it's a really important thing for people to have a realization about the nature of reality our body the biology all around us have a common cause there is a fundamental field at the source of creation I've been working on unifying all this for 35 years from the scales of the cosmology to the scales of quantum mechanics which currently is fractured in our physics and that's a big problem if you access this all of a sudden you realize the infinite nature of your existence the incredible potential that you hold we've called intuition intuition as almost a
derogatory word where in fact intuition is the most valuable it's like the universe is talking to you and are you listening there's a really bright future for Humanity if we are able to bring this level of information out [Music] hey everyone welcome back to know thyself Our Guest today is a physicist and a researcher who's been shaking up the scientific Community with his revolutionary theories and ideas ranging on everything from the structure of SpaceTime to the very nature of Consciousness his unified field Theory work suggests a universe that's fundamentally connected at levels we're only beginning
to comprehend and we'll be exploring the implications that his his idea has on human potential who we are and understanding our place in the cosmos Nassim Herman it's an honor to have you here thank you so much for having me so great to be here with you yeah yeah really been looking forward to this for just meeting with you and connecting and eventually doing this podcast for a while and so let's just Dive Right In right on yeah let's skip the weather conversation yeah how's the weather the sports yeah um straight into the structure of
SpaceTime and the nature of reality and the nature of reality exactly you know start with the easy stuff yeah yeah the light stuff um so I'm curious just like in your elevator pitch or like trying to give a high level overview of your work to somebody in 30 seconds how would you explain what you feel like you're here to do on the planet and what your work is really about wow that's a big one um I I I think it's a really important thing for people to have a realization about the nature of reality like
that uh coherence and self-organizing systems that we are in uh our body the biology all around us um the structure even of solar systems and galaxies and all this have a common cause that there is a fundamental field at the source of creation that's producing all the effects we see at the physical level and the biological level and to unify all this from the scales of the cosmology to the scales of quantum mechanics which currently is fractured in our physics and that's a big problem so I've been working on unifying all this for 35 years
and there's technological applications that come out of it that are really transformative for a society uh a new way of extracting energy a new way of dealing with gravity and so on so so there's a lot you know to unpack there a lot of your theories refer to reality as a sort of holographic in nature how do you explain what that is so somebody who's not familiar with that term of like holographic Universe the idea that every Point contains the whole is what I mean by holographic um so I I use it Loosely um in
the holographic Mass solution that I've published in 2012 it's more specific to the way that I am um uh using the equations to describe like a surface to volume ratio which has been Loosely called holographic in physics there's a thing in physics called the holographic principle that has to do with the entropy of a black hole and so without getting too technical basically it says that the entropy of the black hole is equivalent to one quar of the information on the on its surface that's holographically imprinted on the surface and the entropy is like the
the thermal emission the the diffusion of energy of this of this object if you'd like and I showed that this diffusion of the surface of the Event Horizon of a black hole is actually what gives Mass to the proton that the proton the nuclear of an atom is like a mini black hole that's diffusing energy Hawking radiation and that that energy is what we call the mass of the proton but that the internal energy of a proton is much much higher than the mass we measure really looking forward to unpacking how the hole is weaved
within the part and how the information is contained from you on the level of a proton throughout the whole Cosmos could you unpack how you're coming at the understanding of what space time is and how it's made up of these little grains or pixels in a way right so let's start with the beginning but but maybe let let's do a little parenthesis just to complete what you were saying that if we do it like really naively uh the holographic principle appears When you're counting the number of grains in the volume of the proton and you
find that it's equivalent in terms of energy or information as all the other protons in the universe so that each proton contains the whole which is a principle uh it's a principle of holography but U let's start from the beginning let it's um when MOX plunk uh started quantum mechanics he did so because he was giving the task to make a better light bulb and the light bulbs at the time were burning out too fast and uh he was asked if he could help to make a better one he was a famous physicist people thought
he could help and he looked at the theories of the time and predicted something goofy about like you know the emission of thermodynamic emission or the electromagnetic emission of a heating body uh it said that the emissions should have infinite amount of ultraviolet it was called the ultraviolet catastrophe uh and when we were measuring the ultraviolet of a light bulb in the laboratory weren't seeing infinite amount of ultraviolet so so so plon thought okay how can I fix this equation and in fixing it he added like a fudge Factor okay called h a constant that
became Plank's constant and basically PE your listener needs to know a little bit of quantum mechanics basically these equations are describing an oscillator a harmonic oscillator which is usually represented as a spring with a weight but but the universe doesn't do Springs and weights I mean it does after he's it's made the human that makes the spring and the weight so it's really kind of a bad uh visual to use although it's the visual that's taught to students typically when they're learning quantum mechanics the oscillator is best visualized as a little spinning top right that's
oscillating and it's absorbing photons and emitting photons right so he described like the little heat that's coming off the filament of the light as like oscillators and the and the constantly put in there you know like eventually like imagine you're describing the atom as a little oscillator right and um and the constant that he put in there to make it work so it give the right answer on the Spectra of you know light that comes off the filament um it predicted something weird it predicted all the correct values for the different temperatures having different colors
of the Spectra right which is the plon law but uh and it got rid of the Infinities for the ultraviolet but it predicted something more than that it predicted that um they would be you know at zero caline when there's no termal uh agitation there should be no energy but what the equation predicted is that there's an infinite amount of energy at zero caline and so plunc called it 0 point energy and that's the and and so basically said something really weird as well it said that the constant he added called H and then eventually
H bar meant that the oscillator doesn't continuously emit um electromagnetic field like thermal radiation but it does so in packets of energy so it builds energy and then it release a packet it builds or it only absorbs packets you understand and so it was saying something that was not instinctive to him that like they would be packets you know and eventually Einstein took these packets called them photons and described the photoelectric effect which he won the Nobel Prize for so these packets or quanta of energy started quantum mechanics and I was as I was saying
the equation on top of it said something weird about the foundation or the ground state of the electromagnetic field instead of saying that at zero calvine when everything is frozen and the little oscillator should be Frozen and nothing is happening it should have zero energy instead it said it had infinite of amount of energy like that there was a bath of infinite amount of energy at the ground state of the electromagnetic field and so in the paper we just published we start with that because actually this history of Zero Point Energy is not necessarily well
taught and well understood by the scientific community and um the the the the fact that mathematically you cannot remove the Zero Point Energy is not necessarily well understood neither because in the history what we did is we remove that ground state because they didn't know what to do with an infinite amount of energy they didn't like that answer so they and and it's not clear you know it was the time of the war people were racing to make the atomic the atomic bomb maybe it was removed on purpose you know because maybe we didn't want
certain countries to have an idea that there's infinite amount of energy available and they were trying to create Vision at the time and so on of the nuclear of the atom they maybe that was removed on purpose but but anyway it was removed and we show that that makes Quantum mechanically Quantum mechanic um mathematically inconsistent technically it makes the equation commutative when it should be non-commutative that is the little oscillator is absorbing photons and emitting photons right by remove the Z by removing the Z Point Energy it's like you remove the source of energy if
we go back to the spring if you stop doing this the spring is going to stop oscillating right it has to have a source so when you remove the zero Point Energy like you remove the source of the oscillator you still can do math on the oscillator and get the right answer and all this but now the oscillator physically is making missing the source of energy to make it oscillate do you understand kind of yeah like your your car wheel is like a an oscillator right it's spinning but you have to put energy in the
motor for the wheel to turn mhm if you remove the energy right you could still do the math of a wheel turning as if it didn't need energy but in the real world it does right so all the oscillators that makes up the atoms like the atoms being these little oscillators that absorbing photons and emitting photons well they wouldn't be able to continue if they didn't have this source of energy in these equations and to remove it isn't appropriate so we demonstrate that initially and then we eventually show that that source of energy is actually
the source of mass for the atom so how I want to try to make this as accessible as possible for our listeners are I'm sorry I'm trying to say it simply no I mean you're it's it's the it's the most immense task to try to squeeze down Decades of research and work into deep quantum mechanics and physics into a you know a concise way so I'm just curious like in the transition of Paradigm of our understanding of the structure of space time these packets of energy yeah what's the implication if what the work you're doing
is continues to be proven and shown that your theories are true like what is that the implication is that oh okay the the source of the material world like the atoms the energy that runs the protons that makes the proton go is not some miracle energy that we've called The Big Bang mhm right which is about as good as like Dogma in religions where they just tell you well God made it which doesn't really tell you what that is God or what is the big bang like how did all the energy in the Big Bang
arrive and and why is it keeping everything going after it bang right why is it not stopping why is it even accelerating in the universe like you know there's all it all of a sudden grounds this into no no there's a source of energy that was found hund like over a 100 years ago already at the start of quantum mechanics but that was ignored um that's actually feeding all this reality into existence it's like continuously feeding because the little oscillator when we think oscillation we have a tendency of thinking linearly right like a spring going
up and down or a thing oscillating but it's oscillating because it's spinning MH okay and so it would have stopped spinning like seconds after the so-called Big Bang if it didn't have a source of energy so what I'm saying is that the the implication is that all of a sudden we realize there's a source of energy that's running this world and we we wrote this math analytically it's beautiful it outputs the mass of the atom but as well it it outputs the forces that we measure at the atomic level and at the cosmological level it
predicts gravity and so on and so it actually saying this this there's only one thing there's the flow of this energy and this energy that this field is producing all of our reality and now we're applying it to biophysics and finding like scaling from that fundament Al field you find that it's the energy at the source of biology as well so in this work as we continue to unpack this the various different fundamental constituents and structures of of reality like I know since 1999 you've been ex doing experiments spinning plasma at high velocities and under
and and seeing how it could potentially be possible to control gravity and spend SpaceTime and you know use those curvatures yeah so how does this change our understanding of what gravity is and how we can navigate it manipulate it so yeah it's really important because you know remember this ground state energy called Zero Point Energy is an electromagnetic ground state so it's electromagnetic oscillation that are occurring at the very fine level of the structure of SpaceTime super fine like billions of times smaller than the atom is the wavelength of this oscillation so it's and and
so it's really high frequency really high energy people say you know this is something that your listener might ask like why am I not feeling it if it's so much energy you know well you know like the the the the microwaves that are running you know your phone uh you know or you know the radio wave in the environment right now you're not feeling nether doesn't mean they're not there right they're clearly there and we use them all the time well this is a field that's like so remote in terms of energy and frequency from
our current scale that we don't experience it directly right so and so um but we measure it it's called The Casmir effect we know it's there so later on after plon long after you know even Casmir which wrote these equations in 47 we were able in laboratory to measure it in 1997 and you know we we were able to like show that um you can create a little gradient in the Zero Point Energy and get Force so we we we calculated the gradient of this energy when it's inside like a little structure like a proton
the nuclear an atom if the nuclear of an atom is a little smoothie of that energy if you like and we calculated the pressure it would produce and we got the strong force we got the Color Force we got the forces that we measure in the nuclea of the atom in terms of the pressure of this field onto the atomic structure and then we calculated that this pressure changes as you move away from the atom and eventually becomes gravity and so all of a sudden you have a direct relationship between this 0 point electromagnetic field
and the gravitational field and we can control electromagnetic field so we can create our own little smoothie to create our own little gravitational anomaly or gradient in a region of space and that would allow us to control gravity and we we built this whole society because we learned how to control electromagnetic fields the next step for Humanity is to actually learn to control gravitational field which could like free Humanity in what way you're talking about the engineering implications of being able to travel throughout the cosmos yeah you know if you have gravity control uh you're
not needing to burn thousands of tons of fuel to like get some rocket into orbit you can actually levitate um you know a a ship uh right into the atmosphere very rapidly you could go to Jupiter for the weekend I mean like it it changes fundamentally and and it might sound completely outrageous what I'm telling you right now but think about a week before the right Brothers flew the first plane if you went in their Village and told people that in a few uh weeks somebody the two brothers over there that are making bicycles they're
going to bring you know a few thousand pounds of material up in the air with them on it you know they would have thought you were insane and actually they would have good support to think that because there was hundreds of papers published in physics in peer review journal showing that it was not not possible that sounded like over Unity that sounded like free energy at the time the idea that you could push air right enough fast enough that you could create enough lift to lift the thing that's making the air circulate sounded like not
possible right and so there was many papers showing that that was not possible but then the right brothers did it anyway right and so you know the idea that we can control gravity and that we can make spaceship that can levitate and and go visit our solar system very rapidly and have access to almost infinite amount of resources and and completely transform our society uh might sound like really out there you know currently but it's really just one invention and it's an invention that I don't think is actually that hard to make if you understand
where gravity comes from which C current theory doesn't meaning Einstein told us gravity is the result of curvature of SpaceTime but didn't say what SpaceTime is right what is spacetime what is that thing that's curving and what I'm showing clearly in those papers is that SpaceTime is 0 point energy is the Quantum grain that is Flowing like a fluid in space FaceTime okay so this is very exciting and I want to keep unpacking this but just as a sidebar because it came up you know through and I think it would be good throughout this whole
conversation you know there's so much overlap between the new novel Discovery um and scientific thought that's emerging with ancient wisdom tradition knowledge about human potential and who we are you know many have said we are made in the image and likeness of God we are vibrational beings that can attune ourselves different states and frequencies and I'm just curious as somebody who's been for a while at the Forefront of discovery of like new novel thought what do you feel about if we are connected to the whole like you said if it's imprinted in the parts what
do you think uh is the reality of us being able to attune to these new discoveries like the right Brothers perhaps like like new discovery where people thought for thousands of years that it would be completely impossible and then now we just it's everyday life right and so for somebody who is at the Forefront of what may be revolutionary and its implications for integrating to society what do you think about uh being able to tune in and attune yourself to those discoveries before they come in well I think they have a really fundamental um philosophical
and spiritual meaning these discoveries that's the thing it's not just nice physics to unify physics and nice uh engineering to make technology it actually is telling you something very profound about the nature of your existence is saying that you're connected to a field of information that field is fundamental to your existence that it's nourishing it's what actually make the coherent process in your body possible and so that you can attune to this you know this field of information or this field of Energy Zero Point Energy it was already there in ancient civilization all around the
world they had all kinds of names for it in the poian island it was called Mana there was um you know uh chi and certain societies it was called all kinds of um you know different ways in different Society but you find it all around the world uh they all knew there was a field and and later on even in um in modern physics later on um you know at the turn of the 19th century and so on it was called ether right there was ether Theory and um Maxwell wrote his equation of electromagnetics with
an ether present in his theory he was saying the electromagnetic waves were traveling through an ether and so on and so to know that that is really there and it's the source of the material world and it connects us all because we're all in this field is like profound right because all of a sudden you're not isolated anymore in fact nothing can be ever isolated uh because it's always part of this field and you are um in constant information transfer with this field there's a constant emission of photons and absorption of phons going on like
you're constantly termal dynamically burning right like your carnal engine running at like 100 fenite right for 80 years Non-Stop and if it baries by a few degrees you're not having a good day that day right and you're absorbing photons even through your eyes to you're absorbing information through your senses and all this feeding it back and to realize you're part of this incredible feed forward feedback structure of SpaceTime that you're participating in a collective that's learning about itself it really transform your perspective on your existence and your role in the universe it's it has profound
meaning and and I could say much more about that but you know like generally that's that's what it's saying and then and your that your nature is is is profound you know people think of themsel as one thing but you're 100 trillion celf 50 to 100 trillion cell it's non-trivial complexity there's like billions of chemical change occurring every second in your body you're making a million cells a sec second to replenish the ones you're losing like you it's a dynamic very energetic thing that you are and that's only at the cellular level each of one
of those 100 trillion cell is made out of 100 trillion atoms okay that's a datomic level so like 100 trillion multiply by 100 trillion is the density of the at structure of your existence that's highly coherent and coordinated to make you right and that's you know I mean I'm getting philosophical here I just want to make sure you're your your listeners understand I'm talking based on very rigorous you know analytical mathematical and physics uh equations um so I'm I'm I'm not saying saying this only in the philosophical sense like there's a real true and I'm
I'm writing a bio paper on this right now biophysics paper on this like there's a real true scaling from this fundamental field into your existence that is the pulse it's like the fundamental pulse of creation continuously creating this incredible coherency and recreating it every second because we we tend to think oh we're one thing coherent and we think of it as like some static thing like we were put together and we we stayed together but it's nothing static at all like in in a few days you'll have replace all your skin and in a few
weeks you'll have replace your bones and your you know um and your organs and all this and you know in a few months all of a sudden you know you've made a new do right and it's like so you're constantly redoing this incredible coherent behavior um and it's very specific to you it's not like you and me we're both humans but we don't have the same irises and we don't have the same digits and we don't you know nothing is the same right we're individual in the Oneness of that field because it fractalized to infinity
and in the fractal every point is the center so you're not seeing the same thing I'm seeing when we're looking at this cup you're seeing that side I'm seeing this side so we're fitting different information to the field that coheres us into existence so the field responds with a little bit different information and so that's why I'm a little different than you right so to realize that like wow I'm actually creating as I'm feeding into this field and this feed field is feeding me back um my experience in this world like to realize I'm part
of something that I can engineer that I can get involved in and transform I think that's a lot of the spiritual practice that you're talking about it's learning how to you know interact with this field and manipulate it to like improve our condition man it really seems like from the microscopic to the macroscopic the universe is having all these unique perspectives and just like through Nim and Andre experienced like we are unique perspectives of the universe experiencing itself through our eyes exactly and um so so every individual every point in the field is infinitely important
it's it's giving its own peace to the universe right so that it can self-organize into very advanc systems very Advanced complex systems that were evidence of quick one got a question for you do you know if you're getting enough magnesium because four out of five Americans are not and insu efficient magnesium levels are directly linked to poor regulation of stress hormones and Restless sleep among many other things I personally have experienced this and I use a health tracker so I can monitor with data the changes of my sleep and I have definitely noticed that if
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our inherent interconnectedness that is very real it's not some spiritual New Age woowoo philosophical idea it's an existential reality of how life operates and reality Works um and you see the bees are not on the planet that doesn't have flowers right like it's all interdependent nature is completely interdependent and we are interdependent we don't really have a choice because I you know tend to think about this a lot is like and to what degree have I realized my own interconnectedness and what in what aspect does my own ego identity structure create separateness between others which
is the source of so much suffering and I think we live in a a society where the Mythos of separation is so deeply embedded that sees individuals as completely separate individuals and doesn't recognize that interdependency that you were speaking to yeah you could even think of it technically you know many of our laws of conservation our laws of thermodynamics starts with this statement within a closed system da da da and it's useful for engineering okay to like cl to assume that the system is isolated from everything else in the universe and so that you can
calculate you know its energy and so on however if you forgot that you made that closed system artificially now you have the wrong your view of the Dynamics of the universe are a little bit tweaked right because if you look up isolated system in any physics dictionary it should start if it's a good dictionary with the first sentence saying no such thing has ever been found right no system can be completely isolated from gravitational fields from electromagnetic fields right you can't isolate system all are parts of a bigger hole in a way and that that's
right that's right and one of those I guess presumptions that we kind of just put to the side is our idea of empty space and I would love because a lot of the work that you're is is exploring that empty space isn't actually empty you know and our notion of the conventional understanding of space as a smooth Continuum and like this empty space um I just love that you're challenging it and so I just want to keep weaving in and out from the philosophical understandings and how this can be practical for people's lives but then
also the science and what you're doing here so you challenging it but I actually I'm not I I actually it's I'm just reminding physicists that it was not only predicted but but measured in laboratory and that it's necessary for the foundation of quantum mechanics to be consistent ma both mathematically and conceptually in physics you can't have an oscillator that doesn't have a source and so this is this is very straightforward and it doesn't come from me you know space is full of electromagnetic fields fluctuating with infinite amount of energy or at least with energy all
the way to the pl scale um which means it has you and the plun scale is so fine that the frequency is very very high like if the wavelength is short then the frequency is very high and so it's incredible amount of energy at the plank scale like a cenm cube of space has enough energy to if I squish the whole universe into that centimeter cube of space like all the stars all the galaxies all the black holes everything into the imagine how bright that thing would be okay it would still be 39 orders of
magnitude not dense enough to describe the Zero Point Energy the Zero Point Energy is 10 to the 93 G per CM Cube It's it's a huge density right so space is actually extremely dense in electromagnetic fields and that's not a prediction I made that that is right from the foundation of quantum mechanics so so how do you I guess how do you relate to the empty the the the space that is not so empty in between the atoms in our cell the the space between our galaxies that is super vast so the error that was
made is to to ignore that field and now all you're left with is the things that were in the field now you only have the things so they're isolated and now you can't realize that the things you're looking at that you're talking that you're calling particles like the protons in the nuclear of the atom or the atom itself or the electron are actually dynamics of that field if you don't have the field anymore then you don't know that what you're looking at is just the Dynamics of that field you see so now you get confused
you think that you're dealing with like billiard balls when in fact you're dealing with the field Dynamic and and that changes everything so it really you know changes things when you put the field bu by in and it starts to actually make everything make sense and I mean make sense mathematically and you know it's describing properly what you're measuring like the mass the proton the standard model does not describe properly where Mass come from right there's a higs mechanism but the higs mechanism only predicts 5% of the mass of the proton 5% can you unpack
this a little bit more how the all the information from the whole universe lies within a proton could you explain that okay um that gets a little complicated but I simplify for it for us yeah for me as a dumb monkey over here yes well that's okay um so there's evidence that um so there's these things that are predicted by uh Einstein field equation that called wormholes and um it's basically when there's enough energy in a region of space SpaceTime can curve itself into little uh tube that connects distant areas you know and uh almost
instantaneously okay and these tubes would be plank siiz tube that connects things and in quantum physics there's this thing that we measure in laboratory that particles can be entangled right so that if you change the state of this particle over there this one change instantaneously even if it's on the other side the universe if it's entangled and now we're starting to discover that this entanglement that we measured in laboratory maybe the the re the reason for this entanglement is is that it's connected through wormholes and that the particles might act like mini black holes so
that the hubs are black holes and they are connected through wormholes like a network like a neuron Network where the server you know like a like a internet Network where the server is the little black hole and the cables are the wormholes and so um strangely my equation uh when I was kind of calculated the number of bits of information and so in physics there's a relationship between energy Mass equals mc² there's as well a relationship between mass or energy and information okay so where one plank is a little one bit of information if you'd
like and so I was calculating the information transfer that this little black hole proton in the nuclear of the atom which never decays this little oscillator seems to have an infinite source of energy never decays well I was trying to figure out what is its relationship ship to the rest and when I calculated this I found that this the volume in terms of little plank structures in terms of little bits of information has all the information of the rest the universe in it okay because it's connected through the little Wormhole to the whole rest of
the universe you're able to calculate the mass of the universe within the single proton within a single proton and when we use standard equation to calculate the rest of the the mass the universe we end up with 4.9% the master Universe the rest we have to invent in dark matter and dark energy 96% of the mass the universe we have to put it in as a fudge Factor because the but in this case when you do it with the proton like that you get the exact density of the universe you get the exact Mass not
needing to do any fudging you get the mindblowing it's mindblowing because you're studying a teeny little teeny thing inside the atom like it's so small and you get answers about the nature of the universe can you give us an understanding of how small like a proton is in terms of yeah so so like I was saying you're like cells are already small because you made a 50 to 100,000 cell trillion a trillion cell yeah that that's a lot of cell right like so they're already small and each cell is made of 100 trillion atom so
that's small okay and then if you take an atom and you say okay the atom size is the electron cloud right well if the electron cloud was the size of the Dome at the Vatican then the proton would be the head of a pin in the middle okay so the atom is 99.99999% space and that space is full of electromagnetic fluctuation and the little proton in the middle you can't say it's a bilard ball when you do the physics of it it it's all you can say is that in that region of space there's a
really high energy density okay that you're describing as a particle but it's not like a billiard ball right right it's not necessarily physical and how we would describe it that's right when you're looking at the physics of physicality you find that there's no real phys yeah it's not really physical it's all field interaction it's all exchange it's all ratio of exchange of information and so it's it's remarkable it's mindblowing like you have I would have to run you through a lot of equation we would be here forever but there's many moments in these equations when
I would run you through your brain would just splatter on the walls because it's like wow it's so incredible like one of the things I made I calculate I figured out this ratio right of the scaling from this PL field from the what I call the plun plasma so it's a plasma where the particles of the plasma is the pl size oscillators right and I calculated like so if it's making worm holes of plank size connecting things then the stuff that's going through the worm holes has to be smaller than the plon size so I
how yeah how how is that even possible right cuz isn't PL the plon then you have to go super luminous right the pl size def find the speed you have to go you got to go super luminous because you're inside the black hole right and so so I calculated because now I know the scaling so I was able to calculate that so I was able to calculate how fast the information is moving and entangling all the particles so we say in quantum physics it's instantaneous the entanglement but that's just because it's so fuing fast that
we can't measure it right so it's actually not instantaneous it's just really fast no and and if the universe was connected that way and and the refresh rate was at the speed of light the universe would fall apart because it would take billions of years for information to go from one side of the universe to the other the univer the states of every particle in the universe must be known so that all the other particles can be in the appropriate relationship of states right so at the speed of light it cannot happen but at the
speed so I calculate at the speed of the sub plank how fast would a bit of information go from this side of the universe to the other side of the universe so it has to do with the size of the universe and the speed of the S Blan as it goes through the network of all the protons right so I calculated that and it give me 10 Theus 23 seconds to go from one side of the universe like [Music] 0.0023 Z of a second right it's super fast right to go across the universe and that
just okay this is the part where my brain just got splattered all over the wall that I recognized that number when I saw that number it just happens to be exactly how long it takes one proton to do one turn damn for the oscillator to do every time the oscillator does one turn the universe has been updated about the state of all one complete spin one complete spin all the rest of the oscillators in the universe has been you know updated on the state of that and and so everything is continuously in relationship that way
and it's like you start to see it's like gear ratios yeah you know it's like gear structuring the structure of space but in a completely nonlinear way so I'm curious what you think about this because obviously that's incredibly mind-blowing and if we're all made of the same thing the universe is made out of I'm curious about what your thoughts are having access to non-local information and allowing knowledge to emerge from within us like the Hermetic principle of As Above So Below as within so without exactly kind of points to this that all starts to make
sense but very rigorously you know when it's no longer a philosophy when it's rigorous then it's really giving you all the details the mechanics on how it works it's very very powerful as well for engineering because now you can make you know warp drives you can make energy anywhere you are you know go to Jupiter for the weekend like go to the Jupiter for the weekend will change your very romantic no it's powerful you know as well yeah yeah I mean you know looking at Earth in your bedroom you know from Jupiter would be a
nice you know SC uh scenic view and it and so or you can levitate your you know your habitat you know just at the right uh sanr uh orbit so that you have sunset in your living room all the time you know or sunrise or and so you all of a sudden you know Society changed dramatically but yeah like you were saying like the these ancient principle that since we're made out of that stuff it might have emerged instinctively from us never mind that the Ancients told the world in all of their cultures we didn't
came up with this people that came from the stars came and told us this you know Sun gods that came from the universe serious yeah from all over the do tribe like all these amazing incredible ancient traditions and societies that had access to information that they POS couldn't have possibly come up with at the time exactly they knew that Sirus was a a a binary star system they knew that serus b was like the heaviest material in like you know which is which is true you know is white draw and you know like s like
they knew the orbit of series B around Ser say I mean it is like all these things is remarkable there's no way we discovered this when we got telescopes big enough um you know way later right uh so I mean there's a couple perspectives of like how that could be possible one is that there is you know a previous ancient civilization that had contact with alien beings or whatever but also on on on we were just talking about if we have access to non-local information and the whole like you can calculate the acceleration and density
of the universe within a single proton and we have we're made up of protons you know then I'm just curious like what how does this change our notion of human potential as these discoveries and you're making them scientifically uh rigorous what does it mean and what potential implications does it have as to who we are and like what what we are as human beings well you know you might start to consider that even the the seat of your Consciousness is actually coming from that Source right that um that your knowledge and your creativity is actually
emerging from that inner knowing right that inner annoying and if you look at the greatest scientist or sculptors or you know artists and so on around the world in history most of them said it was from within I had like a gut feeling and maybe a scientist like went after and tried to figure out the math for it but they had the concept first if you want to know the future you look at you know science Fiction's movie because you know all the technology we have today was in science fiction not so long ago right
the cell phone the refrigerator the you know the the submarines all this was like everything the planes the Rockets it was all in our inner knowing first and then we figured out how to do make it in the real world so where is that coming from right it it so so yeah I I truly believe that because the proton is entangled that particles that make up your body are entangled to all of the rest of the universe you have access to infinite amount of information right and I I think the the master that W walked
the Earth that told people go within if you want to access the Kingdom of Heaven I think they were really mean in heaven like the the universe is and they said it in many case is within you and think they really meant it like physically the problem is the Tendencies to uh extrapolate these Notions to philosophy and try to actually separate from the material world in spirituality and see like some separation where what I'm finding is that no no the material world is the source right so you you after to integrate within and within the
material world you have the tunnel to infinite amount of energy infinite amount of knowledge I mean you look at some of the greatest Minds that have lived from Nicola Tesla to Kurt Godel to um Einstein to Isaac Newton a lot of them spent just as much time in their metaphysical practice of alchemy um that they wrote many many papers about and in their journals about about accessing that empty space within them and finding emptiness and going within and finding the Kingdom of Heaven they found a lot of them spoke to how their novel discoveries came
by virtue of of course doing the work studying your physics doing doing that and then forgetting it all going into the silence and seeing what wants to emerge from within you and it seems as though the more that we make space for that silence and to find Stillness within ourselves whether we're physicists at the Forefront of Novel Discovery in that world or um we have a podcast or we're an author and we're writing like there is an emergent new version of what wants to come through us I feel all that we can tap into and
I just would love for you to continue to speak to that because it opens up so many doors and it's a theme we've explored many times in this podcast by accessing kind of that zero point and and finding Stillness within you you gain access to something really incredible that is greater than you possibly could have intellectually conceived of yeah of course because like if you if you access this all of a sudden you realize the infinite nature of your existence you know the incredible potential that you hold um and the capacity to tap into sets
of information that you know there's a reason why like oh you know we did studies on remote viewing and 80% of you know they were blocking students off Berkeley you know um university like right out of you know the the the during lunch and without training trying to get them to remote view a place they never been to and they got like something like 80% success and things like that and they you know like how is that possible because the whole thing is entangled and the information is there and it actually doesn't take very much
training to actually have access to it and the fact that you're conscious right now maybe because this is exactly the evidence of the access of to this information your Consciousness is actually the feedback in the field of this information and so you know it it starts to it starts to match really nicely the difference is that if you have a rigorous mechanical understanding of it you're going to be able to make it into your technology you know you're going to be able to like apply it into your technology now imagine that you have technology that
now is able to like extract you know that information in the material world um now it's producing power just by sitting there uh tapping in that same field that nature is doing every moment you know in in it's common for physicists to tell people uh and especially inventors that are working on these technologies that it violates the laws of thermodynamics and you can't do this and there's no there's no free lunch and you know when is last time the universe sent you a bill for the energy of all your atoms right like but that as
well that like you are there's no perpetual motion right but find me something that's not Perpetual then okay actually there only perpetual motion we have been looking at protons all the way back as far as we can see we don't see one proton decay we protons don't Decay they they perpetually continue to oscillate and be their nice proton nature right and produce a charge and all this stuff and that's remarkable okay and and so you know it's like another perspective oh it's like it's like a change of perspective from a perspective of of lack there's
you know uh entropy everything goes to the shits you know eventually to oh if there's disorder is because there was order before so there's a cycle of order C the other way exactly and I can hook my technology I can hook my Consciousness and my technology to this natural cycle and all of a sudden I have a society that has infinite amount of energy that can travel through the solar system if not the Galaxy or even the universe and and you know it just changes the whole game you realize you're not isolated and you're part
of an energy Dynamic that you can tap into it and use to Infinity you know it's like when you tap into the energy of a lake that has water going down through a turbine right a hydroelectric Dam right you didn't put the water in the lake you did and the water falls through the turbine it's called a gravitational potential it falls into the turbine and you extract energy and you calculate the entropy or you calculate the inefficiency of your turbine and you say you see it's not overunity it's you know I I I'm not able
to remove all the gravitational potential there's some disorder right the the water doesn't turn the propell exactly perfectly right but that's because you've made a box and isolated the system you have the lake the water going down the dam and going out and you cut the box there but that's not the the universe doesn't have that box the universe so blow the Box away and then follow the water and the F because the Earth is spinning because the sun is shining because there coriolis forces the water is evaporating and it's making clouds and the clouds
are going back North right and they're raining back into your Lake right that's the Cent Peak cycle right that closes the loop and so this is continuously happening and your little turbine it is overunity you're extracting energy from the universe it giv it to you right same thing in nuclear Vision you know the energy that is in the nucle you didn't put it there you're just extracting energy that's already been put there by the universe so this is just a way to realize oh actually I don't have to extract the energy after it's made atoms
I can tap into the source of energy that makes the atom and and instead of breaking things apart and doing all this you know high energy I physics and and you know trying to fuse atoms or instead of like like doing like crazy huge device that cost billions of dollars I can just Le the field I can do you know yeah I can do just like you know harmonic coupling to the field I can like play I can dance with the field I can make a little gradient of my own right over here in theory
right in theory and in practice is it it was done it was done it was done meaning accessing that Infinite Energy within a single point how how was it done it was done by many inventors throughout the ages throughout like Tesla Mor Brothers before Tesla and so on and many other inventors why is that not obviously and I I could come up with my reasons why but why why is that not publicly known why is that not more of an stepen Greer did a good movie the last century that you can find on uh Amazon
I think it's really a good historical uh documentary of all the inventors and what happened to them let's just say there's not been so much excitement about bringing these type of Technologies to uh the public and to the market throughout the ages uh throughout the the the last few decades and I don't I really don't think that should surprise anybody with the understanding of I mean just like the pharmaceutical industry is they profit off of keeping customers it's it's kind of a sad reality that they don't as much by cures right and similarly the energy
crisis right um this it's a trillion dollar industry right so yeah there's a lot of people that want to protect that well and you know I think when you look at Zero Point Energy history and you rigorously it's hard to believe that it was missed that badly you you you start to suspect that on purpose I don't know if you saw the the the movie Oppenheimer you know um so you know they they show the history of the development of the bomb of the atomic bomb and at one point I was really proud of them
they say you know we we are going to extract the energy of the strong force this is the force that's holding things together um but you know basically it really is that like at the time you start to suspect that they on purpose derailed away from 0 point energy for reasons that had some value at the time you know we were talking the end of the second world war or you know the middle of the second world war and like all kinds of issue uh with like racing to make a bomb um giving equations and
understanding of physics that says there's an infinite amount of energy in the nuclear of the atom that could be tapped into was maybe not you know the thing they wanted to do to give to the enemies um at the time you know whether you're on one side or another and and so it might have got derailed for those reasons security reasons at the time right and then maybe it kept on being derailed um and and how would you do that you just you have control over what's being taught in the you know uh academic structures
so you just train your physicist and you remove you confuse them and you remove that part of the equations so let see many people in the scientific Community I think just you do that and you convince them to continue to repeat that it's impossible even if it's there it's impossible to extract energy from it you you continue to repeat that right where in fact the equation tells you as we demonstrate I mean did the mainstream didn't have the fact that it produced Mass but it clearly tells you that the oscillator is needing that energy to
keep oscillating and and we prove that it's actually the source of mass so so it all of reality is evidence that it's extracting that energy right and you have the Casmir effect which is like two plates that get pushed together by the vacuum fluctuation because you eliminate the long wavelength between the two plates you make a little gradient and the plates get pushed it's a little pressure it's not much but it's still energy extracting for to to continue saying you can't extract energy from it is kind of ridiculous we we know for instance that it's
producing the spontaneous emission of photons and nucle and and so on so it really like it's it's it's really much more evidence that it is at the source of the material world then that it's a weird animal and you can ignore it because it all cancels out and you can't get any energy from it a quick share when it comes to health I feel it's a lot of the little things that add up and for me one of those little things is starting my day with ag1 ag1 is a foundational nutrition supplement that delivers daily
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people who or I've met someone who said that they've created a free energy device and there's many people out there to to what degree you think they have legitimacy or whatever is Up For Debate I think there's probably a lot of cooks out there also there's a lot of goofy stuff yeah and in many case it's people they're instinctively trying to do it and in many case they don't necessarily are trying to mislead people they just confuse meurs and all this they don't have technical knowledge to do it so you have personally seen like a
free energy device in person but there is some yes that are that I personally verify that you know it gets pretty easy when the device has no input power you know so device that have input power it gets harder but but when they have zero input power and they continuously output power like what's an example of a device that would do something like that with no input power like what what would using water how like hooking up to what uh no many of them that are like that are static device there's nothing moving just something
on a countertop a device that's pulling energy from the zero point right it's got a bunch of coils and they're oscillating and they're creating harmonic relationships together basically spinning the structure of SpaceTime a little bit in a region of space and extracting a little energy it's making its own Little Smoothie its own little you know gradient if you if you've seen something like this and it's it actually exists out there why I feel like it wouldn't be that hard to have somebody with this device and to verify its legitimacy on a platform where it's seen
by millions of people and completely shift the scientific Paradigm understanding of energy it seems so it seems so right so like I uh I would refer you back to what we saw happen yeah in the last few years in relationship to some you know strange you know virus that you know emerg supposedly because somebody ate a bat uhhuh okay yeah so what was what do you think when I saw that I was like holding my head with my two hands okay but I've studied a lot of biophysics I'm not an expert in biology I call
my virologist friends and I asked you know can you get Source two from eating a bat you know because viruses that don't infect human cells don't just all of a sudden decide to infect them so what would you think is the most likely possibility some miracle that SARS 2 all of a sudden decided to infect human cells because somebody ate a bat I guess it was undercooked or something or down the street the P4 lab that was working on gain of function research publishing papers of how you to use you know SARS to to um
you know and and and and change it so that it would be able to infect human cells which one like which one you think is the highest probability you know how long it took to like and it's still today there's debate about it you know I could get in trouble I'm hoping I'm not getting your channel in trouble no I mean I think it's a very it's a thing that um is actually like legitimately being considered on both on both sides like it's yes and I just suggest that the probabilities are high yeah that the
P4 lab that's working on that is the source of this thing so you see it's if you have enough resources to stop certain sets of information from getting into the world and on the other side you have inventors have zero resources they are putting things together with you know barb wire and duct tape and plywood right um it's pretty easy to convince the rest of the scientific Community they're all Cooks mhm right and in the qu you know in the like and then you miss the jewels right in in the well I'm excited to talk
to you more off air about this and you know I don't want to get too much into the weeds cuz there's a lot I still want to talk about but and I it'll get me in trouble I'm already in trouble we got to keep you safe yes yeah well we'll try I also just want to go back because we referenced a lot of things that I would like to touch on one we live in a scientific World a cartisian way of kind of putting things in conceptual boxes where the material reductionists have really divorced from
having intrinsic kind of spiritual experiences where they feel their interconnectedness you know I think if a lot of these materialists had maybe an experience with a psychedelic or a meditative experience they they might be open to considering these other realities um I've experienced you know uh like like you were mentioning with the remote viewing um I think when you have either an internal experience or you really validate through like this one time however it sounds I had to call with a psychic okay say what you want about psychics they that girl said to me things
that nobody like would could possibly know okay and so to me because you have access to all information right but she wouldn't have physical access on the web or talking to people like there's just no way and so she must have access to connection to the web to some degree so putting all of that to the universal web yeah right yeah yeah the universal not www um so putting put with all that being said I want to explore your understanding of the nature of Consciousness because we've been having more conversations on recently this show around
uh exploring psychism idealism different types of monism and understanding what is the nature of of Consciousness and how it plays with everything that we're speaking to and so we talked about how the information of the whole is within the part we are an a conscious being that has awareness of itself and can access these different information points on the web so to speak so what do you think is the nature of Consciousness um do you believe it's a fundamental constituent of the universe yeah you know this it's funny like 30 years ago when I was
starting to present in physics conferences um it was you could you could say the f word but you could not say the c word like you couldn't talk about Consciousness it was thought to be unscientific to talk about Consciousness no no physicist that was a respectable physicist was talking about Consciousness and now it's kind of flipped on its head and um you know it's that it's kind of the cool thing for physicist to talk about Consciousness and to explore where Consciousness is coming from and and all this and so you get all these statements coming
out even from the mouth of physicist uh saying you know I believe that Consciousness is the source of everything and then like everything emerg from Consciousness and I'm really not a big proponent of these uh theories because they are replacing the word god with Consciousness so the word big bang with Consciousness right it's like oh it all came out of Consciousness but what is that right what is consciousness if you're not giving me the mechanics of how Consciousness made all the atoms then I'm you know I'm I'm I'm not more advanced than some cult right
so so I I'm not interested in these type of statements um if you're going to say Consciousness then you better Define what that is and and in the context of this field of information that's creating coherency um and scaling from this fundamental pulse up the pulses to eventually the frequency of for instance the microtubules in the brain and I I just finished that part it's on publish it's very exciting it gives all the right answers for like the carbon atom the benzen ring and like the microtubule and all this and so if that's true then
Consciousness in is is an emergent like what we call human consciousness is actually an emergent phenomena at the end of the feedback loop of information you know because cons being aware and so I I'd rather use the word awareness than Consciousness being aware of yourself means that you have understood the feedback that you're seeing in the mirror for instance that that is you right so you're aware of self right now that I believe is the you know like uh ultimate part of Consciousness but but that Consciousness is is there all along I was really proud
of of um this statement that was signed by all these amazing uh neuro uh scientist uh in the last six months that declared that they have enough data now uh to show that all animals have at least some levels of consciousness including insects and everything and and because the data is showing that they do things for fun right anybody that has a dog could have told you that but the fact that um the fact that the human society is now declaring this officially that yes animals have Consciousness Dolphins will suck on a puffer fish to
get high in the ocean you know there's there's many different examples of this yeah basically even bees they can see an insect that they do things U for the enjoyment of it and that so that there's certain level of aware they're not just doing thing to feed themselves or replicate and so on it's not mechanical that they actually enjoy their time as well uh is making the scientific Community say okay so there's a certain level of Consciousness all along and what I'm saying is that actually extends and that the scientific Community is not there yet
because I haven't given them the equations but that's on its way um you know it extends all the way to down to the plank field it it that is the pulse of that that information set and so like the material world is actually as well you know part of this feedback of information getting more and more complex getting more and more advanced and making things that are less Advance at first and then more and more Advance eventually to a human being that is is you know highly has high enough complexity that it become aware of
itself so you're speaking to Consciousness as a essentially a force that runs upon all scales but that there's a point in which it becomes aware of itself which only you know certain certain uh levels of complexity and density of of systems can achieve right so in a way from like the metaphysical or philosophical understanding like I am runs throughout all existence I am that I am or awareness of awareness essentially is for certain certain levels of development within um human or other other life that can recognize self in a mirror for example but I think
it's me when you when you explore the different ways in which qualia shows up in different life forms for example an octopus or a mantis strip that has 12 different channels of color right and these different ways in which um people uh you know different things within existence are having an experience of itself is very very fascinating um and it just starts to push our boundaries and scope of understanding of what we think life is and what's what's possible within life right because yeah it's not necessarily accurate to say that only the human um species
has become aware of itself no for sure there's a lot of other animals that can recognize itself in a mirror right yeah well there's more and more evidence of that yeah I mean certainly with dolphins it's been demonstrated um you know I don't know what exactly the state is of that type of of um studies are um because it's not my field of expertise but I would suggest that it's like it it's like a gradient of change like it's like an evolution of the material world I mean really when you look at us we're like
water bags with a bunch of minerals in it that have self-organized you know that Vortex itself into a self-organized system that is transferring information and acting upon it right like it it it's it's really a remarkable thing but but it took it it takes the whole scale from Atomic or subatomic particle or even plank scale all the way to the biological scale for the whole thing to work together and so that's why I make a little bit of fun of the neurologists that look at the brain and try to find this the seat of Consciousness
in the brain by analyzing chemical change in the brain and saying it's not Quantum because the brain is too warm and too wet it's can't be Quantum it must be at the biological scale and and I I I just say to that well you know like it would be like an astrophysicist that's looking at a Galaxy an analyzing a Galaxy and that ignores the stars in it because they're too far remote in terms of size to the galactic disc well if you're going to ignore the Stars you're going to miss the whole thing right you
know the cells of your brain and everything you're made of is made out of atoms and at the atomic level the energy levels are much higher and this is where you know we need to look if we want to understand the nature of the information Network that we see at larger scale that are develop from the atomic structure so you see I get into a lot of trouble in many ways and I love you know what people there's so many brilliant people people are so brilliant it's amazing um it's just that the educational system has
a tendency to really like fracture and compartmentalize studies so that the the person that study the molecular structure ignores the atomic structure the person that studied the the atomic structure ignores the molecular or the biological structure you know like this this is you know it's the problem there's like all this fragmentation of our science and then it doesn't speak across the scale anymore yeah yeah so do you think everything in the universe is an equation of sorts like everything is essentially mathematical in the way that um if you're looking to build towards a unified Theory
of Everything is that possible within I guess the limited even though we have contain like you spoke to contain information from the whole within the part within the system is it possible to gain awareness through an equation with a theory of everything that explains the whole outside of the system I feel like and it's been talked about how you may have to be outside of the system fully to be able to understand what it is which makes sense so you think it's possible to have a theory of everything is that possible in your eyes I
think so absolutely I I um I think that like it's actually inevitable um inevitable it's inevitable the fact inevitable yes sorry my my English now that I live in France in France and speak French a lot and my English is going it's not good I got to train but um I think it's a natural consequence of what's going to happen and I I want to rectify your statement a little bit mathematical physicists which most physicists that are doing fundamental physics today are mathematical physicists they and what I mean by that they mostly do mathematics and
they don't necessarily relate it well to physics meaning like the real [ __ ] that's happening in the real world right there these books that are published called Lost in math you know and things like that because they're in like 11 dimensions of strings and you know 10 to the 500 compactification you know possibility when you know reality is most likely vastly different from that but uh so there's this saying that you hear physicist and mathematical and or mathematician even say is the universe is M mathematical in nature there's famous people that did that said
that in history and we keep repeating that and I disagree with that I I I disagree fundamentally with that I think the universe doesn't do mathematics it doesn't really care you know what the humans with their Greek letters or writing on a piece of paper I don't think it builts using mathematics what the universe does is geometry geometry is fundamental and what I mean by geometry is ratios it does ratios relationship it's all relationship and the relationship produce the constants that we see the forces that we see the energy that we see that it's all
relationships and when you look at the mathematics we write for the universe we see these relationships like the relationship between energy and mass you know the all the things we see in relationships um so ratios geometry is what the universe does and then the human have you know uh made systems of mathematics with symbology with like ways of describing things models to try to describe these relationship to to try to describe this geometry that the Universe does so I like to think of it more revers the universe is just geometric in nature and relationships in
nature and we write mathematics to understand these relationships and I mean we see this we can observe throughout all of nature throughout all the cosmos um how there's significant patterns and ratios that show up like the number 108 in terms of how many moons fit between the Earth and the moon and um the how many Earth between how the the diameter of the Sun and it goes on and on and on from the from the macro to the micro and it is yeah we see geometry we see ratios that are very um um that are
very sustained across different scales we see we see for instance the the golden ratio um you know show up or or the Fibonacci series would be more accurate you know show up in many different scales in our universe from Galaxy arms to you know flowers on our planet and so on and so it's like yeah they they seem to be repeating ratios fractal kind of things you know the way things divide and the ratio the universe used to make these divisions it it you can see that there's some kind of coherent pattern that is developed
by nature and that was how I started my exploration when I was young it's like I want to understand this pattern and then I thought if I can write the math of this pattern I should find all of the fundamental constants we measure in physics and I and and I did that it's not published yet it that's in the third paper the paper I just publishes a series of three and so it will come but but you know we measure the gravitation the gravitational constant we measure the r bird constant we measure Alpha we measure
we measure all these things that we call fundamental constants of physics but we don't know where they come from right well when you do these ratios and you understand how this fundamental field uh creates relationship then you find these constants in emerge naturally from these uh from these theories so it's it's very powerful because now you understand how these constants and what are the mechanics of these constants I think so many of us get a struck just glancing at the inherent intelligence that weep throughout all of creation like the finely attuned ratios that hold everything
in Balance just right if it was off just a little bit on one way or the other it wouldn't be come to be yeah it's called a fine tuning problem right yeah and so um I think that uh like there would be none of Planet Stars galaxies if Alpha was a little bit off or G was a little bit off like by very little and then nothing would have come together yeah so so it's highly tuned yeah yeah did you have a moment because I think a lot of us um are just off struck at
the level of intelligence and organization between the C in the coherent universe but you and your early 20s like was there an experience or what kicked you off down this path initially I'm just curious for your personal Journey because for you to devote your life to this I would only assume that it was either a fundamental drive and passion that was just within you for a while or maybe you had a series of experiences that really motivated you down this path well it's both you know I had moments of you know deep um knowing and
and illuminations that that got me on this path but as well a bunch of uh different uh circumstances that like made it so that um you know I was uh thinking about this really profoundly I was like spending significant amount of time meditating on the nature of this of all these relationship what is the fundamental geometry of this thing why why were you doing that why were you meditating on that uh because I wanted to know like how did I get here I was I was kind of surprised that people weren't asking that question yeah
they did it seemed like we just get here and then we get told this is what you do right you you you go to school right as soon as like you can barely walk you know you get stuck in this institution and you just sit down and we're going to teach you all this stuff and so then you learn learn learn learn learn and then as soon as you get out now you got to get a job you got to get married you gotta get the house get the car get and it's like and I
was all struck when I was I I remember having these thoughts when I was like seven or eight you know and thinking why are we doing all this like where is it going like how are and nobody was asking that how did I get here what is this like what is this experience I'm having like you know like very fundamentally and it's I was really stange and then I realized oh yeah they do ask that question typically like hours before they pass you know hour before they pass they go what was this whole experience I
just had of 80 years or whatever you know and but it's like now you got hours to figure it out so I figure I better start asking the question early because I might need a lot of time to figure it out and I I sure did you know I needed a lot of time and I think I'm getting really close but they but the remarkable thing is that there's always deeper levels and deeper levels and it just and every time like you know you get completely transformed when you when you you know discover deeper levels
of the amazing coordination and like like you know one turn of the proton is the universe refresh rate you know and and things like that you know it really it really when you it's not just an equation it's not just a concept it's like oh you can start to feel it in your body when it's really true you can start to feel it in your body it's in your awareness like you can start to feel your relationship with this field and it's powerful it's transformative and I and and my conclusion is that the universe is
learning about itself and we're the probes at at the end you know Einstein said um object are not in space objects are an extension of the space right right and he was saying that because he was talking about the fact that space is not empty the 0 point energy and all this and and he said like you know as a consequence we can't think of space as empty space is full and it's is the source of how an object emerge you know how things emerge like to start to think that way I think Einstein was
definitely on it and you might say well why didn't he was a smart guy right like why didn't he unify the field then he didn't have the tools he was missing some stuff one of the things he was missing the Moes was what his theory predicted meaning he his theory of general relativity predicts black holes in fact it doesn't predict anything else than black holes right the solution to Einstein field equation is a black hole it's a sort out solution and and but he but he didn't believe they they existed so I am very fascinated
at how our the unique things in life that bring us joy and and and excite us to move and discover different fields of study it almost feels like there's this Divine orchestration that draw us to you know on one hand these discoveries as we start to make space for what wants to emerge from within us but also who we become on the process of doing the work in the world is uh is I feel like the real fruit of the path and you mentioned that you've had alongside your studying field of work transformative experiences both
in the realization of the profundity of what you're discovering but also uh you know firsthand uh experiences that felt transformative and when you look back on that time would you care to share one or two of those pivotal moments where you had an experience that you feel like really transformed you well I mean one of the most known one that I've discussed in many of my lectures is when I was approximately 10 years old I don't know exactly it was around there um I got my first lesson in geometry and and I had a very
similar experience than Buckminster Fuller had prior to me um which was you know the teacher made a DOT on the Blackboard and said that's Dimension zero and it doesn't have volume and doesn't exist and I thought I've G to fail this class I know I'm going to fail this class because I see the dot so if I see the dot it's it's got some volume if I look at the chalk on the Blackboard with an electron microscope it's got volume um you know so what do you mean it doesn't exist you mean the concept of
the DOT doesn't so you see this extrapolation from from an analogy we make analogies and we assume that we because we made an analogy it's the way the universe work is is the error right and so uh then the bunch of dot makes the line that makes Dimension One you know the four line makes a plane that makes the Dimension uh two and then the six planes get put together to make a cube that makes Dimension three you know that I was more and more confused because if the dot didn't exist then the line doesn't
exist then you know the the the plane cannot exist because it's defined by four lines and and then if the plane doesn't exist well you haven't enclosed anything when you've made a cube with non-existing planes you just got nonexistence to the Fort you know and so it's like this cannot be it like how do I solve that riddle and I going home I was I had like an hourong bus ride because I was not doing well at school I was very dyslexic and I kept on you know having to be transferred to other schools you
know further and further from my house um and so I had an hour and a half bus ride coming home and and so I was thinking about this in the bus and I realized actually the only way you can solve this is by saying the exact contrary the only thing that exists is the dot The Singularity and that Singularity can be divide to Infinity so I was I I I didn't know to use the word fractal I didn't I I didn't know about Cantor that had come up with infinite amount of Infinities I I I
didn't know all these things but I was starting to think the universe H must have like in like I was thinking wow the cells are so small and then the atoms are so small and then the subatomic particles are so small and I was thinking oh this solar system is so small relative to the Galaxy and the Galaxy is so small relative to the cluster and the cluster to the super cluster and the super cluster in the universe and our universe could be in a larger one and you know and I started to think oh
okay it's like all dots at different scales that have different levels of complexity in them different energy levels at all the scales and I really I mean was really close to what I'm writing right now and that was at the age of 10 right so that this is this is 50 years ago and um I uh and it really launched me to try to understand the fractal the fractal nature of space to try to understand you know the relationship between the scale the energy transfer from one scale to the other and all this and eventually
and but it was a profound moment because as at the same time uh when I was turning 11 I learned to meditate you know uh and I was uh and I realized oh okay meditation is like looking inwards instead of looking outwards all the time taking some time and inward you know if you try to imagine Infinity outward it's like you run out of bits you know like it's too much you can't like take it all in but if you actually start to think of infinity as like divisions within you then you get a sense
of infinite amount of Infinities like caner described you know you get a sense of this fractal nature within so infinitely small is the way you want to go if you're trying to like reach Singularity within you know so so those had impact and many many other stories I mean times in I was a mountain guy that was a ski guy that was uh you know and and times in the mountains that were like profound profound moments of you know uh just spontaneous moments of of feeling complete connectivity with my environment with the natural world around
me a feeling of of uh deep knowledge you know uh pouring in like very profound moments that left me completely changed and transformed yeah so so I mean so many so many of these moments when doing exercises for instance like getting in the zone right so for instance I was a solo climber um so I love to solo climb you know and and I would go up thousands of feet you know no robes just shoes and Chuck and and it was like looking at the crystals in the rock as I was climbing and the you
know beautiful level of of zoning into the field and having the most amazing time and finding the edge you know between fear and complete ecstasy right like it's CU in this state where like one error is the end right the the you have this you find that edge so clearly between fear and ecstasy you know and and it's so nice you get so clear feedback uh in this case in climbing because as you're climbing if you start having thoughts you're going to fall if you look down and start thinking you're going to fall it's almost
instantaneous I feel it right now talking about it's almost instantaneous your your hands and your palm of your hands starts to get wet you know you start sweating it's almost instantaneous and and so more you're you're afraid more you're sweating more you're slipping yeah and it's just a bad feedback right it's not looking good for you and and you have to overcome the fear thoughts and think oh you know I'm having a beautiful day it's gorgeous I'm going to be at the top I enjoy this and you know and and then as soon as you
overcome the fear boom you're back in and you're fine and you keep going right so this these were moments that were important for me because I I was terrified to do this work I mean I wasn't terrified to do the work I I because I was so and I am still so passionate about it I but at the time I was definitely terrified to try to bring it to the world you know like I knew I was going to get tomatoes thrown at me one after the other and you know what was going to that
do to my self-esteem to my feeling of security of self you know like I I had many reason to be afraid um and at the same time I felt it was my duty to to bring this knowledge to the world and I to be okay with enduring and and that those things would make me grow you know and and I've grown I've grown I I'm so much better now I at um receiving criticism um and it's still hard it hurts your heart especially if it's you know unjustified if you know if if somebody looks at
my equation and says okay this term here is false or it's wrong or this equation fult or you have to fix this or that you know thank God thank you for telling me let me work this out um but when it's like you're an idiot or you know like you know you're crackpot you know like then it's it hurts um and it's not so much what they're saying about me that hurts is when I see people that were interested get diverted because they heard something from somebody that had nothing to do with the physics you
know then it it it hurts my heart that that person was interested and now thinks I'm a crackpot because they read it on some thread you know on Reddit or whatever you know and that's that's painful to see yeah have you found any comfort in the observation that some of the greatest thinkers in the past that have brought forth novel discovery that were a paradigm shift for the planet were all notoriously hated or shunned or almost killed called crack Bots and yeah not just almost killed many were killed so yeah you know it helps it
doesn't make it much better because it's still painful in the moment but it helps you go at least they're not burning me at the Stak or cutting my ear off you know like I can't you know um so it's not as violent as it used to be uh but it's still painful yeah I'm curious I because we're here I want to ask you because there are many in the scientific community that that kind of cringe at this what they feel is an unjustified leap from examining this Quantum strangeness to macroscopic effects like Med like uh
manifestation and they feel like there's some hand waving or like um where where it's just unjustified in the explanation of saying because we're all interconnected at this Quantum level where things are strange to then say that um there's these uh you know more I guess denser realities like manifestation that that operate I'm just curious what your thoughts on on that are um both the criticism but then also if you care to share the literal mechanisms of of of how that works yeah I mean that's a complex issue and it has to do with the fact
that the hand waving doesn't come from the people that are saying these things although they're doing some hand waving too it actually as well come from the way the Copenhagen interpretation of the Double SL experiment occurred like this idea of the measurement and the collapse of the wave function and all this that that has quite a bit of hand waving in it and I'm not sure what they were smoking in Copenhagen but like to think that the cat is alive and dead at the same time which is what singer came up with to ridiculizar of
his own equation showing that like no this is got to be an error and then it got it it got popularized like to his horror right um that oh yeah this is the way it works you know well you know it it's it's I think bad science I think it's really bad science and that really is the problem because and it's the reason it's complex because the spiritual people look at that and say oh you see you need Consciousness to make a measurement for the collapse of the wave function to happen and reality to emerge
and so that means Consciousness is primary and d and so like they take off with this when I think the principle in its Inception is false right so why was it interpreted this way well I'm going to tell you because they removed Zer Point Energy because they removed the field so let me explain you have an experiment where you have one slit and you're throwing things at it you're throwing photons or um you know electrons at it one and you're getting dots on the backboard because it's going through the slit and making dots and then
you you're like you put two slits and then all of a sudden instead of getting dots on both side you're getting an inter refence pattern on the backboard and you go wow the particle instead of thinking okay we missed something you start to think that the particle is splitting itself into two in state of superposition and it actually interfere with itself after it's gone through the slit and making the interference pattern and it's like okay what have you smoked right and and and and then you try to measure which slit did it go through right
to see if you got the right interpretation and when you try to measure you get a third result be and then you say just through the mere observation and measurement of that right and it changes it it changes it but you know and start you start writing physics on that but you could have interp this completely differently except you couldn't have if you think that the particle you're shooting at the slit is isolated from the field right so if you think the particle is in a field-free environment you you've got an a problem and it
will result into this interpretation but now put the field back in put the zero point back in and realize that what you're shooting is actually like a a dynamic of a field that's Making Waves as it moves just like a boat makes waves on the ocean so now it's a particle in a wave not because it's in some kind of magical Quantum State it's just the mechanics of fluid dynamics of a field right and so when you have one slit it makes dot when you have two slit the waves that the particle made goes through
the second slit interfere and makes interferent pattern and then when you put an instrument to measure that instrument is Making Waves as well and it's cancelling the wave of the particle that makes a third result right just because of the particles that are emanating from the physical instrument that's making the observation or in what way is it interfering within yeah I mean you're you're using Photon whatever you're using to measure right you have to tune it to the to the harmonic frequency of your experiment it's not just any measurement device and when you do that
you're basically cancelling the waveform that the particle is making in the field so of course you're getting a different result but it's just because it's field interaction this is called um pilot wave theory so I came up with it in my van on my own in the 90s you know isolated in the mountains being my climber self and I thought oh I figured it out and then it's like no somebody figured that out long before you right the bugli um and uh others boom eventually it's a big bummer like when you make a song on
piano and you realize you just wrote like a big hit that's already out there that's already out there yeah exactly and I was like no but I was glad they had figured it out because then eventually uh MIT in the '90s took a back of uh fluid um it was silicone fluid with silicone beads ulated the bag the back you know and then shot the beads at the SL and got all the same result as the Copenhagen interpretation but just with fluid dynamics right just with flid Dynamics and and then they took the back and
they spun it and then all the beads fell in the troughs and made like the quantum States you know and and so on and it's like wow you know you can do the whole thing in fluid dynamics and then you realize wow and and and the spiritual people might say oh but you're taking the magic away and and so people don't like that so they continue with the double with the Copenhagen interpretation and it's like no no no no no it's much more profound I'm actually putting the Magic in it's more more profound it's saying
that everything is interacting mediated by this field everything is producing Reality by the mediation with this field everything is in relationship with everything else you can't assume that it's isolated it's all in connection everything together makes the collective experience we're having so it's actually much more profound and I think it's much more correct um and to rigorously write this which we have and it's in the second paper it's coming out when is when is that coming out do you know uh it we're trying to get it out we were trying to get it out for
the beginning of the year I have feelings that's not going to happen hopefully by February or you know yeah February May or whatever okay but um you know we can see that like where the errors were made uh because you remove Zero Point Energy and everything goes sideways you you remove the field and now you're going to see things that don't that you can't understand and you know Einstein used to make fun of it I think he was talking to godell when he said do you really believe that when you're not looking at the moon
it's not there right like you know local realism yeah it's not the universe is not requiring the humans for it to exist if if a tree falls in the forest it makes a noise and it doesn't care if there's a human around to listen to it there's all kinds of other things listening to it the bugs the fleas on the cat is the flea on the cat Inside the Box the swording your back box is not confused the universe is not confused about the state of the cat just the human is confused about the state
of the cat now so you know there's uncertainties in but as only uncertainties because we're observing from our perspective the universe itself is not uncertain about its state it can get a little bit into the weeds in terms of what you think something actually is and how it exists independent of your own observation well you know it's just that the universe is not human Centric of course it really isn't which is the biggest uh I think there's a saying that Enlightenment is the biggest bummer to the ego or something you know it's like we want
to be the center of the universe you know well you know that's the thing you know it's like when you reach higher levels of exist of of awareness you can become you know a master which you are okay um and and the ego can take off and go sideways um but if you're truly a master um you're quite aware that everybody's a master as well because everybody has all the information you're not actually teaching anything to anybody you're just helping them to remember what they already know yeah like Gandhi said to a pure heart all
hearts are pure and similarly a bodh SATA someone who's awakened to their true nature sees that as everyone else as well exactly yeah the Buddha was asked well Buddha you keep saying everybody is the Buddha but we don't feel like the Buddha like what's the difference between us and you if we're all Buddhas and the and and the Buddha answered the Buddha knows it's the Buddha it's the only difference right if you don't know your the master Master you're not the master you know is that straightforward the problem is the ego has a problem it
like no no don't don't think you're the master because that that would be a big ego tripping thing the ego is a problem with that but if if the if if knowing you're the master is knowing that everybody has Mastery everybody is a master then you're good right we're all good right see that's the important thing what do you see as all this is progressing in the scientific work science and spirituality merging what do you feel is the reality of what that is and what it looks like in the coming decades um so I think
there's a really bright future for Humanity if we are able to bring this level of information out I think the next few decades or even less we're going to see energy extraction from vacuum fluctuation come into the world we have to this is this is the last tick on the 11th Hour you know we have to bring this new level of energy production into the world I think it's very much on the way and I think it's going to change fundamentally our society uh when you can make energy anywhere you are but even you know
like non like like not not centralized eventually like your phone is going to make its own energy needs to run the you know your house is going to make its own energy that it needs to run like it has little device in there that's extracting energy from the vacuum your car is going to do the same thing your spaceship's going to do the same thing whatever you know so so I see a really bright future that can develop for Humanity if if it's allowed to happen if it's allowed to come out if it's and and
and I think this type of Technology they transcend your Consciousness they help your Consciousness because you realize wow I live in an abundant Universe with infinite amount of resources I have never to worry about feeding myself lodging myself having power that like all humans can have everything they need you know that there's infinite amount of resources if you have um if you have gravity control for instance you can go and get chunks of gold the size of you know asteroids you know you go in the asteroid belt you find everything you need like water all
all the material you need and so it really I think this like a be Beautiful chapter for human beings but it's like the surface of a balloon when you put energy into it right it's it starts going more and more high frequency as more and more energy you put into it and then it goes into like chaotic pattern and it looks like it's going to rip apart right before it pops into the next resonant frequency at higher frequency and then it co you know it coheres again like I think we're like in that phase where
it's like super chaotic and if the surface tension of the balloon is not strong enough it can rip apart in that phase before it goes to the higher frequency I think we're in that place where it could rip apart it it could I you know or it could transcend the little difficulty and you know go to the next level which would Ben benefit all human beings on the planet incredible I I think that alongside the external manifestations of gravity control or free energy or who knows especially what's possible as AGI superpowers us to be able
to examine and and do research into all these different things like protein folding for example or whatever um to sidebar that conversation what do you think not just in what we create but in terms of how we understand who we are like understanding ourselves what do you think is going to be shifting there in the coming couple decades well the reason I talked about technology is because I think the technology is going to help us do that um every astronaut that's gone to space has reported really transformative experience looking back at the Earth seeing that
there's no lines between countries you know um that you know we're on a small little blue thing that were so fragile that were all humans you know they they all had these reporting these experiences from seeing the Earth from from orbit imagine everybody having access to that it would change our you know our awareness I mean think of it this way what like the problems of Earth become really minimal uh when you're orbiting Jupiter you know Earth is way over there you're doing just fine you have you know all the energy you need you have
everything you need so what I'm saying is okay but before that you know um just the fact that if this is allowed to happen if this comes to it's going to change profoundly the way we think of oursel we're going to like profoundly like okay I I'm here I'm having an experience and this experience is linked to like a deep well of information and I'm part of something so much greater than myself right and that I'm part of this Collective you know learning of of creation of the universe and so on and so I think
we're going to learn in the next few decades if we if the balloon doesn't rip and explode right if it actually makes it to the next level um you know the the sense of community the sense of Oneness with each other the sense of collective you know cre uh constructive behavior that emerge you know from understanding deeper that we're all connected through this field I I think it's going to really transform um our sense I I think that our true Mastery will be allowed to come out you know and and that's going to be beautiful
to see you mentioned a lot of those external Technologies um but it seems like just on the same parallel as these the understanding of the external world is happening we're seeing the fundamental Parts in which it's made out of which we are also made out of and so I'm just curious to see what shifts in terms of our understanding of human potential and what becomes normal or realizing what's actually natural within us because we live in a world right now that is in so many toxic ways kind of pushing down the human potential and I'm
just interested to see as that blossoms and almost as the U field of belief kind of lifts and like the veil of forgetting of of our of the power that we have within us kind of lifts what starts to awaken both in the powers of Being Human as energetic beings um and then everything that we create from it we kind of like see it emerging right now you know like the balloon example before it pops into the next one you see islands of coherency start to show up on the surface of the B at at
the next frequency right at the higher frequency islands of coherency starts to to appear I think these islands of coherencies are emerging we see it we see so many amazing humans doing amazing things yeah and also the organization of those humans coming together exactly and you know the piece that's largely missing though is the the piece that produced the most fear in people and it's the financial piece that like needs to plug in to like power this whole thing into the next um you know like CERN Burns $15 billion dollar a year in their budget
if a very small portion of that was distributed again you know to Laboratories that are working on on the standing Zero Point Energy and bringing Zer Point Energy technology to the market and all this we would pull out of that you know in in we would pull out of the problems we have today very rapidly um so you know it's the willingness the collective willingness and we're starting to see it more and more to actually take action and and launch Humanity in another Direction and then we need the Financial structures to come behind and you
know fuel that so that it can take off and that's the part that's harder if you look at all these um inventors throughout history that didn't succeed um in most cases it's because the financial structure was not there to support them to get it out to the world right the if they had the resources uh maybe they would have done better so it's it's problematic because for instance let's say you have an inventor that has this kind of Technology um or that has the you know needs resources to develop this kind of Technology um and
they go to an investor group or whatever an individual and so on that person that investor group or individual has to like take this information and turn around and try to like you know do uh diligence on it and and and find and and see if like is this real is this possible and if this was let's go back to the right Brothers if this was the right Brothers two weeks prior for them to getting it done right well they would have said no no look there's like hundreds of paper saying it's not possible no
no no no so so then that individual with the resources they have to have enough trust in their inner beliefs against all the experts saying no no no no this is not possible right so it's it's a big challenge m it's a big Challenge and it has defeated us so far yeah yeah yeah so so but there's more and more people that are have resources that are as well you know uh realizing and evolving and you know understanding these deeper principles that are in the Hermetic science and in the spiritual science and so on and
that are like and that recognize the truth in this type of information this type of Science and that wants to support so hopefully that gets the job that yeah well I mean my prayer is that the connections that are made in individually but then also collectively through platforms like this and the conversations that I you know I see you be having more and more uh start to ignite that possibility within people and to start feeling as leadership starts to emerge in a new paradigm you know where the the people who are going against the grain
of the current Paradigm always look crazy but then a discovery happens or something shifts where then the energy towards that leader who had more faith you know um I think Helen Keller is famously quoted about the the one thing uh worse than having no sight is having no vision you know yes that's for sure so yeah that's a good that's a good quote yeah um yeah I mean if you look in history all the people um most the people that made great breakthroughs and in science there's not been that many in physics um there's not
been that many in the last 100 years we're still pretty well where we were with Einstein and plon and quantum mechanics and all this there's been of course you know improvements on understandings of certain parts and bits and pieces but no fundamental breakthrough you know has occurred um you know in in in physics in a very long time and so of course you know you have when it's been so long um it takes a lot of energy to like bring a breakthrough through right and so it takes time and it takes patience but what's most
important is it takes resource resources to be able to do it those resources can be difficult to find and it's really painful to see when you when you know what you could do and all you need is like pennies you know compare to right like what is being span on yeah other things that may not be so useful like you know totally children dying and you know military industrial complex industrial complex and so on like how to better kill each other you know um it's kind of it can be quite difficult and frustrating yeah you
know of course yeah man of course there's I could literally talk to you for8 hours and just keep going we have an event here we're do here very shortly so we got to hop off to that but before we do that there's just a couple more topics that I want to see if you can try to concisely share your thoughts on yeah one I tried to be concise it's a hard task okay it's a very hard task and we can dive more in in future conversations for sure but when I think of the human story
and whatever you want to say about ancient civilizations or whatever recorded history or written history of whatever 6,000 is you know um years back to ancient Sumeria the humanity in this context is a blink in the vast eternity of existence that has preceded us and will come through the descendants of humanity and when I think about time it is a very interesting concept to me because I've had various moments in meditative experiences where there's completely no sense of time there's no sense of self um we live in a world that is ruled by the calendar
and by time and being in places on time um and I've heard you speak to space memory you know as like space time and our understanding of time is being revolutionized I think um and so what uh what what thoughts would you have on that in particular in relation to time being elcer um or not even being possible without memory right so I change SpaceTime to space memory because I feel that um space memory is more precise um because no memory no time if you didn't remember the second before you can't tell that there's an
evolution of State you know and and so you can't say you know there's a linear time because you don't remember what happened just before not say that the time could still exist though irrespective of our experience of it to the experience I suppose of other other things I'm just talking about your experience just to give you an example um but but uh but the mechanics are the same for the universe outside of your experience of time meaning that evolution in the universe if it happens and we see it on our planet it seems to happen
um means that it has remembered what was before so that information on the structure of space is the memory imprint and and at each coordinates you get a memory imprint is like the steel of a movie uh strip that that you're playing right and it appears like linear time but in fact it's just Stills right is the same thing each point along the timeline is just an imprint in the coordinates and space of information it's a memory of information as an imprint like just like memory on the hard disk okay and so the Earth is
spinning around the sun and the Sun is moving through the Galaxy and basically everything that's happen happing is leaving an imprint on the structure of space on the Zero Point Energy as it exchange information and produce all this and and memory even in your memory in your mind is actually not in there is you accessing the information in the hard disk what the ancient called the aashik record of space right and so that time time is really a concept of man uh but actually the universe is just doing memory in coordinates in space so I
I yeah that's yeah that that's just mindblowing it's and that was actually very concise so thank you for my pleasure for that yeah I want to unpack that more in the future with you for sure another thing that I just find mind-blowing when looking into your work is this idea of nested reality ities or Multiverse uh so if from the microcosm to the macrocosm we observe how different parts emerge to grander holes in this kind of complexity Theory it is reasonable to extrapolate that our universe could be one of many inside of a Multiverse and
so I'm just curious what thoughts you have on the possibility of that yeah I I you know I don't I don't like the the terminology parallel universe because they're not parallel I don't think they're parallel I think they're concentric to each other like nested within one nested like uh Russian dolls and and certainly the scaling equations I'm writing show that U and the nest the nesting is um it um means that as well there is coupling from one scale to the other right the scale that's inside is influencing the larger scale and the larger scale
is influencing the scale this coupling across the scales and so they're all interdependent on each other um and so uh I think that is most likely much more accurate of how and it's really the thought I had when I was 10 and so um I um I I I really truly believe that there is no size um limit to the universe to the Multiverse and that like the embeddedness can go to infinity and that there's no size limit to how small the pixels of the universe can be and so there's truly no size limit to
the infinitely small and so and and so uh phys would say well then how are you going to write physics on that and it's because you can identify scales like for instance you in our universe you could say I'm going to cut off at the BL scale right and at the universal scale and so now I'm going to understand what's in there and since it's replicating like a fractal if I understand one part I will understand the whole whole and that's how you end up studying the proton and figuring out the mass of the universe
right and figuring out all the the temperature of the universe you know it's uh angular momentum it's angular Dynamics and so on so the reason I don't like parallel is because it's it's like if they were parallel then they never connect they're you know they're not in relationship with each other where I think they're absolutely in relationship with each yeah because everything is in relationship so that could make that would make sense yeah it's just I think our feeble human Minds can't possibly comprehend what what the universe is let alone nested M nested Multiverse um
but at the same time I think there is a deeper intelligence than our just our own intellect and I think that a lot of the great minds in the past have tuned into the intell that they're connected to around them to int these certain things which then later are verified by science um that's true and so any thoughts you have on the power of intuition and um accessing that Dimension within us as humans yeah I think you know we've called intuition intuition and as almost a derogatory word especially in science like oh it's just what
you think it's just what you feel you know it has no value where in fact intuition is the most valuable you know it it's like the universe is talking to you and are you listening right because most of the greatest discoveries and if you ask you know if you look in history is because somebody had an intuition and they inted their way into it and then went back and went okay that's how I got to write the physics right you have to have the thought and this is one of the errors that's occurring in physics
in our era is that we we flip that on its head and we we now think that if you write enough mathematics eventually it'll tell you how the universe work and I think the best example of that is string theory which Leeds leads you right into a wall cuz the mathematics can you know you can interpret it in all kinds of ways and so I think that like it's much more important and this is why Einstein said imagination is more important than facts uh what he was leading to was it has to come from within
your knowledge knowled and that's intuition that's your sense of I have a sense it works this way I have a sense it is this way you know and then you go and verify if you got it right and now it's got to be rigorous right but but the the sense the intuition is critical I mean how many times did you have an intuition that you turn left and instead of turning right and then met just the right person you needed to meet and you know like when you follow your intuition a lot of the times
it works out best so I think it's really the universe talking to you it's it's it's really like you're you're tuning in to all of the different possibilities that are occurring in the UN in the universe in in your region of space and you're actually feeling where is the most positive uh out you know uh uh behavior for for for you yeah it's it's seems so pragmatic to me honestly that our bodies are able to follow uh a path and and move in a direction where there's more coherence in ways that our mind can't fully
understand but we are an incredibly intelligent biologic iCal ecosystem that does have Attunement and can follow those things and so yeah but what is it tuning to right the environment and the the universe that is in your correct in your area of space and time in a way right you're tuning into the field right and the field is talking to you yeah and that to me I just I love grounding this because you have been throughout this whole conversation and the reality of how it's actually working and not just this hand waving spiritual kind of
sciency talk you know because it's it really just grounds it so I appreciate you continuing to do that that I I feel like it's critical it is and it's funny because it it puts me at odds both with the spiritual Community which doesn't want ah I don't you know we don't need no stinking technology and you know physics and all this and you know they're telling me that on their cell phone while driving their car and um and or the S or the the scientific scientific Community that's saying oh you don't need no stinking Consciousness
or you know like awareness thing or intuition you know just shut up and calculate right which was a finean famous thing and and so I I'm just uh I think it it's you know the the one that thinks it's all internal to you and you don't need the exterior is just as wrong as the one that thinks it's all external to to you and you don't need the interior you need both both have to come together and when they come together wow you get the complete picture and that's the moment of transcendence you know um
and I think it's so critical so critical that the spiritual community actually integrate the material world like fundamentally and try instead of separating trying to integrate the material world and that the spiritual and that the physics Community or the scientific Community integrate that there is a component that is nonlinear to the to awareness that they have to integrate in you know that is nonlinear and most likely non-local you know to Consciousness that they have to integrate in their understanding of the mechanics of the universe we live in such an amazing time where this is this
new paradigm is being birthed and um I just I'm so grateful personally to be in a position where both living in this old Paradigm like you know being being born before the use of like phones to then the rapid develop velopment throughout the information age and now humanity is baby steps away from the combination of both Quantum Computing and artificial intelligence which when combined is going to have incredibly wild implications for our understanding of oursel and how we navigate the world and I'm just curious your thoughts on artificial intelligence as it relates to Consciousness in
the coming decade as it's you know we're we're right here humanity is is on the birth of this uh AGI and I'm just curious what thoughts you think that will have um on the world on one hand but then also Consciousness and understanding of it uh this a complicated issue um you know I I would I would tend to say and I'm probably going to get in trouble for this um that both these things Quantum Computing and AI are not as advanced as we make it appear to be okay okay certainly in the case of
quantum Computing uh and um and that true artif what we call artificial I don't like the terminology artificial intelligence because I don't think of intelligence as artificial in any case so meaning that like if we if we succeed in putting intelligence in the technology um we will have reproduced something that's similar to us you know meaning we're like a technology physical thing that has Intelligence right that's able to have creative thoughts and all this stuff and I think that what we have is a really good feedback mechanism for a machine learning experience and I think
so I I'd rather think of it that way I don't think that this is truly intelligence what we have we we have a machine that um is able to rectify errors that it's making right and and able to learn about you know um uh the information that it's utilizing uh but uh before the machine start becoming truly creative uh I think we're going to have to make the machine something vastly different so it might more look like a plasma uh device that has feed back you know and that is able to like actually interact with
the structure of the vacuum and that's where truly we'll make a being that's connected just like we are connected you know and um that will be like artificial intelligence at that point but I think that machine learning as we have it today uh what we call artificial intelligence as we have today or machine learning uh is going to help Society fundamentally in the next few decades it's going to advance us you know exponentially uh I can see it in physics even you know I you know um the latest versions of of uh chat GPT you
know like the three version was making like you couldn't do any physics with it you couldn't do any math with it it was making like massive errors like it was it looked good but then you start looking at go WAOW this is not possible and then so so it was but now it's actually quite good and and it's kind of nice when you put my paper in it it you know it gives its opinion it's quite correct and so on and and so it's nice uh and it's going to help us move forward because we
can actually now render much more information much more rapidly right like ask Chad GPT to like give you the gist of this paper or the gist of this book that's that thick you know that and then like in in 20 minutes you've got a pretty good idea of the formalism that's used how it was done and all this it can be very very useful M um and it's going to advance Society very fast in terms of quantum Computing and the capacity to compute all this uh like I said I think that Quantum Computing is going
to go have to go to completely different um level uh because the quantum Computing that exists today is based on a incomplete theory of quantum mechanics and when we complete that theory which I believe uh is done with the equations I wrote then you'll see a better understanding of how you should build that quantum computer to tap into the Zero Point Energy or the information field so that you can actually use the ram of your computer is the universal Network you know space memory Network the the memory Drive of your computer is the universal Network
so then you have true Quantum Computing because you're kind of logged on to the universal net and that's where the feedback is happening instead of the human net and now uh you have something that has very very power ful capabilities and you know the fear that it's going to take over and go oh you know humans are actually useless we should get rid of them um well that depends how you're going to grow the baby right right you have a baby babies are pure they're beautiful they don't want to kill anybody they don't want to
do anything wrong right but we traumatize our babies and then we make you know awful people out of them like I mean just because they're traumatized they're wonderful people Masters in there but they're so traumatized they you know they're afraid and and all this and so like when we make the first you know AI baby um how how I think it's going to be pure I think it's going to be wonderful it's going to be productive Ive loving just like a baby is right and um and if we want to teach it to be mean
then that means we're not evolved enough to have those things and you know they might take us over but I don't think it's inherent right yeah I just think it's a it's a big topic of discussion approaching the metac crisis with the exponential rise in technology and AI without the full capacity of wisdom that that's needed to wield it you know properly it can be scary it could be scary and you know it is but it seems like this realm of Duality there will always be both spectrums of the possibility you know like yes I
mean let's say tomorrow uh we actess Zero Point Energy and we have infinite amount of energy or you know what are we doing with it are we using it to like be more efficient at killing each other or are we using it to like Elevate all of humanity this is but that does that mean you shouldn't Discover it does that mean you shouldn't bring it to the world no of course not all all have you know you have to evolve because you know there is a limited amount of time for planets to be stable they
don't just stay stable forever right eventually there's a meteorite that hits the atmosphere or there's a sunflare you know one little sunflare for the sun right the Earth is like a grain of sand beside the Sun so the sun just has a little fart you know like you know for the sun is like nothing right and and and and towards the Earth if it hits Square towards you could just burn the atmosphere and it would go just and it would be over and and Jupiter wouldn't even notice Jupiter would be what was that oh it
was the Earth's atmosphere oh W you know and then Earth would look like Mars overnight you know and and and so um the fact that we're still here talking about it is [ __ ] remarkable it's like we're we're floating in Grace it's amazing that we're here you you you have to like if you do the statistics it looks really bad and you you have to start wondering is there somebody making sure we still around because like w super stable for that long you know there was a meteorite that hit about 12,000 years ago that
wiped out a good portion of a society that seemed to have been there before us right but so you know we 12,000 years of stability is quite remarkable but I don't think we should push our luck I think we have a limited amount of time to understand these fundamental principles about creation I think all Societies in the universe any culture anywhere on any Planet eventually has to figure this out because they're going to run out of resources on their planet and the planet is going to change State and wipe out that Society so you have
to learn to fly you have to learn to fly you have to learn how to control gravity get into the space right live amongst the galactic community and use planets as like the Garden of Eden that they are and go and visit and have barbecues and have the wonderful stuff but stop putting cement all over them right like you that can go for a little while but it's it's not sustainable yeah man I just I I feel like throughout this whole conversation there's been many points where I've got just ignited and super excited about uh
the timing of where we're at currently as a species and I think it's a ly twist quote that says there's nothing more powerful than than an idea that's time has come and right now it seems like there are certain ideas where it's their time to come because the old outdated Mythos of separation and ideologies that have gotten us to a point of the biosphere being destroyed and um Humanity approaching the meta crisis like we are at a very pivotal point and it can go one of two ways and um I think these emerging ideas are
just really important to get out there as they start to come through people like yourself so just immensely grateful for you sharing your work with the world and with our audience here at no self today and this has just been such a fun conversation like I just I've loved every bit of this me too yeah I enjoy it very much and I I really you know encourage your listeners to not dismiss it off hand because it seems so fantastic uh but actually dig into it and look and like understand and and and um and so
especially if they're technical people yeah you know go and download the paper and read it and read it with an open mind don't you don't just dismiss it um you can't dismiss the math because it's correct like you know there's 60,000 downloads of the paper this is very rare that there's 60,000 download of a physics paper and um you know if there was errors in it I would have heard about it don't it wouldn't have taken you know 8 months or whatever to to hear about it so but but you might say oh but this
is not what I was told this you know but like just go along and and and and um and and vision just hold your judgment and just Vision what the what it's saying and the ibility of what it's saying and um and I think it can really help transmute like have trust in your feelings in your instinct in your knowing of what makes sense and yeah I would encourage your listener to really like invest in that path like don't just talk about it don't just you know uh do your little meditation every day that that's
good that's that's already a huge step it's a really good thing but get involved get in there you know jump in like and and like participate whatever it is like you can do to participate participate cuz we need you we need everyone of you you know we need every Transcendent human being we need every human being to move towards Transcendence it has to become the main you know transformative power it has to be it has to become the mainstream and it is it slowly is it's poking its head everywhere and it's driving some people crazy
but it's powerful it's so powerful and the thing that keeps me going is to see the light comes on in people's eyes when they realize their nature and their you know profound connection to the whole and um it there's nothing like it and that keeps me going that's for sure I feel that I feel that and I really appreciate your invitation to the audience of to to not believe or disbelieve to not dismiss or just quickly Embrace but to look with your eye to to Really to look into it and and and know what you're
what you say you believe or what you want to embrace to understand why you believe the things that you believe um yeah and yeah just really being empowered in that knowing yeah I mean people say we're so polarized well okay do you really think think that it's 100% one side or 100% the other it's not there's good in in both sides um so how can how come you can't have a conversation about it yeah like talk about it you know it it doesn't take anything away from your opinion to talk about it so talk about
it look at it like transpose your into the other point of view and say oh from that other point of view what does this look like oh oh it looks like this but actually that's pretty good I could go with this but I can't go with this part and then you know and then like let's take the good from all sides from all point of view and build the new world with it like we can we can do that it's very powerful I think that is something that I've just stried my best in my life
and continue to stay in being squarely sane sayane within reality and to do so you your relationship with belief has to change because belief is often a pacifier for insecurity of not knowing and only in admitting our not knowing in admitting our ignorance does the possibility of knowing become a reality or a possibility for us and so I'm just inviting again reiterating what you're saying and admitting where we don't know what we don't know and then examinating uh the different perspectives the last thing that I just want to you know I felt some emotion behind
your eyes when you're talking about seeing the light that comes on within other people when they realize they're interconnected to the whole and it seems like your work has been profoundly motivated and transformed ignited by seeing that within other people and seeing the implications that it has on not just transforming the world the science the equations but people's hearts and so any last closing thoughts you have around that in particular um as the the minds are starting to transform but so are the hearts yeah sort of the hearts and you know the Deep feeling of
alignment of the heart with the mind you know and and the balance that can be occur you know that can occur from this and and um and then and then you know the excitement of feeling all this like wow the power of this coherent State uh of like awareness that you can obtain those clear state of awareness that you can obtain and um and then when you're that excited right take it one step back take it one step back when you go and share with your friends family and this because they might not be ready
to hear it you gotta you gota like you have to like tune it to the person you're talking to right you got to bring it to a place where it's not so confronting you know for them yeah you know from their knowing you it's it's a sense of loving the other even if you feel that they're going again against what you're saying right and I'm not always good at it I guarantee you I fail at that a bunch of time but uh but to have that compassion I practice it is so critical you know to
feel that compassion the appreciation for the other and what they are bringing uh and and and generally a fundamental sense of appreciation and awe for this incredible Miracle of creation that we're in you know just of and wow like to take the time every day to actually bit in that you know appreciation and and the sense of self of unity of connection and you know that is even if you do it one second a day or two seconds a day right like just like this like to to think okay I'm going to Center I'm going
to feel that connection I got to feel that appreciation for my life for everything around me like even if it's just a passing thought it changes everything it changes everything you become like you know how I was saying you know a a a an object is an extension of space well there you become the tool of space the space energy can can use you to like you know propagate you know more appreciation more love more connection more you know and that's what drives you you know at at the end of the day when you're going
to be on the last few breaths of your life which is uh the honor of observing from my father not so long ago what's going to matter what's going to matter in in that moment is how much you loved how much you felt how much you experienced how much you appreciated it's all the beauty that your life had in it you know so to like actually entertain that you know even if it's a few seconds a day it's very powerful can't think of a better note to end on thank you thank you for that reminder
man Nim I'm just so grateful for you for your work for your heart and uh just last where can people find your work we'll link everything down in the description but anything you want to point people towards who want to get more involved with what you're doing world yeah so so we're at ISF International Space Federation it's space so space and uh over there we're publishing articles you know every week do we publish articles and like you know keeping people up on the latest um discoveries and the things that were coming up with
and all this and so that people can stay in touch people can become members we sell you know financial instruments to finance or re research so people can buy bonds and that is so helpful if people buy bonds and um you know this there is um all kinds of ways they can get involved we're looking for engineers um to help us uh electrical engineers mechanical engineers other physicists you know even you know physicists that want to criticize our paper we're happy to have conversations with them you know whatever uh you want to get involved with
you can find it at space and we are in Geneva the headquarter is in Geneva the laboratory is in France um we're on tours so I go and give talks I have talks in France coming up in England coming up come and see me come and talk with me it's going to be super fun we have so so much fun I just did LA yesterday um we had so much fun we finished at 2: in the morning yeah like 2: in the morning I'm like wow we're going to see the sun come up in
the minute you know like I could have kept going but then we got kicked off the rooftop you know so it was like it's it because there's so much to discuss there's so much to discover together and it's really when we're together that we can grow and and evolve and and transform so so I so much appreciation for all the people involved yeah uh thank you again Nim and everyone that you're working with for all the work that you're doing everything you want to where people can find you will be linked down below and then
just for everybody that's been tuning into this almost three- hour conversation a little bit more that's that's great we just got lost in the black hole there um man it's it's so it's been so awesome to meet more of our community in person recently and just how beautiful they are and how intelligent they are and how caring they are and how passionate they are about learning around so many of these topics that you know we even discussed in today's conversation and um let us know share in the comments what was most uniquely impactful for you
and then also share share this episode share this conversation with somebody that you think would find it valuable and that could receive benefit from hearing the words that were shared in conversation today Miss Sim thank you my man thank you so much so great to be with you appreciate it very much absolutely likewise and everybody that's been tuning into this episode the no th s podcast thank you until next time be well take care [Music]