The 17 Laws of Success

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Iman Gadzhi
Connect With Me On Other Platforms: Instagram: @imangadzhi Twitter: @GadzhiIman
Video Transcript:
ladies and gentlemen in today's video I'm going to share with you the 17 success secrets of the top one percent now what this means is that I'm gonna show you an insight into what makes millionaires millionaires but in fact even farther than that I've been a very fortunate situation to make tens of millions of dollars in my 20s and have an incredible audience that Tunes in and listens to me and because I've worked hard but also been incredibly blessed in this life that's also meant that I've had anyone you could ever imagine try to reach out to me connect I'm talking the richest men in certain countries that literally play paddle and tennis with I'm talking some of the highest level football or some of the highest level Formula One drivers I'm talking self-made owners of some of the biggest companies on Earth so the reason I tell you this is because what I'm going to share with you are things that I've personally learned in my time accomplishing a fair amount definitely a very respectable amount but nowhere near what some of these people that I spend time with on a weekly basis what they've accomplished so even though the title of the video is to share with you the secrets of the top one percent this is really stuff that applies to the top zero zero one percent in any given industry so with no further Ado let's get straight into it now real quick before we get into this video all of these concepts are very conceptual and are life lessons that you need to apply but I know for a lot of people watching they want that hey do this do that don't do this don't do that to actually start with their own entrepreneurial venture and to start making money online this year and there's tons of good ways to do it and tons of bad ways to do it so after you finish watching this video I'd recommend you check out the most popular video on my YouTube channel where I basically compare all the most popular business models and actually break it down with an equation and a formula what works and what doesn't work and what you should probably try based on your unique skill sets so if you think that YouTube video may be of interest I'll leave that as a first line in the description and you can watch that after you're done with this anyways so the first secret of the top one percent is they realize that the woman they choose will be the most important decision that they ever make outside of work as men the thing that consumes most of of our time is usually women whether I be chasing women having experiences having fun whatever doing your thing being single spreading your wings all that stuff which by the way I have done plenty of in the past it's a lot of fun enjoy yourself do it if you want to do it and also don't ever let anyone shame you into thinking that's wrong it's not wrong at all but it is undeniably a distraction so obviously to build a brighter future the best thing you can have by your side is an incredible woman but at the end of the day most men don't choose the right woman to have by their side most men that want to accomplish something big in life don't have a partner that understands their grand ambition and understand that they need a safe space at home if they're going out and they're conquering and they're doing all of this for their future family for their wife at home it needs to be a safe space it needs to be a safe loving nurturing caring environment or at least that's what applies to extremely ambitious men which if you're watching this I assume is a category of men that you fall into so either men choose women that are too turbulent or or and I see this a lot as well men choose women simply based on their looks and at the end of the day looks fade looks fade and so does attraction and I'm talking about some of the most beautiful women on earth I'm talking your 10 out of 10s I'm gonna be very honest with you for every you know beautiful girl 10 out of 10 you see there is a man at home who's been with that person for years and no matter how beautiful she is he's bored of her attraction he's bored of her looks and that's just kind of what we're like as men but so many guys are so stupid and they think oh just because she's pretty okay cool you know she'll be the woman by my side it's very foolish because if you have grand Ambitions in life it's gonna get turbulent and you need a good person by your side and that's really what I've noticed with the most successful men and for me the most respectable men that I've ever seen is listen if they wanted to they had their turbulence in the past like they they enjoyed themselves they had their experiences they did whatever they wanted to do and some men that I meet that I really respect and are multi-billionaires they've only had one partner their entire life and that's beautiful as well but whether you go down the path of high school sweethearts or whether you you know have your Playboy era the destination needs to be the same which is an incredible woman by your side and a woman that you choose not based purely on looks or oh if I go to a dinner party and you know I got a beautiful woman by my side I'll have more respect because listen I can tell you high level men they don't respect that I think when I see a guy and he has a beautiful woman by his side and I know that it's just a little bit of fun for him sure that's great but when that's his Queen like that's a Woman by his side and she's pretty and that's it but she has no social intelligence or they're at a dinner table and you know she's on her phone or she just doesn't really know how to represent her and her man what respect is there in that so just understand for the men watching this and as you guys know I speak specifically to men but still shout out to the 10 or 12 of women that watch this as a man the most important decision you will make in your life is a woman that you have by your side the second success secret and this is something that Percy comes from me and I tell people this all the time everyone deserves an opinion not everyone deserves a say and here's what I mean by that there are certain things in life that I simply do not know I've not done the research I don't have any life experience and one of my favorite things when someone asks me my opinion on something that I'm just not very well educated on I haven't really given much thought or time or attention to it I just love being able to say I'll be honest I don't really have an opinion on that or I just say I can't really make an informed judgment on that so what I mean by this is I believe everyone deserves an opinion everyone can have an opinion but not everyone deserves to say it and you need to understand that this applies to your parents to your friends to maybe sometimes even in your business I will always always take the opinion of everyone in my business but some people they deserve an opinion but they don't deserve a say and I don't mean that to belittle anyone because there's areas of my life where I should definitely be a louder opinion but maybe I don't really deserve a say because I just I don't have enough experience in that to really bring anything meaningful to the table so just remember this next time you're letting other people's judgments Cloud that inner direction that you know you have because a lot of people around you will give you their opinion you know your friends your family all this and let them have their opinions but they shouldn't have a say in how your life goes because who are they to tell you unless it's someone who's extremely successful of what you've done then yeah they should probably have a bit of a say in what's going on so from day one always distinguish what is an opinion and what is good advice those two things are very different this third success secret of the top one percent is once they make money and especially when they make money in a bulk amount because a lot of people you know maybe they sell their company maybe they have you know a massive month in their business maybe they sign a big contract unless they get a big sum of money in they go and buy assets and the reason that is is especially in your first I would say really even your first 10 to 20 years in business or in your career you are a massive liability to yourself if you make a lot of money there's a high chance a high probability that you will spend it or maybe you have a rough period in your life or maybe you just have a core life or a midlife crisis I mean these things happen so instead of having all this cash instead when you get a big lump sum of cash and go buy assets go buy assets and go buy good quality things that are a little difficult to sell because the other thing go invest a percentage of your portfolio into stocks into crypto sure do these things but at the end of the day it's just one click of a button and you can sell it whereas when you're buying things like physical gold when you're buying things like houses even later down the line like I've been doing a lot of in the last couple years buying equity in businesses these aren't things that you can just sell easily so once you start making good amounts of money just remember you will be the biggest liability to yourself just remember that you have a long career ahead of you and there's always time to buy the Glamorous things that you want and do this and do that and you can do those things but first go buy some assets go get that money away from you now the next success secret is do what's practical not what's sexy the most successful people I've met they haven't made their money by having a you know an activewear brand or by building this super complicated product that took 73 million dollars in investment to go off the ground no most of them make money in really boring ways really old traditional B2B Services building software and then licensing it out to Big corporations Import and Export Logistics Timber like honestly the richest people I've met they don't do things that are like that billion dollar unicorn company they just find areas in the market where there's inefficiencies or where they can just do something even three percent better and because of that they get more of the market shares so yeah really what it comes down to is don't think that you need to build a billion dollar unicorn company just understand that there's money literally all around you and it doesn't need to be as sexy as you think it does the next success secret is that the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day I have friends of mine that are multi-billionaires and some of them wake up at 10 am and some of them wake up at 6am and they're equally as successful because I have friends of mine that work in different time zones so for them to wake up at 10 A. M makes more sense and I have friends that have physical offices and only work in one country so they don't really need to think about time zones so for them it's nice to wake up at 6am wake up get a training session in be in the office by eight or nine so just understand this whole like 5 a. m 4 a.
m like you don't need to wake up early necessarily to be successful you just need to wake up at a time that makes the most sense for you and that can be different for different people I personally wake up at 8am back when I used to live in London you know five years ago I used to wake up at 5 30 in the morning that worked for me for a while until I realized that like actually I'm not really a morning person and then I stuck to 6 30 because 6 30 I wake up my personal trainer would be at my house would be at the gym by seven o'clock and that worked for me for a few years and then now since I moved to Dubai I have 150 employees and most of my employees are in America or UK so you know now eight sometimes even 8 30 that works a little better for me so it's not about the time that you wake up instead it's about having a set morning routine a set thing that you do every single morning and just understanding that you can't crawl out of bed eat a high sugar breakfast scroll on your phone watch some YouTube and think that that's going to be an impactful way to start your day for me I wake up I wash my face I get direct sunlight and do a bit of stretching and warming up for 30 minutes and then I train for like an hour and a half have some breakfast and get to work and that's my schedule here at my home sometimes when I'm traveling and I'm not training as intensely sometimes my morning routine will be wake up have a coffee and get straight to work it doesn't need to be anything super crazy or 17 different steps the next thing is the less you talk the more they listen there's a lot of people out here that spill too many secrets that in negotiations are the first one to say the price you should never ever be the first one to say the price when you're negotiating a deal and just in general get themselves in way too much trouble by talking too much so just remember the less you talk the less mistakes you're gonna make in sort of high stress situations and usually the less you talk the more other people listen and it's just been my personal observation that the most successful people I know they usually don't talk too much they would rather listen they'd rather analyze a room and it's not always from this Machiavellian you know trying to win a war type thing a lot of times they're just listening because they actually want to get other people's opinions they want to be questioned they want to get a new perspective so just remember the less you talk the more they listen the next thing is pick the right opportunity at the right time and so many people have issues with this and I feel like YouTube and social media is a very uh terrible place for this as well because one thing I see a lot is people say don't do what someone says do what they do or something along those lines do you realize how stupid that is because here's the thing if let's say someone has been in an industry for 10 years and they're telling you hey if I was starting out I would do this are you gonna be stupid enough to think that you starting from square one can do what someone else is doing after 10 years in the industry no don't be silly everything in life is about doing things in the right order it's not always about doing the right thing it's about doing it in the right order so just understand the things you do today are nowhere near as impressive as what you can do in three years ten years 30 years in 30 years if you do business right and if you have a good career you should be able to make a phone call and that same evening have five million dollars in your bank account just simply based off of Goodwill and your reputation you can't do that now in 30 years you should probably be able to sell a hundred thousand dollars a million dollars five million dollars worth of a product or a service before you even create it just because you have so many loyal customers over the years that understand whatever you put out is quality so I wanted even if it's not available yet you can't do that right now there's businesses in 30 years that will cost you four million dollars to start and in the first year they're gonna break even but within five years of running the company it'll be a 40 million dollar a year company but just remember you needed that four million dollars to start in the first place so you don't have that so don't look at what someone else is doing let's say you're a real estate agent don't look at what a real estate agent is doing in their 15th year as being a real estate agent no look at what they did when they first started so pick the right opportunity at the right time at what I call the correct point when it comes to your career timing the next thing is discipline over motivation listen if you're going to become successful most of the time you're not going to be motivated to do it motivation is kind of like Runners High when you're running when you're running a marathon you're only going to get Runners high for some of it for a very small portion you're gonna get that feeling where you're running on clouds and you've got this intrinsic energy and all this stuff that's a very small portion when you lose that feeling of Runners High what you just give up on the marathon no you just need to have discipline you need to lock in and you need to do it whether you feel like you're not and that's the way having this successful career is motivation is great sometimes you're gonna get it but it's fleeting you need to rely on discipline instead the next success secret of what I've observed and witnessed from my wealthiest of friends is they bought A1 assets as early as they could in their career and they held on to them a lot of these people have property in London New York Paris La you name it and they've had these properties for 10 20 years and they've held on to them and it's not just properties I'm talking license plates I'm talking hotels and I understand it's going to take a bit of money to buy these things so of course you've got to focus on having a good career first but once you have a good career buy these A1 assets which aren't the most exciting Investments you know you're not going to make the craziest returns but you're never going to lose money and it's stuff that you can have throughout generations and I know it's not important right now but later down the line and it's one of the next points that I will talk about so in 20 years when you want to buy something let's say you want to buy a jet you're not going to be spending 20 million dollars on a jet no you're going to put four million dollars down in the other 60 million dollars the bank has going to give you and when you have incredible A1 Assets in your portfolio stuff that isn't the highest returns but there's basically zero risk the banks will have absolutely zero issue giving you money the next success secret is that if you sleep on a win you're gonna wake up with a loss and what I mean by that is just because you won does not make you a winner winning is a continuous process I see a lot of people in their teens in their early 20s and I'd say this is probably the biggest reason I'm in the position that I am is because I made my first million dollars cash at 18. but a lot of people in that situation they buy their Lambo or lease it or whatever they get a nice apartment and then they're King of the castle they're a winner and they had their win and they're happy with that or they go to bed with a win they hibernate with a win and then they wake up a few months later with a loss you need to understand that it is so much harder to keep it and multiply it than it is to get it getting it is one thing so of course celebrate your wins celebrate the times when you said you were going to do something and you stuck to your word but just understand that if you stay in that place if you keep revisiting the past then the future is not going to look very pretty for you now the next success secret and I kind of alluded to this earlier is build good relationships with the banks from early on and the reason I say build good relationships with the banks early on is for a couple reasons number one as much as I hate banks at some point you will need them if you do want to creatively Finance some of your assets whether you want to creatively finance a business acquisition you know you want to buy equity in a new business you want to start a new business you name it banks are very useful and the other thing is when it comes to making a lot of money I know some of you guys are literally sitting at home in your mom's basement and you're going why do I need to think about or start worrying about you know me making so much money that I need good banks on my side that aren't going to give me troubles yeah listen maybe this month you're not going to make good money maybe next year you're not going to make good money hey maybe you're not going to make good money for 10 years but they will get to a point if you keep working that you make enough money that it raises normal Banks eyebrows just normal banking eyebrows and that's where premium banking is a step above and then eventually you start getting into some private Banks and then it's a matter of where do you have your private banking and stuff like that but the point is from the age of 14 I started reading Finance books I started to understand how the world of banking and finance works and I didn't need that yet but at least I was aware and I knew that hey once I have a lot of money I need to be able to have good banking on my side and by the way all of my assets I don't have uh financing I don't have a mortgage on any of my properties I don't owe any Bank any money but it's good to know that if I need 10 million dollars by next week I have it there if I need it it's good to know that when I need to send a wire for a few million dollars they don't give me headaches because if you're dealing with normal banking good luck they're gonna think you're a criminal even if you've been in the cleanest businesses and you have years and years of track record it's normal banking they want to make your life as difficult as humanly possible so at least if you can just start thinking about these things from a young age you don't need to apply it but I just want to prepare you for it in the same way I've prepared for it 10 years ago well before I even made my money the next success secret is keep your circle small listen you can have a lot of acquaintances you can have a lot of business associates a lot of people can know who you are but in terms of your actual Circle the people that you will tell things to the people that you will confide in you have to keep that Circle small because there's only a few select amount of people that can keep up with your pace with a pace that you're moving forward and you're evolving in life there's only a few select amount of people that can keep up with it and the other thing is loose lips sink ships the more that you tell people things the more loose ends that you're creating and the more chances for that to come back and bite you listen it doesn't matter what you've done in life whether you've lived the holiest of holy life or the most sinful of life people shouldn't know your private business your private business should remain private to you and when you keep your circle small you know that it's safe whereas you know if you want to be the person who's buddy buddy with everyone and as I said be play be friendly hey Network do whatever you want to do but I'm talking don't be the person that meets someone and in the first or second dinner you know you're telling them your deepest darkest secrets and all this stuff because my rule of things is I will never tell someone outside of my inner circle you know my trusted confidence I will never tell someone something that I wouldn't want other people to know so if I tell someone something I know full well unless they're in that little small Inner Circle that I have that they're gonna tell other people and even if they don't tell other people at least I mentally prepare myself for it and that gives me a good filter of what do I tell people and what do I not so just remember keep your circle small and keep your circle solid the next success secret to talk one percent is radical responsibility your marriage failed your fault your business failed your fault you know you got a knee injury the man you couldn't uh play tennis for six months your fault whatever it is it's your fault because that is the only way to properly look at your life and analyze what are the inputs that could have led to this final outcome you know whereas if you just blame it on externals and all this you're not going to get very far in life the next success secret is work like your new money but act like you're old money and have the values of old money from our early age all I wanted to do was dress like old money have financial literacy like old money have old money principles values and bear in mind I'm 23.
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