OBSOLESCÊNCIA PROGRAMADA: Psicológica (perceptiva) funcional e de qualidade

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vídeo eu apresento o que é Obsolescência Programada e quais são seus principais tipos: Psicológica (...
Video Transcript:
let me ask you a question have you ever heard complaints like this here wow one day after my warranty was over my product crashed you sure have heard something like this if you heard it and the person must have been thinking that this was a great coincidence but it wasn't you know why I'm sorry to inform you but your things are made to break So let's go there for the video stay with me until the end to understand exactly how this happens Hey guys Beauty my name is Paulo geography teacher and you are here with
me Nagel illustrated Let 's go so our topic today is planned obsolescence or planned obsolescence or it's already common practice here on the channel Let's start defined and then understand all the nuances behind this process then after definition here it's very simple obsolescence is the process of becoming obsolete soon programmed obsolescence is when a product is previously programmed to make the ticket, that is, in this case inoperative or even in the act of fabrication programmed to fail that's it it's sad but it's the harsh reality good but why does that happen as you well know
we live within the capitalist system whose main objective is the accumulation of more and more capital within that is necessary to produce more than people actually need for their consumption, all so that big businessmen can profit more and more and that's where something comes up that maybe you've also heard that the consumer society that nothing more it's about creating people's desires and needs so that they consume more than what is necessary good but where do these desires come from these needs hold this question there just a little bit because we'll be back here before that
I'll bring you a curiosity that will surely make your hair stand on end the first victim of programmed obsolescence was the electric light bulb did you know that you know this happened around the years and on a beautiful day the manufacturers they realized that the light bulb they produced lasted too long and this logically affected the quantity of there, because the ones they sold until on a beautiful sunny day one of them thinks the following , we reduce the durability of the light bulbs for what they want and people are forced to buy in others
from this an excellent sales strategy is discovered which is to strategically plan the useful life of objects so that they want and customers are forced to buy a new one and here comes one of the great mottos of the system capitalist that is as follows what does not wear out is not good for business and here comes the curiosity that I mentioned I knew that there is a lamp that was made in 1897 and is still lit today Believe it or not, it is even in the Guinness Book The Book of Records as a focus
of electric light on for the longest time until the moment I'm recording this video it's still on and you can even see it live if you want and here's the link k in the description Beauty go take a look it's very curious well I hope that when you go there to look at the light bulb it still hasn't burned well well said all that now let's go to the central theme of this video which is programmed obsolescence and you need to know that there are three main types of programmed absolescence let's know what they are
but before that guys those basic favors if you like it I ask you to leave a like there subscribe to the channel ok leave a comment tell your friends they are very important channel is still small and for me to continue with this project here I really need your collaboration and if you want but only if you want our pics key is here in the description of the video now let's go the three types of programmed obsolescence good o the first type is function obsolescence, this one we can say that the least perverse of the
3 Well, the following is the technology renews and reinvents itself and this is very good so it is natural that new technologies emerge that meet the needs that the old ones did not meet, so when you are forced to change products because the old one no longer meets all your needs and this is the obsolescence of function the second type is the obsolescence of quality this one is nothing more than the example of the light bulb that I mentioned back there, that is, when a product has its useful life shortened on purpose so that it
breaks and people have to consume a new one , thus increasing sales of this product, some examples are the batteries of notebooks and cell phones that are programmed to support a specific amount of loads, the light bulb itself, which I have also mentioned among many others and, starting now for the end of the video, let's get to know the last type of obsolescence that is of desirability or psychological obsolescence and here we go back to the question of desire that I started back at the beginning of the video remember good iss here is to take
away the desire to have something that still works and that meets your needs to have something more modern but no but how do the big 5 and big industries do that to you Ah I bet you know the answer to this question this happens through advertisements, whether through the advertisements we see on television or through artists and digital influencers that you surely follow many I also follow this is natural so without you realizing it, large companies use these means to make you in believe that you need to have something newer but modern another great weapon
of the Industries is fashion because it creates color trends of types of products that make you believe that if you don't consume you will become a less happy person these 3 types of obsolescence programmed behind great impacts for our lives is with regard to our mental health within the programmed obsolescence that I just mentioned that the psychological one, that is, for the environment for the planet because with the rampant production it is natural that the disposal also increases which contributes significantly to the pollution of the planet and then you like it Hello all I await
your feedback here in the comments beauty don't forget to leave that one thumbs up below is to strengthen all the bibliographic references that I used to build this video in the description here of the video and thanks until next time.
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