[Music] if you're someone who finds yourself waking up between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. this is not a coincidence and it's not something you should ignore this is a Divine moment a time when God is calling you to listen reflect and act don't be quick to dismiss these wakeup calls as mere sleep interrupt in fact it is often in the Stillness of these early morning hours that God speaks to you most clearly away from the distractions of the world if you stay tuned and follow this message I will show you exactly what to do during these sacred hours to align yourself with God's voice and purpose stick with me and let's uncover what God may be trying to tell you when you wake up during these hours it may seem like an inconvenience or simply an OD occurrence but in the spiritual realm nothing is random the early hours of the morning between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. carry significant meaning in Scripture it is often the time God uses to awaken the spirit for deeper communion and Revelation this is a window of divine opportunity a moment where the spiritual atmosphere is still and the distractions of the day have not yet begun to crowd out the voice of God in Exodus 14:2 24 it was during the watch of the night that the Lord looked down and began to work his miracles for his people if God is calling you awake in these hours it's time to respond don't roll over and go back to sleep God may be prompting you for something greater the Bible reveals to us that in the early morning hours Jesus himself sought out Solitude to pray Mark 1 135 says very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed Jesus understood the importance of this quiet time free from distractions where his Spirit could commune with the father uninterrupted this pattern is not just for him it is a model for us if you find yourself awake between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
it is likely that God is inviting you to a similar encounter what do you do in those moments when your eyes suddenly open in the dark what's your immediate reaction many people simply check the time and try to go back to sleep but in these moments we must train ourselves to understand that God is calling us to be alert to rise and to engage with him this is a time when you can truly unlock spiritual wisdom receive Divine Direction and align yourself with God's perfect plan for your life it is in these early hours that our Spirits are most receptive to the Supernatural and if you are willing to press in God will reveal things to you that the busyness of the day might otherwise drown out think about Samuel who was called by God in the middle of the night in 1 Samuel 33:10 the young boy Samuel heard his name being called repeatedly but it wasn't until the third time that he realized it was the voice of the lord El had to tell Samuel to say Speak Lord for your servant is listening in the same way when we wake up between 3:00 a. m. and 5: a.
m. we must attune our ears to the voice of God recognizing that he may be trying to get our attention we should approach these moments with the attitude of Samuel ready to listen and respond to whatever God may want to say to us so when your spirit wakes you up during these Divine hours the first thing you should do is to pray but don't pray casually this is a time for deep intentional prayer you need to engage with God as if he has called a special meeting with you because indeed he has Begin by thanking him for waking you up and ask for his guidance pray with expectation believing that he has something specific to say to you in this moment Philippians 4:6 reminds us to make our request known to God through prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving approach him with a heart of gratitude recognizing that being awake during these early hours is a privilege and an invitation into deeper Fellowship as you pray listen carefully this is not just a time to speak but also to be silent before God waiting for his voice to penetrate your thoughts in spirit remember it's not about rushing through a prayer list but Allowing God the space to communicate his will for your life the Bible tells us in Psalm 4610 be still and know that I am God this is a reminder that sometimes the most powerful prayer you can offer is simply being quiet before the Lord allowing him to impress his thoughts upon your heart in addition to prayer this is a perfect time for worship Worship in invites the presence of God into the room in a way that nothing else can you don't have to have instruments or music to worship God sometimes the best worship is a quiet acknowledgment of his greatness and his goodness Romans 12:1 tells us to offer our bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing to God which is our true and proper Worship in these early morning hours offer yourself to him fully lift your hands and surrender even if it's just in the privacy of your own room declare his greatness and allow your spirit to ascend into worship God responds to worship and it is during these moments that his presence can become most tangible another thing you must do during this sacred time is to open the word of God the Bible is not just a book of history or Moral Stories it is the living breathing word of God Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God is alive and active sharper than any double-edged sword when you wake up between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. it's important to recognize that this is a moment to feed your spirit with the word allow God's truth to penetrate your heart whether it's reading a passage or meditating on a particular verse the word will speak to you in ways that go beyond intellectual understanding it will refresh your soul and give you the direction you need for the challenges of the day ahead waking up in these early hours can also be a time for spiritual warfare [Music] the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world if you find yourself waking up during these hours it may be because God is calling you to intercede and engage in spiritual battle the enemy operates in darkness but as children of the light we have the authority to push back the forces of evil use this time to pray against any spiritual attacks that may be coming against you your family or your community stand firm in the authority that Christ has given you declaring victory in his name sometimes waking up between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
can also signify that God is preparing to reveal something new to you this could be a new Direction a new opportunity or even a new understanding of his will for your life be open to receiving Divine downloads during this time keep a journal on nearby and as you pray and listen write down whatever comes to your heart it may be a scripture a thought or a vision that God is giving you for the future Proverbs 29:18 says where there is no vision the people perish God may be using these early hours to give you vision and insight for your life so don't take these moments lightly these early morning hours between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. hold a particular significance in the spiritual realm because they represent the time when our human defenses are at their lowest and the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thin this is not merely a time for waking up and returning to sleep but a time when Heaven is calling for your attention God can use these moments to bypass the noise and business of your day to speak to your spirit in a way that is clear and profound it is essential to realize that God often speaks in Whispers during these hours in 1 Kings 1912 when Elijah stood on the mountain waiting for the Lord he found that God wasn't in the wind the earthquake or the fire but in a gentle whisper if you are expecting God to speak in loud dramatic ways during these early hours you may miss him instead lean into the quietness set aside the thoughts of what you need to do later and listen for that still Small Voice God speaks in ways that calm our spirits and provide Clarity but you must also be spiritually ready waking up between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. should be seen as a signal to put on the full Armor of God Ephesians 61018 gives us the powerful image of wearing Spiritual armor ready for whatever comes so when you rise during this time put on the helmet of salvation to guard your mind the breastplate of righteousness to protect your heart The Shield of Faith to defend against the attacks of the enemy The Sword of the spirit which is the word of God and the shoes of peace to stand firm in your calling you are preparing not just to start your day but to confront the forces of Darkness that might try to derail your purpose take this time seriously as you are aligning yourself for Spiritual breakthrough during these hours the spirit world is active both in the kingdom of God and in the enemy's Camp you might sense unusual resistance or even experience disturbing dreams this is often because the enemy knows that God is preparing to reveal something significant to you don't be discouraged or fearful if you feel spiritual tension this is your signal to push through in prayer in James 4:7 the word tells us to submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you by waking up and actively engaging in prayer worship and reading scripture you are resisting the plans of the enemy the enemy cannot stand against a Believer who is alert equipped and spiritually awake in moments of struggle remember the example of Jacob in Genesis 32:2 24:30 Jacob wrestled with God through the night until the break of dawn Jacob refused to let go until he re received his Blessing there will be times when God calls you to wrestle in prayer between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
you may feel tired your body May resist but like Jacob you must be persistent there is something powerful about not letting go of God until you receive what he has for you your blessing your breakthrough could very well be waiting for you in the early morning early morning hours not press into him and don't give up because God is faithful to reward those who seek Him diligently these hours are also a time for introspection and repentance Psalm 139: 2324 says search me oh God and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts see if there is any offensive way in me and me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting when you wake up between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. it's often because God is inviting you to search your heart ask him to reveal anything in your life that is hindering your relationship with him this is a time for cleansing for laying your burdens sins and mistakes at his feet and asking for his forgiveness the the Bible tells us that his mercies are new Every Morning Lamentations 32223 and this is your opportunity to experience the fresh grace of God before the world even wakes up repentance isn't just about asking for forgiveness it's about realigning yourself with God's will as you pray ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas of your life that need to change whether it's a habit a mindset or a relationship God will often use these quiet hours to reveal the areas where you've strayed from his purpose don't rush through this process allow God to work in you pruning away the things that are holding you back so that you can walk in Freedom and purpose this is a time to surrender completely to let go of your own understanding and to trust that God's way is better one of the most critical things to do when you wake up during these hours is to intercede for others God may be calling you to pray not only for yourself but for those in need of spiritual breakthrough in Ezekiel 22:30 God says I look for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it but I found no one God is always looking for intercessors people who will stand in the gap for others if he is waking you up in the early morning hours it may be because he wants you to intercede for someone a family member a friend or even someone you don't know intercessory prayer during this time is powerful because you are praying from a place of quiet Authority the distractions of the day have not yet crept in and you can focus entirely on the needs of others whether you are praying for healing salvation or breakthrough know that your prayers are reaching heaven in fact the Bible tells us in James 5:116 the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective when you intercede during these sacred hours you are partnering with God in his work he will move on behalf of your prayers bringing deliverance and healing to those you lift up this time is also an opportunity to seek God for clarity in your calling if you've been struggling with Direction unsure of where God is leading you these early morning hours can be when God Reveals His plans Jeremiah 33:3 says call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know when the world is asleep and your mind is quiet God can speak clearly about your future he can give you Visions dreams and Revelations about what he has in store for you be open to whatever he may reveal and don't be afraid to ask for guidance when you wake up during these hours it's not just about what you do in that moment but also about how you prepare for the day ahead this is a time for setting the tone for your entire day before the world demands your attention you have the opportunity to align yourself with God's will Proverbs 163 says commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans by committing your day to God in these early hours you are inviting him to guide your steps you are asking him to lead you in the path of righteousness to open doors that need to be opened and to close doors that need to be closed in addition to praying for your day ask God to fill you with his Spirit Ephesians 5:18 tells us to be filled with the spirit this is not just a onetime event but something we must continually seek when you wake up between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. ask the Holy Spirit to empower you for the tasks ahead whether it's work family responsibilities or Ministry you need his strength and wisdom to navigate the challenges of the day invite the holy spirit to guide your words your actions and your decisions so that everything you do reflects God's glory another thing you should do when waking up during these hours is to spend time in gratitude Philippians 4:6 encourages us to present our request to God with Thanksgiving as you pray don't forget to thank God for what he has already done in your life gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have it aligns your heart with God's goodness and reminds you that he is faithful when you wake up during these hours make a conscious effort to thank God for his provision his protection and his promises gratitude will keep you grounded and remind you that even in the challenges God is working all things for your good lastly as you spend time with God during these early hours don't forget to be expectant the Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him when you wake up between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
come before God with the expectation that he will speak move and reveal his will to you expect him to give you wisdom expect him to answer your prayers and expect him to show you new things expectation is a key part of faith and God honors those who come to him with a heart full of trust when you Embrace these early morning hours a sacred time with God you are positioning yourself for a life of Greater intimacy with him in conclusion waking up between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.