right now in this exact moment you belong to a rare group you're part of the 1% who chose to take control of their Destiny not because you clicked on this video but because something inside you knows there's more that spark of awareness that pull toward transformation it's your nervous system signaling you're ready for change look at your life right now take stock of where you are the thoughts you think the emotions you feel the circumstances you face they're all connected in a precise scientific pattern the other 99% live their lives on repeat recycling the same
thoughts feelings and experiences day after day wondering why nothing changes but you you're different what makes the 1% stand out isn't their circumstances it's not their background their education or their connections the true differentiator is their ability to step out of time to create change in the present moment before any physical evidence exists in their external World your brain is firing and wiring right now as you listen to these words every thought you're thinking is triggering a Cascade of neurochemical reactions most people wait for something outside of them to change how they feel inside but
that's the old model that's living by cause and effect staying stuck in the same neural patterns that create the same life experiences the 1% understand a profound truth transformation doesn't happen in the future it happens right now in this moment when you make the decision to become someone new your body your cells your genes they don't know the difference between an experience that's happening in your outer world and one that's playing in your inner world this is the gateway to personal Evolution you're not here by accident your Consciousness has brought you to this precise moment
because you're ready to break free from the programming that's been running your life the question is are you willing to become Supernatural think about this for a moment 95% of Who You Are by the time you're 35 years old is a memorized set of behaviors emotional reactions unconscious habits hardwired attitudes and belie beliefs that function like a computer program you wake up brush your teeth the same way eat the same breakfast take the same rout to work have the same emotional reactions to your co-workers and repeat this cycle day after day your brain has become
hardwire to create the same level of mind for the same outcomes it's like your nervous system is stuck in a Groove playing the same song over and over and here's what's fascinating your body has become addicted to the emotions that come from your past experiences these emotions are creating the same thoughts which create the same choices which create the same experiences which produce the same emotions every time you have a thought you make a chemical if you have that thought over and over again you create a neural network in your brain it's like carving a
path through a forest the more you walk that path the clearer and easier it becomes to travel your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your physical world and what's happening in your mental world when you think the same thoughts which create the same feelings you teach your body to live in the past let me share something profound with you your thoughts are that powerful every thought you think sends signals to your cells when you live in stress when you're constantly thinking about your problems your body is in constant fight ORF flight mode
your genes are being influenced by your thoughts this isn't philosophy this is science but here's where it gets interesting most people try to create a new future while holding on to the emotions of the past they want a new relationship while carrying the hurt from their last one they want Financial abundance while feeling the stress of scarcity they want Health while living in the emotion of disease it's like trying to drive a car with one foot on the brake and one on the gas the quantum field responds not to what we want it responds to
who we are being when you get up from your meditation as the same person living by the same thoughts and feelings you haven't created any new neural networks you haven't signaled any new genes you haven't taught your body anything new to break the habit of being yourself you must become conscious of your unconscious behaviors notice how you speak how you move how you think these automated programs have been running your life life but the moment you become aware of these patterns you gain the power to change them your awareness is like a flashlight Illuminating the
dark corners of your unconscious mind this is where true transformation begins not in learning new information but in applying it to break free from the prison of your past programming when you understand this you realize that to create something new in your life requires you to become someone new let me tell you about something remarkable happening in your brain right now your nervous system is constantly changing rewiring adapting with every new thought every new experience scientists used to believe your brain was fixed after childhood they were wrong the science of neuroplasticity shows us that your
brain is like plastic moldable changeable at any age you are a Quantum being living in a Quantum Universe at the smallest level you're not made of matter you're made of energy and information your thoughts aren't just abstract Concepts floating in your mind they're real energy patterns that extend out into the quantum field this field think of it as an invisible web of energy and information that connects everything the response to your energy signature when you understand epigenetics you realize something revolutionary your genes aren't your destiny only about 5% of disease is caused by genetic defects
the other 95% it's caused by environment and lifestyle including your thoughts and emotions your thoughts and feelings are literally sending signals to your genes turning them on and off like switches every cell in your body is listening to your thoughts when you live in stress when your thoughts are focused on Survival you activate stress genes but when you change your thoughts when you practice gratitude when you live in creation instead of survival you activate genes that create Health vitality and regeneration here's where frequency comes in everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies
your thoughts and emotions create specific frequencies fear anger stress these create low slow frequencies love joy Gra attitude these create high fast frequencies and like a radio tower broadcasting your frequency into the quantum field the quantum field doesn't respond to what you want it doesn't respond to what you say it responds to your energy your frequency when your thoughts and feelings are coherent when they're in alignment you broadcast a clear signal but when your thoughts say one thing and your feelings say another you create interference in your signal this is why meditation is so powerful
when you close your eyes and focus inward when you slow your brain waves down from beta to Alpha to Theta you're changing your brain chemistry you're moving from the analytical mind to the subconscious mind this is where real change happens in this altered state when you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion you're no longer bound by time and space you're operating in the quantum field where all possibilities exist your energy literally begins to affect matter this isn't mystical thinking it's quantum physics the energy centers in your body what ancient Traditions called chakras begin
to move energy differently when you raise your energy through meditation and conscious thought these centers start spinning faster creating a stronger electromagnetic field around your body this field becomes more coherent more organized and more powerful this is the science of transformation it's not about positive thinking alone it's about combining clear intention with elevated emotion understanding that your energy affects everything around you when you change your energy you change your life when you change your frequency you change what you attract and create in your physical reality your brain is changing right now as you understand these
Concepts new neural networks are forming new possibilities are opening up this is the power of Applied Neuroscience combined with quantum physics the ability to literally change your brain your genes and your reality through conscious thought and elevated emotion when you wake up each morning your brain shifts from Delta to Theta to Alpha to Beta waves in beta you're in your thinking mind processing through the the lenss of your past but when you close your eyes and slow your breathing something magical happens your brain starts to shift from beta to Alpha to Theta this is where
transformation becomes possible let me explain what happens in your brain during this process beta state is your thinking mind it's analyzing judging comparing based on what you know from the past but as you move into Alpha you begin to slow down the voice of your analytical mind becomes quieter this is where you can start to program your autonomic nervous system with new information in Theta State you're even deeper this is where you have access to your subconscious mind think about this your subconscious mind processes 40 million bits of information per second while your conscious mind
processes is only 40 bits when you access your subconscious in meditation you're tapping into incredible power but here's where heart coherence becomes crucial your heart generates an electromagnetic field 100 times stronger than your brain when you bring your attention to your heart and generate elevated emotions like gratitude appreciation or love your heart rhythm becomes more coherent this coherence sends powerful signals throughout your entire body when your heart and brain are working together in coherence something remarkable happens you move from living in survival mode to living in creation mode your body releases different chemicals instead of
stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline you begin producing serotonin dopamine and oxytocin the chemicals of creativity and possibility this is where the space of possibilities opens up in this state you're no longer bound by the memories of the past or the fears of the future you're in a place where all possibilities exist your body doesn't know the difference between an experience that's happening in your physical world and one that's happening in your mind when you combine clear intention with elevated emotion in this state you're literally programming your body for a new future think about it
like two in a radio when you're stressed when you're living in survival mode you're tuned to a specific frequency the frequency of your past but in meditation when you change your brain wave state and create heart coherence you can tune to any frequency you choose you become pure Consciousness pure possibility this is where true creation happens instead of waiting for something outside of you to change how you feel inside you're changing how you feel inside before anything has changed outside you're living in the end result your body is literally getting a taste of the future
you're creating most people try to create from beta state from their thinking analytical mind but true creation happens when you move Beyond thinking into being when you're in Theta state with your heart coherent feeling the emotion of your future as if it's happening now you're no longer separate from what you want to create you become it the space between your thoughts that quiet place you reach in deep meditation that's where the quantum field exists that's where you connect to Universal Consciousness in that space you're no longer bound by time or space you're pure potential pure
creative Force this is why consistency in meditation is so crucial each time you enter this state you're building new neural networks you're teaching your body emotionally what your future feels like you're literally installing new neurological Hardware to prepare for your future remember when you're truly in this state you're no longer trying to make something happen you're surrendering to the intelligence of the quantum field you're moving from Force to power from trying to allowing from thinking to being this is where miracles happen in the space between your thoughts in the coherence of your heart in the
surrender to possibility there's a precise formula to manifestation and I'm going to share it with you right now most people get this wrong they think manifesting is about wanting something badly enough but there's a science to it a specific sequence that when followed creates remarkable results first let's talk about clear intention your intention must be so specific that your brain and body know exactly what to look for in the quantum field when you're vague when you're wishy-washy you send mixed signals your intention isn't just a thought it's a decision with so much Clarity that you
leave no room for doubt it's like placing an order in the cosmic kitchen you wouldn't tell the chef make me something good you'd be specific about what you want but here's where most people stop they set an intention and then wait that's not enough the quantum field doesn't respond to your thoughts alone it responds to your energy this is where elevated emotion comes in you must feel the emotion of your future now if you're creating abundance you need to feel abundant before the money shows up if you're creating Health you need to feel vital while
you're still healing now let's talk about present moment awareness this is crucial most people try to create their future while constantly checking if it's working if it's happening fast enough that's living in lack that's telling the quantum field you don't have what you want present moment awareness means being so consumed by the emotion of your future that you're no longer waiting for something to happen you're feeling it happening now this brings us to the most important part surrendering to the field this is where most people struggle they try to control how their manifestation will happen
they're attached to a specific person a specific spefic timing a specific way but the quantum field is infinitely more intelligent than your an knowledgeable mind when you surrender when you let go of the how you open yourself to possibilities beyond your imagination think about this every possible version of you exists in the quantum field the version that's already healthy already abundant already living your dream life when you surrender you're allowing that version of you to manifest in your current reality you're not creating something new you're tuning into what already exists the formula works like this
you set your intention with absolute Clarity you generate the emotion of having already received what you want you stay present with that emotion without checking for results and you surrender the outcome to the field then you repeat this process every single day until it becomes your new normal this is why people who understand this formula seem to create the reality with ease they're not pushing or forcing they're not living in worry or doubt they've mastered the art of clear intention combined with elevated emotion they've learned to stay present with their Vision while surrendering the details
to a higher intelligence your job isn't to make things happen your job is to hold the frequency of your future so consistently that you become an energetic match for what you want to create the quantum field will handle the details if you stay true to this formula let's talk about what happens when you start changing your body which has become addicted to your past emotions will fight you it has to it's been programmed to maintain chemical stability this resistance isn't your enemy it's a sign you're actually changing every time time you step out of your
comfort zone your body goes into high alert it releases stress chemicals your heart rate increases your mind floods with doubt this isn't weakness this is your body's chemical response to the unknown most people interpret these signals as warnings to stop but these signals are actually confirmation you're breaking the habit of being yourself your survival emotions fear anxiety worry stress they're like guardians of your comfort zone they've kept you safe kept you alive kept you in familiar territory but here's what most people don't understand these emotions are tied to your past they're creating the same neural
patterns the same genetic expression the same life experiences over and over the body mind connection works both ways when you feel anxious your body contracts when you feel stressed your muscles tense but here's the Breakthrough when when you consciously relax your body when you maintain coherent breathing despite the discomfort you're teaching your body a new emotional response you're literally rewiring your nervous system your energy centers starting from your base up to your crown each hold different emotional patterns when you're stuck in survival emotions your lower centers dominate they're all about safety security control but as
you learn to move energy up through your centers something remarkable happens you shift from survival to Creation this is where most people get stuck they try to think their way through transformation but your body has to be part of the change each Energy Center must be activated must be brought into coherence when you're in meditation and you feel that resistance that discomfort that's your body trying to pull you back to chemical homeostasis the key is to stay present with the resist distance without trying to fight it feel it acknowledge it but keep breathing keep focusing
on your new state of being your body will eventually surrender to your mind's Direction This is how you break through the resistance not by force but by persistent conscious redirection this isn't about fighting your past self it's about loving yourself into a new state of being each time you break through resistance you're not just changing your thoughts you're literally changing your genetic expression your energy field your electromagnetic signature you're becoming Supernatural right now let me tell you something crucial about your brain's transformation science shows that creating lasting change follows a specific timeline in the first
few days of a new practice your brain starts forming new neural connections but here's the key these connections are fragile like thin threads that can easily break if you stop think about this every time you practice your new state of being every time you return to that elevated emotion you're strengthening these neural connections it's like turning a dirt path into a paved Highway the first week you're creating the foundation by week two these pathways are getting stronger by week three your brain is literally sprouting new nerve cell connection most people quit right Before the Breakthrough
they practice for a few days don't see instant results and go back to their old patterns but here's what they don't understand your brain needs time to build these new networks it needs anywhere from 21 to 63 days of consistent practice to hardwire a new state of being into your nervous system your brain doesn't know the difference between doing something and thinking about doing something as long as you're in the proper brain wave state with the corresponding elevated emotion each time you sit and meditation each time you practice feeling your future now you're building these
networks stronger and stronger it's like building muscles you wouldn't go to the gym once and expect to be transformed consistency is everything when you practice daily when you return to your meditation no matter what your external circumstance St es show you you're teaching your body to be greater than your environment this is where signs of transformation begin to appear you'll start noticing synchronicities things will start lining up opportunities will appear seemingly out of nowhere but these aren't coincidences they're evidence that you're changing your energy field your new neural networks are creating new patterns of recognition
in your brain you're literally becoming someone new who can see opportunities your old self would have missed your brain's reticular activating system is now programmed to notice what matches your new frequency watch for these signs you'll start feeling different even before your external World changes your emotional responses to Old triggers will shift you'll find yourself naturally making different choices your energy levels will change your sleep patterns might shift these are all signs your nervous system is is reorganizing itself to support your new state of being the key is to keep going even when it feels
like nothing is happening remember you're not just changing a habit you are rebuilding your brain's architecture you're creating new synaptic connections new neural networks new patterns of being this takes energy this takes time this takes persistence most Transformations follow a Quant pattern nothing seems to change nothing seems to change nothing seems to change then suddenly everything changes it's like heating water it stays at the same temperature degree by degree until suddenly it transforms into steam your transformation follows the same pattern your job is to maintain your practice regardless of external feedback keep generating those elevated
emotions keep feeling your future now keep practicing presence in your meditation the quantum field is responding to your signal even when you can't see it yet every single meditation is building momentum toward your breakthrough remember you're not just trying to achieve something you're becoming someone new this new self has different neural Pathways different genetic expression different energy patterns when you persist despite doubt despite temporary discomfort despite the absence of immediate results you're literally forcing your body to evolve Beyond its current limitations When You Reach This level of understanding you begin to grasp something extraordinary about
reality time isn't linear it's happening all at once the future you're creating already exists in the quantum field you're not making it happen you're synchronizing your energy with it until it becomes your present moment experience when you get this and you reach this you reach your highest Perfection When You Reach This you the intelligence of the field is far beyond what your analytical mind can comprehend think about this your heart is beating your cells are dividing your immune system is protecting you all without your conscious Direction This same intelligence that keeps the planets orbiting that
turns seeds into trees that orchestrates the entire universe it's available to you when you learn to tune into it in your deepest meditative States when you move beyond your identity beyond your thoughts about your life you tap into Universal Consciousness this is where all possibilities exist simultaneously your personal awareness merges with this greater field of awareness you're no longer bound by your individual limitations you become pure potential it's is this is where energy healing becomes possible when you understand that everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies you realize that Health isn't about fixing something broken
it's about changing the frequency of your cells disease can exist in a body that's vibrating at its optimal frequency this isn't metaphysical thinking this is quantum physics applied to biology your thoughts aren't contained in your head they generate an electromagnetic field that extends far beyond your physical body when you maintain coherent thoughts and emotions this field becomes more organized more powerful you literally begin affecting the fields of energy around you this is why group meditation can be so powerful you're combining these coherent Fields so the last bit that begins to meditate is to begin identifying
with your thoughts in the field we call Your Inner Light the most Advanced understanding is this you are not separate from the field you are the field becoming aware of itself through your Consciousness when you truly grasp this healing becomes natural creation becomes natural transformation becomes natural you're not trying to influence something outside of you you are consciously directing the same intelligence that's already running your entire body this is where true miracles happen not by forcing or struggling but by surrendering to and becoming one with this greater intelligence your personal energy field becomes a tuning
fork resonating with the unlimited potential of the quantum field this is the space where spontaneous remissions occur where Quantum leaps and Consciousness happen where the impossible becomes possible here's what you need to do starting tomorrow morning the moment you open your eyes before you check your phone before you let the world tell you who you should be today stop take those first precious minutes to set your energy your morning practice isn't a luxury it's the foundation of your transformation create your meditation space sit up straight close your eyes start with your breathing slow rhythmic intentional
this is your time to program your energy for the entire day and remember if you're not managing your energy first thing in the morning you'll spend the rest of your day managing your circumstances and if you have control over your inner life you should be able to just simply float a weit your arms will float and your hands will float your evening review is just as crucial before you sleep ask yourself did I stay true to my new state of being today did I catch myself falling into Old patterns did I maintain Ain my energy
regardless of external circumstances this isn't about judgment it's about awareness and recommitment the framework is simple but requires absolute dedication meditate twice daily morning and evening minimum and throughout your day set reminders to check your energy state are you living as your future self or have you fallen back into past patterns when you notice yourself in Old patterns pause breathe reset your energy your commitment must be non-negotiable no excuses no postponing no waiting for the perfect conditions the quantum field responds to consistency to dedication to Absolute Clarity of intention back by elevated emotion every time
you show up for your practice you're sending a signal to the field and to yourself that you're serious about this transformation remember you're not doing this alone you're working working with the intelligence of the universe itself your job is to show up to maintain your energy to stay committed to your practice the field will orchestrate the details trust this process trust your transformation trust that the new you is already emerging through your dedication to this work when the time is now not tomorrow not when conditions are perfect now your future self is waiting will you
answer the call and