watch me make & sell a digital product in 10 hours.

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My boyfriend does not think I can make and launch a product in 10 hours. I’m petty so I’m going to m...
Video Transcript:
my boyfriend does not think I can make and launch a new product in 10 hours no way no way 10 hours it's just no way it's just not going to get done I'm super Petty so I'm going to make the product in 10 hours and I'm going to try to make my first dollar off of this brand new product this week so it is currently 311 so I'm going to set up my camera so you hold me accountable and we're just going to get cracking on this new product I have to do it for my pride so what is this product I'm making basically over on Tik Tok I've been posting the series called Business book club where I share my favorite quotes from business books and lessons that I think we can all learn from it and Implement into our businesses and I've been loving it and people have been loving this series as well so I'm using the fact that people are loving this series as validation to be like hm could I create like a low price small digital product based off of this series but I've been hesitant because as we all know even a small digital product requires a ton of work in terms of product creation product setup and actually selling the product on a continuous basis but now because Max said I can't do it I have to do it and so now we're here you're caught up so what this product is is a database of all of my favorite red highlights from business books that I really thoughtful like gems in books that I feel like sometimes we scroll quickly past I'm going to be categorizing it based on obviously the book that it's from and then also what you need at at this moment so if you need to make Revenue then you can just filter it by revenue and you can find the quotes and lessons most applicable there as well as like if you need courage to start then you can filter it by that or maybe you're just like feeling tons of pressure you need to relieve a bit of the pressure that you're feeling right now about your business about scaling about growth about starting your business whatever and then outside of those lessons and those quotes that I'm going to pull from the books I'm also going to be writing actionable lessons and examples for each of those quotes and I think that's what's going to take me the longest time that's what I'm most nervous about finish and then I'm also going to be adding the category of stage of business so like if you're just starting a business you probably want different lessons than somebody who's you know scaling a business essentially I started 20 minutes ago and so far I have put in like 20 quotes whoa yeah but no no actionable lesson or examples yet okay 20 20 cost y that means you're behind estimate yeah no yeah no I said 30 minutes to an hour to copy over 100 quotes one quote a minute that's one and a half hours already we'll see okay we're about 30 minutes in and I've got three books done free time anything you want over subscribed oh okay let's keep going cuz we're behind schedule for sure so hour one is now officially over and I have 83 quotes in the database this is our two and I'm going to keep it real with you I'm starting to feel the doubts creep in the Little voices in my head are like is this actually a good product are people actually going to like it is this just a huge waste of time super normal stuff when it comes to product creation this has happened to me every single time I've ever created anything it's normal it's natural and yet it still stresses me out when it happens I just have to finish the product and let the market decide if you spend all your time second guessing every single thing as you're doing it it's first of all it's super unfair to yourself and two you'll just never get anything done do what you think is valuable you would personally pay money for it start the price low which is what I'm going to do I'm going to beta test the pricing just to make sure that the first few people who join really get a deal and see that the value is much higher get those testimonials everything that I normally tell people to do when it comes to starting a new service or a new product beta test it then increase your price point by 10 to 15% with each additional batch of people that buy it hour one you're like excited you're pumped you're like this is so awesome I can't wait to blah blah blah hour two you're like I'm stupid this is stupid everything sucks and that's just part of the journey it's part of the fun rid so we just have to keep going okay back at it we just got to 100 but I'm going to keep going cuz I want to put in all the quotes that I have and potentially more okay we're about to hit the 2hour mark and I have put in 133 lessons about 17 to 18 business books that I've already read and I have highlights for in my Kindle so I actually have a lot of physical books as well so I have to look through those and see how I want to get highlights it now I just have to write about a million actionable lessons and examples but since it is now 51 p. m. I'm going to stop for the day so our current timer clock stops at 2 hours I still have 8 hours to get this product done and shipped and available for selling AKA out there for people to hopefully buy I just want to make sure the quality is really good so I think that is probably what's going to take the longest is I don't want to just write like blah blah blah like actually think about how it applies for my business and examples are a really great way of that so I definitely want to include that in this and then also like actionable Steps so not just like in theory how would this work but actually give me my first step something not overwhelming so that I can just get going with implementing this right away basically something I've noticed a pattern every time I create something new it always goes through this process of like initial excitement I'm super hyped super like oh my gosh this is going to be so good I'm so happy about this idea and then you go go through this like really big pit of like self-doubt like my most successful product my signature program which has made my business over like 700 600 700,000 I went through the biggest pit of this is the dumbest thing I've ever made nobody's going to buy this nobody's going to Care blah blah blah blah don't let this horrible pit of self-doubt keep you from like pushing through you just have to keep pushing through cuz it's a natural part of creation and of these threats that your brain perceives in our modern day Society of rejection failure what if people like it what if people are disappointed blah blah blah blah that is what's going to halt your progress I'll give myself permission to overthink once the product is out there and available then maybe I'll overthink that's it for today proud of you yay but you still don't think I can do it right uh 10 you have eight hours left yeah I have eight hours left and I haven't started the action able lessons and takeaways sorry what was that no he doesn't think I can do it one more thing which is why I think it's so good to build an audience and produce content before you ever sell anything is you can rely on the content and the data you're already have to validate the product and the effort that you're currently making so for example for me if I was just randomly creating this the doubts would be very loud right it would be like what if this doesn't sell and I'd be like damn you're right I have no idea if it's GNA sell but the fact that I have already been pulling out a lot of lessons from books that I'm enjoying and sharing them on Tik Tok and other people are finding that interesting that they are validating those content pieces they're giving me the data points of like no this is interesting you should make more of these videos does give me a little bit of confidence and that's why I truly think it should be audience first then product not product first then audience because that's just really exhausting that's all I had to say about that so it just took me 4 minutes to write one actionable lesson and example ex Le so 400 minutes that's almost 7 hours oh so 400 divid by 60 is 6.
66 so realistically if it takes me four minutes to write an actual lesson for each quote is going to take 6. 66 hours and we still have eight hours remaining so win hopefully doable [Music] so I'm still feeling extremely nervous about making this product and selling it but one good sign is every time I come up with an exercise I'm like this is a really good exercise I should do this for my business hour four let's do [Music] it quick lunch to show you guys our four is done let's count how many we have I'm a little nervous so we have 22 done hour five [Music] [Music] it's now hour 7 and I have 58 done so I have 3 hours left to write 42 so it's going to be really close especially because I still have to set up the stance Store and put this in my Tik Tok bio by the end of the 10hour challenge I was also just thinking actually while I was creating this product like writing the exercise the exercises are really like insightful and thought-provoking for me so that's a good sign um about how I'm always thinking how do I help people get results in business and it's always about how much action can I actually get them to take how can I hold them accountable to take action because it's all fun and games for me to write these like exercises but if people don't do them they're just never going to get anywhere right and then I was thinking wouldn't it actually be cool because all these exercises I'm writing are kind of like mini business challenges like easy challenges right how cool would it be to have like a platform where there are like a bunch of business challenges you could pick what you currently needed you got the Challenge and then there was like a comment section where once you finished it you would write like how it went and what the result was and everything and then you could see everybody else's results from doing that challenge you could be like inspired by that and then you would like tick off that you completed that challenge and it would feel really good cuz it's like kind of gamified and maybe you would even get like a little reward or something for it I'm so pressed for time to finish this that I haven't even checked my emails yet all right 2 hours left we 8 hours down and now I am at 80 okay so that you can finish it in time and you have to set up the product page uhhuh I don't know it'll be close it'll be close but we'll see I'll just do my best you're much closer than I ever thought you would be I was doing a push-up exercise today and my wrist didn't hurt today isn't that crazy yeah it's crazy Max is trying to dist ract me because he knows I only have an hour and a half and 4 minutes an hour 34 minutes left before my 10 hours savur it was like savur savur like pushup savur no wrist P Sav tell me after the 10 hours last one which one should I do here we go I did it with 54 minutes to spare oh 100 so I have 54 minutes to get it up and live all right now I've never used stand store before so we'll see what happens I have no idea how long it will take me to do everything in St or so lowkey want to have to do like a little mockup and I want to do like lots of cute stuff I want to tidy up the thing a little bit so we'll see starting a 14-day free trial St store has a free trial oh but I don't have a you have to put in a credit card to do it I just like I don't know if I would to pay $30 a month on stand store I mean we're just going to do it come on this is just a one month experiment this is the experimentation mindset like you've done $30 10 hours straight of work and now you're not sure if it's worth putting this up for $330 if you'll make your money back we'll see if I'll make my money back see this is the scary perspective of a value your time as less than $3 an hour all right fine we'll pay star to get nervous my heart rate's going up get instant access of the best takeaways from business books I've read plus actionable exercises I will continuously add more into this database and you'll never have to pay more I'm going to do like a little limited Supply thing I think it should be like $5 for the first like 10 people or something publish we're on the road published done done well I mean it's published now I have to put the link into my Tik Tok okay so my current Link in BIO is my free series which I think I can just add the link underneath my thingy thing here we are okay you can't see anything okay edit profile um website paste let's do it together all right there's the link there's the product save there it is you did it live wow I'm so proud of you thanks do you want to see it sure I'd love to stand store business book club notion database nice grab now grab now wow 17 minutes you can still out strip 16 minutes yeah I could out stripe I think the better thing to do is to organize my notion though all right 16 minutes left um what am I going to do so much bonus time who would have thought we'd have bonus time I'm just using my last 10 minutes to like organize the notion and make it look good I actually feel so much more relaxed now that I know the main product is done and it's live okay all right time is officially up those are our 10 hours the product is here and it's live oh my God that was so intense I can't believe I did this for like 5 hours today that's clear I'm so proud of you thanks that's really insane that's so nice of you I'm absolutely wiped I'm going to go take a shower and relax a little bit relieve a little bit of pressure on myself as a good job I'll probably get myself a treat to because yeah that's what I deserve after working so hard and I'll probably check back in with like Lessons Learned and stuff at a later time one day later whoa I just saw that somebody bought the noce bank on Saturday what that's insane that's so crazy I didn't even make a video about it one month later hey there it is Dea from 1 month later I thought I would give you the one month update on how this product is going and all of that good stuff so we can see that I made the product the week of April 17th and we did actually make our first sale in that week which is really exciting cuz I wanted to make my first dollar off of that product that week so we did and I didn't even really like promote it or Market it I just put it in my bio in on Tik Tok which is really cool you can see that I originally started out selling it at $5 because I wanted to do the first 10 people get it for $5 so that's what's going on here and then I increased the price to $10 so you can see that on stand store we made $124 . 50 so that's really exciting then I pulled it off of St store and I put it actually onto the shop on my website because I just have way more control of everything in my shop on my website it autog generates invoices everything's just easier for everyone if it's on there so I moved it to my shop my shop which is super exciting 71 people have purchased it from my shop so 980 plus $124.
50 is $14.
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