GOD IN MY ROOM! This Will Help You To Sleep In God's Presence | Blessed Night Prayers

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
[Music] Luke 17: 11-19 now on his way to Jerusalem Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee as he was going into a village 10 men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice Jesus Master have pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priest and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice he threw himself at jesus' feet and thanked him and he was a
Samaritan Jesus asked were not all 10 cleansed where are the other nine has no one return to give praise to God except this Foreigner then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well people of God we ought to have a spirit of thankfulness Let It Be Your disposition in life to stop for a moment and simply say thank you Lord when Jesus healed the 10 lepers in Luke 17 only one came back to say thank you think about that only one if I could get a chance to speak to those
nine lepers I'd ask them how could you take the goodness of the Lord for granted like that what else was so important that you couldn't take time to go back to Jesus and say thank you but listen to me unfortunately many of us today do the same exact thing we don't take the time to Simply thank the Lord for the things that we now deem to be the norm when the bills are paid when there's money in the bank when there's plenty to laugh and be happy about do you remember then to say Thank you
Lord I know where you brought me from I remember when it wasn't like this or how about when you're struggling when life is tough when you living paycheck to paycheck do you remember to say thank you do you remember to say Thank You Lord because I may be hardpressed on every side but I am not crushed I may be perplexed but I am not in despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed dear friends the Bible says in Psalm 9 verses 1 and 2 I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart
I will tell of all your marvelous works I will be glad and rejoice in you I will sing praise to your name oh most high listen find something to be thankful about don't take the goodness of the Lord for granted because there is always there's always something to be grateful about I understand you might not be able to afford the most decadent meals but thank God that you have never missed a meal sure the car might have broken down it's an inconvenience but thank God you're still able-bodied and you have legs that can walk the
words of Jesus to that one leper who came back to say thank you his words were rise and go your faith has made you well I pray that this may be the reality of our lives today as we pray and thank the Lord for his goodness his love and his Mercy as we go to god let's take the situation with us that seems to be unfavorable at the moment let's sit in that rough place for a moment the place where it's actually hard to say thank you the place where it's actually difficult to find something
to be thankful for but I dare you to think about God think about his goodness think about his love and his mercy and I dare you to write in that place where it seems to make no sense simply tell him thank you sometimes it's the gratitude that paves the way for you to be blessed I used to hear the older people say that it's something about a child's gratitude that makes you want to do even more for them so just remember it might be the thank you that actually leads you into the blessing dear Lord
Jesus we give you praise and honor we are Beyond thankful for your goodness and your mercy Lord we pray and declare Psalm 100 a Psalm of thanksg giving shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise His name for the Lord is good and his love
endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations I'd like to take the time to thank you for everything Lord because through it all through the good through the bad through the happy through the sad you are still a good god teach us to be thankful on All Occasions God open our eyes so that we can really see your goodness towards us shift our perspective so that we can be thank thankful in all situations father your word says in 1st Chronicles 16: 34-36 give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever cry
out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise praise be to the Lord the god of Israel from Everlasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord I will praise the name of the Lord for he alone is worthy to be praised and adored I'm so thankful For Your Love King Jesus even though you know everything about me you know all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but still you died in
my place opening up the way to eternal life for me I give you thanks Lord Jesus even if all my friends were to leave me and betray me may I have a heart that will forever rejoice and sing of your goodness just as the Apostle Paul taught we give thanks to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying always for you I have learned that I can rejoice in all situations I can give thanks in all of my my circumstances because you Lord are still a good God you're good when everything is well
in my life and you're still good during the bad times God I thank you for being a good god during my happy times and you're still a good god during my sad times so Lord as we cry out to you our prayer is that you would answer us in our hour of need your word says in Psalm 23:3 he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake true restoration comes from you true peace comes only from you Lord and so we pray that you would restore us father restore
our Spirits if we have w wandered away from you your word tells me to rejoice in the lord always and so I Rejoice I rejoice in all of your goodness and your faithfulness help us to focus on things that are pure and right things that will profit our souls help us to have a sweet and peaceful disposition Lord I pray that you would give me a kind of spirit that will reflect the work that you are doing Within Me Be A light un my path King Jesus eradicate the darkness and destroy the traps that have
been set by my enemy Lord you are my source of strength to overcome the devil my source of strength to walk in Victory my source of strength to defeat sin and I pray right now Lord that I may have the type of Faith to step out and walk on water so that when I face obstacles that seem impossible I want to remain steadfast and remember that with you my lord all things are possible you are an Ever faithful God you are so good to me with all the grace and all the mercy that you offer
Lord you are my strong tower and my refuge at this present time Lord I ask for your peace and your protection over my life and over my family's lives God your word is true and it is Everlasting I stand in faith on S Psalm 91: 10 and 11 those verses say no evil will befall me or my family no plague will come near my home or my body in Jesus name and even though I may not see with my eyes I believe that your hand is over my life give me a heart that can Rejoice
father give me me a heart that gives thanks in my best and my worst circumstances I know that my circumstances may change but you are good all the time and you oh Lord you do not change for that I want to say thank you God give me a mindset that is thankful first a heart that is inclined to appreciate your goodness and mercy before I ask for my own personal requests King Jesus I bless your holy name I thank you for who you are the alpha and the Omega the first and the last be glorified
both now and forever more amen I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart I will tell of all your marvelous works I will be glad and rejoice in you I will sing praise to to your name oh most high shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks
to him and praise His name for the Lord is is good and his love endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever cry out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise praise be to to the Lord the god of Israel from Everlasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord one of the things that I love about the Lord is
that he loves to go to the places where he can find those who have been rejected those who have been hurt and abandoned he loves to go to places that nobody puts high on the map in fact mark 2: 15-17 says while Jesus was having dinner at Levi's house many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples for there were many who followed him when the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the Sinners and tax collectors they asked his disciples why does he eat with tax collectors and
sinners on hearing this Jesus said to them it is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick I have not come to call the righteous but Sinners this passage epitomizes exactly why I love the Lord he is a God who makes it his business to go and place himself in a situation where there are those who've been forgotten denied shunned away and pushed to the side God loves to connect with people who others consider to be outcasts he's a God who gives us what we don't deserve we don't deserve eternal life but he
offers it to us we don't deserve the great love that he has shown us but he continuously gives it we don't deserve His Amazing Grace but his grace is still sufficient and none of us deserve Mercy but we have to thank the Lord for his Mercy the Bible says in Lamentations 3: 22 and 23 the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness now life can be Bittersweet at times It's a combination of enjoying the good and pressing through the bad
it's a balance between working hard and enjoying the fruits of your labor there's a duality to life smiles and tears defeats and victories love and heartbreak and the thing is all of us go through tough times all of us go through Seasons where it seems as though the odds are stacked against us and pain what well pain becomes a feeling we're all too acquainted with in Psalm 119:71 David said it is good for me that I have been Afflicted that I may learn your statutes you see the Lord is concerned more about our character than
our comfort level he cares more about our growth as Believers than the number of blessings we receive I would even say that God is more concerned with the state of of our hearts than our happiness I believe that as we go through life and face different trials should we remain in the Lord should we continue trusting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ should we stand firm and believe God's promises to be true then we will experience what the Bible talks about in James 1: 2 to 4 as the Bible says consider it nothing but
joy my brothers and sisters whenever you fall into various trials be assured that the testing of your faith through experience produces endurance leading to spiritual maturity and inner peace and let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith lacking in nothing Matthew 22: 37-38 the Bible reads Jesus replied love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and greatest commandment and the second is like it love your neighbor
as yourself all of Christianity can be summarized by two basic Commandments love God and love others let's look at the first of these Commandments given by Jesus when you love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind you will obey his word you will not have any Idols in your life when you truly love God you'll no longer have any affection for this world because the Bible says friendship with the world is enmity with God I believe that Jesus said the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind because when you've reached the point where you deeply truly are consumed by God's love a transformation takes place it's his will that takes priority it's his word that takes priority the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind because when you do that all of your actions are geared towards loving and honoring God for example you will not practice sin because God hates sin you will not become someone who tells lies because the
Bible says lying lips are an Abomination to the Lord and out of love you live your life according to the Lord's will now it's interesting that the second commandment Jesus gave us is to do with people the first commandment has everything to do with your intentions your affections and your commitment to God above the second commandment is to do with your intentions affections and commitment to those around you because of God above we're encouraged to love our neighbors to consider their interest and most people think you simply need to have a good relationship with everyone
in order to love your neighbor but that's a very shallow view when you love your neighbor you're not just concerned about their physical well-being and that's it no when you love your neighbor you love them enough to care for their Eternal Soul and their spiritual condition meaning yes you give to those less fortunate and you help as much as you can but you also share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them and you share your own personal testimony of God's faithfulness you pray with and for your neighbor you encourage them and you uplift them in
Christ and so dear listener I pray that you hear me as I say this Jesus Christ should be our first and greatest love because when the Lord is the burning passion in our lives we will be transformed we'll be changed we'll be regenerated into new creatures it's only when God is the greatest love in your life it's only then that you can truly love your neighbor and so as we go before the throne of grace let's go with the intention to have a better love walk and love life with God and to love our neighbors
in a better way and so with all this fresh on our hearts and in our minds let us go to the Lord in prayer Our dear heavenly father Lord we thank you for another day we thank you for your grace and your mercies that are new Every Morning father I pray that you would strengthen our hearts today May the Holy Spirit strengthen our faith today may he remind us that when the Troubles of Life start to overwhelm us we have a friend in Jesus when our problem s are many and we need relief when we
need peace Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind us that we have a friend in Jesus we serve a living God who is more than able to carry our burdens and to give us rest Lord I know that you are an all powerful God there is nothing that is too difficult in my life for you to deal with you still move mountains and you still cause walls to fall there is nothing too big for you and for that Lord I'm Grateful father I'm grateful that you first loved me and I pray that you
would give us the strength to rise up each day and fight against the struggles which seek to weigh us down lord I praise your name for you are the god of the impossible there is nothing too big for you to handle no problem too great no challenge too difficult for you to overcome God I know that you can do anything and I'm asking that in the middle of my weakness would you make your strength known father with each and everyone listening today we bring before you our burdens and our troubles Lord help us not to
fear but to trust you help us not to be discouraged but to have joy in you Holy Spirit help us not to take the goodness and kindness of the Lord for granted Lord I declare my faith in your ability to fulfill every one of your promises to me I know that you will fight for me and you will win the battles in my life Lord you're mighty you're powerful you're righteous and you're true and God I bless your name right now your word says the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your
soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forever more I bless your Holy Name Lord and I thank you for your promises I confess by faith that my Lord will keep me from all harm Jehovah Gyra will provide a watch over my life and will preserve me from all evil I declare that evil will not touch me or come near my house because my savior will preserve my going out and my coming in you are my shepherd my guide my source of Hope may your name
be glorified Lord Jesus from this day forth and even forever more I pray that the words I have spoken may be established in the name of Jesus thank you for listening to this prayer father thank you for hearing us in Jesus name we pray amen I want to pray and agree with everyone who wants to turn their life around and even as I pray my desire is that the Holy Spirit would move and anoint this message and this prayer so that it may touch your heart and impress the reality of Jesus Christ upon your minds
my desire is that the Lord would bless this prayer so that it would not fall on deaf ears but instead may it be received by willing Hearts the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land I want you to note how God is saying to his people humble yourselves pray and seek my face turn from your wicked ways this Saints is
how you can turn your life around humble yourself meaning surrender to the Lord EX accept that you do not know it all you cannot do life through your own strength and might you need Jesus I believe in that here in 2 Chronicles 7:14 the Bible is telling us to Humble ourselves because we need to come to a place whereby we are willing to Simply serve to serve Jesus Christ to serve the body of Christ and serve his kingdom the second point is to pray and seek his face Psalm 42:1 says as a deer pants for
flowing streams so pants my soul for you oh god there needs to be a longing and a yearning for God in your heart indeed the Lord wants his children to not only pray but to pray and seek his face that means don't just come with a list of requests take time to commune with him to build a relationship with him God wants us to fellowship with him the Bible tells us to seek one thing above all else in Matthew 6:33 but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be
added to you God wants us to seek Him First now the third point is that we should turn from our Wicked Ways our God is Holy and he has called us to be separate from the world meaning we ought not to engage in the sinful practices of this world we ought to turn away and so should you desire to turn your life around do it the way God has prescribed in 2 Chronicles 7:14 as his word says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn
from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land humble yourself pray and seek his face turn away from your Wicked Ways now let us pray Lord Jesus you are the light of Our Lives you are the one who gives us freedom and liberty from all bondage we call on your holy name because in your presence the miraculous happens when you are involved King Jesus the supernatural happens we invite you into this place Lord Jesus change the atmosphere of this place fill this place with your holy
presence let your anointing fall and rest upon Our Lives Let Your Presence be found in abundance within the walls of our homes in your presence is where we can experience the breaking of curses in your presence Lord Jesus every evil word spoken against us becomes useless every trap set before us by the enemy is exposed in your presence Jesus everything threat and attack from the kingdom of darkness is nullified and destroyed so we invite you into our lives King Jesus dwell in our hearts Lord dwell in our homes chase away every unclean Spirit chase away
every contentious Spirit Lord we ask that you chase away everything that is not of you we declare that if it's not from God we don't want it your word in Psalm 31 verse 19-2 says oh how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues you have stored up blessings for
those who reverently fear you Lord may we be counted among those that fear you hide Us in the secret place of your presence so that no evil thing will be able to find us or lay Siege to to our lives Lord Jesus we pray for grace and mercy let us become believers who are in awe of you always believers who never waver nor turn their heads at the sight of the pleasures of this world father in this world we are in the midst of evil we're surrounded by deception and all all kinds of Doctrine however
we look to you King Jesus into your word as our light light up our lives light up our eyes so that we can see truth from lies and truth from deception let us see your Light operating in our lives Master may your Holy Light Shine and expose that which is in darkness let us be so full of your light so full of your presence that there is no room for any evil thing or stronghold to take a hold of us Purge our hearts King Jesus of all sin that may leave the door open to the
enemy if it's unforgiveness give us the grace to let go and forgive whatever or whomever has hurt us if it's a hidden sin convict our hearts to repent and let that sin go in jesus' name father give us hearts that are obedient to you because in Deuteronomy 28: 1-2 your word says and if you Faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God being careful to all his Commandments that I command you today the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you
and overtake you if you obey the voice of the Lord your God may your blessings come upon us and overtake us be glorified King Jesus may you receive all praise and honor in jesus' name I pray [Music] amen Luke 4: 17-19 says and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of
sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor now I want you to notice what Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor this is what leads us to Salvation he comes to Proclaim Liberty to the captives this this is to Pardon our sins and set us free from a guilty verdict he also comes to set at Liberty those who are oppressed this is to give us true and Lasting freedom from every unclean Spirit furthermore when Jesus Christ comes into your life he brings peace
Colossians 3:15 says and Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful now because of the heavy price that was paid on the cross we don't have to labor for our own salvation we don't have to earn it we don't have to save up for it all we need to do is to receive Jesus Christ it's to receive him in our Hearts then and only then can peace rule our minds and finally I'd like to tell you that Jesus Christ brings love first John
4: 16 says so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him it was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross and it's because of love that we have access to grace and mercy and eternal life through Jesus Christ if you have a personal relationship with Jesus you have access to all these things you have access to peace Beyond understanding you've got access to Freedom and Liberty when Jesus comes into your life there
is no more oppression there is no more captivity there is only salvation there is life and there is freedom from sin we should be encouraged by the word of the Lord which says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose trials and problems will come at one point or another we will be forced to fight battles that we'd rather not we will come across challenges that we may not want to face however we have a savior
in Jesus Christ we have a miracle work in God and he will make away when there seems to be no way humans love to be able to measure we love predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work out that way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory in life is all about our capability our credentials and our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't look
for the strongest among us to demonstrate his power that would be too simple for him too predictable if God were only to use the strongest among us then we could essentially rationalize the Lord and Rob him of his glory if God were to only use the strongest among us to do his work many of us would take God out of the equation and say well that person was always an outstanding and gifted individual the Bible in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 says but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose
what is weak in the world to shame the strong this means you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong his ways are not like our ways your biggest challenge can be used by the Lord to Usher in your biggest breakthrough and blessing ask Joseph the worst thing that could have happened to him being betrayed by his own Brothers turned out to be the very thing that catapulted him into his
God ordained Destiny ask the woman with the issue of blood the disease that had taken so much from her a disease that robbed her of her friends her wealth and dignity that same disease is what led her to experience the miraculous healing power of the master our weaknesses can so often be the cause of us experiencing the power of God God has promised us in his word that all things will work together for our good if we love him that means the pain and disappointment you feel now will work together for your good and so
be encouraged you may not see it now it may not make sense right now however trust the Lord to lead you trust him to make you lie down in Green Pastures trust him to lead you to Still Waters trust God to make a way when there seems to be no way because ultimately he is in control and your life is in his Loving Hands now let us pray Heavenly Father you are the author of all things that are good everything that is pure everything that is righteous is you Lord Jesus wherever you are there is
peace there is Joy there is life we invite you Lord to come into our hearts and into our homes because where your presence is there can be no captivity there can be no oppression there is only Liberty and freedom in you thank you Father because you freely offered yourself to die on a cross all All Because You Loved Us and now we praise you Lord because all authority has been given to you whatever you say will come to pass whenever you enter our lives blessings cannot help but flow from you you are the object of
our affection you demand our attention and our reverence and so we bow down to you none can stand against your will Lord Jesus you are able to accomplish all that you set out to do your power and your goodness cannot be questioned Psalm chapter 16 verse 11 says you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more father we invite your presence to invade our lives your presence is what my soul Longs for your presence is the very thing that our
lives need for so long this world has rejected you and turned away from you and put their faith in worthless things however we as your children stand on your word which says in Ephesians 2: 19- 21 so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into to a holy Temple in the Lord Lord Jesus you are the Chief
Cornerstone of our lives and we worship you and choose to obey you alone come into our lives come into our homes come into our minds and bring restoration and peace and love in each of our hearts Lord displace every unclean thought drive out every cloud of Darkness with your radiant light come and sweep our lives in a mighty way cast out all fear and every negative pattern of thinking at your voice demons tremble and flee because you hold all authority father move into our homes bring peace and unity into our families heal every heart that
is Longing For Love Today Lord Jesus we need you there is power in your name when you speak chaos turns into order darkness turns into light evil is conquered and righteousness prevails in your presence nothing Unholy can remain Lord I pray that you may do a new thing in our lives and even now you stand at the door of our hearts and knock so help us to answer your call and to soften our hearts may you show up in a mighty way exercise your Sovereign rule over every part of my life what whatever your will
is may I be a servant that is available for your use may your glory be known to us in our families and even in our communities awaken our spirits to tap into the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit within us father make us aware of your presence daily and may the Holy Spirit speak to us may he minister to us may he counsel and guide us each and every day I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer in Jesus name I pray amen and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah
was given to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where It Was Written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and let the Peace of Christ rule in your heart to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful so we have come to know and to believe
the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy temple
in the Lord as much as we may not want to admit it every now and again we encounter something that shakes us something that makes us feel afraid and today I'd like to ask you this question what do you do when you are afraid you may be one paycheck away from being homeless and you feel afraid you may be waiting for test results from a doctor and you feel afraid it may be a difficult time in your marriage and you're afraid of where it may lead whatever the case may be what do you do when
you're afraid when the Philistines had seized David at gath he prayed in Psalm 56 veres 1-4 saying oh God have mercy on me for people are hounding me my foes attack me all day long I am constantly hounded by those who slander me and many are boldly attacking me but when I am afraid I will put my trust in you I praise God for what he has promised I trust in God so why should I be afraid what can mere mortals do to me David further goes on to say this in verses 8 to13 you
keep track of all my sorrows you have collected all my tears in your bottle you have recorded each one in your book my enemies will Retreat when I call to you for help this I know God is on my side I praise God for what he has promised yes I praise the Lord for what he has promised I trust in God so I should I be afraid what can mere mortals do to me I will fulfill my vows to you oh God and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help for you have rescued
me from Death you have kept my feet from slipping so now I can walk in your presence oh God in your lifegiving light when I read this Psalm it comes across to me that not only is David praying but it's almost as though he's reminding himself why he shouldn't be afraid three times in this chapter he says I praise God for what he has promised and twice in the chapter he again repeats himself and says I trust in God so why should I be afraid David deals with his fear on three levels verse four says
I praise God for what he has promised here he is actively praising God in advance for the Fulfillment of his promises which promises you might ask well God said in his word I will never leave you nor forsake you God has said I will fight for you and you will hold your peace so when David Goes further to say I trust in God so why should I be afraid I believe that he's speaking to his inner man he's talking to his emotions his heart his soul he is saying to himself God has promised to always
defend me and I trust in God so why am I afraid dear listener my word to you today is God has promised to always defend you and if you trust in God then you should not be afraid of whatever you're facing now let's go to to the Lord together in prayer father God we bow our hearts and lift our heads to look up to you father you're a merciful and loving God right now in agreement with everyone listening we rebuke the spirit of fear over our lives the only Spirit we welcome the only Spirit we
invite into our lives into our hearts and into our homes is the spirit of God the holy spirit so I say Come Holy Spirit burn away fear from our lives I pray for a holy fire that cleanses a fire that burns everything that is not of God the Bible states that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind right now in the name of Jesus I declare that no spirit of fear will paralyze our thoughts or our emotions no spirit of fear will consume our hearts nor
will it trouble Us in those moments when we're alone we want the power of God we want the love of God and we want a sound mind move Holy Spirit and displace any fear in our lives move in our hearts Holy Spirit and fill us with peace our homes will not be fearful homes in jesus' name our homes will not be filled with fear in Jesus name I declare that our trust will not be swayed for our protection is found in the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we stand on your word father 1 Peter
5: 6-7 says humble yourselves therefore under God's Mighty hand that he may Lift You Up In Due Time cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you lift us up with your Mighty hand father Lord I pray for anyone struggling with fear in their lives wrap the minds of each and everyone listening father wrap it with your truth and your comfort steady our motions oh God we choose to trust in you and unto you we cast all of our worries our fears and anxieties we find peace in your word your word that says
in Joshua 1:9 have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare that we will not be afraid we will not fear because you oh God you are with us the god of the universe the creator of the heavens and the Earth we are only strong and courageous because you God are on our side through the power that is in the blood of Jesus we will not allow fear to take control of Our Lives help
us at this time father to be confident in all situations to stand assured that you are in control you hold the future and we trust that everything works together for our good may your peace invade our hearts may your peace invade our homes father we thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus mighty name that we pray and we give thanks amen when you think of God's unconditional love for you you will find that it covers every single area that you could ever need God's love for you means that you are protected God's
love for you means you are forgiven he looks at you with merciful eyes God's love for you means that you are offered peace Beyond understanding you're offered eternal life you're offered joy unspeakable you are offered another chance and it's up to us to accept this offer of love from God Psalm 27:10 says for my father and my mother have forsaken me but the Lord will take me in Saints I encourage you to open your heart and accept the love that Jesus Christ has to offer you I encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your lord
and savior accept the Holy Spirit as your comforter your counselor your teacher and accept the word of God to be the ruling Authority in your life the world it's deceptive sin is deceptive but Jesus Christ he is the way the truth and the life don't choose a more convenient way of living that is outside of the parameters of the word of the Lord whoever you are I encourage you to choose Jesus Christ wherever you are I encourage you to follow Jesus Christ everyone else can leave you they can forsake you but never the Lord he
will never leave you nor forsake you here's what the Bible says about God's love Romans 8: 35-39 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we are being killed all the day long we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor
powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our lord sisters and brothers I I don't know what you've done I don't know anything about your past and although Others May judge you Others May look at you sideways Jesus Christ will always receive you regardless of what shape you're in regardless of your flaws as long as you repent from sin and open up your heart to him the Amplified translation for Romans 8:1 says therefore there is now no condemnation no
guilty verdict no punishment for those who are in Christ Jesus who believe in him as personal Lord and Savior this is how great the love of the Lord is for you he does not condemn you he doesn't condemn you for what you've done so long as you repent and turn away from sin and so if you're under the sound of my voice listening I urge you not to wait or gamble with your Eternal Destiny be sure that your heart is occupied by King Jesus Christ be sure that you have made him the Lord over your
life now let's pray together dear Lord I Thank You for Your goodness I thank you for your love and mercy father I may not know everything that goes on around me in this world but I do know that many things could have happened to me many things could have gone against me many plans have been made against me but you have had your hand over me ensuring that I was not destroyed ensuring that I was not defeated and wiped out for this I'm grateful I'm grateful because I have found favor in your sight it's a
blessing to be able to call on your name and know that I'm safe I'm secure I'm protected Psalm 28:7 says the Lord is my strengthen my shield my heart trusts in him and he helps me my heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him I declare that you are my shield my my strength and in you my heart certainly trusts I Rejoice at your goodness towards me and your Providence over my life you've kept me secure and I know that you will continually keep me secure father we may not always see the
attacks of the enemy but we certainly see your goodness because we have not been overcome by the wicked one God I thank you for blocking every evil attack from the devil I praise you for the fact that I'm safe I have breath in my body I have strengthen my bones and life and joy within me this is evidence that you have stood by me as my strength as my Defender as my shield and my deliverer teach me the way that's pleasing to you Lord lead me so that that my feet may always be on steady
ground as the creator of all things you hold everything in place even in the midst of chaos I know that I'm undeserving of your favor and I'm grateful Lord I'm Grateful that I didn't have to earn your favor but in your goodness in your unending mercies you extended your grace to me you sustained me during my weak moments and when I felt overwhelmed you've been right there you've stood by me Lord and so I bless your name because you are indeed worthy of all my praise your word in Psalm 121:8 it says the Lord shall
preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forever more Lord you preserved me you've kept me and you protected me from every form of harm and danger and I'm grateful that you continue to stand as my protection against the evil one thank you for protecting me even from unseen dangers from the invisible attacks of the enemy that can come in many forms and holy spirit I thank you for your guidance it's always always a blessing to be able to call upon your counsel Holy Spirit may you continue to lead
me in my decision making lead me in my actions and please lead me even in my speech father I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen [Music] and now let us pray Lord Jesus we thank you for your love and grace we thank you for the unmar favor that is Upon Our Lives we put our trust in you a God who never fails us father at this time we ask that you remove every crutch from our lives may we know you King Jesus to
be enough remove everything that we lean on and Trust in so that All That Remains is you Lord help us to come to the knowledge and understanding that your grace is indeed sufficient your power is indeed made perfect in our weakness through all the situations we Face may we come to know and to see that your love of King Jesus is enough your grace is enough your word is enough your joy is enough and outside of you master we need no one else and nothing else Psalm 103:8 says the Lord is merciful and gracious slow
to anger and abounding in Mercy so many things you have given us Lord that we do not deserve so many times you've forgiven us and shown us Mercy only for us to fall again but today Master we seek your forgiveness and repent we thank you because instead of fear you have given us a spirit of power love and a sound mind instead of sickness you have given us the assurance that by your stripes we are healed with all the times that we have sinned and fallen short you still call for us to repent and follow
you and in addition to that your arms are still open your word in Matthew 11: 28-29 says come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls we did nothing to deserve this love yet you still offer it and so we thank you we are we're grateful and we appreciate your goodness Lord Jesus we do not deserve the protection you offer but you still give give
your angels charge over us to keep us safe in our going out and in our coming in and for that we say thank you Lord we certainly don't deserve the peace you've offered us but yet you still told us not to let our hearts be troubled because you are a God who supplies all of our needs our prayer Lord is that we may live in a way that honors you that pleases you you thank you for your Amazing Grace a Grace that saves a a Grace That Forgives and shows us Mercy in your Amazing Grace
we are safe we are secure and lack nothing because your grace is sufficient your word in second Peter 1:2 says Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of of Jesus our lord I bless your name father for the grace and peace which you have multiplied in my life and over my family I am grateful for your love and grace which has transform my life I only pray that my life will be an example a living testimony of your grace and mercy and favor you have made me an overcomer in
this world you have given me Authority through the name of Jesus Christ Authority which enables me to defeat the Devil you Lord have made me more than a conqueror you have made me the head and not the tail you have placed me above and not beneath all of these wonderful things are undeserved but because you are a God who is rich in love mercy and Grace you have given me that which I do not deserve and I am grateful you King Jesus have given me the gift of eternal life because you love me enough to
sacrifice your own life and hang on a cross so that I may be saved thank you for saving me thank you for pulling me out of a despairing pit and placing me on steady ground I thank you for making me in your image and in your likeness I ask that you stay with me and stay by my side always great is your faithfulness Master thank you for your Amazing Grace over my life in Jesus name I pray amen Luke 17: 11-19 now on his way to Jerusalem Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee
as he was going into a village 10 men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice Jesus Master have pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priest and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice he threw himself at jesus' feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan Jesus asked were not all 10 cleansed where are the other nine has no one return to give
praise to God except this Foreigner then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well people of God we ought to have a spirit of thankfulness Let It Be Your disposition in life to stop for a moment and simply say thank you Lord when Jesus healed the 10 lepers in Luke 17 only one came back to say thank you think about that only one if I could get a chance to speak to those nine lepers I'd ask them how could you take the goodness of the Lord for granted like that what
else was so important that you couldn't take time to go back to Jesus and say thank you but listen to me unfortunately many of us today do the same exact thing we don't take the time to Simply thank the Lord for the things that we now deem to be the norm when the bills are paid when there's money in the bank when there's plenty to laugh and be happy about do you remember then to say Thank you Lord I know where you brought me from I remember when it wasn't like this or how about when
you're struggling when life is tough when you live in Pat check to paycheck do you remember to say thank you do you remember to say Thank You Lord because I may be hardpressed on every side but I am not crushed I may be perplexed but I am not in despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed dear friends the Bible says in Psalm 9 veres 1 and 2 I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart I will I will tell of all your marvelous works I will be glad and rejoice in
you I will sing praise to your name oh most high listen find something to be thankful about don't take the goodness of the Lord for granted because there is always there's always something to be grateful about I understand you might not be able to afford the most decadent meals but thank God that you have never missed a meal sure the car might have broken down it's an inconvenience but thank God you're still able-bodied and you have legs that can walk the words of Jesus to that one leper who came back to say thank you his
words were rise and go your faith has made you well I pray that this may be the reality of our lives today as we pray and thank the Lord for his goodness his love and his Mercy as we go to god let's take the situation with us that seems to be unfavorable at the moment let's sit in that rough place for a moment the place where it's actually hard to say thank you the place where it's actually difficult to find something to be thankful for but I dare you to think about God think about his
goodness think about his love and his mercy and I dare you to ride in that place where it seems to make no sense simply tell him thank you sometimes it's the gratitude that paves the way for you to be blessed I used to hear the older people say that it's something about a child's gratitude that makes you want to do even more for them so just remember it might be the thank you that actually leads you into the blessing dear Lord Jesus we give you praise and honor we are Beyond thankful for your goodness and
your mercy Lord we pray and declare Psalm 100 a Psalm of Thanksgiving shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise His name for the Lord is good and his love endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations I'd like to take the time to
thank you for everything Lord because through it all through the good through the bad through the happy through the sad you are still a good god teach us to be thankful on All Occasions God open our eyes so that we can really see your goodness towards us shift our perspective so that we can be thankful in all situations father your word says in 1st Chronicles 16: 34-36 give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever cry out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we
may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise praise be to the Lord the god of Israel from Everlasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord I will praise the name of the Lord for he alone is worthy to be praised and adored I'm so thankful For Your Love King Jesus even though you know everything about me you know all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but still you died in my place opening up the way to eternal life for me I give you thanks Lord
Jesus even if all my friends were to leave me and betray me may I have a heart that will forever rejoice and sing of your goodness just as the Apostle Paul taught we give thanks to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying always for you I have learned that I can rejoice in all situations I can give thanks in all of my circumstances because you Lord are still a good God you're good when everything is well in my life and you're still good during the bad times God I thank you for being
a good god during my happy times and you're still a good god during my sad times so Lord as we cry out to you our prayer is that you would answer us in our hour of need your word says in Psalm 23:3 he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake true restoration comes from you true peace comes only from you Lord and so we pray that you would restore us father restore our Spirits if we have wandered away from you your word tells me to rejoice in the
lord always and so I Rejoice I rejoice in all of your goodness and your faithfulness help us to focus on things that are pure and right things that will profit our souls help us to have a sweet and peaceful disposition Lord I pray that you would give me a kind of spirit that will reflect the work that you are doing Within Me Be A light un my path King Jesus eradicate the darkness and destroy the traps that have been set by my enemy Lord you are my source of strength to overcome the devil my source
of strength to walk in Victory my source of strength to defeat sin and I pray right now Lord that I may have the type of Faith to step out and walk on water so that when I face obstacles that seem impossible I want to remain steadfast and remember that with you my lord all things are possible you are an Ever faithful God you are so good to me with all the grace and all the mercy that you offer Lord you are my strong tower and my refuge at this present time Lord I ask for your
peace and your protection over my life and over my family's lives God your word is true and it is Everlasting I stand in faith on Psalm 91 verses 10 and 11 those verses say no evil will befall me or my family no plague will come near my home or my body in Jesus name name and even though I may not see with my eyes I believe that your hand is over my life give me a heart that can Rejoice father give me a heart that gives thanks in my best and my worst circumstances I know
that my circumstances may change but you are good all the time and you oh Lord you do not change for that I want to say thank you God give me a mindset that is thankful first a heart that is inclined to appreciate your goodness and mercy before I ask for my own personal requests King Jesus I bless your holy name I thank you for who you are the alpha and the Omega the first and the last be glorified both now and forever more [Music] amen I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart I
will tell of all your marvelous works I will be glad and rejoice in you I will sing praise to your name oh most high shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are are his we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise His name for the Lord is good and is love endures forever his
faithfulness continues through all generations give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever forever cry out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise praise be to the Lord the god of Israel from Everlasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord one of the things that I love about the Lord is is that he loves to go to the places where he can find those who have been rejected
those who have been hurt and abandoned he loves to go to places that nobody puts high on the map in fact Mark 2: 15 through 17 says while Jesus was having dinner at Levi's house many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples for there were many who followed him when the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the Sinners and tax collectors they asked his disciples why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners on hearing this Jesus said to them it is not the healthy who need
a doctor but the sick I have not come to call the righteous but Sinners this passage epitomizes exactly why I love the Lord he is a God who makes it his business to go and place himself in a situation where there are those who've been forgotten denied shunned away and pushed to the side God loves to connect with people who others consider to be outcasts he's a God who gives us what we don't deserve we don't deserve eternal life but he offers it to us us we don't deserve the great love that he has shown
us but he continuously gives it we don't deserve His Amazing Grace but his grace is still sufficient and none of us deserve Mercy but we have to thank the Lord for his Mercy the Bible says in Lamentations 3: 22 and 23 the steadfast love of the Lord never SE ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness now life can be Bittersweet at times it's a combination of enjoying the good and pressing through the bad it's a balance between working hard and enjoying the fruits of your labor
there's a duality to life smiles and tears defeats and victories love and heartbreak and the thing is all of us go through tough times all of us go through Seasons where it seems as though the odds are stacked against us and pain well pain becomes a feeling we're all too acquainted with in Psalm 119:71 David said it is good for me that I've have been Afflicted that I may learn your statutes you see the Lord is concerned more about our character than our comfort level he cares more about our growth as Believers than the number
of blessings we receive I would even say that God is more concerned with the state of our hearts than our happiness I believe that as we go through life and face different trials should we remain in the Lord should we continue trusting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ should we stand firm and believe God's promises to be true then we will experience what the Bible talks about in James 1: 2 to 4 as the Bible says consider it nothing but joy my brothers and sisters whenever you fall into various trials be assured that the
testing of your faith through experience produces endurance leading to spiritual maturity and inner peace and let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith lacking in nothing Matthew 22: 37 through 38 the Bible reads Jesus replied love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and greatest commandment and the second is like it love your neighbor as yourself all of Christianity can be summarized by two basic Commandments love
God and love others let's look at the first of these Commandments given by Jesus when you love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind you will obey his word you will not have any Idols in your life when you truly love God you'll no long longer have any affection for this world because the Bible says friendship with the world is enmity with God I believe that Jesus said the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind because when you've reached the point where you deeply truly are consumed by God's love a transformation takes place it's his will that takes priority it it's his word that takes priority the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind because when you do that all of your actions are geared towards loving and honoring God for example you will not practice sin because God hates sin you will not become someone who tells lies because the Bible says lying lips are an Abomination to the Lord and
out of love you live your life according to the Lord's will now it's interesting that the second commandment Jesus gave us is to do with people the first commandment has everything to do with your intentions your affections and your commitment to God above the second commandment is to do with your intentions affections and commitment to those around you because of God above we're encouraged to love our neighbors to consider their interest and most people think you simply need to have a good relationship with everyone in order to love your neighbor but that's a very shallow
view when you love your neighbor you're not just concerned about their physical well-being and that's it no when you love your neighbor you love enough to care for their Eternal Soul and their spiritual condition meaning yes you give to those less fortunate and you help as much as you can but you also share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them and you share your own personal testimony of God's faithfulness you pray with and for your neighbor you encourage them and you uplift them in Christ and so dear listener I pray that you hear me as
I say this Jes Jesus Christ should be our first and greatest love because when the Lord is the burning passion in our lives we will be transformed we'll be changed we'll be regenerated into new creatures it's only when God is the greatest love in your life it's only then that you can truly love your neighbor and so as we go before the throne of grace let's go with the intention to have a better love walk and love life with God and to love our neighbors in a better way and so with all this fresh on
our hearts and in our minds let us go to the Lord in prayer Our dear heavenly father Lord we thank you for another day we thank you for your grace and your mercies that are new Every Morning father I pray that you would strengthen our hearts today May the Holy Spirit strengthen our faith today may he remind us that when the Troubles of Life start to overwhelm us we have a friend in Jesus when our problems are many and we need relief when we need peace Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind us
that we have a friend in Jesus we serve a living God who is more than able to carry our burdens and to give us rest Lord I know that you are an all powerful God there is nothing that is too difficult in my life for you to deal with you still move mountains and you still cause walls to fall there is nothing too big for you and for that Lord I'm Grateful father I'm grateful that you first loved me and I pray that you would give us the strength to rise up each day and fight
against the struggles which seek to weigh us down lord I praise your name for you are the god of the impossible there is nothing too big for you to handle no problem too great no challenge too difficult for you to overcome God I know that you can do anything and I'm asking that in the middle of my weakness would you make your strength known father with each and everyone listening today we bring before you our burdens and our troubles Lord help us not to fear but to trust you help us not to be discouraged but
to to have joy in you Holy Spirit help us not to take the goodness and kindness of the Lord for granted Lord I declare my faith in your ability to fulfill every one of your promises to me I know that you will fight for me and you will win the battles in my life Lord you're mighty you're powerful you're righteous and you're true and God I bless your name right now your word says the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming
in from this time forth and even forever more I bless your Holy Name Lord and I thank you for your promises I confess by faith that my Lord will keep me from all harm Jehovah Gyra will provide a watch over my life and will preserve me from all evil I declare that evil will not touch me or come near my house because my savior will preserve my going out and my coming in you are my shepherd my guide my source of Hope may your name be glorified Lord Jesus from this day forth and even forever
more I pray that the words I have spoken may be established in the name of Jesus thank you for listening to this prayer father thank you for hearing us in Jesus name we pray amen I want to pray and agree with everyone who wants to turn their life around and even as I pray my desire is that the Holy Spirit would move and anoint this message and this prayer so that it may touch your heart and impress the reality of Jesus Christ upon your minds my desire is that the Lord would bless this prayer so
that it would not fall on DEA fears but instead may it be received by willing hearts the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land I want you to note how God is saying to his people humble yourselves pray and seek my face turn from your wicked ways this Saints is how you can turn your life around humble yourself meaning surrender
to the Lord accept that you do not know it all you cannot do life through your own strength and might you need Jesus I believe in that here in 2 Chronicles 7:14 the ible is telling us to Humble ourselves because we need to come to a place whereby we are willing to Simply serve to serve Jesus Christ to serve the body of Christ and serve his kingdom the second point is to pray and seek his face Psalm 42:1 says as a dear pants for flowing streams so pants my soul for you oh god there needs
to be a longing and a yearning for God in your heart indeed the Lord wants his children to not only pray but to pray and seek his face that means don't just come with a list of requests take time to commune with him to build a relationship with him God wants us to fellowship with him the Bible tells us to seek one thing above all else in Matthew 6:33 but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you God wants us to seek Him First now the
third point is that we should turn from our Wicked Ways our God is Holy and he has called us to be separate from the world meaning we ought not to engage in the sinful practices of this world we ought to turn away and so should you desire to turn your life around do it the way God has prescribed in 2 Chronicles 7:14 as his word says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will
forgive their sin and heal their land humble yourself pray and seek his face turn away from your Wicked Ways now let us pray Lord Jesus you are the light of Our Lives you are the one who gives us freedom and liberty from all bondage we call on your holy name because in your presence the miraculous happens when you are involved King Jesus the supernatural happens we invite you into this place Lord Jesus change the atmosphere of this place fill this place with your holy presence let your anointing fall and rest upon Our Lives Let Your
Presence be found in abundance within the walls of our homes in your presence is where we can experience the breaking of curses in your presence Lord Jesus every evil word spoken against us becomes useless every trap set before us by the enemy is exposed in your presence Jesus every threat and attack from the kingdom of darkness is nullified and destroyed so we invite you into our lives King Jesus dwell in our hearts Lord dwell on our homes chase away every unclean Spirit chase away every contentious Spirit Lord we ask that you chase away everything that
is not of you we declare that if it's not from God we don't want it your word in Psalm 31: 19-20 says oh how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues you have stored up blessings for those who reverently fear you Lord may we be counted among those that
fear you hide Us in the secret place of your presence so that no evil thing will be able to find us or lay Siege to our lives Lord Jesus we pray for grace and mercy let us become believers who are in awe of you always believers who never wait favor nor turn their heads at the sight of the pleasures of this world father in this world we are in the midst of evil we're surrounded by deception and all kinds of Doctrine however we look to you King Jesus into your word as our light light up
our lives light up our eyes so that we can see truth from lies and truth from deception let us see your Light operating in our lives Master may your Holy Light Shine and expose that which is in darkness let us be so full of your light so full of your presence that there is no room for any evil thing or stronghold to take a hold of us Purge our hearts King Jesus of all sin that may leave the door open to the enemy if it's unforgiveness give us the grace to let go and forgive whatever
or whomever has hurt us if it's a hidden sin convict our hearts to repent and let that sin go in jesus' name father give us hearts that are obedient to you because in Deuteronomy 28: 1-2 your word says and if you Faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God being careful to all his Commandments that I command you today the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you obey the voice of the Lord your God may
your blessings come upon us and overtake us be glorified King Jesus may you receive all praise and honor in jesus' name I pray amen Luke 4:1 17-19 says and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the
year of the Lord's favor now I want you to notice what Jesus Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor this is what leads us to Salvation he comes to Proclaim Liberty to the captives this is to Pardon our sins and set us free from a guilty verdict he also comes to set at Liberty those who are oppressed this is to give us true and Lasting freedom from from every unclean Spirit furthermore when Jesus Christ comes into your life he brings peace Colossians 3:15 says and Let the Peace of Christ rule in your heart to
which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful now because of the heavy price that was paid on the cross we don't have to labor for our our own salvation we don't have to earn it we don't have to save up for it all we need to do is to receive Jesus Christ it's to receive him in our hearts then and only then can peace rule our minds and finally I'd like to tell you that Jesus Christ brings love first John 4 4:1 16 says so we have come to know and to believe
the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him it was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross and it's because of love that we have access to grace and mercy and eternal life through Jesus Christ if you have a personal relationship with Jesus you have access to all these things you have access to peace Beyond understanding you've got access to freedom and liberty when Jesus comes into your life there is no more oppression there is no more captivity there is only
salvation there is life and there is freedom from sin we should be encouraged by the word of the Lord which says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose trials and problems will come at one point or another we will be forced to fight battles that we'd rather not we will come across challenges that we may not want to face however we have a savior in Jesus Christ we have a miracle work in God and he
will make a way when there seems to be no way humans love to be able to measure we love predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work out that way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory in life is all about our capability our credentials and our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't look for the strongest among us to demonstrate his power that would
be too simple for him too predictable if God were only to use the strongest among us then we could essentially rationalize the Lord and Rob him of his glory if God were to only use the strongest among us to do his work many of us would take God out of the equation and say well that person was always an standing and gifted individual the Bible in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 says but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong this
means you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong his ways are not like our ways your biggest challenge can be used by the Lord to usher in your biggest break through and blessing ask Joseph the worst thing that could have happened to him being betrayed by his own Brothers turned out to be the very thing that catapult him into his god-ordained Destiny ask the woman with the issue of blood
the disease that had taken so much from her a disease that robbed her of her friends her wealth and dignity that same disease is what led her to experience the miraculous healing power of the master our weaknesses can so often be the cause of us experiencing the power of God God has promised us in his word that all things will work together for our good if we love him that means the pain and disappointment you feel now will work together for your good and so be encouraged you may not see it now it may not
make sense right now however trust the Lord to lead you trust him to make you lie down in Green Pastures trust him to lead you to Still Waters trust God to make a way when there seems to be no way because ultimately he is in control and your life is in his Loving Hands now let us pray Heavenly Father you are the author of all things that are good everything that is pure everything that is righteous is you Lord Jesus wherever you are there is peace there is Joy there is life we invite you Lord
to come into our hearts and into our homes because where your presence is there can be no captivity there can be no oppression there is only Liberty and freedom in you thank you Father because you freely offered yourself to die on a cross All Because You Loved Us and now we praise you Lord because all authority has been given to you whatever you say will come to pass whenever you enter our lives bless things cannot help but flow from you you are the object of our affection you demand our attention and our reverence and so
we bow down to you none can stand against your will Lord Jesus you are able to accomplish all that you set out to do your power and your goodness cannot be questioned Psalm chapter 16 ver 11 says you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more father we invite your presence to invade our lives your presence is what my soul Longs for your presence is the very thing that our lives need for so long this world has rejected you and
turned away from you and put their faith in worthless things however we as your children stand on your word which says in Ephesians 2: 19- 21 so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy Temple in the Lord Lord Jesus you are the Chief Cornerstone of our lives and we worship you and choose to obey
you alone come in into our lives come into our homes come into our minds and bring restoration and peace and love in each of our hearts Lord displace every unclean thought drive out every cloud of Darkness with your radiant light come and sweep our lives in a mighty way cast out all fear and every negative pattern of thinking at your voice demons tremble and flee because you hold all authority father move into our homes bring peace and unity into our families heal every heart that is Longing For Love Today Lord Jesus we need you there
is power in your name when you you speak chaos turns into order darkness turns into light evil is conquered and righteousness prevails in your presence nothing Unholy can remain Lord I pray that you may do a new thing in our lives and even now you stand at the door of our hearts and knock so help us to answer your call and to soften our hearts may you show up in a mighty way exercise your Sovereign rule over every part of my life whatever your will is may I be a servant that is available for your
use may your glory be known to us in our families and even in our communities awaken our spirit Spirit to tap into the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit within us father make us aware of your presence daily and may the Holy Spirit speak to us may he minister to us may he counsel and guide us each and every day I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer in in Jesus name I pray amen and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he unrolled the scroll and
found the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is
love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy Temple in the Lord as much as we may not
want to admit it every now and again we encounter something that shakes us something that makes us feel afraid and today I'd like to ask you this question what do you do when you are afraid you may be one paycheck away from being homeless and you feel afraid you may be waiting for test results from a doctor and you feel afraid it may be a difficult time in your marriage and you're afraid of where it may lead whatever the case may be what do you do when you're afraid when the Philistines had seized David at
gath he prayed in Psalm 56: 1-4 saying oh God have mercy on me for people are hounding me my foes attack me all day long I am constantly hounded by those who slander me and many are boldly attacking me but when I am afraid I will put my trust in you I praise God for what he has promised I trust in God so why should I be afraid what can mere mortals do to me David further goes on to say this in verses 8-13 you keep track of all my sorrows you have collected all my
tears in your bottle you have recorded each one in your book my enemies will Retreat when I call to you for help this I know God is on my side I praise God for what he has promised yes I praise the Lord for what he has promised I trust in God so why should I be afraid what can mere mortals do to me I will fulfill my vows to you oh God and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help for you have rescued me from Death you have kept my feet from slipping so
now I can walk in your presence oh God in your lifegiving light when I read this Psalm it comes across to me that not only is David praying but it's almost as though he's reminding himself why he shouldn't be afraid three times in this chapter he says I praise God for what he has promised and twice in the chapter he again repeats himself self and says I trust in God so why should I be afraid David deals with his fear on three levels verse four says I praise God for what he has promised here he
is actively praising God in advance for the Fulfillment of his promises which promises you might ask well God said in his word I will never leave you nor forsake you God has said I will fight for you you and you will hold your peace so when David Goes further to say I trust in God so why should I be afraid I believe that he's speaking to his inner man he's talking to his emotions his heart his soul he is saying to himself God has promised to always defend me and I trust in God so why
am I afraid dear listener my word to you today is God has promised to always defend you and if you trust in God then you should not be afraid of whatever you're facing now let's go to the Lord together in prayer father God we bow our hearts and lift our heads to look up to you father you're a merciful and loving God right now in agreement with everyone un listening we rebuke the spirit of fear over our lives the only Spirit we welcome the only Spirit we invite into our lives into our hearts and into
our homes is the spirit of God the holy spirit so I say Come Holy Spirit burn away fear from our lives I pray for a holy fire that cleanses a fire that burns everything that is not of God the Bible states that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind right now in the name of Jesus I declare that no spirit of fear will paralyze our thoughts or our emotions no spirit of fear will consume our hearts nor will it trouble Us in those moments when we're
alone we want the power of God we want the love of God and we want a sound mind move Holy Spirit and displace any fear in our lives move in our hearts Holy Spirit and fill us with peace our homes will not be fearful homes in jesus' name our homes will not be filled with fear in Jesus name I declare that our trust will not be swayed for our protection is found in the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we stand on your word father 1 Peter 5: 6-7 says humble yourselves therefore under God's Mighty
hand that he may Lift You Up In Due Time cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you lift us up with your Mighty hand father Lord I pray for anyone struggling with fear in their lives wrap the minds of each and everyone listening father wrap it with your truth and your comfort steady our emotions oh God we choose to trust in you and unto you we cast all of our worries our fears and anxieties we find peace in your word your word that says in Joshua 1 verse 9 have I not commanded
you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare that we will not be afraid we will not fear because you oh God you are with us the god of the universe the creator of the heavens and the Earth we are only strong and courageous because you God are on our side through the power that is in the blood of Jesus we will not allow fear to take control of Our Lives help us at this time father to be
confident in all situations to stand assured that you are in control you hold the future and we trust that everything works together for our good may your peace invade our hearts may your peace invade our homes father we thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus mighty name that we pray and we give thanks amen when you think of God's unconditional love for you you will find that it covers every single area that you could ever need God's love for you means that you are protected God's love for you means you are forgiven
he looks at you with merciful eyes God's love for you means that you are offered peace Beyond understanding you're offered eternal life you're offered joy unspeakable you are offered another chance and it's up to us to accept this offer of love from God Psalm 27:10 says for my father and my mother have forsaken me but the Lord will take me in Saints I encourage you to open your heart and accept the love that Jesus Christ has to offer you I encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior accept the Holy Spirit as
your comforter your counselor your teacher and accept the word of God to be the ruling of Authority in your life the world it's deceptive sin is deceptive but Jesus Christ he is the way the truth and the life don't choose a more convenient way of living that is outside of the parameters of the word of the Lord whoever you are I encourage you to choose Jesus Christ wherever you are I encourage you to follow Jesus Christ everyone else can leave you they can forsake you but never the Lord he will never leave you nor forsake
you here's what the Bible says about God's love Romans 8: 35-39 who shall separate us from the love of Christ Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we are being killed all the day long we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth
nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our lord sisters and brothers I don't know what you've done I don't know anything about your past and although Others May judge you Others May look at you sideways Jesus Christ will always receive you regardless L of what shape you're in regardless of your flaws as long as you repent from sin and open up your heart to him the Amplified translation for Romans 8:1 says therefore there is now no condemnation no guilty verdict no punishment for
those who are in Christ Jesus who believe in him as personal Lord and Savior this is how great the love of the Lord is for you he does not condemn you he doesn't condemn you for what you've done so long as you repent and turn away from sin and so if you're under the sound of my voice listening I urge you not to wait or gamble with your Eternal Destiny be sure that your heart is occupied by King Jesus Christ be sure that you have made him the Lord over your life now let's pray together
[Music] dear Lord I Thank You for Your goodness I thank you for your love and mercy father I may not know everything that goes on around me in this world but I do know that many things could have happened to me many things could have gone against me many plans have been made against me but you have had your hand over me and uring that I was not destroyed ensuring that I was not defeated and wiped out for this I'm grateful I'm grateful because I have found favor in your sight it's a blessing to be
able to call on your name and know that I'm safe I'm secure I'm protected Psalm 28:7 says the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusts in him and he helps me my heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him I declare that you are my shield my strength and in you my heart certainly trusts I Rejoice at your goodness towards me and your Providence over my life you've kept me secure and I know that you will continually keep me secure father we may not always see the attacks of the
enemy but we certainly see your goodness because we have not been overcome by the wicked one God I thank you for blocking every evil attack from the devil I praise you for the fact that I'm safe I have breath in my body I have strengthened my bones and life and joy within me this this is evidence that you have stood by me as my strength as my Defender as my shield and my deliverer teach me the way that's pleasing to you Lord lead me so that my feet may always be on steady ground as the
creator of all things you hold everything in place even in the midst of chaos I know that I'm undeserving of your favor and I'm grateful Lord I'm Grateful that I didn't have to earn your favor but in your goodness in your unending mercies you extended your grace to me you sustained me during my weak moments and when I felt overwhelmed you've been right there you've stood by me Lord and so I bless your name because you are indeed worthy of all my prayers your word in Psalm 121:8 it says the Lord shall preserve your going
out and your coming in from this time forth and even forever more Lord you preserved me you've kept me and you protected me from every form of harm and danger and I'm grateful that you continue to stand as my protection against the evil one that thank you for protecting me even from unseen dangers from the invisible attacks of the enemy that can come in many forms and holy spirit I thank you for your guidance it's always a blessing to be able to call upon your counsel Holy Spirit may you continue to lead me in my
decision making lead me in my actions and please lead me even in my speech father I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ I pray [Music] amen and now let us pray Lord Jesus we thank you for your love and grace we thank you for the unmar favor that is Upon Our Lives we put our trust in you a God who never fails us father at this time we ask that you remove every crutch from our lives may we know you King Jesus to be enough remove
everything that we lean on and Trust in so that All That Remains is you Lord help us to come to the knowledge and understanding that your grace is indeed sufficient your power is indeed made perfect in our weakness through all the situations we Face may we come to know and to see that your love King Jesus is enough your grace is enough your word is enough your joy is enough and outside of you master we need no one else and nothing else Psalm 103:8 says the Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and abounding
in Mercy so many things you have given us Lord that we do not deserve so many times you've forgiven us and shown us Mercy only for us to fall again but today Master we seek your forgiveness and repent we thank you because instead of fear you have given us a spirit of power love and a sound mind instead of sickness you have given us the assurance that by your stripes we are healed with all the times that we have sinned and fallen short you still call for us to repent and follow you and in addition
to that your arms are still open your word in Matthew 11: 28-29 says come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden I will give you rest take my Yol upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls we did nothing to deserve this love yet you still offer it and so we thank you we are we're grateful and we appreciate your goodness Lord Jesus we do not deserve the protection you offer but you still give your angels charge over us
to keep us safe in our going out and in our coming in and for that we say thank you Lord we certainly don't deserve the peace you've offered us but yet you you still told us not to let our hearts be troubled because you are a God who supplies all of our needs our prayer Lord is that we may live in a way that honors you that pleases you thank you for your Amazing Grace a Grace that saves a a Grace That Forgives and shows us Mercy in your Amazing Grace we are safe we are
secure and lack nothing because your your grace is sufficient your word in 2 Peter 1:2 says Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our lord I bless your name father for the grace and peace which you have multiplied in my life and over my family I am grateful for your love and grace which has transform my life I only pray that my life will be an example a living testimony of your grace and mercy and favor you have made me an overcomer in this world you have given
me Authority through the name of Jesus Christ Authority which enables me to defeat the Devil you Lord have made me more than a conqueror you have made me the head and not the tail you have placed me above and not beneath all of these wonderful things are undeserved but because you are a God who is rich in love mercy and Grace you have given me that which I do not deserve and I am grateful you King Jesus have given me the gift of eternal life because you love me enough to sacrifice your own life and
hang on a cross so that I may be saved thank thank you for saving me thank you for pulling me out of a despairing pit and placing me on steady ground I thank you for making me in your image and in your likeness I ask that you stay with me and stay by my side always great is your faithfulness Master thank you for your Amazing Grace over my life in Jesus name I pray amen Luke 17: 11-19 now on his way to Jerusalem Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee as he was going
into a village 10 men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice Jesus Master have pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priest and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice he threw himself at jesus' feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan Jesus asked were not all 10 cleansed where are the other nine has no one returned to give praise to God except
this Foreigner then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well people of God we ought to have a spirit of thankfulness Let It Be Your disposition in life to stop for a moment and simply say thank you Lord when Jesus healed the 10 lepers in Luke chap 17 only one came back to say thank you think about that only one if I could get a chance to speak to those nine lepers I'd asked them how could you take the goodness of the Lord for granted like that what else was so
important that you couldn't take time to go back to Jesus and say thank you but listen to me unfortunately many of us today do the same exact thing we don't take the time to Simply thank the Lord for the things that we now deem to be the norm when the bills are paid when there's money in the bank when there's plenty to laugh and be happy about do you remember then to say Thank you Lord I know where you brought me from I remember when it wasn't like this or how about when you're struggling when
life is tough when you're living paycheck to paycheck do you remember to say thank you do you remember to say Thank You Lord because I may be hardpressed on every side but I am not crushed I may be perplexed but I am not in despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed dear friends the Bible says in Psalm 9 veres 1 and 2 I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart I will tell of all your marvelous works I will be glad and rejoice in you I will sing praise to your
name oh most high listen find something to be thankful about don't take the goodness of the Lord for granted because there is always there's always something to be grateful about I understand you might not be able to afford the most decadent meals but thank God that you have never missed a meal sure the car might have broken down it's an inconvenience but thank God you're still able-bodied and you have legs that can walk the words of Jesus to that one leper who came back to say thank you his words were rise and go your faith
has made you well I pray that this may be the reality of our lives today as we pray and thank the Lord for his goodness his love and his Mercy as we go to god let's take the situation with us that seems to be unfavorable at the moment let's sit in that rough place for a moment the place where it's actually hard to say things thank you the place where it's actually difficult to find something to be thankful for but I dare you to think about God think about his goodness think about his love and
his mercy and I dare you to write in that place where it seems to make no sense simply tell him thank you sometimes it's the gratitude that paves the way for you to be blessed I used to hear the older people people say that it's something about a child's gratitude that makes you want to do even more for them so just remember it might be the thank you that actually leads you into the blessing dear Lord Jesus we give you praise and honor we are Beyond thankful for your goodness and your mercy Lord we pray
and declare Psalm 100 a Psalm of Thanksgiving shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise His name for the Lord is good and his love endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations I'd like to take the time to thank you for everything Lord because
through it all through the good through the bad through the happy through the sad you are still a good god teach us to be thankful on All Occasions God open our eyes so that we can really see your goodness towards us shift our perspective so that we can be thankful and all all situations father your word says in 1st Chronicles 16: 34-36 give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever cry out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we may give thanks to your
holy name and glory in your praise praise be to the Lord the god of Israel from Everlasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord I will praise the name of the Lord for he alone is worthy to be praised and adored I'm so thankful For Your Love King Jesus even though you know everything about me you know all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but still you died in my place opening up the way to eternal life for me I give you thanks Lord Jesus even if all my
friends were to leave me and betray me may I have a heart that will forever rejoice and sing of your goodness just as the Apostle Paul taught we give thanks to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying always for you I have learned that I can rejoice in all situations I can give thanks in all of my circumstances because you Lord are still a good God you're good when everything is well in my life and you're still good during the bad times God I thank you for being a good god during my
happy times and you're still a good god during my sad times so Lord as we cry out to you our prayer is that you would answer us in our hour of need your word says in Psalm 23:3 he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake true restoration comes from you true peace comes only from you Lord and so we pray that you would restore us father restore our Spirits if we have wandered away from you your word tells me to rejoice in the lord always and so I
Rejoice I rejoice in all of your goodness and your faithfulness help us to focus on things that are pure and right things that will profit our souls help us to have a sweet and peaceful disposition Lord I pray that you would give me a kind of spe spirit that will reflect the work that you are doing Within Me Be A light un my path King Jesus eradicate the darkness and destroy the traps that have been set by my enemy Lord you are my source of strength to overcome the devil my source of strength to walk
in Victory my source of strength to defeat sin and I pray right now Lord that I may have the type of Faith to step out and walk on water so that when I face obstacles that seem impossible I want to remain steadfast and remember that with you my lord all things are possible you are an Ever faithful God you are so good to me with all the grace and all the mercy that you offer Lord you are my strong tower and my refuge at this present time Lord I ask for your peace and your protection
over my life and over my family's lives God your word is true and it is Everlasting I stand in faith on Psalm 91 verses 10 and 11 those verses say no evil will befall me or my family no plague will come near my home or my body in Jesus name and even though I may not see with my eyes I believe that your hand is over my life give me a heart that can Rejoice father give me a heart that gives thanks in my best and my worst circumstances I know that my circumstances may change
but you are good all the time and you oh Lord you do not change for that I want to say thank you God give me a mindset that is thankful first a heart that is inclined to appreciate your goodness and mercy before I ask for my own personal requests King Jesus I bless your holy name I thank you for who you are the alpha and the Omega the first and the last be glorified both now and forever more amen I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart I will tell of all your marvelous
works I will be glad and rejoice in you I will sing praise to your name oh most high shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise His name for the Lord is good and his love endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations give thanks
to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever cry out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise praise be to the Lord the the god of Israel from Everlasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord one of the things that I love about the Lord is that he loves to go to the places where he can find those who have been rejected those who have been hurt and abandoned he
loves to go to places that nobody puts high on the map in fact mark 2: 15-1 17 says while Jesus was having dinner at Levi's house many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples for there were many who followed him when the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the Sinners and tax collectors they asked his disciples why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners on hearing this Jesus said to them it is not not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick I have not
come to call the righteous but Sinners this passage epitomizes exactly why I love the Lord he is a God who makes it his business to go and place himself in a situation where there are those who've been forgotten denied shunned away and pushed to the side God loves to connect with people who others consider to be outcasts he's a God who gives us what we don't deserve we don't deserve eternal life but he offers it to us we don't deserve the great love that he has shown us but he continuously gives it we don't deserve
His Amazing Grace but his grace is still sufficient and in none of us deserve Mercy but we have to thank the Lord for his Mercy the Bible says in Lamentations 3 veres 22 and 23 the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness now life can be Bittersweet at times it's a combination of enjoying the good and pressing through the bad it's a balance between working hard and enjoying the fruits of your labor there's a duality to life smiles and tears
defeats and victories love and heartbreak and the thing is all of us go through tough times all of us go through Seasons where it seems as though the odds are stacked against us and pain well pain becomes a feeling we're all too acquainted with in Psalm 119:71 David said it is good for me that I have been Afflicted that I may learn your statutes you see the Lord is concerned more about our character than our comfort level he cares more about our growth as Believers than the number of blessings we receive I would even say
that God is more concerned with the state of our hearts than our happiness I believe that as we go through life and face different trials should we remain in the Lord should we continue trusting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ should we stand firm and believe God's promises to be true then we will experience what the Bible talks about in James chapter 1 veres 2 to 4 as the Bible says consider it nothing but Joy my brothers and sisters whenever you fall into various trials be assured that the testing of your faith through experience
produces endurance leading to spiritual maturity and inner peace and let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith lacking in nothing Matthew 22 2: 37-38 the Bible reads Jesus replied love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and greatest commandment and the second is like it love your neighbor as yourself all of Christianity can be summarized by two basic Commandments love God and love others let's look at
the first of these Commandments given by Jesus when you love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind you will obey his word you will not have any Idols in your life when you truly love God you'll no longer have any affection for this world because the Bible says friendship with the world is enmity with God I believe that Jesus said the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind because when you've reached the point where
you deeply truly are consumed by God's love a transformation takes place it's his will that takes priority it's his word that takes priority the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind because when you do that all of your actions are geared towards loving and honoring God for example you will not practice sin because God hates sin you will not become someone who tells lies because the Bible says lying lips are an Abomination to the Lord and out of love you live your life according to
the Lord's will now it's interesting that the second commandment Jesus gave us is to do with people the first commandment has everything to do with your intentions your affections and your commitment to God above the second commandment is to do with your intentions affections and commitment to those around you because of God above we're encouraged to love our neighbors to consider their interest and most people think you simply need to have a good relationship with everyone and order to love your neighbor but that's a very shallow view when you love your neighbor you're not just
concerned about their physical well-being and that's it no when you love your neighbor you love them enough to care for their Eternal Soul and their spiritual condition meaning yes you give to those less fortunate and you help as much as you can but you also share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them and you share your own personal testimony of God's faithfulness you pray with and for your neighbor you encourage them and you uplift them in Christ and so dear listener I pray that you hear me as I say this Jesus Christ should be our
first and greatest love because when the Lord is the burning passion in our lives we will be transformed we'll be changed we'll be regenerated into new creatures it's it's only when God is the greatest love in your life it's only then that you can truly love your neighbor and so as we go before the throne of grace let's go with the intention to have a better love walk and love life with God and to love our neighbors in a better way and so with all this fresh on our hearts and in our minds let us
go to the Lord in prayer our dear heavenly father Lord we thank you for another day we thank you for your grace and your mercies that are new Every Morning father I pray that you would strengthen our hearts today May the Holy Spirit strengthen our faith today may he remind us that when the Troubles of Life start to overwhelm us we have a friend in Jesus when our problems are many and we need relief when we need peace Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind us that we have a friend in Jesus we
serve a living God who is more than able to carry our burdens and to give us rest Lord I know that you are an all powerful God there is nothing that is too difficult in my life life for you to deal with you still move mountains and you still cause walls to fall there is nothing too big for you and for that Lord I'm Grateful father I'm grateful that you first loved me and I pray that you would give us the strength to rise up each day and fight against the struggles which seek to wait
us down lord I praise your name for you are the god of the impossible there is nothing too big for you to handle no problem too great no challenge too difficult for you to overcome God I know that you can do anything and I'm asking that in the middle of my weakness would you make your strength known father with each and everyone listening today we bring before you our burdens and our troubles Lord help us not to fear but to trust you help us not to be discouraged but to have joy in you Holy Spirit
help us not to take the goodness and kindness of the Lord for granted Lord I declare my faith in your ability to fulfill every one of of your promises to me I know that you will fight for me and you will win the battles in my life Lord you're mighty you're powerful you're righteous and you're true and God I bless your name right now your word says the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even
forever more I bless your Holy Name Lord and I thank you for your promises I confess by faith that my Lord will keep me from all harm Jehovah Gyra will provide a watch over my life and will preserve me from all evil I declare that evil will not touch me or come near my house because my savior will preserve my going out and my coming in you are my shepherd my guide my source of Hope may your name be glorified Lord Jesus from this day forth and even forever more I pray that the words I
have spoken may be established in the name of Jesus thank you for listening to this prayer father thank you for hearing us in Jesus name we pray amen I want to pray and agree with everyone who wants to turn their life around and even as I pray my desire is that the Holy Spirit would move and anoint this message and this prayer so that it may touch your heart and impress the reality of Jesus Christ upon your minds my desire is that the Lord would bless this prayer so that it would not fall on deaf
ears but instead may it be received by willing Hearts the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked way ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land I want you to note how God is saying to his people humble yourselves pray and seek my face turn from your wicked ways this Saints is how you can turn your life around humble yourself meaning surrender to the Lord accept that you
do not know it all you cannot do life through your own strength and might you need Jesus I believe in that here in 2 Chronicles 7:14 the Bible is telling us to Humble ourselves because we need to come to a place whereby we are willing to Simply serve to serve Jesus Christ to serve the the body of Christ and serve his kingdom the second point is to pray and seek his face Psalm 42:1 says as a deer pants for flowing streams so pants my soul for you oh god there needs to be a longing and
a yearning for God in your heart indeed the Lord wants his children to to not only pray but to pray and seek his face that means don't just come with a list of requests take time to commune with him to build a relationship with him God wants us to fellowship with him the Bible tells us to seek one thing above all else in Matthew 6:33 but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you God wants us to seek Him First now the third point is that
we should turn from our Wicked Ways our God is Holy and he has called us to be separate from the world meaning we ought not to engage in the sinful practices of this world we ought to turn away and so should you desire to turn your life around do it the way God has prescribed in 2 chonicles 7:4 as his word says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and
heal their land humble yourself pray and seek his face turn away from your Wicked Ways now let us pray Lord Jesus you are the light of Our Lives you are the one who gives us freedom and liberty from all bondage we call on your holy name because in your presence the miraculous happens when you are involved King Jesus the supernatural happens we invite you into this place Lord Jesus change the atmosphere of this place fill this place with your holy presence let your anointing fall and rest upon Our Lives Let Your Presence be found in
abundance within the walls of our homes in your presence is where we can experience the breaking of curses in your presence Lord Jesus every evil word spoken against us becomes useless every trap set before us by the enemy is exposed in your presence Jesus every threat and attack back from the kingdom of darkness is nullified and destroyed so we invite you into our lives King Jesus dwell in our hearts Lord dwell in our homes chase away every unclean Spirit chase away every contentious Spirit Lord we ask that you chase away everything that is not of
you we declare that if it's not from God we don't want it your word in Psalm 31: 19 to 20 says oh how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind in the cover of your presence you hide them from from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues you have stored up blessings for those who reverently fear you Lord may we be counted among those that
fear you hide Us in the secret place of your presence so that no evil thing will be able to find us or lay Siege to our lives [Music] Lord Jesus we pray for grace and mercy let us become believers who are in awe of you always believers who never waver nor turn their heads at the sight of the pleasures of this world father in this world we are in the midst of evil we're surrounded by deception and all kinds of doct however we look to you King Jesus into your word as our light light up
our lives light up our eyes so that we can see truth from lies and truth from deception let us see your Light operating in our lives Master may your Holy Light Shine and expose that which is in darkness let us be so so full of your light so full of your presence that there is no room for any evil thing or stronghold to take a hold of us Purge our hearts King Jesus of all sin that may leave the door open to the enemy if it's unforgiveness give us the grace to let go and forgive
whatever or whomever has hurt us if it's a hidden sin convict our our hearts to repent and let that sin go in jesus' name father give us hearts that are obedient to you because in Deuteronomy 28: 1-2 your word says and if you Faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God being careful to all his Commandments that I command you today the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you obey the voice of the Lord your
God may your blessings come upon us and overtake us be glorified King Jesus may you receive all praise and honor in jesus' name I pray amen amen Luke 4:1 17-19 says and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed
to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor now I want you to notice what Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor this is what leads us to Salvation he comes to Proclaim Liberty to the captives this is to pardon our sins and set us free from a guilty verdict he also comes to set at Liberty those who are oppressed this is to give us true and Lasting freedom from every unclean Spirit furthermore when Jesus Christ comes into your life he brings peace Colossians 3:15 says and Let the Peace of Christ rule in your heart
to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful now because of the heavy price that was paid on the cross we don't have to labor for our own salvation we don't have to earn it we don't have to save up for it all we need to do is to receive Jesus Christ it's to receive him in our hearts then then and only then can peace rule our minds and finally I'd like to tell you that Jesus Christ brings love 1 John 4:16 says so we have come to know and to believe the
love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him it was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross and it's because of love that we have access to grace and mercy and eternal life through Jesus Christ if you have a personal relationship with Jesus you have access to all these things you have access to peace Beyond understanding you've got access to freedom and liberty when Jesus comes into your life there is no more oppression there is no more captivity there is only salvation
there is life and there is freedom from sin we should be encouraged by the word of the Lord which says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose trials and problems will come at one point or another we will be forced to fight battles that we'd rather not we will come across challenges that we may not want to face however we have a savior in Jesus Christ we have a miracle work in God and he will
make a way when there seems to be no way humans love to be able to measure we love predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work out that way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory in life is all about our capability our credentials and our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't look for the strongest among us to demonstrate his power that would be
too simple for him too predictable if God were only to use the strongest among us then we could essentially rationalize the Lord and Rob him of his glory if God were to only use the strongest among us to do his work many of us would take God out of the equation and say well that person was always an outstanding and gifted individual the Bible in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 says but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong this means
you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong his ways are not like our ways your biggest challenge can be used by the Lord to usher in your big breakthrough and blessing ask Joseph the worst thing that could have happened to him being betrayed by his own Brothers turned out to be the very thing that catapulted him into his God ordained Destiny ask the woman with the issue of blood the
disease that had taken so much from her a disease that robbed her of her friends her wealth and and dignity that same disease is what led her to experience the miraculous healing power of the master our weaknesses can so often be the cause of us experiencing the power of God God has promised us in his word that all things will work together for our good if we love him that means the pain and disappoint appointment you feel now will work together for your good and so be encouraged you may not see it now it may
not make sense right now however trust the Lord to lead you trust him to make you lie down in Green Pastures trust him to lead you to Still Waters trust God to make a way when there seems to be no way because ultimately he is in control and your life is in his Loving Hands now let us pray Heavenly Father you are the author of all things that are good everything that is pure everything that is righteous is you Lord Jesus wherever you are there is peace there is joy Joy there is life we invite
you Lord to come into our hearts and into our homes because where your presence is there can be no captivity there can be no oppression there is only Liberty and freedom in you thank you Father because you freely offered yourself to die on a cross all because you loveed us and now we praise you Lord because all authority has been given to you whatever you say will come to pass whenever you enter our lives blessings cannot help but flow from you you are the object of our affection you demand our attention and our reverence and
so we bow down to you none can stand against your will Lord Jesus you are able to accomplish all that you set out to do your power and your goodness cannot be questioned Psalm 16:1 says you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more father we invite your presence to invade our lives your presence is what my soul Longs for your presence is the very thing that our lives need for so long this world has rejected you and turned away
from you and put their faith in worthless things however we as your children stand on your word which says in Ephesians 2: 19-21 so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy Temple in the Lord Lord Jesus you are the Chief Cornerstone of our lives and we worship you and choose to obey you alone come
into our lives come into our homes come into our minds and bring restoration and peace and love in each of our hearts Lord displace every unclean thought drive out every cloud of Darkness with your radiant light come and sweep our lives in a mighty way cast out all fear and every negative pattern of thinking at your voice demons tremble and flee because you hold all authority father move into our homes bring peace and Union into our families heal every heart that is Longing For Love Today Lord Jesus we need you there is power in your
name when you speak chaos turns into order darkness turns into light evil is conquered and righteousness prevails in your presence nothing Unholy can remain Lord I pray that you may do a new thing in our lives and even now you stand at the door of our hearts and knock so help us to answer your call and to soften our hearts may you show up in a mighty way exercise your Sovereign rule over every part of my life whatever your will is is may I be a servant that is available for your use may your glory
be known to us in our families and even in our communities awaken our spirits to tap into the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit within us father make us aware of your presence daily and may the Holy Spirit speak to us may he min Min to us may he counsel and guide us each and every day I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer in jesus' name I pray amen and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where it
was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in
love abides in God and God abides in him and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy Temple in the Lord Lord as much as we may not want to admit it
every now and again we encounter something that shakes us something that makes us feel afraid and today I'd like to ask you this question what do you do when you are afraid you may be one paycheck away from being homeless and you feel afraid you may be waiting for test results from a doctor doctor and you feel afraid it may be a difficult time in your marriage and you're afraid of where it may lead whatever the case may be what do you do when you're afraid when the Philistines had seized David at gath he prayed
in Psalm 56 veres 1-4 saying oh God have mercy on me for people are hounding me my foes attack me all day long I am constantly hounded by those who slander me and many are boldly attacking me but when I am afraid I will put my trust in you I praise God for what he has promised I trust in God so why should I be afraid what can mere mortals do to me David further goes on to say this in verses 8-13 you keep track of all my sorrows you have collected all my tears in
your bottle you have recorded each one in your book my enemies will Retreat when I call to you for help this I know God is on my side I praise God for what he has promised yes I praise the Lord for what he has promised I trust in God so why should I be afraid what can mere mortals do to me I will fulfill my vows to you oh God and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help for you have rescued me from Death you have kept my feet from slipping so now I
can walk in your presence oh God in your lifegiving light when I read this Psalm it comes across to me that not only is David praying but it's almost as though he's reminding himself why he shouldn't be afraid three times in this chapter he says I praise God for what he has promised and twice in the chapter he again repeats himself and says I trust in God so why should I be afraid David deals with his fear on three levels verse four says I praise God for what he has promised here he is active ly
praising God in advance for the Fulfillment of his promises which promises you might ask well God said in his word I will never leave you nor forsake you God has said I will fight for you and you will hold your peace so when David Goes further to say I trust in God so why should I be afraid I believe that he's speaking to his inner man he's talking to his emotion ions his heart his soul he is saying to himself God has promised to always defend me and I trust in God so why am I
afraid dear listener my word to you today is God has promised to always defend you and if you trust in God then you should not be afraid of whatever you're facing now let's go to the Lord together in prayer father God we bow our hearts and lift our heads to look up to you father you're a merciful and loving God right now in agreement with everyone listening we rebuke the spirit of fear over our lives the only Spirit we welcome the only Spirit we invite into our lives into our hearts and into our homes is
the spirit of God the holy spirit so I say Come Holy Spirit burn away fear from our lives I pray for a holy fire that cleanses a fire that burns everything that is not of God the Bible states that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind right now in the name of Jesus I declare that no Spirit of fear will paralyze our thoughts or our emotions no spirit of fear will consume our hearts nor will it trouble Us in those moments when we're alone we want
the power of God we want the love of God and we want a sound mind move Holy Spirit and displace any fear in our lives move in our hearts Holy Spirit and fill us with peace our homes will not be fearful homes in jesus' name our homes will not be filled with fear in Jesus name I declare that our trust will not be swayed for our protection is found in the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we stand on your word father 1 Peter 5: 6-7 says humble yourselves therefore under God's Mighty hand that he
may Lift You Up In Due Time cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you lift us up with your Mighty hand father Lord I pray for anyone struggling with fear in their lives wrap the minds of each and everyone listening father wrap it with your truth and your comfort steady our emotions oh God we choose to trust in you and unto you we cast all of our worries our fears and anxieties we find peace in your word your word that says in Joshua 1:9 have I not commanded you be strong and of
good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare that we will not be afraid we will not fear because you oh God you are with us the god of the universe the creator of the heavens and the Earth we are only strong and courageous because you God are on our side through the power that is in the blood of Jesus we will not allow fear to take control of Our Lives help us at this time father to be confident in all situations to
stand assured that you are in control you hold the future and we trust that everything works together for our good may your peace invade our hearts may your peace invade our homes father we thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus mighty name that we pray and we give thanks thanks [Music] amen when you think of God's unconditional love for you you will find that it covers every single area that you could ever need God's love for you means that you are protected God's love for you means you are forgiven he looks at
you with merciful eyes God's love for you means that you are offered peace Beyond understanding you're offered eternal life you're offered joy unspeakable you are offered another chance and it's up to us to accept this offer of love from God Psalm 27:10 says for my father and my mother have forsaken me but the Lord will take me in Saints I encourage you to open your heart and accept the love that Jesus Christ has has to offer you I encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior accept the Holy Spirit as your comforter
your counselor your teacher and accept the word of God to be the ruling Authority in your life the world it's deceptive sin is deceptive but Jesus Christ he is the way the truth and the life don't choose a more convenient way of living that is outside of the parameters of the word of the Lord whoever you are I encourage you to choose Jesus Christ wherever you are I encourage you to follow Jesus Christ everyone else can leave you they can forsake you but never the Lord he will never leave you nor forsake you here's what
the Bible says about God's love Romans 8: 35-39 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we are being killed all the day long we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in
all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our lord sisters and brothers I don't know what you've done I don't know anything about your past and although Others May judge you Others May look at you sideways Jesus Christ will always receive you regardless of what shape you're in regardless of your flaws as long as you repent from sin and open up your heart to him the Amplified translation for Romans 8:1 says therefore there there is now no condemnation no guilty verdict no punishment for those who are in
Christ Jesus who believe in him as personal Lord and Savior this is how great the love of the Lord is for you he does not condemn you he doesn't condemn you for what you've done so long as you repent and turn away from sin and so if you're under the sound of my voice listening I urge you not to wait or gamble with your Eternal Destiny be sure that your heart is occupied by King Jesus Christ be sure that you have made him the Lord over your life now let's pray together dear Lord I Thank
You for Your goodness I thank you for your love and mercy father I may not know everything that goes on around me in this world but I I do know that many things could have happened to me many things could have gone against me many plans have been made against me but you have had your hand over me ensuring that I was not destroyed ensuring that I was not defeated and wiped out for this I'm grateful I'm grateful because I have found favor in your sight it's a blessing to be able to call on your
name and know that I'm safe I'm secure I'm protected Psalm 28:7 says the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusts in him and he helps me my heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him I declare that you are my shield my strength and in you my heart certainly trusts I Rejoice at your goodness towards me and your Providence over my life you've kept me secure and I know that you will continually keep me secure father we may not always see the attacks of the enemy but we certainly see
your goodness because we have not been overcome by the wicked one God I thank you for blocking every evil attack from the devil I praise you for the fact that I'm safe I have breath in my body I have strengthen my bones and life and joy within me this is evidence that you have stood by me as my strength as my Defender as my shield and my deliverer teach me the way that's pleasing to you Lord lead me so that my feet may always be on steady ground as the creator of all things you hold
everything in place even in the midst of chaos I know that I'm undeserving of your favor and I'm grateful Lord I'm Grateful that I didn't have to earn your favor but in your goodness in your unending mercies you extended your grace to me you sustained me during my weak moments and when I felt overwhelmed you've been right there you've stood by me Lord and so I bless your name because you are indeed worthy of all my praise your word in Psalm 121:8 it says the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from
this time forth and even forever more Lord you preserve served me you've kept me and you protected me from every form of harm and danger and I'm grateful that you continue to stand as my protection against the evil one thank you for protecting me even from unseen dangers from the invisible attacks of the enemy that can come in many forms and holy spirit I thank you for your guidance it's always a blessing to be able to call upon your counsel Holy Spirit may you continue to lead me in my decision making lead me in my
actions and please lead me even in my speech father I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen and now let us pray Lord Jesus we thank you for your love and grace we thank you for the unmar favor that is Upon Our Lives we put our trust in you a God who never fails us father at this time we ask that you remove every crutch from our lives may we know you King Jesus to be enough remove everything that we lean on and Trust
in so that All That Remains is you Lord help us to come to the knowledge and understanding that your grace is indeed sufficient your power is indeed made perfect in our weakness through all the situations we Face may we come to know and to see that your love King Jesus is enough your grace is enough your word is enough your joy is enough and outside of you master we need no one else and nothing else Psalm 103:8 says the Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and abounding in Mercy so many things you have
given us Lord that we do not deserve so many times you've forgiven us and shown us Mercy only for us to fall again but today Master we seek your forgiveness and repent we thank you because instead of fear you have given us a spirit of power love and a sound mind instead of sickness you have given us the assurance that by your stripes we are healed with all the times that we have sinned and fallen short you still call for us to repent and follow you and in addition to that your arms are still open
your word in Matthew 11: 28-29 says come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden I will give you rest take take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls we did nothing to deserve this love yet you still offer it and so we thank you we are we're grateful and we appreciate your goodness Lord Jesus we do not deserve the protection you offer but you still give your angels charge over us to keep us safe in our
going out and in our coming in and for that we say thank you Lord we certainly don't deserve the peace you've offered us but yet you still told us not to let our hearts be troubled because you are a God who supplies all of our needs our prayer Lord is that we may live in a way that honors you that pleases you thank you for your Amazing Grace a Grace that saves a a Grace That Forgives and shows us Mercy in your Amazing Grace we are safe we are secure and lack nothing because your grace
is sufficient your word in 2 Peter 1:2 says Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord I bless your name father for the grace and peace which you have multiplied in my life and over my family I am grateful for your love and grace which has transformed my life I only pray that my life will be an example a living testimony of your grace and mercy and favor you have made me an overcomer in this world you have given me Authority through the name of Jesus Christ
Authority which enables me to defeat the Devil you Lord have made me more than a conqueror you have made me the head and not the tail you have placed me above and not beneath all of these wonderful things are undeserved but because you are a God who is rich in love mercy and Grace you have given me that which I do not deserve and I am grateful you King Jesus have given me the gift of eternal life because you love me enough to sacrifice your own life and hang on a cross so that I may
be saved thank you for saving me thank you for pulling me out of a despairing pit and placing me on steady ground I thank you for making me in your image and in your likeness I ask that you stay with me and stay by my side always great is your faithfulness Master thank you for your Amazing Grace over my life in Jesus name I pray amen [Music]
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