The 9 Habits Of A Person With The Holy Spirit

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Lion of Judah
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the nine habits of a person with the holy spirit galatians chapter 5 verse 22 to 23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law our habits determine the kind of reward we get in life there is no way one will not reap what they sow in this life galatians chapter 6 7 be not deceived god is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap what habit are we displaying what are the things we are showing to people if
people see us can they call us christians what are the things influencing our habits the people in antioch call the believers christians because they saw their habits their habits were similar to that of christ they were able to exhibit the habits of christ because the holy spirit was upon them and he produced good fruits in them the fruits of the holy spirit are not just what we display because we are christians they are not natural they are backed by the power of god jesus looked at his followers and saw that there is a need for
a change in their habit peter denied jesus due to fear he lied peter also had an anger issue that he cut off the ear of a god during the arrest of jesus so to become what god wants them to be they needed the change of habit the habits that god wants you and me to have come from the holy spirit acts 1 but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witness unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and onto the uttermost
part of the earth the holy spirit is the factor that can change our habits to a powerful and extraordinary one there are nine fruits of the spirit each of these fruits must be seen in every believer are you manifesting the fruits of the spirit are these fruits of the spirit your habits what are the habits of the person who has the holy spirit number one love when you see people with the holy spirit you will see that they show love to everyone when we hear about love the first thing that comes to our mind is
relationships or romance we have mixed love with lust we now see lust as love which is wrong love is a powerful fruit of the spirit that we must carry in us all the time have you wondered why love came first of the fruit of the spirit the holy spirit is the spirit of god he carries his identity the nature of god is love first john chapter 4 verse 8 he that loveth not knoweth not god for god is love the more we study to know what god is the more we know that god is love
everything about god is love when jesus gave two commandments he made sure love was part of the commandments mark chapter 12 31 when jesus was killed out of love jesus asked god to forgive his killers we shouldn't show love only when things are going fine or when people love us this a habit that jesus wants us to build in ourselves by the power of the holy spirit when people hate us we should love them jesus said in matthew chapter 5 44 but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good
to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you we should never stop loving this is who we are this is what christ has called to show the world let your life manifest this fruit let it become part of you make it a habit let people know your habit is not just the natural one but backed by the power of god number two joy one of the things people believe about joy is that it is represented by the smile on the face or by the laughter from people joy is
far more than the facial expressions true joy is not determined by the circumstances of life the source of a true joy is greater than the comedy we listen to the gift we receive from people or the jobs we get a man got fired from his job after having a meeting with his manager where he received the bad news his colleagues were waiting for him to break down and start crying so they can console him this man had no other jobs or other things he could source money from but to the surprise of his colleagues he
smiled and looked happier they were confused they asked him why he was laughing because it wasn't funny he answered i have a living god it might seem that this man has lost his job but he has not lost the source of his joy god is our source of joy through christ the joy of the lord gives strength that we need to carry on in this crooked world the joy of the lord is what we need to keep smiling and stay happy in this tragic world this joy comes from within it is not determined by the
situations of life this is why we need the holy spirit even in a year like this with all the challenges that we are all facing the joy given by the spirit must overflow in your life the bible told us to rejoice always under no circumstances should we stop rejoicing because our joy comes from the lord you will see people who are filled with the holy spirit being joyful at all times it has become their habit number three peace peace being a fruit of the holy spirit is in two ways the first is you have peace
and the second is making peace with everyone or living in peace with everyone peace is something that god has always been giving to his people exodus chapter 14 verse 14 king james version says the lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace this means that god will not allow anything that will cause you trouble to come near you there will be peace in you your body spirit and soul will fill the peace of the lord the peace that the lord gives is not an ordinary peace it is not the one that comes
in the absence of conflict it is a peace that comes with the presence of god philippians chapter 4 verse 7 and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus this peace carries power it is not the kind of peace that is limited to you it is extended to the people around you this is where the second part of peace comes in when you have this peace in you it starts oozing from your life and the people around can feel it it becomes your habit you start making
peace with people you start living in love and harmony with people this is the time to look at your life can people see you and feel the peace of god in you is peace part of your habit have you allowed the fruit of peace to grow in you peace is of god and it is the nature of christ a habit that you should always want to exhibit number four long-suffering sometimes you hear people talk about christians being patient at everything where they ought to give up they continue enduring these people do not know that the
ability is from the holy spirit long-suffering otherwise known as forbearance or endurance is one of the fruits of the holy spirit that helps to grow the habit of patience having patience is not what is common in our society today people are easily frustrated the inability to exercise patients or forbear things have sent some into depression we as christians are faced with many unbearable things we are judged by others we are rejected in some cases but the spirit of the lord keeps bearing that fruit of long-suffering in us so that we can stand strong in the
lord romans chapter 5 verse 4 says and endurance develops strength of character and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation when we are faced with persecutions and we endure it because our character or habit when people see this they know it is the power of god that is working in us it is not easy to endure in the times we find ourselves in this world but the spirit of god has the power to make it possible for us number five kindness ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 and be a kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one
another even as god for christ's sake hath forgiven you to be kind is not only about giving money to people or supplying the needs of the needy kindness encompasses forgiveness praying for one another and also showing love to everyone the display of kindness is majorly through love when love exists in one's life it makes it possible for one to be kind this what you see in the lives of people who have the holy spirit it is easy for them to be kind not because they were born with it but because the holy spirit made it
their habit are you kind to the people around you do you forgive those that have done bad to you are you like jesus who told god to forgive his killers are you ready to pray for those who hate you it sounds abnormal to be kind to those who hate you but that's what the power of god can cause you to do you have to embrace this fruit of the spirit and it will become your habit it will not leave you let the people see christ in you number six goodness christians with the holy spirit are
good people the fruit of goodness is the fruit of the spirit that gives the ability to do what is right to be a good person is not limited to helping people that is kindness to be good means to accept what is right to love justice to not show favoritism and to obey the laws of god as a christian who has the spirit of god doing the right thing comes part of them micah chapter 6 verse 8 he has shown you o man what is good and what does the lord require of you but to justly
to love mercy and to walk humbly with your god god has shown us the path of goodness through the holy spirit what are the good things that we should do in other words what are the right things we should do the bible says we should do justly we should love mercy and we should have humility we must make this a habit doing good must be part of us number seven faith hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen faith is the bedrock of christianity
it is the first of the identities of the christians christians are mostly recognized by the exhibition of faith faith gives birth to power without faith no one can become a christ follower accepting christ requires faith believing that christ died for our sin and believing in that kingdom of god in our heart it is the work of faith to have the holy spirit faith is needed to do what the lord commands faith is needed this is why the bible established the fact that without faith no one can please god because you must believe that he exists
and he is powerful believing that god exists gives you the mind to obey his words hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 when you declare things by faith people see it as something ordinary they don't know what it is backed with the power of god faith is a habit that must grow in your life we need faith to move mountains that block our progress there are mountains raised against us we must make faith to become part of us and use it to move mountains matthew chapter 17 verse 20. number eight gentleness in this violent world it's quite
difficult to find truly gentle people some people are gentle because they have not been faced with anger provoking issues some people are gentle because of fear they are afraid of facing people that will torment them many people are gentle at a particular time for different reasons jesus christ told us what will become of those that are meek or gentle in matthew chapter 5 verse 5 king james version he said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth those that are gentle and made it a habit are the ones that will not be part
of conflicts they are the ones that will not allow anger to destroy them christians are not gentle because they are not faced with fights or because they are afraid but christians are gentle because the spirit of god is solidly behind them are you part of these christians the people that live close to you your neighbors can they testify that you are gentle what is your life preaching to them are you always in a fight with people the holy spirit is not in support of this the holy spirit wants this fruit of gentleness to grow in
you and then become a habit that people will see and choose to be like you you need to go through your life and make decisions to allow the holy spirit to make present the fruit of gentleness number nine temperance temperance otherwise known as self-control is the act of restraining oneself from tempting things or sinful things first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 4 that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable christians are seen to be people who know how to run from sin or to avoid falling
into temptation and they call them holy the holy spirit made it their habit it is no doubt that there are things that are tempting around us we feel like partaking in all of these things but we can control ourselves and abstain from each of these things people see this and think it's ordinary it is the fruit of the holy spirit in us working it is not physical because the flesh cannot handle self-control it is the power of god in us that leads us if we look at all these fruits of the holy spirit we will
see that they are interdependent the fruits of the spirit are not what will just show up in our lives overnight we must understand that they are attributes of those who live by the spirit of the lord when you walk in the spirit and grow in spirit these fruits start showing from one another one will show until there are nine fruits of the spirit in you if you have love in you you will keep the peace you will have no reason to fight anyone with joy in you you will know how to preserve all the challenges
you face will be nothing to you first corinthians chapter 13 verse 4 king james version charity suffereth long and is kind charity envious not charity vaunteth not itself is not puffed up faith helps you to preserve believing in a greater glory that comes through christ we are at a time when people read the lives of christians they don't care about the church you go to the prayer you make what they are looking at is your habit if you have a positive character and you affect the lives of people around you positively they will choose to
serve christ too your life your habit is one of the things that preach to people all of these habits come only through the holy spirit colossians chapter 1 verse 10 king james version that ye might walk worthy of the lord onto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god [Music] you
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