A Full Guide To Reinvent Your Life (In 6-12 Months)

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Dan Koe
One-Person Business Foundations (free): https://theone-personbusiness.com Generate Infinite Creativ...
Video Transcript:
life is like a dark room on occasion we find a candle so that we can see but not for long the candle provides vision and Direction but the flame will die out sparking fear and our souls that we will never find our way unless we move with faith that we will find the next candle the human mind bounces between order and chaos chaos is our default State Clarity is the byproduct of ordered information that fills our Consciousness our mind is clear when what we pay attention to is clear this is an explanation for human behavior
and it explains why people report that the most miserable part of their lives are on a Sunday between the times of 10 a.m and 2 pm when they have nothing to do people say that they hate their jobs yet jobs provide a clear state of mind that is arguably much more enjoyable than being at home alone with your thoughts humans fill their days with activities that structure their mind we always want to be doing something seeing people playing games right designing creating preferably investing our attention in something useful and when we are alone psychic entropy
ensues and so entropy is that everything tends towards disorder like how one day you will die one day the sun will die out one day the universe will die and you can see that anything tangible will eventually decompose and that is unless we as humans attempt to reverse entropy that's all we're really doing here is trying to solve the problems that lead to things falling apart we're trying to extend our life on this Earth everything even something as small as organizing your bookshelf after it gets dirty is with the larger survival goal in the back
of your mind of I need to survive we need to live as long as possible we need to become immortal and that's what really everyone is creating to do and so psychic entropy is when we lose the frame or the order of our mind by letting go of a coherent line of thought and this happens more than you think when we are sitting around and without actually doing anything when we're alone with our thoughts we may have some structured thoughts occasionally we may have a coherent line of thought but eventually that ends that lasts like
two to three seconds and then eventually you catch on to a thought and then your thought process goes unconscious and you can't keep track of where your thoughts are going to end up so our mind grasps at negative thoughts and then they multiply and so the cure to this state of mind this unordered State of Mind feeling lost overwhelmed and anxious is knowing how to order your mind it is knowing how to direct your attention meditation teaches you to focus on your breath metacognition teaches you to question your thoughts learning to be alone is learning
to order your mind in any circumstance for enjoyment and I think it's ironic that people think they want to maximize the freedom in their life because that's the opposite of what they want people don't want freedom they want autonomy they don't want limitations projected on them they want to create their own limitations and so Clarity is the key to enjoyment but enjoyment is not the only p piece of the puzzle we can enjoy a life that someone assigns to us we can enjoy working a nine-to-five job we can enjoy doing what people tell us to
do but at the end of the day that does not bring fulfillment sustainable long-term Clarity comes from two sources one is self-generated goals in alignment with a conscious future and two is society generated goals in alignment within unconscious future one is created one is assigned if we don't want our life to be the product of someone else's Vision we must create our own let's dive in most people don't need motivation they need Clarity motivation is like standing on one side of a canyon the other side looks like a Utopia everything you could ever want beautiful
people music cars houses all calling your name to take the leap but you don't have a way to get over to the other side of the canyon Clarity is the first plank of the bridge to the other side and motivation can be illustrated by the behavior molecule dopamine when something is far away from us we desire it more when we do not have it and when we acquire that thing like a nice house nice car nice watch a pretty person or even something like an internet course or a new book we feel good for a
bit but then it becomes normal it becomes a part of our Lives it's not something that we desire anymore because we've acquired it and so we know this as the honeymoon phase right when you want something so so bad and then we finally get it there's maybe a two week to four week period where you are in love with that thing and and not really in love but more so infatuated with that thing and now dopamine is not bad it is one of the most important neurotransmitters to understand in your life in how you behave
it is the drive behind your dreams and that should be utilized but most people drown in motivation and they see so many things that are out of their reach every single day especially on social media and so over and over again they waste this precious resource that could be used to act on their dreams and even if they do acquire those dreams like their fancy car or a nice watch they don't know how to swap their focus to sustain the enjoyment of that thing because while dopamine is more so raised when you desire something that
is outside of you or something that you do not have there are other neurotransmitters that are called the Here and Now neurotransmitters like serotonin oxytocin endorphins and endocannabinoids that give you satisfaction and appreciation for what's in front of you the things that you have in your own personal space and so while some people take drugs like Molly marijuana even alcohol and I'm not judging I do these things occasionally too there are more sustainable ways to bring this satisfaction fulfillment enjoyment into your everyday life with the things that you have to appreciate where you are and
who you are the first is mindfulness and detail so with this you're trying to notice the detail that your senses can provide because most people are living in this superficial State they everything around them is normal to them so when you go on a walk try to see detail that you've never seen before maybe it's in the trees and how the leaves are so detailed or Bush that you've ever you've never actually looked too closely at or maybe even the concrete under your feet we're trying to snap out of the Mindless and normal routines that
keep us living on the surface notice the extravagant details in the leaves of a tree the blades of grass and the shine of the light on cars as they pass you by when you cook a meal notice the differences in texture taste and feel try to pick apart the ingredients when listening to a song dig deep can you hear the subtle layers in the background those were intentional by the Creator they want you to notice them and so you can see why food critics music lovers and yogis enjoy certain activities so much it's because they're
so immersed in the present moment and their mind is being flooded with the Here and Now neurotransmitters which is much more sustainable than constantly pursuing that cheap dopamine hit and so the mindfulness in detail is really us just trying to get in touch with reality because reality is an Ever flowing quality of experience and we're missing out on the depth of that experience every single day and so you can apply this strategy when you acquire something new that is borderlining boredom right because your Pursuits maybe you have been pursuing this one thing so long that
when you get it and it's its shine is starting to fade that if you don't want to put it onto the Shelf you need to learn how to enjoy it you need to notice the detail in it far beyond just your senses as well and that leads into Point number two which is developing an intrinsic philosophy so let's imagine a young bodybuilder they started going to the gym for vanity but they stayed for the therapy they desired a strong aesthetic physique so that they could attract a partner in command respect but after a year or
two their progress drastically slowed down they built a great body so what's next it didn't really change how many people they attracted maybe it bumped them up the social hierarchy a bit but for what a bit more attention is it still worth spending seven to eight hours a week on this endeavor so they look inward what has this brought to my life why do I keep showing up every day where would I have spent my time otherwise how has this impacted the people I meet the conversations I can have and the career opportunities open to
me they realize that their material Pursuit was deeply immaterial as are most but people glance over that fact their Pursuit for better gave them an identity that influenced positive decisions it prevented them from being like the Mindless masses who pursue nothing so the lesson is this it's better to pursue something superficial than it is to do nothing with your life you either learn what you don't want so you can pursue what you want or you find depth meaning and spirituality along the way and so the third thing here for how to practice appreciation and satisfaction
in the moment is learning and education because 95 percent of people would scoff at someone who purchases a new car like a Porsche GT3 that's because they only see the surface and they can't open their mind to see that a person's life and identity is more than just a snapshot of that situation what if the person that bought it was a mechanic what if they derived a deep Satisfaction by digging into the Machinery now what if the average Joe made the same purchase but they decided to learn something new they can learn their way into
a deeper crevice of reality through education they study the car's Parts history and how to drive better they start visiting the track and the car becomes a consistent part of their lifestyle one that brings enjoyment and flow they construct a house of meaning under the foundation of material most people keep laying a foundation and never build anything worth keeping with this knowledge the key to the good life is a disciplined balance between meaningful dopamine sources and creating satisfaction when you achieve those goals so now we need to talk about enjoyment versus pleasure and choosing your
dopamine sources wisely enjoyment comes from investing attention pleasure comes from spending attention Investments are long-term purchases are short-term enjoyment is process focused pleasure is outcome focused enjoyment is progress toward a long-term goal pleasure is achieving a goal without effort our goal is to maximize the enjoyment in our everyday life that's all anyone is trying to do but most people don't zoom out to gain a perspective that is distraction proof while pursuing those goals they're so narrow really focused on what can bring pleasure right here and right now literally the key to life is just zooming
out expanding your focus expanding your mind collecting more perspective the highest perspective is the one that includes them all because we don't want to get stuck scrolling social media having meaningless sex in more ways than physical and winning arguments in the comments that lead to absolutely nothing useful we want to act on our goals build something beneficial in reality and impact others in a way that brings enjoyment into our lives and so I talk a lot about having a vision for the future why because at every point in my life where I have made substantial
progress in a short period of time while enjoying every second of it I was hell-bent on actualizing a vision for the future that I held in my mind and people that have experienced this same thing know this power and that's why I write about it so much because I want to understand it I want to dissect it I want to piece together a way for people to develop Vision in their own lives so they can experience that feeling and so one concept that I've coined that has helped many is the anti-vision in brief it's how
you realize what you don't want and does this mean that you can get rid of the things that you don't want immediately no you can't just quit your job and move out of your hometown if you've built an entire house of responsibilities around that there's more on the line than money if you just quit your job be smart about this this is a long-term game so to create your anti-vision here's what we have to do first is observe society as a habit pay close attention to the people around you in any situation why do they
do what they do what is it leading towards are they somebody that you want to be it could be as simple as observing the groceries that people put in their baskets or observing their body and realizing that you don't want to end up slow lifeless groggy all the time number two is to reflect on your past what are experiences that you never want to experience again what were the lowest lows of your life what caused them have you done anything to prevent that from happening again make this a conscious practice in your life number three
is to make a list of things things that you don't want pull out a notebook and get specific this list should make you feel uncomfortable keep this somewhere safe and when something new comes to mind which it will because not every single idea is going to come to mind in the span of 10 to 20 minutes as you're writing this out it's going to come to your mind over years and years and years of experiencing the things that pop the ideas into your head and you need somewhere to write it down for this number four
is to realize where you will be if you keep doing the same thing you are your habits where will your life end up if you have the same lifestyle in 10 years do you want that number five is to transmute that energy into a passionate Vision what will you have to learn build and execute daily to avoid your anti-vision and if you want to turn your vision into a brand and your notes into content so that you can build an authentic and purposeful one-person business and check out to our writer so we just came up
with your anti-vision but now your vision your vision is your frame it is what you hold in the back of your mind to guide your daily actions it is the lens from which you view your goals and from your vision and your goals those are the lens that help you view and perceive daily situations so that you can make better decisions it's not about having long-term or short-term Focus it's about having both zoom out your life is a culmination of your choices and if you want to make better ones you must expand your mind Consciousness
and focus beyond your worries so now that you've created a specific anti-vision for your future you've primed your mind for pattern recognition so that you can spot opportunities that will Aid in you actualizing the vision for your future or just realizing okay this is not what I want to do I'm not going to put this in my grocery basket because I'm only now aware of it because I've realized that this is damaging the health that I want to have going into my vision for the future and so yes it is helpful to get even more
specific on what you want out of your future but your vision is imaginary it's a vision right it should be culminated over time and it's very helpful to write things out and I would encourage you do that to write out the op opposite of your anti-vision because your vision may not be strong yet your vision gets strong over time as I said not everything is going to come to mind in the 10 to 20 minutes that you're going to spend doing this that's literally impossible it's going to culminate and expand and develop over years and
years and years of experiencing life failing succeeding and having data points from which to iterate on your vision so now that we have a vision for the future we need to learn how to learn and build because schools can't and won't teach you how to build your dreams schools are intimately connected with the government politics and economy and their conditioning process or education is set up to keep these things going to keep them alive anything that gives the individual power is a threat so self-education is a requirement on your journey and it's obvious that you
can't reach your goals at your current level of development or else you'd already achieve them you need to develop skills you need to build things you need to fail you need to gain experience because it also wouldn't be challenging if you could achieve your goals right now it wouldn't be challenging and challenge challenge gives you a place to focus and order your mind that's what makes life enjoyable because challenge plays a crucial role in The Flow State enjoyment and dopamine but only if you take on challenges that aren't too boring or difficult play at your
level but try to make it to the next level and if you want to retain everything that you learn or at least the important things not the noise you can't learn literally everything that comes across your mind you you must remember the important things that actualize your vision that's how you learn everything and if you want to do that then you must learn as you build or build as you learn so here's what you do first is to write down 10 to 20 specific skills interests or topics that will actualize your vision because we need
Clarity on what to do every single day to actualize that Vision most people fail to make tangible progress because they don't realize that a lifelong habit of Education skill acquisition and practice is how you build a better life this is not optional if you don't have time carved out each day to practice your craft for life then you aren't going to make it anywhere meaningful life itself is a practice and most people aren't showing up they sit at home and distract themselves with Mindless entertainment you don't have your ideal lifestyle because you aren't living that
lifestyle right now but on a smaller scale as you get better at what you do the time you spend doing it will increase and the impact of what you're doing will be more in less time and money will become inevitable if you're starting as a designer or a writer then you're going to design or write for an hour day every single morning as you get better you're going to be able to do the same amount of work that took that one hour in 20 minutes and so not only are you doing better and more work
within that first hour but you're able to incorporate other things and start to build let's say a business for it and slowly increase the time you spend doing it until it becomes your lifestyle the same goes for the gym the same goes for every single healthy habit that's the successful people do on a daily basis they didn't just poof land into this lifestyle after they had a successful business it was their lifestyle that that allowed them to build the business and so the key to all of this is specificity don't write down web design for
one of your Curiosities or interests that you're looking to write down here write down how to create landing pages that are actually useful to businesses don't write down the gym write down diet and training principles to lose 10 pounds of fat in six weeks do this 10 times minimum and if you don't see how the skills interests or Curiosities Aid in Your Vision then remove them so step two after writing down 10 to 20 interests we're going to leverage dopamine through pattern recognition and momentum connecting ideas and noting patterns in reality raises dopamine levels in
the brain it's the same reason that cocaine feels so good dopamine but this is much more sustainable it is addictive and this process becomes more powerful when you build momentum think of it like doing a Sudoku puzzle you come up with one answer to fill in and dopamine increases and what that does is it Narrows your mind with that feedback to find other answers so once you find one answer then you're like oh there's one more oh there's another one and you build momentum and the dopamine continues to increase and it feels good and it
keeps you engaged and so the same thing happens when you have an idea at night and you're like that's a great idea I need to write that down and then you have another one and then another one and you have 10 ideas that you have no idea what to do with aside from write down and keep them safe for the morning when you're going to go and do Focus work and so when you notice one idea that connects to your vision your signal to noise ratio increases and this happens when you're studying your interests and
Curiosities so your attention Narrows on more relevant information not only on the things that you're reading or watching or listening to but also the ones that were already in your mind and so your mind lights up with excitement and your vision just grows that much stronger and this is why it feels so good to live with purpose so that was step number two is leveraging dopamine and pattern recognition step number three is to learn and build that way you eliminate useless information because everyone is telling you what to do they're projecting what they deem important
onto you what they see as Sigma all but what to you is 95 percent of the time noise and if you aren't where you want to be in your life then nothing is as important as your own goals not the news not your friends relationship problems and definitely not who's getting elected and so on the election part I always find it funny that people get so up in arms about like gas prices or whether or not they can have a baby and it's don't get me wrong there like I understand that it's your body your
choice or whatever it is I can go either way I see both perspectives right as I said earlier the highest perspective is all perspectives and being able to hold both of those in pull truth what I'm saying here is that most people hide behind the fact that it's easier to submit a vote than it is to change your life they can't zoom out and see another way that is more effective to bring their beliefs into reality than by submitting a vote because if you're worried about gas prices then why haven't you zoomed out and developed
a strategy or a plan to build a business so that you never have to worry about gas prices again that is 10 times more powerful not only for your life but for other people's lives and not having to rely on one measly vote that may not even get counted and again if you zoom out you can build an audience and present your perspective to Millions so that you actually have an impact on the votes about your bodily rights or whatever it may be that's how they keep you locked into this thing is by keeping your
vision your your focus narrowed in on their vision for what they want rather than you zooming out and crafting a plan to find a better way to getting what you want I don't care what your beliefs are on your bodily rights or whatever you want to do if you want it to become reality then take it into your hands as much as you can develop a vision for the future and actualize that by yourself take control of it and forget about the things that you have very little control over so to create you need boundaries
for your creativity or else things get too chaotic and overwhelming you need goals turned into projects so that you have something tangible to work on and the goals and projects provide boundaries for your learning and creativity so break down your vision into goals now yearly monthly weekly daily turn all of those into milestones for a project that you can work on like a personal brand which is the fuel for anything you want to build or a one-person business which is the starting point that I believe 99 of people should start with before trying to go
after any other business model because it's something that is holistic and it evolves with you and it's not a static business model that sounds too good to be true so with your vision in mind start building and learning work on your project daily regardless of if you know what you're doing because you don't know what you're doing because you haven't registered that as a problem or actually started the project and hit a problem that makes you realize oh this is what I need to learn and you're never going to find that if you don't start
you can learn you can be an expert at something in the books but if you don't actually do it you're going to hit the same problem as if you knew nothing and then you're gonna have to go and research that problem anyway so it's better to start then learn because that is the best way to learn is to encounter a real world problem research specific information to solve it keep a steady flow of information from your consumption solve the problem enjoy the dopamine and let momentum carry you into season of intensity the rest is in
your hands that's it for this video check out digital economics to our writer other cool links in the description if you want to productize yourself or learn a high value skill that is high impact digital writing with all that stuff like subscribe see you in the next video peace
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