Resort action it is an active engagement in spiritual warfare on behalf of another in a world where the Airing of personal issues is often just a social media post
away this teaching of discretion in confession becomes even more pertinent we live in an age that increasingly blurs the lines between public and private where the temptation to share everything with everyone is constantly at our fingertips however as followers of Christ we are called to a different standard one that values the sanctity of personal struggles and addresses them within the safety and confidentiality of trusted spiritual relationships three prematurely announcing your dreams the Bible warns us against talking too much or being overly talkative Ecclesiastes 5:3 States for a dream comes through much activity and a Fool's
voice is known by his many words ecclesiast ases 10:14 adds a fool also multiplies words no man knows what is to be who can tell him what will be after him the early life of Joseph offers a great lesson in wisdom and how to interact with people Israel loved Joseph more than all his children and for this reason his brothers hated him in the passage of scripture we just read we see that Joseph had two dreams the first of which he told his brothers which clearly was not the most intelligent decision he then had a
second dream if Joseph was unwise to tell the first dream knowing how irritating it was to his brothers then it was even worse to share the second dream the second dream was likely to cause even more resentment because it set him not only above his brothers but also above his father and mother the immediate result of Joseph sharing his dream was that his brothers hated him even more and also envied him in their hearts he was his father's favorite chosen to receive the blessing of the firstborn wearing a special garment and now the recipient of
strange dreams from God there is no way for us to know how different Joseph's Journey would have been to the Fulfillment of the those dreams if he had not talked too much but what we do know is that the Bible advises us to be wise and wisdom is not in talking too much talking too much will get you into trouble the whole world does not need to know what you are doing and where you are going and the truth is not everyone is rooting for you we live in a fallen world and unfortunately the truth
is not everyone wants the best for you not everyone will be happy when God blesses you human beings are complicated creatures nothing is quite as complicated as a human being take for instance a dog a dog is incapable of hiding its nature if a dog doesn't like you believe me you will know about it the dog will growl at you bark at you and so on however if a dog does like you you will know about that also the dog will lick you be happy around you sniff you whereas human beings are more complicated than
this a human being can hate you for years and pretend they are actually your friend or a loved one for years in a perfect world there would be no jealousy in a perfect world there would be no Envy I have even discovered that you do not necessarily have to offend someone before they become your enemies the mere fact that you are being blessed is an offense to them that's just life it's not fair but life is not fair people won't always be happy when God blesses you people will be angry people will hate you for
the blessing of the Lord on your life you don't need to be rude to them you don't even need to know their names but people will simply hate you because God has blessed you do you know what this tells me this tells me the true extent of human nature this was his brother the people who could be your biggest haters could be those who even share your last name you didn't talk about them you didn't steal their opportunity you didn't steal their shine you didn't steal their Thunder you didn't steal their position they simply had
a problem with you because of the simple reality that God has blessed you but the wonderful thing about God is that God will bless you even more because of the simple reason that they hate you because God is blessing you Psalm 23:5 says he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies four judging others the fourth critical point focuses on judgments or criticisms of others rooted in the biblical verse Matthew 7:1 do not judge or you too will be judged this segment of the sermon delves into the spiritual and moral implications of
speaking ill of others judgment and criticism often spoken in haste or harbored in the heart can significantly Mar our character and relationships this biblical admonition reminds us that the act of judging others is not only a reflection of our inner state but also a direct contravention of Christ teachings every individual is complex and Carries their own story often hidden beneath the surface when we judge or criticize we reduce them to a mere fragment of who they truly are overlooking the grace and understanding that we too seek in a world Rife with quick judgments and harsh
words this teaching calls us to a higher standard of conduct it encourages us to look Inward and examine our motives to replace snap judgments with empathy and Hasty words with thoughtful consideration speaking ill of others can break the bonds of trust and Community fostering an environment of Discord and resentment conversely practicing restraint in our judgments can cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding moreover this verse is a poignant reminder of our own fallibility just as we are quick to judge others we too stand under the scrutiny of our peers and ultimately God by refraining
from judgment we acknowledge our own imperfections and need for God's grace aligning our actions with the merciful and compassionate nature of Christ in conclusion this part of the sermon implores us to think before we speak to weigh our words with wisdom and Grace in doing so we not only uphold the teachings of Christ but also contribute to a more loving and forgiving world the power of our words can either build or destroy and as followers of Christ we are called to use this power to build a community of love understanding and Grace line number one
God helps those who help themselves the phrase God helps those who help themselves is often quoted as if it were a Biblical truth however it is not found anywhere in scripture this popular saying suggests that our success salvation and well-being are contingent Upon Our Own efforts as if God's help is a reward for human initiative this idea fundamentally distorts the Christian message of Grace the Bible consistently teaches that we are to rely on God not not on ourselves and that his grace is the foundation of our Salvation not our works the core of the Gospel
is that we are incapable of saving ourselves Ephesians 2: 8 and9 States for it is by Grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves it is the gift of God not by works so that no one can boast this passage makes it clear that our efforts no matter how sincere or well-intentioned are insufficient for earning God's favor salvation is not something we achieve it is something we receive even in the Old Testament we see examples of God helping those who were utterly helpless the Israelites fleeing from Egypt found themselves trapped
between Pharaoh's Army and the Red Sea they could not save themselves they the situation was beyond human solution yet it was God who parted the sea demonstrating that his Deliverance comes not because of our strength but despite our weakness moreover the idea that God only helps those who help themselves can lead to the false assurance that our own goodness is enough to secure our Salvation this misconception is dangerous because it places the burden of Salvation on our shoulders rather than than on Christ's finished work on the cross Romans 3: 23 and 24 reminds us for
all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and all are Justified freely by his grace through the Redemption that came by Christ Jesus our goodness in comparison to God's holiness is always insufficient we need his grace because our best efforts can never bridge the gap between us and God some people place their Assurance of Salvation in their own goodness thinking that being a good person is enough to earn a place in heaven yet Jesus himself said in John 14:6 I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to
the father except through me Good Deeds while important are not the basis for salvation faith in Jesus Christ is therefore relying on our good goodness rather than on Christ's sacrifice is a misplaced hope the truth is that God helps those who realize they cannot help themselves and instead turn to him in faith he calls us to cast our burdens on him to acknowledge our need for his grace and to trust in his ability to do what we cannot as we release our grip on self-sufficiency we make room for his power to work in and through
us let us dispel the lie that we must first help ourselves before God will help us instead let us cling to the truth that our God is a present help in times of trouble regardless of our ability to contribute to our deliverance line number two there is a pervasive belief that once someone becomes a Christian they should never ever sin this misconception can lead to unrealistic expectations and deep discouragement when Christians inevitably stumble the idea that Christians should have perfect lives not only misrepresents the Christian Journey but also ignores the reality of human nature and
the ongoing need for God's grace scripture makes it clear that Christians do sin the Apostle John writes in 1 John 1: 8 to10 if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness this passage not only acknowledges the reality of sin in a believer's life but also emphasizes the importance of confession and repentance far from promoting Perfection Christianity teaches that the Christian Life is one of continual growth
marked by repentance and Reliance on God's mercy what makes this lie so Insidious is that it strikes at the very heart of the Gospel message Grace when we buy into the belief that Christians should live perfectly we minimize the significance of Christ's sacrifice and the power of his forgiveness this lie places the burden of perfection on the individual rather than acknowledging that only Jesus lived a perfect life and that it is his righteousness not ours that covers our sins it's a subtle shift from grace to Works making people believe that their standing with God depends
on their performance rather than his grace scripture makes it clear that Christians do sin the Apostle John writes in 1 John 1:8 and 10 if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness this passage not only acknowledges the reality of sin in a believer's life but also emphasizes the importance of confession and repentance far from promoting Perfection Christianity teaches is that the Christian Life is one of
continual growth marked by repentance and Reliance on God's mercy we see throughout the Bible that even the most faithful followers of God were not perfect Moses a revered leader and Prophet killed An Egyptian in a fit of anger King David a man after God's Own Heart committed adultery with baath Sheba and then arranged for her husband usand to be killed to cover up his sin Peter one of jesus' closest disciples denied knowing him three times out of fear these examples remind us that even those who are deeply committed to God can and do fail their
stories are not just about their sin but also about God's grace and forgiveness this lie also isolates Believers in their struggles it Fosters an environment where Believers wear masks of perfection hiding their real struggles from others this not only breeds hypocrisy but also hinders genuine community and accountability the church should be a place where broken people find healing and where Grace abounds not where Perfection is a prerequisite for belonging when Christians fall short it is easy for others to question the authenticity of their faith or for the individuals themselves to feel like failures yet the
Bible clearly teaches that sanctification is a process Philippians 1:6 assures us that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus this means that God is continually working in US shaping us into the image of Christ even through our mistakes and failures Jesus did not come for the righteous but for Sinners he meets us in our imperfection and transforms Us by his grace in reality the Christian life is about being honest with our struggles and trusting God to help us grow we are called not
to pretend to have it all together but to point to the one who holds us together [Music] line number three Christians will not go through anything at all another common misconception is the belief that becoming a Christian means that life will be free of problems pain or failure this idea Often perpetuated by the Prosperity Gospel suggests that God guarantees a trouble-free life filled with health wealth and constant success however this notion is a dangerous Distortion of Biblical teaching and can lead to disillusionment when Christians face the inevitable Trials of Life the Bible never promises that
Christians will be exempt from suffering in fact Jesus himself warned in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world the reality of trouble and hardship is a part of The Human Experience and faith in Christ does not make us immune to these realities instead it gives us a hope and a strength that transcends our circumstances Isaiah 43:2 beautifully captures God's promise to be with us through our trials when you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over
you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned the Flames will will not set you Ablaze notice the wording when you pass through the waters when you walk through the fire not if but when this passage does not promise the absence of difficult circumstances rather it assures us of God's presence in the midst of them throughout the Bible we see examples of God's people enduring significant hardships job lost everything but remained fa faithful Joseph was sold into slavery and falsely imprisoned before rising to prominence Paul was Shipwrecked beaten and imprisoned for his
faith even Jesus the son of God endured suffering and Death on a cross these stories remind us that Faith does not prevent hardship but provides a way through it moreover this lie can lead to a shallow understanding of God's blessings equating them solely with material wealth and physical Comfort this not only reduces the richness of God's blessings to temporal things but also overlooks the deeper blessings of Peace perseverance character and hope that are often forged in The Crucible of suffering As Romans 5: 3- 4 teaches we also glory in our sufferings because we know that
suffering produces perseverance perseverance character and character hope trials are not the antithesis of God's work in our lives they are often the very means by which he refines us draws us closer to him and equips us for greater service the lie that Christians will not go through anything can lead to spiritual immaturity as it sets up unrealistic expectations when Christians believe that their faith will shield them from all suffering the first sign of trouble can cause a crisis of Faith they might think God doesn't love me anymore or God doesn't care about me however scripture
teaches that trials are not a sign of God's absence but often an opportunity for deeper dependence on him James 1: 2:4 encourages Believers to consider it pure joy whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance true Christian faith is not about escaping difficulties but about enduring them with the Assurance of God's presence and strength it's about finding peace in the storm hope in Despair and joy in sorrow because we trust that God is working all things together for good the presence of trials in a Christian's
life is not evidence of a lack of faith it is often a testament to a faith that is being refined and strengthened by embracing the truth that God Is With Us in every trial we can develop a resilient faith that stands firm regardless of circumstances our hope is anchored not in the absence of difficulties but in the steadfastness of God's promises let us reject the lie that Christians will not go through anything at all instead let us embrace the truth that while we will face challenges we are never alone God Is With Us in every
trial offering his peace guidance and strength our hope is not in a trouble-free life but in a faithful God who walks with us through every season of life
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