The Game of Life and How To Win It

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
this is the cool part each one of us is currently playing the most extraordinary mysterious incredible exhilarating game that could ever be played but most characters in the game most of the avatars in the game are still unaware of this aren't they they think they've been plopped into some kind of horrible escape room how do I get out of this horrible place this game sucks actually the game doesn't suck you SU stuck at the game we literally know through science through mathematics that we live in a mathematically perfect universe everything in the universe can be
Quantified Through Math everything is numbers everything is data and it's all perfectly balanced from an atom to a planet to a galaxy everything can be Quantified by math because everything is mathematically perfect you will have to learn how to see what you cannot see you'll have to learn how to recognize patterns and repetitions in your life experience um you'll have to gain the awareness of how you perceive correctly or incorrectly and learn the difference we can say that the final boss is essentially [Music] just so what I want to talk to you about today is
a new perspective of what catalyst is why why meeting our life catalysts is the most important thing we're here to do in this human lifetime and um a new analogy or or perspective you can see spiritual balancing from and you guys know I love you know exploring different perspectives of these ideas so today the perspective that I want to uh present to you is the perspective of Life as a game or the Creator playing a virtual reality simulation the most epic incredible game that could ever be played of course the universe is more than just
a game but for the sake of understanding let's use the analogy that the universe is a game so in a game a game is programmed right and a game operates based on an operating system that was built by the game Engineers so a game is really a set of laws or rules right that you the character or the the Avatar that you're playing in the game you have to learn these rules and learn how to excel at these rules in order to win the game if you try to violate the rules of the video game
you're playing you'll never win the game right you'll just flounder on level one forever you've got to learn the rules of the game learn the map of the game and then start playing it really well right start using those rules to your advantage and things like that so the the universe being a game is law the universe is Law and we talked about this last week I believe but the ases also had this philosophy that there is just ultimately one law the law of one and in the Asen gospel of peace I believe at one
point Jesus mentions actually says the law is one or the law of one which is pretty cool but the universe is a law of one meaning there's ultimately just one law of the game one rule of the game and that rule we could say is the law of Love or the law of Do no harm uh Jesus said this right this was Jesus's answer when he was asked this question by his disciples Lord please tell us what is the highest law of all that we must follow what is the greatest commandment of all and Jesus
said the greatest single commandment is this love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and the second is like it and the way I like to see this is the second is the way we act out the first law love thy neighbor as thyself that's the one law or the law of one love God love your neighbor as if they're God because you can't say you love God and hate your neighbor who is God so they're really one law but two ways we can describe it yeah so whenever you violate
this law just like in a video game the law must violate you in equal measure in order to maintain perfect balance in the game or the universe and this is what we call Karma right we know we literally know through science through mathematics that we live in a mathematically perfect universe everything in the universe can be Quantified Through Math sacred geometry Etc everything is numbers everything is data and it's all perfectly balanced you can find the equation to anything and everything in the universe from an atom to a planet to a galaxy everything can be
Quantified by math because everything is mathematically perfect and so in a universe of Absolute Total Perfection uh this is great news of course that we live in a perfect Universe not a broken flawed or sinful or evil universe but the fact that we live in a perfect Universe has some pretty huge implications and those implications or maybe the first implication being that we ourselves must become as perfect as the universe itself if we are to enjoy its Perfection kind of like uh you're at a hotel or something and they're like hey uh floor seven of
this hotel is the uh the lounge area where it's you've got an amazing bar live music Windows you can see the whole city through comfortable um tables and chairs to sit at you know whatever you can imagine the most luxurious Lounge setting that you want to go enjoy and you're on floor one so it doesn't make any sense for you to try to enjoy the lounge on floor one cuz the lounge isn't there you've got to rise higher you've got to get in the elevator and Ascend up to where floor 7 is and then you
can enjoy the lounge the luxury that is there it's kind of like that in Consciousness isn't it there is a frequency available to us that is the Kingdom of Heaven the frequency of Love Perfection Unity wholeness Harmony the frequency of the Creator and it's available any one of us can enjoy it right now but we have to step up our vibration to where that frequency is we can't expect to pull the god frequency down to the ego's level and experience it there so just because we're stuck on the ego level of the game doesn't mean
we live in an imperfect game or a flawed game you're just on level three you've got to get to level seven so does that make sense this is how the game works so each one of us this is the cool part each one of us is currently playing the most extraordinary mysterious incredible exhilarating game that could ever be played but most characters in the game most of the avatars in the game are still unaware of this aren't they they think they've been plopped into some kind of horrible escape room how do I get out of
this horrible place this game sucks actually the game doesn't suck you suck at the game so if you want to enjoy the game you got to stop sucking at the game and that my friends is what spiritual balancing and Catalyst integration is all about how to start winning at the game so if you are a perfect infinite Eternal being what other game could you play with yourself right it's just practical it's just logical if you were a perfect infinite Eternal being all by yourself forever well invent something fun to do otherwise you're going to be
bored forever right what are you going to do with all this time and Eternity to yourself and Perfection to yourself make an incredible game and play it forever why not so the Creator does that and the game it plays is that it it can't it can't go any higher than it already is you know it can't create a game better than itself because there's nothing greater than itself it has to step down its frequency and Rise back up right it has to make the game within its own self and limit itself diminish itself down to
a single point and then expand back up to meet itself and that expansion is the spiritual path and that's the fun of the game so each one of us is the god self playing this extraordinary game that we call life which means that your life yes your personal reality is the game that you're playing we say this all the time right life is the Soden your life is the playing field of the game and in this game we might say there's seven levels as we said seven floors seven levels seven densities you are the higher
self playing this game through your avatar character okay so you're really not the character you're the awareness watching the character the I am presence itself playing the character called Aon ABY the Avatar called Aron abki and each one of us right now is currently on level three out of seven or third density attempting to reach the fourth level or the fourth density and so we cannot know all there is to know at this level we cannot attain all possible knowledge and Perfection at the third density level of the game otherwise all the remaining levels would
have no meaning right there' be no purpose to continuing on the game so the infinite Creator instead divides itself like an accordion spreading out or something into these infinite gradations you know densities and sub densities that it then moves through as it goes through the game gradually evolving and ascending its Consciousness integrating every aspect of itself piece by by piece until finally after level seven the final merger back with source is complete and you've beat the game so to speak so as the Avatar in the game you will have to learn how to see what
you cannot see you'll have to learn how to recognize patterns and repetitions in your life experience um you'll have to gain the awareness of how you perceive correctly or incorrectly and learn the difference yeah so mind heart coherence is essentially the goal of the third level the third density reaching a state of uh allowing the heart to now Crown the mind with love and now the heart and the mind are in that Hemi synchronization left and right brain uh uh left and right centers in harmony masculine and feminine mind and heart working in Oneness with
each other that's the goal of third density is like merging mind with heart heart-based Consciousness as we say and so how do we do that well of course it's through our life catalysts it's through spiritual balancing mind heart coherence as we say is the I am State when you're living from heart-based Consciousness fully you've now accessed the I am State as a permanent state so in a sense if love heart-based Consciousness mind heart coherence is the way we we beat the third level of the game the third density we can say that the final boss
of this level is essentially just judgment judgment and separation you must defeat that final boss of judgment in yourself in order to graduate from the third level to the fourth this is the whole purpose of the third level you must activate the heart chakra move into a fourth density level of awareness that trans sends judgment so now you give your avatar character the powers and abilities it needs to defeat the final boss of judgment ego Consciousness in third density so we could say you know as your avatar characters moving through this game you call life
the life of Aaron ABY or John Smith or whoever the purpose of the game you're playing right now is to expand the awareness of your avatar character until it attains the same awareness of the Creator itself and this is done by gradually raising our frequency by assimilating and integrating our life lessons and integrating all perspectives into love and understanding because that's non-judgment right I don't judge any perspective in the universe if someone wants to take the perspective that they're a murderer and act that perspective out I do not judge I forgive I love and accept
I let them be where they are I judge no no living being now we're living by the law of one and that's why I said earlier that this is the difficult or important aspect of the game that because we live in a perfect Universe a perfect game we ourselves must make ourselves match that Perfection and so we do that by obeying learning and abiding by the law of one the one law of the game and so that one law must violate me every time I I violate it every time I put someone out of my
heart to any degree anytime that I resist the present moment to any degree you see any slight slightest deviation from absolute Unity Consciousness creates Karma why cuz we live in a balanced mathematically balanced and perfect universe so if you try to make it an imperfect Universe even in your own perception you've violated the law of one and so it has to violate you to balance it out so this is why Karma means your own doing there is no deity getting upset at you and judging you it's it's you're doing it to yourself by not perceiving
Truth by not obeying the law and then bringing that Karma upon yourself it's a teaching device it's not punishment how else could your character learn the rules of the game if there aren't consequences for violating the rules of the game that's the whole fun of a game right if you jump off the map with your character they float into the abyss and then your character dies and they reappear back on the level and you start over so you can't just do whatever you want in a game or it wouldn't be any fun you've got to
figure out the game you're playing so karma is a teacher not a Punisher but nevertheless we've been given Free Will as the avatar characters of the game to do whatever we want yeah that's the negative polarity do what thou will is the the negative philosophy Do no harm is the positive philosophy of the the path of light so we've been given the free will to do what thou will we can violate the law as much as we want no one's going to stop us but what you don't have the free will is to avoid the
consequences of violating those laws you cannot avoid the consequence no matter how hard you may try if you judge someone if you harm someone if you violate the law in any way maybe not right away maybe not even tomorrow or the next week but at some point that Karma will come back around to you and you will experience the same pain you caused the other or the same Distortion that you created will come back upon you right to give you the reflection of oh that action or thought has a consequence to it so it must
not be in alignment with the law of one you expanded awareness good job that's the purpose of the game so you never lose even when you violate the law that's not a loss or a mistake it's a way to learn and that my friends is the point of catalyst integration this is the only interface we have with the game is our own life experience in other words the goal of this game is to transform your character your avatar into a perfect reflection of the law of one your character must become a perfect reflection of the
law of one that's the ultimate purpose of the game and thankfully as we say we don't need to reach a 100% state of perfect alignment with the law of one we can actually beat the third density level with a 51% grade of alignment isn't the Creator merciful you guys the Creator could easily make it so that we have to reach 100% you know illumination 100% alignment and so we'd probably spend a whole lot more lifetimes in third density but the Creator says I know my children that third density is a really freaking hard level lot
of suffering lot of pain lot of challenge so I'm going to make it somewhat easy for you to get out of that level I'm not going to make it the hardest level of the game or something I mean it is in the sense that it's the most intense with positive negative Duality right but it's the shortest level of the game so we just need to reach a 51% alignment with the law of one but I say why settle for the lowest grade possible right why pass with the D+ let's pass with an A+ let's go
for the 100% And even if we miss it in this lifetime if we only get to 90% alignment with the law of one at least we know we're for sure going to graduate and earn a whole lot more polarization in this life than we would have otherwise so let's reach for the highest yeah so why do we need to balance and integrate our life through our catalysts because every single challenge that we face in life represents our own deviation from the law of one only your life can show you where you're still living thinking or
feeling out of alignment with the universal law and so again to even perceive someone as less than Divine is still a violation of the law of one so even at the level of perception the game is calibrating your every movement seeing how in or out of alignment you are and course correcting you but are you paying attention to those Corrections are you tuning in are you seeing what the universe is telling you of where you're out of alignment out of balance so we gradually move back into alignment with the law of one by meeting our
life experiences with the law of one right we have to learn the law of one the law of Love learn how love demonstrates itself in SpaceTime and get better and better at expressing that law through our self this is how we crystallize become crystallized right we learn the truth we contemplate the truth we begin to understand and then understand and then we start to act it out and demonstrate it and so as we do this right the Mind heart coherence aspect of this is that we're attempting to make all that is in the subconscious conscious
we're trying to become aware of what we cannot see in ourselves and our life is doing that for us our life experiences are reflecting those things that are stuck in the subconscious that we're trying to become conscious of does that make sense so that's what mind heart coherence is is the subconscious and the conscious becoming one no secrets no darkness no Shadows no concealing full awareness full light everywhere so again we can only see this through paying attention to our life the way we react to life the way we respond to life and if we
ever feel a lack of peace or Joy or love in any degree we know we must have stepped out of a alignment with the law of one because living in alignment with the law of one there's only perfect happiness there's only perfect love doesn't mean we don't still feel or empathize with the pain of others or notice the pain of others that's not what we're saying we're saying that our default state of being is at peace forever more because we now perceive and experience the perfect universe that we are in and therefore experience our self
as a perfect being because there can't be an imperfect being inside of a perfect Universe it would cancel it out wouldn't it so to perceive the universe as perfect is to perceive yourself as perfect so we're not improving on ourselves as we go through the game and level up our Avatar right we're just improving our seeming imperfections the one who's actually playing the game the higher self doesn't have those imperfections or flaws so it's just part of the game it's part of the learning it's part of the fun of it all but nevertheless the only
way to learn those things and to to make the unconscious conscious to bring the Mind into coherence with the heart enter the I am State be a fully self-aware being a fully self-illuminated being is by using our life situations to balance our distortions so man why did I say that thing that was so rude of me I can't believe I said that or man I'm so passive aggressive around that person why does that come out of me you know when we're meeting our life with this curiosity and this desire this willingness to learn we start
learning really quick life becomes a powerful teacher a a perfect Guru that you couldn't you couldn't find a better Guru in India or Tibet if you wanted to your life is ready to be a teacher to you like that if and only if you're ready and willing to sit at its feet and be its disciple so let me give you three quick you know rules for winning the game or uh let's call them cheat codes since we're on the theme of A game uh these are the three cheat codes to win the game of third
density if I had to give you three I would start with these ones number one would be always use others as your primary mirror like if you're going to take advantage of one thing in your life if you ignore everything else and you're oblivious to everything else but you just pay attention to one thing make it other people make it your interactions with others the parts of you that come out when you're in relationship to others because what you judge whether positively or negatively in others is really what you like or dislike about yourself it's
what you have integrated or not integrated in yourself so until you see everyone as perfect as Divine without any trace of judgment towards them only love and compassion then you must continue to balance yourself your perception of others uh still needs upgrading right so what's really helpful is to know first of all that nobody on Earth has any greater percentage of darkness in them than anyone else does some are just more aware of their Darkness people like you and I who are on a spiritual path we're just more aware of our potential darkness and we've
worked on balancing it others are not aware of their darkness and so their darkness is running them like a hand inside of a puppet everyone's at a different stage of the game everyone's at a different stage of their Awakening and individuation process so let me not judge where somebody is or I lower my perception and frequency and I violate the law of one let me not join them in their ignorance by judging them right but let me use every person let me use every interaction and every aspect of me that comes out in every reaction
as a mirror if anything comes out of me towards somebody that is not loving understanding kind generous grateful happy at peace if anything other than love comes out of me I have to see what that is and balance it find the cause in myself what part of my shadow is not yet in the light what part of my unconscious have I not seen in the conscious have I not made conscious in my awareness everyone you interact with is offering you powerful mirrors and when you start looking for those mirrors I promise you they they just
keep going deeper you can have the most Pleasant interaction with somebody and see all kinds of imbalances in yourself how many of you have had that experience like even though you're having a very kind generous interaction with someone you're still noticing parts of you that maybe want to come up or maybe are being a bit impatient or judging them in some subtle way or projecting onto them in some subtle way and so although they don't know it you're watching all the data flying across your Consciousness as you interact with them the impulses to have judgmental
thoughts might be there even though on the outside they're not you're being very kind and loving you know like no situation is absent of information and reflection and service to you so you should always be awake and aware in every moment paying attention to everything you're experiencing and sometimes you're being offered very very positive Reflections right sometimes life is showing you look how incredibly loving you've become look how much light you exude that everybody wants to be around you people love being in your presence people offer you Reflections like you know I just want to
let you know you're like just the sweetest person I've encountered this week you'll you'll start getting more Reflections like that your energy is just wonderful I love talking with you and those are very positive Reflections that the universe is saying you're killing it man you're winning the game keep going you're going in the right direction we also need those Reflections and the more we Ascend and the more we raise our frequency the more of those we get so it's not that we're only learning through pain or something it's just that if you want to really
level up your pain your suffering your challenge is the way to do that that's the greatest upgrade available in the game is to learn where you're imbalanced to to become more humble to be willing to um acknowledge your fault and apolog ize and be humble like those are the hardest things to do and also the greatest ways to upgrade your avatar your character in the game so use other people as your primary mirror and this is nothing we don't say every week here but still Bears repeating an emphasis the second hack of the game I
would say is kind of what I said earlier is just practice mindfulness and intentionality in all that you do take no situation for granted everything means something as we just said in a universe of unending intelligence infinite Perfection there are no coincidences there are no accidents here everything you experience has data that you can learn from to expand your Avatar's self-awareness so learn to become curious right live with childlike curiosity about everything you experience and always ask those powerful questions like why did I attract that experience whether it was a positive or negative experience right
whether it created a joyful expansive emotion in you or a negative Contracting emotion in you ask the same question why did I attract that experience what is this experience trying to show me about myself what is it trying to teach me about myself you know if I even uh drop a spoon in the kitchen while I'm making coffee I ask why did I drop that and almost always the reflection that I see is it's just life showing you slow down a bit you know something that simple you're going a little too fast see how you're
dropping things spilling things you know even those are reflections of trying to trying to go a little faster than your character is able to go so to speak or maybe trying to control a little bit too much you know we should move with mindfulness and intentionality and presence such that we're we're cognizant of everything we're doing right so even dropping a spoon can show you that learn to become curious and bring intentionality and mindfulness to everything that's number two number three the third hack I can already see the thumbnail for this video three hacks to
beat the universe or something like that uh learn to maintain an attitude of gratitude allow yourself to meet every moment with total acceptance and trust with a grateful heart even the most challenging circumstances like uh this morning right we wake up and have no internet and uh low on sleep you know and my my ego mind is trying to start complaining in the background and I'm just like nope I will give you no oxygen to breathe here brother I'm not letting you take a hold of my attention for one second the fact that I'm tired
is a blessing thank you Father for this tiredness today the fact that my internet's not working and maybe we don't have a call today and I let everybody down that's also perfect if that needs to happen I cannot lose in a perfect Universe thank you God and I just trust and just let it go and then boom 30 minutes it turns on that was what was meant to happen even if it hadn't happened I would have still said Thank you and looked at what the reflection was what is there for me to learn about this
but nonetheless this is the path is meet everything with gratitude because if you're not trusting you're controlling right the third belief the third belief is your lack of trust in the universe your trust in the game so if you're not trusting you're controlling and therefore creating further Distortion in your avatar character so gratitude is the state of trust isn't it you don't need to know anything you don't need to know what anything means you don't need to know what it's for yet all of those things are usually revealed to you at a later time almost
always sometimes you get immediate Reflections for sure but most of the time most situations that are challenging you don't know exactly why it's happening you don't know exactly why this challenge has occurred but you just say thank you life I accept this and I want to learn from it please show me the lesson here and then life just like a proud father or proud mother just shines down upon you raises your frequency and you move through the situation with presence and trust and surrender and it all works out for your good in the end and
you get a huge upgrade it's like all we got to do is adopt the attitude of gratitude and we pass every test we learn every lesson that there is to learn when we don't resist and don't judge what's happening so in the present moment gratitude is the only energy you need to stay in alignment with the law of one because gratitude is love right if you're grateful for somebody you're interacting with that's an act of love you're being loving towards them you're perceiving them lovingly you know gratitude wipes the Slate clean from the ego's canvas
gratitude doesn't exist anywhere in the ego's Consciousness ego ego Consciousness it only exists in unity Consciousness so if you just learn to be grateful for everything and you know what if you got to grind your teeth sometimes who cares it it's going to be challenging in the beginning right you can't just reprogram a lifetime of habits of resisting life and complaining and bitching about everything you can't just listen to One lecture in 4 to you and expect that now you're just going to have openhearted gratitude when your tire bursts on the highway doesn't work like
that it's it's a practice and I'm still practicing every single day I'm still going deeper into this practice every day seeing my character level up in this ability every day and that's what's going to be happening for the rest of this Incarnation there's no arriving right cuz we're in an infinite universe so there's there's only more levels to go there's only more upgrades more Ascension available so just learn to be grateful even if you're like you know late to work Tire pops or you get pulled over by a cop and your your ego is just
rushing to resist inside of you you feel the the negative emotions charging up and you're just like God damn it and you remember just be grateful just say thank you you don't know why it's good yet it seems like it sucks who cares just say thank you so you're sitting there in the car you know all the cops approaching thank you God for this freaking experience it has to be like that sometimes you know you go begrudgingly the ego goes begrudgingly into the light but as you just to any degree you can do it even
if just 1% more grateful is all you're capable of do it why why not why waste time take advantage of what you can do in this moment be a even a little bit grateful is a Improvement and then the next time you have a difficult circumstance you're 2% more grateful F and then the next time you're 4% more grateful and then the next time you're 8% more grateful spiritual Ascension really is logarithmic like that it's not linear you can make huge Quantum leaps in your growth in a very short period of time based upon the
sincerity the intentionality the intensity that you meet a catalyst with how conscious are you how tuned in are you how intentional are you right now like are you really really hyper aware that this experience is nothing more than a catalyst for the evolution of Consciousness it's the higher self playing a playing a game through your character if you're really aware of that and you really want to meet this Catalyst You Can level up huge Quantum leaps but you can never do it without gratitude so try to authentically feel and express deep empathy and gratitude for
all perspectives and all viewpoints all situations you know this is is admittedly challenging to do but just a sincere expression of gratitude you guys raises vibration immediately just can you access some feeling of gratitude even you know what doesn't kill you makes you stronger you're like hey this is a super tough situation but if I can at least just practice being with it you know what doesn't kill me makes me stronger like even that as minimal of a perspective as that is is still an up upgrade it's still a form of gratitude and so it
will raise your vibration and then as you step up in frequency a little bit you can now have access to an even higher vibration so you can just keep requalifying your thoughts with gratitude acceptance and as you keep requalifying you keep ascending your frequency you know this is just a practical explanation of how we play this game every single day so we've got using other people as your primary mirror you know the best learning device is other people that's number one always remember that number two is just to practice mindfulness and intentionality not just with
the people you encounter but with every situation in your life you know spilling a a drip on your shirt dropping a spoon um forgetting something even the little mundane things still have data and information so practice mindfulness presence be very intentional about everything you do be awake and aware be conscious that's number two and then the third hack is um learn to maintain an attitude of gratitude practice gratitude practice gratitude becoming your default state that whatever Catalyst hits you today Bing gratitude is what comes out to meet it it's your default mode it's your first
response you program it into your Consciousness right like a software you program gratitude to be your first response you don't need to know understand perceive everything you may be totally unaware of what's going on but if you can be grateful you're in alignment with the law of one and now higher intelligence can flow through that channel [Music]
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