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Brasil Paralelo
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Welcome to the premiere of the trilogy: "Pátria Educadora" ("Land of Education") You're about to watch the greatest production we've ever done so far And you need to pay close attention to this introduction It's critical for you to know what's going on Millions of children and young people spend more than 15 years of their lives to go through the education system and in the end, they can barely read and write They are considered the worst students in the world and we are condemned to live in a country that does not deserve to be violent. . .
poor and backward For the depth of the subject and importance of the theme this production was divided into three films The first episode is a compilation of thousands of years that will allow us to know the origin of our ideas on the subject and look at the problem with different eyes The second episode will demonstrate how world history has reflected in Brazil and how we built our education system It is also an episode that will tell in an unprecedented way the history of the patron of Brazilian education Paulo Freire And it's in the third episode that we want all of you willing to share helping us reach the largest number of people It is in the third episode that we will make a scathing complaint about Brazilian education showing how we literate our children how this money is spent who are responsible for all this. . .
and what they're about to do in the next few years If we don't do anything we are convinced that the third episode is the largest complaint ever made about Brazilian education You are about to embark on this journey of knowledge and this introduction has one last step, which is the most important All this work cost a lot of money more than two million reais were invested with 20 people working for a year all day, and deep in the night. . .
. to make this trilogy All of you who watch us can trust our independence We never accepted a penny of the public money and we don't make money with YouTube either everything. .
. absolutely everything we produce and offer for free it is only possible because of the financing of our subscriber members They are the ones responsible for us having already taken ideas. .
. . .
. our values, and feelings for home of at least 10 million Brazilians And now, it's up to you to decide if we're at the beginning or end of this journey We have decided to come clean with you We have a very important goal to be reached We need 20,000 new active members to finance this year's upcoming productions that will address urgent issues for Brazil Brasil Paralelo cannot stop because of this crisis At this very moment you're seeing what's happening in the media we have many subjects, and we need to treat urgently and this time, if you don't support us we run the risk of not being able to continue it's not marketing move we're just being totally frank with you. We're releasing these films for free to the population and you now need to do your part about us?
we got to the minimum price we could get so that everyone who likes Brasil Paralelo they can, with only 10 reais, become subscriber members that's the amount you need to invest to join a new Brasil Paralelo membership plan The Patriot Plan R$ 10 reais does not pay a ticket at the cinema don't pay even a Netflix monthly fee you know that with R$ 10 reais we cannot buy much but with Brasil Paralelo, R$ 10 reais can change the culture of Brazil We risked all the money we had to put the film on. . .
for free even in the present circumstances And why is that? Because we trust that you will make the decision to become a member and finance Brasil Paralelo we're taking the risk but trust is precisely the certainty of what we cannot verify What's next? What could get in the way of all this?
When you watch our content and also got the R$10 reais but you don't think this conversation is with you. When you're here listening to all this and don't take your share your commitment We ask. .
. Please don't be the broken link of this chain your subscription is not a donation It also gets access to the full version of the "Pátria Educadora" ("Land of Education") Trilogy with an additional 40 minutes of duration accompanying a complete study guide with the main theses of the documentary a mental map and the bibliographic list Provides access to our membership group on facebook and telegram and also allows you to participate in face-to-face meetings throughout Brazil In addition, every month you will receive new content in your account I guarantee you you could never do so much with R$ 10 reais and if we get to that price It's so no one's left out. If you don't like the content you've subscribed to or change your mind for whatever reason it is you have seven days to request your refund without needing any justification It is your decision that will allow us to exist and keep working for the future of Brazilian culture we need to prove that it's possible Before you start the movie pause the video now click here below on the description link get to know all the plans of Brasil Paralelo and become a member with only R$ 10 reais Thank you very much for your attention and for honouring our trust Stay now with the 1st episode of the trilogy: "Pátria Educadora" ("Land of Education") and see you soon The world's most important educational assessment system presented Brazil stagnant for a decade.
. . among the countries with the worst level of learning in basic education four out of ten Brazilian students can't learn the basics.
. . the very least Brazil appears among the countries with the worst level of learning in basic education Brazil does not spend little money on education spends a lot and spends more than rich countries Brazil was also.
. . well below average here in the case behind all countries evaluated in South America The mother of a student from the state school system denounced a political indoctrination that occurred within the school students from public universities in several states of Brazil denounce ideological persecution .
. . Karl Marx is a slum dance I would now like to announce.
. . the new motto of my government "Pátria Educadora" Brazil - "Pátria Educadora" We are saying that education will be a priority of priorities a citizen practice a commitment to ethics and a Republican sentiment The controversial booklet was distributed in IFRJ a high school institute here are students up to 13 years old Researchers enter the philosophy directory drugs are found in purses and cupboards "Pátria Educadora" ("Land of Education") Original Production by Brazil Parallel Against fascism of the front of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Niterói Just before the protest in Rio de Janeiro an incident scared anyone who was watching a public lecture on fascism "we're on the street today to say we're against fascism" It is necessary to say the name of fascism We must see the fall of fascism Actually the fascists now.
. . .
. . has gained a lot of strength as a result of the lack of investment in our education Students, staff and professors of the federal university of Rio Grande do Sul Performed a great act in the centre of Porto Alegre against fascism and in defense of democracy University professors united to fight fascism in Brazil "Racists, Fascists, you will not pass".
. . "Racists, Fascists, you will not pass".
. . "To say that education concerns the family is to affirm something outside of contemporary reality.
(. . .
) Only the State, with its means of all kinds, can carry out this task. " - Benito Mussolini (Leader of Italian fascism) And the events narrated in a history book They are always described through the characters places and time But what sometimes seems to be missing It's the context. .
. The how. .
. And why these events happened For many times the laws and ideas that govern our lives has origins that we do not know Compulsory education is one of the ideas that emerged in a distant time but that affects the lives of almost the entire world population Brazil is no exception The idea of compulsory education has become law in the country since the 1934 constitution and from then on it was being expanded The law of guidelines and bases of education establishes that it is the duty of the state to ensure basic, compulsory, and free education from 4 to 17 years of age The same law ensures that parents have an obligation to enroll children as soon as they turn 4 years old On the other side compulsory education also means the government's obligation to serve the population with educational institutions previously authorized for this competence This type of legislation creates a number of other ancillary laws to ensure the functioning of this educational system From elementary school up to graduate school Professionals in the field are previously qualified by a certificate approved by the state . .
. curriculum, textbooks and budgets they are defined by the politicians and organisations in charge of If these days that's the standard of our society it wasn't always like this. Understanding the origin of this story.
. . .
. . is the first step in debating our education Chapter I - The End of the Story Since the beginning of time man feels distressed by questions that seem fundamental to define the meaning of his life and your goals what we are.
. . and where we are The desire to discover the world gives rise to the word: Education Born in the Latin expression "ex ducere" the word designates the journey of our inner life for the discovery of the reality that surrounds us There is no known civilization that has stopped trying to educate itself using knowledge as the engine of its history from its dreams customs and goals To educate one is the ability to inherit the knowledge of humanity and try to take it further It is a complex current where in every link we help build the worldview we have and the way we understand our own life In ancient times education was born to seek what is the truth think about that question.
. . and the impact that her response can have right and wrong good and evil the values, objectives and customs of a people they are anchored in civilization's understanding of this question Ancient Greece forged its name in history by developing some of the first ways to pursue the idea of truth It was at the beginning of philosophy that we methodized our desire to know we created the first schools where those who were regarded as the great sages they guided their students to be able to pursue this bold idea recognizing the truth if you take ancient Greece most aristocrats would rather trust the education of the child in the care of a guardian that's where there was just that.
. . a tutor you recognized as a wise person .
. . or as a person who had special knowledge So you see the example of.
. . Alexander the Great his father could put him in a school or could hire someone he chose Aristotle to be the tutor And it proved to be very right that choice Philosophy called by pre-Socratic.
. . They were very supportive.
. . In myths there was something much more superstitious then.
. . there was a certain.
. . contempt for reality and rationality Then in fact come the great; Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and they realize that; "yes it is possible" by our very nature capture the truth by observation.
. . that from behind.
. . .
. . of a falling apple has some causative so then, through the principle of causality .
. . the principle of non-contradiction and through these philosophical principles people start building some bases in which they arrive with certainty to a first principle to a first movement That's where science begins Science is the search for truth for the causes Didn't I tell you… that contemplative activity is the pinnacle of humanity?
What is contemplative activity? It is the rational activity it's the activity of looking at things and unravel the causes in things to seek the theory theory in Greek is: vision It's trying to see what's behind things To Aristotle. .
. we love perfection and God is the example of perfection God is the example of full rational life So we, because we love God, we turn to God and we've perfected ourselves approaching the life he has This education that we say so no I have to study because I want to be a doctor, lawyer, administrator, psychiatrist psychologist, and so on No! That's already a pretty new thing The sciences and the arts they.
. . begin to develop since ancient times because it was necessary to form a person and a free person and this vision.
. . of freedom is the main function of the education since ancient Greece not only freedom.
. . First the inner freedom civil liberty social freedom the freedom of one's own family, of my city and so on The use of reason to discover the world It was the heritage of ancient Greece for our lives On the other side of the map a civilization pursued similar goals, in a different way In the place where Israel now houses a different interpretation of how to investigate the truth was inaugurated that accompanies us to this day It was with the prophet Abraham that the first civilization with the belief in one God was built The truth came to the people through the prophet who received it direct from God and enjoyed the confidence of his people to communicate it The sacred scriptures and testimonies involving a prophet it was a truth that should be investigated and interpreted to be put into practice That was the foundation of civilization that was the beginning of Judaism, Christianity and Islam Over time the philosophical methods of reason and religious peoples have been lying until they unify at the top of the middle ages when the Greek works were translated and the methods taken as pagans were reincorporated in the forms of study of the monasteries and schools of the time When will the dialogue come about?
direct dialogue When priests had to dialogue with the communities answering their questions and then it was being integrated Aristotle was seen as a kind of materialist impossible to intertwine with Christian revelation to the moment we have Boécio. . .
that will show that Aristotle is fully adaptable only he showed in some elements of the speech too But with St. Thomas Aquinas was different. .
. So Aristotle. .
. they put a cassock on him. It has become standard the standard of the rational part of the church So you have a more theoretical view of thought and speculative from the Greeks and it has a more pragmatic, administrative, and juridical view of the Romans the union of these two things with Christianity It's the West Did you get that?
The search for truth became the use of rational means to achieve the best practice of good life announced by the Prophet It was in this union that the teaching methods known as liberal arts were developed a group of disciplines to provide intellectual and spiritual freedom for individuals The disciplines were divided into three lower and four upper the lower ones were. . .
Grammar to encode the world we perceive and communicate it Dialectic to compare the different perceptions and evolve in the search for truth and Rhetoric to express our perceptions and conclusions persuasively The higher disciplines they were the art of using this knowledge in the external aspects of man Arithmetic to quantify the world we know Geometry. . .
To put the quantities into space Music to fit the numbers in time and astronomy to understand the influence of stars in space This was the basis taught in western educational institutions Who have developed a civilization over an entire millennium. until the cultural period we usually give the name. .
. Renaissance Become a member now don't break the chain! link in description And this teaching base was used throughout the middle ages Educational institutions were mostly guided by the church different from teaching for work who was guided by master craftsmen who taught his disciples the techniques of production Until now education was not universalized and much of the life of studies was understood as unnecessary for most men It is with Martin Luther that this idea would change forever Nailed to the door of Wittenberg Castle the 95 theses proposed by Martin Luther challenged the Roman Catholic Church his theses proposes an academic discussion on the pope's authority and the sale of indulgences by church members the nation states we know today did not yet exist and Europe was made up of hundreds of small kingdoms, ducats, principalities, and counties.
and these, were part of larger empires that crowded in the cultural umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church the only guiding thread and the anointing of all this it was given by the Catholic Church is the only thing that brought all these diverse peoples together and that anointed the landowners who were the Dukes and the princes What was the opposition? You, as a ruling family you make a dowry also for church you had to donate a son to church or make material dowries or also swear protection in war situations also obey a series of norms and bulls that came from the Pope so you had an exchange there otherwise, he established that, very well. .
. . .
. Look, you decided to revolt against the church so you are not anointed by the church to be the duke of your region other dukes are legitimate to call upon their territory So defend yourself you can To disseminate your ideas Luther translates the Bible into The German spoken by the people and it uses a recent event that was changing history The Gutenberg Press Considered the most important invention of the second millennium the press allowed the printing of books that could previously only be copied by hand Luther's Bible now circulated throughout Europe in the language of the people and no longer in Latin spoken only by the clergy The Protestant reformation had begun The new doctrine preached that the Catholic institution had no spiritual powers and argued that the revelation of truth shouldn't be going through the Catholic Church anymore. But be delivered directly from the scriptures, to all the faithful The Protestant revolt offered an opportunity for kings and rulers breaking the authority of the Catholic Church and increase power in local states Luther at no time wanted to make a universal religion and not even a religion, let's call it that; National what Luther wanted was a reform within the church going against the Roman tradition itself The reform initiated by Luther made it accessible to the reading of the Bible and expansion of church authority allowed people to have their own interpretation setting precedents for various ramifications of Christianity emerged in the following years now the influence of reform it also does not end with Luther that's just the starting point And then.
. . the winds of reform are spreading mainly to Geneva to Calvino Where in 1554 he founded the Geneva Academy But there was a very great concern both with spiritual health as well as with the educational solidity of the inhabitants of that place In the quest to expand Protestant ideas Luther writes a letter to the rulers of the Holy German empire Demanding the creation of a public education provided by the State to make progress on reform and disseminate bible reading without the church's intermediary And it's interesting that in this letter he says so.
. . that they were very worried in making investment in bridges, roads, muskets and they should employ most of these values not only in the education of children but in encouraging teachers So we see Luther's concern with both ends Translated this means that he had a huge interest in the universalization of teaching As a result of your pleas in 1524 the Germanic state of Gotha founds the first modern public school And Luther founds the school plan of Saxony which later became the inspiration of the state education system, for most Lutheran states A compulsory teaching.
. . soon extended to France, Holland and New England Schools were seen as powerful weapons of cultural warfare for political-religious confrontation from the different ramifications of Christianity Spiritual power underwent a transition of authority From the church, to the rulers and leaders of different revolts seen as authorities ordained of God against the pope and the emperor The consequence was the religious conflict that became known as the: Thirty Years' War With the end of the confrontation several state governments have moved to make children's attendance mandatory in schools under penalty of fine, and imprisonment of their children It was King Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia who inaugurated Europe's first compulsory national education system ordering the attendance of all children in state schools And when you take Prussia then the situation turns into a rhythm.
. . becomes an industrial rhythm it turns into something immense so the teacher has to take care of dozens and dozens and dozens of students must to take care of rigorous assessments Schools become part of local government public policy and the universalization of education begins to appear in government strategies Become a member now Don't break the chain!
Link in description Schools began to be submitted to local governments but the objectives and methods remained similar to the previous Intellectual life sought the truth and this truth it was the Holy Scriptures It's just from the 16th century that this scenario is beginning to change The discoveries of Newton, Copernicus and Galileo are often pointed out as the line that divides the average age of modernity The three astronomers discovered general laws of physics demonstrating the functioning of gravity and heliocentrism The universe proposed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle where everything was ordered and everything had its place it was also put in check These debates had a profound impact on the education of that time making a man feel like the protagonist of a plot that sought to decode the world . . .
and life The era gained the name of humanism by gradually decreasing the focus on God and by the use of man himself as a measure of this investigation If the universe wasn't ordained and people didn't have their place predetermined What could be our place in life? If there were laws of physics able to describe the world then what could be the laws of men. .
. and society This question guided the investigative spirit of that time that was getting more and more serious and provocative Even questioning the role of kings, priests, religion, and society The apogee was in 1789 when these questions founded the French Enlightenment and culminated in the French revolution The main intellectual leader of the period was Jean-Jacques Rousseau Philosopher who questioned the customs of the new class of merchants on the rise in France called: "Bourgeoisie" For Rousseau. .
. classical education has made us develop a moralizing and artificial discourse infinitely more demanding than the morals we actually get to practice on a daily basis As the result a state of cynicism and social falsehood was created where everyone pretended to have a moral conduct that they had not and yet demanded from others This leads him to believe that we live in a false, moralistic society, and rotted by artificial discourses with just a little to do with human life All this was perpetuated by the school where teachers instilled in children moral standards that adult society itself did not follow Forcing them to be false to suit the world hence the famous phrase. .
. "Man is born good, and society corrupts him" "Everything is perfect, coming out of the hands of the creator of all things, and everything degenerates between the hands of men. " Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Germany, 1712-1778 In 1750 Rousseau is invited to give a speech on his ideas at the Académie de Dijon there he proposes that education as out made instead of helping the development of humanity it could actually damage it.
For the thinker education and the liberal arts had only reinforced the production of the moralistic discourse that created the social falsehood that he announced Rousseau's provocation about education begins to gain traction The speech becomes award-winning and the philosopher writes a novel called: "Emilio" where he describes how he would make a child's education an adult's life and up to its marriage with wisdom That's the book responsible for expanding the interpretation of the concept of childhood and adolescence Turning childhood into a class it was intended to protect them from adults corrupted by bourgeois and moralistic society If instead of transmitting our content our habits and our beliefs and only encouraging the children with playful methods to be free thinkers they could break with the corrupt society in which they were born When the French revolution took place this mentality was absorbed by the revolutionary state who radicalized Rousseau's opposition Robespier himself French revolutionary leader and dictator admitted having Rousseau's book at the head of his bed The French dictatorship established mandatory instruction for all in the constitution and submitted all public or private schools at the command of the government no one could open a school or teach in public without official university license Schools were obliged to teach Rousseau's ideas in an apologetic way and to the leaders of the revolutionary government But obviously we saw it after by the very history that ideas end up becoming a "shot in the foot" just as it was The revolution ended up showing. . .
that there wasn't much freedom, equality, and fraternity just the opposite The French revolution is a kind of abuse of freedom It’s not a milestone in history that knowledge or rationality it comes to the point of seeking humanity's greatest interests But it's was an unreasonable attempt. . .
of breaking against everything that was previously built and the intellectual legacy left by the French revolution it also leads us to a mistaken view of what government is authoritarianism. . .
and everything else So many are those who drink in the French Revolution as if it were a well of lucidity when in reality it represents a cistern of obscurity Enter our website and learn how to access exclusive interviews and courses From R$ 10 reais, you can already become a member of Brasil Paralelo We're counting on you With delegated education to schools and the schools delegated to the government educational objectives were undergoing a transformation Universities were increasingly in the state's hands the progress and development of modern science gained space Modernity had inaugurated the relativization of knowledge and the senses The discoveries in the natural sciences led several thinkers wondering if the world they knew was really how they saw it The size of the Sun the distance between the stars in space and the invisibility of the atoms that make up the world All these discoveries provoked the knowledge of the human being Do our senses and perceptions account for the task of knowing, what is true? René Descartes even stated that doubt was the only thinking substance we could trust and everything else senses and perceptions they could fool us David Hume said we have no evidence that there's a "Self" and that everything would be a matter of faith All this heritage of thought will make a profound impression on the philosopher Immanuel Kant Kant saw a paradox between studying newton's physics discoveries and affirming that rational knowledge is impossible If Hume's right. .
. How is Newton's physics possible? If one thing is impossible How did it happen?
Kunt had the theory that all we know is, in a way, a projection of our cognitive structure Today we would say; of our brain So We have certain schemes Innate that delimit everything we can know So How, according to him, we can only know what is co-proportional to our structure and knowledge so we don't know things in themselves but only the most apparent aspects that they reveal to us and that are co-proportional to our scheme . . .
our cognitive schematic, so to speak So, everything we can be sure of it's just that we're realizing the same thing that others are realizing but we don't know if we're all wrong together So it's the phenomenon. . .
the fact that he called it the "thing itself" we don't know the "thing itself" but we know only his phenomenic appearance this means that there's only certainty on the aspect of a scientific consensus You are no longer objectively sure that things are one way or another And then the school comes up, which they call "positivism" that has several versions Positivism is not a school of thought . . .
there are 20 schools But all more or less inspired by this idea This thought gradually penetrates the modern mentality With the growth of relativism and the gradual decline of belief in absolute truths Men and the discovery of reality were separated by a new class the opinion of most scientists . . .
it would be the opinion of science and therefore the scientific truth that should be accepted by all so it's clear that the scientific and technological class becomes. . .
a new clergy who is the absolute holder of the criteria of truth and error On the other hand, the rector of the University of Prussia; Friedrich Hegel presents another philosophy Hegel says. . .
First condition of philosophical investigation it is faith in the cognitive power of the human spirit we affirm our ability to know the real so it's his brave move, no doubt. But based on this he believed he might know at a glance in a single blow of sight the whole movement of human history that's already an exaggeration of course It's kunz Riten the concept of totality each one is this little brick within this great system and this union of bricks that makes this great wall which is the totality The state is the only one who can answer why human beings and for that it exists And his dialectic is applied to history that is. .
. everything is a thesis, with an antithesis and that will become a synthesis Hegel believes, above all, that this supreme synthesis it is this formation of the modern state The German modern state is the great apex it's apotheosis of his philosophy This modern state will be responsible by the universalization of teaching While one side argues not to have the knowledge of anything except for appearances the other side believes they already have the knowledge of everything knowing where the story will end Between the tradition of Kant and Hegel we are between two ways to know the world on one side we delegate the truth to the hands of the scientific class and we accept its supposed majority and on the other we accept that we are living towards the end of history Become a member now Join our discussion groups! Link in description The German state begins to use public funds to finance several masters and doctoral theses on Hegel's philosophy By consolidating itself as the greatest intellectual reference of its time attracts critics and adepts of his ideas One of them became known as the founder of communist theory Karl Marx France's economic rise was no exception Much of Europe was experiencing a time of prosperity driven by the industrial revolution Production methods involving steam and coal created the factories who pulled workers from the countryside to small towns built around for much of our history 80% of the people depended on work in agriculture to live In 1850 that number dropped to 25 percent now people had to leave their homes to go to work inside the factories The need to leave children somewhere while they worked grew bigger and bigger and the newly formed market was beginning to require qualification If on the one hand the rulers had already understood the importance of schools for the state that was the missing piece The government wanted to take their children to the classroom and the parents wanted to deliver them Marx.
. . Have already seen what the industrial revolution is about.
. . He's a.
. . ultra urban thinker unlike romantics He only sees the big cities, the factories growing, the poverty that existed in the Ruhr Valley Coal.
. . Environmental degradation and so on.
. . Women who have to go to factory and put their children to work And he only sees material he's a materialist in fact Hegel's emphasis was.
. . in the internal dialectics of the ideas that follow and Karl Marx has this "it's not really that" thing what exist are modes of production that follow, therefore social structures that come along with.
. . There's the primitive community, then slavery, then there's feudalism, then there's capitalism and then socialism And socialism closes.
. . shuts the route And he's going to say.
. . capitalism is a development of feudalism between feudalism and capitalism Marx prefers capitalism But he thinks that these power relations of capitalism added value, class struggle.
. . so on alienation.
. . as soon as the mass ceases to be alienated by capitalist ideology automatically, naturally, and inevitably will create revolutions that will end up killing the bosses R$ 10 reais do not pay the ticket of the cinema R$ 10 does not pay a Netflix monthly fee But in Brasil Paralelo with R$ 10 reais you can change the culture of Brazil We are counting on you The 20th century and entered history as a period of war between great ideologies The main ideas of the period are products of the French revolution generated within the motto: Freedom, Equality and Fraternity Freedom was represented by modern liberalism Responsible for new civil and political rights, in favour of the ascending market Equality has had its fruit in socialism who aspired to extend the revolution to the economic field wiping out the difference between oppressed and oppressive classes And fraternity turned into fascism the dream of a new social link to unify the territory, the language, and the people into a national identity governed by the State These three ideologies saw the state apparatus of schools as a vehicle for their strengthening Liberalism creates manpower and development Socialism the awareness-raising of the masses and the engagement in the revolutionary movement and Fascism strengthen national unity through subordination to great leaders First, we need to distinguish what fascism is as a political regime as a political practice what is fascism as ideological speech So if you take the fascist ideological speech the great book on fascist ideological speech it's that of Israeli historian Zeev Sternhell He wrote a book on French fascism, and the book is called: Neither Right nor Left the French fascism.
Just so you can understand how complicated the thing is. So he studies fascism not as a regime, but just as ideological speech While ideological speech, fascism appears in a tendency which we can say is anti-Enlightenment a slightly novelistic, anti-Enlightenment tendency It dates back to the beginning of the 19th century thus, national identities, national traditions, national languages and national languages and so on then started so the whole thing. .
. But what does that have to do with the fascist regime? Absolutely nothing Because the fascist regime, it does not arise from this ideological source this arises, as I have said before.
. . from a split within the revolutionary movement where.
. . many fascist theorists and then they became famous as fascist theorists like, Enrico Corradini They raised the problem if, the proletarian social class could be the agent of the world revolution and they came to the conclusion that wouldn´t be possible Why is that?
because there is no world proletarian there is only national proletarian The condition of the proletarian is defined by the national economic condition and if the proletarian subject leaves a country he's not necessarily going to be a proletarian in the neighbour he's going to be a null proletarian he'll get there like a beggar for him to fit into a proletariat, in another nation, is not that easy So there is no international identity of the proletariat only national identity So they said that. . .
the agent of revolution is not the social class, but the nation. So the fight is not between proletarians and bourgeois but between proletarian nations and bourgeois nations Now, who took that stance? it was the communist movement from the end of the second war.
. . all third-world movement created by Stalin used exactly that speech It's the poor nations against the rich nations But the whole idea of fascism, national socialism, phalanxes of all these fascist movements was the idea of the working class coming together nationally and create an extremely efficient state nationalize properties, nationalize industries, and nationalize an education plan education as liberating, because it is it that will make the working class free itself from that Marxist alienation .
. . from that ideology from the property No, now politely instead of you just wanting to consume.
. . you'll get the revolutionary idea in fact you're going to start having.
. . an organization of workers a political organization through education.
. . and against the economy This is a fascist policy and this determined, not only the whole strategy of fascism, but determined the strategy of communism too Fascism although posing as an antagonist in relation to the Enlightenment in political practice, he followed the same enlightenment strategy which is that of concentrating power in state administration That's what the Enlightenment is.
. . is the victory of reason, of science, and so on against irrationality Then.
. . what can we do?
rationalize society. . .
a rationalized society has to be an administered society Run by whom? by those in power and therefore by the state So the statist politics was the same in fascism and communism Statist and rationalizing And then you see all these left-wing thinkers they get to offend you about what they are When Peter speaks of Paul I know more about Peter than Paul I point in the others the mistakes I have in me And then begins to enter this issue of fascism in all language In Brazil all ideological current names they are used as euphemisms to cover up mere dislikes, or mere desires, or mere group disputes. .
. Ideological labels are also used only as propaganda weapons You label the guy something that looks ugly to you but that evidently didn't define the guy and when it's about the word fascism it gets even worse At that moment George Bernard Shaw, the great Fabian socialist he praises Benito Mussolini and he is charged by the English socialists themselves and he says "not this guy he's industrializing Italy" The great socialists of the time and even Lenin see in Mussolini. .
. the great name of socialism they even consider that fascism is a new phase of socialism Look at that amazing thing Giovanni Gentile who was the philosopher of the fascist regime and Antonio Gramsci who was the communist philosopher who was in jail the two could have used the same expression the absolute terrestrialization of thought that is, the destruction of all possible metaphysics and instead of metaphysics you have what, the rationality of the state be it the socialist state or fascist state which at the end of the day is the same thing It is no coincidence that the Brazilian left I mean, the model, the idol must be Getúlio Vargas Lula keeps saying that his model was Getúlio Vargas So what is he? a fascist, of course Five thousand years asking the same question Who are we?
And what should we do? Finding that answer has always been our goal over the years things have changed and the question was being drowned out Silence after silence. .
. the role of education has been reduced to that of teaching until we become part. .
. of a life we don't know Responsible for fitting everyone into a big gear the. .
. "Pátria Educadora" ("Land of Education") is the heritage of the 20th century Brazil was no exception We've had to import ideas that would soon come into dispute I hope you enjoyed the movie and don't forget to watch the second episode: "By the Beard of the Prophet" Just to keep in mind. .
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