The Most Notorious Serial Killers Explained in 24 Minutes

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Jill D is notoriously known as one of History's earliest serial killers he was born in the year 1405 into a wealthy and Powerful French family eventually inheriting vast land and assets after the death of his parents his upbringing was privileged as he received a good education and went through military training dur achieved Fame and respect as a soldier notably serving as a commander alongside jonov varc in battles against the English during the 100 Years War for his achievements he was even awarded the title of Marshall of France one of the highest military honors after Joon
of arc's execution in 1431 D's life took a dark and destructive turn he retired from military service and began spending lots of money on different things in an attempt to make him feel more joyful this eventually led him to becoming a financial ruin and his behavior only became more erratic and dangerous during this time he began engaging in occult practices allegedly seeking power wealth and knowledge through dark rituals his crimes involved the abduction torture and murder of children primarily young boys from peasant families Witnesses later testified that D brutally assaulted his victims where he gained
sadistic pleasure from their pain before ultimately killing them the exact number of his victims is unknown but estimates suggest he may have murdered anywhere from dozens to hundreds of children the R's crimes went largely unnoticed due to his Noble status but suspicions grew as more children disappeared near his Estates in 1440 his Reckless Financial dealings led to a dispute with the church prompting an investigation after this investigation took place the remains of multiple children were found in which the authorities ended up arresting him he was tried for murder in sodomy and despite his Noble status
he was thankfully found guilty Jill D was sentenced to death and executed by hanging and burning on October 26th 1440 ending his reign of terror HH Holmes was born as Herman Webster mudget on May 16th 1861 and he is considered one of America's first known serial killers raised in Gilman toown New Hampshire Holmes had a troubled childhood as his father was strict in Holmes eventually developed a fascination with death early on in his life as said that he would dissect animals he was intelligent and manipulative which are traits he kept throughout the rest of his
life and as a young adult he attended medical school at the University of Michigan with this being the place where he would gain knowledge that would later Aid him in his future criminal activities after moving to Chicago in the late 1880s Holmes adopted his new Alias and began a career in various schemes his most infamous Venture was the construction of a three-story building which became known as The Murder Castle the building was designed with hidden rooms secret passageways soundproof Chambers and a disorienting layout making it an ideal site for trapping and killing his victims Holmes
lured guests particularly young women to the hotel where he would torture and murder them often using gas Chambers or Suffocation he would then dispose of the bodies by dissecting them and selling their skeletons to medical schools Holmes's criminal activities extended Beyond The Murder Castle as he would also commit insurance fraud and during these schemes he would murder multiple business partners and acquaintances for financial gain he was ultimately captured after a failed insurance scheme involving his associate Benjamin pisel who Holmes had unfortunately killed he was arrested in 1894 and the investigation into him revealed the extent
of his murders he confessed to 27 killings though the true number could be even higher Holmes was convicted of murder and sentenced to death and he was hanged on May 7th 1896 in Philadelphia bringing an end to the life of one of America's most notorious serial killers Albert Fish born Hamilton Howard fish on May 19th 1870 was one of the most sadistic and Infamous serial killers in American history his early life was very rough as he was placed in an orphanage at a young age due to his father's death and his mother's inability to care
for him at the orphanage fish experienced physical abuse which he later claimed to have enjoyed sparking his fascination with pain and violence his family had a history of mental illness which might have influenced these thoughts and also his later Behavior fish ended up moving to New York City as a young adult where he worked as a house painter and here he married and had six children making everyone around him believe he was a normal person however that was far from the truth as he began engaging in very disturbing acts fish was known to practice self
harm inserting needles into his body and inflicting other forms of pain on himself and he also started abducting torturing and murdering children with cannibalism being a particularly horrific aspect of his actions one of his most notorious crimes was the murder of 10-year-old Grace bud in 1928 fish lured her away from her family making her believe she was going to attend a party years later he sent a gruesome letter to Grace's mother describing in detail how he killed and canalized her daughter this letter eventually led to fish's capture as the envelope contained a key clue that
police traced back to to him fish confessed to numerous crimes claiming he had killed several children though the exact number remains unknown his confessions revealed how disturbing and twisted he really was where he explained in detail his masochistic urges and also his religious delusions he was diagnosed with severe psychosis but was deemed sane enough to stand trial he was convicted of Grace blood's murder and sentenced to death and on January 16th 1936 Albert Fish was executed by electric chair at Sing Sing prison in New York ending the life of one of America's most depraved killers
the Ripper is the name given to an unidentified serial killer who terrorized the White Chapel District of London in the 1880s the Ripper's crimes were brutal and focused primarily on female sex workers those of which who lived in impoverished and overcrowded slums of eastn London in the year 1888 between the month's August to November he had killed five women and these killings were extremely violent Jack the Ripper signature killing method involved slashing the victim's throats and then performing gruesome abdominal mutilations often removing organs such as the uterus or kidneys this level of brutality led to
widespread fear and hysteria in London capturing the attention of both the public and the press the media frenzy contributed to the Killer's notoriety as the Press coined the name Jack the Ripper from a letter which was apparently sent by the murderer to the central news agency though the authenticity of this letter remains disputed the motivations behind the Ripper's crimes have been widely speculated upon but remain unknown and theories range from the killer being driven by sexual sadism deep-seated misogyny or possibly even a desire for notoriety some speculate that the killer had advanced knowledge on human
anatomy as his mutilations were very precise suggesting that he might have been a surgeon or a butcher despite a massive investigation by Scotland Yard involving hundreds of interviews and following numerous leads Jack the Ripper was never caught the lack of forensic technology and the chaotic nature of the investigation left many questions unanswered numerous suspects have been suggested over the years but none have been definitively proven to be the Ripper the case remains unsolved making Jack the Ripper one of history's most infamous and Elusive serial killers the Zodiac Killer like Jack the Ripper is another elusive
serial killer with their identity still not being known to this day they are known for a series of brutal murders that took place in Northern California during the late 1960s and early 1970s the Killer is officially linked to at least five murders though we claimed to have killed 37 people and taunting letters sent to newspapers the Zodiac's crimes began in December 1968 with the murder of two teenagers near Vallejo California and over the next several years he would strike again targeting young couples in secluded areas his methods included shooting and stabbing victims sometimes even attacking
in broad daylight the cryptic letters and ciphers he would send to local newspapers led to him gaining notoriety and in these letters he would boast about his crimes and mocked law enforcements in ability to catch him the letters were filled with symbols threats and codes with one famously containing a 48 character Cipher that the Zodiac claimed would reveal his identity despite numerous attempts to crack his codes the mystery surrounding him and his identity still continues on the Zodiac Killer's motivations remain unclear but he appeared to be driven by a desire for attention power and control
his use of media to communicate with the public and law enforcement was highly unusual and suggested that he enjoyed the fear and Chaos he instigated he displayed a calculated almost theatrical cruelty that made him a figure of Terror during his active years despite a massive investigation and numerous suspects over the years he was unfortunately never caught his last confirmed communication was in 1974 and no new credible leads have emerged since the Zodiac Killer remains a haunting figure in human history with theories and investigations surrounding him and his crimes continuing to this day Andre chikatilo known
as The Butcher of rostov was born on October 16th 1936 in the Ukrainian SSR his early life was not easy as he grew up during the famine in the Soviet Union which led to Tales of cannibalism in his village his father was captured during World War II and chikatilo himself faced bullying due to his shy nature and physical weakness these early experiences likely influenced his later violent tendencies and as he got older he worked various jobs eventually becoming a teacher however his inability to maintain discipline in the classroom and his inappropriate behavior towards students led
to his dismissal he later worked as a factory Clerk and despite his troubled Behavior he married and fathered two children maintaining a facade that he was a normal citizen his Killing Spree began in 1978 and lasted until 1990 as he targeted women and children luring them to secluded areas where he would assault mutilate and murder them his victim suffered horrific violence including stabbing dismal and paral cannibalism in chikatilo derived sexual gratification from The Act of Killing which he later attributed to him feeling feeling like he had little power in other aspects of his life because
of this he claimed that his crimes were driven by anger and sexual frustration despite being arrested multiple times during the investigation chikatilo evaded capture due to a lack of evidence in investigative airs he was finally caught in November 1990 when undercover officers observed him approaching children at a train station forensic evidence including blood and seamen samples linked him to several of the murders and he eventually ended up confessing to killing 56 people but was only convicted of 52 murders in 1992 in October later that year he was sentenced to death and on February 14th 1994
chikatilo was executed by a single gunshot to the Head the toy box killer who was born as David Parker Ray on November 6th 1939 in bellan New Mexico had a very troubled childhood he was raised by his grandfather who had give him extreme punishments and he was often exposed to Violent pornography by his father which allegedly influenced his sadistic Tendencies Ray struggled with feelings of inadequacy and developed strange sexual fantasies from an early age as an adult Ray worked as a mechanic for the new Mexico parts department gaining a reputation as a skilled handyman behind
this ordinary facade he constructed a soundproof trailer which he called his toy box equipped with a gynecological chair surgical tools whips chains and other tools for torture Ray lured victims into his trailer often with the help of accomplices including his girlfriend Cindy Hindi once inside the victims were drugged restrained and subjected to horrific torture and sexual assault sometimes lasting for days on in Ray would also record his sessions playing tapes of the victims that detailed the torment that they would later endur his sadistic Acts were driven by a desire for control and domination and he
meticulously planned his crimes to avoid detection he is suspected of murdering multiple victims though none of the bodies were ever found making it difficult to determine the full extent of his crimes he was eventually caught in 1999 when one of his victims Cynthia vigel managed to escape from his trailer and alerted authorities an investigation took place uncovering the chilling contents of the trailer and this led to rise arrest he was convicted of numerous charges including kidnapping and torture and was sentenced to 200 24 years in prison David Parker rid died of a heart attack in
2002 while still incarcerated leaving behind a legacy of horror and unanswered questions about the true number of his victims John Wayne gasey often referred to as the Killer Clown was responsible for the murders of at least 33 young men and boys he was born on March 17th 1942 in Chicago Illinois and he had a pretty rough childhood his alcoholic father was abusive in which he would belittle and physically assault gasy despite these challenges he sought out acceptance and respectability joining Community organizations and becoming a successful businessman gasy was known for his involvement in local politics
and his charitable work often dressing as Pogo the clown to entertain children at parties and events this public Persona marked his dark predatory nature as he would lure his victims often young men from the Chicago area by offering them jobs or promising them money once they were in his home he would give them alcohol or drugs then handcuff and SE assault them many of his victims were strangled or suffocated and gasy buried 26 of the bodies in the crawl space beneath his home his his crimes went unnoticed for several years due to how much of
a respectable figure he was however in December 1978 gas's last victim 15-year-old Robert past went missing after being seen with gasy this led to a police investigation and a search warrant was eventually issued at gas's home the horrifying discovery of human remains in the crawl space led to his arrest and during his trial in 1980 gasy confessed to the murders but pleaded Not Guilty by reason of insanity the jury found him guilty and he was sentenced to death with him spending 14 years on death row where he would paint pictures of clowns and he was
eventually executed by lethal injection on May 10th 1994 Dennis Raider was born on March 9th 1945 in Pittsburgh Kansas and he became infamously known as the BTK killer which stands for blind torture and kill later in his life during his childhood his family life was seemingly ordinary however he exhibited Disturbing Behavior from an early age including a fascination with bondage and a tendency to kill small animals these early signs of psychopathy were mashed by his otherwise normal life Raider held jobs as a compliance officer and security alarm installer and he was also active in his
church even serving as its president at one point he also had a family appearing to live a typical Suburban lifestyle eventually he started killing people between the years 1974 to 1991 terrorizing witch talk Kansas by committing heinous crimes involving binding torturing and murdering his victims Raider's reign of terror lasted over 17 years during which he had killed 10 people including men women and children his crimes were especially horrifying due to their premeditated nature and the cruelty with which he carried them out his motivations stemmed from his sadistic fantasies and need for power and control he
craved attention and would taunt law enforcement with letters and cryptic messages that detailed his crimes he loved the fear that he instilled in the community and also how he was able to stay Anonymous for such a long time feeding his ego Raider was finally apprehended in 2005 when he resumed sending taunting letters to the police he made the mistake of sending a floppy disc which authorities were able to trace back to his church computer he was arrested confessed to his crimes and in 2005 was sentenced to 10 consecutive life terms in prison without the possibility
of parole Raider's case is one of the most notorious and American criminal history showcasing the terrifying potential of a killer hiding in plain sight Harold Shipman also known as Dr Death was a British general practitioner who is believed to be one of the most prolific serial killers in history born on January 14th 1946 in Nottingham England Shipman had a seemingly normal upbringing though his mother's death from cancer when he was 17 profoundly affected him during her illness he observed how morphine eased her suffering which may have influenced his later Behavior as he became an adult
he became a well-respected doctor practicing in Hy great Manchester however between 1975 to 1998 he secretly murdered about 250 patients predominantly elderly women by administering lethal doses of heroin Shipman exploited the trust his patients had in him even visiting them at home under the guise of providing care then injecting them with the Fatal drug as a doctor he was seen As a caretaker making his murders even more Insidious his victims who trusted him to to safeguard their life were instead killed in Cold Blood and he would also falsify medical records to cover up his actions
and even altered Wills to benefit himself in some cases his motivations remain largely unclear but some experts speculate that his mother's death and has perceived control over life and death may have played a role in his killings others believe he was driven by a God complex seeking power over his victim's Fates he was eventually caught in 1998 after he forged the will of one of his victims Kathleen Grundy leading her daughter to suspect something was up an investigation followed uncovering the large amount of murders he had committed and in the year 2000 he was convicted
of 15 counts of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment he hanged himself in his prison cell in 2004 escaping Justice for the full extent of his monsterous crimes Ted Bundy born on November 24th 1946 was one of the most notorious serial killers in American history he had a troubled childhood growing up under the belief that his grandparents were his parents and his mother was his sister he later discovered the truth which may have contributed to his growing sense of anger and confusion despite his Disturbed inner life Bundy became a seemingly successful young man attending college
and law school and working on political campaigns he used this facade of normaly to build trust with his victims often faking injuries or pretending to be a figure of authority to get closer to them he would also use his good looks and intelligence to lure women to their deaths and between the years 1974 to 1978 It is believed that he had murdered at least 30 young women though the true number may be even higher his crime spanned across several States including Washington Utah Colorado and in Florida involving abduction sexual assaults and even necrofilia his motivations
were deeply rooted in a desire for control and power over his victims driven by sadistic sexual fantasies his murders were not just about killing they involved horrific violence and he would often return to the bodies of his victims to further desecrate them Bundy's capture came after several close encounters with law enforcement and in the year 1975 he was arrested in Utah for a traffic violation with the police linking him to a series of missing women after escaping custody twice Bundy was finally apprehended in Florida in 1978 and he was convicted of multiple murders and sentenced
to death Bundy was executed in the electric chair in Florida on January 24th 1989 and his case remains Infamous due to his ability to manipulate those around him hiding his monstrous nature behind a facade of charm and normality Pedro Alonzo Lopez known as the monster of Andis was one of the most prolific serial killers in recorded history born in the year 1948 in Colombia Lopez's childhood was marked by extreme poverty abuse and Trauma his mother a prostitute allegedly kicked him out of their home at 8 years old after catching him molesting his younger sister Lopez
then lived life on the streets where he was repeatedly sexually abused and this early trauma likely contributed to his later crimes as a young adult he was arrested for car theft and spent several years in prison where he claims he was gang raped upon release Lopez began his killing and his victims were primarily young girls typically between 9 to 12 years old and he would lure them away from busy markets or streets then rape and strangle them he claimed to have murdered over 300 girls across Colombia Peru and Ecuador throughout the 1970s and early 1980s
Lopez's motives seemed to stem from a deep-seated hatred of women likely rooted in his childhood experiences and he reportedly believed he was cleaning up Society by killing young girls before they could become prostitutes like his mother in the Year 1980 Lopez was caught attempting to abduct a young girl in Ecuador he eventually confessed to his crimes and led authorities to the graves of 53 of his victims he was convicted of murdering 110 girls in Ecuador and sentenced to life in prison however he was for some reason released from prison in 1994 after serving only 14
years due to apparent good behavior in Ecuador's maximum sentence law he was deported to Colombia where he was briefly held before being declared sane and released in 1998 Lopez's current whereabouts are unknown and it is believed that he is still alive today which has caused significant controversy and fear the true extent of Lopez's crimes may never be known but his actions have left a lasting impact on the families of his victims and the communities he terrorized with his case highlighting the issues in the justice system in these countries David burkowitz infamously known as the Son
of Sam was an American serial killer who terrorized New York City during the mid1 1970s born on June 1st 1953 in Brooklyn New York burwitz was adopted by a middle class Jewish Family his childhood was marked by feelings of Abandonment and anger after learning of his adoption and the death of his adoptive mother he became withdrawn and socially isolated and by his teenage years he exhibited troubling behavioral issues isues including Pyromania and animal cruelty between 1976 and 1977 he launched a killing spree that left six people dead and seven others wounded he would Target young
couples sitting in parked cars primarily using a 44 caliber revolver he would shoot his victims Burt's attacks created widespread fear throughout the city as they appeared random and senseless he taunted police in the media with cryptic letters signed the Son of Sam claiming to be driven by a demonic force that spoke to him through his neighbor's dog his motivations were rooted in his delusion beliefs and he claimed to be under the influence of satanic forces his actions and bizarre letters sparked a media frenzy and many in the city lived in fear during the height of
his Killing Spree despite a massive Manhunt berkowitch remained elusive that is until he received a parking ticket near one of the crime scenes and this led to his arrest in August 1977 he quickly confessed to the shootings stating that a demon Named Sam had commanded him to kill he was convicted of multiple murders and sentenced to six consecutive life sentences during his imprisonment bertz claimed to have found religion renouncing his earlier beliefs and now instead referring to himself as the son of Hope despite his supposed transformation berkowitch remained in prison where he continues to serve
his life sentences without the possibility of parole Jeffrey dmer known as the Milwaukee cannibal was an American serial killer responsible for the brutal murders of 17 young men between 1978 to 1991 born on May 21st 1960 in West Alice Wisconson D's childhood overall wasn't tooo bad he was a shy child who struggled with feelings of isolation and abandonment particularly after his parents divorce he developed early signs of psychopathy such as having an obsession with dead animals and also dissecting them D's murders were particularly shocking due to their sheer brutality as he would leure in his
victims which were mostly young men many of whom were African-American back to his apartment where he would drug them kill them and often perform acts of necrobia dmer dismembered his victim's bodies sometimes even preserving Parts as trophies he also engaged in cannibalism and attempted to create Zombies by drilling holes in the head of some victims and injecting them with acid or boiling water in an effort to control them D's motivation stemed from being psychologically Disturbed where he felt a deep need for control and a desire for dominance over his victims his crimes escalated over time
as he became increasingly detached from any sense of morality or empathy and despite his horrific actions he appeared to function relatively normally in society holding various low-level jobs although his life was highlighted by alcoholism and loneliness dmer was finally caught in July 1991 when one of his intended victims ES escaped and flagged down police when officers entered his apartment they discovered photographs of dismembered bodies and remains ultimately leading to his arrest dmer confessed in detail to his crimes which shocked the entire nation in 1992 he was convicted of 15 murders and sentenced to 15 consecutive
life terms in prison on November 28th 1994 dmer was killed by a fellow inmate while serving his sentence at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Wisconsin Richard Ramirez infamously known as the nightstalker was an American serial killer raped IST and burglar who terrorized Southern California during the mid 1980s born on February 29th 1960 in El Paso Texas Ramirez had a troubled upbringing he was exposed to violence at a young age influenced by his cousin who was a Vietnam War veteran that shared graphic stories of War atrocities Ramirez also endured physical abuse at home and developed an
early interest in Satanism and dark rituals between the years 1984 to 1985 he went on a brutal crime spree that left at least 14 people dead and many others injured his CRI crims were marked by extreme violence and unpredictability with his victims ranging from young children to elderly individuals with no particular pattern he would break into Homes at night often sexually assaulting his victims before murdering them and he also Incorporated satanic symbols and phrases into his killings heightening the terror that he instilled in victims in the public his crimes included shootings stabbings beatings and mutilations
making him one of the most sadistic killers in American history Ramirez's motivations appear to be driven by a deep connection to evil and chaos and his interest in Satanism as well as his brutal treatment of victims seemed to be an expression of his dark sadistic desires he deeply enjoyed the fear he instilled into others and his actions revealed a complete lack of empathy and remorse Ramirez was caught in August 1985 after a Citywide Manhunt triggered by his recognizable fingerprints found at a crime scene and a surviving victim's description he was captured by a group of
civilians in East Los Angeles after being recognized in public and in 1989 he was convicted of 13 murders five attempted murders 11 sexual assaults and 14 burglaries he was sentenced to death but died in 2013 while in Death Row from complications related to cancer thank you very much for watching this video and if you learned something make sure to leave a like comment down below what types of videos you would like to see from me on this channel in the future as I am interested in covering a large variety of topics anyways thank you again
and goodbye
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