Edgar Morin - A complexidade do eu

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If there are, effectively, three inseparable aspects to define the human being then, if becoming the individual, the individual is the self-affirmation of the "I", of subjectivity. In other words, where it is fully himself. So, that's a.
. . Let's say, there are two fundamental aspects, the equivalent to two softwares in the human individual.
There is one which is "I", and which is in the beginning of egocentrism, I place myself at the center of my world and, of course, see, act according to my personal interest. But, fortunately, there is a second antagonist principle which is found on the individual and which manifests itself since birth, in other words, the necessity of the other, of smiling, of being cradled, in other words, the need of being in a "we", "we" which is a warm community which is a community of love. The third which is when it comes to individuals and having a minimum of brain autonomy, we are entirely, not just a product of a reproduction process, but the producers of this project, because, to this day, still, it is necessary to have a man and a woman which can together make one or more children.
So, the phenomena itself of having a mother and a father, or children, or sisters, it's a phenomena which connects us to the human race. Besides, we are almost possessed by the unconscious processes, which are all processes of our organism, our heart, our lungs, the blood that runs in our veins, the workings of the brain makes us entirely possessed, let's say, by the human race, in other words, what allows us to feed ourselves, to live, etc. and, at the same time, by society, because we receive the language we receive the culture, which are put inside ourselves, which means that not only individuals are in the society, but the society is inside them.
Not only individuals are in space, but space is inside them.
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