[Music] all right I'm going to talk to you today about Divine guidance or hearing God's voice probably one of the major it's not it's not the top prayer request that we get the top one that we get is for people's children and their loved ones and uh obviously we understand why people are very concerned about their kids that aren't Walking with God but the next one is guidance so many people need and want to know what to do about specific situations how many of you are in a situation right now where you really need to
hear from God about a decision that you need to make okay well see that's pretty much everybody and see the thing is is we need it all the time we don't need it just to hear from God occasionally we need to be led and guided by the Holy Spirit every day of our life as long as we're alive but before I start talking about how to hear from God I'm going to talk to you for a little bit about obedience because there's no point in anybody hearing from God if you haven't already made your mind
up that you're going to do do what God tells you to do whatever he tells you to do and that doesn't mean that you're always going to like what he tells you to do right so we have to be ready for I'm going to use the word that nobody likes a little bit of suffering In the Flesh you know if we want more of God in our life then there's always a little more flesh that has to go you know John said I must decrease and he must increase we can't expect to have an increase
of God in our life if we're going to just keep doing what we want to do all the time and not make our minds up to listen to God maybe we need more teaching on obedience we should be hungry I mean hungry to know what God says and what he wants us to do in our lives because here's the fact God is always right and if we disagree with him then we are always wrong God's the only one that can guide our lives in a right way and I want to say this and I want
you to get this anything that God asked you to do or not to do anything he asked you to give up is always and only for your benefit [Applause] if we really believe that God is good and that he loves us and he tells us to give up something that we don't want to give up first of all it's wrong to disobey God but secondly we're only hurting ourselves because everything that he tells us to do is something that's going to give us the life that we say we want to have but we're not doing
the thing that we need to do in order to get it I'll never forget a woman that attended a conference I tell this story pretty often but it's still amazes me we were having some kind of a banquet type conference where and and it was all ladies and they were sitting at these big round tables together like about eight people at a table and this so they had plenty of Fellowship time during meals and stuff and so I I don't know what I was teaching on but at the end of the conference the lady lady
came to me and she said well I know now exactly what my problem is and I said well what is your problem she said well I was abused sexually like you are and she said it just so happens all these little things that we think are coincidences and they're really the Providence of God it just so happened that all the ladies at the table with me had a similar background to mine and she said as I listen to them talk about their healing and what all God had done in their life and how free they
were now she said I realized after listening to them that God has told me the same things that he told them the only difference is they did it and I didn't let that soak in just a little bit if I were to ask right now and I won't make you raise your hands although I probably should if I were to ask right now how many of you know right now without me saying another word that there's something that God has told you to do or something that he has asked you to stop doing maybe quite
a while ago and you still haven't done it see we got people brave people out there for the thing okay you know what I'm not trying to be mean but you'll stay in the same mess you're in it'll just get worse until you do what God tells you to do faith without works is dead it's great to say I have faith in God but if I'm not going to do what he tells me to do then I'm not going to get anywhere and so maybe some of you will squirm in your seats a little bit
this morning I hope you do I don't think we should always just be all that comfortable sitting in church [Applause] okay so we're going to talk just a little bit about obedience how many of you have heard the scripture resist the devil and he will flee from you okay well that's actually not what the scripture says that's the part of it we quote but it actually says submit yourself to God resist the devil and he will flee from from you so there's we have no power over Satan if we're living in known Disobedience now I
think that God's a little more gracious to us when we're living in ignorance the Apostle Paul said that God gave him Grace because he had Zeal without knowledge he was persecuting Christians but he actually really believed that he was doing the right thing however as soon as God showed him otherwise he was ready and quick to make a change so if you really don't know that what you're doing is wrong then God will give you more grace a space of time but every time you come to hear the word of God whether it's watching a
TV program or listening to a message or reading the Bible or coming to church you know what you get not just a good message you get more responsibility because now you know something that you didn't know before and so if you keep doing the same dumb stuff you did before you knew the right thing to do now you're going to experience the other side of it well I thought God's merciful he is merciful but sometimes the most merciful F thing you can do is not let somebody keep getting away with something that's hurting them submit
yourself to God resist the devil and he will flee now we're always all going to have trouble with the devil because he hates us and really you should be more concerned if he's not giving you any trouble than if he is because if you're if he's not giving you any trouble then you're probably not giving him any however the best way in the world to give the devil no power over you is to the best of your ability quickly and promptly do whatever God asks you to do quickly and promptly do whatever God asks you
to do Isaiah 1119 says if you're willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land well we're all willing but that's not all the scripture says it says if you're willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land I you know I'm really excited about what's going to happen in this area in the next week or so because after me preaching this boy you're all going to perk up and you're going to be on your best behavior for a few days and then somebody will have to come back around and give
you a fresh dose okay in Hagi 1: 2 through N9 I find an extremely interesting story it says thus says the Lord of hosts these people say the time has not come that the Lord's House or Temple should be rebuilt so the people were saying no it's not time to rebuild the Temple now in the classic original version of the Amplified Bible it says in that one although Cyrus had ordered it done 18 years prior so the people are still saying no this is not the right time but God had already told them to a
prophet 18 years previously that that was what they needed to do so they had been being disobedient for 18 years and you know one of the main reasons why we're disobedient why we can be really I mean people who love God and you got a good heart because we make excuses anything that's going to be a little uncomfortable we can quickly find an excuse why it's not time and procrastination is so dangerous it's so deceptive because when we procrastinate we don't see it as being disobedient because we're going to do it come on we plan
to do it we intend to do it but unless God has told you to wait till another time to obey him then you haven't obeyed until you've done what God asked you to do Hallelujah then the word of the Lord came by Hagi the prophet saying is it time for you yourselves to live in your expensive panel houses while this house of the Lord lies in Ruins so God is saying to them I told you to rebuild my house but instead you're building your own house you know what we need to be much busier building
the kingdom of God than we are trying to increase the size of our portfolio now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts consider your ways and thoughtfully reflect on your conduct you have planted much but you have very little little Harvest you eat but you don't have enough you drink but you don't have enough to be intoxicated I'm still kind of wrestling with that I'm not sure but it's there it's the Bible so I do want to say I don't think that means you should go go out and get drunk but anyway the Mysteries you
clothe yourself but nobody's warm enough and he who earns wages earns them just put them in a bag that has holes in it because God has withheld His blessings have you ever felt like that in your life no matter what I do it never seems to work out I remember telling Dave years ago it seems like no matter we get we get a little bit of money saved and something always happens to take it well these people are saying you know we're working but we never have enough we're doing this but it's never enough it's
it's never enough It's never enough and God's answer to them was consider your ways consider your ways you know it never hurts to have a little meeting with yourself once in a while you ever take time to have a meeting with yourself and just sit down maybe and think about your life and think about what you're doing with your time and even just to think about how how many things are you doing just to please somebody else when really you don't feel in your heart at all is what you're supposed to be doing but to
keep them from getting upset you waste your time on stuff that you feel no anointing on there's no Grace on you to do it you don't even like doing it and even that kind of stuff is Disobedience to God God has a Destiny for each and every one of you and I can safely say that if you want to fulfill that Destiny there's a pretty good chance you're going to have to make a few people mad amen oh wouldn't we love it if everybody loved us and everybody agreed with us but surely we can understand
that the devil is not going to let that happen because approval from people is one of the things that we crave way too much he's always going to make sure that there's somebody that disapproves hoping that in order to gain their approval we will do what they want instead of doing what God wants somebody in this building needed to hear that today amen I'll tell you very shortly when God called me to start teaching the group of people people that I was around women didn't do that a group of people I was around nobody talked
about people hearing from God and so when I'm telling them I heard from God and he called me to preach the gospel to the world I mean just to make it short I got asked to leave my church I lost every friend that I had except maybe one or two a lot of our families turned against and so let me just say plainly that if you want to do what God wants you to do if you want to have how many of you want to have the best life that God's got for you okay I
mean do you really okay well then there there is going to be some sacrifice and some hard things and some hard decisions that you're going to have to make we need a little more backbone and not so much Wishbone [Applause] I want to see people be strong and believe that they can do whatever God wants them to do and be people that make a decision I am not going to give up devil you might as well forget me giving up because I am not going to give up if anybody can have the promises of God
then I can have the promises of God verse 7 thus says the Lord of hosts consider your ways and thought ful reflect on your conduct verse eight go up to the Hill Country bring lumber and rebuild my house that I might be pleased with it and be glorified accepting it is done for my glory verse n you look for much Harvest but it comes to little and even when you bring that home I blow it away why says the Lord of hosts because of my house which lies in Ruins while each of you runs to
his own house eager to enjoy it amen let me just go ahead and irritate Somebody by saying that you need to be a generous Giver I mean a generous Giver if you're going to be part of a church be part of one that's doing a lot of Outreach I don't I don't think a church is even a real church if not helping the poor and the needy if I mean if all we're going to do is have a little social club and all get together and try to build our own little kingdom then we've missed
the whole thing I mean the way that the world is going to change is by us getting out in the middle of it and loving really loving people because that's one thing that they just don't know what to do with especially especially if you learn how to love your enemies [Applause] H now see right away that's already giving somebody some pain if if you listen really good you'll hear God tell you to help that person that's been mean to you at the office that now has a need say look at you your life [Applause] see
that's how you prove your Christianity that goes beyond your bumper sticker and the cross you hang around your neck that says now you're going to put some action to what you say that you are you know if we'd get out there and live right we wouldn't have to do much preaching at all people would come and ask us for the answers Hebrews 5'8 although he was a son talking about Jesus who had never been disobedient to the father he learned active special obedience through what he suffered now I find that to be very interesting Jesus
was never disobedient but he learned what it really meant to be obedient by doing the hard things that God asked him to do and so see you can't really learn what it means to really be obedient if you're only going to do the things that you don't mind doing or or you like doing or you kind of enjoy doing don't think that God won't test you let me tell you something there's so many people watching right now you are in the middle of a big fat test and I'm telling you you might as well go
ahead and pass it because if you don't you will get to retake it in the school of the Holy Spirit you never flunk out you just get to keep taking the same test over and over and over until you pass it amen so I can't talk about my relationship without with god without saying and God told me and God said and you know no that doesn't mean I'm hearing audible voices all the time but that's that's the promise of the New Testament that we will have the Holy Spirit in US Jesus said you're better off
if I go away I've been with you but now I'm going to be in you through the Holy Spirit and in John 16 it says I'm giving him to you so you can be in close fellowship with him we're supposed to have believe it or not a conversational relationship with God now that doesn't mean that you're going to sit and have a conversation with god like you would somebody over a cup of coffee that's why you have to learn how God speaks but we need to learn that God is not just interested in our 45
minute trip to church on Sunday morning he wants into our whole life every day [Applause] everything I just double dare you to invite God to mess in any area of your life that he wants to come on somebody's agreeing I'll go talk to you God I invite you to get involved in any area of my life that you want to bust down those doors that I've kept closed to you I give you access to my thoughts my finances my friends my entertainment how I dress I want you to deal with everything in me that needs
to be dealt with so I can become more and more like you anybody and can I tell you something and I honestly believe this I believe when you hear preaching like this I think it excites your [Applause] spirit you can almost see it because even though part of you maybe your flesh doesn't want to do it or is afraid of what might happen spiritually you know that it's right and and you get excited because that's what we're created for for christlikeness to grow and to become more and more and more like him all the time
awesome I like this message so if you're going to hear from God the first thing you need to do is believe that you can hear from God so probably not in here you wouldn't experienc this but if you're watching by television and you've been this is something new if you're hearing from God I mean you know I went to a church for a long time and I never never heard from God or if I did I didn't know what I was hearing I didn't I didn't really know I wasn't I wasn't taught that matter of
fact it almost comes across like it's dangerous for people to think that they're hearing from God one woman said why is it that if we talk to God it's prayer and if he talks to us we're psychotic you go around telling people that God talks to you and they're ready to lock you up but I don't understand that because all through the Bible God said God said God said I me he talked to Moses to Joseph to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob you say yeah but now after the resurrection aren't things different now well he
talked to Saul who was later named Paul after the resurrection and got him straightened out you can't you can't read the book of Acts without knowing that these people were in communication with God in a variety of ways and I'm going to tell you something your Christianity is never going to be exciting to you until you learn how to hear from God and be led and guided by his voice in your life I'm going to say it again your Christianity will never be exciting to you until you learn to have this close communication with with
God and I'm just going to throw this out you can be as close to God as you want to be yes it all depends on how much time you're willing to put into [Applause] it time you can't have good relationship with anybody without time not your kids not the person you're married to not friends I mean relationships are built on time time and through being involved in each other's lives so this meeting that I was in I talking about you know God told me this and I felt like God said this and and uh The
Man In Charge got up right behind me and basically corrected me which that was fun and uh but then it was very thrilling to me because the next speaker that got up was somebody who was little more accepted and respected in those circles and he taught a message called The Whispers of God and everybody loved it it's the same thing it's just I don't I don't know why people get all wigged out if you say God told you something or he or he showed you something or he put something in your heart I think there's
ways that we can say it and ways that we don't need to say it especially if you're around people that don't get it I wouldn't be saying all the time God told me this God told me that God said this God said that I mean I've kind of learned to adapt the language I believe God put in my heart you know or I feel like God's leading me to because you really can drive a lot of people off using some kind of super spiritual language that they don't understand it's just going to make them think
you're a nutcase everybody say I hear he from [Applause] God because you're never going to hear from God until you believe that you can so you need to stop even saying I'm afraid I'm not hearing from God or I don't think God talks to me God talks to you you may have not figured out it's God yet but he talks to you I believe God's talking to you right now I mean what's the point in me being here if I don't believe that God is speaking to you through me you sure I mean you sure
don't need to hear from me you need to hear from God and so really every time you come to church you need to come with the attitude that God is going to speak to me today God's going to say something to me today and I'm I'm not going to miss it and I'm going to do whatever he says that'll change [Applause] things faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the preaching of the word of God concerning Christ now because of that love for God and His word that was when I started feeling like that
God was saying things to me and it was man it was exciting because it was new for me and the thing was that a lot of it I'd say most of it was simple everyday practical things involved in my everyday life I remember matter of fact it was actually the day that God touched me I bowled on Friday nights and in a league and I was bowling so bad that night and I I felt the Lord say why don't you just ask me to help you and I thought well you don't ask God to help
you bowl I mean that wasn't the kind of things you bothered god with I mean this is God you only take the emergencies to him but see that's our problem he wants to be involved in everything that you're involved [Applause] everything that's how you have this relationship and this fellowship and you know it's like you can't hide anything from God anyway he already knows everything you're going to do before you do it and you should ask him to help you with anything that you're having an issue with I met a woman in a store and
she was working there and I found out she was a Christian and and so I got curious about how they're paid I said you get a salary you on commission how does this work here and she said well we are actually on salary but we um we have to meet a quot and if we don't meet that quota then we could lose our jobs and she said things have been kind of slow for me lately and I said well why don't you just pray that God will give you favor and he'll send the customers to
you and she said well would it would it be right to ask God to help me with something like that now she'd been a Christian 27 years and she didn't know that she could ask God to give her favor and send customers her way you're not trying to take something away from somebody else I mean they could pray the same prayer but if they don't know how to that doesn't mean you got to sit around and have nothing come on you start asking God for favor and see what happens I mean I love it I
trust God for favor and I see some of the most the funniest the most amusing it it's like a little wink from God come on you have not because you ask not you start asking well what if I ask for the wrong thing well you won't get it anyway so I asked God okay Lord I ask you to help me bowl and man I started throwing strikes and Spares and it was just like wow you know I I remember getting so excited back then about hearing from God and then I you know I would have
these things where oh God I need to hear from you I I need a word from you God and then I would you know how we do and then i' dive at my Bible [Applause] and then I'd run to Dave oh you're not going to believe it I asked God this and this is this is what he showed me well you know that was exciting until I started getting stuff like oh you Wicked sinner wo be under you I mean you know you kind of gone too far when you got to take 12 tries at
trying to find something that come on are you home out there 12 tries trying to find something that you actually would like to have well why why is that well when you're a baby Christian and God's trying to prove himself to you he'll do some outrageous things but I said last night and I'll say it again today the longer you walk with God the less of that kind of stuff you're going to get you know why because God expects us to grow up up and mature and to listen to know his heart and just not
to have to be told everything to do and not to do because as you get to know him no wonder the Apostle Paul said from my determin purpose is to know him to know him that needs to be our number one purpose to know him to know the character of God to know what we can expect from him to learn learn when he's speaking to us or how he's leading Us and how he's guiding us so I don't I don't use that one much anymore because it always just is a waste of time anyway Jeremiah
33:3 call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you and even show you Great and Mighty things things which have been confined and hidden which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish now as I said God spoke to people all over the Bible so to act like it's not something he does I just doesn't make any sense to me at all a great man of God was asked matter of fact it was Dallas Willard how he learned to hear from God and he said through making a lot of mistakes
so here's the thing hearing from God is a learning process and if you're ever going to learn to have the kind of communication with the Lord that I'm talking to you about right now number one you have to realize you're not always going to be right but when you're not right don't let it frighten you to think well you know I'm just going to get myself in trouble if I keep that up the longer you work with God and the more you get to know him the more you'll be able to discern if what you
think you're hearing is actually right and the more you know the word of God especially the more you can judge what you think you're hearing or Feeling by the word and I don't care what you think God is saying if it doesn't line up with the word then it's not God okay trust God to speak to you more than you trust yourself to hear from him a couple of you got that but that was that was something that really helped me cuz I used to try to hear from God try to hear from God try
to hear from God and you know when you get into one of those modes you just get yourself so confused and actually it's an opportunity for the devil to take advantage of you and try to deceive you and so the Lord just put on my heart he said instead of trusting yourself to hear from me trust me to speak to you cuz you see see when God speaks he has his ways of making sure that you know that it's him so some of you can take a lot of pressure off yourself right now and say
instead of this trying to hear from God when I need to know something God I'm going to ask you and I'm going to expect you and even thank you on a daily basis that you are speaking to me at just the right time in just the right way and you will make sure that I'm not confused and that I know what you're really saying don't have a preconceived idea of how God will speak cuz he'll surprise you just as soon as you think you got it figure it out one way he going to do something
different have a heart that's ready to obey whatever God might say you can't hear from God if you're going to have selective hearing that means I don't like that so that's not God well I like this one so that is God Amen if God isn't speaking to you it might be a good idea to ask you if you did the last thing he told you to do come on right now I'm just making some comments things I've learned over the years this afternoon we're going to get into some more of the specifics of how God
speaks and how you can hear but all of these things are important for example are you trying to hear from God about something really important in your life but you're mad at somebody you you're not going to hear like that because you got to hear from the inside and if your Soul's all blocked up with bitterness and resentment anger and strife and unforgiveness you're not going to hear you're not going to hear God if there's anything that the church needs to do it needs to get over being mad at somebody all the time come on
who are you mad [Applause] at amen I didn't hear all that but it sounded good you know I like to be able to think for a moment in the morning and be able to say to God as far as I know God I'm not angry at anybody I don't have any Strife in my heart I don't have any unforgiveness I think we need to be able to start every day like that because if you expect to have that kind of fellowship with God those are things that you just can't have in your heart everybody understand
me okay and I I would imagine that there's probably more people in here today and certainly more watching by TV that there is somebody in your life that you need to forgive there's probably more people like that in here than those who can say I'm not mad at anybody H there's that quiet thing again okay how can I know what God's will is for my life well that's the big one isn't it what does God want me to do the only way you're going to find out is to step out and try stuff it's it's
so easy to find out what God wants you to do with your life and people fret over that and they they sweat over that they just John ostein great man of God that's gone home to be with the Lord um a missionary went to him one time and said I'm so confused I don't know what to do I know I'm called to the mission field but I don't know whether to go to Mexico I don't know whether to go to India I don't know whether to go to Africa and he just had himself in a
dither because he didn't know what to do and John said well do something brother L you do nothing you know a lot of times we get ourselves so confused about what it is we think we're supposed to do that we don't we don't end up doing anything except being confused you know first of all God's not going to give you something to do that you hate now he may give you something to do that you'd prefer not to do but your gifting is going to fit whatever it is that God gives you to do he
he doesn't Delight in setting people up for failure and so when when I felt like put a call on my life I obviously wasn't going to go from making that bed I was making when God spoke to me to have a worldwide Ministry and I didn't know what to do and so I started just any opportunity at my church I'd take it well it it took about two weeks for me and the kids to know I wasn't called a nursery work we all knew it that was not my gift to be honest I'm not called
to the help's ministry I have a gift for getting you to help me I do I can motivate people I can I can get them on board and get them to to help me with stuff but you know if if you spill something in the front row I'm not going to be the one that's probably going to jump down there and clean it up but I might say I'm good I'm good at that part I can get it done hey let me tell you something there's nothing wrong with knowing yourself come on you need to
know yourself and stop trying to fit yourself into somebody else's box you're not going to be somebody else you got to be you and you know we all have different gifts because we're all needed we're all part of a body that's supposed to function together but we can't be jealous of each other and resentful and envious and competing and in competition you got to find out what you're supposed to do and then get about doing it I tried Street evangelism because our church was really big into passing out tracks on the street and I would
go down Dave and I and our kids Saturday morning in St Louis in the winter passing out tracks and people would cuss you and slap them out of your hands you know what I did not like it and then you know you go through all the stuff the devil has you go through well you know you're just you don't care about these people that are going to hell you don't you know you're not willing to be embarrassed you you know you should talk to anybody you know what that's not my gift I mean I've been
with people that can get on the elevator with somebody and have them saved by the time they get to their floor but they do well if I speak to them because that's just that's not me and that's okay you don't have to be what somebody else is you know what a relief that could be if you would believe me today well aren't I supposed to witness yes you're supposed to witness but everybody God uses everybody in different ways that's why I tell people a lot witness all the time but use words only when necessary in
other words show the love of Christ to people and then they can't deny what God's wanting to do in your life okay well we're talking about Divine guidance and in particular how to hear from god father we thank you for the word this afternoon and I pray that everything that needs to come out of me will that people will understand it retain it and be prepared to go home and do it Jesus name amen when we stopped this morning we were talking about how to find God's will for your life and uh that seems to
be a big thing for a lot of people how am I supposed to know what it is that God wants me to do and um yeah I remember one girl they used to work for me and she was in her 50s she was a very attractive woman woman but she'd just never been married and never even really dated to any degree and um she said God told her I want you just to serve me with gladness just serve me with gladness and so perhaps there are even people that God wants to station throughout the body
of Christ that just are one of those kind of people they're just they're just there to be an uplifter and an encourager and to to give an example of being content you know God uses Us in so many different ways and I hope that you're past the thinking that if you're not on a platform somewhere then you're not being used by God because to be honest most of the work that needs to be done and is done out in the world is done one onone by people that are out there on their jobs in the
marketplace in the store most of the people that need help are not coming to church I mean now I'm sure we all need help in here today but most of the people that are a lot more desperate for help than you are are out there they didn't know to come in here today so we come together like this to learn and grow so we can then go out out and be the witnesses that Christ wants us to be to change the world every single Christian is called into Ministry every single one of you are called
into Ministry we all have the ministry of intercession it's our ministry to pray for other people and we all have the ministry of reconciliation the Bible says which is being that go between that helps to bring reconciliation between the lost and God so you all have a Ministry finding out the particular way that God wants you to manifest that Ministry may be one thing more than likely it's going to be several things but I stop by saying that the only way you're ever going to find out is to step out and find out don't be
afraid to try things it won't take very long and you'll know if it's just something that you can do or if it's the thing that God wants you to do you know Paul was ministering for quite a while before God said separate unto me now Paul and Barnabas for the work to which I have called them to do so they were ministering for a long time before that happened but then God set them apart for a special thing and I think a lot of times we're so intent on being set apart for that special thing
that we don't get the training that we need for that thing by doing all these other things that God may want us to do you might serve in the help's ministry you might I don't know be asked to help clean the church it might not be something that's very uh attractive or anything that you feel is worth very much but but a lot of times in our life God runs us through the paces I guess I can say to check our attitude just to see are you willing to do anything that I ask you to
do or does it have to be something big in order for you to be willing to do it so don't say it again don't be afraid to step out and find out and just because you step out into something and it's not right for you that doesn't mean that you made a mistake and stepping out into it it just means that you're in the process of trying to find out what it is that God wants you to do I mentioned that uh a great man of God said that he had never in all of his
walk with God at any really important juncture in his life had God tell him exactly what he wanted him to do he said God always worked with me but he made me get out there try things and pray about things and do things so if if you take too much of a supernatural look at what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit many times you're going to miss what God really wants you to do because in many ways the way that God speaks to us and deals with us is a lot more normal
than what you might think and so we're going to go ahead from that point and talk about some other things about how to hear from God first of all I want to say if you won't listen to the little things that God asked you to do chances are you'll never hear him tell you anything big amen you probably have heard some of these stories so won't labor with them too long but when God started calling me into Ministry back in the 70s I already had three children and certainly was not in a place where I
could go to Bible college but even though you can't go somewhere to go to school to be trained for Ministry you can always go to the school of the Holy Ghost you can always ask God to begin to train you right where you're at in whatever it is that you do well I was a housewife and uh part of that time I was still working a full-time job but after a certain period of time because I wasn't getting any time to study I felt like God wanted me to quit my job and spend as much
time as I could studying the Bible I had a dream in my heart but there was no evidence it was ever going to happen a lot of times you may want to do something but if you don't take the time to for the preparation then you'll never be released into what it is that God wants you to do so in order for me to quit my job we were going to have to take a big step of Faith because our bills were $40 a month more than what our income was going to be and so
back then was when I learned how to trust God for money and most of the things that he did for us were seemingly little small things but they really helped me build my faith in God I I had a few friends and you know we did things like go to the farmers market once a week and things like that but I had a grocery store that was right down the street from my house and so it seemed like I ended up in the grocery store two three times a week and as unique as this might
sound God taught me some of the most profound lessons that I have ever learned that if helped me all my years in Ministry in that grocery store and I I I really I'm telling you this because I want to urge you to watch for how God is trying to teach you in the ordinary everyday Affairs of everyday life you can learn some amazing lessons just as you go about your normal every day so one of the first things that God began to deal with me about was putting my grocery cart back in the space that
was marked off for grocery carts and you know most people don't want to do that they want to leave it out in the middle of the parking lot to chase somebody else's car down or or it's amazing how hard we will work at trying to kick the wheels in a certain direction so it won't roll it would take much less time to go put it back where it belongs but instead of doing that we do spend all this time trying to get it not to go anywhere and then it ends up running into somebody's car
anyway and it's sad for me to say this but it took me two years to get fully obedient so it's obvious that I was a long way away from being worldwide Ministry material how many of you understand what I'm saying if if you're not going to obey God when he tells you to do something like walk with Integrity or to do something with Excellence you know like something that we always do because we feel like that God deals with us to do it we stay in a lot of hotels and every time we leave our
hotel room we Turn All the Lights Out and because that's something that why just felt like God put on my heart now you know I could have the attitude oh what do I care I paid for the room they got to pay the bills but see however you treat other people you're sewing a seed that's going to come back to you at some time in your life so I wasn't in Bible school but those were lessons that God was teaching me he was teaching me how to be excellent he was teaching me how to be
honest another thing that he taught me in the grocery store was we were on a very tight budget $70 every two weeks for groceries and so I had to go with my coupons and my calculator and make sure that nothing went over and you have a tendency when you go to the grocery store especially if you're hungry you'll put a lot of stuff in your cart that by the time you get to the last aisle you realize you can't pay for all of it and so you have to pick through and decide what you can
keep and what you can't and I like many other people at that time I would just take out what I didn't want and just put it anywhere wherever I was at in the store you know that's that's why you find a head of lettuce with the cleaning supplies in a grocery store it was people like I used to be that do that well you know I didn't want to go all the way from the the milk and egg aisle which is all the way over here on the end all the way back over to the
produce you know to put away a head of lettuce why because we're lazy and I just didn't want to now I didn't care that somebody else was going to have to clean up my mess so that was another thing that God taught me it was like no take it back put it back where you got it you know God can be he can annoy you he knows how he knows how to annoy you put it back put it back put it back put it back put it back and you try to walk away from it
it's just like just go put it back and another thing that I learned in the grocery store was to read the fine print on the coupons like I remember that they would very often have chickens on sale three for a dollar or whatever it was it was a long time ago that you get three chickens for a dollar but and then I had you know when you become a Christian a serious Christian you start noticing the fine print that you've managed to ignore and I I never noticed that it said limit three per customer well
I didn't want three chickens I wanted to fill my freezer full of chickens so I would take my kids to the store with me and each one of them would get three chickens in their cart Dave would have three the kids would all have three I'd have three we'd all have our coupons and then the Holy Spirit started convicting me I mean do I I have to get convicted about chickens don't I have don't I have things much more serious in my life than than chickens and he'd call me back to that fine print well
I knew that I had a problem when I was in line one day getting ready to pay for my chickens and I I thought I don't think I gave my daughter enough money for tax and my heart was pounding in fear that the clerk was going to realize that I was doing something that I shouldn't be doing and so I began to learn you know if you got to feel like you got to hide something or you feel like you uh are doing something wrong then that means that you are well to be honest I've
been a Christian for a long time but I didn't know stuff like that nobody was teaching me that kind of stuff and I had somebody recently actually a well-known Minister he was at a conference where I was teaching some things on excellence and he said I I have never in my life heard that kind of stuff now how can how can we be grown adults and not know what excellence and integrity is yet many people in the world don't and that's why the world is in the mess that it's [Applause] in and then one other
thing I'll tell you that I remember God teaching me when I'd be out in the department store shopping you know how a lot of people they'll knock clothes off the hangers and just leave them laying the floor and God started telling me to pick them up and put them back on the hangers and I thought now why should I clean somebody else's mess up that doesn't make any sense but then I felt like the Lord said to me well would you like to have somebody clean your messes up someday and so now God has provided
and has for years and years all the help that I need in order to do what I'm doing let me tell you something sometimes s when you or we when we disobey God in some of these little things we don't really realize that we're creating a problem for oursel that we're going to deal with later so when God tells you something little to do keep in mind that anything God says there's nothing little about it so if God bothers to tell you about it then that means it's a big and an important thing in your
life and you need to just in obedience childlike obedience amen just like a little kid it may seem silly but childlike obedience I think nothing bonds us together with God in close Fellowship more than being a child of God who's willing to do seemingly foolish little things just because you believe that's what you're heavenly father wants you to do so I'll just say again if we're not going to obey God in little things then we're probably going to miss out on a lot of big things that we would like to do how about um if
somebody gives you too much change do you take it back or do you just think oh man God's blessing me see now anybody anybody that knows the word of God knows that that's just silly you know more than anything it's a test to see if you'll be honest amen I bought a pair of shoes one day and I'd been looking at the purse that went with it and was going to get the purse and I decided not to get the purse when I got home the guy had accidentally put the purse in my bag well
you know in a way it's a little bit irritating when whenever somebody else has made a mistake that now you have to spend your time and gas money to go correct but I knew that I needed to do it this is how we hear from God how many times you know what you need to do you don't need a three-part series preached to you you know down deep inside what you need to do well one of the main ways that God speaks to us is through just knowing there's no need to try to explain how
you know you just know you just know that you should or you shouldn't do that thing this is what makes our relationship our personal relationship with God precious and exciting when you walk with him in your everyday ordinary Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday when you walk with him in your ordinary everyday life and you want with all your heart to obey him and to be the kind of person that he wants you to be don't have your mind on being in some big Ministry if you're called to be in some
big full-time traveling Ministry or to be on a platform somewhere or to do something magnanimous that's wonderful wonderful but I'll tell you you'll never get around to doing that if you won't do these little things that I'm telling you to do that's always going to be part of your training because what does the Bible say it's the little foxes that spoil the vine I'll tell you another thing that causes us a lot of problems I won't harp on this but I think it's one of the things that keeps us from hearing from God properly and
that's having a negative complaining attitude I tell you what I think if any person could just get through one whole day without uttering one complaint it would be an outstanding miracle from God Amen I'll bet something that God has spoken to all of you including me hundreds of times in your life you don't need to say that nobody I'm the only one just you know just getting ready to say something sometimes I'll notice I'm getting ready to say something and the only point is it's going to call call attention to me you know sometimes we
want to say something cute or smar or or funny but it's just really it's to draw attention to ourselves when you can start getting really really honest with yourself and really checking your motives for why you do things you can start maturing pretty fast and I know that I have a lot of times in my life when God will just simply say you don't need to say that now I'd like to stand here and tell you that I'm always obedient and anytime he tells me not to say it I don't but I'm not that good
yet thank God I'm not where I used to be but I'm not where I need to be either however I am happy that I'm still making progress this is all intended to help us be more obedient you know the Bible says be still and know that I am God and so a lot of that knowing it but it's a different kind of knowing it's not a head knowing it's a a heart knowing God will speak to us sometimes through just giving us an idea but you can tell there's something a little different about it it's
not just like a in your head idea there's something in it that kind of feels special about it I was talking to somebody over the break about how I decide and know what I think I'm supposed to teach or preach in any given meeting that I do and I've done this a long time and a lot of it I mean I think I had one month here recently where I taught 13 different messages in one month well how do I know what's right for each crowd I get out messages sometimes that I've preached in years
past and sometimes I'm doing it just to see if there's a subject that seems to fit you know when you're walking with God and doing what God wants you to it just feels right it just feels comfortable you know nobody likes to wear clothes that are uncomfortable aable we like to be comfortable and I like to be comfortable in my relationship with God and so sometimes you got to try a few things before you come around to to what you're comfortable with so you can know what God is wanting you to do just by do
I feel right about that so I can I can have preached a series of messages at one point and just thought they were the greatest message is the greatest thing then maybe four or five years later I can pick those up and I think you know I'm going to repr preach that that that that would really be good and I can start to look over the notes and it just Falls so flat inside me it doesn't even interest me so why would I think it would interest somebody else but then I could pick that same
set of notes up two months later and then it would just feel right so a lot of our hearing from God well I would say almost all of our hearing from God is not coming from out here somewhere it's coming from inside of us it's a question almost everybody wants an answer to how can we hear from God more clearly the most important thing to remember is that God wants you to know his direction today I'll teach you the most common ways God speaks to us and then I'll be back to answer some of your
questions on this topic now BL guidance is God's will for his children Isaiah 42:16 I will lead the blind by a way that they do not know I will guide them in paths that they do not know I will make Darkness into light before them and rugged places into Plains these things I will do for them and I will not leave them abandoned or undone somebody needs to receive that word this afternoon [Applause] I read that that's a great scripture but it's far somebody here today come on God is not going to abandon [Applause] you
a large majority of our prayers are ones asking God to show us what to do in a variety of situations what to do about the future what to do about mistakes we've made in the past decisions we need to make how to handle and deal with difficult relationships and God wants to lead us and guide us Isaiah 30:21 says your ears will hear a word behind you saying this is the way walk in it whenever you turn to the right hand or to the left but here again I don't think that means an audible voice
is going to be back here just speaking in your ears all the time but I think if we slow down and I think slowing down is a good part of hearing from God so can we all say it slowing down slowing down if we slow down a little bit and take a little more time I think you'll get a major upgrade in hearing from God I have started taking a little more time to make decisions I'm the kind of person that pretty much thinks I can take on just about anything and get it done but
my body is beginning to let me know that I'm going to have to lose some of that attitude if I want to be around for a long time and so I've found I've been practicing this couple things recently that have really help me is I'm not trying to make decisions before I need to make them I'm the kind of person that likes to be on top of stuff I want to know not only what's going to happen today but tomorrow and next week and the week after that and the week after that and so it
puts a lot of internal pressure on you and and you're already dealing with so much out here you don't need to be dealing with any more inside than what you need to and so it's really helped me to just think sometimes you know I don't that's for another day I don't I don't need to think about that today and also when people ask me if I want to do this or I want to do that like I was trying to make some appointments last week and I had two or three different options and my assistant
was on the phone waiting for me to give her an answer and I said you know what I'm I I want to think about this a little bit and then I'll call you back well one of the things I decided I didn't want to do it all and then one of them I changed the time from what I was going to do sometimes we get this bright idea that we want to do something and all of a sudden we've signed on the dotted line and made a commitment to some appointment and then we end up
not being people of Integrity because we don't follow through and do what we said we were going to do and so hearing from God is going going to require I'm going to say it one last time slowing down and taking just a little bit more time pondering things or thinking things over does anybody agree with [Applause] that you will hear a word behind you this is the way walking it when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left now we would all like a blueprint for our whole life we'd like
to know all the steps we think we would we really wouldn't because if if you knew everything that you were still going to have to deal with in your life you might just want to give up right now but it's interesting because when things come one at a time we can take just about anything with God's help and so that's one of the reasons why God withholds a lot of information from us because he's created us to live one day at a time and to deal with one thing at a time and so um you
have to learn with God that he's not going to give you the next step until you do the step that he's told you to do now come on some of you may be waiting to see what it is you're supposed to do about something but you're Frozen in fear and not doing anything because you can't see past this one step that you feel like God's giving you but you may notice that the Jordan River didn't part until Joshua put his foot in it and maybe the waters are not going to part for you either until
you take a chance and put your foot in it anybody with me no where I'm at but we don't we don't like that idea of getting information from God one thing at a time because th this is the way that God's given me to explain it and people usually get it it's like you have this you don't like it anymore but at least you've got it you're not happy with this let's say it's your job or whatever that's there's no life in it for you anymore and and you feel like God wants you to let
go and do something else but you don't want to till you know what the something else is and so you're you're trying real hard to and so you end up feeling confused and pulled apart because God is always going to keep this new thing about that far away from you until you let go of this thing and show that you trust [Applause] him I mean I don't have the time today but I could tell you so many stories about our ministry and the things the the scary things that we had to do and how God
led us one step at a time step by step by step I'll give you one example of when we we started our ministry it was in the basement of our home and we had I don't know maybe 8 10 employees down there before we finally realized we had to get it out of our house and um so we rented 1,700 squ ft of office space and we felt like what in the world are we ever going to do with all this space I mean it just looked like the world to us well pretty soon we'd
used up all that space and then we'd rented everything else in this complex that we could possibly rent so we knew it was getting time to buy a building build a building buy some property something so we almost bought a a church that was closing down and we were close to signing the papers and Dave just said one day he said you know what I don't have peace about this that was it that was the only thing I don't have peace about this and so I said okay then we won't do that and then we
almost bought another building and it was how many square feet was that building huh 30,000 30,000 square ft and we thought well my gosh what in the world would we ever do with 30,000 square ft well we put in a bid on that building and somebody else got it instead of us so one of the ways that you hear from God sometimes is he'll just shut a door you know and don't don't be the kind of person that gets upset that because you didn't get what you wanted if God closes a door then you better
thank him for doing it because that means that you would have been doing something that wouldn't have worked for you otherwise God can open doors but he can also close them and so that door closed well we didn't know what we were going to do I mean we were really like hurting for space I mean we were on television by then and we were hiring so many people our ministry was tripling in size and we had desks out in the hall we had you just everywhere we could put them and uh the way we drove
into our office was the same way every day and uh yet for some reason we had never seen this sign or I'd seen it but I never paid much attention to it there was a little sign over here on the side of the road as we would drive by and it had an arrow pointing up 55 acres for sale well one day I said to Dave I wonder what that is you know it's interesting how God can blind you to something if it's not the right time and he can open your eyes to something when
it is the right time and so we went up and looked at the 55 acres and man this would just be this would be awesome but there's no telling us what this would cost and we only had had a certain amount of money saved toward this and so we found the lady who who owned it and um somebody else had offered her the same amount of money that we felt like we could offer a couple of years prior to that and she wouldn't sell it to them but God gave us favor with her and she
sold it to us for that exact amount of [Applause] money and that's where our property sits today and it's how many thousand square fet 1 15,000 the office building 6,000 150,000 sare ft in the office building and 68,000 Square ft in the Distribution Center so the uh the 30,000 square ft wouldn't have lasted very long see God shut that door because he knew more than we did about what was going to happen in the future if we would have bought that church or that building we would have been in trouble well God hid that property
from us even though we drove right by it every day didn't see it he hid it from us until it was the right time for us to do that so please if you're waiting on an answer from God don't get frustrated because God's not answering you yet he may not be early but he won't be late come on well Ginger joins me now to discuss some of your questions on how to hear from God well Ginger have you ever needed to hear from God Have I Ever every minute of every day yeah and I can
relate to these questions because I I think all of us want desperately to know that we're hearing whatever we can and we know that God wants to speak to us so therefore it's what do we need to do to hear it yeah so some really great questions this comes from Amy and she says how do I know I'm actually hearing from from God and not making it up myself well first of all you have to make sure that what you or hearing is in line with God's word and then you have you have to trust
you know I've had to learn to believe that I can hear from God because as long as you have doubts whether you can hear from God or not you know the enemy is going to play with your mind in that area right and you know depending on what it is I think sometimes if what you're asking God about is something really important um maybe you think you've heard from God so you take one step and see if that step is successful and is working and if God opens the door and then you take another step
now if it's just your general everyday you know what sounds good for dinner Lord then you know I think he wants you to have what you want we all go through that how do I know that I'm hearing from God and not myself and one of the things that's interesting I read a great book on this particular subject and I loved what the writer said he said that many times when God speaks to you it sounds like your own voice and so that really makes you yeah think well am I just is it me making
this up and uh the more experience you have with God you you I think you get to know God's nature and so you know that when he speaks to you it's going to be kind it's going to be sometimes even just like a whisper are I think a lot of times when we hear from God it it just comes as a knowing yeah you just you just know that's the right thing to do yeah you know I kind of threw off uh something as we were starting and and just started thinking about that does everybody
know that because I said we know that God wants to talk to us but how do we hear him maybe not everybody even has that aspect of this that oh yeah there's a lot of people that don't think that you know I was in church a lot of years before I mean I talk to God all the time yeah but I didn't realize that he wanted to talk back to me now you know we that's a huge part of this yeah we don't sit down in a chair and have a conversation with god like this
but we can have a conversational relationship with him it's just that we cannot expect him to always answer back in words you know sometimes he does speak through our own mind or he'll speak to us through other people right but a lot of times it is just it's it's a Discerning it's like you you you just you can sense what God is wanting you to do after you talk to him yeah all right well here is a question about mistakes that we've all made Sue from Los Angeles says I've made the mistake of thinking I've
heard from God in the past and I've acted on that and I made a big mistake how do I avoid going through that again in the future with other big decisions in my life I don't know if I can guarantee her that she'll never have it happen again uh one great man of God was asked how he learned to hear from God and he said through making a lot of mistakes and I I do think that that is part of how we learn to hear from God you step out on something and you know it
just didn't didn't work out one of the things that I tell people is if you didn't if you didn't hear from God and you made a mistake just say so don't try to cover it up or hide it or or make excuses for it or Force something to work out it's obviously you know not God God loves you and if you sincerely want to hear from him and you do make a mistake I believe that he will even redeem that mistake and make it work out for good if nothing else at least you know not
to do that again right we always learn from those mistakes yeah this is is Sandy from Indiana Sandy would like to know how do you wait for God I get impatient and try to fix things on my own then if I do things um I don't know if it was because I did it or because God did it so how do we wait to hear that voice that answer from God well God does not appreciate us getting into what the Bible calls works of the flesh that that means we're trying to do God's job for
him yeah so obviously we don't want toit there's nothing in in any of our human nature that wants to wait so we're all guilty of trying to oh I know I know what I know what God wants me to do I know what God wants me to do yeah and uh waiting is not just sitting around doing nothing it means to expectantly wait on God believing that something good is going to happen at any moment so that makes it a little more exciting when you don't think about it like just oh God but I'm expecting
God to move today I'm I'm expecting him you know telling somebody how to be patient is very difficult because our personalities are different like my husband is really more or less naturally patient and I am very naturally unpatient I did not get that patient Gene either yeah yeah and so uh people with more aggressive personalities normally aren't as patient paent and so it may take you longer to learn it than somebody else but I've come to the point now where I'm really not impatient with God it's more other things you know people irritations or you
know having to wait at a doctor for an hour and a half when I should have gotten in when my appointment was preach yeah because because I know I know that I know that I know that God's timing in my life is always perfect yeah and I know that he can do anything and so if he can do anything and he's not doing it yet then there must be a reason why and I trust him enough to know that he'll bring it in the right time I think that's a key word trust yeah trusting God
through the waiting here's a question from Lee in Florida I'm not sure how to really listen I think I'm hearing from God but I'm not really sure any ideas on how I can build and refine that listening skill well I think that you when you're listening for God you listen more with your spirit than your head I think there are uh there there's definite activity in our spirit and so you know one of the ways that God speaks to us is true desire now that doesn't mean you know that if if God tells me to
forgive somebody and I don't want to then that means I don't I don't have to because you have you have the word of God and then you have your desires and what you feel inside about something but we know that we're called to peace and we're to always always follow peace let peace be the Umpire in your life the Amplified Bible says in Colossians 3:15 so I always look first for that peace and to be honest sometimes when I'm excited about something I can't tell if it's peaceful or not you know I just I just
feel good about it I'm excited about it and I remember one situation in particular where I decided I wanted to move and uh build a different house and uh we even had plans drawn up I mean Dave wasn't all that much for it but I talked him into it and after I got about oh 40% of the way into it I could tell I didn't have peace about it now why I didn't have feel that to begin with I think it was just emotions yeah that overrode it so I think sometimes in something like build
a new house or do I want to buy this car that I wasn't planning on buying but I saw it on the lot and it I think those are things that we need to wait and let them settle before you decide what you want to do so because this very next question is exactly what you're talking about is how do we decipher between God's voice and our own hopes and dreams M so I I think that waiting is so important and and I love what what God does for us in turning us it's like he's
constantly nudging us where he needs us to go he's so patient and loving with us if we allow him to but it is hard when you get really excited about something or when you have a big dream and it's not what God has in mind but usually if if you have something in your spirit like that do you find that God has put it there he just needs to help you push it in the right direction I think if something stays with me for a long time and it doesn't go away then to me that's
even more evidence yeah that it is God uh rather it's something I don't want to do yeah and it just continues to stay there than I know or you know maybe somebody will somebody that I haven't thought about in a long time will come to my heart and uh I don't maybe in particularly in oh why I might say a prayer but they just keep you know every day I'm thinking about this person or every couple of days I'm thinking about this person then I'll usually know that that means I need to call them or
I need to check on them or you know something so I believe when things stay with you for a long period of time that you can that's greater evidence that it is God now obviously Ginger you know this is not an easy subject when we want something it's very very easy to convince oursel that it's God's will for us right that's why you know you you check the word if you if you're just really not sure that what you're doing is right and you have a really trusted friend or Mentor or a pastor you could
just say you know I want to run this by you and just see right you have peace about it you know I mean one of our own pastors here wanted to get a certain kind of car and he came and asked me do you do you think this would be all right would it would it look okay for me to have it or would it would it not and so um I think that's a second thing check the word if you wanted I don't mean that you have to run to somebody else every time you
want to make a decision to see if they approve of it yeah but there are times when it's good to wait for a confirmation right and so part it a lot of it depends on the immensity of what you're getting ready to do you know how how big of a deal is it you know I don't think I have to have a two-hour prayer meeting over buying a pair of earrings and to be honest a lot of things and I almost hesitate to say this because I don't want to mislead anybody but a lot of
things God just wants us to do what we want to do so if uh because he's not a tyrant who wants to weigh in on every you know I mean I have grown children and there's a lot of things they once asked me that they don't now would even seem funny if they did and so and a lot of times even if they do it's like you know I just want you to do what you want to do right and so I I think that's good though yeah the only way that we can ever learn
to hear from God Is by stepping out and trying to do it and you will make some mistakes but that's not the end of the world and as long as you're within those guard rails of is this in line with God's word right and and he does want to help us when we need it yeah and waiting let me say again that waiting is good I mean just like if you weren't planning on buying a car and you happen to drive by a car lot and you drive through and you see this car and you
know the next thing you know you're getting ready to sign on the dotted line I mean you you need to put your pencil down and go home and sleep on it for a day or two because once you get away from something it's easier to discern okay it's not just the car do I want the payment can I even afford the car do I need the car is you know is it going to take so much of my money that I'm going to not be able to do other things that I want to do so
waiting is a big key yeah well thank you Joyce it's very helpful thank you have you've been looking for a 365-day devotional well look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer there's a focus verst for all 365 days of the year along with a prayer starter get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at Joy me.org 365 devvo the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God
in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hard cover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meyer get your YouTube exclusive offer today go to Joyce meyer.org sords and the number two have you ever been trapped in a never-ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur leaving you gasping for a chance to pause and catch your breath in
her insightful book pursuing peace Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs this beautiful hard cover Edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and uplifting quotes from Joyce providing valuable guidance for living a peaceful lifestyle so grab a cup of coffee find a comfortable spot and embark on your journey to find peace remember this limited time YouTube offer won't last long go to Joy me.org pursuit to get your copy today and start your Pursuit Of Peace [Music] the Mind actually is the battlefield that's where we win or lose the war with Satan he
said all he gets to say rest of the day is M you start asking God to heal you and he will restore it's the God of all comfort and I am so grateful that I know how to call on God [Music]