what's up everyone we're back I'm Dr Shaw Dr Maxfield and welcome back to our Channel Dr L we talk about all things skincare and dermatology and it is that time of the year again it is it is this is the list of the best skincare of the year one of the most difficult lists to make because not only were there a lot of products and there's a lot of good products but and it's hard to remember which ones are actually new and which ones are just good products that are holdovers from previous years but we're
going to do our best we're going to do it a little different than we've done it in the past instead of doing a whole video dedicated to a category we're going to actually have multiple categories in one video and we're going to break this into multiple parts so we'll have the most Innovative product of the year the best device of the year the best moisturizer of the year and they're going to be sprinkled throughout this series so after reviewing and testing and receiving and purchasing millions of products it feels like but probably close to thousands
of products this year we're going to let you know what our favorites are which ones are worth your money here we go here we go first category drum roll please I actually play the drums they're right over there we just don't talk about it much cuz I took like a 10-e Hiatus but the best drugstore gem what is it Eucerin intensive repair cream from me it might be called lotion people just play with these words now but this is one of the best body moisturizers for dry to very dry skin that I found I use
it every single day now I have created more empties of this bottle than anything else this year it has exfoliating ingredients I think it has lactic acid Ura and the low concentrate ations so they kind of just help but it's a real thick moisturizer that doesn't leave you greasy no one touches my arm afterwards and is like hey why are you so sticky cuz they do say that with a lot of other moisturizers that's like a thing why are so many people touching your arm I got kids and a wife this is fair enough fair
just checking they give you a hug and say Dad what is on your arm yeah so excellent top tier from me better than lrp lipar it's a very similar body and feel to the lipar like it has a very similar sensation in terms of how well it like hugs your skin hydrates it's got that similar thickness but it I think it elevates it a little bit with the light exfoliators in there wow okay big big okay actually love this moisturizer as well it's actually something that once we had our daughter it was something that I
actually brought into the home as well so they also have an eczema line userin and they have this line as well and both of them are just great thick moisturizers and I love a thick moisturizer he loves a thick moisturizer and this is definitely one of the best of the year in the drugstore another drugstore launch I don't know if this fits necessarily but I I generally think like what's available in retail The Rock correction retinol stick okay this one is super interesting because it's a stick format and we actually saw a lot of products
come out in Stick format this year we'll probably see more you rarely see retinol in a stick format and I actually like it one because I think it helps it be stable for longer because these are hot pores and hot pores have better stability because it's enhydris you need less preservatives so on and so forth so it's retinol and it's also got this other ingredient called thp which has been shown in studies to have an immediate tightening effect at the level of the skin cells so it gives you that kind of tightening plus the long-term
effects of retinol and it's just in a new format and I'm I'm just excited for new things this year and so uh best in drugstore is this product um it actually sold out is my understanding you could use it on the face um I like it on the face you can also use it on the neck you can also use it on the hands that's why I like the format of it it's just something you can use and apply easier I don't know about you but I feel like a lot of people do like stick
applications there's just something that seems practical about it maybe it's the lack of mess maybe it's that your hands whether they're dirty or you just don't want to have to wash them afterwards like there's something nice about a stick skincare so yeah great choice love it next category is best trending ingredient and as sort of a connection of that is what was trending this year and then what products essentially Incorporated these products to make it trending so first up is hyp chlorus acid we talked about it 3 years ago it's trending now we're either too
early or we're always too late but here we are at Dr Lee hypochlorous acid what does it do so hypochlorous acid is a leave on cleanser and pretty much that is it this is an ingredient that our skins make or nutrifil make to kill bacteria but the thing that makes it special is its incredible daily utility it is non- stingy non- burning ph balanced and it's extremely effective like trust me just real life take this with you and see how often you use it I have it everywhere you could use it as a facial spray
I particularly like and I've said this before if you follow our podcast you know hypoc chloris acid has almost become overused like people will say oh it treats acne scars and so on and so forth it's an antiseptic it's a cleansing agent it decontaminates things so let's say that you go to the gym right and you know you want to spray down after the gym to you know get rid of any bacterial colonization want to spray your hands after you touch something somebody's sick you want to spray things down even if you want to spray
it on your face if you're really acne prone you had the phone up against your face there's a lot of utility for it but I think for the average person that's got no issues with your skin there's no reason to incorporate this ingredient into your routine and there's been a lot of products that have launched this ingredient so first um I think the main one is Tower 28 they're sort of the leaders in the category and they remain that way there's also a ton of other brands on Amazon like skinsmart pre launched a hypochlorous acid
spray cure launched a hypochlorous acid spray and peace out skincare launched a hypoc chlorus acid spray but I believe this one also has like salc acid and some other skincare goodies in it so this is something I see Dr maxvi kind of take with him everywhere he goes I want little minis of this so I can start spraying it on things as I go cuz I actually really like it as a really non-drying hand sanitizer but yes great ingredient and definitely one of the biggest trending ingredients of the year the hypochlorous acid somehow became overhyped
but I still will say the Practical utility of it cannot be overstated next ingredient this was uh again let me shout out SW MD Dr Dylan greeny because you can vouch for me I think we're together at like a meeting and I turned you and I was like all right here's the secret buddy next year 2024 this is the year of Ura and I almost didn't believe it myself because the first three quarters of the business portfolio passed maybe the first two and then in quarter three it hit everybody was dropping Ura products left right
front center up down whatever directions you have the reason Ura we felt and I know he felt this too was going to be a hero ingredient is because this was still a Derm secret this was still something dermatologists talked about at length in the office it's a moisturizer that gently also exfoliates and it's very concentration dependent so you can play with it to get different effects it's a part of natural moisturizing Factor so Ura late this year got the launch from brands that it finally deserved absolutely so Ura has been sort of like simmering in
the background of the skincare World you'd see a little bit of Ura pop up here and there but not get the love that it deserved but like Dr Maxfield said this is something that we always used for thickened skin anywhere for keratosis Polaris for thickened and dry cracked heels I mean it has so much utility and it's a very gentle ingredient on the skin now a lot of brands have now launched Ura and I will say we spent two years working on the Ura formula so I knew this trend was coming way in advance and
we launched in Q2 actually with our remedy for body bumps which has 10% Ura also with lactic acid and retinol to to really Target those body bumps but there are also a lot of other brands that launch them as well so I really like also the one from cedil which is their 20% rough and bumpy and what I like about it so to be clear in order to get that exfoliating benefit of youra it needs to be 10% or greater now if it's less than 5% it still has incredibly hydrating properties of the skin but
you're not really going to get as much of an exfoliating benefit and so what I like about the Ura from cedil is that you have it at 20% like it I like that you can play with it because there's also ebanel ebanel ebanel I never remember I recommend this product all the time in the office probably every day it's 40% Ura it's on Amazon and again the more you increase the concentration 40% kind of being the upper threshold that it exfoliates more robustly while still moisturizing this is the perfect use of it for feet hands
like that thicker skin that gets really rough elbows knees so that's another hero product utilizing this ingredient that you could find next category is the best multitasker so if you've been following us for a long time what does this mean this means a product that does more it's a product that's not a single ingredient it's not going to do one thing it's going to simplify your routine it's really going to focus on that skin minimalism skism to simplify your routine so that you can simply have better skin now unfortunately or fortunately this is basically the
thesis of the brand remedy which also we launched this year so this is a huge deal for us because my goal was to create multitasking products because my thesis is that many of you are busy many of you want simple routines but you don't want to compromise on efficacy so I kind of have to like shout out remedy and if I had to pick a product that's going to be relevant to most of you I would say remedy for healthy aging so remedy for healthy aging really targets all the signs of aging and it really
targets anybody who just wants their skin to age in a healthy way so if you're somebody like me who's in their late 30s and they're looking to just age gracefully this product truly has everything it has your retinoids both slow release encapsulated retinol and retin alahh it has your exfoliants glycolic lactic and PHA it has your peptides argireline and matrial and it has your antioxidants like fuic acid ubiquinone so on and so forth so truly everything that you need in this category to age in a healthy way it's a product I started using every night
now myself so you know I think that this truly embodies this category I mean if he didn't shout it out I feel like I would be obligated to because I mean if you can objectively show me on paper how the remedy line isn't like the superlative winner in this category like go for it like throw it in the comments let's get the chat going because it's hard to objectively say otherwise so yeah I think remedy typifies this category um but we will move on to other products as well so the first one h of the
other products we will mention um oh that's not it that ain't it it looks like that it is um um um it's uh got it the six peptide skin booster from casx so tons of complimentary benefits boosting Plumping fine Lin firmness oil control pores reduce skin sensitivity retexturize blemishes and brightening and all of that is true so the reason that I think this is the best multi-purpose product is CX very cost- effective like the Aesthetics of this product it feels so good and I think I'm going to propose this peptides as a group are easily
the number one one supporting ingredient like this is your Supporting Cast in its entirety so ni cide jack of all trades single ingredient I think peptides perhaps supplant that now as providing the best broad benefits even though it is a whole group of ingredients technically and then like your bakuchi all down the list further now so peptides new hero supporter best supporting actor actress and when it comes to these Korean skincare Brands and kerx in general I mean you really just cannot beat the texture the way that it will layer under any other product or
layer under your makeup or layer underneath your sunscreen is just phenomenal they always bring hydration they always bring calming and soothing and peptides truly are here they play well with pretty much any other ingredient and this does really so much especially with the copper peptides especially with the rgan that's in this formula and for the last category of this video this is a surprise category and it is the best fragrants of the year and I'm talking about colognes I'm talking about perfumes you know we're just going to put put it in here because for some
reason we've tried a lot of different fragrances years we've been talking about it we have some behind us and we want to talk about what we've loved because around this time of the year this is actually a great gift for somebody as well so we're going to talk about our favorites and also what our wives have been liking so this could be a gift really for anybody let's go okay so should a dermatologist like a fragrance should they love a fragrance that is beside the point this is your allergic contact dermatitis in a bottle but
I love it so it is from azaro this one is called Most Wanted this is tough actually because I don't have the verbage or the capacity to describe this to you and do it justice but it's uh it's kind of it's like I don't even know where to start like sweet kind of heavy it is a little bit masculine I would say strongly masculine but it's not overpowering there's no way that this is going to do anything for any of you but this is an incredible incredible clone by not does it have in it I
don't know a little bit of citrus spicy flour a little bit of geranium it's a great scent it's a great scent I totally agree with this my fragrance of the year is going to be dip te oron so what I like about dipti first of all this is their perfume so it's more oil it lasts longer it really is just a very unique smell and you know when it comes to fragrances you do want something that maybe feels unique compared to other people and a lot of when something becomes popular everybody wears it and then
you know you want to get something else so this is something that nobody is wearing it's definitely a unique smell I don't even know how to describe it um but it it feels clean but there's like a very very masculine smell about it in my mind um and it's the one that I've been using for a while and it's like sort of become my signature scent in some way and a lot of people will gatekeep that but now you know yeah no a clean masculine spice yeah yeah that's probably pretty good he did a good
job describing that and then um I will tell you what my wife's favorite has been as well and it is the Prada Paradox intense I believe it's called the intense one what's interesting about this as well is that when my wife was pregnant she couldn't tolerate a lot of scents that she was normally used to wearing so she used the Victor and Rolf Flower Bomb for a long time and then during pregnancy she couldn't really tolerate it as much and so she started using the product Paradox intense interestingly enough my brother does marketing for Prada
and so he also launched this fragrance so it's pretty cool super proud of him he's had an incredible year product fragrances has been widely successful and they've had some incredible launches and this is a really really nice fragrance I actually think it's really cool that his brother does have a hand in this as well like it kind of ties some emotional depth to the backstory my wise fragrance I'm actually going to guess because just this time of year kind of consistently the candy apple winter candy apple from Bath & Body Works makes its way out
so I don't know if they count um we really don't wear much cologne perfume actually I think we wear less than my counterpart part here but uh I like you're like indicating that I'm like one of these like the first time he like greasy like uh smelled like cologne typ first time in his in his interview for residency I think I had to give him a warning not to where is Cologne cuz there was someone at the office who like really hates fragrance I think I gave him like some heads up he buddy like I
know you like this stuff to be clear like I'm not like an overly colog or perfumed type of guy just to be clear is true he wears it subtly and let that be a note um if you are wearing a fragrance one as aist you can put Vaseline down put the fragrance on top of that does it help maybe a little bit secondly just please don't overdo it like just for my sake and anyone else around you don't do the Axe Body Spray thing that we've talked about this before actually but is is so pungent
just like delicately that that's sufficient that is sufficient all right so this concludes part one of our favorite products of the year it's been an incredible year for us hopefully you all had an incredible year as well and we are going to let you know what the next group of pairings are going to be in the next video thank you all so much please like comment and subscribe we'll put some links for everything before and we'll see you all in the next video below and we'll see you next time what' I say before