do you ever forget to refill your cat's water bowl have you ever considered getting a water fountain but you're not sure which one we've rounded up a ton of pet fountains and tested each one of them so you don't have to hey everyone it's Holly with we love cats and kittens and today we're going to be looking at eight different pet water fountains I've tested some stainless steel some ceramic and some plastic fountains I know that many people think stainless steel and ceramic are best because bacteria from leftover food and saliva cannot enter the hard
surface but my view from testing them all is that yes you have to keep a plastic Fountain clean but as long as you do that they are good and safe on top of that some cats just don't like the sense of a metallic taste so bear that in mind oh and stainless steel still stains so first up on the list is the pet safe drink well stainless multi pet Fountain the price is $74.95 the capacity is 128 o so its key features are it holds about a gallon of water it comes with five different spout
attachments it has a carbon and foam filter that removes bad tastes odor pet hair and drool and prevents the growth of bacteria it's rust resistant and scratch resistant says it's dishwasher safe top rack only not sure how well it'll fit up there depending on the size of your dishwasher but the pump must be washed separately by hand so Meister was confused at first but eventually figured it out the dog didn't get it at all and bean wanted nothing to do with it the main pros of this Fountain is that it's dog and cat friendly so
your dog and cat can share it has a good filter and a very large capacity cons there's no off andon switch so you have to plug it in to turn it on and unplug it to turn it off it may be pricey for some it's kind of big and it's pretty heavy when it's full so you might want to set it up somewhere where you want it before filling it it's a great option for people who have cats and dogs I think it's equally appealing to both with the running water for cats and the bowl
of water underneath that's more for dogs I think that many pet ERS can benefit from this multi pit Fountain he's so loud next on the list is the pet kit ever Suite 2s the capacity is about 2 L so 68 Oz it has a smart feature so it can be on for 3 minutes and off for 3 minutes normal mode has a continuous flow so it doesn't stop the blue light shows in standby mode and when the water level is low the orange light shows when the filter needs to be replaced whichwich is every 60
days in smart mode and every 30 days in normal mode there's a reset button underneath the fountain that you can press after replacing the filter you press the button on the front to turn it on hold it down to turn it off it has a silent pump which should be cleaned weekly and you should change and replace the water every 3 to 4 days the setup was super easy I love the diagram that shows how everything fits together without having to say anything it's just a picture super easy to follow my cats took to it
right away and still use it today one major Pro about this Fountain is that there is an off andon button so you don't have to deal with plugging it in and unplugging it to turn it off one con with this Fountain is just that it's pretty small so it doesn't hold a lot of water so you will have to refill it a little bit more often I think this is a great little Fountain and I think this is perfect for people who have one cat or maybe two small cats but that being said it's always
good to have multiple water sources around the house next is the pet Libro stainless steel Fountain the price is $419 9 and its capacity is 2 L it's stainless steel BPA free rust and corrosion resistant it's easy to clean durable and hygienic most of it is dishwasher safe it has a quiet pump it has a carbon filter and double filtration it filters hair and other debris to remove odors and impurities it has an adjustable water flow and a minimum and maximum water level I found the setup to be pretty straightforward and it came with simple
instructions the pump was already in place so that was nice you do have to soak the filter for 5 minutes but I think that's in the instructions for just about all of the fountains Bean had to figure out how to use it took him a few tries because he kept trying to bite it I don't think the other cats though really used this one that much I do love how simple it is there's nothing super complicated about it it's easy to clean the lid comes right off and you can put it in the dishwasher one
con is because you can't see through it there's no way to tell when the water level is low so you do have to open it if you want to check the level next is this plastic Fountain by catmat the price is $55 at Petco and petmart and $25 on chewy the water capacity is 70 Oz it has different levels so to me it kind of looks like a water slide for Barbie dolls or something I bet if you have kids who play with Barbie or Kelly dolls those still exist right they'll pretend it's a water
park and put them on the fountain and make them go down the slide because that's what I would do even Bean wants to play in it I'm not really sure what each of those levels for I think just to make it a little bit more interesting for the pet I found the directions to be a little confusing each figure is not part of the instructions for assembly like it looks like it is some are for cleaning and maintenance and troubleshooting once I figured that out it was pretty quick and easy to assemble but they didn't
they weren't very clear about that bean did drink from it a little bit after he was done playing in it I think one of the pros is that it's made of plastic so you don't have to worry about it breaking if the cats knock it over because you know how cats are and you can see when the water is low because the reservoir is the tank if that makes sense like it's all just right there there isn't like an inside couple cons is that it's small there is a humming noise when it's turned on I
wouldn't worry about it if if you keep it in the other room but if you keep it somewhere close to where you sleep at night then that might be an issue so next is the Pioneer Vortex Fountain the price is $449.99 it is a few dollars cheaper on other side the capacity is 128 o some key features of it is it has a very modern look when it's unplugged the water goes down like you're flushing a toilet kind of fun to watch the pump was already installed making setup easier so I pretty much just had
to fill it with water soak the filter and connect the rest of the pieces on top super easy Bean had to get his feet wet first then finally gave it a try and seemed to like it my also dipped his paws in it a few times then washed it then tried it then stuck his feet in again I caught Moi drinking from it the next day which surprised me because she's usually terrified of fountains some pros is it's a super wide Bowl so don't have to worry about whisker fatigue constant running water I mean it's
constantly flowing in a circle so it looks cool it's kind of hypnotizing if you look at it for too long it's a good size large capacity I found no Cons with this Fountain and I'm definitely keeping this one next is the pet safe Creek Side 360° ceramic Fountain it is scratch resistant $65 the capacity is 60 oz super easy to assemble loved the instructions it includes a diagram of exactly how everything pieces together without words so I just followed that rinsed the carbon filter put it in the thing suction the pump to the bottom of
the fountain thread the cord through making sure everything is connected and secure after attaching reactions cats really wanted nothing to do with it Pros has this luxurious look kind of like one of those water walls you see in fancy hotels my mom said it looks like a sombrero she's not wrong cons it's fragile it's ceramic so you have to be careful which isn't always possible when you have pets so I would definitely be careful of of where you place the fountain maybe you don't place it somewhere high up where they could easily knock it down
and definitely not somewhere in a hi traffic area also makes a low humming sound which I don't think is that bad but it might bother some people so next is the pet safe porcelain Fountain the price ranges from 80 to $90 it has a water capacity of 70 Oz its main key feature is the Dual Fountain stream I will disclose the down stem thing was broken when I opened it probably from getting tossed around in the delivery truck no big deal for me I just super glued it and let it dry overnight and it was
good as new but caution be careful handling the package if it goes through FedEx you might be screwed I can't put that in there can I put that in so be careful handling the package obviously not that you have control of what happens to it before it gets to your door but from the door to the inside of your house don't drop it which I didn't as far as the setup goes at this point I have assembled so many fountains I decided decided to put it together without following the instructions it was pretty easy simple
and straightforward and it's working so I'd say I succeeded my cats weren't impressed surprised by it some pros it's pretty it's elegant simple it has a calming Fountain Creek sound looks like it could be part of your home decor it's pretty quiet a couple cons is obviously it's very fragile so again be careful with it be careful handling it be careful putting it together be careful where you put it just be careful also the reservoir is a little bit narrow so that might be something to keep in mind if you're concerned about whisker fatigue and
last on the list is the Ora Ora D30 stainless steel Fountain the price is $49.95 for the 67 Oz one and $59.99 for the 100 oz one on their website it has the same features as the pet Libro stainless steel Fountain except this one comes with extra filters like a lot of them so that's pretty nice super easy setup my cats used it like any other Fountain they know how this works by now I think the main Pro about this one is it's the only fountain on this list that comes with extra filters so you
don't have to buy more filters immediately my number one con is that the stainless steel isn't stainless so here's how I personally would rate all eight fountains coming in last at number eight would be the pet lro stainless steel Fountain doesn't really have any special features or anything probably the most basic out of all of them stains very easily the stainless steel stains number seven the D30 stainless steel pet Fountain that's just like the pet Libra one except what makes this one better than the petle Bro in my opinion is that it comes with filters
at number six is the porcelain Avon and that was just you know super pretty but also super fragile number five I gave to the pet safe Creekside Fountain it's also fragile but it's scratch resistant and the price is pretty good number four is the cat mate Fountain I think plastic is more practical than ceramic or glass or anything fragile when it comes to animals they don't know what fragile is so also it's a good price not a lot of cons in third place is the multi pet Fountain I love that it's good for cats and
dogs so if you have both cats and dogs they can share it in second place for me is the pet kit ever Suite I think that it has a lot of really cool features and my cats really liked it a lot they still use it I'd say the number one Fountain out of all of these on the list for me is the Pioneer Vortex Fountain it's just so cool I've never seen anything like it my cats love it that's probably because it is like a toilet flushing all the time really cool design a really big
capacity the wide bowl is a very important feature for me to um minimize any risk of whisker fatigue keeping that one I'm also keeping the pet kit eversweet number two on this list so those fountains are the top two for me my favorite being the Pioneer vortex so that's my rating let us know in the comments your top choices out of the eight on this list and if this helped at all with your decision on what type of Fountain to get and if you like this shirt you can get it from our shop which will
be linked in the description as always make sure to like And subscribe and I will see you in the next review [Music]