Welcome to the channel "After all, what are we? " Cassius is from São Paulo. He is an actor, voice actor, dubbing director and has a podcast called neutral monkey in 1998 he had suppurative appendicitis and needed to go into the operating room quickly the anesthetist told him to count to 10 he counted to two and had an ekm suddenly he found himself in another place, then in another, and then in another, let's get to know his story, as we have been doing, we have divided this interview into two parts, both of which are published today, in the first part he tells us his ekm and in the second part he tells us others stories and answers our questions, if you like, please leave a like, share with your friends, subscribe to the channel, this helps a lot for the message to reach more people Enjoy it, you will love it Good morning, guys, thank you very much for accepting to participate in the channel After all, we know you have a podcast I want you to tell us a little about what this podcast is and you had an ekm you had other very important experiences I would say I would like you to tell us everything in as much detail as possible Thank you very much in advance and the word is with you Hello Carlos, thank you very much, I speak from São Paulo, my name is Cácio Romero, I am an actor, voice actor, dubbing director and there is a podcast called monkey neutral on YouTube, this podcast talks about dubbing, but it also brings truth with great joy to everyone who goes there to follow us.
I'm here to talk about my friend and I'm happy to be participating here so I can share a little of my story with everyone on the channel, for whom I'm immensely grateful, I've been a follower of yours since 2020, that's when it fell into my lap, in the middle of the pandemic. and a certain person still has the risk of being considered crazy because of so many things that have happened to me in my life of experiences and in my own actions and I even thought, forgive me, for saying schizophrenic because of this experience that I had And so many others that I still I still have it to this day, so it's something I can only be grateful for, for you exist and have this determination to continue doing the work you're doing brilliantly, helping people, freeing people, right, and just like a great friend of ours says, who is also yours. Denise Reis, she talks about the channel, it is a cure and it is a cure, right, and I'm not talking about dogmas, I'm not talking about beliefs, I'm not talking about any of that, I'm talking about a work that is different, it's a research work in a real work so when we work with the truth things like this happen Oh my, what actually started was an appendix, right?
I had appendicitis in 1998, I was still married to my son's mother and I felt sick in the early hours of the morning, I finally went to the bathroom several times and couldn't. nor evacuate, nothing, pee, nothing, I started to feel a lot of discomfort, I ended up getting in the car, I was very worried and went to a hospital in São Camilo on Pompeia Avenue in São Paulo and there I was promptly attended to and my story begins there. You know, the preparation, you know, waiting for the hospital because I couldn't undergo the surgery there at that moment, I had to be transferred to another hospital and the situation got worse because I stayed, I stayed in São Camilo for a long time until I was transferred to another one called Evaldo Foz, which is in region of Ibirapuera, after a long time in the late afternoon , so I was practically taken from 4 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon that day.
I was taken to this hospital by ambulance. In this other hospital, around almost 7 o'clock at night, we got into traffic and the pain was increasing, the discomfort was already vomiting, I was starting to go into a state, I don't know, in a very complicated state like inflammation and Funny how it starts, I think mine is starting in the hallway when they take the ambulance tag from me and it's something that I had already mentioned to you previously Carlos that someone in that corridor was no longer a person for me, I'm not saying beings but I know when you have too many people looking at you there then the path from there to the exit of the ambulance to the operating room was quite a long thing And then my son's mother's hand took it like that, it gave me good luck, I I thanked him and I read at that moment something is already happening there and the environment is starting to change and that's when people like that arrive while the stretcher is heading towards the operating room and I'm already talking You have to be quick, he's not well, he's already given the appendix. You must have already assumed, it's supposed, you know, the appendix and how are these people already talking to the doctors and nurses there?
I didn't understand that, which is already starting to bother my head at that moment. Finally, the door to the operating room opens when it opens. the door of the operating room at that same moment the anesthetist comes with oh let's intubate let's go he counted to 10 and I counted to two that was the most I could count I've seen myself in a dark place it was a Paul L like that in head and I stood with my arms open in the air, in a crucifix-like position, standing there in a dark place as if it were funny, Carlos, I even forgot to tell you that in the chat we had before, eh It looked like a black circle, like a room dark like that that I knew somehow that it was a circle, like a ball, I was inside a black ball and I was the only one who saw myself , right?
place without light and then another cut like this in my head as if it were a fragment of a scene a cut a framing it cuts quickly like this I'm on the stretcher in the hospital bed leaning over my body so my body is okay I'm lying here I'm They're already doing the surgery and I'm stuck in the middle, right, I feel bent like an ironing board, I'm leaning over there in the middle And then I realize that it's me lying there on that stretcher ooo doctor doing the surgery with my belly open I look at that and I don't I have a way to get out of there I said my God in heaven now I'm going to have to do it I'm going to have to find a way to get out of here I start as if, right, I'm going to make it, there are some devices here on this side, the serum thing on this side and I start to try put pressure on me to try to move in what I I try to move upwards, I pass through the ceiling at an absurd speed and I end up in a place that is the next cut in this fragment of a half- theatrical, half-cinematic scene of mine, right, and I end up in this wonderful place, a comforting silence , eh, I didn't have one at first. There was nothing on the portal, but in the distance you could see calm green grass, different blue water, the sky was like a low sky, lighting that looked like 5 o'clock in the afternoon, 5:30, the sun didn't hurt. you had had light of sun but it didn't hurt you eh and then I see those two beings there were two as if they were like a limit you couldn't cross it I already understood that I couldn't move on there, right and I stopped kind of close to them there It's funny that I know that I must have gone through a tunnel But I don't remember that tunnel I remember going back to that tunnel then I don't remember I arrived at this place like knowing that I went through a tunnel but I don't remember when I arrived at that place There are these two that automatically when they look To me I said Oops, they're not from here, right?
That's already got me a bit confused because when they look at them, they're tall, each one is 2 m 30, more or less 2. 40 m, about the size of the door frame, like the size of the door. ceiling, pardon the ceiling, a little higher than the frame and the green eyes separated from the face, right, so for example, here it's the nose, symmetrically speaking, but they had greener eyes, a little bigger and more, oh, wow, they were beautiful, they were different.
very different like me I was very scared because when I saw me, I saw them like Oops, I don't think I was supposed to be here, sorry, there we are, sorry, and then I didn't say this is a joke, but at the time they turned to me and with a smile and mentally it always seems like which is a pattern that happens and that's why I started following you and because of the fact that some things have patterns in the sense of experience, I mentally heard one of them say hey, it's not your time you have to come back and so I did like this with the body backwards as if in a reflection I still felt the body and it's a it's a kind of thing that even we talked about even you said that in the conversation we had what do you call that little Aqua motorbike, it's not an electric motorbike that you push forward and you go you push it back you have a name here it's more or less that I went backwards and then I was being kind of that pulled through this tunnel that I arrived and there were some images of how badly I was raised with my family, sometimes I was very spoiled as a child, sometimes when I was rude to my son's mother, that's something I I did what I shouldn't have done but at the same time time passed quickly but at the same time I saw every detail of it not as a judgment but as a note Look, you can improve Take advantage and take a look at these photos that you are going through, since you came here kind of silly, you got here because you didn't I should be going through this situation, so take advantage of this to give me a little thought here and then I get sucked into this tunnel and I fall back into the hospital, falling down again, I go back to the hospital but I don't go back in my body, I go back into the hospital corridor and starts walking around the hospital until you reach the moment and also Everything in this way, right, you push your body , you throw your body forward like this and then you go, right ? on a bench in one of the hospital corridors and look, Carlos, both São Camilo, São Camilo, had already passed by a few times because he had suffered from some bad colds, some sinusitis, sometimes I was treated there in this Evaldo Foz, I had never been there, I didn't even know how it was inside the physical part and then I asked Wow, what are you doing here and the two of them sitting on my father's side, his mother and his father, hey, we 're here, we came for a walk and I thought that was strange. I thought I missed them a lot and they remained quiet there.
as if nothing had happened Endo and I turned around and said Well I think I'm going to have to go back to the body now because something shouldn't be there it shouldn't be there and all of this seemed like a long time to me it seemed like I spent a long time in the surgery she she It took a long time but it didn't take long I stayed there between going there and returning and all this happened and suddenly I enter a room where Casso's body is there I arrive and say okay and now what am I going to do then I sit on the edge of the bed and that's when I I sit a lot, I get very close, I go inside the body, it kind of feels like I sat on the edge of the bed and I was sucked in like a vacuum cleaner there, when I come back Carlos because this is the part that I what gives me um I don't remember exactly this GAP, you know, it's a yacht that gets into my head that for me when I entered I already woke up in the CTI which is in the it's a type of it's like malt go but it 's not so and shivering I came back shaking very cold and with a terrible tingling sensation all over my body. This whole moment was terrible because I started to want to tell what I had been through. I came with a very open awareness of what I had and remembering everything that was happening.
but I couldn't verbalize physically, my mouth wasn't trying to speak, trying to speak and trying to explain myself and shivering from the cold and with a lot of pain in my throat because I was intubated, right? The nurse arrived and started putting a blanket on me and I was shaking, shaking, slamming my body on the bed, I never felt it. a feeling like that a feeling ah cold cold then she came with a thermal quilt And then I kept warming up warming up warming up until I slept and the next day hey I told my son's mother right she said oh well I think it's Delirium from the anesthesia you must have gone through one and I understand her very well today, right, because at the time I said no, I think I went through something, it wasn't a dream, it wasn't a dream, I saw my grandparents, I tell her just about my Grandparents, one thing I have to tell you here is that I saw them in the hallway because I would only be discharged from this appendicitis surgery once I walked down the hallway and had better and I went to the bathroom to do the number two quietly so practically I stayed there for three days walking around eating a lot of papaya Finally, so I could let go and they could discharge me, it was at that moment that one of those moments when my son's mother accompanied me through the corridors, walking with the IV drip, right?
I looked at the bench and saw the bench that my grandparents were on, I said. Vanessa from heaven they were here she said who my grandparents grandma Isaura grandpa grandpa Santiago were here here and then she says no man it's okay it's okay And then the memory of everything there ended up coming with more force and then I remembered of of everything even then I received a report and I even mentioned it to some colleagues as they said No, man, I think that was really Delirious, right, some chemistry in your head Anyway, without a situation, eh, and then I kept it as if I were talking Well, I think that I really went crazy, I think I'm crazy, I think I got sick, I think I have some problem and some kind of disability and I continued to suffer that situation with me until 2020, 2000, 98 and others so many situations that occurred in the course of this a little before 98 and a little and well after 98 there was the the initial kick right it was the was the aaaaa question but it's an experience but it's true because dreams you know when you're dreaming I know When I dream, despite always dreaming about the same place, this is something we can talk about here, but the dream, depending on the dream, you know that something changes there, you don't see the person properly there, I had the feeling that I was seeing everything I was playing that I was going backwards that I was going back that there was a silence that comforted the vision it changes, right? anyway that was my ekm of what happened with Cassião we talked before and I know you have others experiences I think it's worth it for you to tell me everything and then I'll ask you the questions since you were born, then through EQM and others that you have, how has this type of EKM experience changed?
Please tell us everything, I will, I will to 1972 when my father really liked to pick us up and go to the beach and walk there at night, so my father worked as a linotyper at Estadão and he had a Fusquinha and he put my grandmother, my mother, my brother and I, we went to the beach, usually at the end from the beach to drink soft drinks in the late afternoon and we came back around 9 or 10 o'clock from there we already lived in São Paulo, Tatuapé At the time, at my grandmother's house, that same grandmother that I saw in the funny place and we picked up picked up my father would pick us up at the end of Friday There it was his joy to take us in the Beetle to the beach to the end of the beach I think it was around 7:30 8 am I don't remember the time we arrived I remember I was with a coke, drinking a coke from a bottle, it was a CS and with a straw in it, kid, kid of all things, I was between the water and the sand and at that time, you know Santos what was wrong with The most illuminated were the sidewalks, which were mercury-based, right, those mercury lamps, just explaining to people what you mean is that the Areia strip was dark, the light didn't reach it exactly, so my father, grandmother and my brother were on the sidewalk what it was was mixed with sand, do you remember that, right? sand sometimes took over the boardwalk there in that part and my mother and I were there with our feet in the water so everything we looked at the sky we saw And then ahead, right, The Island poch Ah, you're at the end of the beach, right? That's it, just making a geographical correction, what you have in front of you is Santo Amaro Island.
Where is Guarujá, exactly, exactly, exactly, sorry, suddenly I look up at the starry sky and I see something that leaves this Island as if the impression it gives is not actually that it left this Island it this object passes over this island and it and this object comes towards us there me and my mother and it must have been up to a height of about 100 m 200 m maximum but It wasn't lit up, the only thing that lit it up was the reflection of the boardwalk and it bounced off of him that it was a guy in a dark bluish object and they had, at the time, there were kitchen hoods on the wall, hey, and I said, oh, it was very small, I said. mother an extractor fan and it came like this, there was a noise and it arrived right on top of us when it arrived right on top of us I remember the scene my mother grabbed my hand like that and then there's another cut on my head I I open my eye then I closed my eye like this and my father appears in the second scene, trying to snatch the bottle of Coke from my hand because I stood against a wall in a hospital looking at my father and not understanding anything because I was on the beach and then I look in the corner there is a door ajar my mother is on a stretcher with the men standing next to her and my father is trying to snatch the bottle of coca-cola from my hand and I am left with the bottle Of course there was no more liquid inside but I stayed holding that bottle with a lot of force as if that was going to save me from something, in my head it was an abduction because they found us 1 kilometer or so from where we were because they weren't seeing us, we disappeared from that part and we were found later on and that must have taken at least 1 hour 50 minutes all of this that happened in your time in your memory of time in my memory of time and what your father said No he's just because they started to get desperate because They looked after a while at where we were there on the beach in the sand, they didn't see us anymore and they started looking for us and went to find us as if my mother caught me and said or I'm going to walk with you here but time it was too short to take like 1 kilometer to walk 1 kilometer with me through the sand, right, and it was your father and who else, my grandmother and my brother, then they walked along the sand until they found you until they found us, I think my mother must have been passed out and I I had this little bottle holding standing up but I was unconscious there I just woke up to understand what was going on recovering my s in the hospital I was leaning against a wall like that in the hospital corridor Obviously you don't remember anything at all and my mother ended up taking with her to the grave everything that had happened to us there Why do you say that because she remembered something she didn't say she always said to me whenever I asked mom and then that night what happened to us say oh leave it go there son it's ok it's ok so something wasn't good why do you say it wasn't good because she didn't say if it was something interesting something different maybe she would say because because Oh there's one thing after that eh my mother always She was a very simple woman, a housewife, she even studied science at the time, I think it was until the 5th year, more or less, she had a certain degree of study but she didn't have a head to be able to write to be able to understand. about literature about it and suddenly she starts to writing and not stopping anymore she starts writing poems she starts taking part in festivals she starts taking part in competitions and starts writing maddeningly because of this situation you have poems written by her and have brought them here I would like you to send them to me, choose some and that We're going to publish one of these poems here in your interview, I brought it if you want, I'll read it later, but I'll send it to you later, basically, that's what happened and anyway, I think something must not have been cool, otherwise she would have told me no.
I have doubts , I wanted to comment here that Mary Correa, who was interviewed a long time ago by Canal, she also has a memory of abduction, she says this in that interview and her memory is like this, she doesn't remember it as being a bad thing, it's like, I'll translate it in mine words beings verifying a creation of theirs that was our physical body to see the evolution of the physical body as if we were consciousnesses inhabiting a kind of robot that is our physical body and these beings had some type of obligation in relation to the development of that physical body so it was like a Recall a check or an upgrade an an evolution of this physical body having exposed this to you I wanted to know what you think Ah of this vision that Américo Correa had in contrast to yours I think in relation to heat specifically I think that At the time, this didn't have an effect, I think it needed to happen to EKM to have an effect, a reboot, I think it was pro cios for that time because I was small, you know, 6 years old age at the time so in my mother's case the thing happened I think with exactly this perception that you just said is interesting because ah something is not good and look I'm just investigating I never have an opinion my role is poking here and there to see what information comes out, it's interesting that you say something not very good at the same time that your mother came back as a poet, which is what seems like a good thing, it's a good thing, but for those who don't understand what it is How can I tell you what the name of those you have to put a record on the Animal So you catch the jaguar there the jaguar is in the bush and then there is that bracelet that puts the bracelet on the throat an exact identifier that you have to take care of to know what is happening with the species to maintain the species to have an understanding about the species, understanding how it feeds where it lives, how it hunts, right me, if it has a disease and humans do this today, right with animals, right, who takes care of it and what happens, I think. which for us also has this variable in the sense of saying Oops That It's not cool but it may have had an effect that was the real effect in the sense of making this woman think in her head and evolve in the sense of writing and becoming a poet and many other things that she had as a perception and sity, so I believe that They have this thing about taking care of us, but when they come to us we are shocked because it is a feeling of fear of a sensation that is not a good feeling , which is the feeling of an animal taking a tranquilizer dart and staying there. passed out looking at you saying my what what what you're doing to me is the fear of the animal there, like damn, he doesn't understand absolutely anything and that's what we must go through.
I must have gone through this and I don't remember. send an audio of you reading this poem I'll put it on the screen with your voice wonderful wonderful it's here I'll send it to you with greater pleasure do you want to read it now is there a short poem you have or do you want to choose I think I have one here a good poem here quickly that I had already found here If you have a girl's soul, I have a girl's soul, I have everything, but I'm always alone, I like life and I live the pleasure that life gives me . I don't have to pass, I have the soul of a girl, I don't know for sure, angel or bird, I'm looking for answers but I can't find them.
I have the soul of a captive living being, I'm from planet Earth, but I have a lot to learn to be able to loosen these chains of mine, but none of that gives me make it stop, I am the day and I am the night I travel to the horizon, I travel to the universe and I have an address in any galaxy I am a friend of beings from the depths of infinity and the most beautiful places Leonor de Jesus Romero 14/05, 1993 beautiful poem oh, beautiful, she not only became a poet, but also a poet as is also said nowadays, but not only did she write a beautiful poem, but it was filled with deep meaning and revealed this meaning about the understanding she came to have, I think she didn't speak to me in verbal words, but she spoke to me with her her poems have been like this throughout her life and this is one of them. It's funny, isn't it, because she talks about she knows him, she knows the beings from the depths of the universe, man, when I asked you to read the poem, I wasn't thinking about the knowledge that would come and yes in the construction of the poem but a lot of knowledge came she told us a lot of things there about herself about what she came to understand she managed to open this door in life she had contact she had she had this bridge with them you didn't have it no no what I started to have was later when my brother passed away then I started to hear that then I said well now I really went crazy because I lost everyone in my family Carlos I only have my son I have a nephew I have my son's mother who became a great friend a great partner in every way we have been separated for a long time but we are very close friends today I have a lot of admiration for her, a great mother who gave me a wonderful son and there are a few lost cousins, but they all left and I went. Being alone and to make matters worse, when my brother dies, I acquire a disease called psoriasis and today it is in a slightly more advanced state than the disease, so what if it weren't for my son?
I think I had already embarked because I do everything for this boy, you know, including this podcast, it is a blessing for my life, I have done a lot to move this energy that has accumulated sad and I am transforming it into joy for the people who are invited there to talk about their stories, their good stories, true stories, right, so I think there is a very big purpose. I discovered these purposes, I mean, I already had the purpose of referring my son, but then this second purpose appeared, which It was very, very true in my life, not that dubbing didn't have a purpose for me, dubbing is mine, it's my passion, my universe and it's dubbing that I make my living from, but the podcast is transforming me as a person too. He's evaluating me, questioning me a series of things I sit here thinking to myself that just as your mother was transformed at that moment, it's difficult to imagine that you haven't been transformed too, even if you didn't realize it at that moment, maybe, maybe, going forward, I'm going to tell you about the story of When my brother passed away in 2002, he died, he had a massive heart attack in his sleep, right, and he was my hero, right?
He's the guy who was 12 years older than me, he's the guy who taught me a lot, not like my father didn't. had taught me but in that It was very complicated at the time , right? I'm 58 years old today, right?
He died at 47 in 2002. He was a flight attendant at VASP and when VASP starts to sink, it kind of starts to sink along with VASP, and that was air aviation, São Paulo. at the time and it was there that he met his wife, right, they had a little son, Caio, my nephew, and then he went into a state of great depression, right, he became an alcoholic, he was already an alcoholic and he He smoked a lot and suddenly one night he didn't wake up but I went there I went to their house in the north zone I went there to sort everything out in that sad situation he was at home the forensics took a while to get there to release the body to go to the IML And then He was always a guy who protected me a lot, so my family in general protected me a lot and suddenly I didn't go to see his body in the room.
His body was still in the room and then I resolved everything with his wife there. in the kitchen and such a very unpleasant situation, I am very sad so did she, I went out into the hallway, I still had to pick up my mother in Bebedouro, my mother was still alive, I had to pick her up in Bebedouro, I was practically going to spend the night traveling just to go back to his funeral the next day and that's what happened and then I I said goodbye to Janete and went out into the corridor as I was passing through the corridor I heard I went to look out the window the window the wooden window was open as if it were in a reflection like that look at him to see if I still saw him inside like that and I heard it for the first time no heat like heat no sorry cassios no then I look back there is no one there in front there is no one in the house in the room there was no one else obviously there was only one body so that's where my madness begins because it was the voice His was his voice and then I start there from that moment, right? And so many other situations.
After my mother passes away, I also have some very strange things. I'm going to hand over her house in Bebedouro because I rented her house. Why?
he would have said no so you wouldn't want to see him and not be shocked, right? I think not being shocked wasn't that issue of super protection, he was super protective of me in general, they were all super protective of me as if I had to arrive where I arrived today, João had to be born, João had to come in some way, so much so that I didn't stay married to my son's mother, right ? We like each other more today than when we were married That's weird and it was João's moment to come, right?
So that's really crazy. And then also when I handed over the house and things happened there in the sense look C you have to give this bed to so and so I donated everything that belonged to your mother's house water fountain is this television do you have and she was talking to me inside this television to go for this guy, I don't know what, the neighbor next door, this one, this gas cylinder goes to her cousin, I don't know what, and that's what happened, it was inside your head, but you could feel the timbre of her voice, yes, it was as if she had me forwarding there, you do this, hand over the key, someone will come here who will want to take it and there was no other when I went to hand it over to ch PR PR Dona Isaura, who was the owner of the house, a cousin of mine arrives saying chaste, I want to rent this home but with two days left to deliver something absurd, you know, it seems like everything was planned already Hey, I spent a week there to sort out everything, paperwork, documentation and I handed in everything and when it was time to leave on the day of the wake, I didn't exactly schedule the funeral. place everything It was very funny, this situation is a very funny, strange and funny situation and I still stayed there and my Primavera on the farm talked about things like this before you leave you have to leave a flower vase, something there on your mother's grave, no go away If you want I'll go with you I said oh you can leave it to me I know where it is I didn't know I had already forgotten I was so sad so stunned by so much that was happening solving everything by myself I literally forgot where the Campa was the block I forgot E if I'm not mistaken I didn't have a copy of the obituary because otherwise it would be easy to try to look for the obituary where he was buried, so I start, I go in at 11 am, the sun is 40 G, those cemeteries in the interior are open and I start looking for this grave.
this woman was incredibly hot and looking up and said, no, I think it's here, I was walking around, walking around, walking around, walking around, it became a labyrinth for me here and I didn't think so, I heard her voice like that, no way, no at the entrance gate and turns to face the cemetery facing the street that's exactly what I heard [ __ ] Now I'm crazy now I'm crazy It's not possible so I went As if I understood Okay, I'll do it but if I If you're crazy, I'm leaving, then I arrived, I turned from the back to the street, I faced the cemetery, I said, now you take the first alley, take the first block on the right, enter the first one on the first small street and take the first block on the right, I entered the first street looking at the cemetery from the front and I started walking and looked to the right and started walking to the left now as if it were a GPS I turned left now towards the sky Oh I'm crazy I've gone crazy with the little flower in my hand the little flowers in my hand my God in heaven I think I've gone crazy I've gone crazy turn around silly Turn around, turn around, fool, turn around You fool, I heard you, turn around You're stupid, the way I turned around like this, her grave is behind me with the photo, my God in heaven, I placed the vase on top of the grave, my God in heaven, I said, it's not possible Fi coordinated to arrive at Campela through an intergalactic Divine GPS or interconnected in a way that I don't know how to explain to you Carlos That was the year of your mother 2014 that she passed away and the next experience Which is good I'll tell you again about mine brother, which was an experience that is what I believe is that he was the one who brought João when, before João was born, João was about to be born, physically speaking, there were a few days left, weeks at most, a week two, and at the time I was taking a training course radio because I wanted too the DRT for voice over I didn't have the DRT for voice over I only had the DRT for actor to be able to work as a voice actor we need the DRT for actor to train as an actor, right to be a voice actor and I would also like to go and do voice over on radio if I were in the case of having a second, a second gain, right? And also to improve my addiction a little more, the radio always helps a lot, all these things and it was there at Senac that I was doing it at the time, I was teaching within the Senac's own PR course is free on dubbing and I took the opportunity to do it. I got a discount and I took the opportunity to take this voiceover class and on a Friday, I think it was a Thursday, I don't remember, eh That was in 2004, a phono Wow, a speech teacher She gave you a kind of relaxation, a kind of one for you to meditate and stay calm in the room because she was going to work on our vocals, voice and so on and placed several thin tactiles, several little mats, you know, small mats scattered around the classroom, she took the chairs, right, so we lay there, sitting in a squatting position, what do you call it when you cross your legs, anyway, like meditation, right?
And then she said, look, I'm going to play a little music, I 'm going to dim the lighting in the room. and I'm going to play some music for you that's very calm and not at all suggestible. I want you to later say what you've been through, you can have some kind of dream, you can relax a lot, you can rest, you can come in, I'm kind of in disbelief, right?
a situation, I've always been a person who, apparently, I've always been skeptical about a series of things, right? And it wasn't any different there, despite having already gone through several crazy experiences like that in my life, and suddenly I closed my eyes and she put on the music. and in this situation as soon as I closed my eye it was as if something had appeared in front of me I even thought if this woman Is this teacher a parapsychologist is something she is inducing us is she hypnotizing us is it not possible And then I open the I look and see a Green Garden like the one I went to in 1998, a Green Garden, beautiful grass that had a certain elevation at the end of this place, right?
And then I started looking at the beautiful blue sky, it was all dark in the room Then I see a person coming with a child, coming up this little hill, it was a little hill that was kind of there, kind of elevated, there in the middle of the grass and I started to see this guy coming. He looked like a man all dressed in white, in a nice white suit, with his hair back so nice, and then I started looking at I was kneeling like this, looking at him as if I had him standing right in front of me and I saw that it was my brother who had passed away and he spoke jealously, he was very sarcastic, he was very playful, you know, he played too much and spoke a lot of nonsense. made fun Sarrista had an Absurd intelligence and he gave the child to me and he said, take it, the son is yours, the moment I looked at him, the boy was a different boy, his hair was lighter brown, a little face, a pretty face like that and I looked at him.
lion the moment I looked at Lion because his name was Lourival we called him Leon aviation war name was Leon Romero when I see the lion again like that in front of me with that child I get a shock like that I wake up fighting struggling in the middle In the classroom everyone turns on the light bring me water for the love of God I saw my brother I saw my brother with my son I started to give me something Carlos I started crying profusely I didn't stop because I saw him there in front of me it was He wasn't crazy, he wasn't being induced to do anything or suggested to do anything, it's not possible so I'm going to make a little more cut, I'm going to skip a step here a little bit, but before making the cut, tell me what year this happened, that was in 2004. when the João was born a little earlier, a week, a week before João was born, two years after Leon's death, exactly ex John didn't meet the lion He met my father who has also passed away but he didn't meet the lion today you can see this memory in the figure of your son, so this child that Leon gave me right away was about 6 or 7 years old Then when João was born, João was born After a few days, when João was born, I picked João up like this, except that his hair was black and There Ah was a child who had a light brown color, he was a child with very white skin, very light, it's not possible, it's not my head, it's nonsense, it's not João, but 7 years later it was that child 7 years later, it had the same physiognomy as that child, he didn't have Born Carlos, I wasn't crazy and I told Vanessa, João's mother, I saw this boy arriving before I saw this boy arriving before, don't forget to watch the second part of the heat interview where he tells us other experiences and responds to ours. questions you you will love it and the link is available for you up here and also in the video description if you liked it Please subscribe to our channel, like, make comments, share with your friends, ring the bell, this will always help you know when a new video comes out of the oven and if you have any questions or have been through an EKM and would like to share your story with the world please write to us our email is After all what are we @gmail.