Important Signs of Spiritual Attack on Your Mind (MUST LISTEN) - C. S. Lewis

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The True Word of God
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the devil does not want the success of any chosen child of God that's why he attacks using diverse tactics the Bible says he acts like a lion looking for whom to devour as CS Lewis explains in the screw tape letters the devil's strategy often involves subtle Insidious attacks designed to lead Believers astray as a Believer you must know his tactics there are some signs that when you notice them in your life you must take quick action in today's video I am revealing signs of spiritual attacks you will also learn what you need to do to
stop the attacks and one more thing ensure you watch to the end to fully grasp everything the Lord is saying to you before we continue please subscribe to this channel if you haven't spiritual attacks refer to struggles obstacles and battles facing a man in the spirit Realm the enemy conjures them not only to attack the spirit of a man but also his body and soul while it takes place in the spirit the effect might appear on the outside spiritual attacks are not from God or Angels they are the works of darkness and the devil and
as a chosen child of God you're the devil's number one enemy thus you are not immune to spiritual attacks Luke 10:19 says I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you this is true however you need an understanding of these signs they won't appear as physical scorpions and snakes they are subtle the devil as CS Lewis described finds a believer's weak point and uses that to announce a war on his or her soul if if the believer is not Vigilant the
devil will finish him off before his physical death so what signs show the enemy is attacking you to because you are the Lord's chosen when the devil wants to capture a man's Soul the first thing he does is create a partition between God and that man CS Lewis through the character of screw tape highlights how the devil subtly encourages a lukewarm approach to spiritual matters he knows that once God is out of the picture such a soul becomes easily accessible so when you begin to feel tired of the things of the spirit like prayers evangelism
or fasting this is a potent sign that the devil is on your heels the devil programmed this lethargic feeling for you to lose interest in God the devil knows that if your interest in God continues to grow you will wreak unimaginable havoc on his kingdom and he doesn't want that to happen that is why you must always watch and pray don't give room to any lapses in your relationship with God you shouldn't allow anything to distract you from your Eternal purpose a screw tape advises wormwood distraction and fatigue are powerful Tools in weakening a believer's
resolve the devil will always shoot the arrow you have to stand your ground use the shield of Faith while this might happen due to other factors it is sometimes an attack from the enemy he will strip you of your resources just for you to compromise your stand with God when the devil pushes you to a tight corner where you either choose God or money know that the devil is waging a war against your soul and most times he capitalizes on your desires he looks for what you can't do without and uses it against you he
removes this thing and sees if you will still stand with God at this very moment you need God's help to scale through a preacher once said there are two times when you are most vulnerable to Temptation when you have nothing and when you have everything and that's true so when you begin to lose your resources know that the devil is only trying to to weigh your stand with God c as Lewis emphasized in the screw tape letters that worldly concerns can often distract they pull Believers away from their faith disappoint him by staying true to
your conviction what does spiritual attack have to do with physical fatigue it is only a healthy body that will participate in spiritual exercises when the devil attacks your body you will always feel weak even after resting if you are constantly feeling this way the enemy is trying to make you lose your passion for God CS Lewis through screw tape warned that physical exhaustion can be used to erode a Christian spiritual fervor it makes them too tired to pray or read the Bible he can also keep you so busy that you become too exhausted to read
your Bible or pray and even if you pray at all you will only pray under your breath before sleeping off remember the Bible says that when men slept the enemy came and sewed tears into the wheat the sleep here can be spiritual as well as physical when you are feeling fatigued it becomes easy to sleep off but if you are not feeling weak you might spend time with God you might do something profitable so feeling weak can be a sign of a spiritual attack when you experience this remember that Isaiah 40:28 says do you not
know have you not heard the Lord is the Everlasting God the creator of the ends of the Earth he will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fathom Isaiah 40:29 he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak God can never be weary you must look up to him for strength when you feel weak this is part of losing the taste for Spiritual things however it is worth considering because it is integral to a man's spiritual experience prayer is not an activity that you can perform in the
flesh the Holy Spirit has to equip you before you can pray so when you start seeing prayer as a burden you are under the enemy's attack your aversion to prayer signifies that the Holy Spirit no longer controls your soul that is why before the enemy succeeds in this he would first cause a distraction once he can distract you you will begin to Walk In the Flesh and your prayer altar will grow cold this is a terrible state for a Believer CS Lewis warns that when prayer feels burdensome it's a sign that the devil's influence is
growing when you are becoming tired in the place of Prayer you must cry out and let the Holy Spirit lift your spirit nothing confuses a Spirit-filled person he is alert and has a sense of direction that's because he's in tune with God God directs him when he's in a difficult situation he goes to God and the answer comes however when the enemy attacks the spiritual man fear anxiety and confusion set in he lacks Divine Direction and doesn't know what to do in a difficult situation he feels helpless because the devil makes him believe that he's
alone if this is your reality then the enemy has attacked you you worry and cry about what's not working in your life this shouldn't be your Primal preoccupation you should be in tune with God and trust him for everything but once there's a burden on your heart the devil knows you can't trust God again thus he robs you of your blessings and breakthroughs you need to be on the lookout for this sign don't let the enemy cheat you of what is rightfully yours always remember Psalms 121 7 to8 which says the Lord will keep you
from all harm he will watch over your life the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more this means that the Lord will be with you at all times therefore you must give give no room to fear and anxiety when you become born again you confess your sins and renounce your old ways you begin to walk in newness living your life according to God's Commandments that's the nature of the new birth you should live this way till your last breath but if you suddenly notice that you are back in your
old Lifestyles and habits the devil has attacked your soul this won't just happen suddenly it might be through wrong relationships or engaging in some past activities before you know what is happening you are back to what you once renounced when this happens the devil rejoices why he knows this act will drain your spiritual strength and make you more vulnerable to his attacks CS Lewis warns in the screw tape letters about how the devil subtly leads a person back into Old sin ful patterns weakening their spiritual resolve if you notice this in your life you need
to run back to The Mercy Seat this is not your end it is merely an attack and Jesus is ready to deliver you from its pangs no matter how deep you've gone God can raise you back to your position as a son when the Life of Christ fills you you will love to fellowship with the brethren you will love to attend a love Feast Bible study will be Paramount in your heart all you will always yearn for is the time to pray with the Brethren all these happen because you are still alive for God it
doesn't look like a burden that's the nature of the holy spirit in you but when you find it hard to attend Bible study and prayer meetings the devil has started attacking your soul if you would rather spend time on social media than have a heart-to-heart talk with your spiritual leaders you are already prey to the enemy CS Lewis noted how the devil Delights in isolating Believers from the support and strength of Godly relationships the devil knows that the more you distance yourself from them the more you lose touch with God that's why you must be
alert and sober minded once you see that an activity or a person is drawing you away from your Godly connections detach yourself a common saying says that there's safety in numbers let me put it this way there's safety within the fold than wandering alone that urge to stray from your spiritual covering is an attack on your soul go back home every man is on Earth for a purpose this purpose becomes clear to you when you give your life to Christ and then you begin to fulfill it you don't struggle with anything because you have the
backing of the Holy Spirit the devil is not happy about this he knows if you keep going that way you will become a mighty tool in God's hand thus he will start pushing you to things that will make you struggle with your calling it might start with little sins if God calls you to preach the gospel how will you fulfill that when you have a skeleton in your cupboard that's how the struggle begins he can also orchestrate financial difficulties in your path this can delay you from getting things that will help you fulfill your destiny
if you are a pastor he might Veil your ministry shielding it from Souls the attack can be so Fierce that you will almost give up on your assignment but you must not do that instead go back to God and pray until he delivers you God speaks through dreams and Visions he uses this to communicate peace reveal the future or victory over a problem he does not send dreams or visions that instigate fear and ungodliness therefore if what you see in your dreams and Visions are evil apparitions terrible disasters or immoral scenes the devil has launched
an attack on your soul his main purpose is to push fear into your heart he wants to launch you into Darkness away from the protection of Jesus CS Lewis depicted how the devil uses fear and unsettling images to destabilize a believer's mind pushing them further from God he has got a hold over your mind and only the power of God can put an end to it if you notice these signs in your life how can you break free from them how can you be free from the enemy's cage first you need to remember your maker
when the devil attacks many close their hearts to God or run to Mortal men you must not do this rather you should humble yourself and return to him he is the only one who can help you defeat the Devil God has given his son the name that is above all names in the name of Jesus all knees will bow and all tongues will confess Jesus Christ is Lord so when you return to your maker the devil will have no choice but to bow to him he is the solid rock that will never fail you yes
you've fallen into your old habits but that shouldn't stop you from coming Jesus wants you just as you are he's not ashamed of you he is willing to deliver you from the enemy's oppression another solution is moving close to the church and Reviving Godly relationships the devil is has separated you from the church but to be free you must run run down there with all your might you need the church's care encouragement and prayers you shouldn't isolate yourself because of the enemy's schemes the church understands your plight and they are ready to support you also
you should have Godly friends who will keep leading you to do the right thing this will go a long way in your deliverance very close to that is submitting under a Godly Spiritual Authority it would be best if you had an overseer over your life yes you have God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit dwells in you yet you need a spiritual covering over your life they will serve as your mentors accountability partners and advisers when you are loyal to these individuals it will be hard for the devil to attack they will spot the signs
and War warn you of impending danger in addition to that you must learn to tame your desires the devil doesn't attack out of the blue no he looks for a desire within the man and capitalizes on it if the man falls to the bait the devil has seen the best opportunity to strike and how do you control your desire by walking in the spirit that's how you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh you should also note that you must be spiritual alert to overcome the enemy you must stand firm against the schemes of the
devil Ephesians 61 12-13 says for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world it's against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly Realms therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything to stand this informs you that you are at War every minute of your life you must always put on the whole armor of God so that you don't become susceptible
to his attacks a part of this armor is the word of God and prayer invest time into studying God's word when God's word Flows in You the enemy will hardly find a resting place in your soul that's because he can't stand the power in God's word and as you study and act on God's word you must back it up with powerful prayers you must always be in the place of prayer for you to overcome the Ws of the enemy prayer strengthens and increases the filling of the holy spirit in you now it's time to pray
heavenly father I bless your name for the grace you bestowed upon me to be a partaker of your word you have opened my eyes to the signs of spiritual attacks and you have revealed how to overcome them from now on the devil will have no power over me I am forever free from his deadly arrows nonetheless I can't do this in my strength I lean on the power established in Jesus Lord show me mercy I confess that I have strayed from your commands that is why the devil could have a legal hold over my soul
please forgive me and Deliver Me from the claws of the enemy renew your spirit within me and let me experience Freedom again Lord teach me to tame my desires this is how the devil lures me into his net I don't want this to happen anymore I must be able to control my impulses I must seek your face before taking any decision I must put my body under subjection to your will Lord help me to study more of your word that's how I equip myself with the armor of God I must not be vulnerable to the
enemy's attacks again I commit my dreams and Visions into your hands the enemy must not inject evil apparitions and Unholy scenes into them again purify my mind and renew my visions and dreams for you crucify all my old habits and Lifestyles Lord help me never to stray away from my Divine covering I will not struggle to fulfill your calling for my life again I choose to worry about nothing but to trust you in everything you have chosen me therefore I am sure that you will glorify yourself in my life could there be any loophole that
I can't see in my life please divinely block these holes make me a terror to the enemy my prayer life must not go down again I must not lose my communion with you the fire of the Holy Spirit must not quench in my spirit thank you Jesus for answering my prayers in jesus' name I have prayed amen if this video has impacted your life kindly hit the like button don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more lifechanging messages from the Lord see you in the next video
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