If You See These Signs, You Are BLOCKING God's Blessings (AVOID THIS)

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have you ever felt like you're growing closer to God but still not experiencing the Breakthrough or blessings you've been longing for I have some encouraging news for you your breakthrough is closer than you think however there may be certain obstacles preventing you from fully receiving God's Divine blessings sometimes even small things can block the immense blessings God has in store for your life in today's video we're going to explore seven potential barriers that might be hindering God's favor and richly deserved blessings in your life I encourage you to watch until the end as this understanding
could be the key to unlocking the Breakthrough God has planned for you so without further Ado let's delve into the seven things that can block God's Divine blessings and prevent the Breakthrough you've been praying for during your trials the first thing that could be a hindrance to Blessings is lack of faith faith is a Cornerstone of our relationship with God essential for experiencing the fullness of his blessings but what exactly is faith faith in a Biblical context is the complete trust and confidence in God and his plans for us it's about believing in his presence
promises and power even when we cannot see or understand the path ahead one of the significant barriers to receiving God's blessings is a lack of faith this is a common struggle especially during challenging times our emotions can lead us astray causing us to doubt and waver in our beliefs for instance we might recognize that someone isn't trustworthy but in a moment of Hope or emotional vulnerability we might ignore that knowledge and end up making the same mistakes similarly learning a new skill like swimming requires us to trust in what we know despite our fears if
we doubt our abilities or the instruction we receive we may struggle to progress this analogy illustrates how doubt can hinder Us in various aspects of life including our spiritual journey when we allow fear and uncertainty to take root we close ourselves off to the incredible opportunities and support that God has in store for us Faith isn't just about believing in God during the good times it's about trusting him through the challenges and knowing that he has a plan for our lives by maintaining our faith even in the darkest moments we keep our hearts open to
God's guidance and blessings enabling us to overcome our struggles and emerge stronger than before even when our rational mind has accepted the truth of our beliefs there will be times when doubt Creeps in often fueled by difficult circumstances or tempting situations it's during these moments that Faith becomes crucial Faith isn't about blindly believing it's about holding on to what we've come to know is true even when our emotions try to sway us we all experience moments of doubt and uncertainty but developing the habit of Faith helps us stay grounded by doing so we ensure that
our beliefs are not at the mercy of our changing moods or external pressures but are rooted in a deeper more steadfast trust in God faith is a powerful force it's the foundation of our relationship with God when we Face trials like job losses family issues or broken relationships it's easy to start doubting God's presence I want you to know that that it's okay to feel this way God understands our struggles and meets us where we are faith is not the absence of Doubt but rather Faith keeps believing even in the midst of your doubts in
Hebrews 11:6 the Bible tells us without faith it's impossible to please God this verse highlights the importance of faith in our lives Faith isn't just about believing in God's existence it's about trusting him completely even when things don't make sense think about your own life are there areas where you're doubting God's presence maybe you're dealing with the loss of a job and you're worried about how you'll provide for your family or perhaps there's tension in your relationships and you're not sure if things will ever get better in these moments it's natural to question if God
is really there but remember he is always with you even when you can't see it in Matthew chapter 17:20 Jesus tells us if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move this shows that even a small amount of faith can lead to incredible changes in our lives imagine the mountains in your life the challenges and obstacles you're facing with faith those mountains can move faith is not just about believing in the extraordinary but also about trusting in the process and
taking consistent steps forward it's about seeing beyond the immediate and holding on to Hope even when the path seems un certain the mustard seed is small yet it grows into one of the largest garden plants providing shelter and sustenance similarly your faith no matter how small can grow and expand bringing strength and resilience to your life by nurturing your faith and taking action you can transform your challenges into opportunities for growth and Triumph remember it's not the size of your faith but the strength of your belief that makes the difference James 1:6 reminds us but
when you ask you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind Faith anchors us keeping us steady even when life storms hit sometimes the reason we are not experiencing God's blessings could be because we do not ask with full confidence and Faith when we pray with doubt in our hearts it's like asking without truly believing that God will answer this lack of faith can be a barrier to experiencing the Breakthrough we've been longing for it's important to ask with a heart
full of Faith trusting that God hears our prayers and will respond according to his perfect will so in your next prayer ask God with full faith for the things you desire if it is his will he will grant them to you approach him with confidence knowing that he loves you and wants the best for you trust in his timing and his plan for your life remember God's blessings are often waiting just on the other side of our unwavering Faith the second factor that could hinder us from receiving God's Divine blessings is a lack of humility
I want to remind you right from the start that the power of humility can reap a harvest of blessings in your life so let's explore this together with Open Hearts humility is a beautiful and Powerful virtue it's the key to unlocking many of God's blessings when we think of humility we often think of small everyday actions where we put others before ourselves it could be as simple as listening to a friend in need admitting when we're wrong or even letting someone else take the spotlight these acts of humility might seem small but they can have
a profound impact on our spiritual lives it's often difficult in our current Society to show as much humility as the Lord would like culturally we've moved further away from God's ways and instead placed focus on the world's ways humility is not seen as a positive trait it's seen as a weakness and in a lot of cases humility is seen as a flaw that should be avoided at all costs in a world that prizes self-promotion and celebrates individual achievements practicing humility can be challenging social media for instance often encourages us to showcase our best selves highlighting
our successes while concealing our struggles this cultural shift makes it harder to embrace humility as admitting our imperfections or asking for help is frequently perceived as a sign of weakness yet true strength lies in recognizing our limitations and relying on God's grace to guide us by embracing humility we open ourselves to genuine connections with others and Foster a community built on trust and compassion through humble acts we reflect God's love and create a ripple effect that can transform form not only our lives but also the lives of those around us the Bible teaches us that
pride is the devil's tool it was Pride that led to the first sin and it remains one of the biggest pitfalls in our spiritual journey Proverbs 11:2 says when pride comes then comes disgrace but with humility comes wisdom when we Embrace humility we open ourselves to God's wisdom and with the right wisdom the right blessings will flow into our lives now I want you to take a moment and reflect on your own life are there areas where pride has taken root it's easy to let Pride creep in unnoticed maybe it's in our achievements our possessions
or even in our relationships recognizing these areas is the first step towards change Philippians 2:3 and 4 tells us do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit rather in humility value others above yourselves not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others this principle of sewing and reaping is powerful when we seow seeds of humility we will reap a harvest of blessings it's about putting others first serving with a genuine heart and seeking God's will above our own let's look at a story from the Bible that illustrates
this beautifully in the Book of Luke Jesus tells the parable of the tax collector in the Pharisee the Pharisee full of Pride boasted about his righteousness while the tax collector deeply aware of his sinfulness humbly asked for God's mercy Jesus said that it was the humble tax collector who was justified before God this story teaches us that God values a humble heart over a proud one I want to assure you that your journey towards humility is already a sign of God's work in your life the fact that you're watching this video seeking to grow and
receive God's blessings shows a humble and teachable spirit you are on the right path humility is not about thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less it's about recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God as you go about your day look for those small opportunities to practice humility it might be in a kind word a selfless act or simply listening with an open heart the third fact factor that could hinder us from receiving God's Divine blessings is doubting God's goodness have you ever found yourself questioning if God
is really good especially when you're tired of waiting have gone through difficult relationships or when your work isn't going well you're not alone these feelings are more common than you might think living in this broken world can sometimes make us doubt God's goodness we might question why he doesn't solve our problems or give us everything we desire for instance when Eve believed the Serpent's deceit she began to question the Lord's decision to forbid eating from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil why would he withhold wisdom and such appealing food from her our
thoughts mirror EES when we disagree with God about what is best for us from a human perspective good means something enjoyable comfortable or beneficial however God's definition of good is far greater and always aimed at fulfilling his purpose shaping us to be more like Christ every restriction or commandment from the Lord is rooted in his love for us he understands the repercussions of sin and wants to steer us away from decisions that could ruin our lives when we encounter hardships and setbacks it's natural to feel disheartened and question God's plan yet these moments are chances
to strengthen our faith and trust in his wisdom just as a parent guides a child out of love God's instru ructions even when they seem limiting are designed to protect and help us grow by embracing his wisdom and following his lead we can find deep peace and Assurance knowing we are cared for by a good and loving God doubting God's goodness can be a significant barrier to receiving his Divine blessings and experiencing the breakthroughs we long for when life gets hard it's easy to let doubt creep in and overshadow our faith let's look at the
story of Moses and the Israelites after being freed from slavery in Egypt the Israelites faced many challenges in the wilderness they frequently doubted God's goodness especially when they lacked food and water they even questioned if God had brought them out of Egypt to die in the desert despite their doubts God continually provided for them showing his unwavering love and faithfulness this story reminds us that even when we doubt God's goodness remains constant reflect on a time in your life when you felt abandoned when doubt overshadowed your faith maybe it was during a period of financial
hardship a health scare or a time of deep personal loss now think about how God showed up in those moments often in unexpected ways maybe it was through a kind word from a stranger an unexpected Financial blessing or a sudden sense of peace that washed over you these moments are reminders of God's goodness even when we can't see it clearly in the book of Lamentations we find a powerful reminder of God's unwavering compassion and faithfulness Lamentations 3: 21-24 says yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope because of the Lord's great love
we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness I say to myself the Lord is my portion therefore I will wait for him my friends let these words sink deep into your heart God's love and compassion for us are renewed every morning he is faithful even when our circumstances are challenging in those moments when doubt tries to overshadow your faith take a stand and speak out loud God is good declare it with conviction God is good this simple yet powerful declaration can dispel the darkness that tries
to creep into your heart saying God is good reaffirms your trust in him and defeats every attack from the dark that tries to pull you away from his goodness every time you speak these words you are reminding yourself of his unchanging nature and his unwavering love for you my friends your dedication to immersing yourself in his word brings joy to God's heart the enemy doesn't want you to watch this entire video especially the next powerful Factor the fourth factor that could hinder us from receiving God's Divine blessings is idolatry idolatry isn't just about bowing to
statues or false gods it's anything we prioritize above our relationship with God think about your life are there things you place above God for some it might be the Relentless pursuit of a career that leaves little time for prayer and spiritual growth for others it might be an obsession with financial stability that creates constant anxiety and worry perhaps it's a relationship where you seek validation more from another person than from God even modern-day distractions like social media technology and entertainment can become Idols if they consume our hearts more than our love for God pursuing a
career is a good thing we should strive for excellence and work hard as if we are serving the lord however if chasing success starts to control our values and choices we risk turning our jobs into Idols long hours and Relentless ambition can take away time for prayer refle ction and Community causing our spiritual lives to suffer in the same way seeking Financial stability is wise but it can become an obsession worrying about money can dominate our thoughts and actions making us trust in wealth more than in God's provision Jesus warned us about this when he
said you cannot serve both God and money relationships can also become Idols it's normal to seek love and affirmation from those we care about but if we depend more on human approval than on God's love we have our priorities wrong no human relationship can fulfill the Deep spiritual need that only God can satisfy even harmless activities like social media and entertainment can affect our spiritual well-being these platforms are designed to grab our attention often leading to hours spent scrolling through feeds instead of praying or studying scripture when these distractions take up more of our hearts
than our love for God they become Idols in short anything that takes our Focus away from God and His purposes can become an idol let's ensure that our hearts and Minds stay focused on Christ keeping our relationship with God above all else this way we protect ourselves from slowly drifting into idolatry in the book of Exodus God commands you shall have no other gods before me this isn't just a rule it's a pathway to true freedom and divine favor when we place anything above God it blocks the blessings he wants to pour into our lives
think about that for a moment God's blessings are waiting for you but they're being obstructed by what you prioritize over him consider the story of the Rich Young Ruler found in Luke 18 this young man approached Jesus and asked what he must do to inherit eternal life Jesus told him to keep the Commandments the young man said he had kept them all but when Jesus told him to sell all he had give to the poor and follow him the man went away sad because his wealth was more important to him this story powerfully illustrates how
our attachment to worldly things can hinder our walk with God and block the blessings he desires to give us let's take a moment now wherever you are pause and give your Idols to God Speak Out Loud that you place God first in your life say Lord I Surrender my Idols to you I place you above all else when you put God first everything changes you create space for God to move powerfully in your life the purest blessings come when God is at the center he promises to take care of everything your needs your worries your
future encourage yourself with this truth God will take care of you have maximum faith and let go of your worries the power of Letting Go and surrendering to to God brings peace that surpasses understanding even financially God will provide but you must place it in God's hands and surrender your own will to unblock God's Divine favor we must identify these Idols in our lives and surrender them to God by putting God first we open the door to His blessings and provision now let's move on to our next sign which is incredibly important in our journey
to spiritual breakthrough the fifth thing that could be a hinder to Blessings is impatience impatience is a significant enemy when it comes to reaping the blessings God has in store for us often our trials are a time when God is shaping us preparing us for the Breakthrough that is coming think of it as God making you stronger molding you into the person ready to receive his Abundant Blessings everyone struggles with impatience yearning for the moment when they fully step into their purpose this impatience can be deceiving creating Illusions and dampening dreams it can send you
on an emotional roller coaster making it difficult to maintain a balance between excitement and discouragement in the pursuit of your purpose impatience May tempt you to grasp at any opportunity believing it will bring you closer to your goal however placing your trust in people or circumstances instead of God can lead you astray the path you believe is right may not align with God's perfect plan for you trust in God for he knows the right time and place for your blessings to unfold let's reflect on the story of David in the book of First Samuel we
learn that David was anointed as the future king of Israel when he was just a young boy however he had to wait many years before he actually became king during this time David faced numerous trials including being pursued by King Saul who sought to kill him despite these hardships David remained patient and faithful to God his patience and steadfastness were eventually rewarded when he ascended to the throne and United the Kingdom of Israel David's Journey teaches us the value of patience and faith in God's timing instead of succumbing to hopelessness or despair we can choose
to Rejoice knowing that God is with us guiding us through every challenge the original Greek word for joy is Cara meaning cheerfulness and gladness this Joy is not dependent on our circumstances but resides within us offering peace even amidst life storms regardless of the trial Source or severity we can remain joyful hopeful and at peace Under Pressure our true faith and character are revealed every trial we Face Works something significant in us whether we realize it or not these challenging seasons can become profound encounters with Jesus through his word they can be moments where God
teaches us patience and draws us deeper into intimacy with him through prayer and his word they are opportunities for God to shape our character making us more Christlike in our words actions and attitudes allowing us to shine his light to the world I know it can be challenging to remain patient when you are longing for a breakthrough maybe you have been praying for a financial blessing a healing or a Reconciliation in your family it's easy to feel frustrated when the answer don't come as quickly as we hope but Galatians 6:9 encourages us let us not
become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up my friends do not give up continue to trust in God's timing for he knows what is best for you your perseverance will be rewarded with a Bountiful Harvest in due time consider this impatience can lead us to make hasty decisions that may not align with God's will for example think about Sarah and Abraham in the Bible God promised them a son but when the promise seemed delayed Sarah suggested that Abraham have a child with her
maid servant Hagar this impatience led to complications and heartache trusting God's timing is crucial to receiving his best for us reflect on your own life for a moment have you ever rushed into a decision because you were tired of waiting maybe you took a job that wasn't right for you or entered a relation relationship that wasn't God's best these decisions made out of impatience can lead to regret and missed blessings but when we wait on the Lord we find that his plans far exceed our own in your current situation whatever it may be remember that
God is at work he sees the bigger picture and knows the best path for you trust him my friends the sixth thing that could be a hindrance to Blessings is fear fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze us and hinder our spiritual growth it can block our blessings and prevent the breakthroughs we've been longing for during our trials fear doesn't come from God it is from the Devil the kind of fear we are discussing here isn't the reverential fear of God which is like a child's respectful fear of disappointing their loving father instead it's
a harmful fear that keeps us from walking confidently with Jesus this fear manifests in various ways such as fear of poverty fear of death fear of failure fear of the unknown the Bible teaches us that perfect love casts out fear this perfect love is found in our relationship with Jesus Christ when we draw closer to God and experience his perfect love the harmful fears that once gripped us begin to lose their hold this transformative process allows us to replace our fear with faith knowing that God is in control and has our best interests at heart
by embracing God's love and surrendering our fears to to him we open the door for his peace to flood Our Lives enabling us to walk boldly and confidently in our spiritual journey this shift from Fear to Faith is a vital step in unlocking God's Divine blessings and experiencing the fullness of his promises in 2 Timothy 1:7 it is written for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind God wants us to live with confidence courage and a peaceful mind trusting in his Divine protection
and provision he wants us to have a spirit of boldness not timidity let's consider the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den from The Book of Daniel chapter 6 Daniel was a man of great faith and prayer even when a decree was issued that anyone who prayed to anyone except King Darius would be thrown into the lion's den Daniel did not let fear dominate him he continued to pray to God as he always did as a result he was thrown into the Den of Lions but God honored his faith and shut the mouths of the
Lions Daniel was unharmed and his faith remained strong this story illustrates that faith can conquer fear Daniel's trust in God was greater than his fear of the Lions similarly our trust in God should be greater than any fear we Face we must remember that God Is With Us in every situation protecting and guiding us just as he was with Daniel to eliminate fear we need to immerse ourselves in God's word and his promises when we meditate on scriptures our faith grows stronger in Psalm 56:3 it says whenever I am afraid I will trust in you
trusting in God replaces our fear with peace another practical way to combat fear is through prayer when we bring our fears To God In Prayer he fills us with his peace in eliminating fear you pave the way for God's blessings to flow more freely into your life we've reached the last but certainly the most important thing that can block God's Divine blessings in our lives this one is significant unforgiveness unforgiveness is a heavy burden that can block God's blessings in our lives when we hold on to grudges and refuse to forgive others it weighs down
our hearts and hinders our spiritual growth my friends if certain names are coming to your mind right now it could very well be the Holy Spirit revealing these individuals to you this is an invitation to let go and find Freedom through forgiveness forgiveness is essential in our relationship with God when we forgive we open our hearts to his love and healing it's easy to say we forgive but truly letting go of hurt is challenging God wants us to forgive others just as he forgives Us in the Lord's Prayer Jesus tells us to forgive those who
wrong us make making it clear that our own forgiveness from God depends on it this means letting go of all grudges no matter how big or small and choosing to release the hurt forgiving isn't about saying the wrong didn't happen or wasn't painful it's about freeing ourselves from the hold it has on us when we forgive we find peace and allow God's blessings to flow into our lives remember forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself as much as to others it brings peace and spirit ual freedom in the Book of Matthew Jesus teaches us
about the importance of forgiveness Matthew 6:14 and 15 says for if you forgive other people when they sin against you your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others their sins your father will not forgive your sins this powerful message reminds us that our willingness to forgive others is directly tied to the Forgiveness we receive from God consider your own heart are there people you have not forgiven are there past hurts that you cling to maybe you're struggling to forgive yourself for mistakes you've made remember my friends Jesus went to
the cross for those very sins he endured unimaginable pain so that we could be forgiven imagine the agony he felt and let that fill you with gratitude and the strength to forgive remember forgiveness is not a one-time event but a daily choice you are now equipped with the understanding and tools to break through through the barriers that have been holding you back the way to Blessings is indeed clearer now as we come to the end of this video I want to thank you for joining me on this journey of uncovering the barriers that might be
blocking God's Divine blessings in our lives your commitment to seeking God's truth and guidance is a testament to your faith and desire to grow closer to him if this video has blessed you please like share and subscribe to our channel for more uplifting content feel free to leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments below I love hearing from you and praying for you may God continue to bless you richly guide your steps and fill your life with his peace and joy until next time
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