A wealthy mother invites son's poor girlfriend to a lavish party, hoping to make fun of her

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Life Narrated
A wealthy mother invites her son's poor girlfriend to a lavish birthday party, hoping to humiliate h...
Video Transcript:
Charles Prescott stood in the exquisitely designed sitting room of his mother's house it was another Monday morning which meant that he was to be at his house but his mother wasn't hearing anything of it after they had dinner the last night he took another look at himself in the mirror his chiseled face seemed chiseled from the same Stone as the gigantic houses that surrounded him Charles darling you should wear the navy blue suit for the meeting today it makes you look more matured rather than this his mother stroe into his room with a cup of
coffee in her hands Charles closed his eyes turning his face skywards mom I feel like don't forget to tie your tie properly I can't have you looking like some sort of Bohemian his eyes rolled in exasperation As He adjusted his tie for what felt like the H hundredth time that morning noticing that his mother's eyes were still on him he made his way over to the room on his right where his suits were arranged picking one of the suits from the hanger he quickly put it on he didn't want to be late as he stroe
out of the room she was waiting by his bedroom door don't forget the speech I prepared for you once you tell them all that you have won them over I'd be there before the meeting but Mom isn't it supposed to be something that I should write if I tell them how I really feel about taking the company forward they would be glad to be part of it Victoria Prescott sipped her coffee slowly and her face crumpled immediately it was already turning cold just like her smile what have I told you about these things just trust
me Charles do as I say she put her free hand on his shoulder Charles knew what exactly she was saying she wanted him to again do her bidding and her will just like every other time her words low key sounded like a threat okay Mom I have to sort out the orphanage packages for first then I'd be off to work he placed a kiss on her cheeks before making his way out of the room and the house he stepped out of the Grand Mansion into the crisp morning air his driver Jenkins was already waiting for
him by the car good morning sir morning Jenkins take me to the orphanage home please Charles nodded settling into the back seat as they drove through the city he gazed out the window as his mind wandered to the meeting ahead his mother had prepared quite a long spe speech and he wasn't exactly looking forward to it but he knew much better than to disobey her the 20-minute Drive ended up with them arriving at the orphanage home it was a combination of two large Apartments surrounded by a small garden a woman was already waiting outside with
a smile on her face he got out of the car and was immediately greeted by her warm smile good morning Sister Margaret ah Charles dear boy thank you for coming coming we're so grateful for your family's support she took his hands for a quick Shake Charles smiled and followed her inside where he was greeted by the chatter of children he spent the next hour helping to sort packages of food and clothing that he had sent earlier that day chatting with the kids and listening to their stories sir your mother Jenkins moved closer to Charles who
was reading a book to the children and gave him his phone Charles jumped to his feet realizing that if he didn't leave now he'd be late for the meeting he was supposed to attend as he prepared to leave Sister Margaret approached him with a small box for your mother Charles a little something from the children he took the Box touched by the gesture thank you sister I'll make sure to give it to her with a final wave to everyone he rushed back to the car and Jenkins sped out of the orphanage knowing that he had
to beat time as Charles arrived at the office he took a deep breath and headed to the conference room where the meeting was being held his secretary was already waiting for him with the speech that was prepared for him he fumbled with the papers in his hand trying to scan through the papers good morning everyone he began trying to sound confident as he entered the conference room I'm here today to talk about uh Green Tech Inc uh yes our solar panels uh harness the power of the Sun and and uh reduce carbon emissions by uh
50% he paused trying to remember the exact figure he glanced down at his notes but his eyes scanned the page without focusing ah yes and our wind turbines uh generate electricity at a rate of uh 2.5 megaw the clients looked at each each other seemingly unimpressed one of them raised an eyebrow and another scribbled some notes on her pad Charles tried to recover but his words only got more jumbled and uh our energy storage systems uh use Advanced Battery Technology to uh optimize Energy Efficiency and uh reduce waste he trailed off struggling to remember the
key points he wanted to make the clients looked at each other their expressions growing increasingly skeptical he closed his eyes for a second trying to get himself the room fell silent and Charles could feel the eyes of the executives and most importantly his mother on him he knew he was struggling but he couldn't seem to get his bearings let me start again he said taking a deep breath I'm sorry I'll just get to it he took a deep breath avoiding his mother's eyes he had a bad feeling from the start about using something written by
his mother and despite him practicing everything he wasn't still at ease look I know we're not just selling solar panels and wind turbines we're selling a chance to make a difference a chance to reduce our Reliance on fossil fuels and create a more sustainable future at Green Tech Inc we believe that our responsibility goes beyond just providing sustainable energy solutions we're committed to making a positive impact in the communities we serve pointing to the screen behind him he pointed to a table of contents the green schools program has provided educational resources and workshops to teach
children about renewable energy and sustainability we've also partnered with local organizations to develop Community Gardens and green spaces providing access to fresh produce and promoting environmental stewardship added and we're committed to transparency and accountability in everything we do Charles emphasized we publish annual sustainability reports detailing our progress and impact we also have an independent Advisory board that ensures our practices align with our values and Mission Charles paused scanning the room to make eye contact with the clients we believe that business can be a force for good and we're dedicated to Leading by example the clients
listened intently as their expressions changing from skepticism to interest I believe in what we do Charles smiled making his conviction known and I know that together we can make a real difference the room fell silent for a moment before erupting into Applause the clients smiled nodding their heads in approval thank you Charles one of them finally spoke looking at his partners for approv that was a great pitch we can see that you're passionate about what your company does another executive spoke up I have to say I was skeptical at first but you've really sold me
on your company's values can you tell me more about what you do Charles smiled relieved that the pitch had gone well of course our company Green Tech Inc specializes in sustainable energy solutions we design and Implement Ren reable energy systems for businesses and homes helping them reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs one of the executives asked that sounds impressive can you give us some examples of your work he nodded we've worked with several major companies to install solar panels and wind turbines reducing their energy costs by up to 50% we've also helped
homeowners switch to renewable energy sources reducing their Reliance on fossil fuels the executives nodded taking notes and asking follow-up questions after a few minutes of Q and A one of them said thank you I guess we have found ourselves a partner Charles excused himself from the meeting room feeling relieved that the pitch had gone well as he entered his office he was followed closely by his mother who looked less than pleased Charles what was that she demanded closing the door behind her you didn't follow the plan at all he looked at his mother trying to
look calm mom I know I didn't stick to the script but I felt like I needed to speak from the heart and but his mother cut him off speak from the heart this is business Charles not some feel-good charity event you need to stick to the plan and make a strong impression but Mom I think I made a good impression the clients seemed to respond well to my passion and passion this isn't about passion Charles it's about making deals and growing the company you need to focus on the bottom line not your feelings she interrupted
him again pacing this time without a word he walked past his mother opening the door I need some air Charles what are you doing you can't just leave in the middle of the day his mother began to protest but he was already determined not to stay another minute with her as he emerged from the building Jenkin his driver was waiting by the car looking somewhat concerned sir shall I drive you somewhere he asked but Charles shook his head no Jenkins I need some time alone I'll drive myself I'll be fine Jenkins really despite his Assurance
he saw that Jenkins was having none of it not that he could do anything Charles got into his car and drove away from the building wanting to be far away from everything he drove aimlessly trying to clear his head until he found himself in a quiet neighborhood that looked pretty Posh he parked his car in a safe spot and got out wandering around the streets trying to process his emotions Charles's feet carried him to a small restaurant tucked away between skyscrapers the exterior was unremarkable but something about it beckoned him inside he pushed open the
door and a bell above it rang out shattering dur ing the silence as he stepped in his eyes adjusted slowly to the lighting and he spotted a young woman wiping down tables with a white cloth her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail and a warm smile played on her lips as she looked up and caught his eye for a moment they just stared at each other hi there she dropped the white cloth on the table breaking the spell welcome to well we don't have a name yet actually she looked laughed and Charles's heart
skipped to beat but we're getting there we're not open yet but you should come back in a week for our grand opening as he turned to leave Charles caught a glimpse of himself in the window reflection a young man who felt that he wanted more he took a deep breath savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warmth of the restaurant for the first time in a long time he felt like he was exactly where he was meant to be but if you don't mind can I get something to drink we're still experimenting with
our menu but I can whip up something special Charles turned around nodding eagerly as he went ahead to take a seat at the counter still watching her try this she handed him a glass filled with a velvety liquid not so long after it's one of our signature drinks we call it the midnight sky as he took a sip he wondered why she seemed like an enigma his eyes widened in Surprise as he took another sip the flavors danced on his tongue and he could only describe it as being between sweet and savory goodness this is
really incredible he smiled at her finishing the remaining contents in the glass the young woman's eyes crinkled at the corner I'm glad you like it I'm sorry I know I'm not in the right place to ask but what brought you here the place clearly looks uninhabited especially from outside Charles hesitated unsure of what exactly he was to say to someone he just met it has just been a rough day for me I know the day hasn't ended but it is what it is my mother is constantly on my neck well aren't they all she chuckled
putting her hands on the counter what exactly did she do this time my mother she can't seem to let me be she wants in on anything or whatever I'm doing and she also does her best to make her decision my eventual decision even when you are against it he sighed nodding slowly even when I don't want it and all I want is for her to see that I'm a grownup clearly she sees that but she doesn't want to admit it yet maybe she doesn't just want to accept that you won't be her little boy anymore
I guess things like that can be super scary sometimes Charles watched as her forehead sha with beads of sweat gotten from how she was working yet it didn't dim her beauty I didn't get your name earlier I'm Charles not she broke into a smile immediately moving away from the counter I'm Sophia he checked his Swiss wristwatch all of a sudden shocked at the amount of time that had passed how come I've spent this much time here is it your beauty that kept me or the drink Sophia shot him a look making him laugh don't patronize
me Charles it's most likely the drink Charles hesitated not wanting the moment to end can I see you again Sophia raised an eyebrow giving him a funny look I don't know I'm pretty busy with the restaurant she looked away from him my birthday party is coming up and I'd love for you to be there it would mean a lot to me she laughed as there was a hint of amusement in her voice I don't know I might be busy for a while we're still getting everything off the ground here Charles nodded understandingly I I get
it but regardless we should exchange contacts I'd love to stay in touch he said pulling out his phone okay sure but no promises okay no promises I swear I just want to make sure I can find you again he smiled feeling triumphant I guess we would be seeing each other again bye he made his way out of the restaurant quickly it wasn't until a few weeks later before Charles's birthday before he even thought of mentioning Sophia to his mother Charles what are you thinking a Prescott does not associate with with service industry workers she shot
him a look at him dropping her spoon Charles shifted uncomfortably knowing he had displeased his mother Mom I just met her and it doesn't matter you must maintain a certain social standing Charles she scoffed shaking her head you don't expect me to accept you dating a waitress what would that portray for the company he sighed dramatically as the food was was suddenly tasteless in his mouth please Mom can you just give her a chance she looks nothing like what you think Victoria stared at her Golden Boy the only son that she had and smiled I've
arranged a dinner for this weekend and it was just supposed to be both of us now that you're telling me this bring what's her name sopia thank you Mom she'd be here he rose to his feet excited that his mother mother had a change of heart I'd get going now I have to make a trip tomorrow he was barely out of his mother's Mansion when he texted Sophia about the dinner he wanted to call her but she had reprimanded him countless times about him calling when she was working Sophia on the other hand got his
text while she was working it wasn't what she had planned to do that weekend but it didn't hurt to go weekend came by quickly and Sophia arrived at the estate and was taken aback by the Grandeur of the gate entrance as she stepped out of the cab she was struck by the opulent decco a wave of shock and embarrassment washed over her as she took a look at her clothes as she stepped inside she was struck by the opulent decor and finely tailored staff Charles why didn't you warn me she whispered to Charles who was
waiting outside for her I feel so out of place Charles looked taken aback by her reaction I'm sorry Sophia you look beautiful regardless don't flatter me I'm telling you for the last time she hit him playfully on the arm you never told me you lived in another world isn't that rather too much of a flatter now he leaned into her smiling I'm glad I didn't tell you now you wouldn't have accepted to even give me your number Sophia was about to retort back when she heard someone clap looking at the direction of the clap she
saw a gorgeous woman wrapped in a long black gown I'd have left you too outside but dinner is about to start Sophia darling come Sophia exchanged a look with a smiling Charles who nudged her to his mother's Direction that's my mother Victoria Prescot Sophia and Victoria walked into the Mansion together and Sophia tried her best not to drop her jaw in awe of how beautiful everywhere looked as they got to the dining room which in Sophia's opinion was bigger than the restaurant altogether all the maids were lined up at the ends of the room Charles
put out a chair for her making her smile as she sat down he sat down by her side just opposite his mother who couldn't stop looking at them as they were about to start eating Charles's phone rang and he picked it I'm sorry but there's something I need to take care of now I'd be back before you know it he squeezed Sophia's hand Softly before leaving the table well dinner has to go on he'd come join us soon so eat Victoria gestured to sfia who started to eat tell me Rose what inspired your dot dot
dot interesting choice of attire Sophia looked up smiling it's Sophia Mom I just thought it was a nice dress I guess Victoria smiled sweetly well it's certainly eye-catching and your profession tell me what's it like being a waitress it's a lot of experience mom I get to interact with different people every single day and it's fun in my books sometimes the restaurant has rush hours which means everyone has to be up and doing you talk of it as it's a good thing Sophia's eyes went Eastward as she thought to herself to me it's better than
doing nothing speaking of which Charles's birthday ball is going to be the event of the season the guest list is a veritable who's who of society rivaling even the Grammys I dare say it will be a night to remember why we have royalty celebrities and business Mogul all attending it's going to be a night of Glamour and sophistication unlike anything you've ever experienced I'm sure Victoria paused taking a sip of her wine savoring the moment and the venue oh it's going to be breathtaking we've rented out the entire estate and the decorations are going to
be Exquisite I've spared no expense in making sure this is a night to remember after all Charles deserves only the best Sophia's eyes widened slightly At The Mention Of The high-profile event she couldn't help but feel a twinge of hesitation about attending Victoria's bragging had made her feel even more out of place oh I'm sure it will be safia replied trying to sound nonchalant despite her growing doubts as the evening Drew to a close Charles walked safia out thanking her for coming I'm sorry if my mother was a bit much he whispered holding her hands
sopia smiled weakly I had a good time the only thing missing was you you were gone for almost all through dinner time I'm sorry I'm really really sorry he brought her in for a hug the next day sfia received the dress along with a note from Victoria dear Sophia I thought this dress would be perfect for Charles's birthday ball blacktie events can be so intimidating I wanted to help best Victoria Sofia touched the Hem of the fabric seeing that it looked expensive enough what gladdened her heart more was the kind gesture from his mother after
yesterday's dinner she was slightly convinced that Victoria didn't really like her but this just showed that it wasn't the case after she had settled down in her apartment after dinner she rummaged her wardrobe looking for something nice to wear to his birthday nothing would make her repeat the mistake she made earlier with not dressing well but she didn't have to do that again she had something unique to wear on the day of the event she wore the elegant black dress that was clearly made out of a luxurious fabric that hugged her Curves in all the
right places the dress fell just above her knees and had a nice neckline that didn't show much of her collarbone she paired the dress with a pair of silver heels that added a few inches to her height the shoes were a gift from Charles who sent them alongside jewelry when she told him that his mother sent her a dress she was glad that they were comfortable enough to wear for a few hours her outfit was completed with the simple necklace and a pair of stud earrings that he got for her she kept her hair simple
pulling it back into a low ponytail as she looked in the mirror she felt conf ident and beautiful all she had to do now was to hurry out and get into the car that Charles Reed for her sofhia arrived at the mansion and she was amazed by how beautifully decorated it was as she reached the door she was greeted by a team of security guards and event staff who were checking the invitations and IDs of the guests sopia approached them confidently expecting to be let in without any issues good evening welcome to to the event
one of the staff members greeted eyeing her up and down may I see your invitation please she hesitated realizing she didn't have an invitation I'm a guest of Charles she said he invited me personally the staff member raised an eyebrow I apologize but I need to see your invitation or confirmation email to let you in just then a woman with an iPad and a Stern expression of approached them I'm the event coordinator she introduced herself and lifted the iPad to fit on safia's face I'm afraid this woman isn't on the guest list the event coordinator
turned to Sophia I'm sorry but you're not allowed inside you'll have to leave Sophia stepped away from the entrance and pulled out her phone she dialed Charles's number hoping he would answer and clear up the misunderstanding but the phone rang and rang with no answer Sophia tried again thinking maybe he was busy or didn't hear it but again there was no answer she sent him a text message trying to keep her emotions in check hey it's Sophia I'm outside they won't let me in what's going on but there was no response Sophia felt a surge
of worry and frustration why wasn't Charles answering her calls or messages Charles's eyes scanned the room searching for Soph fear who informed him earlier that she was on her way but as the minutes went by he could help but feel a bit distracted if she had arrived she would have come to say hi to him where was she he assumed she was simply mingling with the guests but as he made his way through the crowds he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off finally he checked his phone and saw the Mist calls from Sophia
his heart sank as he quickly dialed her number Sophia where are you he asked alarmed at the number of missed calls I'm outside she answered sadly I wasn't allowed in my name wasn't on the list Charles's face fell as he realized the mistake he quickly apologized and made his way to the entrance where he found Sophia looking stunning in the dress his mother had sent her but as he escorted her into the celebration he couldn't help but notice the Curious glances from the other guests I'm so so sorry there must have been some kind of
mixup forgive me please Sophia glared at him for a while before walking over to where the champagne was and grabbed a cup for herself for a moment I contemplated going home and forgetting about everything thank your stars that you came on time thank you for not leaving he was about to say more when a man approached them informing Charles that his attention was needed did I'm sorry I'd be back in a jiffy just have fun and with that he was out of her sight at first she tried to make the best of the night but
as the night wore on she began to realize that something was off people were looking at her strangely and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong excuse me can you refill my drink someone tapped her from behind the others seem all busy please be quick Sophia glanced behind her shoulder unsure if she was the one the lady was talking to I'm sorry but you are mistaken I'm not a maid the woman laughed are you being serious it was then that sfia realized that the dress she was wearing was identical to the uniforms of
the house staff she was being mistaken for a mere servant and the guests were finding it hilarious I'm not a maid she repeated again much more to herself and not the woman I'm a guest but the woman looked at her scornfully and scoffed oh sorry I must have mistaken you for one of the help Sophia felt embarrassed and Furious at the same time she knew she had to find Charles and get out of there as soon as possible Sophia glanced around the place looking for the restroom she needed to avoid the mocking glances before they
would get to her luckily there was no one in the restroom at that time she got into one of the stools and locked the door wanting to to be alone she heard the door open and loud voices filled the whole restroom can you believe that dress one of them put on the tap giggling it's like she's trying to be a servant or something I know right The Other Woman replied laughing I saw her trying to mingle with the guests and I was like girl you're not fooling anyone Sophia felt a sting of embarrassment and shame
she couldn't believe that she had been so blind to Victoria's plan she had thought that the dress was a kind gesture but now she realized it was just a cruel trick she quickly left the barroom as soon as the girls left trying to hold back tears she couldn't take this anymore she needed to find Charles and tell him what was happening but as she made her way back to the party she saw Charles laughing and chatting with his friends completely oblivious to her distress she felt a surge of anger and hurt why was he so
clueless didn't he care that his mother was humiliating her like this she took a deep breath and tried to calm down she needed to talk to Charles to make him understand what was happening but as she approached him she saw Victoria walking up to her spreading her arms out I hope you know where you belong now Victoria whispered into her ears before sfia could pull away from the hug and in that moment she knew that she had to get out of there before things got any worse as Sophia turned to leave a guest intentionally poured
their drink on her H look at the help now why don't you go clean it that's it I've had enough she closed her eyes trying to hold back tears she pushed through the crowd that was beginning to form desperate to escape but was met with a wall of Paparazzi who are you one of them asked camera snapping Sophia tried to Shield her face I'm no one just leave me alone however they continued to Snap photos of her Charles on the other hand was discussing with a potential client about the company when he heard gasps looking
in that direction he cited Sophia excuse me Charles interrupted the man he was talking to and began to walk towards where he saw her last he saw her moving towards the entrance with her clothes stained and Paparazzi all over her but as he reached the entrance he saw Sophia stepping into a taxi Sophia wait he called out but the taxi door closed behind her and the car pulled away he had to make things right he pulled out his phone and dialed her number but it went straight to voicemail he tried again and again but she
wasn't answering he knew he had to talk to her to explain what had happened and apologize for his mother's mistake but for now she was gone and Charles was left standing alone outside his own party feeling helpless and ashamed weeks passed and Charles's distraction at work grew worse by the day his mother Victoria noticed the change in him and confronted him Charles what's going on with you you're not focused on the company at all we can't afford to lose our Edge not now when we're on the verge of being taken over Charles side rubbing his
temples I know mother I'll try to focus but he couldn't shake Sophia off his mind he tried to immerse himself in work but his thoughts kept drifting back to her he wondered if she was okay if she had forgiven him as the days turned into weeks Charles found himself becoming increasingly withdrawn he stopped attending meetings stopped answering calls and stopped leaving his office his mother grew concerned but Charles couldn't explain what was wrong he didn't know himself one evening he found himself standing in front of the restaurant where they first met hoping to catch a
glimpse of her but she wasn't there the next day he drove to her house hoping to see her but she wasn't there either feeling desperate Charles decided to wait for her outside her apartment he arrived in the morning and sat in his car watching the entrance as the hours passed he began to feel like he was hallucinating but then he saw her his heart skipped a beat he wondered if he was dreaming but Sophia saw him and smiled Charles what are you doing here she asked standing by the window side he got out of of
the car feeling like he was in a trance I I don't know I just needed to see you Sophia nodded come inside Charles followed her into the apartment feeling like he was walking into a dream the room was decorated with different handdrawn characters Sophia led him to the couch and they sat down together I've missed you Charles started saying immediately Sophia took his hand I've missed you too they sat there in silence for a moment hands entwined then Sophia spoke up I've been thinking a lot about us Charles about what happened at the party Charles
nodded feeling a Pang of guilt I'm so sorry Sophia I didn't know what happened until later when I heard someone poured wine all over you Sophia squeezed his hand you didn't know Charles it got hard for me I felt so alone and naked out there I'm sorry sofhia I should have known and I shouldn't have left you alone it's been hard waking up each morning and knowing that I can't reach you it has been pure torture she smiled seeing the pain in his eyes and understood that it was hard for him let's go get dinner
then what's the best way to celebrate this Charles let out a shout crushing into her and holding her like there was no tomorrow thank you for forgiving me thank you she held him tight and he continued to mutter his appreciation it was until a while later after she had freshened up that they decided to eat out as they stepped out of the apartment hand in hand Charles noticed a black limousine parked behind his car his steps slowed down alerting Sophia who followed his gaze what is my mother doing here he mumbled to himself as Sophia
held his hand tighter Sophia's eyes widened as a chauffeur stepped out of the limo and approached them Miss Sophia your grandfather requests your presence immediately Charles's eyes narrowed at the man and he stood in front of Sophia like a form of barricade who's your grandfather I don't know what's going on but I have to go the chauffeur opened the door waiting for Sophia to enter please miss Sophia your grandfather is waiting Sophia turned to Charles come with me of course I wouldn't just follow some random person as they entered the limo Sophia's anxiety grew I've
never seen my grandfather send a limo before something must be wrong I hope he is all right the last time he wasn't well he didn't tell me I just hope he's all right Charles took her hand trying to reassure her we'll face whatever it is together the limo pulled up to a large commercial building the Green Tech Ink company logo emblazened on the side wait why are we here this is your family's company right safia asked as they got out Charles was trying to understand why they were here as they glanced back at the chauffeur
he gestured that they should go in they got into the building hurriedly as they stepped out of the elevator Charles and Sophia heard someone speaking in one of the offices Charles knew where exactly it was and they both got there still confused a man who had his back to them was addressing the people in the room on how things would be run differently someone in the room must have hinted the man because he turned towards them smiling ah there she is your new CEO has arrived he informed the room and they erupted into an Applause
Granddad Sophia stepped forward relieved to see that he was fine but confused by his statement Sophia's Grand grandfather chuckled yes my dear I'm afraid I've kept my true identity and wealth hidden from you but I've been grooming you for leadership all along Charles's mind reeled as he tried to process the information Sophia the woman he loved was the now the CEO of Green Tech Inc his mother had told him about some issues concerning the next person to lead but he wasn't in his right mind safia's grandfather continued I've had you working at one of my
my restaurants with my security monitoring your progress you've shown great potential my darling and now it's time for you to take the Reigns Victoria's face turned pale her eyes darting between safia and Charles this can't be she whispered George's expression turned Stern as he pulled Victoria into the office with Charles and Sophia I know what happened at the birthday party Victoria treating my beloved granddaughter like that was unforgivable Victoria's eyes darted between George Charles and Sophia as she felt color drain from her face I I can explain Sophia's grandfather George Cut Her Off no you
can't my initial intention was to sell the company off in pieces leaving you and your son with scraps after paying off the board but seeing how much my granddaughter loves Charles and how much he loves her and being he wasn't a part of the scheme I've changed my mind Charles his eyes widened in shock what do you mean what happened at the party Sophia took a deep breath her plan was to tell him at a better time your mother humiliated me Charles she made me wear a uniform identical to the staff and people thought I
was a servant that's why that lady poured wine over me mom is that right are they actually saying the truth why would you do such a thing to her he moved closer to his mother who was avoiding his eyes it was then it hit him he remembered when people shot them looks when she arrived at the event it was why his mother didn't want him out of her sight after the incident on his birthday this would be the last time we'd have a conversation I never thought that you'd go as far as treating her do
poorly you should have been better than this George nodded I'm glad to see you're not like your mother Charles but I want to hear from you can you tell me why you should still be a part of this company Charles took a deep breath I've worked hard for this company sir I've given 110% always trying to turn things around I love this company and I believe in its potential I want to continue working here to make it succeed I'm sorry about my mother's wrong I can assure you that I'm nothing like her George looked at
him impressed I like your spirit Charles but it's not up to me anymore ask the new CEO no I don't think you should be an employee here Charles nodded at their decision he understood how things might turn out at the end because I think you would be better at running it Charles thought he wasn't hearing well but the smile on her face made him know that he heard right are you serious do you mean it yes I do you've proven yourself char Char you have the heart and the skills to lead this company to Greatness
Charles Drew her in for a hug as he inhaled the fragrance around her thank you my love in the corner of the room Victoria watched as her son and the girl that she thought has been taken care of laugh and hug each other it was more humiliating that her son wasn't even paying attention to her it was like she didn't exist she stood there till George invited them for a quick dinner celebration it was then she crumbled falling to her knees as tears streamed down her face and she couldn't help but wish that she could
turn back the hands of time she expected a lot of things but she didn't expect that it would turn out so bad for her she started to notice it when she went to her favorite social club for lunch the matred D looked at her coldly and the usual table by the window was given to someone else I'm afraid we're fully booked today Mrs Prescot Victoria was shocked she had always been treated like royalty at this club as she left the club she saw her friends whispering and pointing at her they quickly looked away avoiding eye
contact Victoria felt a chill run down her spine she tried to shake off the feeling telling herself it was just her imagination but as the days went by things only got worse she was no longer invited to exclusive events and her phone calls were no no longer returned her bank account began to dwindle and she realized that her money couldn't take her anywhere Victoria's world was crumbling around her she had lost everything her reputation her friends her status and it was all because of her own cruel actions she tried to reach out to her son
Charles but he refused to take her calls he had disowned her just like everyone else and that hurt the most only if she had been more sensible and matured she wouldn't have been in the mess that she had found herself in she didn't think that one day everything she once had wouldn't be hers anymore as sfia pushed her baby stroller through the quiet street in the neighborhood she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment her life had taken a dramatic turn since meeting Charles and she was grateful for every moment they spent together their
daughter Esmeralda was the light of their lives and she couldn't imagine a future with without her she breathed in deeply taking in the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly baked bread wafting from the nearby cafes she thought about her life and all the good things that had happened since meeting Charles she remembered the way he had looked at her on their first date and the picnic they had it was weeks after he had commenced work as the CEO of the company she remembered the way he had held her hand while teaching her how to
ride a bicycle she thought about their wedding day that day came by so quickly but she wasn't nervous at all she had what she thought that she couldn't have at one point in her life her grandfather always loving and doting did everything to make the day Splendid for her she couldn't have wished for anything more and then of course there was Esmeralda their beautiful daughter Sofia's heart swelled with love as she thought about her little girl sh as she rolled the stroller Sophia felt grateful for this life she had built she thought about the way
Charles supported her encouraged her and loved her for who she was she thought about the way Esmeralda brought them joy and laughter every day Sophia's heart was full as she walked the stroller gliding smoothly over the sidewalk she felt like the luckiest person in the world and she knew that she would never take this life this love for granted as she turned a corner she cited someone looking so familiar At first she thought it was just her eyes but as she moved closer she knew she wasn't seeing things Victoria the woman turned around holding the
hands of the children with her on each hand as she saw that it was Sophia she gasped and her eyes were immediately filled with tears Sophia how are you Sophia smiled as she took in the sight of her mother mother-in-law she seemed to have lost all the vibrancy she had years ago her once smooth skin now had gained wrinkles all over I'm doing fine who are these Beauties with you she gestured to the little girls that Victoria was holding hi Darlings how are you the children who were busy staring at the nearby park were oblivious
to Sophia's greeting I'm sorry sopia Victoria apologized out of the blue it's all right Victoria I don't have anything against you whatsoever I'm sorry about everything that happened to you Victoria's eyes welled up with tears I was so blind safia I thought money and Status were everything but I've learned my lesson being nice to people is what truly matters I'm glad you've learned that and I want to offer you something the company it's yours if you want it Victoria shook her head no sopia I don't want it I've realized that money isn't everything I'm just
grateful to have experienced the change I know this is quite late but this is my daughter Esmeralda Victoria Prescot Charles and I have gotten married and had a beautiful child Sophia removed the cloth she used to cover Esmeralda's body and gestured for Victoria to see Esmeralda Victoria she repeated her voice trembling with emot motion Sophia nodded smiling yes that way we could remember you Victoria felt a wave of emotion wash over her no one had ever named a child after her before she had always been the one who had hurt people who had caused pain
and suffering but now this little girl this beautiful innocent child carried her name tears sprang to Victoria's eyes as she gazed at Esmeralda she felt a sense of Pride and joy that she had never felt before she reached out a trembling hand and gently touched Esmeralda's cheek oh my dear she whispered her voice cracking with emotion I am so honored I don't deserve it but I am so grateful y Sophia smiled and hugged Victoria tightly you deserve it Victoria you deserve all the love and joy in the world as Victoria held Esmeralda in her arms
arms she felt a sense of redemption wash over her she knew that she had been given a second chance a chance to make things right to be a good grandmother to this little girl to be a good person we want to go to the park we want to go to the park the little girls that she was holding chimed in unison Victoria smiled and nodded not today kids but I promise we'll have fun anyway sis Sophia shot her a curious glance these little ones are from the orphanage home where I volunteer I'm helping take care
of them today they don't have fam so I like to spend time with them and make them feel loved oh Victoria that's amazing I had no idea you were involved with an orphanage how did you get started with that I realized that I had been given a second chance and I wanted to use that to make a difference in the lives of others these children deserve love and care and I'm happy to be able to provide that for them you know I've been thinking despite our past differences I'd like to extend an olive branch would
you like to come over to the house for dinner sometime Victoria was taken aback by the invitation she hadn't expected Sophia to reach out to her especially after everything that had happened I I don't know sopia Victoria said hesitantly I'm not sure that's a good idea Sophia nodded understandingly I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but I think it's time time for us to put the past behind us we're family after all and I'd like to get to know you better and I'm sure it's time for Charles and you to come back together
Victoria was touched by Sophia's words she had never expected her estranged daughter-in-law to reach out to her like this especially when she was the one who treated her badly okay Victoria finally nodded I'll come over for dinner but just me not the kids from the orphanage Sophia smiled of course just you I'll make sure to cook something special Victoria stood outside Sophia's House taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell she hadn't seen her son Charles in years and she wasn't sure what to expect the door opened and sopia smiled warmly Victoria come on in
Victoria stepped inside her eyes scanning the room until they landed on Charles he looked older more mature but his eyes still held a hint of the pain she had caused him Charles she called out not moving from the spot she was in mother Victoria took a step forward her hands extended Charles I I don't know where to start I'm so sorry for everything I did I was wrong to treat you the way I did Charles looked at her wearily but Sophia stepped forward placing a hand on his arm Charles please hear her out he nodded
and Victoria continued I know I can never undo the pain I caused you but I want you to know that I love you I always have and I'm proud of the man you've become he looked at her his eyes searching for sincerity what she had done a lot that hurt him things that took him time to get over but now she was here and then slowly he nodded I love you too mother Victoria felt a lump form in her throat as Charles opened his arms and she stepped into them holding him tightly the world seemed
to stand still at that point like they were the only one there I'm so sorry she whispered tears streaming down her face she didn't bother to wiped the tears from her face Charles held her his own eyes wet with tears I forgive you mother I forgive you as they hugged Sophia smiled feeling peaceful this was what she had wanted Ed for so long for Charles and Victoria to reconcile after a few moments Charles stepped back smiling let's go sit down we have a lot to catch up on Victoria nodded smiling and the three of them
sat down in the living room talking and laughing together like it was supposed to be as the evening wore on Victoria felt a sense of Joy she hadn't felt in years she had her son back and she was grateful for it Charles held his wife's hands as they shared a glance of all things that he was blessed with in life she was the most amazing of all thank you he mouthed to her making her to smile like a high school girl that just fell in love
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