01 - EM BUSCA DA SABEDORIA - SÉRIE SRI RAM, leitura comentada - Lúcia Helena Galvão

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Série de comentários tecidos pela prof. LÚCIA HELENA GALVÃO sobre cada um dos 15 capítulos do livro ...
Video Transcript:
New Acropolis IN SEARCH OF WISDOM Comments on the book "In Search of Wisdom" by N. Sri Ram Lúcia Helena Galvão New Acropolis, Brasilia, 2016 Good evening everyone! Welcome! I appreciate everyone's presence, in what for me is an old dream. Today I was talking to some people, that I had long dreamed of doing a lecture cycle on this particular book. I recently made a cycle about all the chapters of "The Prophet", by Gibran, For those who are curious, it already is available on DVD and on YouTube. Now, particularly, "In Search of Wisdom" is a book more
complex to work with than a Gibran book, because "The Prophet" has very small chapters, and this one requires that the chapters be synthesized. And besides, dealing with Sri Ram, maybe some know this author, it is a challenge, because his thinking is extremely refined, but sometimes it requires a very large abstraction, it is very metaphysical. Our aim is not to go into biographies, nor in Gibran's series did I do that. I am not going to tell you the life of Sri Ram. Sri Ram, as Melissa said, is an Indian thinker. I even put, for you here,
date of birth and death, just for reference. He died in 1973 at the age of 83. Of Brahmin family, and who has a whole life dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, linked mainly to the theosophical movement. But his thinking is much more than the theosophical movement. It is a universal thought. He is a philosopher that I would not say that he's as Universal as any other, because it's difficult to find a philosopher as universal as Sri Ram. So, there's not "any other" equal to him. He has a sensitivity to deal with matters, which is something
impressive. During my youth, my adolescence, I did classical ballet, and I remember when I read Sri Ram I had the impression of a ballet, that gently touches the concrete world and takes flight. He is one of the authors who deal with the themes in greater depth, at the same time with greater subtlety than I've ever read in my life, So this is a dream of years, a challenge. One day I'm going to do a series of lectures on this book, and we are starting this challenge today. Hope to have you with us, we'll do it
every Friday, we'll follow up. Each lecture will be the summary of a chapter, it won't be the explicit reading of the chapter, because there would be no way, but it'll be the summary of a chapter. So today we are starting with this first chapter, which has exactly the same name as the book, which is "In Search of Wisdom". To talk a little about what Sri Ram considers the pursuit of wisdom. Because this is one of the words, perhaps, more emptied than we have in our current world. What is wisdom? I often wonder, if we took
a poll and asked people on the street, Who is wise these days? What would come out? Perhaps the name of an intellectual would come out, maybe the name of a religious leader would came out, I don't know. This word is related sometimes with intellectualism, sometimes with religious mystique. And deep down it is something much broader than that, because it means the practical ability to give answers to life, as a human being. "By their works you shall know them", so that you look at the trail and know that a human being had been there. That is,
a coherence of means, resources, where you are sure that it is the trace of a human being. By the way, I like that expression, because we have to stop every now and then and take a look at our trail, and see if the trail we are leaving in the places we pass is human. What is a Human Trail? Because it seems that there is a coincidence, which is what Sri Ram advocates in this chapter, between the ability to leave a human footprint in the world and the fulfillment we get from our presence in the world,
what we call happiness. Happiness and coherence with the human condition, according to him, are the same thing. And he will start to develop this subject, in this first chapter: "In Search of Wisdom". A very beautiful and very interesting topic indeed. Well... He's going to talk about what a true philosopher is. Everyone knows that the word "philosophy", comes from "Philos" plus "Sophos", love for wisdom. This we know. What we don't know, as I just said, is what love is, nor what wisdom is. In other words, it is the combination of two riddles. We don't know very
well what it is. And he will say that these are two words that are really difficult to deal with. Because they have a very strong relationship with, for example, love is often related to instincts, and was emptied a lot with it. Today when a person says he loves someone, sometimes it's mere physical attraction. Sometimes it's just a crush! So that word, particularly, has been emptied a lot. And he proposes to work a little on these two concepts. And the first thing he brings is exactly that. The philosopher is not just a theorist of a knowledge
that is useless in practice. And there's this sentence of his that is beautiful: "Life externalizes the truth". Which has everything to do with the biblical phrase we used a little while ago, "By their works you shall know them' "Life externalizes the truth". What is it really that you think? What is it really that you believe? So you imagine some encyclopedic person, in terms of intellectual knowledge. Look at the trail they leave through life, look at the attitudes they have, and see if these attitudes are symbolically coherent with what they claim to believe. The verb "to
believe" is one of the most suffered in our language. Can you imagine what it is to believe in things? If I say to you: I believe there is, say, a board in the way. And then there's a power blackout! Let it not happen. But imagine there was. Lights go off! If I believe there's a board in the middle of the way, when I move around here, even if I don't see it, I make a curve at that point where I believe there is a board. My movement within the room is consistent with that belief. Now
if I tell you, "I believe there is a board...", ...I didn't believe so much. That is, more for what we live, by the way we move in life, than by what we say, comes the perception of what our true beliefs are. What we really believe. And we create within our mindset nowadays, a concept of the philosopher as someone who has a lot of intellectual information accumulated, detached from a good human being. When they say, "Jack" is a philosopher, you think of a good person? No, you think of a cultured one. Cultured in the sense of
accumulating information. Even that word is already misused. There is a philosopher, named Shankaracharya also an Indian, he said that a person who simply memorize knowledge and do not live it, is similar to someone who says the name of a medicine but doesn't take it, and complains that the drug does not work. Can you belive such a comical thing? You have a headache and start to say: "Aspirin, aspirin" but won't take it. I mean, intellectualism is that. You don't put knowledge into your life. He is merely an intellectual veneer. In other words, the philosopher as a
good man, a man of integrity! A man who wouldn't need to say to you: - I'm a philosopher!! You would look at him, the way he moves through life. This citizen is a Philosopher. Because he has love and he has wisdom in the conduct he has towards things. Have you thought? Pythagoras is said to have had his disciples like that. The Pythagorean School. A person would pass by walking down the street, they would say: Pythagorean. He didn't carry a badge, he didn't carry identification. Pythagorean !! by the way he moved, by the way he interacted.
By the way he observed life, how he responded to life! That he will draw attention to this concept that is so forgotten today!!! It's so far away from us!! A philosopher is not just a theoretician, useless in practice. Life externalizes the truth. Through our trail, we can know what we really believe. This is a very important premise!! Which he will use throughout the entire book. This beautiful book we have ahead of us! Which, incidentally, I advise, as I advised in reading Gibran, that you, as far as possible, follow reading. It's so worth it! It's so
worth it. It's one of those readings, that if I had to make a difficult list of the 10 most beautiful books, read in my life, he would certainly be there. And it's a tough list, but he would definitely be there. Wisdom is real thinking about everything. It is the most precious asset, it is true happiness. This is a phrase he borrows from Socrates. In this first chapter he will quote Socrates a lot, will quote a lot of Plato, will work a lot with ancient philosophy. He will say Socrates, who writes nothing, leaves nothing in writing,
but Socrates is said to have used this phrase. That wisdom is the most precious asset, which would not be exchanged for anything. It is true happiness. Human happiness consists in accumulating more and more ability to respond to life as a human being. because it's obvious!! How are plants happy? Is it not being plants? Carrying out photosynthesis perfectly, plunging its roots well into the soil to extract nutrients from it! remove sunlight... is subjected to sunlight in the at the intensity for which it is prepared. Being a plant she is happy! How is an animal happy? Being
animal. Exercising their survival instincts to perpetuate the species, is he happy. Man is happy as a human being, Human fulfillment has to do with this mystery: What are we? And what is expected of us in the world. So there is nothing more precious than wisdom, nothing is exchanged for it. He will already complement this sentence by Socrates, it is very interesting. As for you to see that the human problem comes from very far away, already in his historical time, people traded wisdom for anything, like it's something you have no idea of ??its worth. Because if
I tell you look, would you trade a gold nugget for any stone, you wouldn't, because you know the value of gold. But why do we trade wisdom for anything? We have no idea of ??the value of wisdom and constantly making that switch. Desire for wealth and power and true wisdom, he says are two things that are difficult to reconcile, It is very rare, this is the explicit words of Sri Ram, that there is a person whose goal in life, you see, you understand, be power in the sense of social prominence, and riches, and at the
same time be a wise man. Because the focus of human attention is rarely that divided. He disperses. Now understand well, so that we don't look like we're going through, some kind of medieval teaching, which says that wealth or power are sins. Also because Sri Ram does not work with this concept of sin. It's not about not having riches, or not having power, but it's like Victor Hugo said, it's about them not having you. What he said: -Put your riches on the table, and look at them to make sure who's in charge of who. remember that?
It's a very interesting passage! That is, it's not about not having them, it's about them not having you. That old axis, which is for those who have attended other lectures of mine, I always like to make it very clear, of the human being who faces two paths, the one whose purpose is being and the one whose purpose is having. In such a way that you dream in that direction, in being an extremely knowledgeable person, and be an extremely virtuous person, and here dreams of having all the wealth in the world. To be number one in
Forbes magazine. What does that mean? A person who is in that position, you realize that if she wants to be someone very wise, Having it as a means, hinders or helps? What do you think? Have you ever stopped to think about Plato with the Internet? Plato on Facebook? Plato with WhatsApp to spread his teachings. That would have been the 8th 9th and 10th wonder of the world, come on! Imagine you... That is, TER as a means helps. Now imagine that you want to be the richest person in the world, but are you pious or are
you fraternal... the BEING as a means for a person who wants to be the richest in the world, do you realize it gets in the way? If I'm fraternal and I want to be the richest in the world, it's difficult, that along the way I'm going to share everything I have, and I will never become the richest in the world. So it doesn't mean that these things are excluded, but it means they have to be in their place. As means are good, because otherwise it seems that we are with a medieval philosophy, who condemns all
material possessions as usury or anything of that kind. This is crazy. It is even a virtue that man knows how to deal with things, Misery is not a virtue. However, as a finality, it will make man disperse. It's like you imagine a person who wants to have two purposes in life. Probably when she steps over here, she will see that she distanced herself from it. To walk here you will have to go back to the starting point, and will probably get mediocre in both worlds. In other words, the purpose of life is beyond doubt. There
is doubt about the means, not about the ends. Which is another thing that our society has a lot of habit of saying, that doubt is a virtue! Doubt as to means is useful, as to ends fatal, You spend your whole life not knowing what you want out of life, there will probably come a certain time, that there's not much else to do. Do you understand? So the role of doubt as a good medium. Finally, never. Then he will say that it is very difficult for there to be, you will see that historically, you will see,
for example, Marcus Aurelius who was Emperor of Rome, Emperor of an empire that dominated the world, and he was a wise man! But look, are there many cases? Not many cases. That if you imagine a society to be able to allow a sage to be in power for a long time, there would have to be such a perfect society that historically humanity has not produced this society yet. Then the power generates a voltage level, that for a sage to remain there is difficult, No wonder Marcus Aurelius was assassinated. Then he says this is extremely rare.
It is difficult to reconcile the two as a life goal. And continuing... Wisdom is the only true currency for which all things should be exchanged. This is Socrates' phrase, which I was referring to with you. The one thing all things should be traded for. Why the only real thing. There is another phrase that is not his but which is also very pertinent, Which says the following: Only that which cannot be taken from you is really yours. What can be taken from you is not yours, it is a loan, it is temporary. and will cling that
necessarily is pain. This is related to the Buddhist tradition. That is, can this here be taken away from me? He can. So it's not really mine. And clinging to that will bring me pain sooner or later. Clinging to things that you will necessarily lose is the source of all pain. This is Buddhist tradition. So what is it that cannot be taken away from you? As much as the world turns upside down, if you are a really generous person, Is someone going to get it out of you? Do you realize that there have been men in
history who have been through extreme situations and they could not take away their honesty from them, its integrity its truthfulness. And we see it historically close to us. Mandela's 26 years in jail. We see this in many circumstances. That is, that which is really yours, unless you surrender it, I won't be able to take it. I can't take your honesty, how would I do that? Unless you give it to me. Do you understand? So it is the only true good because it is inalienable. It doesn't depend on the circumstances. Only depends on you. We traded
illusions for real things, and there comes a certain moment when we realize that we are empty-handed. So he uses this phrase from Socrates a lot and this wisdom is not separate from moderate pleasure or joy. It is in this book that there is a phrase by Sri Ram that I quote in everything that is my lecture, which I think is very beautiful! That he says the following: "You walk towards your duty. You walk towards your identity. If a gentle breeze blows, you enjoy the gentle breeze. If it's scorching hot, you suffer from scorching heat, but
neither, nor another, take you out of the way." He understands? It is not a sin to have pleasure. By the way, I already told you the concept of sin does not enter here. You may find that thing absurd! But in the Middle Ages almost every kind of pleasure was considered a sin. Did you know that? And almost all kinds of pleasure, that's medieval. It's not a sin to feel pleasure. Now what would be wrong? May the gentle breeze blow there and I abandon all my duty, abandon my identity, abandon my principles, to run after the
gentle breeze. That is, that pleasure suddenly took me hostage, Make me a slave. Or to escape the pain. Neither one nor the other should take you out of your way. So when he speaks, that the pursuit of wisdom is not separate from moderate pleasure or joy, moderated by what? Moderated by the human condition. There's a passage from one of the speeches of a thinker called Emanuel Kant, that he says the following: Human happiness. The Human. It's something you find, whenever you don't look for it. You pursue duty, and it comes as a by-product. Because if
you put happiness as your goal, you will want happiness at any price, and happiness at any price, the one you will have, will not be human. He understands? I seek my duty, that is, I am consistent with my principles, with my values, with my virtues, and by doing this as a by-product I have the feeling of accomplishment. I have the feeling of having made a difference in people's lives. I feel fulfilled. This is human happiness. Now, I want to be happy at any price! Look... there are some prices that are heavy. Do you think that
Attila King of the Huns did not feel, happiness, or pleasure, or joy. anything like that, in throwing the enemies' children into the wolves' den? That's what I got art from far away, so as not to take any historical example that hurts sensibilities, there's something closer. There have been things in history, there have been human beings who felt happiness and fulfillment in the most bizarre things you can imagine. That is, it is dangerous for me to place satisfaction, happiness, self-realization as the ultimate goal. Because you can pay the price for the other's happiness and fulfillment. It
makes this happiness unworthy. So duty and human happiness, by-product of that. He understands? And then you guarantee that the happiness you have is really human. Then... Pleasure or joy moderated by the human condition do not exclude wisdom. Indeed, it is said that one of the conditions of a wise man is to be cheerful. Soft, cheerful, peaceful and at peace. Our! Peace is an expression, one of the most emptied in our days, because people tend to confuse it with passivity. Peace in the sense of peace of mind! From the sleep of the just, that you sleep
even with heaven and earth. Do you realize that this is extremely difficult? Which is glorious!! It is a happiness that few have. He says this has everything to do with possessing wisdom. Well continuing with our story... The philosopher naturally accepts pleasure and pain, but does not pursue them. Wisdom is related to the good, not the pleasant. You seek good and you'll get pleasure out of it, but it's a pleasure up there! Because you can enjoy yourself like an animal, or you can have pleasure like a human being. If you seek good, do not think that
this will be indifferent from an emotional point of view. Fraternity generates pleasure. Kindness generates pleasure, altruism generates pleasure. Now, much more refined pleasure requires the purification of taste. By the way, we come across another phrase, which is also wonderful from Sri Ram, That he says that evolution is nothing more than the purification of taste. The refinement of taste. That is, it is no longer something that gives me pleasure. I feel human pleasures, and if I feel human pleasures, animals for me no longer have any flavor. So... I tend to talk a lot too, in the
classroom for those who were once my students, about the analysis and a little about the expressions that we use in our language. This is an old example. That when you greet a person, for example, that was presented to you now I don't know if you've noticed, that this moment, in general, in almost all languages, it is a very special moment. Why are you expressing to this person the best you have, as an act of goodwill, from someone you're meeting now. But if you go through history with that expression. With this presentation, this greeting, You see
a curious thing. Ok if you go to India, Namaste! To the Divine! The Sacred! Hail in Rome which is also the holy one, the divine in me communicates with the divine in you! Salaam Aleikum in the Arab world. The famous Salamaleico, which means peace be with you! Among the Incas, I really like their length, which was: Ama llulla, Ama Sua and Ama K'ella, don't be a liar, don't be a thief, don't be idle. Can you imagine such a thing? Every time you meet someone. When someone thinks about being a liar, it will drop like a
stone on the conscience. These were the expressions of presentation. And today I introduce you to a new person, what do you say to her? Much pleasure! That is what I have most noble! Most sublime! Most exalted! I wish you! And what is this? Pleasure! Then when you come to a young man, that this unfortunately is a very harsh reality in our days, who uses drugs, who gets drunk, who lives a promiscuous life, You say to him: - Don't do that! You will destroy your life fast! He will tell you: Well, you'll live to be 80,
I'll live to be 18, in the end you will take pleasure in homeopathic doses and I will take pleasure in allopathic doses, but in the end you get pleasure and so do I what's the difference? I prefer the allopathic method all at once. Do you remember that song by young people that I don't remember now the name that says it is better to live ten years to a thousand than a thousand years to ten. If you only have pleasure and so do I, What bargaining chip do you have to offer me? Do you realize that
it's hard for you to get young people out of this if you don't have anything else? Simply a mode of administration, more dosed, of the same thing. Anyway... Wisdom is related to good, that can be pleasurable but even if it wasn't, yet it would necessarily be the human duty. Because you will realize that the purification of taste has a process. So the first time I'm generous as a process of character formation, to share with you, something that was mine alone, this is not going to be pleasant. It's going to be nice there for the hundredth
time! But still, the good must take precedence over the pleasurable. Until one day the two coincide! When you educate yourself. When to debug your taste. Why educate human beings? it's not much different than educating any little animal that we have around us we educate ourselves in a series of very negative habits and re-educating is laborious, and at first not always pleasant. One day we will have awakened to this purified taste who finds generosity delightful. But even if you don't think so, do it. Educate yourself. Wisdom is synthesis, perfection of virtues. Light in the heart that
precedes everything else. In this chapter he quotes Plato a lot. Plato says something that I find very interesting. He says there is a human sense that is different from the others, which is the vision. Stop to think! The audition I need that my ear is working fine and there is noise, that's all. Touch I need my skin to be intact and the tactile object to be there. The vision you need to have your eyes in perfect condition, with the vision and perfect conditions, that there is the visible object, and that's all? The light! The light.
There is an intermediary. You can have a perfect view, things are all there, and yet you still see nothing. I remember that once I was on the beach many years ago, a magnificent sunset landscape, and suddenly it got dark. I thought, well the beauty is all there, but there is no more light, I no longer perceive anything. In other words, this intermediary that makes things catchable by human vision. He will say wisdom is like this light. what makes after her you can have access to all the other values ??that will in fact humanize you. In
other words, seek wisdom, seek self-understanding, of the hidden meaning behind all things will bring you in return not only understanding but capacity for acceptance, capacity for love, do you realize that? Sometimes I see people with sentimental maxims saying forgive the people who offended you, How are you going to do this? It will simply say: I forgive, I forgive, I forgive, I forgive, I forgive when you see the person go uhhhh... It's not a question of imposition, forgiveness is understanding. I understand human nature, so it was easy to forgive failures. both others and mine, understand them,
understand the context. Seek help. Forgiveness is understanding, love is about understanding, Compassion has to do with understanding, generosity is about understanding. It is the light that illuminates all things, and opens access to things is our heart. From there you can assimilate a series of human values, but wisdom is the light that makes all this visible to you, that opens the way, without it it is not possible. Is an ignorant virtuous person possible? Ignorant not in the sense of being uneducated Don't get it wrong, because that's not good. Not in the sense of not having, let's
say, academic degrees or schooling, But ignorant in the sense of being gross, selfish. Sometimes with enormous schooling, an unusual curriculum, but ignorant in the sense of having this animal brutality, only with the luster of superficial intellectualism. I don't know if you understand what I say, I always quote in my classes, in the lectures, because for me it was a very remarkable fact. A grandmother I had who died illiterate, who was a person with a wisdom of life that every now and then I hear a phrase from a philosopher and I remember things she said. I
wasn't ignorant! Do you understand? Be careful not to coincide the idea of ??wisdom with intellectualism. they are two very different things. It is very difficult for you to see an ignorant, brutal, virtuous person. they are antipodes. Understanding sensitizes, illuminates, and makes room for all other virtues. There he quotes, that 17th century English poet John Milton Light is the firstborn of heaven. That is, she opens the doors for all the gifts of heaven to come to you. He's going to talk a little bit about how you cultivate that light. What is cultivating light in everyday life?
What does that mean? Sometimes I see things are not quite like that, I'm not trying to aggrandize myself, but anyway I sometimes see people who like one of my lectures, come talk to me: -Look, you must have read a lot of books to give a lecture like this. If I had only read the books, it wouldn't have made any difference in my life. It's not the extension. It's a bit of reflection. A little bit of trying to live. Even though I'm a beginner at this like you are, I'm not trying to aggrandize myself in anything,
but it's not breadth, it's depth. Read all the books you want, it won't make you any less of a brute. It does not enlighten your heart, it does not make way for these gifts from Heaven. What is this poet talking about? Sri Ram all the time he is talking about it. Depth not breadth. The psychic soul must be purified from error, pass from dark to light by wisdom. He makes a point of clarifying why the Bhagavad Gita, which is a classic that he quotes a lot, a Hindu classic, like him. Indeed one of the most
beautiful books in human history. The Bhagavad Gita often refers to the soul, he wants to clarify what the Bhagavad Gita means by soul. Because soul sometimes we associate with the spirit. How can spirit be purified? Spirit by definition, if it exists it is already pure. It is a cell of God that exists within beings. If you believe him, he is. It's already pure. Will you purify what is already pure? The soul he is talking about is Psyche, which is mind and emotions. Psyche is mind and emotions, it is she who has to be purified. And
she is the one who will make you become a mirror Remember? Heaven's gifts descend to the world, and you reflect them because it's clean it's a mirror. Clear! There is a phrase from Taoism that I also really like to quote from the Taoist tradition that says that shadows were born in the world because man has become opaque. Imagine throwing light into a bamboo pipe, if that pipe is transparent, clean, down there the light arrives, but if it is full of dirt, down there it reaches the shade. It's not that? And shadows were born in the
world because man is obstructed like this bamboo pipe. The man has become opaque. So if you purify your mind and emotions they naturally tend to be elevating. Why? that you were made to be human. So if you take away all the things that tie you to the ground naturally you rise. I usually say that we have an inverse gravity law in our psyche, you take off everything that ties you to the ground, cut the ballast it tends to rise! Because? Because you were made to be human. We were made for this! So there is a
tendency in us to love the ethical, the aesthetic, the harmonious, the generous. It's on us! Just cut the ballast. So when you purify the psyche it becomes illuminated, it becomes a channel that receives these gifts from the Spirit or gifts from heaven he speaks of. It begins to capture what is proper to our nature. We were made for this. That's what it's about. We are human. Nature expects this of us Enlightened Psyche reflects your real being. That is, it removes the obstructions and you discover who you are. Be who you are knowing. That's another ancient
poet! Pindaro. It said: Be who you are by knowing. Just turn on the light and you'll find out who you've always been and it will consciously become so. The philosopher has a mind fixed on real being, although your body is on earth but your interest is above her. Sometimes we put some religious connections which are not... I'm not badmouthing religious connections, but that is not what Sri Ram is talking about. Attaining wisdom does not mean disincarnating and leaving the world. Wisdom can be attained by being in the world within a physical body. He is not
the obstruction. In fact, sometimes we feel tremendous pity for our physical body. Have you ever realized that all the silly things we do do we blame him? That's my body's laziness. It's my body's instincts. Poor thing, it's just a tool. When at the place where I work, when we call a technician in the IT area they call it "PO" operator problem. The computer is perfect. You are being silly. Do you have it? Operator Problem Your problem is between the chair and the machine. You! That is, the operator of the body. The body itself is a
machine that executes commands very flawlessly. And we can perfectly have all this wisdom being in the world. By the way, one of the things that is cited is the Buddha himself, within the Siddhartha Gautama Buddhist tradition in the world, he was a sage. And many others... in the world were wise... I mean not so many, but some have already done so. It's something possible. It's not being in the world that's the obstacle and by the way he says that the pursuit of wisdom one of the fundamental things that makes the man approach her is to
want to serve the world. if you run away from him you are going the opposite way. Why doesn't the search for wisdom imply fraternity, in generosity? If you run away from the world... Selfishness. The world needs any modicum of compassion and commitment And I run away from it all for wanting to free myself from problems and materialism whatever it is It has already fallen into selfishness. it was probably in the opposite direction of wisdom. Running away from the world is a confession of failure. One has to carry out the Dharma, mission of altruism. Living in
the world with interests different from it. It's one of the things I always mention because I love this passage from Plato When he talks about the golden man. the golden man, Why do you think Plato called a wise man golden man? Why in his time the other was on the rise? The Greek Stock Exchange Index! Goods bag? Do not. He does not speak of gold with commercial value. He speaks of gold as a characteristic which I find very interesting, that I always have to use that little ring for that which is the fact that when
you put a metal in contact with human skin, sometimes days, it depends on the person, sometimes weeks, he's all black, isn't that right? Do you realize that gold stays on your finger for years and he continues with the same characteristics. He's so true to himself, that the medium is not capable of adulterating it, isn't that interesting? Human influence is so heavy that it adulterates metals, but gold is so true to itself that the environment cannot adulterate it. In other words, we are in times of crisis. I find this interesting, because it's one thing... Have you
noticed this yet? When we live a political economic crisis there is almost a negative psychological expectation that things that are not directly related to it go bad. The mood of the girl who serves coffee at her work gets bad. Traffic is bad. These things are not directly related. People are very permeable. They become a plaything in the hand of circumstances. So this multiplies the power of the crisis, Why does it generate a human relationship crisis, crises of coexistence, crisis of everything! Things that never went wrong start to go wrong. Why does everyone start to have
a crisis mentality? and becomes an automaton, a puppet in the hand of crisis. Why does everyone have to be in a crisis mindset? Why does everyone have to behave as if in crisis, individually speaking. Living with adverse circumstances, do what is possible to do under the circumstances adapt all this very well, but violating what I am and dye according to circumstances as if I were a sponge you dipped in a bucket of red paint, she's red you dipped in the bucket of blue paint, she's blue. Who are you? It depends on the color of the
paint in the bucket. Then you are nothing! You are a pawn in the hand of circumstances. So what will he say is what man cannot say that there is nothing to do for the world. Because we came exactly to do something for the world. What if we could conceptualize wisdom one of the things that would be key for her is that. It's an intimate need and profound of being a sum factor in your life and in the lives of the people around you. Of not leaving here the same size you entered. And not leave the
world the same size you found it Even if it's a millimeter higher. but that millimeter was my sum. It was my contribution. I can't even do that? Failure! I will leave the world, seek spirituality, I will retire to a secluded place and I will go there in meditation. Well, I don't have anything against it, everyone can do what they want. but let's go and come started sinning against one of the fundamental elements of human evolution which is the commitment to humanity. There exists within the Zen tradition a Sutra which is the Maha Prajna Paramita which
says the following: Go together beyond the beyond. until the ultimate achievement. Together! Beyond the Beyond! that is, the evolution It's towards unity. The closer we get to that unity means that we are more mature. The more each one for himself, the more animalized. That's the law of the jungle. It is not a law of the human condition. So be in the world being yourself! That's a golden man. Not dependent, quite the contrary instead of circumstances conditioning you, your identity is so deep, to be able, that you are able to influence and maybe even change circumstances.
There were those who could. Someone already did. So it exists as a possibility in human nature. Men who make history. Do you know why they make history? Because history has not been able to make them. They are so true to themselves that instead of history shaping them, they shaped history. Turned the game! Hundreds of ways to get it wrong. One just to hit. Have no worldly goals. Sounds simple doesn't it? Hundreds of ways to get it wrong. Hit, just one. Have no worldly goals. Just imagine, a little animal, as we've said so far several times.
Survival instinct, species perpetuation instinct. Put a mind into this little animal. He begins to think, to reason, to have logical capacity, to look for solutions, but his goals remain what? Instinct for survival and perpetuation of the species. Do you realize that this is still not exactly a human being? That's a thinking animal. The goals are the same, and the mind came to potentiate these goals. These he calls worldly aims, merely concerned with survival that is, you can make mistakes in countless ways, but getting it right is only when you achieve human goals. It's like a
funnel. Imagine that! Countless ways for you to enter, but only one to leave. Go out like a human being, because that's what nature expects. You're not out of this game until you learn the rules. Then you run into countless problems it only comes out when you learn what nature is trying to teach you. Human. Come out as a human being necessarily. OK... Now for that it is necessary to want to leave, isn't it? The great problem of human beings is not simply to assimilate which is part of the human condition. It's wanting to leave. That
human goals today are not very related to wanting to become human so sometimes we talk very beautifully but actually we want to stay here Selfishness! The victimization! Why do I stay in this world I blame my problems on everyone else, if i become human i have to assume responsibility for my problems. If I stay here I can think only of myself if I go out here I have to think about everyone around me, so it's complex. So the human condition we could define on a sheet of paper now what is characteristic of a human being.
Now it's another thing to want to have this human condition as a goal in life. We love this human condition. Well, that distinguishes the philosopher from the ignorant. Interesting isn't it? This distinguishes the philosopher from the ignorant. Which ignores essential truths. What did I come here to do? What is expected of me as a human being? How can my life make a difference? Do I have an answer for this? Well, I already started joining another team. This distinguishes the philosopher from the ignorant. It's not just any accumulation of information. It's not quantity, it's quality. It
is not extension, it is verticality. And then you start, and it's something that's interesting, Plato talks about this that the two evils that human beings have, the worst evils are ignorance and madness but between the two ignorance is worse because it leads to madness. So you see our whole society going into a kind of, kind of neurotic process ignorance leads to madness. Ignorance is ignoring what a human being is. What is expected of him. And then we have this bunch of rules to try to force human beings to do something he would do naturally if
it had a human identity. You don't that funny isn't it? It's curious? Rules and more rules, and rules and more rules, and laws and more laws, to compel someone to do, something he would naturally do if he were human. One of these days I went to the toilet in a place, it was not a public place, it was a private place, a certain public office which had a sign: Prohibited stealing cleaning objects. It was serious! Do you imagine you have to say to a person that it is forbidden for her to steal the cleaning objects.
It wasn't stealing the verb he used, it was carrying, but deep down it's the same thing. Carrying cleaning objects is prohibited. For you to need to standardize something like that what level has human consciousness reached tells me. Good human greatness! That of our society that depends on making others small it is indifferent to the philosopher. Consider the word universe verses/uno, towards one, the universe evolves towards unity. In other words, fraternity, compassion, union is a symptom of evolution. Separateness, selfishness is a symptom of the involution of brutalization. Sometimes you come to people and say: To be
accomplished is to earn more than everyone else. Want to have more than everyone else, wants to be more successful than all. And this person seeks this as if it were fulfillment. An achievement that is at the expense of give. About the other. I always tell a story that I find interesting and that is true, it is a survey that took place a few years ago, where in an American university they took a group of 30 young people. Imagine the situation! They took each one and asked: What do you prefer? Win $5000 when your 29 friends
get $10000? Or would you rather earn just $3000 but all your other friends will only get 2? Do you believe that the majority preferred to win only three but to be the best? IT'S! Because you win 5 and be the worst of all, it's not funny! Your victory has to be over someone! He understands? I counted some time ago that a person handed a leaflet in my hand saying: Get featured! What does being highlighted mean? You cut out that little figure, pulled it up and everything else stayed down there. It's not that? Standing out means,
a lot of people failed so that your victory tasted. A lot of people got left behind, so the fact that you got ahead have some flavor. I always use the example of a race for example, you go up to your mother and say: -I took first place in a race. She will ask how wonderful my daughter how many competitors? There were a thousand competitors!! Where did they arrive? Everyone first! Everyone won. Lost grace! It's not that? Your victory has a taste if it is over someone, someone failed so that my victory has taste. That's a
mindset. Then they want people to be ethical. Then they want there to be harmony, then they want there to be no violence. Like? That's a mindset. Success is about the someone It's about someone's failure. Then you take those who protest against it and try to imagine these people if they could build a different world it would be a world with these same rules wherever they were on the other side. Or is it not so? Most cases. A world with these same rules where they had on the other team. The team that won. But there must
be losers because otherwise the taste of victory becomes unthinkable. He will say well this is involution that kind of human greatness that depends on making others small this is indifferent to the philosopher He understands evolution as unity. This for him is a purification of taste, This kind of victory is no longer funny. It doesn't have to taste. That's the kind of thing that's interesting for you to notice our taste can change! And must... Taste is not something that has to do with your spiritual essence it's conditioning. It's habit. It can change even the physical taste.
I always tell you that I once saw a personal trainer saying that he had never been hired to tell a person something they didn't already know. He was paid to be an external consciousness of people because people didn't have the ability to command themselves but everyone already knew everything he was going to say. I find that very interesting. That is, people need someone to give them orders. because they are not able to change their taste. He said look if you say: - Chocolate is delicious but I'm not going to eat it, first tension in life
you have you are going to eat chocolate. You have to be able to change your taste buds. to find the taste of bad chocolate, because then you would be free. How can people not do this? hire me to say no. To order them. In other words, I am a contracted external consciousness. I found this very curious. So think it's possible to debug the taste to the point where you don't find it funny in people failing and you winning alone. this is implied in the instruction manual of the human condition. It can be done. That's what
it's about. We came here for this. And each one who performs it is an example of how this is done. It does not avoid pleasure but does not crave it. Don't fear death but don't seek it. In other words, the philosopher needs to be human. It feeds you, it fulfills you. If great pleasure comes, If it doesn't come, well, I keep walking. I don't fear death, but I don't run after it either. May each thing come in its moment and I'm prepared. Whatever comes I will respond like the human being. It is a very beautiful
passage by coincidence today I am remembering several excerpts from Buddhism from one of the Buddhist books which is the gospel of Avasgosa which Buddha says: Whatever is brought of proof by the demon of temptations that was Mara, for the illusions of the world I will answer with righteousness. It doesn't matter what comes behind that door, whatever it is I will respond as a human being responds. Do you understand that? No matter what comes, I will respond as a human being responds. Acceptance and interest in found knowledge, but without greed. That's pretty interesting! Greed for knowledge
in general has nothing to do with knowledge. but with the title and the recognition you will get for the amount of knowledge you have. So the philosopher he is interested, he who seeks wisdom is interested in knowledge. But not greedy and desperate. In such a way that he thinks that if he has 10 diplomas he is superior to who has 9 who is superior to someone who has 8, and so you go staggering human society. He is interested in knowledge because he sees where there is intelligence a trace of God. So it's a natural interest,
you see that! I don't know if you've experienced this. Once I was passing by the television, I saw something interesting. people cultivating a winery. Now you see, I don't like wine. I don't drink any alcoholic beverages, but that thing was great people. European wineries of high quality wines they take a vine and prune all the lower branches and leave a branch at the top so that the sap has the work to make that trip, and generate fruits there with the highest quality. Can you imagine pruning everything that is inferior and leaving only that flowering up
there! For life's effort to produce its best That doesn't have a lot of parallels in human life. Isn't this beautiful? I don't like wine, but I sat down to watch this. What a smart thing! People took a principle from nature and applied it and it worked! And every time you take a universal principle from nature apply it to anything, it will work, there's no way it won't work. I found this very interesting, very beautiful. That is, I don't like wine but I sat down to watch. Has this never happened to you? The person is talking
about a subject that technically it has nothing to do with your life, but it's so smart I don't know how bees make honey. I don't like honey, but let me see, that's pretty smart. How do you do it? How is done? Don't you find it interesting? Do you realize that this is the taste of knowledge? Which is interesting! The philosopher he tracks intelligence, like a trace of god and to see. Look how prodigious! It interests me. Even if it is a matter in itself that has nothing to do with your life. This is a natural
interest in knowledge, philosopher. Plato said that the philosopher is a spectator of the totality of time and existence. Interested but not disturbed. Does not want to accumulate information without digesting I don't get anxious but when the knowledge presents itself I dive into it very deeply. Today I saw a person, a professor talking about an Excel course I found this very interesting. It was about codes. And he said look the whole world is code. When I want to communicate with my dog, I establish a code I repeat, I repeat, I repeat until he assimilates. and then
he starts to respond. Genius people like this citizen realized that. It's Symbol! This is the mythical language of life. This is super philosophical! He had no idea that he was saying anything. that was pure philosophy. Do you realize that when you stop to reflect you find a thousand parallels to this in your life. All life is a symbol. It's codes. If you learn to communicate with life, everything responds. Isn't that interesting? Now what do I have to do with Excel? He understands? That's a philosopher! This is the taste of a philosopher's life. I witness Involvement
clouds vision and judgment. Impartial and free search to arrive at the truth, about anything. So you for example, you know, that you shouldn't hire a doctor to do surgery in his wife, his in his son, because this involvement will make him when it's time to do the surgery, the scalpel shakes, he doesn't have the necessary lucidity for that. An emotional distance is needed. In general, when hiring a lawyer, you want him not to be your friend, your acquaintance, your relative, none of that. an emotional detachment that allows you to see things clearly. Seeing things clearly.
This involvement that we have with things, which is desire, makes us see everything crooked. Then he says: - There must be an anteroom of human judgment, an impartial and free search where we look at things not with desire more with an interest in making things fairer, noblest more integral, more perfect possible, without taking anything away for me. Without wanting any profit, understand? It's that story that I also always quote that word that I find very interesting of a writer Russian called Leo Tolstoy that he says there are those who pass through a forest and only
see wood for your fire. Can you imagine the universe of life that exists in a forest? Just what interests me. You can see that a person with a vision like that lacks lucidity to be able to analyze and not even define what a forest is. That is loaded with desires and will cut through the forest, you will only see what interests you, what doesn't interest you will have less importance. this detachment to know that we don't own anything, quite the contrary, we all belong to one unit. makes us see things lucidly, and be able to
judge lucidly. You never caught between us, let no one hear us, just us who are here, and all those who are going to watch this DVD. Have you ever caught a biased thought inside your head? Maybe so-and-so wasn't so wrong in that fight I had with him, but I don't care. He couldn't have done that. That is, I am not very interested in researching what really happened, I'm offended and it's over. The emotional closes the question, and give up the truth, by an emotional tantrum. He says: - A distance that allows us to see things
with lucidity is good, we only get it when we stop playing that we own things. We stop being so greedy for things. Don't you think it's curious that we mark that floor over there a piece of land and say that it is mine. How many I don't know billions of years is that piece of land and us being 70 80 years old, I don't know how many, thinking we own it. Soon it will swallow us up. Don't you think that's funny? Imagine you that the earth was aware and saw the human being saying this is
mine. I would die laughing at you. Your. Wait my dear. At the next corner I'll pick you up. You are mine. It's not that? What do we own? This greed! This game of interest makes us see everything crooked. Because things are not things, they are the projection of our interests onto it. We don't see things we see our mirror projected onto things. So you don't see anything. It does not understand pure and clean things. But just that relief game high and low relief, what interests me and what doesn't. Consider any point of view. Do not
accept or reject anything a priori. which is what he calls the anteroom of judgment. these egyptians they were all animal worshippers, so they didn't know anything. So anything you say to me oh Egypt! I don't analyze. Like this? A true seeker of wisdom, if he loves wisdom, Go get it from the other side of time. On the other side of space. On the other side of the world, wherever she is. If you put a precondition, that doesn't let you analyze some piece of the universe it will be a piece of knowledge that you will not
have access to. I don't go there! Well, there's a lot in there that you won't see. In other words, the anteroom of judgment is lucidity and love of truth. that removes your projection from above things, and lets you see things clean as they are. Do you understand this idea? It means a vision of a man who believes he doesn't own anything. As long as he believes he owns something You're going to see things with different values. what can what can't be mine. Know the nature of the error. Learn. That is to say, this is very
curious! You must realize that sometimes when we have painful experiences we learn more than when we have pleasant experiences. Knowing how to analyze which were the engines that were behind my mistake what led me to the error, What did I not see, and why did I not see it. Which obscured my view so that at that point I stopped looking. I didn't want to see something why? Why did I close my eyes to such a detail of the situation? What satisfaction did that bring me? Why didn't I want to see that such a situation was
dubious? How about such a promise being made could not be real. Why did I stop seeing? What are the engines that are acting inside me, who allowed me to make this mistake? Because what I learn from this experience maybe you grow so much with this mistake May he be more positive for you than any hit. Has it ever happened to you to live a painful experience that after a while made you grow so much, that through this growth allowed you to help so many people, that you say: - It was not an expensive price. It
cost. It was well paid. For what allowed me to grow I would pay more. It was a good price. In other words, learn from the engines behind all of life's events. It consists people in a very simple thing that Pythagoras even asked his disciples in many schools of philosophy A diary! Even if it's not written. but a moment where you stop and hold to observe their actions and see. What is it that I'm wanting with life? Why am I saying this and doing this? What's behind this action I committed today? Bring awareness into your day,
seek the hidden engines, Know who is actually in charge of your life. Who's in charge here? Why do I think that way and when it's time to act I act that way? What are the reasons that are hidden behind my action? What is actually giving the direction of my life? A daily reflection in this regard. Behind all actions. Refrain from sophistry, which is deceit there, isn't it? Conscious defense of error. I know I'm not so sure, but I will recognize that you are more right than I am? The conscious defense of error it's such a
sick moral premise, that when you commit, you realize that you are opening a space inside you, where truth is not the most important thing to you. Wisdom is not the most important thing for you. After a while, it doesn't matter at all. If you admit to living with a conscious deception, you are admitting that there are higher interests than what is true. And that from a mental point of view, you don't know the precedent that sets to get a lot in there. Eliminate deceit and take advantage of it from nature itself. That is, any mistake
that is made cannot benefit me. Once I realize, that it was a mistake, it must be corrected. I cannot feel benefited by error. This is true love, so that you can find her, first you have to love her. And if you love. It's fair play. I'm consistent. I'm faithful to the things I love. I make no concessions. The people you love, you don't betray them behind the curtain, behind the scenes of life. You are consistent, you are faithful to what you love. Make no exceptions. At least not the conscious ones. and the unconscious when I
see I react. This is the game of life. Not everything I will see but when I see it I commit to react. Be true in thoughts and actions. As in a scientific investigation he even says, at the beginning, science was called natural philosophy. Exactly by this criterion. Can you imagine that particle accelerator there which demonstrated the existence of the Higgs Boson. Imagine that Higgs went to work there, and was so enamored with his theory that he forced the to make it look like the Boson actually existed. If the scientific community discovers such a thing. Have
you ever thought what demoralization. Science has to be totally exempt and you can't have any other interest than finding out the truth, can you? But you know that everything in life should be like this. All human attitudes. Absolutely impartial, and with no other interest than the truth. That's why science, when it was born, was born with that name natural philosophy Why philosophy is like this. Those who love wisdom do not compromise. Far from religious illusions but not from true religare. That is, to reunite man with God. No need to search for unity, in whatever symbolic
way you want to express it. It's very common and it does reference to this, and it is a truth, we say the religions of our historical moment, many of them, are very decadent, there are many illusions, there are many mistakes. Does religion deceive you? Or did you want to deceive yourself and found someone who provided what you were looking for? I once met a person who told me this. Ahhh I'm coming very disappointed from a religious movement, why was I deceived there. I thought well, I must have stayed there for a month, right? It's plausible.
How long did you stay? 10 years! Did 10 years elude you? Not... They were giving you something you wanted. In other words, there was complicity. Don't tell me one thing, it's inconsistent. That is, there are interests, there are needs, there are sometimes emotional immaturities, sometimes needs to negotiate with God. Then it is logical if you need an illusion, there will be someone to provide it. And once again it is human nature, take responsibility for everything that happens to you. I deluded myself. Did they deceive me? No, I let myself be deceived. Because? Because there were
needs that were a little tortuous. It is always for your faults that you are exploited. Remember those who have attended my lectures I usually comment a lot on the winning ticket scam. Why do citizens fall for the winning ticket scam? Isn't it because it's ambitious? Can you conceive of an honest person fall for the winning ticket scam? It doesn't fall. She is exploited by her ambition. You are always exploited for your flaws. That is, there are no religious illusions, there are deceived ones, who can be deceived through politics, religion of science, art, anything. Who are
predisposed to be deluded. Ahh so the philosopher has a need to religare, like a reunion to the sacred that exists within him and in all of nature, okay? Although it is immune to illusions of any kind. Philosophy also applies to relationships between people and the ordering of society. Plato live according to the Celestial model. Then the man as pontiff as a bridge to be between heaven and earth. Remember if he is an unobstructed bamboo pipe light passes through it and reaches the world. There's no way, nature doesn't jump. If I don't have a harmonious world,
you don't have harmonious men. You don't have an honest society, if you don't have honest men. The legal entity is a fiction, it is made of human beings. If you don't build human beings capable of being truly human, any external imposition is ineffective. And this we see every day. You force someone to be honest when that vigilance ceases that person will be anything. Because honesty is not something you can have coercively either you have it as an act of conscience or you don't. Forces someone to be ethical. Once you don't oblige him anymore, he'll be
anything. Ethics is an expression of the soul, or it is not ethics. Ethics is conviction, not correctness. So once you have that human condition, everything else will be given in addition. The so-called social welfare. Philosophy invites us to live according to nature in its purity as a reflection of Divine thought, without desire or worldly fears, and that is Mystique. Mystique comes from the Greek verb called Mye which is closed, closed. Mystic, mystery, mystai were the initiates of the Eleusinian mysteries It's what's closed, closed, hidden inside you The greatest mystery in the world is your identity.
turn inwards, and see face to face who you are and what you came here to do. That is, this is the transformation of the human being that generates transformation in society, that changes the world. ???? Mystic is he in whose soul, psyche, that is, mind and emotions there is harmony. Plato will say that philosophy is music that is made with the soul. In other words, it is the greatest of all the arts according to Plato. He says a person can be a wonderful artist he is not yet complete, one day he will have to be
a philosopher. Because the philosopher he harmonizes, he does what a musician does with musical notes with his attitudes, with his thoughts, with his words. He produces symphony of words. symphony of acts, Symphony of coexistence. So philosophy is music that is made with the soul. No song compares to this state of true love. But it can help you express yourself if you're really beautiful. He says this is a thermometer for you to discover, for example, what true art is. You are feeling a very deep, very high feeling, when listening to a song it seems that it
comes out That you can find words to express it, this is good music, this was real music. I don't know if any of you have experience writing prose or poetry I don't know if you already noticed that sometimes when you hear a melody it seems that that text was already there inside that melody, and that you just brought out something that was already there. You revealed something that was hidden there. He says true music is capable of revealing that beauty that philosophy generates in the soul of man. And that is a symptom that she is
a true musician. If she is really beautiful, she helps the harmony of the soul to express itself. Now tell me something, if there is no harmony in the soul, What will the music express? What will this composer express if there is no harmony in his soul? Those who have chaos express chaos, and conveys chaos. You can't give what you don't have. You don't know what it's like not to have, and having to have to give. Remember? Djavan? Soul wisdom produces harmony in all our expressions his whole life harmonious, as if it were a symphony. Wisdom
is rare, but everyone thinks he has it from childhood, this is a sentence a sentence of Socrates that he quotes. So the teenage boy if you have the computer repaired, I don't know. - No, call a technician, I don't know. Fix the shower. -I don't know. I'm going to get a shock. Call the electrician. But... - Don't act that way. -No, no, don't mind it's my life, I know how to do it. Is it more complex or is it easier? life and computer, life and shower, what is the most complex? Jung used to say that
it's easier for you to start from scratch and build a machine that takes you to the moon, than to start from scratch and get to the inside of yourself. It's complex. But everyone thinks he is a doctor in this art. That of improvising when it comes to human life, and not learn from those who knew, he will say that it is the worst evil, that it leads to madness. This presumption leads to all kinds of error and folly. believe in something right, predict consistent conduct. As I told you: Belief you know what someone believes by
the way he moves. Act so that I can see you. Move there and I'll see what you believe. much greater accuracy than listening to what you have to say. Understanding not just abstractions but truths about everyday things The beauty of things. Why are things beautiful? Why do I think this is beautiful? Why did someone tell me? Or because it has some harmony within it that I understand and that harmonizes me The opinions I have about things What are they based on? In an honest search for the truth or in some interest that lies behind? You
see that the moment we says i'm saying this to you only because i'm very sincere And when you dive inside yourself, you see that you were wanting to hurt that person. I wasn't trying to be honest with you at all. Dive within yourself. Find your true motivations What is off behind the scenes of your identity. Basis of the actions we do nature of our will. Do we really want or just desire? This deep analysis that is sometimes painful Medieval alchemy called this work in black, that precedes the blank work, the purification. He will use the
example that I find very interesting, that I even put on the slide ahead. in christian mythology paradise is preceded by purgatory. I have to purge these impurities that you are not aware of them. This doesn't happen on another plane, it's right here. The paradise of wisdom is preceded by purgatory of the things you I don't want to be but it is I wouldn't want to do it but I do would not like to believe but believe. You have to become aware of them and bring them to light! To be able to fight on an equal
footing and go on purifying. He understands? Paradise is preceded by purgatory. So these symbols have some meaning, they are not merely religious myths. Analyze yourself carefully with tranquility and acceptance leads to wisdom. This he says and look consider! Sri Ram was a person who had a certain degree of wisdom Let's not say he's a sage, because full sage who is it? But he had a certain degree of wisdom. When someone says that means: - Come and I guarantee it! Do this every day you can. He understands? He's guaranteed. Because it's a path he certainly walked
and achieved something. In other words, analyze yourself carefully with peace of mind and acceptance. leads to wisdom He even puts a phrase by Helena Blavatsky that she says: do it without getting emotional. Accept what you have, because if you want to see yourself want to know yourself when you know, don't cry, does not roll on the floor, don't despair, you wanted it! The emotional sobriety of knowing Ihhh I'm envious people! what a horrible thing, has anyone seen it? You can be sure everyone saw it but you. If you want to see it, when you see
it, face it naturally. OK, so now let me start working on this. Start cleaning. That emotional drama when we see our faults, makes self-knowledge so painful, that you never want to see anything again. Integrate it naturally. The emotional balance to practice knowing yourself. Is this necessary. Examine the lower self in the light of the higher self without condemnation or justification. That's good! Let's start from there now let's clean up. I now I see, I really am! I always comment that when I approach a person and say you're lazy! Eeeee lazy!! You're seeing it wrong. I
already know. It won't work. It won't get better any time soon. Now if I go up to the person and say: -You are lazy. I really am but I'm fighting a battle don't you know! Today I got a little less... I know will react. You see! Jung talked about this. What you see, you dominate. What you don't see dominates you. What is in the shadow dominates you. What is in the light you will dominate, it's a matter of time, but know how to face it without dramas. Without making it a Greek tragedy. A bit of
comedy because the two balance each other out. It's part of it too. Laugh a little bit about it. Constantly examine yourself. Being aware of everything that happens to us inside, if we want the path of self-transformation and wisdom. He says something that is beautiful which is: - Self-transformation is a reality! It is possible that your point of arrival, be totally different from your starting point. Can you imagine this? A person who is conditioned by the temperament of the family, who is hot-tempered! By the horoscope which is not very good, by the Chinese horoscope which sucks!
For the tarot, for the runes, for I don't know what. I do not care! I want to get there! And I get there. And when I get there, my temper will be in check, The Runes that turn. On men the stars incline, but do not determine. No matter how many things point there, I go here. Because? Because I want! And this is possible. It is possible that your point of arrival be totally different from the starting point, self-transformation is a fact. It may happen. And it is necessary on the path of wisdom. who chooses this
you have to believe that this is possible and start working. Every day. A sincere self-analysis without dramas, and a purification plan. Purgatory comes before paradise. As I told you, I find this sentence very interesting. So that's basically the beginning of our story. First chapter. All the chapters go more or less along this line, very practical, telling you what you have to do. Do you really want this? He is sure? Come here let me show you how it is. It can be done. You can be totally different from what you are today. This is doable. You
can be the architect of your own life. It can be done. you can be anything you want. In such a way that a person says: - Fulano is from such a sign, is from such a family. Wow, it doesn't look like anything. Because you determine the circumstances, impose themselves on them, And don't settle down, to have an excuse not to fight. This is the danger of people who are doing a lot of tests what is your sign, what is this, what is that. Accommodating yourself to these constraints, and giving up the fight. So I can't
against that, they are cosmic forces. Cosmic force? Cosmic forces are cosmic forces, but I have human willpower. You watched the very old movie, Always remind me of that, and I always laugh, because it was very funny and interesting. Connan the Barbarian. The movie was worth nothing. but there is a first scene. Sorry who likes it. But it really wasn't worth much. There was a first scene that I found very curious because that warrior, Conan, who was Schwarzeneggeer, he arrived and said a prayer to the gods of Valhalla Because Odin and Frigga and Thor and I
don't know what, let them fight me! And all of a sudden he stopped like this and said: - But also, if you don't want to fight, go to hell, I'll fight alone. Don't you remember that? I mean, it doesn't matter! Does not matter. If there is a sign, there is a family determinant, I am a human being and I am endowed with will, I don't want to be this and I want to be that. I'll arrive . I will get there. You get into trouble in a number of ways. you leave through the will. And
this is doable through a daily exam and a process of awareness and transformation, punctual, like a goldsmith working a piece delicately, every day. Well, and that's it! I open for questions... New Acropolis
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