you got to understand that consistency is your friend right but we don't want to understand that we want to look at consistency as a feeling based mindset okay I feel like putting in the work today so I'm going to go hard today and then the next day you don't feel like doing no work but instead of getting up you staying at home you falling for the temporary pleasure you're falling for the distractions you got to put action in front of the distractions you got to put discipline in front of temporary play you got to be
consistent you got to show up each and every day each and every day you got to show up for yourself you got to show up for your future self cuz the thing is we all got a future self you know my my my past self didn't know we was going to get here but my past self had to put in the work put in the work put in the work put in the work drop a video every single day believe in himself so we could be where we at right now so I could sit on
this chair so I could be in this house so I can have the light that I have right now I had to put in the work to get here I had to believe in myself to get here and we still know where yet because my future self has a lot more in store for me if I decide to wake up every day and put in the consistency that's how y'all got to think that's how y'all got to operate instead you operating off a feelings based mindset bro oh I feel good today so I'mma put in
the work today no it doesn't matter if you feel good or bad what matters is work showing up doing it consistency is your superpower there's a lot of people that's talented there's a lot of people that's talented and they never get nowhere in life because they're not actually putting in the hard work to get them to where they need to go they're not actually waking up and serving Life With a Purpose they're not doing it they think that things are going to get handed to them simply because they're here they think that life is unfair
and that people should feel sorry for them you know I was listening to a video earlier and um this guy was complaining that everybody has to work you know and grocery prices are more expensive and things like that and um you know it's true right like life is getting expensive you know things are getting expensive hopefully it could it could get cheaper soon for all of us however there's nothing else that we can do but put in the work there's nothing else that we can do but figure out a way there's nothing else that we
can do but show up for ourselves there's nothing else that we can do but be consistent you got to understand that there's nothing else that we so we can complain all day but you still got to get up and go to work don't you right are we the type of man that's going to sit around and complain all day or are we going to make it happen cuz if I got to work a second job then I will that's the type of man I am that's the type of man I am cuz I got to
give myself a chance I got to I got to follow my dreams Chase my dreams I got to go after my goals and in order for me to do that I got to be consistent see if you're consistent in every area of your life there's no way that you can't be successful if you stop complaining and you accept the fact that life simply is not fair but what is fair is that we all get 24 hours to make something happen with no excuses to me that's fair enough with all the ups and downs that life
comes with as a man the fact that I got 24 hours to make my life better than it was yesterday to me that's fair enough to me that's fair enough to me that's fair enough to get up and make something happen to get up and make my future self proud but I'm not just getting up when I feel like or when I want to get up I'm getting up when I don't want to get up I'm getting up when I don't want to get up I'm getting up when I don't want to get up the
most I'm getting up when I don't want to get up when I don't feel like getting up cuz I'm the only one that could get myself right can't nobody else get me right can't nobody else put money in my bank account can't nobody else do the work for me can't nobody else check on my mama for me can nobody else call my little brother for me can't nobody do that for me I got to I got to do it I got to care about my family I got to look out for my family I got
to provide and protect my fiance that's me that's my responsibility that's my life can't ask y'all to do that that's not your role that's not your responsibility can't nobody do the work for you so what am I supposed to say uh I can't call you today I'm not feeling good oh I can't protect you today I'm your man but I can't protect you today figure it out on your own no we show up every day for the people that we love but most importantly we got to show up for ourselves some of y'all not even
showing up for yourself how you going to show up for other people showing up for yourself you're not even showing up for yourself how you going to show up for other people you ain't even showing up for you you're not consistent you're not going to the gym you not none of this but you want to retire your mama but you don't even have the simple daily habits to make you better you're not walking 10,000 steps a day that's working out too just go outside and walk I'm not saying that this has to be comp at
it's whatever you make it but you have to be consistent you have to show up you you have to show up you have to show up you have to show up for yourself the more you show up the more you're consistent the more results you'll have the higher chances of you being successful because you're showing up on the everyday basis so you want to be successful but you're not showing up those two things don't correlate showing up is the success you got to show up to the journey you got to keep walking on that Journey
you can't just a let me stop let me quit let me walk backwards let me fall in into Old Habits no keep walking forward keep going keep building new habits keep embarking on new terrain on new territory hanging around better quality of people hanging around people that want to elevate their life as well hanging around the right groups of people doing the right things doing things that's going to elevate you and your family it all starts with consistency it all starts with consistency showing up Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday then you take a break
showing up again Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday then you take a break slow the brakes down a little bit but you still driving you still going when never stopping we're never quitting right what type of man do you want to be you want to be a consistent discipline man it's all about how consistent you are the more consistent a man is the more he'll reach his goals and dreams the more he'll be able to provide for him and his family the more he'll be able to be the best version of himself the more consistent
you are with the gym the more you'll see results in the gym it's easy it's it's it's the work reward system that's how it [Music] works it's an easy formula it's not easy to be consistent let's not get that mixed up consistency is the hardest thing in the world and that's why most people are not successful but it's an easy formula consistency success consistency a better life consistency Evolution consistency I will evolve consistency I get 1% better every day consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency you can't see what it's doing for yourself on a day-to-day basis
but your future self can okay he showed up again today we have a chance if he just keeps showing up and and until he reaches this day because when he reaches this day that's when things are going to explode for him that's when he'll see all the results that's when it's going to work you don't know what that day is because you're living in the present moment and you just got to keep focusing on the dayto day but the future does exist and your future self does exist and your future self is looking back here
and your future self knows the day which you succeeded and he's praying and he's hoping that you keep going cuz if you don't you change your timeline dramatically when you're not consistent you have a whole different timeline your life and your future is going to look totally different this is the truth this is reality this is not science fiction if I eat two boxes of pizza today tonight tomorrow morning I'm going to have a whole different life than if I ate zero boxes of pizza right now a whole different morning a whole different day the
decisions that you make right now affects who you are tomorrow the day after and who you are 6 months from now 6 years from now you don't know the date and you don't know the time in which your life is going to change but the truth is brother each and every day that you show up for yourself and you're consistent your life is changing and your life is getting 1% better and that adds up that adds up so even if you don't have a big explosion overnight where you're just super super successful because of all
the hard work you put in on December 31st of this year you're able to say man I got 365 per better because I showed up each and every day of the year amen some people can't say that most people can't say that cuz most people don't show up showing up for yourself is also resting right rest is important showing up for yourself is also reading right one of my favorite books The Alchemist right The Alchemist is one of my favorite books that's how you show up for yourself watching videos like these just just to remind
you just to motivate you just to just to bring you back to who you know you are that's what it means to show for yourself so it ain't always about oh Malik just want me to hard work hard work hard work hard work yeah hard work is important but reading the book that's putting in the work too taking your rest day that's putting in the work too enjoying the fruits of your labor that's part of the journey too there's a time and place for everything but right now you got to ask yourself have I really
been going in hard have I really been doing the things that I need to do have I really been showing up in that gym have I really been showing up for myself have I really been showing up for my loved ones have I really been reading them books have I really been reflecting on my day and seeing how I could be better have I really been listening to these videos and applying the knowledge or am I just listening to it the past time bro this is not Netflix this is change your life Flix bro this
information is not just so you can look at the crispy camera quality the nice background and nice audio I I do this I set this up so y'all can have a good experience but that's not what this is all about take the information and run with it take the information and be try to be even better than the person that's speaking to you on your screen bro I'm giving y'all all the Gams that I know whether you younger than me whether you older than me the time ain't over for you yet it's just getting started
for you once you know the information run with it and we all going to make it to the top we all brother we all going to make it but just make sure that you running with me bro I want to see y'all do great I want to see those that's younger than me do better than me I want to see y'all eat I want to see all of y'all be successful but you just got to take it bro you got to take the information and run with it so if I'm telling y'all that consistency is
key I'm telling you that consistency is key because every single day I I I either did a video or a live stream every single day I dro the video every single day so success didn't come overnight for me I dropped a video every single day in the past s months to get to where we at right now as a purpose-driven Brotherhood every single day can you do something every single day can you do something every single day every single day of your life can you do something consistency the same way you brush your teeth every
day the same way you make your bed every day I hope I pray the same way you uh you going to the gym every day right add on to that add on to that add on to these good habits add on to these good habits okay I mastered brushing my teeth every day which we've mastered since we was kids we supposed to master doing something else that's still the only consistent thing that y'all doing every day we supposed to master brushing our teeth we're supposed to master showering you know that te Hanley you know that's
the skin care that I use you supposed to be mastering that right mastering the skincare routine Master it Master it you got to master these things you you have to you have to you have to bro like and then you do it again and you do it again and you do it again and you do it again and you do it again and you do it again and that's how you see results and that's how your life gets better and that's how your life changes we not trying to be the same that we was yesterday
so that entails us doing the work that entails us locking in that entails us going a step further when we don't want to do it put your feelings to the side and put the actions to the front feelings don't pay the bills feelings don't take care of you feelings don't take care of your moms feelings don't take care of the fam feelings won't fulfill your dreams and goals it ain't about how you feel today it's about what you did today it's about did you show up today I'm not saying that your I'm not saying that
your feelings don't matter I'm saying you have to love the dream more than temporary pleasure you have to love the dream more than complaining you have to love the dream more than complaining look at me nothing could get in the way of My Success not my skin color not what people try to tell me not people's opinions nothing I want success I go after success God gave me 24 hours God gave me a life that's all I need my heart is beating I have a chance that's it your heart is beating you have a chance
there's there's nothing else that you need bro there's nothing we think that we need everything we think that we need oh I need a professional camera with a good microphone in order to start YouTube take your phone out take out your phone and start recording bro it's not that deep it's not that deep no one's going to watch your first video anyways you got to just press record right you got to just start right that's when anything in life anything that you starting you want to start a podcast you want to do this and that
people ain't going to show you love in the beginning but they gon to show you love in the middle and they G to show you love in the end but it's that start that's that's what sucks some of y'all quit before you even get to the middle there blessing sprinkled throughout the journey but you got to keep going in order to find them and the biggest blessing of them all is that you're up you're awake for a new day to start over to continue the journey to do whatever you need to do to get right
some of y'all y y y'all care about the sins of your past you feel like you weren't the best human being that you could today's a new day start over ask God for forgiveness keep moving forward some of y'all so anxious about the future and I don't know what the future live in the moment the future not here yet it's about the present moment and your present moment affects the future what you do today affects your tomorrow lock in lock in some of y'all care about the world and you want to see the world get
better pray for the world that is that is important that works but you got to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others you got to fill up your cup first some of y'all this is you this my electrolytes in there okay I got electrolytes in there you know electrolytes are good for you right but my electrolytes is in there but this is my cup does this look like a cup that can help other people no my cup ain't filled which means I'm not good that means I'm going to try to
help people but the more I try to help people the more I deplete myself the more I delete myself the more I literally kill myself because I don't have it to give you have to fill up your own Cup first before you can help others how do you want to fill up your cup and you're not consistent you have to be consistent in order to fill up your cup which means you have to be consistent in order to be fulfilled in order to be fulfilled filled filled with what filled with success filled with prosperity filled
with blessings you have to be cons consistent you have to show up how you want a better life but you're not working on your life right now how you want a better life but you're not working on the things that you know you're supposed to be working on right now for that better life you know what you need to do how many times I got to tell you to just go and do it self-improvement this this category of of videos you know I was on live the other day and somebody told me they was like
man why do I always know what to do but but I just can't seem to do it you know and I said that's the whole point of me being here the whole point of me being here the whole point of me doing this the whole point of me making videos you know is to remind you to do it so this is your reminder do the things that you need to do and don't just do it today do it until until you can't no more do it forever don't worry about when to stop just go just
show up and I promise bro you going to see the results I don't know when you going to see the results but I know you're going to see the results I know a month could change people's lives I've heard it I've seen it I know 6 months could change your life I know a year could definitely change your life let alone 5 years let alone 10 time goes by fast bro we look at people and we think man they're lucky I can never do that that's going to keep you right there complaining disgraceful distasteful nobody
want to be around that all that pessimism all that complaining that's childlike to be manike is to let's find a solution there's a problem problem let's find a solution life's tough okay let's get to work times are hard okay let's lock in you got to lock in it's the season to lock in but you need a reason the reason that people not locked in is because they say that they locked in but they don't have a reason what's your reason for being locked in what's your why what's your reason for going hard I know my
reasons I know the struggle that I've been through I know my story I know my ups and downs I know that's going to keep me pushing I know my future self is looking at me right now like yo when you GNA turn up when you going to reach another level there's still levels that I need to reach there's still more people on here that I need to teach there's still more motivation to be had there's still more inspiration to be had there's still more work to be done my purpose ain't done yet so that wakes
me up every single morning some of y'all are wondering man God is waking me up again yeah you back again cuz you have a purpose and you wasting it talking to some people hey what you going to do today man I don't know you know I'mma just you know you know I don't know dog I don't know that type of talk what are you talking about I know I don't know ask me what I'mma to do today got to film a video today I got to go to the gym got to edit that video you
know what I'm saying and then learn how I could be a better Creator so I can make better videos for the people and like that that like I have my I have my purpose I know what I'm doing I have my definite of purpose that's what Napoleon Hill speaks about if you subscribe to me and you haven't watched or you haven't heard um the audio book Napoleon heill out with in the devil you're doing yourself a disservice you got to read that book you got to read The Alchemist you you got to you got to
start reading the knowledge and the wisdom is in the books the knowledge and the wisdom is also in the reflection of the experiences that you've had in your life but you're not reflecting on those moments instead you're trapped living in the past hoping that you could change it you can't change it but you're supposed to learn from it so you can think about the past only as a reflection and see where you at now and see where you going in the future that's the video for today man I love y'all it's all about how consistent
you are if you're only a little bit consistent you're going to get a little bit of results if you're putting in more consistency you're going to get more results everything is measured by your efforts bro everything is measured by your consistency you have to put in the work you have to put in more effort life is giving you 24 hours every single day the sun is rising for you every single day don't let the sun be more consistent than you bro every day the nature of life it does things over and over it's repetitive the
nature of the world is consistent which means that the person that created this nature is consistent which means the Creator is consistent God is consistent so why can't you be he created you not only did he create you he created you in His image why can't you be consistent you're supposed to be consistent consistency is your nature you're supposed to achieve your dreams don't ask me about a timeline I don't know don't ask me when things are going to get better I have no clue don't ask me when you going to start making money I
don't know don't ask me if your dreams can come true uh actually ask me that yes it can yes it can I don't know when I don't know how but I know that it can as long as you're consistent because that's what it requires it requires consistency the more you're consistent the more you're walking on that trail you're bound to reach your dreams you're bound to reach the destination remember nature is consistent God is consistent you got to be consistent too you can't get your all out of you can't get all out of life if
you're not putting in your all into life you can't reach the destination that you want to reach and you only turning on a car to drive there once a week two times a week man I'mma drive there until we there I love y'all man let's lock in all right peace bro I'm I'm back on camera man I have I got one more thing to say bro just came to my mind man I don't know if y'all want kids one day I don't know if you want a son one day man or a daughter whatever it
is I don't know what y'all want one day man I don't know if you want a family let me tell you this bro I don't got I don't got no kids yet but I definitely do want kids let me tell you this bro I want to be able to tell my son right right to his face I gave life my all I gave life my all it ain't just about your future self bro those who want a family I have to add on to that I had to get on I had to get back on
camera and tell y'all this it's not just about your future self bro it's about your future family it's about your future son because they're going to pass on the torch they're going to keep the Legacy going and if you quit if you're not showing up each every day you do not have the right you do not have the honor to tell your son that you gave life your all because you would be lying I want to look at my son and tell him I gave life my all and that's why we're here and you can
give life your all too I believe in you you can do it your dreams can come true you can give life your all son cuz if I can do it you can do it you can't say those words to him if you didn't lock in you can't tell your son chase your dreams if you didn't chase your dreams you you can't and if you do you got to say it in a way that's going to be tough to say son I didn't chase my dreams because I had this going on that was my reasoning but
don't let that stop you I let it stop me but figure out a way never never give up on your dreams like I did never quit you see what I'm saying so everybody got their own story everybody got their own way that they going to talk to their future family talk to their son talk to their daughter but for me the best way to do it for me is to tell him God gave me a dream and I chased it God gave me 24 hours and I didn't waste it chase that dream and don't waste
that time that you have bro because if you want a family one day you got to ask yourself what do you want to tell them and that's going to determine the type of man that you are right now it's up to you had I had to come back and say that your future son is watching too your future son is watching too if that don't motivate you to be locked in bro if if that don't motivate you to to elevate some of y'all already got kids so that message should have hit hard bro if if
that didn't motivate you nothing else will [Music]