New Moon in Scorpio November 1st 2024

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Pam Gregory
Pam talks about the first half of November and the New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st. What does this me...
Video Transcript:
[Music] hi everyone I'm going to be speaking to you today about the first half of November and the new moon that we have coming up in Scorpio right at the beginning on the 1st now just to say I'm currently filming this on the 16th of October we have a very powerful full super moon tomorrow in Aries with a cardinal Grand Cross in it so as I'm filming today anything that unfolds in the world um Beyond today I'm not going to be taking account of in this video because that's a that's a pretty potent full Super
Moon that we have we will see what uh what happens over the next few days but we are in a very accelerated period of um expansion of our Consciousness for sure so we start November with a bang because through the last few days of October we had um this very strong in fact really the last half of October we have this building opposition between Mars in cancer and Pluto in Capricorn the very last degree 29 degrees of Capricorn and that becomes exact on the 3rd and 4th of November so really strong that um one of
the themes is um individual power Mars versus state power Pluto and remember that Pluto only has just a few days really till the 19th of November um in that sign of Capricorn so there's a tremendous feeling of of pressure pressure building in this and uh it's it's like a pressure cooker we'll see what happens around the the full Super Moon um on the 17th of October but uh even all through November this is this is strong energy um of course doesn't need me to say that the um the US election if it does happen is
on the 5th of November so that that exact Mars Pluto opposition is running into it and I've referred to that before because that could throw some curved balls potentially um again we'll see what on for olds but the new moon um I mean this is very explosive and and eruptive in its astrological energy unit to do with brute force and power and where the power lies is is the power in your inner Authority or is it um or are you referring to the external and um it's very it's very reactive it's very impulsive so all
through this period certainly to the end of the year take a breath take a breath the energy is volatile it's running High take a breath before you speak or before you react because you could be very very grateful just create some space create some space before you speak or act um particularly if energy is running very high around you so um and with that Mars Pluto opposition um Mars in cancer has very strong urge to protect the home the family the Homeland as well um that opposition was was exactly across the MCC access for Washington
DC at the full Super Moon again highlighting America I know people get very bored they talking about America but whatever unfolds is really going to have implications for the rest of the world so um a yes a very colorful period for sure so let us now look at the new moon which is happening on the 1st of November now this is happening at 9:35 of Scorpio as always with the new moon the Sun and Moon come together um this is um actually occurring at 5:47 am Pacific and in the UK at 12:47 lunchtime um our
hour has now gone back we are no longer on British summertime we are on GMT or universal time from this point on until um next spring so just be aware of that for the Sunday meditations Etc but I'll I'll put out a note about that um so Scorpio has great intensity great willow you will know if you have any Scorpio emphasis in your chart your sun your moon your ascendant you will have tremendous Focus tremendous willpower this is real grit and strength coming in here um a sense of you know being the spiritual I know
people don't like the word Warrior but Standing Tall in your own authority and strength knowing your your spiritual gifts and and light is going to shine in this period and the importance of that now see where 9 degrees of Scorpio Falls in your chart don't forget to set a new intention perfect time in the month to do that you're planting a new seed at this time if you don't know what I'm talking about you can download a free birth chopck from my website go to the link below and you can get a two-part video series
that you can watch to Infinity for every update I do to help you understand where these um these points for in your own chart with every update and what it means for you in your own life this is not a personalized birth analysis birth jart analysis these are teaching videos that go from zero for you okay so what is Scorpio about apart from intensity apart from Power struggles and again power struggles very much emphasized by Pluto 294 4 of Capricorn Mars 2904 of cancer so it's exact on the degree and this is really this this
becomes exact again I believe in in January and again in April so whatever this individual power versus state power struggle is about we are going to see this continue to unfold until April which is which is very interesting which doesn't mean that you can't step into your pile before that at all this is just a process for for the collective to be aware of but we are right at the last quarter of a degree um of Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetimes it's very interesting so what is Scorpio about well as a sign it's very
much to do with secrets and so always it brings up the issue of um are we having light sha on those Secrets because they tend to be issues that are underground underhand long buried repressed can be around sexual issues can also be um even you know criminal issues it can be around money big money that kind of thing and the fact that um we have Uranus the planet of Truth The Piercing sword of clarity in what's called a quind chile6 5 degree aspect you need a tight orb for that just two degrees either side to
this new moon that's all about truth bringing truth to light and also on the others this is like a pins movement um the other side to ays sister of Mars Warrior energy all about truth honesty Justice equality that they are very similar archetypes Uranus and and so they are in this very tight pins movement of two Quin chilies to this new moon and that speaks volumes I think about this continuing waterfall Cascade of Truth coming to light um and this new moon emphasizes that too because Scorpi is say is is part exons the sign linked
to secret so this could be around you know underground underhand criminal activity um it can be Financial because Scorpio is um connected to Big Money Investments it can also be uh medical actually because the two signs connected to anything medical are firstly Virgo and Virgo is more in the sense of your gut health your microbiome your n nutrition getting the body running like clockwork it's that side of medicine Scorpio is more diagnostic and it's more invasive think of the sting in the Scorpion's tail so you know Secrets coming into light could could be around um
those issues too um now even within a few days of this new Moon by the fourth um so I say third fourth this um opposition between Mars and Pluto becomes exact and then just later on the on the fourth tips into Leo emphasizing issues around sovereignty the two signs that really emphasize sovereignty um to me are Aries and Leo standing strong in your I amness in your power I think it's um it's very interesting as well that um Chiron is in a a tight conjunction here with ays I'm going to come back to Chiron because
it's also in a sex stle here to Jupiter so I'll come back to Chiron um in a moment but another thing just to be aware of as a very longterm really next three years aspect is that we have a Trine an OP operational Trine now between Pluto and Uranus 29 of Capricorn 25 of Taurus both in Earth signs and even when they both tip into their next sign Pluto moves into Aquarius on the 19th of November Uranus moves into Gemini again they're both a air signs um in mid next year that Trine will continue and
indeed that Trine will become exact five times between 2026 and 2028 and as I spoke about in my recent video metamorphosis for Humanity question mark this is a very um creative Trine the seed point of this was in the 1960s with the hippies and peace and love and not wanting war and living in community Etc this really starts to come to Blossom 26 to 28 and um I think will be will bring back into manifestation some of those themes even from the the 1960s um a lot of innovation around this and particularly as you probably
know from all of my updates when Pluto moves into Aquarius and even more so when Uranus moves into Gemini we are going to see an immense amount of um Innovation around communication around technology of all kinds healing technology Medical Technology Aviation just a blizzard I'm going to come back to um some thoughts on that too um could well have a galactic component helping us with that Uranus is linked to the um the galactics as well now um Also I spoke recently I'm very excited about something today um because I spoke in that metamorphosis for Humanity
video just about three orbiting bodies Pluto hir and sedna and I was getting the theme of metamorphosis from H but also from sedna very strongly and H is the dwarf planet I've talked about many times I'll put the link for that video below so I don't have to repeat all of what I said there but it's linked to Regeneration anti-aging um just longevity in general turning turning back disease Etc and sedna is this this complete change of state so I put that video out last well 4 days ago now so it must have been on
the the 12th um just yesterday I noticed there was a video from Robert Edward Grant who I have huge respect for with his work and very excitingly I'll put his video he has no idea I'm sharing this of course but um I'll put that link below because he's talking about reversing aging and he apparently has he has worked out the geometry of the DNA and I hope I'm representing his work correctly the geometry of the DNA that can help us jump an octave from carbon to Silicon because silicon is the next octave up from carbon
he's worked out all the geometry for this and particularly because um it needs an ionization of the Silicon it also draws in other minerals at that time including phosphorus now you'll probably remember from your Chemistry lessons at school that phosphorus phosphorus um is something that can produce a great deal of light and Robert Edward Grant is is talking about this um this homol luminous this bioluminescence that can start to come into um essentially our DNA this is the next Octave of evolution for Humanity so he he he feels he's worked out the geom for that
and of course the dwarf planets um are all about the next Octave of Consciousness uh which I've talked about so often so I was very excited about that um because it does you know so often when I talk about these dwarf planets some people think gosh you know I'll try and be civil here but you know these These Lumps of rock are spinning way out in deep space their archetype their symbolism seems so incredibly abstract how does it possibly affect me in my life well it is I mean not only do we have many um
supplements now that can um supposedly help longevity I've talked often about rapy which is a naturally occurring chemical in the soil of Easter Island that hire is also related to because the lorans also went there um part of their frequency but ALS so many Technologies now that are helping the body to produce mold stem cells and reverse aging and to dissolve disease that's already happening but what what Robert Edward Grant is talking about is a real jump in where we are at in terms of human evolution so that is the relevance to the symbolism of
dwarf planets like H that seem incredibly abstract but boy they are now coming onto onto the stage for us um and they will continue to do so in a much in a much bigger way um it's very interesting actually at the end of Robert's video he talked about bumping into a futurist who in part works for um the American government and the futurist said that um over the next 3 years 25 26 27 the world is going to go through immense amount of change and that's really exactly what I was referring to in that that
recent video and the astrology of that is you know is really crystal clear okay other things to talk about in this um New Moon the Sun and Moon are square to a dwarf planet called veruna that's this kind of I I like symbol here 9 degrees of Leo n degrees of Scorpio both fixed signs I know it looks a bit squiffy here that's because I'm using a placidus house system believe me it's exact to the degree um now veruna another dwarf planet is the link to the Hindu Creator God of the oceans and the waters
she said to watch over the Demons of the oceans she's connected to the rain this is all in the myth connected to the rains and the whole underwater Universe she's the keeper of moral law with regard to the waters um and she punishes those who do not honor sacred contracts now given what we've experienced so far um with flooding I I just find that incredibly interesting and of course Scorpio is again a water sign we are going to see an awful lot in the next couple of years about the water not only of course because
this new moon but because Neptune is going to spend quite a bit of time next year and just into the beginning month of 2026 at the final degree of Pisces so it's all you know Neptune rules Pisces it's all about water Seas water issues toxicity pollution all of that kind of thing rainfall flooding that kind of thing but what is very interesting is this is not just a Square it's a t Square because we also have a beautiful symbolism of um Chaco the central Chaco at 13° of Aquarius Square to the Sun and Moon Square
to veruna and Chaco you know I just love the symbol symbolism of Chaco which I haven't talked about for a while actually she's the wife of Chiron in myth she is um she holds Sacred Space she's able to to heal people by holding Sacred Space she is I believe linked to the Eternal the Buddhist Eternal state of pure being that state of profound Stillness that is always there for us to drop into always there and you know in a very simple way I I did a very short video 10-minute video recently on the the yogic
baby belly breath to help any of you who are feeling you know stressed and panicked just a incredibly simple breath it's on my YouTube channel I'll put the link below for that you could just drop into and for me that is you know for many people that is a really fast way to get to Stillness just War you just decompress any kind of frazzled energy I suggest you do that at least once a day more often if you can and that's tapping in to some of this Exquisite permanent Stillness this state of being of Charlo
that's always there for us she's also um said to be present at the transitions of life to death She's also transitions major transitions of Consciousness and for sure that is what we are going through right now that's Unstoppable we're not going backwards that this is a one-way Street of the evolution of consciousness and um another aspect which is very helpful as well is that the Sun and Moon are trying to Saturn in Pisces and that's very stabilizing um for us it's it's again this sense of stability when we dive deep into that beautiful Pisces energy
as well that sense of Oneness that connection that connection to Source another aspect to pick up here is Jupiter Jupiter is retrograde and as I've talked about recently when Jupiter is a retrograde because Jupiter is linked to the truth and the law and our belief systems when it's moving retrograde there's a a re-evaluation of our belief systems a re-evaluation of our belief systems and that's partly because it's incorporating love viness into the picture um it is also in Gemini and Gemini is linked to the facts and the information that may be coming out now social
media you know blizzard of information it's easy to get overwhelmed and overloaded when Jupiter is in gerini it's just too much but nevertheless that theme of Truth is as I say being refor reinforced by Uranus and ays aspecting this new moon so revision of our belief system connected to the the facts the information that um may be coming out at this time and Jupiter is an exact sex style to Chiron now Chiron as I've spoken about many times particularly in Aries is linked to the EV victim consciousness of you're wounded in your I amness um
people who have that natally tend to feel that um you know did I have a right to exist when I was born inevitably that that's meant to be turned into leadership but it's interesting that Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus and Saturn is our kind of 3D tangible world and Chiron is going beyond that so there's a real sense of elevation of our Consciousness not only Jupiter expansion but also an elevation and I think this is bringing in a a you know by the day a greater sense of multi-dimensionality and shedding that victim Consciousness what
will really help us to shed that victim Consciousness is this very strong Scorpio energy you know boy do they you know I have a Scorpio ascendant double Pisces sun and moon but boy I can I can lock on to my Scorpio ascendant and say this far and no further I'm standing strong now so so uh yeah beautiful so when need be Jupiter is also I've talks about this recently conjunct a a beautiful dwarf planet called aljira alj and this it's very close now 2026 of Gemini 2029 of Gemini so it's just three degrees from exactitude
algera the symbolism is linked to the indigenous dream time um going walk about that dream time is more real than our 3D reality and that is where we manifest from that's the you know that's the ground of being again if you like that's where we draw our energy from to to Tumble down into 3D manifestation and Jupiter is accessing and expanding our knowledge Jupiter our understanding Jupiter of that another aspect of ala's um symbolism is that um it's just fascinating for me she helps us shed old social programming which is no longer for our highest
good I think that's really fabulous and and again I've talked about this many times and many other people talk about but just know all possibility is out there just like like EV the content of every radio station is there 24/7 all of it's out there 247 but we only receive the content of the radio station that we're tuned to there's an absolute spiritual law that you only connect with that which you are the frequency match to it's probably not perfect English but it has to be a frequency match you have to tune to that particular
radio station to connect to get the content to get the information to start to live within the reality of that radio station so this is a very simple principle for us to understand all of the contents out there all of the possible manifestations new Earth is out there for sure it's simply a question of us expanding our Consciousness to connect to it and I think we are really understanding that more and more um so as we as we go beyond this I'll stop um I think those are the main things I wanted to say about
uh we also of course just to say that we have mercury opposing Uranus that was exact at the end of October that can be again about um shocking truth shocking news surprising news and this is genius ideas out of the box ideas but this could be um with truth coming out this is again the financial access Taurus Scorpio this could bring in some volatility as well to the financial markets that was exact at the end of October so let us see beyond that because this is just a very potent beginning to um um to November
so let me stop sharing here um when we moved to the 7th of November we have you know some pretty feisty days we have the moon Square to ays conjunct Pluto and opposing Mars um and later in the day the moon comes to square Uranus now the moon moves very quickly so it does that on a regular basis but just to highlight with all that is going on in the first few days of November this is people the moon feeling intense feeling restless feeling agitated feeling reactive um feisty you know we've got very strong energy
so again take a breath we are now again within days of Pluto moving into Aquarius on the 19th and remember that that Aquarian energy is much more revolutionary than Capricorn by a mile it's much more rebellious remember the last time um in in its major cycle that Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 to 1798 and I've got a whole video about that I did last year this was the time of the French Revolution and the American Revolution this is big big revolutionary energy so we are going start to feel some very different Energy building
through November and by the way you know that is not to say that everything's going to be perfect on the 19th of November by a mile by a mile because we are going to continue to see what is already unfolded in 2024 you know the old systems the old world is collapsing the new is just at the very beginning of being birth but people are at very different points of experiencing that um you know you you're all on a ve we are all on a very individual timeline here but certainly there's a sense of moving
forwards because um not only has Pluto now moved direct as of the 12th of October on the 15th we have Saturn moving direct so we will feel that few days to either side and just just in fact one day before that just to mention that mercury is um semis Square to Pluto now Mercury is conjunct the great attractor on that day the 14th of November that's at 14 degrees of Sagittarius this is a massive gravitational anomaly in space which is moving backwards at 600 kilometers a second and kind of like a massive Cosmic vacuum cleaner
and sucking galaxies in its wake it is also kind of spewing out enormous amounts of cosmic energy with which we create our world now people natally who have aspects or planets around 14 degrees of Sagittarius give or take two degrees because this is such a powerful force out in the cosmos it can bend space and time so people who have you know 12 Dees to 16 degrees of sagitt areas planets and and and angles um they often have a sense of precognition they can see around corners and they're super sensitive to energy often work with
energy but this gives immense power from really the cosmic source of of of energy as we know it and so it's very interesting that if we're thinking of this the Scorpio time of Secrets coming to light and whenever Mercury is aspecting Pluto there's the potential for that but now we also have not only Mercury semi Square Pluto but we have mercury conjunct the great attractor exactly on the 14th of November couple of days before that on the 12th it it is conjunct the um us ascendant of that sibi chart 4th of July 1776 Philadelphia 10
5 in the afternoon so again that pulls the um the us into the picture but this suggests that some very powerful information is coming out to the world at this time so Saturn moving stationary Direct on the 15th um that's at 12 degrees 41 minutes of Pisces now that's always with Saturn you feel it several days to either side a reality check of some kind how you how are we doing on our spiritual discipline and our spiritual practice Saturn discipline practice Pisces spiritual do we need to up that to some degree do we need to
be more disciplined more rigorous in that it can also suggest greater attempted control at that period just around that that time and remember that that Pluto in these last few days of Capricorn can also suggest that too it can bring in more issues sadly or you because it's in Pisces water flooding toxicity Etc so but it's interesting we've we've had Pluto moving Direct on the 12th of October Saturn moving Direct on the 15th of November as we get into um December Neptune moves Direct on the 7th and then Uranus the final outter Planet moves Direct
in January so we have this greater sense of momentum speed and also Pluto moving into Aquarius will speed things up because air Aquarius is as a sign is way faster than Capricorn Cardinal Earth um what I also want to say and I'll be talking for the next 20 years if I live that long about Pluto and Aquarius because it will stay there till um beginning January 2044 but as I've said we all on very individual timelines but I think it's very clear to many of us that there there's a bacation there are two very broad
Collective timelines where we can gather and with Pluto moving into Aquarius there is one very very obvious one of control Pluto by technology Aquarius Aquarius is linked to technology and digitization and all that um all that follows and that's a very Contracting timeline obviously very technological very synthetic but there's a whole different one um that is built on love and is very much about a much expanded understanding of energy and frequency and of course we all understand kind of intellectually that that we are everything is energy and frequency but we are going to take one
giant leap in that understanding Beyond where we have been and I'm actually very excited about this now remember nobody forces you on to E either timeline if you're living largely in fear you tend to go onto the the first timeline I mentioned if you're living primarily in love you will go onto the other timeline you self- select nobody forces you on to either of this this this is down to us and how we are holding our frequency and our emotional state so there's a whole new area of e e exploration right now around energy and
frequency that is building on the work of Tesla and Steiner who of course were complete Geniuses in their in their time and um it's also built on the principles of pantheism I think that everything everything in the world is has Spirit has life force in it um even you know a rock a crystal of course that has life force but it's that kind of um principle that everything is conscious you know the cars we drive they're conscious and they are alive with spirit and that's a bit of a shift for us in terms of where
we've been in the past so there various developments starting to happen um in the background that are more about as we expand our Consciousness allowing us as a kind of divine fractal to blend and flow with this greater Consciousness with this sense of source and Oneness because we're going to feel that that our reality is much more malleable maybe more holographic that we can blend and flow with this versus the kind of individualism separation this is mine it's not yours fences boundaries all all of the things that have been very saturnian very capricornian particularly of
late and so this will enable us to create a greater sense of Harmony and coherence in our our own State and how that will manifest in terms of our experience in the world our reality in the world and all of this is so connected to the the dwarf planets you know that video that I shared uh underneath the last up well the metamorphosis for Humanity about ancient Futures that is so linked to the symbolism of so many of the dwarf planets they have ancient wisdom but their Leading Edge manifestation in terms of their understanding of
of energy frequency Etc and so there's something being developed right now and I don't want to say too much about this yet because I need to dig a bit further and see if I can make another contact but it's really about the science of of conscious energetics the science of conscious energetics and that is linked to a necessary expansion of our Consciousness and it's linked to a stronger connection to our Galactic family that comes as part of that because they are an advanced intelligence of course that we were are very much part of so I
think our future is actually going to go in Leaps and Bounds Quantum leaps in fact and it's very very exciting and so you've got to kind of leave me to it for a while to go to go digging about but it is so in line with the astrology and and what I'm just reading from the geometry and the archetypes so uh we will see where we land but in the meantime keep as a rolling Mantra we're welcoming in an expanded consciousness of love we're welcoming in expanded consciousness of love and that will serve you very
well God bless hope that helps I'll be back um very soon indeed with another update I'm I'm going to be speaking to an tuer tomorrow in a recorded conversation I'm not sure we'll when Anne will get that out to the world but I'm very much looking forward to that and God bless thank you for for listening have a wonderful new moon in Scorpio on the first bye for now [Music]
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