teachers of Reddit what is the biggest holy crap red flag of any kind you've seen from a student hey everyone just before we get into this video as you might be able to tell from the title of it this one's going to cover some heavier topics that specifically involve children if for any reason at all you don't want to hear about these sorts of things then I advise you to click away now thank you and let's get on with the video taught second grade for a while had a female student who always wanted to peek
down people's pants to see what color of underwear they were wearing had a few serious talk with her and her mom and she eventually stopped doing it turns out she was being abused at home and her father and Uncle used to do that to her all the time another teacher of hers in fourth grade picked up on it and reported it to this day I hate myself for not picking up on that and dismissing it as a weird kid the reason I'm extra hard on myself is because I actually considered abuse while debating how to
bring this up with the child but I set it aside because she didn't show any other telltale signs of childhood abuse she was fairly well adjusted with other children socially while not the most ACC mically gifted child she was always trying hard and answering and speaking in class quite confidently speaking in front of a class of 8-year-olds so I disregarded potential abuse based on these factors I live and taught in a country in Asia where there isn't a lot of government or police support when it comes to cases of assault yes even with children and
no concept of a mandatory reporter the police Judiciary and Society don't deal with it well either because of logistics or apathy I couldn't just make a report to air on the side of caution unless I had something to base it off of from what I know there were some potential issues that her fourth grade teacher noticed and had a conversation with her mom about the teacher had the girl speak to a child psychologist and this came out the mom did not know about any of this happening when they figured this out the mom moved out
with the daughter and another young child and is separated from the father they filed a case with the police and I'm unsure about any further details I left the school very soon after and moved to a different state a few years ago and found out through an ex colleague edit 11 months later after this post brought back some memories I did some digging through ex colleagues and the school to try to find out what happened to the student the father was eventually charged and is currently in prison her uncle the father's brother was absconding and
I don't think they've caught him yet the mother moved back to her hometown with the girl and a younger sibling and they've been there for around 2 years now and she's currently enrolled in e8th grade in a local school a fellow teacher of mine tried to get the girl to go to counseling but they discontinued it again I don't have details about why or how she's doing now story two I've already answered once here but I'd managed to push this other student out of my brain let's call him Brian Brian was a sixth grader Brian
was on first glance a classic case of Look At Me disease he constantly needed to be the center of attention he needed to be liked but was also very sensitive he had been in my class for about 2 weeks when he first broke down crying during a lesson I pulled him aside to talk privately and asked him what was the matter he said Mr op these other kids just don't understand I'm not trying to be annoying I've had a hard life and they just make fun of me without knowing what I've been through he said
all of this through big wet tears I really felt for the kid and tried to make him feel better and he continued when I was in first grade I saw my younger sister get shot in a driveby it happened right in front of me it was so awful and then just full body heaving sobs this was literally my first month of teaching I wasn't prepared for this but I tried to do my best for the kid I had someone from the office come get him and in my free period following the class I called his
mother the way she responded with such nonchalance chilled me to the Mr op my son Brian lies like a rug he is an only child he's only ever been an only child I'm thinking to myself wait what the hell but what about the tears I asked her she said when my son was 2 years old he'd sit in front of the mirror and make himself cry he'd practice it over and over and I would tell him to stop it because he was scaring me I just didn't even know how to respond to that I can't
even remember how we wrapped up the convers station the next day Brian starts crying again in class I pulled him out and I told him about the conversation I had with his mother he raised his head up his face stained with tears and he has the biggest smile on his face as if you had told him we were going to stop at McDonald's on the way home not elated not benign just pure waxy faed nightmare fuel since that day I pegged him to become one of those kinds of Serial murderers who burns through a ton
of different identities I actually came across some social media posts years after the fact and he's a drug dealer now so I guess that's better than a face eating murderer Brian cried maybe once more in my class after that day but he seemed to realize I wasn't falling for it I do believe him to have been a sociopath not a psychopath it wouldn't surprise me if he was still a sociopath this was easily the most manipulative kid I ever taught in spite of his mother's comments to me he still had her fooled most of the
time when he got in trouble she often claimed that Brian's teacher had it out for him edit yes he might also be a face eating murder I concede I can't know that for sure yes he probably would have been a great actor we didn't have a drama Department slass in our Middle School I was working in the inner city at a school that was falling apart literally and figuratively lots of parents don't get their kids the help they need for a variety of reasons sometimes they're crappy parents sometimes they work crazy hours to raise a
kid or several kids on their own and get overwhelmed sometimes they're in denial I can't really say what Brian's mom's case was she meant well but I think it was easier for her not to confront the path her son was going down hence the whole drug dealer thing I won't reveal exactly where I worked but it was a name checked in California Love by Tupac a few people have called this fake Andor called me a liar I taught several years ago for a short period of time average burnout time for teachers is 3 years so
be kind to your kids educator they see your kids more than you see them no I am not Brian and I haven't seen split but I'm pretty sure Brian was not in it now as a kid I also taught myself how to cry and I don't think I'm a sociopath but at the age of two I don't understand how you even have that level of cognition understand that something you might want to do that is an extremely terrifying sociopath in the making wherever Brian is now I do hope he got some help and knows how
to regulate his sociopathy I don't know how to say it but I do hope that he turned out all right and is no longer manipulating everyone around him Story three I remember a kid in fifth grade that would crap his pants reach down there pull some out roll roll up little dookie balls and throw it at the other kids all while laughing like he was having the time of his life that's got to be some kind of red flag edit I'm not a teacher by the way I just saw the question and instantly thought of
this kid I was in the fifth grade in 1980 the protocol for handling this kind of behavior in children is probably different now hopefully he got some help story four this was a long time ago I'm not a teacher but was doing a co-op placement as an educational assistant when studying sociology we're talking like 15 years ago give or take had a student in in the class with behavioral problems mind you walk up to another teacher who was pregnant proceeding to tell her he was going to cut the fetus out of her nobody really knew
how to react and the tone in his voice slook in his eyes was up there with the most evil crap I've seen up till that point in my life story five my friend teaches and told me this he had a student who constantly picked at his scabs he would rip them off and eat them and then lick the blood off his fingers then pull alcohol swabs out of his backpack and clean the wound while smiling creepily he made everyone feel super uncomfortable and grossed out but no matter what he wasn't removed from the class finally
one day my friend comes back from the teacher's lounge to find him using a letter opener under his skin and moving it back and forth blood everywhere when asked what he was doing he said his skin itches and it's best to get it at the source the kid was finally removed from the school my friend never found out where or what happened to him though this kind of compulsion or behavior is absolutely a red flag and that's just with my limited knowledge of psychology I think even compulsive scab picking is a sign of something but
this is just that but Extreme I really hope this kid got the help he needs because that kind of self-destructive Behavior can have long-term consequences if left unchecked story six there was a kid in my brother's fifth grade class who tattooed himself with pen ink it worked and he was forced to wear sleeves when he played on the middle school basketball team so they didn't show he's in prison now I should clarify that doing a few dots or a little smiley face not a big deal people do that all the time and turn out all
right this kid did his entire arm down to the Elbow story seven I subbed for the sixth grade teacher a lot she had this student who seemed like a harmless but obviously mentally and physically disabled kid whenever I saw him he was calm drooled and carried an iPad so he could semi- communicate he didn't seem 100% there at any given time but like I said he seemed harmless halfway through the school year the teacher I sub for decided that I should probably know to steer clear of this kid if he gets in any sort of
mood other than calm like if he's upset that it's cloudy I can't talk to him he also had an adult that followed him everywhere I assumed this guy was a parah people that help IEP kids but no he was a legit Handler for this kid took me a while to dig up this kid's backstory but apparently this kid had to be drugged to high heaven just to be at school hence the drooling and superp passive Behavior 99% of the time apparently he's Ultra crazy aggressive and if he gets into any bad mood it means his
drugs are wearing off and he's a ticking Time Bomb his meltdowns cause school lockdowns because of how violent he is towards himself and others there is a literal plan designed for this kid if he snaps hence the Handler I feel bad for the kid because of his drugged out life and the fact he probably has some incurable rage issue or brain problem but sweet Jesus the kid terrifies me now that I know edit just want to say this is a rich suburban school district where they have a tendency to rug sweep really badly IEP kids
until High School there aren't any good private or alternative schools nearby for IEP kids pretty much all the other schools are private Catholic schools with zero special education department once the kids get to high school the school generally recommends either online school or the nearby Alternative High School that specializes in special ed edit to with some confusion and finger pointing IEP stands for individual education plan it's used for kids with special needs such as specific learning disorder all the way to autism and physical disabilities 504s generally cover things like like depression that don't generally affect
classroom and learning but might be good to know if a kid comes to class in a mood IEP kids are normal kids that need more specialized help to learn some IEP kids have never been to the special ed Department of their school some IEP kids only live in the special ed Department some kids are mix of the two IEP kids are not monsters or bad they're just kids I don't hate them and I don't fear most of them just this kid I'm scared of but I'm still his teacher when I sub so I get over
it story8 mom taught for about 30 plus years about 10 of them were in a self-contained classroom so if kids didn't succeed in the self-contained unit they were expelled entirely so worst of the worst she loved the kids and over that time had only two that truly frightened her the Common Thread was that they had no affect whatsoever they were never happy never sad never jealous never vengeful just nothing at least the kids were angry frustrated apathetic silly or whatever were feeling something one of those two kids is now in jail for a long long
time she doesn't know what became of the other story nine I was in charge of an after school program for junior high and high school students 13 to 18 years old one time I was waiting for a 13-year-old girl to get picked up with her friend and this is the conversation I hear from across the room while they were messing with the Whiteboard girl one draws a swastika girl two you can't do that that's bad girl one why girl two I don't know I just know it's bad girl one it's okay my dad has a
tattooed on his chest me huh story 10 Source wife is a teacher eighth grader would smear his own crap on the restroom walls threatened to assault my wife in the comment section on her classroom YouTube channel rookie mistake using your real name as your username and when called out for it parents lawyered up and said no one could ever prove his account wasn't hacked so we had no way of knowing it was him later my wife found a note near her classroom door in his handwriting saying that he was going to shoot up the school
and that he already knew where everyone was going to hide school went on locking down and he was later found hiding in the woods behind the soccer fields when questioned about it he said he ran because he was scared I could go on story 11 the worst I had a student with claw marks over her eyes like legit looked like someone scratched her eyelid the whole upper area right under her eyebrow was scarred and it was too small to have been an animal me and a cooworker asked about it she started to get defensive and
once a kid starts stammering and making excuses you got to make the call to CPS I got fired for making the call I apparently hurt the schools standing in the neighborhood because I snitched and the kid got removed from her family and sent to another state another kid had trouble staying up in class turned out his house was at the center of a Coke bus to later that year fun times I'm sorry you hurt the school standing in the neighborhood because you snitched on what could have been a serious threat to a child's well-being a
school you got fired from a school for that education is so doomed Man story 12 my mom is a special education teacher mostly kids with autism and learning disorders Middle School aged but her program has gotten students who don't fit into regular classes so they get dumped into her program one of the students about six or seven years back was super weird he was M the hated Authority and was a lot bigger than the other kids he wrote I'm going to assault miss teacher in bright red Sharpie on a paper he had to pass into
to another teacher they called his parents into the school to talk about it and the student mom started laughing about it she said that her child had a weird sense of humor but meant no harm to anyone she also had another student whose parents had to miss school on December 21st 2012 because the world could end and they couldn't expect him to spend his final day at school edit yes this happened in the US no I don't know the student name and even if I did I wouldn't say it and yes in the US or
at least where I live and went to school we usually only got the week of Christmas off like December 21st 2012 happened on a Friday Christmas was that following Tuesday the students went back that Wednesday which was January 2nd op you might want to double check your calendar math on that last part I guarantee you the Wednesday after Christmas which is on a Tuesday would not be January 2nd that aside though when you get a parent coming in and completely excusing the kids' Behavior you start to realize how they got there huh I don't love
that kind of parenting I got to say story 13 there's a kid in this preschool class aged five that says the most Off the Wall stuff so far this school year she has said that her dad is going to come to the school and murder kids and their families that she has a doll that will come to this other little girl's house and cut her heart out eat it and cut her legs off and finally that her dad shoots kittens at this point I'm thinking of calling CPS or at least pushing the issue with the
school district because there's no reasonable explanation as to why a 5-year-old would be saying these disturbing things story 14 my mom used to teach in a boy secondary this one kid was generally a jerk violent rude provocative one day the deputy had dropped down dead of a heart attack in front of some kids at break time less than 10 minutes later this particular kid was imitating the teacher dying in front of the others and laughing for entertainment not in the least phased by what he'd seen and had no idea that what he was doing was
horrifying edit just to clarify this kid was a year 10 so 14 or 15 this was not an awkward way to deal with what he had experienced he just thought it was funny the teacher's wife worked at the school to and when she came back after the funeral he did his little impression for her too story 15 too late to the party but my mom has taught for near 40 years the only kid that ever truly scared her was a kid that used to act like he was sucking up until he thought she wasn't paying
attention case in point was when she gave everyone a Christmas gift before break he fawned over how great the gift was and that he would cherish it forever the second he thought she wasn't looking he threw it in the garbage he was a nine side note I worked with him at a telemarketing place in high school I remember when he told me that he'd been diagnosed as a sociopath he was eating an ice cream cone while explaining it to me and said basically basically a sociopath means I would feel the same way eating this ice
cream cone as I would murdering a dog yesh story 16 had a kid who would pinch and slap a kid with an infection around his mouth purely to see the pain when he lost his crap she didn't Flinch showed no remorse and was scarily intelligent I think there may be some issues there also a kid putting a Stanley knife to another girl's throat and laughing as she tried to free herself the first girl was eight and the second was 10 or 11 it is my first and only year of teaching edit everyone is asking about
the knife which is fair enough I cannot begin to explain how much scarier the girl was though for reasons I can't explain I would genuinely call her some sort of path but I'm not a psychologist and I don't know the difference story 17 I had a student earlier this year who came to me because he was kicked out of his last school according to him he was covered in tattoos as a freshman in high school on the second day of having him in my class I looked up from my desk while students were supposed to
be taking a test to see him miming cutting off my head with something shiny when I went back to see what it was he laughed and hit it swearing he had nothing I looked up later to see him doing it again same thing happened and I let him go after he left the room I found the pen he had been writing with under his desk with two small incisions in the cap I immediately reported it to admin he was moved to another teacher a few days ago for an unrelated scheduling issue he threatened to end
her life he was moved to another teacher because of this and in the third teacher's class he drew pictures of rifles all over his essays so many red flags he finally was sent s to the alternative school a few months back but he'll likely be back story 18 I may have set off a red flag for teachers when I was in third grade I would always pull my pants all the way down to my ankles when I peed in the urinal and obviously would constantly get made fun of for it well it got very tiring
and hurtful so one day when I dropped my drawers to pee the boy that walked up in the urinal beside me who PE side by side anyway popped his mouth off and I just a nonchalantly pivoted and peed all up and down his leg the principal called my mom and I was tactfully talked to at home about how it's good to stand up for yourself but that wasn't an appropriate reaction then my dad took over and explained how I really needed to not basically get butt naked to pee standing up at a urinal story 19
there was a kid I knew in second grade and he was wild when we were in the same class together the teacher would regularly have to call the assistance team a group of teachers that would restrain unruly kids and were trained on how to do so he would throw desks chairs scissors once if I remember correctly the following year we weren't in the same classroom but it was a small school so you'd still hear about things he tripped a very pregnant teacher causing her to go into labor no idea how he didn't get expelled for
that but the final straw was when he found a rusty pocket knife on the playground during recess and stabbed the student sitting next to him in the stomach with it for no reason still wonder what happened to him oh and he sucked his thumb regularly story 20 when I first began teaching we had a student who seemed to get a lot of satisfaction out of manipulating or hurting others her behavior escalated leading leading to a brief Hospital stint after murdering her puppy when she returned to school she bragged gleefully about it and shortly thereafter began
writing death threats in Blood on the walls of bathroom stalls as much as I hate to say it she's one I wouldn't be surprised to see in the news in a few years story 21 college professor guy just a little bit older than me wrote a paper in which he shared a fantasy about beating the crap out of a younger female therapist for not listening to him about his problems he was constantly distracting in class cheated in every way imaginable and just struck me as off I repeatedly put in student of concern notices about him
because I really thought something was going to go wrong shortly after the class ended he took his newborn kid and ran away to a different state story 22 my worst one was first institutionalized at the age of four reading his file was like reading a biography of a serial murderer he took the life of his family pet he tried to set his mom's bed on fire while she was in it he had violent fits of rage and heard voices that weren't there he had been diagnosed with mental disorders that I've never even heard of there
were maybe at least four or five mental conditions listed within his file by the time he made it to my class he'd been removed from our school twice and placed in the most restrictive setting in our school district and both times parents pitched a fit and threatened a lawsuit if he didn't return to our school on the first day of school while he was in my class he graphically explained how banging Works to one of the younger students we had a parent conference on the third day of school so that everyone could get acquainted when
we brought it up to the parents the dad got super defensive and tried to explain way how his son would know so much about it it was a huge Red Flag by the way the kid was not allowed into the bathroom with other boys this stemmed from an incident right before he left us the second time the actual details never made it into his file and no one would really say what happened but you can guess while he was in my class he would do anything to get out of doing his work he quickly figured
out how to game the system he realized that if he caused a big enough disruption then we would have no choice but to take him out of the room sometimes this disruption would be him crying and screaming at the top of his lungs other times it would be him soiling his pants one time we had to get our other students out of the room so he didn't hurt them we had to move furniture away from him so he wouldn't throw it at us part of his positive behavior plan included time to journal he would write
some of the most disgusting and violent stories often the stories were about him hurting other children and needing to be punished he was obsessed with the death and violence I kept one of the little booklets that he made it's around here somewhere but he was obsessed with Five Nights at Freddy's and many of his stories incorp Creed those characters he would write about burning children alive worst of all the parents would take his medicine for themselves we never had any definitive proof that it was happening but I'd be willing to bet a lot of money
on it the mother did say that the psychologist he was going to said to take him off his anti- psychotic medicine to see if we would notice and yeah we noticed when he was medicated he was somewhat manageable however when he was off his meds he was completely and totally unpredictable eventually my co- teer and I had enough and we pretty much harassed his mother every single day until she called an IEP meeting he went on a modified Day schedule so that he left at noon every school day finally she put them in the online
homeschool program that the state offers the last time that I saw him he came up to me gave me a hug and asked if I knew that there were glass houses on the Dark Side of the Moon where a bunch of people live they moved him into another school district he was nine while in my class he'd be about 12 now his very dysfunctional parents divorced not too long ago and last I heard he's gained a lot of weight I'm assuming the massive weight gain comes I'm assuming that the massive weight gain comes from side
effects of the antis psychotic medication hopefully that means he's taking it I have no doubts that this kid will go on to end someone's life either for fun or just to see what it's like there are so many details that I've left out and have forgotten I could talk for hours about this kid however there is one day I'll never forget he was playing with this toy that he brought from home and I reached over and took it off his desk he first looked at my hand and then looked at me straight in my eyes
it was at that moment I realized he really wanted to hurt me he threw his head down and cried on the desk like he normally did only a few minutes later did I look over and hear him still crying but he's looking straight at me with no tears in his eyes and he had the most psychotic and evil looking grin on his face all the while still making sobbing sounds it was the only time I've ever been afraid of a student in my career story 23 I taught second grade for a bit and one time
I had a child come from a behavioral class because he scored high on a lot of tests he was big for an 8-year-old had no spatial awareness and would accidentally hurt the other students one time he celebrated and flung his arms out and cloth lined one of my students and dropped her to the floor giving her a nasty gash and bloody nose there was a lot of blood now I said he was from a behavioral class so he was really smart but was lacking in terms of maturity and other things he constantly shoved his hands
down his pants and would pick his butt and sniff it in public I would always call him out on it and he would stop immediately he would also throw fits if I took a recess time away from him for no homework or misbehaving this one day we had a lockdown drill during a lockdown no one is supposed to make a sound and it is extremely serious he fooled around the whole time he was giggling talking Etc I was very upset with him so after it ended I revoked his recess completely he went ballistic and lost
his crap picked up his desk and launched it across the room and started screaming and grabbing a pencil and trying to stab himself with it I managed to restrain him while an aid took the pencil and then took him outside in the hall to calm him down that didn't work out as he kept becoming more violent eventually he was set home the rest of the class was pretty mortified and afraid of him there was a chunk of desk that flew off from how hard he threw it an 8-year-old I'm also a male teacher at about
175 lb and work out pretty frequently and I could feel how strong he really was when I restrained him about a month after that he started making really great progress and his grades kept improving along with his behavior but I honestly was so wary of him for the rest of the year waiting for something to go down again edit a lot of people are shaming me for taking recess away and saying it's their rest time or time to calm down second graders do not rest during recess and in my classroom the way I manage it
is by viewing recess as a privilege for them so if they continue to mess up or misbehave they understand the consequences You can disagree all you want but people need to understand that each class can be different so different consequences work in different ways story 24 easily a kid we called Timmy touch modified first name but same nickname in my second year of teaching I worked in a super impoverished school that was in a neighborhood that had been totally screwed due to Charter Schools it also did not meet certain standards to get more governmental help
great so this was mostly Black and Hispanic students but the occasional low-income white kid got mixed in hence Timmy Timmy would regularly get in trouble for having Happy Hands that found their way into his pants at the end of State tests beaten it in the classroom because the Florida he just stayed and stayed until one day I was grading some of their responses in an online reading program the quest question was something like after reading the article what is something you would change about the way slavery was ended Timmy's response read as follows I don't
think I would end anything about slavery in fact I know some of those slave owners got to assault their black slave women I would love to know what it feels like to assault a sweet black Kitty this kid was in eighth grade I reported him and got the hell out of that school after we had a driveby shooting the next year Story 25 not a teacher but in school many years ago I had a friend of a friend who was very obsessed with the Army and blood SL Gore he lacked social skills and kids made
fun of him all the time he asked the stupidest questions in class one day some kid made fun of him and went too far he drew a large pocket knife from his pocket and poked the bully with it and then exclaimed he had a list in his book bag the school security guard busted in less than 20 seconds later he took the knife and checked his book bag and sure enough he had a list of about 15 to 20 people on it he got expelled and haven't seen him since the incident I doubt he's coming
back to school edit this was High School Story 26 during my 20 years in the same school it was just getting worse and worse Citywide administrators were shifting accountability onto the teachers in order to preserve their own careers this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me after this I knew that teaching or trying to be a teacher in New York City Schools was no longer worth the struggle for me while I was supervising a class not mine during pack up clean up at the end of the day I caught two seven-year-old boys
on the floor hiding behind some furniture one was giving head to the other boy shocked and Disturbed I reported it to my principal and was simply told to call the parents incredulous I asked what should I say how should I handle this why me am I to do this alone I was directed to be vague about it and if I wasn't vague and an investigation resulted then I would be thrown under the bus because it must have only happened on my watch of course the two boys were notoriously strange CH troublemakers for everyone but nothing
prior to this went on record no one could make the case that the principal had neglected to protect other children from these boys when one of these boys picked at the gums in his mouth with his fingernails until his mouth was filled with blood and his smile scared the other kids and his hands were covered in drying blood he was sent to the nurse to wash his hands and rinse his mouth the nurse sent him back to class with a note the parents were told but acted like it was just another day teachers are already
a Dying Breed because of the horrific responsibility to pay ratio and just how awfully they're treated I just can't fathom why any Administration would want to treat teachers worse these people are out here trying to do the best for the next generation of kids and oh people just make that so hard I don't get it story 27 this happened a few years ago when I was an intern at a big school in my town my job was simple follow the teacher wherever she went and complete 100 hours of unpaid work that's it crappy but I
had to do it in order to get my diploma so there was this boy around 14 who is always alongside personal therapist I don't usually ask questions but since that same teacher was my high school teacher years ago I felt comfortable asking what was wrong with him she said he had autism and sometimes he would get aggressive towards his classmates so his therapist had to be with him at all times while he was at school to help him calm down if something or someone triggers him days later I went to the teacher room to ask
for signatures for my internship documents everyone is helpful and starts signing until the coordinator walks in and asks for our attention guys I have some news to tell you all about the boy you'd better sit down you to op you got to listen to this turns out the kid had been pretending to be autistic for years he looked up on the internet for the symptoms of autism and just used his acting skills to fool even a psychologist and his whole family his therapist had empty eyes his mother looked like her son died in front of
her I don't know the details but it seems a different psychologist did something to him and caught him off guard discovering his ruse and people have the goal to say a teacher's life has no thrill I've been in the teaching career for only about 7 years and I've already had this and some other similar kinds of crap happening I can't wait for what the future holds for me story 28 another sad one there was a girl who was very uh reactive to Boys Like You know how kids would have crushes she would go above and
beyond she would chase after older Boys in class get all Fang girly and stuff but she's like a fourth grader so it was a little odd at least until one of the teachers took her aside and told her not to be a harlot like her mom turns out she picked up a lot of of those behaviors from her mom and was getting reputation among the fifth grade boys so that one Disturbed the crap out of me because who knows what else her mom was subjecting her to story 29 a buddy of mine teaches the special
needs class in a high school for him it was the kid who he'd been told liked to throw things that wasn't entirely uncommon for his class but when he noticed the kid was wearing adult diapers he went straight to the office to review the kid's file his red flag sense was right the kid liked to throw crap my buddy went to ohas and has managed to keep the kid out of his class that was last week this week he's been told that the school is trying to get the kid put in his class anyway they
make money for taking these kids he's fighting it but Lord knows which way it will Land Story 30 when I taught ESL in Korea I had a student who was a rage addict he was about 11 years old and this kid was grumpy like an old man he would hunch his shoulders and put his head down like some grumpy old coder usually about once a month he would lose his crap over something and it was a volcano that would erupt for a solid 20 minutes he would totally lose his crap attack anybody who got near
him and would have no respect at all for adults I watched an older grandfather somebody you totally respect in that culture tried to talk to him and the kid wouldn't back down and in fact got even more Angry until the grandfather lost it with him the kid had serious anger issues I would see the emotions rise in him over the course of the month break between fits and I could tell when it was time for him to fly into a rage and explode another kid I taught came from a poorer family where the husband and
wife fought constantly his father was an alcoholic and his mother was a snide angry woman who ran a small produce stand in the neighborhood market the kid was purposefully belligerent towards Authority in such a way you just never see in Korea every adult I knew would just scratch their heads because they never understood him or how to reach him I tried everything I knew how to do in order to get through to him or to form some sort of bond with him so I could teach him or at the very least keep him from disrupting
the entire class even the other kids got tired of his crap but I knew it wasn't his fault and I felt bad for him so I did what I could to show him kindness because I don't think he got much of it at home story 31 had a seventh grade kid move to our school after bringing a knife to class at his original School part of the deal that allowed him back to any school was that he had to follow a very specific plan as laid out by the school district this included sitting dead center
Front Row of every single one of his classes within a week he was pointing at his teachers with his fingers pencils pens whatever worked pretending to pull a trigger while making gunshot sounds not like pew pew pew but one eye closed aiming pop pop pop like closer to the sound of an actual gunshot he didn't last much longer after that story 32 not a teacher but was a student with this kid in fifth grade he stole some jewelry from his mom and brought it to school to give to a girl he did this in front
of the entire class which was really embarrassing for her since she didn't even like him she cried and said she wasn't his girlfriend so he started screaming and picked up his desk and threw it against the wall everyone froze and the teacher had no idea what to even do I can't remember what happened as a result just that he left the classroom right away to calm down I moved from that school and went to high school somewhere else I joined the army right after high school and saw that same guy down at Ms he approached
me after hearing my name called and he seemed normal enough and we had a friendly conversation but friends I kept in contact with said he was still weird in high school hopefully he got that out of his system before they let him live fire story 33 worked at a Sleepaway Camp this girl age 7 was on the roster but showed up super late so none of us actually met her parents she had horrible sleepwalk walking slight Terror episodes she would wander into the woods and wake up screaming we had to search through the woods several
times to find her ended up having to sleep outside of her tent so she wouldn't leave again she told us she knew she was different when she forced her way out of her mom's stomach she told all the other girls in her tent horribly creepy stories about how they would all get murdered in their sleep end of the week comes and parents come to pick everyone up in the chaos no one sees her get picked up but she's signed out on the list we're convinced she's a fairy story 34 I get a bit worried about
the ones arrested for setting random little fires I've had two over the years and both were super creepy and hard to connect with it was obvious they needed help in a big way but for various reasons I.E parents and denial they weren't really getting it I deal with a lot of kids who have been in the justice system but mostly those two set off my internal alarms generally the kids have just had a rough time and or made mistakes and need compassion help and someone to believe in them story 35 not a teacher but have
been able to assist in programs and such through my volun TI your work one of my major things was that I would bring in owls from our local Sanctuary that were unable to be in the wild and teach kids about them for 99.9% of kids this is an awesome experience and they love getting to see these beautiful creatures one day I had our barn owl Sitting Bull who was blind in both eyes out and was explaining how strong his beac and Claws were and one kid asked so can I touch him I don't think he'll
hurt me because he knows I'll hurt him if he does first red flag about 30 seconds later I got the second major one when I told him no we don't allow that in any circumstance he proceeded to stand up and walk over to one of the desks smash his head off the side of it and then with a freaking crater in his head I was freaking out internally at this point and needed to put the owls away so they didn't freak say well I don't need to be here then take me to the hospital this
was 4 years ago the kid was in fifth grade and I have no idea what's become of him story 36 I once had a young student in a fit of frustration say that he wished he could take me to his dad's shed alarm Bells rang immediately and the boy's family was contacted since we obviously worried about the possibility of abuse upon investigation it found that the only thing going on in the shed was the boy taking mice and squirrels he caught in his neighborhood and literally crucifying them on little padle pop stick crosses a few
had even been set a light all right well while not abuse like may have been implied still truly horrifying and definitely indicative of something not being quite right I hope the issue wasn't dropped there and nothing was said about it at the very least I hope the parents didn't ignore it because that would be worst case scenario here in my opinion story 37 not a teacher but my girlfriend's son raises a lot of red flags for me the child was diagnosed with ADHD and his father never bothers with him but it doesn't excuse the extent
this child goes to at 10 he told his classmates his mother lets him touch her intimately he constantly picks fights with other kids so he can cry and play the victim and just last month at 11 he told a girl he could not wait to be older so he could assault her there is a very good chance this child is why I won't be seeing his mother much longer story 38 2016 I was doing a kids camp I had the 8 to 11-year-old group and we were at lunch there was a group of girls who
were kind of like the Mean Girls although generally nice enough anyway I see them huddling around one of the other girls so I moved in to make sure everything was copesthetic all I hear is and Hillary will take all the guns and we won't be able to protect ourselves from black robbers and I immediately bought in and explained politics are not to be discussed at art camp and besides you're eight don't stress about stuff you don't have to the girl snapped around 180 and stuck her finger in my face and said Mr op I have
a right to free speech and you can't stop me which I wholeheartedly agree with besides your teeth are stained and it's obvious you can't afford health insurance so you don't matter anyone biased by racial ignorance and appearance that early on is scary to me story 39 my mom teaches special ed and self-contained and one student in particular stand out this student always kept toys with them to keep calm during class but for obvious reasons she was told she can't bring them tests my mom was pretty LAX on this if she didn't think the student would
cheat and allowed her to bring them anyway fast forward a bit to the student needing to take the SAT and my mom didn't allow her to have her toys because she had a rulebook to follow the following day the student looked at my mom whispered our home address and kids and names including me and said don't take my toys my mom has taught over 30 years and that's the only student she kned out of teaching story 40 I used to work after school care for an elementary school for 2 years this girl was in second
grade and was always getting suspended she had physically attacked me multiple times unprovoked or when I asked her to clean up her mess had choked out a classmate with her bare hands and when that didn't work took the scarf off her neck and used that when I stopped her she bit me and Drew blood one day her little brother and dad came to pick her up the little brother was excited to see her and she ran to him picked him up dropped him on accident and started laughing when he cried she also ran out of
the classroom multiple times and tried to stop my boss by throwing crap at her last I heard she has gotten expelled for trying to stab her teacher with a pencil she's in a group facility now story 41 I'm not a teacher but I had a teacher who tried to be the Buddy Buddy type of guy so a group of jerks kept picking on and making fun of this one kid for any reason his appearance type of shoes he wore his afro the teacher didn't do crap and would just laugh at off which upset me so
I went and confronted the teacher I told him he's a jerk enabling these kids instead of standing up laughing at all won't make it go away I ended up getting suspended because he said I threatened him which is bull crap it's really sad that most teachers truly are oblivious when it comes to bullying they wonder why these kids build up rage and shoot up schools because nobody helps them not the students nor the staff story 42 my roommate from college was going for An Early Education degree while he was assigned to be a student teacher
he encountered a young female student who had impulses to assault males this girl had a female Aid assigned to her most of the day to stop her from leaving her seat as she would stick her hands down the pants of boys in the class or run up and grope adult men in the building he was told to never be left alone with her and to always have a female staff present at all times to corroborate his side of things as much as I'd prefer to not think about it I'm sure I might as well say
for anyone who doesn't know this is very very clearcut a sign of being assaulted at home I'm not saying it's 100% but the odds aren't great I really hate when comments like this are written and then there's just no followup like I really wish I knew what happened to this person because clearly something is very wrong and I just hope it got better story 43 this little second grader was a mean little dude he liked making the other kids upset there was one boy in particular who cried and the mean one loved this so when
this kid was crying the other was laughing which of course made the kid more hysterical to the point he would puke he loved the power he had over the other kid he also brought small bugs into class and cut them in half with Scissors because he quote wanted to see if they would live after total future ser real murderer his parents refused to believe anything was wrong he crawled on the floor looking for crayons to eat to but that just might have been a kid thing story 44 I haven't been a teacher for long but
this happened on my first week of my career on the very first day four years ago a student threatened me with violence after I asked him to put his phone away and I sent him out his Aid told me she was sorry she wasn't with him and to give him another chance it's not his fault he's just spoiled she way oversimplified his situation I would later find out I shake his hand say no hard feelings and he comes in the room three 3 minutes later I'm sending him out again for calling me a female dog
when I asked him to sit down I'm asking the principal to remove him from my class because obviously this isn't going to work his father calls me and begs me to keep him because he loves my subject and the previous teacher gave him chances I said okay and I'm new so I'm probably doing something to irritate him I was never able to give him that third chance because he sliced SL stabbed a girl repeatedly in the face that night she was a giant sixth grader and he was just a small eighth grader he just snapped
I felt horrible for months thinking that I'd set him off too I still think about this kid 4 years later he was 14 and is in jail now college does not prepare you for this crap story 45 I used to work at a residential treatment facility for atrisk youth so not quite a school but they did live and go to school there I had a teacher who set his family's house on fire in the middle of the night in an attempt to take the lives of his mother and little sister who also happened to be
deaf he waited for his dad who worked third shift to go to work he knew his little sister and mom took sleeping aids and he waited until he knew they would be out cold to set the fire he successfully set the fire and the house began to burn his little sister luckily awoke to use the restroom and woke up the mom when she realized there was a fire this kid had put his pajamas on crawled back into bed and pretended to have been asleep when his mom called a 911 he set the fire because he
was jealous that his mom was giving too much attention to his little sister who is deaf and obviously requires more assistance and attention from his mother due to this so he decided to take their lives luckily no no one was hurt and he to my knowledge is still institutionalized it was a real life Norman Norma baates complex he grew his fingernails out over an inch long and they were pointy and yellow he was highly flamboyant but dated several of the female residents in the facility before moving to a different unit where he started getting in
trouble for fooling around with other boys in the Cottages but I don't think that his exploration of his sexuality or orientation was any sort of red flag it's extremely common in an institutionalized environment for kids to take on and explore different sexual identities at least in my experience while in the field he slept flat on his back and never moved which I noticed while doing the nighttime checks in 10-minute intervals he isolated himself a lot was manipulative didn't work well with male staff SL was less responsive highly dramatic and romanticized things like him singing at
his mother's funeral which reminds me he sang Opera and insanely well at the age of 13 he was never physically aggressive had a lot of attention seeking behaviors and held a grudge if you forgot to or were unable to get into his pod or talk to him at the end of your shift he really liked me because he had come from our Detention Center where my roommate worked at the time so he felt connected to me since we had a mutual connection through her he loved to hear stories about my cat and just random funny
stories about things my roommate and I did since he knew the both of us and his family didn't come around much after he attempted to murder them he wasn't a cute kid but he had the gift of charm and manipulation story 46 I've currently got a student that has this little game he likes to play called verbally assault the teacher in the middle of lessons he'll shout things like fake dongs or nipples or something thing or he'll flat out refuse to do anything and then scream in my face when I ask him if he needs
help with the work if I send him out of the room it takes 5 minutes of the class's time to get him out but yet if he stays he gets progressively louder and says even nastier things so I'm willing to sacrifice the rest of the class for peace and quiet and we have to get everyone regrouped and then as soon as he's gone three other kids start to completely derail lessons for some reason or other throwing pencils blurting out comments to get others off task that kind of thing and on the occasional times when I
can't even think straight I'll let the kids that are showing ECT use the computers and have free time while the kids were being rude have to sit down with their heads down this invariably draws some negative comments from them which I usually ignore I reiterate and thank those good kids for showing respect and staying on task the entire time I'm tired of this group of kids I'm tired of my stuff in the classroom being destroyed I'm tired of school provided materials being destroyed story 47 my first year teaching I had a few girls in class
that really gave me problems their families were well off and they thought they could get away with any anything at one point the leader of their little tribe missed like two to three weeks of school so that her parents could take her up and down the West Coast following One Direction then the parents had the audacity to question why she was failing fast forward a few weeks and I was chatting with a friend who wanted to become a police officer and he was Googling himself to see if there was any weird crap attached to his
name I thought hey great idea I want to see what's attached to my name lo and behold these girls had written a fictitious 11 chapter story about me doing really terrible intimate things things to them it was really graphic like 50 Shades crap and my real name was attached to the title of this book I read through it in horror wondering who else could have read this and wondering what they would think of me I found out who had written it based on a comments page at the end of one of the chapters the next
day I had to take the entire printed script into the principal's office so I could get out ahead of this thing the police were called I was questioned and absolved of any wrongdoing there were four girls who were all involved and each of them got two week suspensions they were all moved from my class and were advised to stay away from me the parents of the leader went to the office to ask why her daughter couldn't be in class with her friends anymore she didn't seem to think it was much of a big deal I'm
glad it turned out all right but it scares the hell out of me to know what kids are capable of when they don't get their way story 48 a university freshman tried to get into my class late but all the slots allotted by admin had already been filled he approached me after the first day of class and asked to be added anyway very flat affect no emotion at all I told him that I couldn't add him and he replied if you don't add me I'll follow you everywhere even to the bathroom uh huh I'm not
a huge guy but I easily doubled his body weight not the situation to try to make a threat I'd say I was nonplused for a moment so I asked him to repeat what he just said and he did word for word I could tell this guy was a nutcase in hindsight I probably should have reported the incident instead I just kind of laughed it off and walked away never saw him again to my knowledge kind of doubt that he made a smooth transition into adulthood though story 49 I worked with a kid who was a
little Eddie hollish but was a hardened kid in eighth grade would say all the right things to appeal to caring adults but as soon as you turned your back he was a holy Terror bullying others thieving selling spice and pot when he could get it even makeshift booby traps but once in trouble the other kid would show up I could go on but the gist is as my assistant principal put it once a kid is that hardened you simply have to hope he doesn't one day decide you're his next victim and courts SL Foster programs
are too overwhelmed to to really catch him in the act and get him the help he needs scary kid fast forward 3 years I have another student who is a brawler she gets addicted to her phone I mean watin isn't but cooperative for the most part reads at a fourth grade level in eighth grade and her math skills are about the same super caught up in image and thug life and as long as I didn't trigger her insecurities about intellectual inferiority she was a joy and would engage in discussions and attempt the math I was
her pre-algebra and US history teacher two years after that the boy is a year or two out of high school the girl is in 10th Grade she and a friend are murdered execution Style by a group that included the boy allegedly as I think the case is still pending both students had sent up many red flags and many other kids do likewise but the hardest part of the job is knowing that I only have a Min impact on my students and that their paths may be rought with such awful things and the longer I teach
and hear the news I realize that this is common and there simply Aren't Enough resources to get all the kids what they need and those I do Impact May Never realize my attempts to gently impact the course thereon throw in how often I'm reminded that student standardized test scores just don't make the grade I don't think the kids were executed or the kids who are facing Life Behind Bars ever gave a crap about test scores red flags I see now that I think we can do something about is how we prioritize our children and what
each child needs prior to sitting for a standardized test the red flag is that we're going to need a lot more prisons and prep for more funerals otherwise story 50 not a teacher but my Auntie has a story story when she was a young teacher probably mid 20s she was a sub for a high school class this would have been about 30 years ago now anyway she's in the classroom and there's this one boy in the class apparently he was big like over 6 feet and when he enters the classroom he closes the door behind
him the class pretty much went silent watching him and he says stuff to my auntie about we could do whatever we wanted to you you know we could tie you up take off your clothes he was saying it all seemingly seriously my auntie was freaked out a bit but pretended she wasn't just told him don't be stupid go sit down he did she opened the door again and made an excuse to leave the room going straight to the coordinator or Deputy principal or someone to tell them what happened and that she was quite freaked their
response was basically nah he was probably joking I can't remember how the story ended whether she went back to sub the class or someone else did but it definitely spooked her so like even if this kid is quote unquote just a joking is that not a problem in their eyes like I don't understand in what situation is that a joke even I feel like insinuating threatening to assault someone isn't exactly joking Behavior this threat has getting me real upset at school admin and I'm not even in school anymore story 51 not a teacher but a
school social worker was working with a student who had suffered a lot of loss parents divorced one parent was an alcoholic and the student had a horrible relationship with that parent student was apathetic about everything didn't care about classmates didn't care about friends didn't care about family on top of that the one person the student was close to grandpa had terminal cancer and just was moved to hospice the apathy got worse kid got super dark kid had a therapist outside of school and a ton of resources in school the student never said anything about access
to weapons or being violent but had bullied and had been bullied but you wonder about the path this could go down obviously everything I'm thinking is just hypothetical but it's scary story 52 not a teacher but I'm a parent our little guy has a former friend up the street he is 12 she claims she was forced from what I understand the little assaulter and her must now alternate school days as they can't be at school on the same day I called this kid out as a walking lawn Order episode the first day I met him
something about him just said oh I'll be doing life and maximum one day I can't help but feel just making them alternate school days is a little light right like I don't know I always have trouble thinking of punishments in schools because expulsion has its whole host of issues right like you're taking this kid who already clearly has issues and then removing them from education that doesn't seem right but oh this doesn't feel good at all everything about this is just awful story 53 I used to work at an after school program when I was
a teenager kids would come to our room after they got out of school and we'd play games and crap until their parents got off work I worked there for a grand total of six years at different schools as I moved up in the department so I'd say I probably interacted with somewhere north of a thousand kids I've seen a decent amount of kids throw up huge red flags the one that really stuck with me was when a little girl came to me and said that a boy was being mean to her I went and sat
on the ground and asked what was going on he immediately flew into I already said I was sorry first albe it small red flag he knew what he did wasn't cool before I even got there however when I asked what happened he wouldn't tell me another boy had been close by and said he would tell me but not in front of the other kids uh-oh I take him out into a hallway and he says that the boy had said girls are only good for one thing tying them up and beating them to death I had
no doubt in my mind that the kid said it the boy who told me was a good kid the boy who allegedly did it less so so I go into the room and pull him up by his shirt and take him out of the room I asked him if what the other boy said was true and he admitted it I asked where he even heard something like that he tells me his dad had said it as a joke at this point I don't know where to go I'm 16 years old and just learned that a
kid is joking about murdering another child because his dad is the worst I told my boss who told her boss who came out to our site that day and waited until his parents got there I never saw him again after that day I assume she terminated him from the program story 54 I teach English in China and I had students brainstorming an argument to act out suggesting maybe someone took their homework borrowed money Etc and gave them 3 minutes to prepare to presented the class this was practicing rhetorical questions politeness and Body Language the first
group came up and said a bank robbery I mean I laughed and said okay that's definitely a conflict let's see a girl walks in as the customer and another girl walks in as the robber she promptly takes out a real pocket knife and puts it blade against the other girls throat the class of laughs oo o such acting ice cream no no okay stop and took the knife away she was reprimanded by her head teacher the kids are first year high school students about 15 or 16 it was my first day at the new school
from then on that girl was on my mental threat list of crazy violent outbursts turns out she just meant no harm at all and just had really no concept of what was socially acceptable story 55 not a teacher but I was once that kid my parents were in denial about the fact that they were on the verge of divorce due to strains from my dad's behavior during a particularly bad manic episode my brother had just attempted to take his own life which was hidden from me for several days and my extended family was in an
absolute Whirlwind I was in fifth grade so none of that really made sense or registered to me but the lack of emotional consistency or warmth definitely did tie on to that a pretty severe case of hyperactive ADHD and you've got yourself a pretty messy fifth grader I was impulsive prone to lying to get attention and to feel like I was worth something to someone and often got into fights I would meditate obviously in a fake fashion in public often on walls or in the middle of thorough fairs pretended I was possessed tried to change my
name threatened to take my own life in class had fires got into a lot of fights and did a series of odd things I can't even remember one particularly sad moment was trying to endorse a check my grandfather gave me for my birthday to another student who I considered more important than me for his birthday needless to say I was threatening people at one point a kid who was picking on me broke a Floodgate in me and I threatened to beat him with a chair later that day while sitting in the last class I realized
I'd left a multi-tool a Leatherman knife in my pocket from the weekend and worn the same pants this happened often as my parents were overwhelmed with everything happening in their lives so everything else sort of fell to the Wayside sometimes I pulled it out impulsively to observe it and another student noticed that student reported it to the teachers and the student I threatened to hit with a chair changed the story to say I'd stabbed him I lied and said I'd never brought it I was expelled I was scared felt alone and felt I couldn't get
my basic needs anywhere I was very sensitive to others felt the hurt of everyone else and had no one to turn to for my own care the reason I bring this up is just to show the other side I'm not saying anyone is a doing this just adding another side of the narrative when we see red flags I feel like it's a good idea to consider what is best to intervene and be careful not to shut down the empathy Zone completely simply because we feel manipulated or scared in the context of this thread I've been
thinking of red flags as like things to look out for in terms of the child's environment like I haven't been thinking red flags is in like stay away from this kid that seems silly and as such I agree with OP here it's important when seeing these red flags to think about what the best way to intervene is and not to just act out of fear of the child although I recognize that in cases where you are literally threatened not the easiest so fair enough story 56 I was a senior in high school in a senior
only class tailored for those going into educational careers so not a teacher yet I was interning in a fourth grade classroom great little kiddos fourth graders are typically very sweet light-hearted and not brat yet there was one kid in that classroom though that clearly had some issues he acted out for attention by hissing growling threatening curses and hexes upon his fellow students Etc the threats became more violent As Time wore on like saying he wanted to drink their blood as the year progressed the teacher told me he was determined to be on the Spectrum and
that he was supposed to be taking medication however his grandmother who was his Guardian didn't enforce this and instead let him play violent video games for hours on end and never made him do his homework I asked why his grandmother was his legal guardian and was told his dad was violent and beat and assaulted his mom while he was in the house I don't know if he ever witnessed any of this it was never confirmed just assumed among the teachers dad ended up in jail mom ended up spiraling out of control and into alcoholism and
lost custody this little boy was messed up he elaborately drew pictures and not Doodles detailed pictures of Weaponry like guns and knives on the side of his papers in school and frequently as stated above made threats to fellow students that usually meant he wanted to very seriously ma them or murder them grandma didn't think anything was wrong with this boy so never gave consent to have him work one-on-one with a teacher or aor counselor since I was just a senior in this program for school I took it upon myself to befriend him talk to him
smile at him praise him for all his good work all those things he needed I squatted down by his desk during tests and walked him through questions that frustrated him his Improvement was astounding he stopped acting out as much the pictures he drew became less frightening and more fun he drew me a little flower once I was only there about a year So eventually this came to an end that last day tore me the hell up he had to be dragged out of the classroom when he learned I wasn't returning the next year he banged
his head on the wall forcing his nose to bleed and then smeared the blood across hallway walls the teacher and I had exchanged email addresses earlier in the year and so she promised to keep me updated about him I received an email near the beginning of the following year stating he'd been taken away from his grandmother and placed in foster care he was nine or so broke my freaking heart I still sit down and cry when I think about him all he needed was love and attention and a lot of help but with just me
there for 2 hours in the morning and how much that helped him told me he had serious potential for improvement instead I'm pretty sure that if he didn't get placed with the right family he's going to be a murderer no idea where he is now but I sure hope he got placed right and I think about him often I love you little guy you're always in my heart story 57 3 years ago a student was texting my daughter to send pics of her in her tidy whes he was her friend boyfriend long story short I
sensed crazy way before this we got police involved with two restraining orders and the school he then proceeds to show my daughter a knife at a basketball game and says if you tell anyone about my texts I'll take your life I researched his Facebook and his adopted mom posted pictures of his bedroom it was full of stab holes in the walls along with his bed and shredded sleeping bag sheets Etc with the knife on there as well a little smaller than a crocodile dunde knife FYI so his mom calls excusing all of this as to
him being adopted and born addicted to drugs and having add and that we all needed to sit down and talk this out including kids I lost it and said she was a freaking and if she didn't keep him on a freaking leash like any rabbit animal I would it was like I was talking to a house plant he steers clear after the second restraining order my daughter decides to homeschool I said he was the type to really hurt someone or God forbid shoot up the school I literally didn't sleep for those months and the school
was minor help at best turns out 2 days after he turns 18 he went over to his neighbor's house to help move a couch new student and ended up assaulting her and threatening to murder her with his knife why did he do it cuz according to him she wasn't really a lesbian and she needed to realize slash know that please watch your kids even if they're in high school straight A or whatever it's quite the wakeup call story 58 I teach English to adults and kids but I had one student who was very overworked and
mentally unstable he was very desperate to learn English so he could become an offensive coordinator in the NFL the biggest red flag I knowed noticed was when he would struggle with grammar or remembering vocabulary he would shake and squeeze his hands really hard it made me very nervous because essentially I could be seen as the thing standing in the way of his dreams eventually he was showing up on schedule to my school asking other teachers if they loved him and being very aggressive asking about his dreams and English questions he had a talk with our
manager and I haven't seen him since I think he might be in a mental institution from what I hear I really hope he's doing all right I also hope to never teach him again I wish op said whether the student was a kid or adult I can only assume it was closer to adult at the very least if he was showing up on scheduled to the school and with his goal of becoming an offensive coordinator with the NFL as it is assuming this was a big guy I can see why op was at least mildly
concerned I hope he's doing all right too it takes a lot of discipline to learn a language and with these kinds of anger issues maybe it might be a little difficult but hey I hope you got there I hope you managed to calm down and figure stuff out calm Down's not the right term maybe find some inner peace is a better way of saying it anyway that is the last story for today for now I'd like to thank you so much for watching I hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever you are and
I will see you in the next one